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-제작옵션: 전체지문으로 보기

워크시트메이커 리딩워크시트 샘플

Q. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 문장삽입(문제지)

01 Mystery from the Seas

1. p10-no.1~4

As a clue, they often traveled with their families and possessions in carts.
The Sea Peoples were responsible for major changes in the Eastern Mediterranean around 1200 BC.
They attacked and destroyed almost all the major powers in the region, including the Hittite Empire,
until their defeat by Egypt. The fall of these major powers helped in the rise of Greek and Roman
civilization. However, the exact identity of the Sea Peoples remains a mystery to this day. (①) The
attacks by the Sea People disrupted the historical records in the region. Almost all the historical
records we have about them are Egyptian records. These say they were several tribes from islands
in the middle of the sea. One main theory is that the Sea Peoples came from today's Greece or
Turkey. The theory is that they were escaping their poor conditions after the fall of their societies.
(②) But their artifacts and weapons don't match well with those of Greece and Turkey of that era.
Another theory is that the Sea Peoples were from the Tyrrhenian region. (③) This includes southern
Italy and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. These certainly qualify as islands in the middle of the
sea. But at least one tribe of Sea People, the Peleset, is thought to be the Philistines from the Old
Testament. They were not from the middle of the sea but from the land next to Egypt. (④) Given
such little historical documentation, the mystery of the Sea Peoples continues. (⑤) 리딩워크시트 샘플

Q. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 문장삽입(해설지)

01 Mystery from the Seas

1. p10-no.1~4

As a clue, they often traveled with their families and possessions in carts.
The Sea Peoples were responsible for major changes in the Eastern Mediterranean around 1200
BC. They attacked and destroyed almost all the major powers in the region, including the Hittite
Empire, until their defeat by Egypt. The fall of these major powers helped in the rise of Greek
and Roman civilization. However, the exact identity of the Sea Peoples remains a mystery to this
day. (①) The attacks by the Sea People disrupted the historical records in the region. Almost all
the historical records we have about them are Egyptian records. These say they were several
tribes from islands in the middle of the sea. One main theory is that the Sea Peoples came from
today's Greece or Turkey. The theory is that they were escaping their poor conditions after the
fall of their societies. (②) But their artifacts and weapons don't match well with those of Greece
and Turkey of that era. Another theory is that the Sea Peoples were from the Tyrrhenian region.
(③) This includes southern Italy and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. These certainly qualify as
islands in the middle of the sea. But at least one tribe of Sea People, the Peleset, is thought to
be the Philistines from the Old Testament. They were not from the middle of the sea but from
the land next to Egypt. (④) Given such little historical documentation, the mystery of the Sea
Peoples continues. (⑤)
해상 민족은 기원전 1200 년경에 지중해 동부의 주요 변화의 원인이 되었다. 그들은 이집트에 의한 패배 때까지, 히타이트
제국을 포함하여 그 지역에 거의 모든 강대국들을 공격해 파괴시켰다. 이런 강대국들의 몰락이 그리스와 로마 문명의 발흥을
도왔다. 그러나 해상 민족의 정확한 정체는 지금까지도 미스터리로 남아 있다. 해상 민족에 의한 공격들은 그 지역의 역사적
기록들을 혼란에 빠뜨렸다. 그들에 관해 우리가 가진 거의 모든 역사적 기록들은 이집트 기록이다. 이것들은 그들이 바다
한가운데 섬들에서 온 몇몇 부족들이었다고 말한다. 하나의 주된 학설은 해상 민족이 오늘날의 그리스나 터키 출신이었다는
것이다. 그 이론은 그 들이 그들 사회의 몰락 이후 열악한 상황을 도망쳐 나오고 있었다는 것이다. 하나의 단서로, 그들은
종종 가족들과 소유물을 수레에 싣고 이동해 다녔다. 하지만 그들의 공예품과 무기들은 그 시대의 그리스와 터키의 것들과
잘 어울리지 않는다. 또 다른 학설은 해상 민족이 티레니안 지역에서 왔다는 것이다. 여기에는 이탈리아 남부 그리고
시칠리아와 사르디니아의 섬들이 포함된다. 이곳들은 분명 바다 한가운데의 섬들로서 자격을 얻는다. 그러나 적어도 해상
민족의 한 부족인 블레셋 족은 구약 성서로부터 블레셋 사람들일 것으로 여겨진다. 그들은 바다 한 가운데서 왔던 것이 아니라
이집트 옆의 육지에서 왔다. 그렇게 적은 역사적 기록 문서를 고려해 볼 때, 해상 민족의 미스터리는 계속되고 있다.

-제작옵션: 한문장씩 보기

워크시트메이커 리딩워크시트 샘플

Q. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 문장삽입(문제지)

01 Mystery from the Seas

1. p10-no.1~4

As a clue, they often traveled with their families and possessions in carts.
The Sea Peoples were responsible for major changes in the Eastern Mediterranean around 1200
BC. They attacked and destroyed almost all the major powers in the region, including the Hittite
Empire, until their defeat by Egypt. The fall of these major powers helped in the rise of Greek and
Roman civilization. However, the exact identity of the Sea Peoples remains a mystery to this day.
The attacks by the Sea People disrupted the historical records in the region. Almost all the
historical records we have about them are Egyptian records. These say they were several tribes
from islands in the middle of the sea. One main theory is that the Sea Peoples came from today's
Greece or Turkey. The theory is that they were escaping their poor conditions after the fall of
their societies.
But their artifacts and weapons don't match well with those of Greece and Turkey of that era.
Another theory is that the Sea Peoples were from the Tyrrhenian region.
This includes southern Italy and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. These certainly qualify as
islands in the middle of the sea. But at least one tribe of Sea People, the Peleset, is thought to be
the Philistines from the Old Testament. They were not from the middle of the sea but from the
land next to Egypt.
Given such little historical documentation, the mystery of the Sea Peoples continues.
(⑤) 리딩워크시트 샘플

Q. 글의 흐름으로 보아, 주어진 문장이 들어가기에 가장 적절한 곳을 고르시오. 문장삽입(해설지)

01 Mystery from the Seas

1. p10-no.1~4

As a clue, they often traveled with their families and possessions in carts.
The Sea Peoples were responsible for major changes in the Eastern Mediterranean around 1200
BC. They attacked and destroyed almost all the major powers in the region, including the Hittite
Empire, until their defeat by Egypt. The fall of these major powers helped in the rise of Greek and
Roman civilization. However, the exact identity of the Sea Peoples remains a mystery to this day.
The attacks by the Sea People disrupted the historical records in the region. Almost all the
historical records we have about them are Egyptian records. These say they were several tribes
from islands in the middle of the sea. One main theory is that the Sea Peoples came from today's
Greece or Turkey. The theory is that they were escaping their poor conditions after the fall of
their societies.
But their artifacts and weapons don't match well with those of Greece and Turkey of that era.
Another theory is that the Sea Peoples were from the Tyrrhenian region.
This includes southern Italy and the islands of Sicily and Sardinia. These certainly qualify as
islands in the middle of the sea. But at least one tribe of Sea People, the Peleset, is thought to be
the Philistines from the Old Testament. They were not from the middle of the sea but from the
land next to Egypt.
Given such little historical documentation, the mystery of the Sea Peoples continues.

해상 민족은 기원전 1200 년경에 지중해 동부의 주요 변화의 원인이 되었다.

그들은 이집트에 의한 패배 때까지, 히타이트 제국을 포함하여 그 지역에 거의 모든 강대국들을 공격해 파괴시켰다.
이런 강대국들의 몰락이 그리스와 로마 문명의 발흥을 도왔다.
그러나 해상 민족의 정확한 정체는 지금까지도 미스터리로 남아 있다.
해상 민족에 의한 공격들은 그 지역의 역사적 기록들을 혼란에 빠뜨렸다.
그들에 관해 우리가 가진 거의 모든 역사적 기록들은 이집트 기록이다.
이것들은 그들이 바다 한가운데 섬들에서 온 몇몇 부족들이었다고 말한다.
하나의 주된 학설은 해상 민족이 오늘날의 그리스나 터키 출신이었다는 것이다.
그 이론은 그 들이 그들 사회의 몰락 이후 열악한 상황을 도망쳐 나오고 있었다는 것이다.
하나의 단서로, 그들은 종종 가족들과 소유물을 수레에 싣고 이동해 다녔다.
하지만 그들의 공예품과 무기들은 그 시대의 그리스와 터키의 것들과 잘 어울리지 않는다.
또 다른 학설은 해상 민족이 티레니안 지역에서 왔다는 것이다.
여기에는 이탈리아 남부 그리고 시칠리아와 사르디니아의 섬들이 포함된다.
이곳들은 분명 바다 한가운데의 섬들로서 자격을 얻는다.

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