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Business Communication Assignment

Bibartan Dash

What factors need to be considered when you as an Entrepreneur have to

communicate with different stakeholders (coming from different backgrounds)?
Elaborate with examples.

When communicating with stakeholders from diverse backgrounds as an entrepreneur, it is

important to take the following factors into consideration-
Cultural Sensitivity:
Different cultures have unique communication styles, norms, and values. Being sensitive to
cultural differences can help avoid misunderstandings and build rapport.
Example: In Japan, meetings are attended with utmost seriousness. The environment is very
formal, and so is the conversation. In European countries or in USA, a friendlier/relaxed
conversation may be accepted, or even encouraged.
Tailoring The Conversation:
Ensure that language barriers are addressed by using clear and simple language, providing
translations if necessary, and being mindful of idioms and jargon.
Example: When communicating some technical issue to a person who does not come from
that background, a simpler language may be used instead of technical terms to get the
message through.
Understanding Stakeholder Needs and Expectations:
Different stakeholders may have varying interests, concerns, and expectations. Tailoring your
communication to address their specific needs can enhance engagement and collaboration.
Example: Apple will focus on the latest technological innovation when talking to their
customers, but about the financial performance during AGM.
Active Listening:
Listen attentively to stakeholders' feedback, concerns, and suggestions, demonstrating
empathy and understanding.
Example: During a meeting with customers, actively listen to their feedback on your product
or service, asking clarifying questions to ensure you understand their needs and preferences.
This can help you tailor your offerings to better meet customer expectations.
Clarity and Transparency:
Communicate information clearly and transparently, avoiding ambiguity or
misrepresentation. This builds trust and fosters positive relationships with stakeholders.
Example: When communicating with suppliers about changes in delivery schedules, provide
clear explanations and advance notice to minimize disruptions to their operations. Being
transparent about the reasons behind the changes can help maintain a strong supplier

What are your key learnings from the session?

1. It is important to prepare in advance so that we ourselves are confident, and are able
to instil confidence/win over the listener.
2. It is important to know your audience. If the audience are a group of engineering
students, we cannot communicate with commerce related technical jargons and expect
them to understand. The conversation has to be broken down, and the audience has to
we walked through the journey in a manner that the message is understood.
3. It is very important to learn the art of story-telling. As MBA students it will help us
engage the listener and communicate effectively.
4. Sometimes the communication may not go in the direction we want. We should be
able to adapt the conversation in a manner to steer it in the desired direction.

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