Dieant Plan

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et me tell you how to lose 20kg quickly-

1. Wake up before 8 in the morning, the earlier the better.

2. Now, Go for a normal walk for 20–30 minutes. If you don't have a friend to go
with you, put on your headphones and go alone.
3. Now, after coming back from the morning walk make these three drinks at
home- (the good thing is all the ingredients required are already in your kitchen)
o DRINK 1- Chia seeds(soaked in water the night before)+half a
lemon +half a spoon of honey
o DRINK 2- Warm Water+ Half a lemon (Remember warm water not
boiling water)
o DRINK 3- Boil 1 glass of water. Cut a Small piece of ginger, smash it,
and put it in boiling water. Boil for 5 min. Let it cool and then strain
the water and drink it.
1. Now, sit in the sun for 15 minutes, take some vitamin D, and go on with your
regular day activities. The thing is you will feel full after these 3 drinks. But if you
feel hungry have an apple or a banana or whatever fruit you like (have only one,
not more than one)
2. Now For the Lunch-
3. You can have anything. One day you can have One bowl of rice and one bowl of
Daal+ Salad. Another day you can have Roti + sabji curd. The Next day you can
have besan ka chilla. (Homemade Indian food is the best)
Note: You will not be having ghee or sweets or anything junk, that's the rule- you want to
lose 20kgs don't you?

1. Now in the evening around 4 or 5, you will be having a cup of green tea. Now
don't just go buying any green tea. Rishi Tea Sencha Green Tea is the best one
that helps in weight loss. Drink one cup of green tea with half a piece of lemon
in it.
2. Now, there is one more thing that I want you to do. I want you to go for an
evening walk for at least 20 minutes. Spend time in the park just walking and
looking around (you can take a friend along)
3. So, that's all and you are done for the day, no eating after 5.30. I know it might
be hard to follow this diet but if you actually want to lose weight you will have to
make some adjustments in your daily life.
Now, that we are done with the diet plan, there is more to it. Just follow the rule mentioned-

1. Drink a lot of water okay and I am not here to tell you how many glasses
because everybody is different. Don’t drink water immediately after a meal.
2. Also, there is a major cause of weight gain and that is stress. We all go through
it, and it’s normal to have stress. Let’s be real we cannot avoid it, it keeps coming
again and again. What I want you to do is start doing meditation. You can start
by doing it wherever you are- in your bed, just sitting for 5 minutes and relaxing,
concentrating on your breathing. Even if you don't want to do it- force yourself
to do it. And slowly when you will get used to it, then increase your time. You
can find a guided meditation on YouTube, it's that easy. Trust me it will help you
in the long run.
3. Another habit that I want you to cultivate is sleeping between 10 to 11 pm. We
all have the habit of scrolling Instagram reels late at night and it is very addictive.
It does us no good, and adds no value to our lives.
4. Don't forget to soak half a spoon of chia seeds in a glass of water before going

to bed.😊
5. Every body is different, you will find a lot of differences in your body by

following this routine. Just don't give up okay👍

6. If you want to join the gym it is totally optional, I just want you to follow a

healthy lifestyle. Good luck 🤞

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