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Graphic Standards Manual

The graphic vision for Kiwanis International

How to use tHis manual

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

D e a r Co l le ag ue s :

Kiwanis International is an organization that impacts children and communities worldwide. The enormous scope of this calling, coupled with the thousands of Kiwanis clubs working on behalf of children worldwide, make presenting a standard, unified Kiwanis image and message a challenge. This is why we adopted the guidelines contained in this Kiwanis International Graphic Standards Manual. In this manual, you will find basic design rules for such applications as logo usage and identity materials, including Web sites, letterhead, tagline, marketing materials, promotional products, and photo usage. Each section is clearly organized for easy access to information and includes illustrated examples of the standards. Because Kiwanis is global in nature, we recognize the different requirements of the multinational, geographic locations of our various Kiwanis members. Rest assured the graphic standards accommodate these specific needs, while maintaining a consistent identity for Kiwanis worldwide. We need you to do your part. This manual imparts the essence of our graphic vision for the organization a look and feel that communicate to the world who we are and where we are going. By adhering to the standards outlined in this manualand keeping a watchful eye for those who dontyou help us put forth a consistent image of who we are and what we do as Kiwanians. We appreciate your commitment. Sincerely,

Stan Soderstrom, Interim CEO, Kiwanis International

Ta B l e o F C oNT e N Ts Wordmark and Logo Usage ...................... 2-3 Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs Wordmarks and Logos.......................... 4-5 Tagline Usage ........................................... 6 Typeface Usage......................................... 7 Marketing Materials ...............................8-12 Photographic Language .............................13 Photo and Web Resource ...........................14 Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs ..... 15-20 Stationery System....................................20 Questions and Answers .............................20

woRDmaRK anD loGo usaGe

woRDmaRK- anD loGo-usaGe GuiDelines

The Kiwanis International wordmark and logo appear on page 3. Here are guidelines describing how they may be reproduced in various media:


The Kiwanis International logo shall be used only on or in connection with Kiwanis goods, in a manner approved in writing by Kiwanis. Also, its use shall conform to the specifications and descriptions established and authorized by Kiwanis.

The size of the wordmark and logo may be increased or decreased proportionately, but should not exceed an inch and a half (40 mm) on printed materials.
tagline with wordmark and logo:

WordmarkThe Kiwanis International wordmark typically includes the tagline Serving the Children of the World. In most instances, the tagline appears in the bar below the wordmark. LogoThe Kiwanis International logo typically includes the tagline Serving the Children of the World. The tagline appears as a half circle beneath the globe logo. In most instances, the logo and the tagline will be used as one unit. An exception to this rule occurs when the logo is applied to a premium item, such as an ink pen, where space is limited. In this case, use of the Kiwanis name or the Kiwanis name and tagline without the logo is suggested. See more detailed tagline usage on page 6.
logo colors:

Blue: 295 CV or CMYK 100-68-8-52 or Red-0, Green-47, Blue-95 Gold: 872 CV metallic or Pantone 4505 U or CMYK 37-36-61-4 or Red-152, Green-134, Blue-66 on uncoated stock Pantone 451 CV or CMYK 39-32-61-3 or Red-154, Green-153, Blue-110 on coated stock The Kiwanis logo also may print in black and white (see example, right). In print materials with two spot colors, the gold color specified is metallic PMS 872 ink. If the printed piece is being printed in four-color process (CMYK) or metallic isnt possible, use color Pantone 4505 U on uncoated paper and Pantone 451 CV on coated paper. When choosing colors, variations will be considered as a result of geographical differences and preferences. For Microsoft Word, CMYK or RGB values will be used. For PowerPoint, RGB values will be used. For digital printing and electronic uses (Internet, e-mail): Blue: #003366, Gold: #999966

See page 3 for more information.

woRDmaRK anD loGo usaGe


Classic logo

(The above represents the Wordmark reversing out of a solid background)

(The above represents the logo reversing out of a solid background)

the Kiwanis Colors


To recreate the Kiwanis color palette: If using a Mac: Go to Microsoft Word. Click appropriate color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. If using a PC: Go to Microsoft Word. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors.

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black _______________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue _______________ HTML 385475

Pantone 872 (metallic) For two-color printing

Pantone 4505 U uncoated 37% Cyan 36% Magenta 61% Yellow 4% Black _______________ 152 Red 134 Green 66 Blue _______________ HTML 9C8F6A

451 CV coated 39% Cyan 32% Magenta 61% Yellow 3% Black _______________ 154 Red 153 Green 110 Blue

otHeR woRDmaRKs anD loGos

otHeR woRDmaRKs anD loGos

The next page includes wordmarks and logos for Kiwanis International Service Leadership Programs. The Kiwanis wordmark should always appear in the marketing materials promoting these programs.

Kiwanis service leadership Programs wordmarks and logos:

Kiwanis Service Leadership Program wordmarks and logos should not be used in connection with any other goods or as a trade name by any person, firm, or corporation without the prior written approval of Kiwanis International. Kiwanis Service Leadership Program wordmarks and logos should not be used with any goods or services thatin the sole opinion of Kiwanisinclude immoral, deceptive, or scandalous matter, or matter that may disparage or falsely suggest a connection with disreputable persons, institutions, beliefs, or symbols that would bring the Kiwanis family into contempt.

incorrect wordmark and logo usage:

On the following page are examples of incorrect logo and tagline uses.

otHeR woRDmaRKs anD loGos

Kiwanis service leadership Programs Clubs

Circle K and Key Club International are the only other Kiwanis-family organizations with wordmarks. The wordmark is preferred as each organizations primary identification. The logo can be used as secondary identification on, for example, the back of a booklet or toward the bottom of a Web page.
wordmark logo wordmark logo


incorrect wordmark, logo and tagline usage

Kiwanis International or Service Leadership Program wordmarks and logos should not be stretched, revised, or have their colors changed.

taGline usaGe

taGline usaGe
The Kiwanis International tagline is serving the Children of the World.

There are two acceptable uses of the tagline: In conjunction with the logo, forming a semicircle below the globe that follows the shape of the globe (see page 9). Dont attempt to re-create this one. Instead, you can obtain a logo with this tagline at the Kiwanis In the horizontal bar of a front-page or Web page banner heading, flush left with the first letter of the name of the entity. In most instances, the color should be Kiwanis gold Pantone 872, 4505, or 451, unless it is reversed out from a color bar. See examples on pages 9-11.
tagline Registration:

The mark on the tagline should be used in all applications, as it is a permanent part of the tagline.

secondary usage:

Serving the Children of the World

The correct font to use for the tagline separate from the logo: Verdana
optional defining statement:

When developing marketing materials on behalf of Kiwanis, you may use the Kiwanis defining statement to further communicate the purpose of the organization:
Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

This statement may be placed anywhere within a marketing piece but should not be attached to the logo (see page 10 for example).

tYPeFaCe usaGe

tYPeFaCe usaGe
Two primary typefaces generally are used in all Kiwanis materials: Verdana for headings and Palatino for text (see examples here). Kiwanis materials include Web site, letterhead, taglines, marketing materials, and promotional products.


Typeface: Verdana Bold Color: Recommended Pantone 295 CV Maximum size: 98 point (size may vary if it suits the layout) Letter spacing: 5

subhead Serving the Children of the World

Typeface: Verdana Regular or Verdana Bold Colors: Recommended Pantone 295 CV or Pantone 1245 CV Maximum size: 24 point (size may vary if it suits the layout) Letter spacing: 5
Bar text:

Typeface: Verdana Regular Maximum size: 12 point Letter spacing: 5

General text:

Typeface: Palatino 10 point Leading: max 17 pt/min 13.5 point Letter spacing: 0 (size may vary if it suits the layout) Color: 100% black

As a global community service organization, Kiwanis International reaches out to the underserved in every inhabited continent of the world. A scope of this size demands a consistency of purpose and of action.

online (internet) usage:

Not all computers can reproduce these primary typefaces, so Arial can be used as the default font for Web and e-mail. Whenever possible, though, standard, nondynamic texttext that doesnt change often, such as headers and button wordmarksshould be designed in the primary typefaces and placed in the Web-page content.

maRKetinG mateRials

maRKetinG mateRials
Because Kiwanis International does a significant amount of communication worldwide, consistency in quality and appearance retains the image of the organization with its target audiences. To that end, images that maintain Kiwaniss consistent look in club, district, and international publications can be obtained through the Kiwanis International photo library located at
Banner area:

The banner area should occupy the top one-quarter of the printed materials cover or Web site home page. The banner area consists of the headline, tagline, solid bar and wordmark. The banner area may be a solid background color separate from the cover photo. Or, it may allow the photo to show through behind the type as long as the background photo has enough contrast, is uncluttered, and will not render the type illegible. A horizontal bar separating the banner area from the visual area should span the width of the brochure edge to edge. The bar should be one-quarter-inch (6 mm) tall and should be a solid color, preferably white, or Kiwanis gold. Other colors may be used that are suitable to the design. See visual example (right) for dimensions and layout examples (following pages).
Banner headline and subhead:

Banner headlines should be set in Verdana Bold typeface. Subheads should be set in Verdana regular or Verdana Bold. The headline, which in most cases will be the name Kiwanis, should preferably be white reversed type, black, or Kiwanis blue. If translation of Kiwanis is necessary, please place translated type flush right above the Kiwanis headline. The subhead appears below the headline and consists of the word International or the name of your club or district, without use of the actual words club or district (see examples on page 9). This format bolsters the identity of Kiwanis in your community and strengthens your ties to the International organization.
Visual area:

The visual area around the banner should consist of a color, photograph or illustration. You can use your own or obtain one from the Kiwanis photo library at The photographic image can bleed from side to side and top to bottom. You can also use a solid-color background behind the banner. The image also can stop above the logo so the logo is legible. The background should be white in this instance (see examples on page 9). All materials should be tailored to reflect geographical locations and cultures through the use of appropriate images and text.

logo placement:

Along with the wordmark, you can use your Kiwanis clubs name as a subhead on the front cover of club brochures. The Kiwanis logo also can be placed on the back cover. If you use a club or district logo, the bottom edge should be one-half inch (13 mm) from the bottom edge of the brochure. If the club logo is used in conjunction with a Kiwanis wordmark, make sure there are not any wordmarks or lettering that overlap (see examples on pages 9-10).

maRKetinG mateRials

District and Club Personalized Banner Heading and subhead


Broad Ripple

western Catawba County, Hickory

Region Personalized Banner Heading and subhead


(sized to scale 8.5 x 11 but easily adapts to a4 and other sizes)

Front cover specs

translation space


Header Verdana Bold 98 pt (maximum) Kerning 5 Bottom of subhead 1 bar width from top of bar Bar width .25 (6mm) Bottom of Bar Should start at the 1/4 mark from the top of the total brochure height.
Serving the Children of the World

subheads Verdana Regular or Verdana Bold 24 pt (maximum) Kerning 5

Bar text Verdana 12 pt (maximum) Kerning 5

logos Baseline .5 (13mm)

(Bottom of logo)

logo width 1.5 (40mm)

Club logo Placement



maRKetinG mateRials

Kiwanis inteRnational
Serving the Children of the World

Kiwanis is a global organization of volunteers dedicated to changing the world one child and one community at a time.

Kiwanis CluB oR DistRiCt

Kiwanis ReGion

Serving the Children of the World




maRKetinG mateRials

ReGion aPPRoPRiate

all sHaPes

weB aPPliCation

Serving the Children of the World

Sirviendo a los N ios d e l M und o

ColoR Palette DesiGn tiPs

Kiwanis Internationals primary colors are dark blue (PMS 295) and gold (PMS 872 or PMS 4505), as shown on page 3. These colors should be used as a dominant theme, with complementary colors used when creating print materials or Web pages. Generally, recommended palettes should follow the blue spectrum and gold, yellow, or tan spectrum (examples below). When choosing colors, consider contrast and legibility and how the colors complement photography. If you dont have the exact PMS color on your computer, you may visually pick the color that looks most similar to the one you have chosen on this page.

PMS 4525

PMS 730

PMS 1245

PMS 116

Pantone Yellow

PMS 144

PMS 2925

PMS 643

PMS 312

PMS 377

PMS 193

weB ColoR Palette
















maRKetinG mateRials BaCK CoVeR

The Kiwanis International logo should appear on the back cover of all Kiwanis print pieces, centered near the bottom edge. On the Web, the logo should appear on the lower left-hand side or bottom of the page. The Kiwanis International Web address should appear centered beneath the logo. (Not necessary for Web sites.) The Kiwanis International mailing address and phone numbersor appropriate regional information should appear centered beneath the Web address. For Web sites, contact information can appear below the headline bar, under the logo on the lower left-hand side, or with the logo at the bottom of the page. You can place the Kiwanis logo, Web address, and contact information on top of a photograph if there is enough light contrast to make the information legible (see example). You also can use a white box at the bottom to improve legibility. Examples follow:

logos Baseline 1.25 (32mm)

(Bottom of Globe)

webs Baseline .875 (24mm) Contacts Baseline .5(13mm)

w w w .k i w an i s .o r g

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 US and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS

From Bottom

Contact information Palatino 9.5 pt Kerning 0, Leading 13

web Verdana 8 pt Kerning 0, Leading 14

Back cover examples

www.k iwan

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 US and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS

www. kiwa n is . o r g


3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA 1-317-875-8755 US and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS

PHotoGRaPHiC lanGuaGe PHotoGRaPHiC Content

The way we express ourselves photographically underscores Kiwanis ideals and mission. When Kiwanis-family members follow standard key characteristics in their photos and graphics, the Kiwanis identity and brand is further strengthened. For more detailed information, check out These characteristics include:

Key characteristics of Kiwanis International photographs: Adults leading children as dominant subject. Leadership examples shown below.

Children as supporting subject. The use of sky, space and openness to create a feeling of freedom and empowerment. High-quality images. Images should convey the feeling appropriate for the project. Use discretion on imagery, Kiwanis recommends short sleeves or longer for adults or children.


PHoto & weB ResouRCes

PHoto ResouRCes
The photo image library found at was created as an image resource for Kiwanis-related marketing materials. The imagesavailable to Kiwanis clubs and districtsrepresent Kiwanis mission of serving the children of the world and their use ensures a consistent image for the organization.
How to access the photo library:

Visit, click on the category of photo you need and download the image and resolution you desire.


For print applications, select an image at 300 dpi printed size utilizing a CMYK build. For online applications, select an image at 72 dpi utilizing an RGB build.

weB ResouRCes
All of these standards also apply to the Web. More information is available in the Member Resources section of Kiwanis International does not host Web sites for clubs, districts, divisions, or other Kiwanis-family members. Web site templates are available, though, and are offered as part of the monthly reporting package available at (Web sites designed separate from the templates must adhere to these graphic standards and guidelines.) The Kiwanis portal also includes a Webmasters tutorial with resources and design tips for Web novices and experts alike.


Serving the Children of the World

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA

Serving the Children of the World

3636 Woodview Trace

Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA


Kiwanis seRViCe leaDeRsHiP PRoGRams

KeY leaDeR
Key Leader promotional materials generally follow the same standards as Kiwanis International, with a few exceptions: logo, colors and accent graphics. To learn more about sponsoring a Key Leader event go to

Pantone 300 & Pantone 295


Black & White


logo Colors

accent Colors

To re-create the Key Leader color palette: If using a Mac: Go to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Click appropriate color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. If using a PC: Go to Microsoft Word. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. or Go to Microsoft PowerPoint. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Click custom. Enter Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values of colors.

Pantone 300 100% Cyan 42% Magenta 0% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 0 Red 101 Green 189 Blue _______________ HTML 0065BD

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 56% Magenta 0% Yellow 34% Black _______________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue _______________ HTML 002F5F

Pantone 143 0% Cyan 32% Magenta 86% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 238 Red 175 Green 48 Blue _______________ HTML EEAF30

Pantone 5777 22% Cyan 7% Magenta 51% Yellow 22% Black _______________ 163 Red 168 Green 107 Blue _______________ HTML A3A86B

Take the lead.




The Key Leader logo should be used on the cover with the bar, and Kiwanis International logo and contact information used on the back.

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 USA and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS

A leadership weekend for high school students


Kiwanis seRViCe leaDeRsHiP PRoGRams

aKtion CluB
Aktion Club promotional materials generally follow the same standards as Kiwanis International, with a few exceptions: logo, colors and accent graphics. To learn more about sponsoring an Aktion Club go to

Pantone Red 032 & Pantone 295


Black and White

Reversed White

logo Colors

accent Colors

To re-create the Aktion Club color palette: If using a Mac: Go to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Click appropriate color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. If using a PC: Go to Microsoft Word. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. or Go to Microsoft PowerPoint. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Click custom. Enter Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values of colors.

Pantone Red 032 0% Cyan 90% Magenta 60% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 237 Red 41 Green 57 Blue _______________ HTML ED2939

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black _______________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue _______________ HTML 002F5F

Pantone 116 0% Cyan 12% Magenta 100% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 254 Red 203 Green 0 Blue _______________ HTML FECB00

Pantone 193 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black _______________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue _______________ HTML BB133E




The Aktion Club logo should be used on the cover with the bar, and Kiwanis International logo and contact information used on the back.

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 USA and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS


Kiwanis seRViCe leaDeRsHiP PRoGRams

BuilDeRs CluB
Builders Club promotional materials generally follow the same standards as Kiwanis International, with a few exceptions: logo, colors and accent graphics. To learn more about sponsoring a Builders Club go to

Pantone 311 & Pantone 295


Black and White

Reversed White

logo Colors

accent Colors

To re-create the Builders Club color palette: If using a Mac: Go to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Click appropriate color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. If using a PC: Go to Microsoft Word. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. or Go to Microsoft PowerPoint. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Click custom. Enter Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values of colors.

Pantone Red 311 68% Cyan 0% Magenta 13% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 12 Red 198 Green 222 Blue _______________ HTML 0CC6DE

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black _______________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue _______________ HTML 002F5F

Pantone 144 0% Cyan 52% Magenta 100% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 233 Red 131 Green 0 Blue _______________ HTML E98300

Pantone 641 100% Cyan 25% Magenta 0% Yellow 18% Black _______________ 0 Red 115 Green 176 Blue _______________ HTML 0073BO


The Builders Club logo should be used on the cover with the bar, and Kiwanis International logo and contact information used on the back.

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 USA and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS


Kiwanis seRViCe leaDeRsHiP PRoGRams

K-Kids Club promotional materials generally follow the same standards as Kiwanis International, with a few exceptions: logo, colors and accent graphics. To learn more about sponsoring an K-Kids Club go to

Pantone 375 & Pantone 295


Black and White

Reversed White

logo Colors

accent Colors

To re-create the K-Kids color palette: If using a Mac: Go to Microsoft Word or PowerPoint. Click appropriate color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. If using a PC: Go to Microsoft Word. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Enter values of colors. or Go to Microsoft PowerPoint. Click color fill box. Click More fill colors at bottom. Click custom. Enter Red, Green, Blue (RGB) values of colors.

Pantone Red 375 47% Cyan 0% Magenta 94% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 146 Red 212 Green 0 Blue _______________ HTML 92D400

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black _______________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue _______________ HTML 002F5F

Pantone 300 100% Cyan 42% Magenta 0% Yellow 0% Black _______________ 0 Red 101 Green 189 Blue _______________ HTML 0065BD

Pantone 377 51% Cyan 5% Magenta 98% Yellow 23% Black _______________ 115 Red 150 Green 0 Blue _______________ HTML 739600




The K-Kids logo should be used on the cover with the bar, and Kiwanis International logo and contact information used on the back.

3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, Indiana 46268 USA Worldwide: 1-317-875-8755 USA and Canada: 1-800-KIWANIS


Kiwanis seRViCe leaDeRsHiP PRoGRams

BuG, teRRiFiC KiDs, anD YCPo

BUG, Terrific Kids and YCPO all follow the Kiwanis International standards.
logo colors

Black and White Pantone 377 Pantone 377 & Pantone 295 51% Cyan 5% Magenta 98% Yellow 23% Black ____________ 115 Red 150 Green 0 Blue ____________ HTML 718C3F Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black ____________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue ____________ HTML 385475

Reversed White


logo colors

Black and White

Pantone 137 0% Cyan 38% Magenta 95% Yellow 0% Black ____________ 255 Red 161 Green 0 Blue ____________ HTML FF9F3C

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black ____________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue ____________ HTML 385475

Reversed White Pantone 137 & Pantone 295


logo colors

Black and White

Pantone 180 3% Cyan 92% Magenta 84% Yellow 12% Black ____________ 189 Red 54 Green 50 Blue ____________ HTML BB5C5A

Pantone 295 100% Cyan 68% Magenta 8% Yellow 52% Black ____________ 0 Red 47 Green 95 Blue ____________ HTML 385475

Pantone 137 & Pantone 295

Reversed White



aDDitional inFoRmation CiRCle K anD KeY CluB inteRnational

Circle K and Key Club International have their own set of graphic standards. To view those, visit: Circle K International - Key Club International -

stationeRY sYstem
Kiwanis-family members should use official Kiwanis stationery items in all communications. This includes letterhead, which is available through downloadable templates at Its important that these materials are not re-created but used as provided. Though standardized, these materials were designed to be appropriate regardless of where they are used in the Kiwanis world. Their use reinforces Kiwanis identity and brand.

Questions: answeReD
Q: Should the graphic standards just be used for marketing brochures, booklets, and the Web? A: Any Kiwanis correspondence, promotion, signage, financial forms, etc., should follow these standards. Q: Who uses these standards? A: Everyone affiliated with Kiwanis or Kiwanis Service Leadership Programs, including vendors and volunteers. We encourage you to spread the word about this useful manual. Q: How can I personalize these standards to my club? A: You may personalize the Kiwanis wordmark (page 9); or the information using the Kiwanis fonts. You also can use your own photos if you choose. Q: What is a PMS color? A: PMS stands for Pantone Matching System and is the recipe used by printers to identify and reproduce colored ink. Q: How can I get the official wordmarks and logos? A: Download them at Q: Are there any resources to help me in using these standards for my club? A: Yes! Kiwanis Family Store at or Q: Our club has a Web site using an old Kiwanis logo and template. Should we update it now? A: Yes. Join us in strengthening the Kiwanis brand. Q: Our club created a logo that incorporates the original Kiwanis logo with other elements. Its really clever. Can we still use that if we incorporate the wordmark? A: No. Please refer to acceptable versions and unacceptable uses on pages 8-9. Q: Which type of logo file is used in printed fliers? A Web site? A: .eps for printed fliers, .gif for Web sites, and .jpg for all other uses. Q: I downloaded a logo from the portal and placed it into our club brochure. It looks great on screen, but when we print it out, its very fuzzy looking. Whats wrong? A: It is recommended that an .eps or .jpg file format be used for these types of projects. Q: Is it okay to give our printer or designer (non-Kiwanian) use of Kiwanis logos and images from the photo gallery to create print material and a Web site for our club? A: Yes. These resources are made available for the convenience of our clubs. However, they may not be used for non-Kiwanis projects. When using the logo for apparel, mugs and promotional products, they must be a licensee to legally reproduce the logo or wordmark. You may find the licensee list at Q: Where can we find other resources to help us market our club and Kiwanis more effectively? A: Go to and select Marketing & PR. Youll gain access to a variety of resources to help you with your marketing and PR efforts. These include templates for marketing brochures and club newsletters, print ads, a writing style guide and media tips and tools. .


3636 Woodview Trace Indianapolis, IN 46268 USA 317-875-8755 USA and Canada: 800-KIWANIS

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