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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Malabiga high SCHOOL
Libon, Albay


The "Nurturing Futures" Career Guidance Program was a comprehensive initiative aimed at
empowering students to make informed decisions about their future career paths. Held at Malabiga High
School Grade 10 classroom over the course of two (5 days), the program featured presentations and
interactive activities designed to equip students with the knowledge, skills, and resources needed to
navigate the complex world of career exploration and planning.
The program kicked off with an opening ceremony, setting the tone for two days of discovery and
growth. Students were introduced to the program objectives and schedule, sparking excitement and
anticipation for what lay ahead. The day continued with a series of foundational activities covering topics
such as self-assessment, goal setting, and exploring career options. Through interactive activities and
group discussions, students began to reflect on their interests, values, and aspirations, laying the
groundwork for informed decision-making. Building on the foundation laid on day one and day two
focused on exposing students to a wide range of career opportunities and pathways. Students had the
opportunity to ask questions and gain valuable firsthand knowledge about different career paths. In
addition, interactive career exploration stations allowed students to delve deeper into specific industries
and professions, providing a hands-on glimpse into the possibilities that await them. The final day of the
program was dedicated to helping students develop practical skills and strategies for planning their future
careers. Workshops on resume writing, interview skills, and professional networking equipped students
with the tools they need to navigate the job market with confidence. Mentors were on hand to provide
personalized guidance and support, helping students map out their career goals and create actionable
plans for achieving them. The program concluded with a closing ceremony, during which students
reflected on their experiences and shared their plans. The "Nurturing Futures" Career Guidance Program
had a profound impact on students, empowering them to take ownership of their career journeys and
pursue their passions with confidence. Feedback from participants was overwhelmingly positive, with
many citing the program as an experience that opened their eyes to new possibilities and inspired them to
dream big. As students return to their classrooms and communities, they carry with them the knowledge,
skills, and determination needed to build bright and fulfilling futures.
The "Nurturing Futures" Career Guidance Program was a resounding success, thanks to the
dedication and collaboration of educators. By providing students with the resources, and support they
need to explore and pursue their career goals, the program has made a lasting impact on the lives of
participants and reinforced the importance of investing in the future of our youth. As we look ahead, we
remain committed to empowering the next generation of leaders and innovators to realize their full
potential and make meaningful contributions to society.

Prepared by:

JHS Teacher 1

Noted by:

School Head
Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Malabiga high SCHOOL
Libon, Albay

Republic of the Philippines
Department of Education
Region V - Bicol
Malabiga high SCHOOL
Libon, Albay

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