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Folds of dura matter

The meningeal layers send four inward

septa to restrict the rotatory displacement
of the brain:
1. Falx Cerebri
2. Tentorium cerebelli
3. Falx cerebelli
4. Diaphragma sellae

Meninges of The Brain

Dura matter
The outermost layer of the meninges & It is derived from the

Composed of two layers:

a) Periosteal
Outer layer, attaches to bone.
b) Meningeal
Inner layer, closer to brain

The two layers are fused to enclose the Dural sinuses

Tentorium cerebelli
Crescentic-shaped fold of dura mater that
roofs over the posterior cranial fossa.

Its anterior free border (tentorial notch)

surrounds the midbrain.

The posterior attached border is attached

to petrous bone & margins of groove for
transverse sinus.

Falx Cerebri

Sickle-shaped fold of dura mater,

attached anteriorly to crista galli &
posteriorly to tentorium cerebelli.
Between the two
Has a fixed convex superior border &
free inferior concave border

Diaphragma sellae
Fold of dura mater that forms the roof of Sella turcica, covering
pituitary gland

Has a central aperture for the hypophysial stalk.

Falx cerebelli
Small sickle-shaped fold of dura mater attached to internal occipital
crest & inferior surface of posterior parts of tentorium cerebelli.

It has arachnoid villi & granulations , protrusions through the dura mater
into the venous sinuses of the brain, which allow CSF to exit the
subarachnoid space and enter the blood.

Arachnoid matter
A delicate impermeable membrane between the pia matter
internally and the dura matter externally.

• Spider web-like appearance.

• Sub-arachnoid space contains

the cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

Dural Venous Sinuses


All drains to

Pia matter
A thin highly vascularized membrane deep to arachnoid mater.

It covers the gyri and descending into the deepest sulci.

Epidural & subdural hematoma


The spaces between the meninges

Subarachnoid space , where CSF circulates, subdural space &
epidural (extra-dural) spaces.

Dura matter
A thick and dense inelastic membrane that extends from
foramen magnum to sacrum and coccyx inside vertebral canal.


Meninges of spinal cord

Are the same three layers covering

the brain.

from external to internal:

1. Dura mater
2. Arachnoid mater
3. Pia mater

It ends at 2nd sacral vertebra & gives extensions (dural sheaths)
to surround nerve roots and spinal ganglia.


It is attached to foramen magnum

and periosteium of C2& C3 vertebrae ,
but downards, it is separated by from
vertebrae by epidural (or extradural)
space, which contains fat and the
internal vertebral venous plexus. This
is used for caudal anaesthesia.

Subarachnoid space
This space is a wide interval between the arachnoid and pia &
contains cerebrospinal fluid (CSF).

The spinal cord ends at L2 vertebra,

whereas the subarachnoid space
continues to S2, inserting a needle
below the end of the cord, termed
lumbar puncture.


Dura matter not contionous To other dura matter

Arachnoid matter
The arachnoid lies deep to dura

It is continuous above with

cerebral arachnoid through
foramen magnum.

It also ends at 2nd sacral vertebra

& gives extensions to surround
nerve roots and spinal ganglia.

Pia matter
A vascular membrane that
firmly adheres to the surface of
the spinal cord

Contains denticulate ligaments

between dorsal & ventral roots
which act to stabilize the spinal
cord within dura mater.


Lumbar puncture

Denticulate ligaments


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