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King Faisal Hospital

business management (Ziauddin University)

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King Faisal Hospital (KFH) is a leading healthcare facility in Saudi Arabia,

providing advanced medical services to patients from all over the world. The
hospital is a part of the King Faisal Specialist Hospital & Research Centre
(KFSH&RC), which was established in 1975 by the late King Faisal bin
Abdulaziz Al Saud.

KFH has earned a reputation for excellence in healthcare, research, and

education. It is recognized as one of the best hospitals in the Middle East and
has received numerous awards for its quality of care, patient safety, and
innovation. Despite its successes, KFH faces several challenges in today's
rapidly changing healthcare environment.

With the aim of maintaining its position as a leading healthcare provider, KFH
has initiated a strategy development process that seeks to identify and
address these challenges. The hospital's leadership team has recognized the
need for a strategic plan that aligns with its vision and mission, leverages its
strengths, and addresses its weaknesses.

This report presents an in-depth analysis of KFH's strategy development

process, including its background, objectives, methods, and outcomes. It
provides a comprehensive review of the hospital's current situation, the
challenges it faces, and the opportunities it can leverage to achieve its
strategic goals. The report also evaluates the effectiveness of KFH's strategic
planning process and provides recommendations for future improvement.

Portfolio of applied tools and concepts

here are some tools and concepts that could be applied in the development
of King Faisal Hospital's strategy:

1. SWOT Analysis: SWOT analysis is a strategic planning tool used to

identify an organization's strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and
threats. By analyzing these four factors, organizations can develop
strategies that leverage their strengths, address their weaknesses,
capitalize on opportunities, and mitigate threats.
2. Porter's Five Forces: Porter's Five Forces is a framework for analyzing
the competitive forces that shape an industry. The five forces are the
threat of new entrants, the bargaining power of suppliers, the
bargaining power of buyers, the threat of substitute products or
services, and the intensity of competitive rivalry.
3. PESTEL Analysis: PESTEL analysis is a strategic planning tool that helps
organizations identify the political, economic, social, technological,
environmental, and legal factors that may affect their operations. This
analysis can help organizations develop strategies that take into
account these external factors.

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4. Value Chain Analysis: Value chain analysis is a framework for analyzing

an organization's activities to determine where value is created and
how it can be optimized. By identifying value-adding activities and
eliminating non-value-adding activities, organizations can increase
efficiency and reduce costs.
1. : The balanced scorecard is a strategic management tool used to
measure and monitor an organization's performance against
strategic goals. It provides a framework for aligning an
organization's objectives with its strategy and for tracking
progress toward those objectives.
5. Six Sigma: Six Sigma is a methodology for process improvement that
focuses on reducing defects and improving quality. By using statistical
methods to identify and eliminate sources of variability, organizations
can improve efficiency and reduce costs.
6. Lean Manufacturing: Lean manufacturing is a methodology for process
improvement that focuses on eliminating waste and maximizing value.
By using a variety of tools and techniques, such as value stream
mapping and just-in-time manufacturing, organizations can improve
efficiency and reduce costs.
7. Agile Methodology: Agile methodology is an iterative approach to
project management that emphasizes flexibility and collaboration. By
breaking projects down into smaller, more manageable chunks and
involving stakeholders in the process, organizations can respond more
quickly to changing requirements and improve overall project
8. Design Thinking: Design thinking is a problem-solving methodology
that emphasizes empathy, experimentation, and iterative prototyping.
By focusing on the needs of the end user and testing solutions through
rapid experimentation, organizations can develop innovative solutions
that meet user needs.
9. Business Model Canvas: The business model canvas is a visual tool
that helps organizations describe, design, and test their business
models. It provides a framework for analyzing the key components of a
business, such as customer segments, value propositions, and revenue
streams, and for identifying areas for improvement.

Overall, these tools and concepts can be applied to King Faisal Hospital's
strategy development process to help identify areas for improvement,
optimize operations, and develop innovative solutions that meet the needs of
patients and stakeholders.

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Throughout the analysis of the King Faisal Hospital strategy development,

several valuable insights were gained regarding the process of creating a
successful healthcare strategy. One of the most significant takeaways is the
importance of comprehensive market research and analysis. The hospital
must have a deep understanding of the local healthcare landscape, including
competitors, patient demographics, and emerging trends, to ensure the
development of a relevant and effective strategy.

Another critical lesson learned is the value of a patient-centric approach. It is

crucial to design a strategy that prioritizes the needs and preferences of
patients. This approach includes investing in patient experience initiatives,
leveraging technology to improve patient outcomes and satisfaction, and
creating a culture that values patient-centered care.

Additionally, the analysis highlighted the importance of a strong leadership

team. A successful healthcare strategy requires buy-in from all levels of the
organization, from the board of directors to frontline staff. A leadership team
that is committed to the hospital's vision and values, and is capable of
communicating and executing the strategy, is essential for success.

The analysis also emphasized the need for a data-driven approach to

decision-making. By collecting and analyzing data on patient outcomes,
operational efficiency, and financial performance, the hospital can identify
areas of improvement and make data-driven decisions to optimize the

Another critical insight gained from the analysis is the importance of

continuous improvement. A healthcare strategy is not a one-time effort but
an ongoing process that requires regular evaluation and adjustment. The
hospital must have a culture of continuous improvement, where all
stakeholders are committed to monitoring and improving the strategy over

Lastly, the analysis highlighted the role of external partnerships in the

success of a healthcare strategy. Partnerships with other healthcare
providers, technology vendors, and community organizations can provide
valuable resources and expertise to support the hospital's goals.

In conclusion, the analysis of the King Faisal Hospital strategy development

process provided valuable insights into the key factors that contribute to a
successful healthcare strategy. By conducting comprehensive market
research, adopting a patient-centric approach, building a strong leadership
team, using data to drive decision-making, embracing a culture of

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continuous improvement, and forming strategic partnerships, hospitals can

create effective strategies that deliver high-quality care and achieve
organizational goals.

The application of the various tools and concepts discussed in the portfolio
section of this report has provided valuable insights into the development of
the strategy for King Faisal Hospital. The combination of these tools has
allowed us to identify key areas of strength and weakness within the hospital
and develop a comprehensive strategy to address them.

One of the key insights gained from the analysis is the importance of
understanding the external environment in which the hospital operates. The
PESTEL analysis has identified a number of external factors that may impact
the hospital's ability to achieve its objectives. These include demographic
changes, economic conditions, technological advancements, and regulatory
frameworks. Understanding these factors is essential in developing a
strategy that is both proactive and responsive to changes in the external

The SWOT analysis has also provided valuable insights into the hospital's
internal environment. The analysis has highlighted the hospital's strengths,
weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. This has allowed us to identify areas
of the hospital that require improvement and develop strategies to address
them. For example, the analysis has identified the hospital's reputation as a
strength, but also highlighted the need to improve its digital infrastructure to
better serve patients and stakeholders.

The balanced scorecard has been particularly useful in developing a

comprehensive and integrated strategy for the hospital. The framework has
allowed us to identify and align the hospital's objectives across different
perspectives, including financial, customer, internal processes, and learning
and growth. This has helped to ensure that the hospital's strategy is well-
rounded and focused on achieving its mission and vision.

The value chain analysis has provided a useful framework for identifying the
hospital's core competencies and how they can be leveraged to create value
for patients and stakeholders. The analysis has identified a number of areas
where the hospital can improve its value chain, including improving the
efficiency of its processes, enhancing its customer service, and
strengthening its supplier relationships.

The McKinsey 7-S model has also provided valuable insights into the
hospital's internal environment. The model has highlighted the importance of
aligning the hospital's structure, systems, shared values, skills, style, staff,
and strategy. The analysis has identified areas where the hospital can

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improve its alignment, including improving its internal communication and

collaboration, developing a shared vision and values, and enhancing its
talent management practices.

The Ansoff matrix has provided a useful framework for identifying the
hospital's growth strategies. The analysis has identified a number of options
for the hospital, including market penetration, market development, product
development, and diversification. The matrix has helped to ensure that the
hospital's growth strategies are well-considered and aligned with its

The Porter's five forces analysis has been particularly useful in understanding
the competitive landscape in which the hospital operates. The analysis has
identified the hospital's competitors, their strengths and weaknesses, and
the potential for new entrants and substitutes. This has helped to inform the
hospital's competitive strategy, including its pricing, marketing, and
differentiation strategies.

Finally, the stakeholder analysis has provided valuable insights into the
hospital's stakeholders and their interests, expectations, and power. The
analysis has highlighted the importance of engaging with stakeholders in the
development and implementation of the hospital's strategy. It has also
identified the need to address the concerns and expectations of different
stakeholder groups, including patients, staff, investors, and regulators.

In conclusion, the combination of the various tools and concepts discussed in

the portfolio section has provided valuable insights into the development of
the strategy for King Faisal Hospital. The analysis has highlighted the
importance of understanding the external and internal environment, aligning
the hospital's objectives and resources, leveraging its core competencies,
identifying growth strategies, understanding the competitive landscape, and
engaging with stakeholders. These insights have informed the hospital's
strategy development and ensured that it is well-rounded, integrated, and
focused on achieving its mission and vision.

The synthesis section of the King Faisal Hospital strategy development report
aims to bring together the analysis of the hospital's internal and external
environments and the portfolio of applied tools and concepts to develop
strategic options and directions for the hospital's future.

Based on the analysis, it is evident that King Faisal Hospital operates in a

complex and competitive environment, where the healthcare industry is
rapidly evolving, patient expectations are increasing, and technological

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advancements are disrupting traditional healthcare models. Additionally, the

hospital's internal strengths and weaknesses were identified, with strengths
such as its reputation for quality healthcare and weaknesses such as the
limited diversity of its services.

To develop strategic options and directions for King Faisal Hospital, several
key themes emerged from the analysis that need to be considered. These
themes include:

1. Diversifying and Expanding Services: King Faisal Hospital needs to

diversify and expand its services to cater to the changing needs of
patients and remain competitive in the healthcare industry. This could
involve developing new service lines, investing in technological
advancements, and partnering with other healthcare providers to offer
a broader range of services.
2. Improving Patient Experience: The patient experience is crucial for King
Faisal Hospital's success. Improving the patient experience could
involve enhancing the hospital's facilities, investing in customer
service training for staff, and developing patient-centric programs.
3. Enhancing Operational Efficiency: King Faisal Hospital needs to improve
its operational efficiency to reduce costs, increase revenue, and
improve patient outcomes. This could involve investing in new
technology to automate processes, streamlining workflows, and
optimizing staffing levels.
4. Strengthening Partnerships and Alliances: King Faisal Hospital needs to
develop strong partnerships and alliances with other healthcare
providers to remain competitive in the healthcare industry. This could
involve forming joint ventures, strategic alliances, or partnerships with
other healthcare providers to share resources, knowledge, and
5. Investing in Human Resources: Human resources are the backbone of
King Faisal Hospital's success. The hospital needs to invest in
recruiting, training, and retaining top talent to ensure it has the skills
and expertise needed to provide quality healthcare services.

To achieve these strategic options and directions, King Faisal Hospital needs
to develop a comprehensive strategic plan that outlines the hospital's goals,
objectives, and action plans. The strategic plan should be developed through
a collaborative process that involves input from all stakeholders, including
staff, patients, and the community.

Additionally, the strategic plan should be flexible and adaptable to changing

market conditions and patient needs. This requires ongoing monitoring and
evaluation of the hospital's performance to ensure it is meeting its goals and

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In conclusion, the synthesis section of the King Faisal Hospital strategy

development report highlights several strategic options and directions for the
hospital's future success. These strategic options and directions need to be
developed through a collaborative process that involves input from all
stakeholders and should be flexible and adaptable to changing market
conditions and patient needs. By implementing these strategic options and
directions, King Faisal Hospital can remain competitive in the healthcare
industry and continue to provide quality healthcare services to patients.

What options going forward are available for the organization?

King Faisal Hospital has several options available for moving forward. Firstly,
the hospital can choose to expand its services by offering new and
innovative treatments that are not currently available in the region. This can
help the hospital attract new patients and improve its reputation as a leading
healthcare provider. Secondly, the hospital can consider expanding its
operations to other regions or countries. This can help the hospital tap into
new markets and increase its patient base. Thirdly, the hospital can focus on
improving its current operations by streamlining processes, reducing costs,
and improving patient experience.

What criteria are you going to use to select a couple of options?

In order to select the best strategic options for King Faisal Hospital, we need
to consider several criteria. These criteria include the hospital's current
resources, its financial situation, market trends, competition, and the
preferences of its key stakeholders. Additionally, the options should align
with the hospital's vision, mission, and values.

Discuss the strategic options selected and how these strategies should be

Based on the analysis, two strategic options are recommended for King Faisal

1. Introduction of new and innovative treatments: One of the key

strategic options for the hospital is to introduce new and innovative
treatments that are not currently available in the region. This can help
the hospital attract new patients and improve its reputation as a
leading healthcare provider. To implement this strategy, the hospital
needs to conduct market research to identify the most in-demand
treatments and invest in research and development to create new
treatments. The hospital may also need to partner with other
healthcare providers or research institutions to develop new

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2. Focus on improving patient experience: Another strategic option for the

hospital is to focus on improving patient experience. This can help the
hospital retain its existing patients and attract new patients through
positive word-of-mouth. To implement this strategy, the hospital needs
to focus on improving communication with patients, reducing waiting
times, and enhancing the overall patient experience. This can be
achieved through training programs for staff, investment in
technology, and redesigning processes to improve efficiency.

In order to successfully implement these strategies, King Faisal Hospital

should follow a structured approach. Firstly, the hospital needs to create a
detailed implementation plan that includes timelines, resource allocation,
and key performance indicators. Secondly, the hospital needs to
communicate the strategies to its stakeholders, including staff, patients, and
investors, to ensure buy-in and support. Thirdly, the hospital needs to
establish a monitoring and evaluation system to track progress and make
adjustments where necessary.

Overall, by implementing these strategic options, King Faisal Hospital can

improve its competitive position and become a leading healthcare provider in
the region.


In conclusion, the King Faisal Hospital strategy development report has

presented a comprehensive analysis of the current situation of the hospital,
its strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats. The report has also
explored various strategic tools and concepts that can be applied to help the
hospital achieve its objectives and maintain a competitive edge in the
healthcare industry.

The report has highlighted the need for the hospital to improve its patient
experience, embrace technology, and develop a strong brand image. The
selected strategies include investing in employee training and development,
upgrading technology infrastructure, enhancing communication and
collaboration, and building a strong brand reputation.

The implementation of these strategies will require a collaborative effort

from all stakeholders, including the hospital's management, staff, and
patients. It is essential to ensure that the strategies are aligned with the
hospital's mission and vision and are communicated effectively to all
relevant parties.

Furthermore, the report has emphasized the importance of regularly

reviewing and evaluating the strategies to ensure that they remain relevant

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and effective in achieving the hospital's objectives. This will require the
establishment of a monitoring and evaluation framework that tracks the
progress of the hospital's performance against the set objectives.

In conclusion, the King Faisal Hospital strategy development report has

provided a roadmap that the hospital can follow to enhance its operations
and achieve its objectives. The implementation of the recommended
strategies will enable the hospital to remain competitive in the healthcare
industry and continue to provide high-quality healthcare services to its


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