Architectural Psychology and City Design Concept: LEE Fuk-Man

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International Conference on Education Technology and Social Science (ICETSS 2014)

Architectural Psychology and City Design Concept

LEE Fuk-Man1,a
Institute of Psychology, BeiJing 100001, China

Keywords: Architectural psychology; city design; space beauty; creation

Abstract. This paper introduces architectural psychology into the process of city design, analyzes
combination advantage of subject and space design, as well as provides the adaptable new concept
of city space design. It mutually combines architectural psychology with city design to optimize and
update design concept city, it integrates humanism into section of city design and forms creative
cultural connotation. So that it can motivate scale dimension of activity, flexible and changeable
space combination and space fashion line of organizational behavior as well as being good at space
limited factor can enhance the beauty and artistry of the whole city design. Creating humanized and
high-quality city space can meet requirements of creative ranks in work, study and life.

Architectural psychology is one important branch of psychology and one rising comprehensive
subject focuses on study on psychology, its related range is very wide, including with those having
close internal logic such as psychology, sociology, ecology, especially with the architecture,
environment science, horticulture etc. It is one subject mainly discusses reflection, choice, and
improvement of people in realistic environment as well as enables people to adapt to survival, life
and meet their psychological demand. Architects have to learn architectural psychology to
understand requirement of people in architectural space and environment, only this can they design
the architecture suitable to be accepted by people and has positive effect on the overall environment,
meanwhile, architects can create different space experience by different architectural design and
measure, giving different experience to their psychology, both are mutually related and affected.

Correlation analysis on architectural psychology in architecture design

In architecture design, architects usually unify people, environment and architect together to
make study, so it gradually appears frame of Gestalt theory, the basic concept of tower psychology
derives from lab and study of vision of apparent movement. The group of tower psychology thinks
physiological process of organism is the basis of psychological process; it is the medium between
behavior environment and geograpjical environment. Tower psychology stresses one overall
concept and it starts from the integrity on making analysis on architectural psychology, the
architects have to review all the information included by plan from the integrity on architecture
design and establish tower thinking frame from the perspective of people, environment and
architecture, as well as making complete judgment to respond to each factor.
Architecture is one kind of coagulated art and it is the compulsive art, architecture exists in any
consciousness of people's life, it is not like the works in the exhibition building in the fixed time and
place. Therefore, architects are different from the ordinary artists, architecture is designed for
people to use, so architects have to fully consider these characteristics of architecture and analyze
psychological experience and reflection of users on architecture, they have relatively complete
cognition and self-experience on architectural psychology, only this can they do well in
human-oriented architectural design and architecture can be well utiliged by people and more
appropriately integrated into the surrounding environment.

© 2014. The authors - Published by Atlantis Press 88

Combinattion of arch
hitectural psychology
p and city deesign
Effect oof architecttural psych hology on aarchitecturee space:Env vironmentall perception
n is to studyy
problems such as difference behaviorb off creators to precept capacious sense, inttimacy andd
comfortablle sensationn of space. The survivval environ nment of hu uman can bbe divided into sociall
environmeent, work environment
e t and naturral environ nment. Sociial environm ment is coomposed off
human acttivities, its core is cultture, artificcial environ
nment is com mposed of artificiality
y, includingg
natural pheenomenon such as win nd, snow, rrain, thundeer etc. Peop ple contact mostly in daily
d life iss
artificial eenvironmennt, natural environmeent and material m en
nvironment.. We shou uld designn
environmeent accordinng to behaviior model oof creators in n city desiggn, creation can motivaate thinkingg
vigously annd produce creative space of creattive works.
Space bbehavior juust makes reference
r oon activity model, ph hysiologic ffactor and applicationn
manner off space on creators.
c Activity modeel means the time tablee and placee table of ussers in eachh
activity, phhysiologic factor inclu udes body sscale, size, and posturre of humann activity and a activityy
ability of ddifferent people. For ex xample, thee creators siitting in front of compuuter for lon
ng time willl
have feelinng of fatiguue, tense feeeling and aloneness. It requires people to alternate flexible
f andd
convenientt space for rest, for example, peopple can set rest place along a with tthe outside and cornerr
of wall(figgure 1 andd 2), the sttaff can sett off creatiive thinking g from com mplete relaaxation andd
collaboratiive awareneess to makee the wandeering space set off amo ong people, they can make
m publicc
space havee the possibiility for excchange and ccommunicaation in the design stagee.

Figure 1 W
Work studioo and rest Figure
F 2 Coorner and reest area of Figure 3 R Red town trransformed
area of ooutside passsage work studio from
m Shanghai 10th1 Iron
aand Steel Faactory
Combin nation and d advantage of archittectural pssychology and a city deesign:It dosse not onlyy
create spaccious and warm
w enviroonment to ppromote co ombination of work annd life, the design alsoo
facilitates communicaation spacee of each ddepartment cooperation. It makees design arrangement a t
become m more humannized in spaace arrangeement and perfect p in function.
f Itt places key y points off
design onto public shharing spacee, work spaace and com mmunication n space etc within city y to arrangee
dense city architecturre groups. It I can fully meet behaavior and pssychologicaal demand of o creators..
Study on environmenntal psycho ology indicaates that cllear line orrganization can effectiively guidee
stream of ppeople, clear functional form cann induce beehavior actiivity to takee place, so site designn
should firsstly consideer accessibillity to guidee people co ome to this place
p and pproduce actiivity. It cann
form atmoosphere of relatively effective
e coolony effectt. Most of creators likke to assem mble in thee
environmeent that can provide mu utual promootion, discu ussion and communicat
c tion. So in the processs
of city design, it cann intentionaally to makke creative atmosphere to enablee creative thoughts t off
creators too mutually conflict and produce spark. For example, the t city dessign transfo ormed from m
industry reelics with historical
h meanings
m is popular with
w the creeators (figurre 3), just because off
creative atmmosphere produced
p byy its uniquee cultural ch haracteristicc, regional sspirit that forms
fo to thee
colony effeect, it can prroduce stronng attractivveness to thee creators.
Updatin ng of city design co oncept und der architeectural psy ychology:T The openness requiress
people to pprovide enouugh openneess and attraact creators to bring richness and ddiversity to city culturee,
produce sppace vigor asa well as acchieve interraction and close relatiion betweenn architectu ure and city..
Openness includes beehavior openness and fform openn ness in the creative
c inddustrial park k. Behaviorr
openness m means openness in funcction and m managementt. Form open nness meanns human peerception inn
space and form, it iss also the content
c maiainly discussed by thiss paper. Foorm openneess requiress
spaciousneess in spacee and space overall aatmosphere of materiaal interface etc (figuree 4), it cann
percept thee space infoormation com
mmunicatedd by space by
b sensory organ
o such as visual an
nd auditory..
Behavior oopenness annd form openness are closely relaated; only creative
c inddustrial park
k considerss
both aspect can it welll be used by
y people.

Figure 4 O Open spacee of office Figure

F 5 Spaace with muulti-meaning g of bridge ppassage Fig gure 6 The
population on the streeet are unwillling to go the overpasss
Uncertaainty is deteermined by activity divversity inclu uded by creative industtrial park an nd tentativee
of object bbehavior. TheT behavio or activity oof people iss diversified d, such as eenjoyment, exhibition,,
exchange, conventionn etc, with th he conditioon change in t activity in the sam
n time etc, the me place cann
also changge, for exam mple, the co orridor betw ween 2 build dings someetimes is traansportation n space andd
sometimess leisure plaace, people stay here to commun nicate, readd, and rest. Take No 8 bridge off
Shanghai ffor examplee, it places several chhairs and taables in the spacious ttransportatio on and onee
sides lives passage wiith suitable passage, w which dose notn only increase usagee rate of spaace but alsoo
makes spaace have muultiple-meaning(figuree 5). So thee design of creative inndustrial paark must bee
flexible so as to adaptt to activity polytropism m of object. Modulate obscure
o andd multi-meaaning space,,
it adopts fllexible spacce to adapt to t diversityy in functionn. As for coonstruction oof architectu ure, it mostt
forms openn space to ensure
e the ciirculation oof behavior. At the samme time, spacce environm ment shouldd
also use coorrespondingg richness to t meet diffe ferent behav
vior requirem ment.
Visibilitty is also inndicated in the
t degree oof difficulty y of reach thhe aim. Peoople would walk
w on thee
level road rather on thhe bridge (ffigure 6), thhis sentence better desccribes the exxperience of people onn
vertical traansportationn system. So if the spaace relation n in and outt of doors ccan not meet behaviorr
habit of peeople, for example,
e peeople have to go out by this vertical transpportation, walk w up andd
down stairrs will give people the feeling of fatigue, maany temporaary and natuural stay in n and out off
door will bbe ended, thhe utilization n rate in andd out of dooor will greattly reduce.
Industrrial correlaation positiioning of aarchitecturral psychollogy and ccity human nism:Publicc
space is thee first winddow of popu ulation to coontact the ciity and it cann clearly exxhibit industtrial patternn
of this cityy. If it can exhibit
e the city
c topic caan it give fo orm clear ciity image too people, so o that it cann
attract induustry of thee similar kin nd to stay annd form go ood industriaal chain. W We should ex xpand topicc
identificatiion of creattive industriial park andd form natu ural characteeristics andd style. The creation off
space envirronment muust be based d on space ttopic, for exxample, thee positioningg is set as No
N 8 bridgee
of fashion creative ceenter(figuree), it indicattes more faashion facto ors in the sp space, choose rich andd
changeablee material, colorc will give
g noveltyy and enjoyment to peo ople. Whilee for X2 creeative spacee
focuses onn II and creative design n, space deesign indicates digital and
a sciencee, it cleverly y integratess
digital prodducts and multi-media
m exhibition iinto space design
d (figu
ure 7 and 8)..

Figure 7 Fashion factor

f in Figure 8 X X2 Applicatiion of digitaal Figurre 9 Uniform m work
public sspace of b ridge
r factorr in creativee space sculptuure of blue in
n art area
Integratte culture innto people's life and fform new culture
c of creative
c spaace. This kind of new w
space cultuure can meeet pursuit off creators; eeliminate teddious and dull
d space, m making city space havee
vitality [333]. For exam
mple, 798 art
a areas in Beijing, in the eyes off people aree the mottleed red brickk

and tile waall, picturesqque disordeer industry ffactory, the worker scu
ulpture with odd uniform perfectlyy
integrates hhistory, geoology as welll as modernn industry and
a art togetther (figure 9).

Overall citty design under

u archiitectural pssychology
Scale and measurrement on activity
a mootivation:Sp pace scale dose
d not onnly meet scaales such ass
equipment, human boody size and d operation activity etc, it should also
a consideer psychology size andd
master thee scale size of space, which
w is heelpful for staff
s to get relax in pssychology and
a mental..
Personal sppace theoryy in architectural psychoology pointts out that personal surrroundings have
h certainn
personal sppace range, intrude and disturb thhis range will
w make peeople feel nnervous, it controls
c thee
communication spacee between people and ppeople. Perssonal space bubble willl move with body, thee
required raange by spaace is frontt side of boody is largeer than thatt of behindd body, the side is thee
smallest. O
On the car, the personaal space willl relatively y narrow. Buut people inn this spacee will adoptt
certain behhavior to maaintain privvacy, for exaample, peop ple should not
n stare at each as far as possiblee
(figure 11). Space of o creative industrial ppark will create
c respective placce and regiional rangee
according to requirem ment of app plication funnction and architecture image. W While the su ub-space off
internal sppace is relaatively larger and flexxible, it can n rely on the
t followinng methods to obtainn
suitable space scale (ffigure 12).

Figure 100 Keep privvacy and no Figuree 11 Comforrtable Fiigure 12 Sett sculpture limitation
staring onn bus spacce scale spacce in square of red town n sculpture
Flexiblee and chaangeable space s com
mbination and a space streamlinne of orga anizationall
behavior:M Most of thee architectures are com mposed of plenty
p of sp
pace, differeent space has differentt
function, aand it can usse certain manner
m commbination to finish utilization funcction with laarger range..
Because sppace combiination use direct connnection wiill become abrupt andd frail, for example, 2
larger spacces are directly conneccted by cavee entrance, if people go g into from m one spacee to anotherr
they will hhave ordinaary feeling. Space streaamline can be divided into penetrrated style, menu stylee
and inlay sstyle. It is veery importaant to choosee suitable sp
pace stream
Being ggood at ussing limiteed factor oof space:Th he space before beingg limited is generallyy
regarded aas original space,
s whilee the comp onent of lim miting spacce is called as limited factor. Thee
usually useed methodss by space designd are aas follows: establishment, surrounnd, cover, bulge,
b sink,,
overhead eetc. But lim mited factor is divided into verticaal and horizzontal from m space dim mension, thee
vertical limmitation methods
m incllude establlishment an nd surround d, while thhe rest are horizontall
limitation mmethods. Inn the design n of creativee industrial park, we sh hould be goood at using each spacee
limited facctor to form m rich and colorful sppace. Such as square of red tow wn sculpturre is to usee
ment limited method to form spacee by occupy ying the surrrounding sspace of squ uare (figuree
13). Whenn it forms closed wh hole enclossing, space limitation reach the strongest and it hass
maximum space capaacity. When n the enclossing has op pening it will form virrtual cover and makess
space prodduce trend of o internal and
a externaal exchange and mergeer. When thhere is moree and largerr
open, the iintegration force to outtside will b e much stro onger. Therre is usuallyy vertical sp pace factorss
such as sepparation, paartition and green hedgee, because theyt are dennse and havve different penetrationn
degree, thee space feeeling created d will also have differrence (figure 13). In tthe internall space, thee
methods ussed on top of space aree usually foormed by su uspension and
a bottom support, theey are mostt
used in thee high and larger space in the miiddle of yarrd. The raised limitatioon degree will w becomee
weak on thhe contrast, when theree are may leevels it will form step shape,
s the raaised limitaation degreee
will becomme weak. Bulge usually has functtion of stresss, extrude and activityy limitation n, it will bee

used in exxhibition acctivity such h as stage, exhibition platform etc(figure
e 115). Overheead createss
another subbordinated space underrground. Thhe space limmitation rang
ge of the errected spacee is detailedd
and clear ccompared to t other botttom space . For exam mple, the meezzanine inn buildings, rich spacee
pattern willl increase space
s interesst (figure 177).

Figure 13 Surround of gure 14 Covver

Fig Figure 15 Bullge FFigure 16 Overhead
green parttition limitatioon limiitation of ex
xhibition in doors

Architecctural desiggn and archhitectural pssychology isi mutually closed andd related, architectural
a l
psychologyy is the thinnking processs of tower manner, it is one overaall thinkingg manner bu ut not singlee.
On makingg architectuural design, architecturre needs to consider relations of sspace and en nvironmentt
form the ooverall idea, dialecticall relationshhip between space and psychologyy; it will fu urther makee
objective ddesign and creation off architecturre space and d strive harrd to crate oone pleasan nt space forr
people. Arrchitectural psychologyy should alsoo make profound analy ysis accordiing design stream
s form
of some arrchitecture at
a present; explore
e psycchological perception
p of people oon artistic ap
Because ddesign of many
m architeectures are relatively blundering and dose nnot fully consider thee
psychologiical percepttion of peopple on appliication and appreciation, it can coorrectly guid de directionn
of architeccture by deeep and profoound analyssis, but not stay in the surface andd stay in th he relativelyy
blunderingg mental statte.

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