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Government of lndia
Department of Public En terprises
Ministry of Heavy Industries & Public Enterprises

D.O. No. 11011/2/2017-Genl.(DPE)

21" March, 2018

important role in
The Central PubliC Sector Enterprises have been playing an
Government has
the de\/eIopment of the core and strategic sectors of the economy.
drawn up a broad vision of 'New lndia - 2022‘ for rapid social and economic
transformation of the country. There is
an urgent need to align the working and
their contributions towards
priorities of CPSES With this vision in order to maximize
nation building.

2. The Department of Public Enterprises

the role and functioning of CPSEs in a coordinated an exercise for re-defining
collaborative, consultative and holistiC
manner. This invol'ved extensive discussions on prescribed agenda points amongst
relevant stakeholders, viz. Chief Executives, Directors, Government nominee
Directors, employees of CPSEs and other senior officers of administrative Ministries.
CPSE ConcIa've which is being
This consultative process will culminate in a day long
organized on 9* April, 2018 (Monday) at Vigyan Bha\ New Delhi. Hon’ble Prime
Minister has kindly consented to preside o'ver the Session where presentations will
this exercise. Thèse
be made on the recommendations which have emerged from
of New lndia
deliberations will lead to an actionable road map to achieve the targets
- Vision 2022
aîso ensure
3. I would like to inVite you to participate in the CPSE Conclave and
that GoVernment Directors of Ministry/Department and all Directors (functional,
government, non-official) of CPSEs under the administrative control of
being sent
Ministry/Department attend the Conclave. The formal invitation cards are

With regards,
Yours sincerely,

To Secretaries of all administrative

Public Enterprises Bhavan, Block 14, CGO C omplex, Lod i Road, New Delhi-110003
Tel. : 011-24366171 Fax : 011-24362613 E-maiI : secy-dpe 0 Website : www.d pe.

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