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Ім’я та прізвище: __________________________________________________________ Клас: ____

1 Match words 1–6 with words A–F to form collocaBons.
1 swollen A nose
2 food B drops
3 runny C trafficking
4 eye D wrist
5 drug E aid
6 first F poisoning
___ /6
2 Read the definiBons and write the correct words. The first leIers have been given.
1 what the top part of your leg is called: t__________
2 a wide finger at the side of your hand is called a t__________
3 you get these on your skin when you get burnt or wear very Sght shoes: b__________
4 an infecSous illness in which you get many red spots all over your body: m__________
5 medicines that people take when something hurts: p__________
6 a vehicle for moving around for people who cannot walk: a w__________
7 a place where you visit a doctor or a denSst: a s__________
___ /7
3 Translate the Ukrainian parts of the sentences into English.
1 I (крутиться голова) _____________________ – I think I’m going to faint.
2 Susan (зламала руку) _____________________ while she was playing volleyball.
3 I feel terrible, I don’t know (co mi dolega відбувається) _____________________ with me.
4 Sue is allergic to cheese – she (з’являється висипння) _____________________ when she eats it.
5 You (виглядаєш блідим) _____________________. Are you feeling all right?
6 If you want to lose weight, you have to (обмежити) _____________________ fa`y foods.
7 Sam hurt his knee and had to (зробити рентген) _____________________.
___ /7

TOTAL: ___ /20 EXTENDED ___ /30

4 Complete the news report with the correct words. Some leIers have been given.
The Ministry of Health has issued a warning against a swine flu epidemic in Asia. This is an extremely (1) c_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _s
disease. The vicSms first feel slightly off- (2) c_ _ _ _r, then they complain of pains in the chest and (3) b_ _ _ _ _d vision. All
returnees from Asia who noSce these symptoms are asked to contact the nearest hospital to (4) d_ _ _ _ _ _e the problem.
The paSents need to (5) u_ _ _ _ _o treatment as soon as possible.
___ /5
5 Complete the sentences with the correct words.
1 My aunt oken suffers from migraines – splilng _________ which come and go for no reason whatsoever.
2 I feel a bit under the _________ – I must have caught a bug.
3 It has recently been reported that most _________ , the doctors who treat children, are female.
4 Blood goes to your heart through tubes called _________.
5 The drug addict died aker he took a massive _________ of heroin.
___ /5

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