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宜蘭縣中華國民中學 111 學年度第二學期第三次段考 得 分 家長簽章

七年級 班 號 姓名

※ 注意:本試題共計 4 頁,1~43 題選擇題部分請以 2B 鉛筆將答案劃記於答案卡上;44~51

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Part I. Listening Test(聽力測驗):30% 7.___
一、辨識句意:每題均有三張圖片,請依據所聽到的句 (A) Come on. The toilet is always dirty.
子,選出符合描述的圖片 10% (B) The germs may kill me anytime.
1.___ (C) That’s a dirty toilet. Don’t you clean it every day?
(A) (B) (C) 8.___
(A) The river is very different now.
(B) For example, there are many activities for visitors.
(C) That’s right. You can take a walk here after school.
2.___ (A) Yes, I’m home tonight.
(B) No, I was out with friends.
(A) (B) (C)
(C) No, I was in the kitchen.
(A) Yes, she never goes to the market on weekends.
(B) No, she only goes to the night market for its food.
(C) Yes, she goes there once or twice a week.
(A) (B) (C) 三、言談理解:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的對話
與問題,選出一個最適當的答案 10%
(A) She’s reading a study.
(B) She’s using her cellphone.
4.___ (C) She’s studying in a library.
(A) (B) (C) 12.___
(A) There isn’t a pond in the park.
(B) There are many visitors in the park.
(C) It is a beautiful park now.
5.___ (A) Once a day.
(B) Twice a week.
(A) (B) (C)
(C) Only on Fridays.
(A) The food was bad before.
(B) Their dishes are always delicious.
(C) It has new cooks.
二、基本問答:每題均有三個選項,請依據所聽到的內 15.___
容,選出一個最適合的回應 10% (A) She exercises three times a week, and she walks a lot
6.___ every day.
(A) There are four seasons there. (B) She goes to the market every three days.
(B) It was windy and hot here. (C) She buys food at the same market three times a week.
(C) It’s cold and windy, but it is warm sometimes.

Part II. Reading and Writing Test(讀寫測驗):70%
B. Cloze(克漏字選擇):14%
A. Choose the correct answer (選擇):30%
16. Some trees this street fall(掉) down in the wind.
Please watch out. Hong Kong Then and Now
(A) before (B) next (C) break (D) along Take a look at the two photos, and you can see the big
17. Kay: What do you do in your free time?
changes in Hong Kong.
Amy: I play sports a lot. Almost every day.
Kay: Wow! That's a good . Hong Kong was a fishing town 31. .
(A) business (B) habit (C) check (D) example There were only small houses.
18. Mom and Dad are taking a trip to the USA and are coming A lot of people were fishermen.
back next Tuesday. Until , my grandmother cooks
32. many visitors and activities in the town.
and prepares everything for my brother and me.
(A) then (B) now (C) late (D) today
19. Look! There are many black . That means rain is Now, Hong Kong is a rich city.
There are a lot of 33. buildings.
(A) trash (B) germs (C) changes (D) clouds
A lot of people in Hong Kong are businessmen.
20. Difficult things are not bad for good students. In fact, they
know more when(當) they look for the . Many people around the world visit this city, and they do
(A) answers (B) fingers (C) markets (D) seasons many things there.
21. This makes delicious chicken rice. There are
For example, they eat great food in nice restaurants, watch
always a lot of people in it at lunch time.
(A) restroom (B) restaurant (C) kitchen (D) cook shows, buy gifts, and visit old streets.
22. Everyone, please your book and open it to
p.36. 31. (A) one day (B) before (C) ago (D) these years
(A) set the table (B) take out
32. (A) It wasn’t (B) There has
(C) move around (D) come on
23. Dan: Where is John? (C) There weren’t (D) They were
Jill: He in the kitchen. But there are no people 33. (A) tall (B) big (C) high (D) little
there now.
(A) is (B) doesn’t (C) wasn’t (D) was
24. My brother goes to the museum. Last time he Peter: Do you have time after school?
went (go的過去式) there was three years ago. Stella: Sure!
(A) always (B) never (C) seldom (D) often Peter: Anne and I play sports after school. You can join us.
25. Rita: How often do you wash your car?
Stella: That’s cool. 34. sports do you play?
Mina: .
(A) Once a week (B) Four days ago Peter: Tennis, basketball, and volleyball.
(C) Two days (D) From now on Stella: I play volleyball 35. . I play it five times a week.
26. Ben: the weather like last night?
On what days do you play it?
Abigail: I don’t know. I was in bed then.
(A) What’s (B) How was (C) What was (D) How’s Peter: We play volleyball 36. a week on Wednesday
27. I often watch badminton games on TV, but I go to and Saturday.
a badminton game. Stella: Do you play volleyball in the playground?
(A) even (B) also (C) always (D) never
Peter: No, we play it in the gym.
28. a lot of rain in Taiwan from May to June.
(A) It has (B) There has (C) There is (D) It is Stella: Then let’s meet at the gym 37. .
29. Tim never goes home late, but his sisters . 34. (A) Where (B) Whose (C) What (D) Which
(A) do seldom (B) seldom does
35. (A) seldom (B) very (C) a lot of (D) a lot
(C) are always (D) always do
30. Betty: Are you always hungry after school? 36. (A) twice (B) once (C) often (D) two
Noah: Well, I . And I go eat and drink at 37. (A) every Saturdays (B) this Wednesday
7-11 near our school. (C) on Sunday (D) next Monday
(A) never do (B) often am (C) always do (D) am seldom

C. Reading Comprehenshion(閱讀測驗):12% 40. From the reading, which of the following is true?
(A) (A) Many people use cellphones in the toilet.
Hermione: Yuck! Why are you eating and using your phone at (B) Hermione doesn’t like Ron’s and Harry’s habits.
the same time?
(C) Ron changes towels and toothbrushes every month.
Ron: What’s wrong with that?
Harry: Everybody does that! (D) Harry never eats and uses his cellphone at the same time.
Hermione: Do you use the toilet and eat?
Harry&Ron: Nooooooo! The toilet is so dirty. (B)
Hermione: Studies say the toilets have a lot of germs but the Seashell Friends
cellphones have more.
Ron: No way!
Walking along the beautiful beach,
Harry: Come on!
Hermione: People use their cellphones more often. Germs like I see some things, and they aren’t trash,
cellphones very much, just like you. Seashells of all colors and sizes,
Ron: That’s too bad! Singing different songs and stories.
Hermione: Do you know two things in the bathroom have more
germs than cellphones?
Every seashell has a story to say,
Harry: Really? What are they?
Of underwater worlds where they play.
Ron: The cup?
Hermione: Wrong! The first one is the towel. Studies say the Stories of Mermaids and Pirate Hook,
number of germs on a towel people use for three Of wonderful fun to read in the book.
months is about 300,000, and for six months, the
number is more. Some shells have magic inside,
Ron: Yuck!
Little animals looking for places like a bed,
Harry: How about the second one?
A Hermit Crab with a new home to find,
Hermione: It’s the toothbrush.
Harry & Ron: Err… In a nice shell, just the right friend.
Hermione: Some studies even say the number of germs on a
toothbrush can get to 1,000,000 in about 30 days. So let's look for seashells, one by one,
Ron: Oops! I never change my towel and toothbrush. How about With gifts in our bags, so much fun,
you, Harry?
Remembering the fun of the water,
Harry: Haha!
And the seashell friends we always are.
Hermione: That’s terrible. Please change them once a month.
than 比 towel 毛巾
beach 海灘 wonderful 美妙的 find 找到 remember 記得
38. From the reading, which of the following pictures is right 41. What is the main idea of the reading?
about the number of germs? (A) Every seashell needs a new place to play.
(B) Seashells on the beach are special friends.
(C) Seashells are the gifts from the writer’s good friends.
(B) (D) Mermaids and Pirate Hook love to sing with seashells.
42. In what book can you find the reading?
(A) The Magic in the Bag.
(D) (B) The Stories About Beds.

39. What does “them” mean in the last line? (C) The Animals in the Zoo.
(D) The Fun of the Water World.
(A) Toilets and cups. 43. From the reading, what can we know about the writer?
(B) Toilets and towels. (A) He is looking for his friends.
(B) He has a lot of fun in the water.
(C) Toothbrushes and toilets.
(C) He misses the good old time with his parents.
(D) Towels and toothbrushes. (D) He pictures different stories of the seashells on the beach.

D. Vocabulary (文意字彙):5%
得分 家長簽章
44. I can’t be ve it! He mops the floor once a year.
非選擇 總分
45. The cake is te ble. I really can’t eat this.

46. There are a lot of parks and green sp es along the Love


47. The bu n in this town were rich, but there are no

visitors now because(因為) of COVID 19.

48. There are a lot of f ries in this city. The air isn’t clean.
44. 45.
E. Translation (翻譯):9% (每題 3 分,錯一字扣 0.5 分)

49. 你可以在任何時候清理你的房間,但是街頭市集很少
46. 47.
來這裡。 D: 5%

50. 一天清理你的手機一次。這樣可以殺死細菌。
51. 昨天我和我的朋友們去旅行。

~The End~ 49.


E: 9%


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