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“was it that big task for you?”

“you killed him!”
“he asked for water, not like he asked you for your soul.”
“You killed my son,”
Kammo was devastated because her elder son died due to deficiency of water in
body; Reason of-cource he Alcohol. Kammo’s family was labor class family and
his elder son usd to drink a lot. Kammo decided that he should get married so that
he can be saved. So, he got married to a girl with very simple background, and all
expected her to mend that alcoholic person. But things did not end up well, He
used to beat her wife that her crying soul made all other soul deaf and blind at the
same time that no one used to raise a voice in her favor, not even her Mother-in-
law. Mother-in-law, Who was drained in her love towards her son that She used to
justify all those burn marks on her daughter–in-law’ skin.
That day, Her son came home and again beat his wife and all of their neighborhood
became silent case of her scream and all of a sudden her crying stopped, and that
ally become alive again. After some hours Kammo rushed to near clinic, screaming
“Doctor! Doctor!! He’s not breathing”. Doctor came And declared him dead, cause
low water level due to high alcohol. All neighbors got out of their home and slowly
slowly a swarm of people gathered there. As they get to know the reason , the all
started cursing Kammo’s daughter-in-law with same tone.
“He was her husband. She has to take care of him, No matter what.”
“Little fights are part of marriage, doesn’t mean You kill Your husband”
Kammo’s Daughter-in-law was just sitting near her husband’s corpse watching her
whole life getting cursed by people who never raised their voice foe her rescue.
Now she’s bind to all those words for her whole life having that never ending pain
in her heart.


“She was an IIM post graduate, with excellence in her academics.”

“If She wanted she would be getting more than HIM”
“All she done was falling in love with HIM and now she’s just a house Wife”
All these Statements were made by HER lawyer who was trying to get her justice
that she deserved. HER mistake was that HE, mistook her love as innocence and
played with her feelings over a long period with HIS secretary. SHE left her
multinational job just because She wanted to make a life with him. But over time
things began to get worse because HE used to go with Another Women, And when
she finds out HE began to avoid her. After all these years and a baby in their life,
when she acknowledge that audacity of her husband, She was devastated. She
could not share these things with other because It was their love marriage and no
one would believe her.
One day she caught him with another woman in his office and She jumped on him
out of anger, Things got heaten up and when she asked for explanation, He slapped
her. All these incidents were happening in office and When She got slapped,
Whole staff was present there. Later on, He realized his blunder but it was too late.
She moved to her parents with her kids and filed case against him demanding
divorce. A lawyer, who was her friend encourage her on this major step. HER
parents were very supportive with her decision and other of her friends were
motivating and sympathizing her. Lawyer helped her in every way from case filing
to demanding alimony. Today was the last hearing of her case and she finally get
justice with al manners. SHE and HER CHILD have all the happiness they
deserved and SHE is labeled as STRONG INDEPENDENT WOMAN, because of
her decision.

Yes, this word is used when we talk about protecting women’s rights. But does this
word justifies itself, does it really protect women and their rights. Answer is
debatable but we have to acknowledge the fact that there are millions of women
out in the world who are getting oppressed daily and no one is listening to their
tears. “WHY”, because they all think any torture those women are facing behinds
the walls are justified. IF not why they don’t raise their voice when women’s rights
got raped by their own family.
Should FEMINISM be bounded only to a specific group, Don’t all women need it?
Should FEMINISM be the voice of all women who don’t have voice to raise?
Don’t they should be taught that they must not be oppress by others in any
We see many ladies getting justice of their sufferings, Some people become voice
for them. Which indicates a good society where everyone is getting their rights
respected and allowed to live their as they want. But these society only belong to a
specific group, Who observe ladies as the essential part of society. There is a herd
that sees Women as only If they are in their house for bondage to eternity. These
women gets their dreams, liking and passion be crushed under someone’s house
needs. These women gets beaten up and raped by their own husbands and when
they try to raise voices they are silent with the reason MARRIAGE. Yes, their
society become deaf and blind every time to their howl, and silent them if they
raise a voice. Merely Animals can be seen to be protecting their females but These
Society failed to become even HUMAN.
Many solutions can be observed to this cause but does they really be
implementing, and real question is “When these women will get their justice?”

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