Economic and Envirenmental Study

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Economic Study

The cost of a pumped-storage power plant is essentially assumed to be made up of six

components, which are:

 Upper reservoir;
 Tunnel;
 Penstock;
 Power plant and switchyard (Transformers, Protection ...);
 Electromechanical equipment (Turbines, Alternators, Pumps ...);
 Transmission line.

These six components can be considered as the main elements of pumped storage systems.
However, the tunnel can be an optional structure and can be determined according to the
location of the projects. In addition to these structures, other small components may be taken
into account in the contingencies in the project cost calculations.

1. Financial Study of the Abdelmoumn PSP

In the following table, we have listed the different costs that are integrated into the
calculation of the electrical equipment for our study:

Table: Electrical Equipment Costs

Equipment Cost (Dh)

Turbines 40,000
Alternator 270,000
Transformers 150,000
Pumps 1,620,000
Basins 1,460,000
Conduits 200,000
Total 3,740,000
In the following table, we have listed the different costs that are integrated into the total cost
calculation of the Abdelmoumn PSP project, without taking into account the calculation of
the civil engineering of the project.

Table: PSP Abdelmoumn Cost Table

Item Cost (Dh)

Reservoirs 61,263,190
Tunnel 29,459,600
Penstock 287,503,590
Power plant and switchyard 482,720,560
Electromechanical equipment 1,287,254,840
Transmission line 54,000,000
Total Cost 2,202,201,770

So the total cost is around 2.2 billion DH, this project is equipped with an upper and a lower
water storage basin with a useful volume of 1,300,000 m3 each, as well as a water circuit of
about 3 km, including a penstock, connecting the two basins and supplying the plant. The
latter will house two reversible groups of 175 MW each.

In addition to this, there is also a 225 kV outdoor substation, including 2 group incomers and
4 line outgoers. The project also includes a first-fill and water supply station for the basins
from the existing dam reservoir as well as access roads with a total length of over 20 km.

Environmental Impact Study

The environmental impact assessment (EIA) for the Abdelmoumn PSP should focus on the
potential environmental benefits of the project, in addition to assessing potential negative
impacts and mitigation measures. Here are some of the key environmental benefits to

1. Reduced Greenhouse Gas Emissions

The Abdelmoumn pumped-storage power plant (PSP) has the potential to significantly reduce
greenhouse gas emissions, particularly carbon dioxide (CO2), by integrating renewable
energy sources and optimizing energy production. Here's how:

 Storing Excess Renewable Energy: During periods of high renewable energy

production (wind, solar), the Abdelmoumn PSP can store this excess energy by
pumping water from the lower reservoir to the upper reservoir. This excess energy
would otherwise be wasted if not captured.
 Generating Electricity During Peak Demand: When electricity demand is high, the
Abdelmoumn PSP can release the stored water back through the turbines, generating
clean electricity without CO2 emissions. This displaces electricity generation from
fossil fuel power plants, which are major contributors to CO2 emissions.

2. Improved Grid Stability

Pumped storage can help stabilize the electricity grid by rapidly responding to fluctuations in
demand and supply. This is particularly important for integrating more renewable energy
sources with variable output.

3. Efficient Water Resource Use

The Abdelmoumn PSP can potentially utilize recycled water or runoff water for its operation,
minimizing the impact on local freshwater resources.

4. Support for Aquatic Life

The Abdelmoumn PSP reservoirs can create habitats for aquatic life, including fish and birds.
Proper mitigation measures can be implemented to minimize negative impacts on existing
fish populations.

5. Quantifying the CO2 Reduction:

The specific CO2 emission reduction from the Abdelmoumn PSP will depend on several
factors, including:

 Renewable Energy Integration: The amount of excess renewable energy that can be
stored and utilized by the PSP.
 Fossil Fuel Displacement: The extent to which the PSP can replace electricity
generation from fossil fuel power plants during peak demand periods.
 Emission Factors of Displaced Generation: The average CO2 emission factor of the
fossil fuel power plants being displaced.

6. Research and Development

The Abdelmoumn PSP can serve as a platform for research and development for energy
storage and hydropower technologies. This can contribute to the advancement of these
technologies and their wider deployment.

 Assessing the environmental benefits of the Abdelmoumn PSP is crucial for

informed decision-making regarding the project. In addition to mitigating
potential negative impacts, the Abdelmoumn PSP can make significant
positive contributions to the environment and local communities.

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