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Assisting in Client’s Activity and Mobility

Video on Correct Usage of Crutches
Video on Correct Usage of Crutches
Video on the Types of Contraction
or Exercise
One – Man Lift (First Method) : Positioning the Client Up (Head Part) in

This positioning should only be done if client has sufficient and with
full strength.
One – Man Lift (Second Method): A Client Who Has Limited
1. Assess the client’s physical abilities, ability to
understand, degree of comfort or discomfort when
moving, client weight and your own ability strength and
ability to move the client.
2. Determine assistive devices that will be required,
encumbrances to movement, medications the client is
receiving and assistance required from other health
care personnel.
3. Assemble equipment and supplies.
4. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is
necessary and how he / she can cooperate.
5. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control
6. Provide for client privacy.
7. Adjust bed and pillow.
8. Elicit the client’s help in lessening your workload. Ask
the client to flex the
knees and the feet flat
on mattress so that
they can be used
effectively for pushing.
Place the client’s arms
across the chest. Ask the
client to flex the neck
during the move and keep her head off the bed surface.
9. Place one arm under the client’s shoulders and the other
arm under the client’s thigh. Remember to face the
direction of the movement,
and assume a broad stance
with the foot nearest the
bed behind the forward
foot and weight on the
forward foot. Lean your
trunk forward from the hips.
Flex hips, knees and ankles.
10. Lift the client while asking him to push gently his feet
up. Position client comfortably.
Two – Man Lift: Two Nurses Using a Hand- Forearm
1. Assess the client’s physical abilities, ability to
understand, degree of comfort or discomfort when
moving, client weight and your own ability strength and
ability to move the client.
2. Determine assistive devices that will be required,
encumbrances to movement, medications the client is
receiving and assistance required from other health
care personnel.
3. Assemble equipment and supplies.
4. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is
necessary and how he / she can cooperate.
5. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control
6. Provide for client privacy.
7. Adjust bed and pillow.
8. Assist the client to flex the hips and knees. Place the
client’s arms across the chest. Ask the client to flex the
neck during the move and keep her head off the
bed surface.
9. Place one arm under the client’s back and shoulders and
the other arm under the client’s thigh with the second
member on the opposite side of the bed, interlock
forearms under the
client’s thighs and
shoulders, and lift
the client up in bed.
Face the direction of the movement, and assume a broad
stance with the foot nearest the bed behind the forward
foot and weight on the
forward foot. Lean your
trunk forward from the hips.
Flex hips, knees and ankles.

10. Position client to comfort.

Two – Man Lift: Using a drawsheet
1. Assess the client’s physical abilities, ability to
understand, degree of comfort or discomfort when
moving, client weight and your own ability strength and
ability to move the client.
2. Determine assistive devices that will be required,
encumbrances to movement, medications the client is
receiving and assistance required from other health
care personnel.
3. Assemble equipment and supplies.
4. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is
necessary and how he / she can cooperate.
5. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control
6. Provide for client privacy.
7. Adjust bed and pillow.
9. Both nurses should stand
near the bed cautiously not
touching the bed. Roll the
drawsheet on each side
taking in consideration the
contaminated side.
Provide a wide base of support by separating the feet.
The central gravity of the nurse is the torso.
8. Move client up in bed in
coordinated movement.
Fix drawsheet and arrange
pillow. Position client
Assisting a Client from Lying to Sitting and Dangling
For a client who is able to sit upright, one nurse can
position the client, however for client with problems of
the hips and spinal cord, two nurses will be needed to
assist the client to sitting, if allowed by the doctor.
1. Assess the client’s physical abilities, ability to
understand, degree of comfort or discomfort when
moving, client weight and your own ability strength and
ability to move the client.
2. Determine assistive devices that will be required,
encumbrances to movement, medications the client is
receiving and assistance required from other health
care personnel.
3. Assemble equipment and supplies.
4. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is
necessary and how he / she can cooperate.
5. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control
6. Provide for client privacy.
7. Move the client near you. Leave
the siderails up on the opposite
side of the bed. Fanfold the
topsheet towards the footpart
of the bed. Adjust the bed
to its lowest position and lock
bed then place the bed on
semi-flowler’s. Be sure client
privacy is maintained.
8. Ask and assist the client to her side holding the
shoulders and hips. Knees should be bent slightly. Hold
the lower extremities and slide down the bed using your
right hand and the left hand assisting the client to sit.
9. Encourage the client to dangle (swinging like a
pendulum). Allow the client to sit and perform dangling.
10. After allowing the client to dangle, either you assist the
client back to bed or for a wheelchair ride.

Assisting a Client from Sitting to the Wheelchair

After assisting the client to sit, the nurse is now
preparing in transferring the client to a wheelchair or

Assessment should be done before a wheelchair ride.

11. Place wheelchair parallel to the bed and as close to the
bed as much as possible.
12. Lock the wheels of the wheelchair and raise the
footplate so that the foot rest is out of the way.
13. Before assisting the
client to stand, assess
for dizziness and any
discomfort. If present,
assist the client back to
bed. In case above
symptoms are absent,
assist in wearing his/her
14. Stand directly in front
of the client. Position
feet alongside of the
patient’s feet with
knees flex.
15. Instruct and assist the
client so that the his/her
hands encircles around
the nurse shoulder,
while your hands around
the client’s waist.
16. Assist the client to stand
and instruct client to push
both hands up in bed. Pivot
or take a few steps
toward the wheelchair.
Move together toward the
wheelchair and allow to
hold the arm chair for

Transfer Belt
17. Assist the client to sit
observing proper body
mechanics. Make sure
the patient is comfortable
and in good body alignment..
18. Position the patient’s feet
on the foot rest of the
19. Cover the patient’s lap
with his/her blanket.
Apply a seat belt as

20. Wash hands. Document all relevant information. (Time

and change of position moved to, any signs of pressure
areas, use of support devices, ability of client to assist
in moving and turning and response of client to moving
and turning.
Assisting a Client from Bed to Stretcher
To transfer a client to a stretcher, you can use the
drawsheet or a slideboard.
Assisting a Client from Bed to Stretcher
1. Assess the client’s physical abilities, ability to
understand, degree of comfort or discomfort when
moving, client weight and your own ability strength and
ability to move the client.
2. Determine assistive devices that will be required,
encumbrances to movement, medications the client is
receiving and assistance required from other health
care personnel.
3. Assemble equipment and supplies.

4. Explain to the client what you are going to do, why it is

necessary and how he / she can cooperate.
5. Wash hands and observe appropriate infection control
6. Provide for client privacy.
7. Adjust the client’s bed. Lower the head of the bed, as
client can tolerate. Adjust the level of the bed that is
slightly higher than the stretcher.
Ensure that the wheels of the
bed are locked.
8. Remove the pillow
and place this on
the head of the
bed. Place
siderails down and
allow client to cross
her arms over the
chest then cross
9.1 On the count of three,
turn the patient to her
side while the nurse
opposite you, carefully
insert the slideboard.
9.2 Lift the client onto the
9.3 Place the stretcher
beside the bed. Be
sure that the bed is
slightly higher than
the stretcher. Lock the
brakes of the stretcher.
9.4 On the count of
three, transfer
the client onto
the stretcher. Be
sure to lock the
siderails before
joining the nurse
at the opposite
9.5 On the count of
three, transfer
the client onto
the stretcher. Be
sure to lock the
siderails before
joining the nurse
at the opposite
9.6 Logroll the client to her side to remove the
slideboard. Raise the siderails. Place the pillow.
Cover the patient with a blanket. Transport.
10.1 Loosen the drawsheet out from both sides of the
10.2 Move the client to the edge of the bed, and
position the stretcher.
10.3 Roll the drawsheet as close to the client’s side as
possible. Be sure that the drawsheet is located
along with the patient’s torso.
10.4 Transfer the client securely to the stretcher.
In unison with the other staff members. Ask the
client to flex neck during the move.
10.5 Position to comfort. Place pillow and cover patient
with a blanket.
11. Wash hands and document all relevant information.
Record equipment used, number of people needed for
transfer and destination).
Assisting a Client from Bed to Stretcher using a slideboard
“One Link has it All”
Two-nurse carry: Assisting A Client up in Bed using a lift sheet or draw sheet
Assisting A Client in Logrolling towards the side using a draw sheet
Assisting A Client from Bed to Chair and back to Bed

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