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Quantities Involved
Q = Amount of heat loss or gained(J)
m = Mass of the body(kg)
dt = change in temperature(oC)
t1 = Initial temperature
t2 = Final temperature
s = Specific heat capacity of body(JKgoC)

J to KJ ( divide by 1000)
KJ to J ( multiply by 1000)

1. Name 2 thermometric liquids.
2. Name the device used for measuring heat.
3. Name the instrument used for measuring heat.
4. State 2 properties of body that affects its heat capacity.
5. Define 1 calorie heat.
6. The specific heat capacity of mercury is 138J/kgoC. What does that mean?
7. Name 2 thermometric liquids.
8. Define heat on the basis of molecular motion.
9. In which 2 factors does the heat gain or loss by any object depend upon?
10.Write the relation between heat gain or loss by a body with its surface area.
11.What is heat equation?
12.Write the boiling point and freezing point of mercury.
13.Define heat energy in terms of kinetic energy of molecules.
14.Define specific heat capacity.
15.On what principle does a thermometer is based on?
16.Name 2 thermometric liquids.
17.Write the boiling point and freezing point of alcohol at normal pressure.
18.Define heat energy.
19.Write the definition of 1 calorie heat.

20. Two objects A and B have equal masses but the specific heat capacity of A
is greater then B . Whose temperature will increase more if 400J of heat is
sepecified to each? Why?
21. Write 2 differences between heat and temperature.
22. Why is desert very cold during the night and very hot during the day? Give
23.Oil cannot be used in thermometers. Give 2 reasons.
24.What is meant by the specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/Kg oC?
25.Alcohol thermometers can measure the temperature of an ice but cannot
measure the boiling point of water. Why?
26. Which thermometer is suitable to measure the temperature of mountain
region? Write with reasons?
27. During the winter season animals sit into curls why?
28.Write 2 differences between clinical and laboratory thermometer.
29. Nowadays clinical thermometer are replaced by digital thermometers
30.A substance having specific heat capacity of

31. 2075 SP Q.No. 5

10 kg of water at 80oC cools faster than 15 kg of water at the same temperature
kept in the identical vessels. Why?
32. 2074 supp Q.No. 4
Write 2 differences between heat and temperature.
33. 2074 MA Q.No. 5
Why is water used to cool down the hot engines of vehicles?
34. 2074 MP/SP Q.No. 4
Study the given table and answer the following questions
Substances Specific heat capacity
X 138 J/kgoC
Y 380 J/kgoC
Z 470 J/kgoC

I. Which one of these three substances of same masses needs more energy to
maintain same temperature and why?
II. Which one gets cooled faster, if equal mass of these three substances are
heated to maintain same temperature and then they are exposed in the
37. 2073 PU Q.No. 3a
Write the relationship between heat gain or heat loss by a body with its changed
temperature. Why do we wear warm clothes in winter?
38. 2073 MA Q.No.3a
If equal amount of heat energy is given to two objects with equal mass, there will
be difference in temperature. Why?
39. . 2073 MP Q.No.3a
What is the reason for saying ‘heat is a cause and temperature as its effect’?
40. 2072 MA/2066 Supp2066 PU Q.No. 3a
Write 2 differences between heat and temperature. What is the meaning of the
specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kgoC.
41. 2072 PA Q.No. 3a
The night of desert is very cold and day is very hot write the cause.
42. 2072 MP Q.No. 3b
What is the cause for using water to cool the hot engines? If 2 equal sized beakers
one having water and other having paraffin oil are heated equally which beaker
gains more temperature ? Why?

43. 2078 KP Q.No. 16
I. How we can utilize the high specific heat capacity of water for heating our
II. 200g of water at 30oC in a tray gets changed into water at 0oC when it is
placed inside the deep freezer of a refrigerator for sometimes. Calculate
the heat released by the water in this process.
44. 2075 Supp Q.No. 15
Hot water of mass 10 kg at 90oC is mixed for bathing purpose with 20 kg of water
at 20oC. What will be the final temperature of water?
45. 2075 PI Q.No. 15
Prove that heat loss or gain by an object is equal to the product of mass of object,
specific heat capacity and change in temperature.
46. 2075 BP Q.No. 15
If 3 liquids A,B and C having equal masses are taken in 3 same size of beakers and
exposed in sunlight. After 10 minutes the increased temperature in each is given
in the table below.

Liquid Increased temperature

A 10 oC
B 8 oC
C 6o C

I. Which liquid has highest specific heat capacity? Why?

II. If all the 3 liquids are heated to same temperature and put in the same
beakers separately. Which one cools down faster? Why?

47. 2075 LP Q.No. 16

If a heater with power 2000W runs one hour, it gives 4.2*10 7 KJ heat. What will
be the final temperature of 20 kg of water with temperature 40 oC by that heat?
(Specific heat capacity of water is 4200 J/kgoC)
48. 2073 Supp Q.No. 3a
If a body of mass 10 kg required 100 KJ of heat energy to raise its temperature
from 5oC to 25oC . What is its specific heat capacity?
49. 2073PU Q.No. 3a
How much heat energy is required to boil the water of mass 5 kg having 20 oC
temperature at the sea level?
50. 2073 MA Q.No. 3a
Calculate the amount of heat required to increase the temperature of 200gm of
water from 10oC to 90oC?

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