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Basic level UNIT TEST A 03

Name and surname: __________________________________________________________ Grade: ____

1 EXAM TASK You will hear twice six extracts. For the following quesEons (1-6) choose the answer (A-C) that fits best
according to what you hear.

Text 1. Text 4.
1 The speakers think that Tina isn’t coming to the 4 What cycling equipment is Tom going to buy first?
aerobics class today because A A helmet.
A she has hurt her knee. B Gloves.
B she is revising for exams. C A saddle.
C she has given up aerobics. Text 5.
Text 2. 5 Who are the speakers?
2 The speaker usually watches A Gym instructors.
A big interna>onal sports events. B PE teachers.
B unusual and extreme sports. C Medical doctors.
C local football games. Text 6.
Text 3. 6 Which sentence describes the recording?
3 What does the speaker think of ice climbing? A Someone is adver>sing a school sports day.
A He says he would like to try it himself. B Someone is announcing a change in the programme of
B He doesn’t understand why some people do it. a school sports day.
C He thinks that this sport may give a lot of sa>sfac>on. C Someone is describing a compe>>on during a school
sports day.
___ /6
2 EXAM TASK Read the following text. Match each paragraph (1-4) with the correct heading (A-F). There are two
extra headings that you do not need to use.

A A source of emo>ons D A need for a show

B A danger to others E entertainment for the whole family
C Feeling part of a group F Too keen on sports

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Basic level UNIT TEST A 03


1 ___
I think people love spectacles. We go to see plays, concerts, films and all kinds of performances. Sport is especially
atrac>ve to us because it involves compe>>on and we enjoy watching our favourites win a gold medal. In my opinion,
we are compe>>ve by nature and that’s why so many people are interested in doing or watching sports. Sports
organisa>ons understand this need for entertainment and have turned spor>ng events into big business.
2 ___
I’m really into sports, especially athle>cs, so of course, I always look forward to watching the Olympic Games every four
years. I think that watching sports can give us a lot of posi>ve energy and make us op>mis>c about life. It’s very moving
when you watch professional sportspeople do their best during the compe>>ons and you share with them the joy of
victory and the tears of failure.
3 ___
I occasionally watch sports on TV just like I might go to see a good film at the cinema or read a good book. For me, it’s
just a form of entertainment. What I can’t understand about watching sports, though, is that it becomes an obsession
for some people and it is the only thing they can really talk about. They can’t just enjoy sports without going crazy
about them.
4 ___
I’ve been a great fan of football ever since I can remember. When I was a kid, I used to go to watch our local football
team with my parents, but now I usually go to matches with my friends. I believe that people oxen iden>fy with the
group around them. They support their local clubs for much the same reason why they watch games played by their
na>onal team. The teams represent us in a compe>>on and it feels great to share the emo>ons of a spor>ng event with
other spectators.
___ /4
3 Read the definiEons and write the correct words.
1 a sport in which people use boats and oars to race against each other: r________
2 loose trousers and top which people wear to prac>se sports: t________
3 a person who makes the decisions during some games: r________
___ /3
4 Complete the sentences with the correct verbs.
1 When I first tried to play tennis, I couldn’t _________ the ball properly.
2 He took a shot but he didn’t _________ a goal.
3 I like mar>al arts, so I’d like to _________ karate or judo.
4 He’s planning to _________ the world record during the next championships.
___ /4
5 Complete the sentences with the correct preposiEons.
1 He decided to take _________ Nordic walking because he was feeling terribly unfit.
2 She goes to aerobics classes twice a week to keep fit and get rid _________ stress.
3 I try to keep fit _________ working out regularly.
___ /3
6 Write sentences using the ideas below.
1 Скажіть, що на передньому плані Ви бачите двох людей, які тренуються на тренажері.
2 Скажіть, що людина на фотографії виглядає надто виснаженою.
3 Скажіть, що люди на фотографії здаються дуже щасливими.
___ /3
7 Read the wriEng task and answer the quesEons 1–2 in full sentences.

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Basic level UNIT TEST A 03

Ви щойно повернулися зі спортивного табору. Напишіть лист другові/подрузі з Шотландії, в

• напишіть, яким видом спорту Ви займалися у таборі,
• висловіть свою думку щодо табору.
1 What ac>vi>es did you do during the camp?
2 Did you enjoy the camp? Why? Why not?
___ /2
8 EXAM TASK Read the following text. Fill in the gaps (1-5) with the correct answer (A-C) to obtain a logical and
grammaEcally correct text.

Have you heard of a most unusual spor>ng ac>vity called ‘extreme ironing’? The ac>vity (1)___ taking an ironing
board and a wireless iron to extreme loca>ons, where the par>cipants iron a piece of clothing. If you want to take
(2)___ this ac>vity, you’ll need good skills in a range of sports, such as rock climbing, running, skiing and even scuba
The story of extreme ironing began in 1997 with a man called Phil Shaw. Axer he had come home from work one day,
Phil wanted to (3)___ rock climbing, but also had a pile of clothes that needed ironing. So he decided to combine the
two ac>vi>es and ‘extreme ironing’ was born. A few years later, the ac>vity had become so popular that in 2002, the
first interna>onal event, called the extreme Ironing World Championships, was (4)___ in Germany.
Since the ac>vity was started in 1997, extreme ironing adventures have taken (5)___ in some very dangerous
loca>ons, including mountains, forests, Arc>c areas and even the middle of a motorway.

1 A combines B connects C involves

2 A away B up C down
3 A take B go C play
4 A held B taken C done
5 A part B care C place
___ /5
You helped in organizing a local sports event for children. In your blog,

• explain why you decided to take part in organizing Hi everyone!

this event and what you did, Last weekend I helped to organise a sports event for local
• tell about the compeEEons, children.
• tell what role sport plays in your life. _______________________________________________

Write at least 100 words. _______________________________________________

Anyway, that’s all for now.

Зміст Структура, зв’язніть та Лексичне Граматична Разом

логічність наповнення правильність
___ /6 ___ /4 ___ /2 ___ /2 ___ /14

РАЗОМ: ___ /44

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