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Coding Assignment
Marks [10]
Deadline: Tuesday midnight 11:59 pm
Write a program code which,
• Inputs the size of array in a variable
• Declares these arrays: Name [ ] Mark [ ] Grade[ ]
• Inputs the names and marks in the respective arrays
• Finds the grade for each student and stores in Grade Array
Grading criteria could be:
A for 80 and above,
B for 70 and above,
C for 60 and above,
U for below 60
• Print the arrays with suitable msg (e.g Alain got 68 marks, and the grade is C)
• Prints the highest mark with the name of the student who got the highest
• Prints the class average
• Count the grades and print the percentages of A,B,C and U grades

Take a screenshot of your working code and upload on teams

Attach the complete screenshot showing your code along with output.
Print the first line with your name e.g.
“This code is produced by Abdullah Ahmed of 12 C”

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