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Objective means making an unbiased, balanced observation based on facts which can be verified.

•Research Questions Answer How Many Or Strength of Relationship or Difference

Meaning is this, the possible or the question in a survey is this HOW MANY? STRENGTH OF
Quantitative Reseach

•Literature Review is usually done before the study

Meaning that the writing/letters is commonly done before the teacher or instructor started a new
topic or a lesson

•Test Theory

Test theory tells experimenters how to perform particular comparisons between specific theories
or classes of theory.


Capable of being measured : able to be described in specific terms (as of size, amount, duration,
or mass) usually expressed as a quantity.

•Reports Statistical Analysis. Basic element of analysis is numbers

Quantitative Research is expressed by numbers that’s why the numbers is the basic element
andquantitative reseach reported as statistical because the report was connected to each other

•Researcher is Separate

Because in Quantitative Research you will try new things because of your theories, hypothesis


A research subject is an individual that participates in research. Information (or ‘data’) is

collected from or about the individual to help answer the question under study.

•Context Free

Research is supposed to be conducted independent of context, be free of societal or cultural

values, and the researcher is detached from, or not involved, in the process.

•Reasoning is Logistic and Deductive

You make inferences by going from general premises to specific conclusions.

•Establish Relationship and Causation

What type of research establishes relationships and causation?

Experimental research, often called true experimentation, uses the scientific method to establish
the cause-effect relationship among a group of variables that make up a study.

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