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Essay about Globalization

Globalization is as old as the first civilization started. At the same time, it’s been
continuing to prosper up to the current, modern times. Basically, it is almost like a ticking
clock--time of similarly which makes the world run non-stop. Globalization does not only pertain
to the world view of capitalism but extends to the variables of forces and factors that coexist
whether foreseeable or not, impeded or not, between nation-state boundaries in the world.
These forces are the fuel made from the states’ interactions and relations, and the factors are
the components considered in order to make these relations happen. Now, the components
widely range from how technology shaped transportation, communication, labor, politics, and
information in multiforms. For example, container ships for trade [before] and now, for
transportation of goods. Not only this, moreover, it also deals with other issues like pollution,
climate change, new diseases, terrorism, political and military forces as well as
controversialities: religion, culture, values and human rights. So, in the most condensed form of
explanation, humanity’s way of living and what they produced from and through technology all
play a role in the process of globalization. However, with certain ideas and inevitable “natural”
causes globalization disintegrates from its purpose as some organizations seek to block or
discontinue it from developing in their own state--this is often deemed as anti-globalization.
Anti-globalization contradictingly is a big part of globalization; a known global issue like terrorism
contribute to this large movement

Globalization largely influences the economy for the most part, as simultaneously,
anti-globalized practices also do as well. The rise and decline of economic growth and
development in a nation-state are determined both by the success of relations made between
countries and its beneficiary correspondence of its government and population. Hence, what I
think the majority is that these two key elements reflect the status of a country. However, in
some instances, when the democratic competency is threatened whether by the people or the
government, even by outside-boundary forces, then that is where the anti-globalization
movement paves its circumstances. Since by definition, it happens through the opposing of
global power and development. When a nonconformist action is imposed, it may cause
disruption to the ideals of a nation, therefore preventing globalization from happening. Although
being globalized really is centered in having the best intentions--geared with progressive
technology, social influence and beneficiary consensus--sometimes it is controlled by the wrong
hands or done for such misleading purposes. In these cases, people in positions of power have
access to these means and in return, the citizens being affected by their decisions either try to
cease this operation i.e., acts of protest/resistance or authorities enforcing state terrorism, which
is exactly what anti-globalization entails. Personally, I think the idea of globalization is great in its
nature, not to mention its vast beneficial effects and the progressive state of living it provides for
the people i.e. rich culture and economy. But one thing is that when it already compromises a
lot/majority, then it may cause a problem when overlooked.
After learning how globalization originated and continued throughout human existence,
and also by relating it to the concept of time, it is in fact valuable. As time is also valuable. Yet
sometimes we neglect it--we don’t realize its importance since it’s just constantly happening. All
of these forces and factors connect to its way of utilization through methods and governance
brought by the authorities and power. So you see it all substantially relates to politics and
governance. Society also contributes to this accordingly by the influence of culture and new
ideas, formation of unified viewpoints/stances, and intellect and solutions. Therefore all
elements generally work together to get the full effects of globalization in the present and the
future. In context as aforementioned in the previous paragraph, globalization can have
wonderful results such as the reflections of economic progress in a nation-state but in
unfortunate cases, some who are in power rather abuse this to an advantage in hindsight. As it
should, citizens should also have a radical position that should also be considered under all of
this as they are largely affected.

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