Chris Bio Transport in Plant Questions

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1 Which graph shows most clearly what will happen to the rate of transpiration as humidity



rate of rate of
transpiration transpiration

humidity humidity


rate of rate of
transpiration transpiration

humidity humidity

2 The diagram shows a potted plant and the same plant 24 hours later.

24 hours

What causes the change in the appearance of the plant?

A Water loss is greater than water uptake.

B Water moves from the leaves to the stem.
C Water uptake is equal to water loss.
D Water uptake is greater than water loss.
3 By which process is water lost from a leaf?

A active transport
B diffusion
C osmosis
D photosynthesis

4 The lower end of a plant stem is placed in water coloured with red dye. After three hours, the
stem is cut as shown in the diagram.

Which labelled region is stained red?

5 What is transported in the phloem and what is the direction of transport?

A starch, up and down

B starch, up only
C sucrose, down and up
D sucrose, down only

6 In which order does water pass through the cells of a plant, as the water travels from the roots to
a leaf?

A mesophyll cells → root hair → root cortex → xylem

B root cortex → root hair → xylem → mesophyll cells

C root hair → mesophyll cells → root cortex → xylem

D root hair → root cortex → xylem → mesophyll cells
7 The diagram shows a plant shoot and the same shoot six hours later.

plant shoot same shoot six hours later

Which change in environmental conditions could cause this change in the shoot?

A a decrease in available water

B a decrease in light intensity
C a decrease in wind speed
D an increase in humidity

8 A celery stalk is placed in a beaker of blue dye. Once the dye reaches the leaves, the stalk is
taken out and cut in half.

celery stalk


blue dye

Which diagram shows the appearance of the cut end of the stalk?


blue dye blue dye blue dye
9 The diagram shows a cross-section through a plant root.

Q shows the part that is stained red when the root is placed in water containing a red dye.

What is found at Q?

A guard cells
B palisade cells
C phloem
D xylem

10 Which processes produce a continuous space for the flow of water in xylem vessels?

11 Some liquid is collected from the xylem in the stem of a plant.

What is present in the liquid?

A cellulose
B inorganic ions
C starch
D sugar

12 What is a function of phloem?

A translocation
B transpiration
C storage of food
D support
13 The diagram shows part of the trunk of a small tree with a ring of bark removed. Removing the
ring of bark takes away phloem but leaves the xylem intact.


ring of bark xylem

removed here


What effect will removing the bark have on the two branches?

14 The table shows some characteristics of four different plants.

The plants are growing in the same environmental conditions.

Which plant will have the highest rate of transpiration?
15 A decrease in which factor normally causes transpiration rate to increase?

A humidity
B light intensity
C stomatal opening
D temperature

16 What is the path of water through a plant?

A cortex cells → xylem → stomata → roots

B root hair → xylem → mesophyll cells → stomata

C roots → cortex cells → stomata → phloem

D roots → root hair → stomata → xylem

17 In which order does water pass through these tissues in a plant?

A mesophyll → xylem → root cortex

B root cortex → mesophyll → xylem

C root cortex → xylem → mesophyll

D xylem → mesophyll → root cortex

18 The diagram shows two shoots at the start of an experiment on transpiration.

shoot X shoot Y

spring balance

30 g 30 g


What are the likely readings on the spring balances after three days?

shoot X shoot Y

A 30 g 30 g
B 30 g 25 g
C 25 g 30 g
D 25 g 25 g

19 Which statements about plant transpiration are correct?

plants transpire most when plants transpire least when

A air is dry temperature is high

B light intensity is high air is humid
C light intensity is low temperature is low
D temperature is cold light intensity is high

20 The table shows the rate of water flow through a tree over a 12 hour period.

What conclusion can be drawn from the table?

A Between 7:00 and 17:00 hours the rate of flow continuously increases.
B The greatest increase in rate of flow in a two-hour period is between 11:00 and 13:00 hours.
C Water does not flow up through a tree at night.
D Water flow is affected by humidity.
21 Which words correctly complete the following sentence?

‘Transpiration is the ……1…… of water at the surface of the ……2…… cells followed by the
……3…… of water vapour from the plant ……4…… .’

22 What could increase the rate of water uptake by a shoot?

A covering the shoot with a black plastic bag

B covering the shoot with a clear plastic bag
C removing the leaves from the shoot
D shining a bright light onto the shoot

23 The diagram shows how water is lost from a leaf.

water vapour

By which process is the water lost?

A osmosis
B photosynthesis
C translocation
D transpiration
24 The diagram shows a cross-section through a plant stem.

Q shows the part that is stained red when the stem is placed in water containing a red dye.

What is found at Q?

A guard cells
B palisade cells
C phloem
D xylem

25 The graph shows how the rate of transpiration is affected by X.

rate of

What is X?

A humidity
B light intensity
C soil moisture
D temperature
26 In what form does a plant absorb and lose water?

27 In which order does water pass through these structures in a plant?

A mesophyll → root hair → xylem

B mesophyll → xylem → root hair

C root hair → mesophyll → xylem

D root hair → xylem → mesophyll

28 Which two substances are transported in the phloem?

A amino acids and protein

B amino acids and sucrose
C protein and starch
D starch and sucrose

29 What is a description of transpiration?

A exchange of gases between the leaf and the atmosphere

B loss of water vapour from the leaves and stems of a plant
C movement of water from the roots to the leaves
D movement of water through the cells of the leaf
30 The diagram shows the stem of a plant. A strip of the outer tissue including the phloem has been



How is transport in the plant affected?

A Amino acids and sucrose cannot pass to the roots.

B Dissolved salts cannot pass to the leaves.
C Water cannot pass to the leaves.
D Water cannot pass to the roots.

31 The diagram shows a plant.

What is the pathway taken by most of the water absorbed by this plant?




32 The diagrams show stages in the passage of water through a plant.

The circles are the starting points for arrows to show the direction in which the water moves.

Which circle must have an arrow pointing downwards only?

33 Translocation occurs in phloem tubes. Aphids feed on the contents of phloem tubes.

What type of food would be lacking in their diet?

A amino acid
B fat
C sucrose
D water
34 Which two functions does xylem perform?

absorption conduction contraction support

A     key
B     = performs
C     = does not perform

35 The diagram shows cells from a storage organ of a flowering plant after they have been stained
with iodine solution.

Structures X stain black.

What does this show that structures X contain?

A chlorophyll
B fat
C starch
D sugar

36 What shows the correct translocation of carbohydrate in a potato plant that is growing in bright
37 Which conditions of humidity, light intensity and temperature make transpiration slowest?

38 The diagram shows how the appearance of a potted plant changes over a period of four days.

Which environmental conditions are most likely to cause this change?

39 The table shows four substances and the parts of the plant to which they are transported.

substance part of plant

1 amino acids flower buds

2 carbon dioxide leaf cells
3 sucrose root cells
4 water stomata

Which are examples of translocation?

A 1 an
a B 1 and 3 C 2 and 4 D 3 and 4
1 Rhabdostyla is a single-celled organism that has no cell wall and no chlorophyll.

(a) Gases are exchanged across the cell membrane of Rhabdostyla.


the gas produced by Rhabdostyla ....................................................................................

the process that produces the gas ...................................................................................

the method of removal of the gas .....................................................................................


Rhabdostyla lives in freshwater habitats, such as ponds, lakes and rivers.

Freshwater has a very low concentration of solutes.

Rhabdostyla has a contractile vacuole that fills with water and empties at intervals as shown in
Fig. 4.1. The contractile vacuole removes excess water.

vacuole expels
excess water

not drawn to scale

Fig. 4.1

(b) Explain, using the term water potential, why Rhabdostyla needs to remove excess water.







........................................................................................................................................... [3]
In an investigation, individual Rhabdostyla were placed into different concentrations of sea water.
The rate of water excreted by the contractile vacuole of each organism was determined. The results
are shown in Fig. 4.2.





rate of
excreted 10
/ µm3 s–1

0 4 12
concentration of sea water / %

Fig. 4.2

(c) Explain the results shown in Fig. 4.2.







........................................................................................................................................... [3]
(d) Single-celled organisms with cell walls do not have contractile vacuoles. Suggest why.







........................................................................................................................................... [3]

[Total: 12]
2 Water moves into plants from the soil and exits through the leaves.

(a) Explain how water moves from the soil into the root.










Water reaches the leaves from the roots through the xylem. Fig. 4.1 shows images of stomata
on the lower surfaces of leaves of two varieties of olive plant, A and B. Both are shown at the
same magnification.


Fig. 4.1

(b) (i) Describe the function of stomata.





(ii) Compare the density of stomata between the two varieties of olive plant, A and B, shown
in Fig. 4.1.






(iii) Under identical environmental conditions the rate of water uptake in plant A is higher
than plant B.

Explain why.








(c) The density of stomata is an example of a leaf adaptation to the environmental conditions.

State two other adaptations of leaves for survival in a dry environment.





(d) Water lost from the leaves enters the atmosphere.

Describe how water is recycled from the atmosphere back to the roots.






[Total: 15]
3 Ecologists study plants and animals in their natural environment.
Some ecologists inserted probes into the water-conducting tissue in trees, as shown in Fig. 4.1.
The ecologists measured the time taken for water to move up from probe 1 to probe 2.

tree probe 2
probe 1

data logger

Fig. 4.1

(a) (i) Name the water-conducting tissue into which the two probes were inserted.

..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(ii) Describe how the structure of this water-conducting tissue is adapted to its function.





..................................................................................................................................... [2]
(b) Explain the mechanism of water movement from the roots up the tree to the leaves.









............................................................................................................................................. [4]
(c) Fig. 4.2 shows the rate of water conduction up three different trees in a forest over 24 hours.


tree A

rate of water
/ dm3 per hour

tree B


tree C
0 4 8 12 16 20 24
time / h

Fig. 4.2

(i) Describe the rate of water conduction in tree A, during this 24 hour period.
You will gain credit for using the data in Fig. 4.2 to support your answer.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]
(ii) Suggest how the ecologists used the data in Fig. 4.2 to calculate the total volume of
water used by a tree in 24 hours.


..................................................................................................................................... [1]

(iii) In Fig. 4.2, tree A is a tall tree, tree B is a medium-height tree and tree C is a short tree.
Suggest reasons for the different rates of water conduction in the three trees.







..................................................................................................................................... [3]

(d) Loggers often cut down the tall trees in a forest.

Describe the effects on the forest ecosystem of cutting down trees.









............................................................................................................................................. [4]

[Total: 18]
1 Fig. 4.1 shows a cross section of part of a stem of buttercup, Ranunculus.

Fig. 4.2 is an outline drawing of one vascular bundle from the stem of Ranunculus.

Fig. 4.1

Fig. 4.2

(a) Draw and label the position of the xylem and the phloem in the outline of the vascular
bundle in Fig. 4.2. [2]

(b) Name the carbohydrate that is transported in the phloem.

(c) Substances transported in the phloem are carried upwards in the stem at some times
of the year and downwards at other times.

Explain why substances are transported in the phloem upwards at one time of the year
and downwards at another.


(d) Define the term transpiration.

(e) The rattan palm is a plant that climbs on rainforest trees to heights of about 40 metres.

Explain how water is moved to the tops of tall plants, such as the rattan palm.


[Total: 14]
2 This question is about transport in plants.

(a) Two pea plants, D and E, were supplied with substances containing the radioactive
isotopes, carbon-14 (14C) or phosphorus-32 (32P), as shown in Fig. 4.1.

A leaf of plant D was exposed to radioactive carbon dioxide.

Plant E was placed into a solution containing radioactive phosphate ions.

growing point flower


clear plastic
nutrient nutrient solution
bag with added
solution with added
carbon dioxide
phosphate ions

plant D plant E
Fig. 4.1

After several hours the plants were analysed for the presence of the radioactive isotopes.

Sucrose containing 14C was found throughout plant D.

Compounds containing 32P were found throughout plant E.

Complete Table 4.1 to show:

• the tissue in which each substance is transported;

• one possible sink for each substance.

Table 4.1

pea plant D
ucrose ph ions
(b) State one substance, other than sucrose, that is produced in leaves and translocated
to other parts of the plant.


(c) Outline how sucrose is produced from carbon dioxide in pea plants.


(d) State two uses of sucrose within a pea plant.

2 [2]

(e) Explain how ions, such as phosphate ions, are absorbed by plant roots.


[Total: 13]
3 (a Define the term growth.


Some students investigated the responses of tomato seedlings to receiving light from one
side (unidirectional light).

The students germinated tomato seeds in the dark and then placed the seedlings in
test-tubes with water. The seedlings were treated in four different ways, E to H, as shown in
Fig. 2.1. The responses of the seedlings are shown in Fig. 2.2.

cover that light cannot get through


Fig. 2.1



Fig. 2.2
(b) Name the response shown by the tomato seedling, F, which has bent 90º towards the


(c) Using the results shown in Fig. 2.2, suggest what conclusions may be made about how
the tomato seedlings detected the stimulus of unidirectional light.
You may refer to the seedlings by the letters E to H.


(d) Explain the advantage of the response shown by seedlings to unidirectional light.


(e) Responses to light are coordinated by plant growth substances known as auxins.

Explain the role of auxins in coordinating the response.

(f) Research workers in India tested the hypothesis that pigments in tomato seedlings
detect blue light. They used a variety of tomato seedling that does not have the ability
to make a certain pigment.

These seedlings and a control group of seedlings were grown in the dark and then
exposed to unidirectional blue light for 360 minutes.

The scientists measured the degree of bending of the seedlings at intervals during the
360 minutes. Their results are shown in Fig. 2.3.

70 group


degree of
bending 40



10 no
0 60 120 180 240 300 360

time / min

Fig. 2.3

(i) Describe the results shown in Fig. 2.3.

(ii) Suggest an explanation for the differences between the responses of the two
groups of seedlings.


[Total: 17]
4 Many growers of crops in glasshouses use carbon dioxide enrichment to improve yields.

(a) Explain the advantages of carbon dioxide enrichment of glasshouses.


Fig. 3.1 shows the carbon dioxide concentrations inside three glasshouses, D, E and F, on
a hot day with bright sunlight.

• Glasshouses D and E received carbon dioxide enrichment and were ventilated by

opening the windows.

• Glasshouse F did not receive any extra carbon dioxide and the windows were closed.

The carbon dioxide concentrations in the glasshouses and in the atmosphere were
measured. The concentration in the atmosphere was 0.039 %.



concentration of concentration of concentration of

CO2 = 0.041 % CO2 = 0.070 % CO2 = 0.020 %

Fig. 3.1

The rate of uptake of carbon dioxide by the crop plants was measured in grams of carbon
dioxide absorbed per square metre of glasshouse per hour. These results are shown in
Table 3.1.
Table 3.1

rate of uptake of carbon dioxide by crop

plants / g per m2 per hour
D 2.5

E 5.7

F 1.0
(b) Suggest why it may not be cost effective to maintain a high concentration of carbon
dioxide in glasshouse E compared to the concentration of carbon dioxide in the


(c) (i) Concentrations of carbon dioxide in all three glasshouses in Fig. 3.1 increased at
night. State why this happened.


(ii) Explain why it is important to ventilate glasshouses by opening the windows.


[Total: 9]
1 A student measured the uptake and release of carbon dioxide from a plant during 24 hours.
It was a very bright, sunny day between sunrise and sunset.

Fig. 2.1 shows the student’s results.

uptake of

no net
or release
release of

0000 0600 1200 1800 2400

time / h
Fig. 2.1
a) Use the information in Fig. 2.1 to state the time that sunrise occurred.


(ii) Using Fig. 2.1, state the times when there is no uptake or release of carbon


2. [1]

(iii) State why plants release carbon dioxide at night.


(iv) Explain why it is important for plants that carbon dioxide uptake during the day is
greater than carbon dioxide released at night.

The yields of tomatoes grown in open fields in India are very low compared with yields of
tomatoes grown in glasshouses in Europe.

In a study, scientists in India grew tomato plants in glasshouses and in open fields nearby.
The growth of the plants and the yields of tomatoes were recorded.

The results are shown in Table 2.1.

Table 2.1

tomato plants grown in

glasshouses open fields

mean final height of
84.1 69.0
tomato plants / cm
mean number of
leaves per tomato 123.0 82.0
mean fresh mass of
988.3 491.7
tomato plants / g
mass of tomatoes
2986.0 818.9
per plant / g
mean fresh mass of
95.0 84.4
tomatoes / g

b) The mean fresh mass of tomatoes grown in glasshouses was greater than the
mean fresh mass of tomatoes grown in open fields.

Calculate the difference in mean fresh mass as a percentage of the mean fresh
mass of tomatoes grown in open fields.

Show your working.

Answer = % [2]
(ii) Suggest how an increase in the height of the plants and the number of leaves on
each plant affects the yield of tomatoes.


(c) The scientists made sure that the only differences between the two groups of plants
were the result of the protection provided by the glasshouses.

Suggest the factors that the scientists should have kept the same for the two groups of
plants in this investigation.


(d) The growth and final yields of crops grown in open fields are often limited by
environmental factors.

Describe how these factors are controlled in commercial glasshouses to give high
yields of crops such as tomatoes.


[Total: 17]
2 Fig. 4.1 is an electron micrograph of part of the lower surface of a leaf. Three stomata are visible.

Fig. 4.1

(a) Name the cells labelled K.


(b) Stomata allow the movement of gases into and out of the leaf. During the daytime oxygen
passes out and carbon dioxide passes in.

(i) Explain why oxygen passes out of the leaf during the daytime.







(ii) Describe the path taken by a carbon dioxide molecule after it has passed through the
stomata during the daytime until it becomes part of a glucose molecule.








(c) Plants that live in different types of habitat have leaves that show adaptations for survival.

Table 4.1 shows some features of the leaves of three species of plant from different types of

Table 4.1

mean stomatal density

individual / number of stomata per mm2
orientation of
species habitat leaf area
the leaves upper lower
/ cm2
epidermis epidermis
annual meadow
grassland vertical 1 – 10 125 135
grass, Poa annua
the surface
white water lily, more than
of ponds and horizontal 460 none
Nymphaea alba 1000
common myrtle,
dry scrubland horizontal 2–4 none 508
Myrtus communis

(i) State how the stomatal density of annual meadow grass differs from the stomatal
densities of the other two species in Table 4.1.





(ii) Suggest explanations for the distribution and density of stomata in white water lily and
common myrtle as shown in Table 4.1.

white water lily ...................................................................................................................






common myrtle ..................................................................................................................






[Total: 14]
3 Fig. 1.1 shows an animal cell and a plant cell as seen with a light microscope.

animal cell plant cell

Fig. 1.1

(a) Table 1.1 shows some structural features of the animal cell and the plant cell in Fig. 1.1.

Complete the table by

• finishing the row for nucleus

• adding three structural features, visible in Fig. 1.1, and indicating whether they are
present (✓) or absent (✗) in the animal cell and in the plant cell.

Table 1.1

structural feature animal cell plant cell

cell wall ✗ ✓


(b) The cells were kept in a dilute salt solution. They were then transferred to distilled water.

Explain what will happen to each of these two cells when they are placed into distilled water.









(c) Magnesium is a plant nutrient. Scientists think that magnesium is involved in the transport of
sucrose from the leaves to the rest of a plant.

(i) Name the tissue that transports sucrose in plants.


The scientists grew some tomato plants with their roots in a solution that contained all the
mineral nutrients that plants require. After a while, the plants were divided into two groups.

• Group A continued to receive the solution containing all the nutrients.

• Group B received a solution that did not contain any magnesium.

After 12 days, measurements were made on the leaves and the results are shown in Fig. 1.2.

3.5 120

3.0 100
rate of movement of 2.5 sucrose concentration
sucrose out of the leaves in the leaves 80
/ arbitrary units 2.0 / arbitrary units

0.5 20

0.0 0
group group

Fig. 1.2
(ii) Describe the effect of magnesium deficiency on the transport of sucrose out of the leaves
and the sucrose concentration in the leaves.

transport of sucrose out of the leaves ................................................................................





concentration of sucrose in the leaves ...............................................................................





(iii) The plants in Group B remained in the magnesium-deficient solution for longer than
12 days. At the end of this time they showed symptoms of magnesium deficiency.

Describe and explain the symptoms that the plants would show.






[Total: 16]
3 The sweet potato plant, Ipomoea batatas, has fibrous roots and storage roots.
Fibrous roots absorb water and ions from the soil. Storage roots store insoluble

Fig. 3.1 shows the growth of these roots on a sweet potato plant.




Fig. 3.1

(a) Explain, using the term water potential, how fibrous roots absorb water.

The membranes of root hair cells contain proteins for the absorption of ions.

(b) Describe how root hair cells are adapted for the absorption of ions.


Sweet potato plants produce flowers to reproduce sexually. Sweet potato plants also
reproduce asexually when shoots grow from the storage roots to form new plants.

Fig. 3.2 shows the life cycle of sweet potato. The diploid number of this species is 90.

adult sweet
potato plant


stamens carpels

male female
germination gametes gametes ............

embryo fertilisation



Fig. 3.2

(c) Complete Fig. 3.2 by writing the number of chromosomes in the three boxes. [2]
(d) State two advantages and one disadvantage of asexual reproduction for plants, such
as sweet potato.

advantage 1

advantage 2



[Total: 11]

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