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Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

An integrated fuzzy-stochastic modeling approach for risk assessment of

groundwater contamination
Jianbing Lia,, Gordon H. Huangb,c, Guangming Zengc, Imran Maqsoodd, Yuefei Huange
Environmental Engineering Program, University of Northern British Columbia, Prince George, British Columbia, Canada V2N 4Z9
Faculty of Engineering, University of Regina, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0A2
China-Canada Center of Energy and Environment Research, Hunan University, Changsha, 410082, China
Saskatchewan Environment, Regina, Saskatchewan, Canada S4S 0B1
Department of Hydraulic Engineering, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
Received 13 April 2005; received in revised form 14 December 2005; accepted 14 December 2005
Available online 30 March 2006


An integrated fuzzy-stochastic risk assessment (IFSRA) approach was developed in this study to systematically quantify both
probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties associated with site conditions, environmental guidelines, and health impact criteria. The
contaminant concentrations in groundwater predicted from a numerical model were associated with probabilistic uncertainties due to the
randomness in modeling input parameters, while the consequences of contaminant concentrations violating relevant environmental
quality guidelines and health evaluation criteria were linked with fuzzy uncertainties. The contaminant of interest in this study was
xylene. The environmental quality guideline was divided into three different strictness categories: ‘‘loose’’, ‘‘medium’’ and ‘‘strict’’. The
environmental-guideline-based risk (ER) and health risk (HR) due to xylene ingestion were systematically examined to obtain the general
risk levels through a fuzzy rule base. The ER and HR risk levels were divided into five categories of ‘‘low’’, ‘‘low-to-medium’’,
‘‘medium’’, ‘‘medium-to-high’’ and ‘‘high’’, respectively. The general risk levels included six categories ranging from ‘‘low’’ to ‘‘very
high’’. The fuzzy membership functions of the related fuzzy events and the fuzzy rule base were established based on a questionnaire
survey. Thus the IFSRA integrated fuzzy logic, expert involvement, and stochastic simulation within a general framework. The
robustness of the modeling processes was enhanced through the effective reflection of the two types of uncertainties as compared with the
conventional risk assessment approaches. The developed IFSRA was applied to a petroleum-contaminated groundwater system in
western Canada. Three scenarios with different environmental quality guidelines were analyzed, and reasonable results were obtained.
The risk assessment approach developed in this study offers a unique tool for systematically quantifying various uncertainties in
contaminated site management, and it also provides more realistic support for remediation-related decisions.
r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Contaminated site; Fuzzy set; Risk assessment; Simulation; Stochastic modeling; Uncertainty

1. Introduction ranking the severity of site contamination (CCME, 1996).

However, the insight about risks is limited by the
There are thousands of contaminated industrial sites that randomness inherent in nature and the lack of sufficient
pose significant threats to human health and the natural information related to the chances of risk occurrence
environments in Canada. Risk assessment is a critical and the potential consequences of such occurrence. As a
procedure in the course of related decision-making regard- result, risk assessment is inherently linked with uncertainty
ing effective remediation and management of these (Wagner et al., 1992; Carrington and Bolger, 1998).
polluted sites. It offers sound bases for assessing and Negligence of uncertainty in the assessment procedures
may result in adverse consequences. For instance, over-
Corresponding author. Tel.: +1 250 9606397; fax: +1 250 9605845. design of remediation systems may lead to waste of money
E-mail address: (J. Li). and resources; while underestimation of risks may result in

0301-4797/$ - see front matter r 2006 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
174 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

no actions or limited actions towards the management of were reported to effectively link different types of
sites, and in fact will severely threaten human health and uncertainties in a risk assessment framework. In fact, such
the natural environments. negligence may result in missed information and thus
Previously, a large volume of literature has been impractical decision support. It is imperative that efforts
published on methods for implementing risk assessment be made in developing advanced methodologies that
at contaminated sites under various source and/or aquifer can effectively handle a variety of uncertainties. As an
conditions. For example, Lee et al. (1994) proposed a extension of the previous efforts, the objective of this study
fuzzy-set-based approach to estimate human-health risk is to develop an integrated fuzzy-stochastic risk assessment
from groundwater contamination and evaluate possible (IFSRA) approach that can quantify both probabilistic
regulatory actions; Goodrich and McCord (1995) applied and fuzzy uncertainties associated with site conditions,
Monte Carlo methods to account for parameter uncertain- environmental quality guidelines, and health impact
ties in groundwater flow and solute transport processes, criteria. An attempt will be made to link both types of
and the modeling outputs were then used for exposure uncertainties through the concepts of fuzzy logic and
assessment; Mills et al. (1996) developed a risk-based stochastic analysis, and the developed IFSRA will then be
method to evaluate the allowable levels of soil gasoline- applied to a petroleum-contaminated groundwater system
containing residues in order to protect human health; in western Canada.
Hamed and Bedient (1997) applied the first- and second-
order reliability methods in a risk assessment framework to 2. Probabilistic versus fuzzy reflection of uncertainties in
account for uncertainty; Batchelor et al. (1998) developed a environmental systems
stochastic risk assessment model for a site by representing
relevant parameters as probability distribution functions; Uncertainties can be classified into two broad categories:
Bennett et al. (1998) developed an integrated modeling probabilistic and fuzzy ones (Destouni, 1992; Blair et al.,
system for risk assessment by using Monte-Carlo-based 2001). In the probabilistic (e.g. stochastic) approach,
contaminant transport simulation results; Maxwell et al. probability distributions are used to describe random
(1998, 1999) also developed an integrated system of linked variability in parameters. These distributions are then
groundwater transport modeling and human exposure propagated to the output variables through mathematical
assessment; Lee et al. (2002) applied Monte Carlo models using some statistical sampling algorithms. In the
simulation to estimate health risk in a groundwater- fuzzy set approach, on the other hand, membership
contaminated community after on-site remediation. More functions are used to characterize vagueness in human
recently, a hybrid method has been proposed to combine thoughts. This approach has the power to handle the
probabilistic and fuzzy-set approaches to represent model- concept of ‘‘partial truth’’ to quantify uncertainties
ing parameter uncertainties involved in the risk assessment associated with linguistic variables (Chen and Pham,
process (Li et al., 2003; Liu et al., 2004). For instance, 2001). The rationales behind these two uncertainty-
Guyonnet et al. (2003) integrated the Monte Carlo random manipulation approaches are different (Chen, 2000). For
sampling of probability distribution functions with example, Fig. 1a represents a PDF of soil porosity which is
fuzzy calculus to represent different uncertainties for an important input parameter for groundwater modeling,
estimating the human exposure to soil cadmium at an while Fig. 1b shows a membership function of ‘‘porous
industrial site; Kentel and Aral (2004) conducted a health soil’’ in terms of soil porosity. The area under the porosity
risk analysis of multi-pathway exposure to contaminated PDF curve in an interval is equal to the probability of
water by generating the fuzzy membership functions of porosity assuming any value in that interval, but the
risks and the probability distributions of risks for various probability of assuming a specific value is zero [i.e.
alpha-cut levels of the membership function, where Pðf ¼ 0:35Þ ¼ 0] (Chen, 2000). The total area under the
the pollutant concentration and cancer potency factors PDF curve is equal to 1, meaning that the sum of all the
were treated as fuzzy variables while the remaining probabilities in the sample space is 1. On the other hand,
modeling parameters were treated using probability the area under the membership function curve has no
density functions (PDFs). Some other related studies meaning, while the total area can be less or greater than
can be found in Chen et al. (2003) and Kentel and Aral one. The membership function of porosity can be any value
(2005). between zero and one [i.e. mðf ¼ 0:35Þ ¼ 0:7, meaning that
It was found from the literature review that stochastic the soil with porosity of 0.35 belongs to ‘‘porous soil’’ with
and fuzzy-set techniques were commonly used to accom- a possibility of 0.7].
modate uncertainties associated with risk modeling inputs The probabilistic approach is widely used when sufficient
and outputs. However, most of the previous works have information is available for estimating the probability
only dealt with parameter uncertainties in modeling of distributions of uncertain parameters, while the fuzzy set
contaminant transport, while the uncertainties in environ- method is well suited to deal with uncertainties when
mental quality guidelines and health risk evaluation criteria little information is known (i.e. imprecise knowledge
have received less attention (Minsker and Shoemaker, from descriptions of human language). There have been
1998; Chen et al., 2003). In addition, few previous works a number of environmental applications using either
J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 175

Area under curve Meaningless for area

<1.0 (i.e. =1 under curve

μ (φ)

f (φ)
0.05) 0.7

0.35 φ 0.35 φ
(a) P (φ=0.35) = 0 (b) μ (φ=0.35) = 0.7 ≠ 0

Fig. 1. Comparison of probabilistic (a) and fuzzy (b) uncertainties.

probabilistic or fuzzy set approaches individually during a more realistic evaluation of the related risks due to site
the past years (Dahab et al., 1994; James and Oldenburg, contamination.
1997; Batchelor et al., 1998; Maxwell et al., 1998;
Mohamed and Cote, 1999; Foussereau et al., 2000). 3. Risk assessment of groundwater contamination
However, uncertainty-manipulation through individual
approaches may not be feasible in real-world situations 3.1. Stochastic simulation of contaminant transport
when different information qualities exist for various
parameters. For example, uncertainties in soil parameters Modeling of subsurface pollutant transport requires
associated with a contaminant transport model may be inputs of various physical, chemical, and biological
characterized by probability distributions, while the parameters. However, some fundamental parameters, such
uncertainties in environmental guidelines and health as soil permeability and porosity, are generally difficult to
impact criteria may be fuzzy in nature. Thus, if the acquire with accurate and deterministic values (Labieniec
soil parameter uncertainties are represented through fuzzy et al., 1997). Among various stochastic techniques to
membership functions when they can be adequately quantify uncertainties associated with such parameters, the
described through probabilistic distributions, then some most popular approach has been Monte Carlo simulation
important information may be lost and not captured. which uses repeated executions of a numerical model
On the other hand, if the probabilistic distributions (James and Oldenburg, 1997). Each execution produces a
are used to represent uncertainties that can only be sample output, and the output samples can then be
described by linguistic variables such as risk evalua- examined statistically to determine the related probabilistic
tion criteria, this over-manipulation of input information distributions. In this study, a Monte Carlo simulation
may lead to significant input errors at the very beginning algorithm has been developed and incorporated within a
of modeling efforts. It is thus a challenging problem multiphase multi-component numerical simulator named
to effectively deal with a combination of different UTCHEM which can predict the spatial and temporal
information quality levels for the uncertain inputs in distributions of the concentrations of multiple contami-
modeling procedures. An individual fuzzy or stochastic nants (UTA, 2000; Li et al., 2003). Thus, a stochastic
method can hardly characterize such complexities (Blair modeling system was then developed with the following
et al., 2001). procedures: (a) generate random numbers for each
Risk assessment is a very important component of stochastic input parameter; (b) transform the random
environmental decision making, with various uncertainties numbers to the corresponding random variates based
being associated with it. Since risk can be defined as an on a specified statistical distribution for each parameter;
exposure to undesirable consequences (Piver et al., 1998), it (c) store the generated random variates in an array for each
involves two aspects: exposure and the nature of the parameter; (d) obtain a value from the array for each
undesirable consequences. Therefore, the modeling of parameter and use it as a deterministic input parameter
uncertainty in a risk assessment can be the explicit in the multiphase multi-component numerical model;
quantification of probabilities, possibilities, and potential (e) compute contaminant concentrations through the
undesirable consequences based on all the information numerical model for each Monte Carlo run; (f) store the
available about the risks under consideration (Andricevic resulting outputs of contaminant concentrations from each
and Cvetkovic, 1996). In this study, the uncertainties in Monte Carlo run for further statistical analysis; (g) repeat
parameters associated with a subsurface contaminant steps (a)–(f) for a specified number of Monte Carlo runs;
transport simulation model are assumed to be probabilistic (h) stop computation when all the runs have been done,
in nature, while the uncertainties in evaluation criteria and (i) analyze the contaminant concentrations and
associated with risk assessment are assumed to be fuzzy in compute the statistic moments (i.e. mean and standard
nature. Thus, an integrated fuzzy-stochastic approach will deviation of contaminant concentrations over the number
be developed for addressing such complexities and to offer of Monte Carlo runs for each temporal and spatial unit).
176 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

3.2. General approaches for risk assessment non-carcinogen risk denoted by the HI is defined as lower
than 1.0.
The related risk characterization associated with a
contaminated site can usually be conducted through 4. Integrated fuzzy-stochastic risk assessment
environmental-guideline-based risk assessment (ERA) and
health risk assessment (HRA) (Carrington and Bolger, Fig. 2 illustrates the integrated risk assessment frame-
1998). In this study, the environmental-guideline-based risk work proposed in this study, and the detailed explanations
(ER) is defined as the risk due to violation of environ- are described below.
mental guidelines or regulations, and the health risk (HR)
as the risk of health impacts due to chronic intake of the 4.1. Necessity of linkage between fuzzy and stochastic
contaminant. For the purpose of groundwater contamina- uncertainties
tion risk assessment, the ERA approach is to compare
the contaminant concentration with the corresponding The direct application of environmental risk analysis via
groundwater quality standard. Through Monte Carlo Monte Carlo simulation methods may lead to two
simulation, the probability (PF) under which the contami- potential shortcomings. Firstly, risk analysis using Monte
nant concentration exceeds the quality standard can be Carlo outputs requires that distributions of input para-
described as follows: meters should be precisely specified; secondly, researchers
PF ¼ PðC4C s Þ ¼ 1  F ðC s Þ, (1) mostly assume that input parameters are independent of
one another even though they are obviously not. Although
where C is the contaminant concentration, Cs is the methods to simulate correlations among parameters exist,
groundwater quality standard, and F ðC s Þ is the cumulative they are not detailed enough for further risk quantification,
distribution function (CDF) of contaminant concentration especially when the dependencies are not well known. As a
which can be obtained from Monte Carlo simulation result, uncertainties still exist in the Monte Carlo simula-
results. tion outputs.
In cases when the concentrations are above guidelines The event of a contaminant concentration exceeding the
but there is few exposure, the cleanup may then be corresponding guideline can be regarded as a stochastic
perceived as being not a top priority issue at the site. This one due to randomness in the input parameters. The
situation cannot be characterized by ERA alone. In order occurrence of such an event can be predicted through
to better manage such situations, further HRA is needed. Monte Carlo simulation with the help of the probability
To quantify human health risks, pollutants are character- concept. However, its consequence (i.e. risk) can hardly be
ized as carcinogens and non-carcinogens. HRA includes an characterized by using a probability due to uncertainties in
excess lifetime cancer risk (ELCR) model for assessing Monte Carlo simulation outputs and environmental guide-
carcinogenic risk, and a hazard index (HI) model for non- lines as well as the fact that different people may have
carcinogenic risk. The degree of exposure to a chemical is a different insights regarding risks. Such a consequence is of
function of many variables described as follows (USEPA, a fuzzy nature which can be quantified by a degree of belief
1989, 1992): (e.g. membership function). In fact, risk is related to two
CDI ¼ CW  IR  EF  ED=ðAT  BWÞ, (2) aspects: event-occurrence (i.e. exposure) probability and
the consequences or outcomes associated with such
where CDI is the chronic daily intake (mg/kg day), CW is
occurrence (Finley and Paustenbach, 1997). Systematic
pollutant concentration in groundwater (mg/L), IR is
consideration of any linkage between these two aspects is
human ingestion rate (L/day), EF is exposure frequency
critical for practical and realistic risk assessment.
(days/year), ED is average exposure duration (year), BW is
In this study, the environmental-guideline-based risk is
average body weight (kg), and AT is averaging time
treated as a fuzzy event by categorizing it into ‘‘low’’, ‘‘low-
(AT ¼ 365  ED days). The ELCR and HI can then be
to-medium’’, ‘‘medium’’, ‘‘medium-to-high’’, and ‘‘high’’.
calculated by the following equations:
Each category is associated with different magnitudes of
ELCR ¼ CDI  SF; (3) guideline-violation probability that is obtained from
Monte Carlo simulation outputs. In addition, the guide-
HI ¼ CDI=RfD; (4) lines are categorized into three different-strictness-degree
where SF is a carcinogen slope factor (kg day/mg), and sets, and are also taken into account within the modeling
RfD is a reference dose (mg/kg day). The calculated system for quantifying risk levels. The construction of
carcinogen risk value (i.e. ELCR) implies the probability membership functions for these fuzzy events will rely on a
of excess lifetime cancer from exposure to a specific questionnaire survey of experts in industry, government,
pollutant, and it means the number of people who will education and research organizations. A total of 48
get cancer per million of population because of exposure to questions were designed, including 3 questions for inves-
the contaminants. The USEPA defines acceptable risk tigating the strictness of groundwater quality guidelines,
levels for carcinogens as being within the range of 15 questions for the environmental risk levels under the
104–106. On the other hand, the acceptable level of three different-strictness groundwater quality guidelines,
J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 177

Fuzzy uncertainty
Modeling Environmental quality
parameters guideline

Medium guideline

Loose guideline
Strict guideline
uncertainty Environmental-guideline-
based risk (ER) assessment
Modeling of

Medium-to-high ER risk
Low-to-medium ER risk

Medium ER risk

High ER risk
Low ER risk
distribution of Guideline-violation probability

Medium-to-high HR risk
Low-to-medium HR risk

Medium HR risk

High HR risk
Low HR risk

Exposure analysis
Fuzzy rule
Fuzzy base

General risk levels (GRL)

Health risk
evaluation criteria
Health risk (HR) assessment

Medium-to-high risk
Low-to-medium risk
Site management

Very high risk

Fuzzy membership functions

Medium risk

High risk
Low risk
of GRL

Site risk score

Fig. 2. Modeling framework of the integrated fuzzy-stochastic risk assessment.

5 questions for the health risk levels, and 25 questions for Many guidelines are considered over-conservative and
the general risk levels (or generating the fuzzy rule base). impractical for environmental risk analysis (Chen et al.,
One example of such questions is ‘‘For a medium ground- 2003). As a result, the risk indicators such as the degrees of
water quality guideline, which of the following xylene guideline violation are not compatible among different
concentrations would you like to choose (please choose regions, leading to uncertainties in guideline applicability.
one): (a) approximately 0.02 mg/L; (b) approximately Such uncertainties can hardly be quantified by probabilistic
0.2 mg/L; (c) approximately 1.0 mg/L; (d) approximately distributions, but they can be described using linguistic
2 mg/L; (e) approximately 4 mg/L; (f) approximately 8 mg/ variables that can be quantified through a fuzzy logic
L; (g) approximately 10 mg/L’’. Thus, this study integrates approach.
fuzzy logic, expert involvement, and stochastic simulation To facilitate a guideline-based environmental risk
within a general framework, leading to the linkage between analysis, the guidelines were categorized into three fuzzy
probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties using the fuzzy logic sets in this study, namely ‘‘strict’’, ‘‘medium’’ and ‘‘loose’’.
concept. A questionnaire survey was conducted to collect data for
establishing membership functions, and the fuzzy logic
4.2. Fuzzy environmental quality guidelines approach was further used for processing the subjective
opinions. The option with the highest survey response
The environmental-guideline-based risk assessment in- frequency was used for determination of corresponding
volves a comparison of contaminant concentration with its fuzzy sets. The conversion scale figures proposed by Chen
corresponding environmental guideline. In this study, et al. (1992) and Cheng (2000) were used to systematically
xylene is selected as the contaminant of interest. It has transform linguistic terms to their corresponding fuzzy sets.
significantly varying groundwater quality standards among These scale figures cover all the linguistic expressions of
countries, states and provinces. As indicated in Table 1, the ‘‘HIGH’’ vs ‘‘LOW’’. The corresponding linguistic-term
guidelines for this contaminant are 0.02, 0.04, 0.3, 0.4, 0.53, conversion procedure involves selecting a figure that
1.8, and 10 mg/L in Sweden, New Jersey, Canada, Japan, contains all the verbal terms given by the decision-maker,
North Carolina, California, and Illinois, respectively. and then using the membership function set for that figure
178 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

Table 1
Environmental guidelines and the corresponding chronic daily intake and hazard index of xylene

Region Guideline for xylene (mg/L) Corresponding chronic Hazard index (HI)
daily intake (CDI)
(mg/kg day)
Corresponding to old RfD Corresponding to new RfD
(2.0 mg/kg day) (0.2 mg/kg day)

Environment Canada 0.3 0.0082 0.0041 0.0411

Saskatchewan 0.3 0.0082 0.0041 0.0411
Alberta 0.3 0.0082 0.0041 0.0411
USEPA 10 0.2740 0.1370 1.3699
Illinois 10 0.2740 0.1370 1.3699
California 1.8 0.0493 0.0247 0.2466
North Carolina 0.53 0.0145 0.0073 0.0726
New Jersey 0.04 0.0011 0.0005 0.0055
Thailand 10 0.2740 0.1370 1.3699
Sweden 0.02 0.0005 0.0003 0.0027
Japan 0.4 0.0110 0.0055 0.0548
World Health Organization 0.5 0.0137 0.0068 0.0685

should be approximately 50% or less’’ was of ‘‘low risk’’;

Strict Medium Loose 57.9% of the respondents selected ‘‘the probability of
guideline violation should be approximately 60%’’ as the
0.8 ‘‘low-to-medium risk’’; 57.9% of them chose ‘‘the prob-
ability of guideline violation should be approximately
0.6 70%’’ as a ‘‘medium risk’’; 57.9% of the respondents
chose ‘‘the probability of guideline violation should be

0.4 approximately 80%’’ as a ‘‘medium-to-high risk’’; and

76.3% of the respondents selected ‘‘the probability of
0.2 guideline violation should be approximately 90% or
greater’’ as the ‘‘high risk’’. Again, according to Chen et
0.0 al. (1992) and Cheng (2000), the membership functions of
1.0 2.0 3.0 4.0 5.0 6.0 7.0 8.0 these fuzzy sets can be constructed based on these
guideline (mg/L) investigation results (Fig. 4a). In this figure, ‘‘L’’, ‘‘L-M’’,
Fig. 3. Membership functions of groundwater quality guidelines. ‘‘M’’, ‘‘M-H’’ and ‘‘H’’ represent ‘‘low’’, ‘‘low-to-med-
ium’’, ‘‘medium’’, ‘‘medium-to-high’’ and ‘‘high’’, respec-
tively. For example, if the probability of strict-guideline
to represent the meaning of these verbal terms. In this violation is 75% from Monte Carlo simulation results, the
study, it was found that 52.6% of the surveyed respondents related environmental-guideline-based risk can be categor-
indicated that ‘‘xylene concentration should be approxi- ized as partly ‘‘medium’’ (with a membership grade of 0.50)
mately 1.0 mg/L or less’’ was a ‘‘strict’’ guideline; 50.0% of and partly ‘‘medium-to-high’’ (with a membership grade
the respondents selected ‘‘xylene concentration should be of 0.50). Similarly, the membership functions of fuzzy
approximately 4.0 mg/L’’ as a ‘‘medium’’ one, and 47.4% environmental-guideline-based risks under the medium
of them selected ‘‘xylene concentration should be approxi- and loose guidelines can be established according to the
mately 8.0 mg/L or greater’’ as a ‘‘loose’’ one. As a result, questionnaire survey results as shown in Figs. 4b and c,
the membership functions of these three fuzzy sets can be respectively.
constructed as shown in Fig. 3. For example, if the
groundwater quality guideline is 1.8 mg/L, then it can be 4.4. Fuzzy health risk assessment
categorized as partly ‘‘medium’’ (with a membership grade
of 0.27) and partly ‘‘strict’’ (with a membership grade of HRAs often adopt USEPA-published reference doses
0.60). (RfD) and slope factors (SF) that usually come from
laboratory studies on animals. As more and more
4.3. Fuzzy environmental-guideline-based risk assessment toxicologic studies are completed, many updated data on
RfD and cancer potency SF will be added to the USEPA
Based on the questionnaire survey results in terms of database. For example, USEPA recently decreased the
environmental-guideline-based risks under strict guidelines, RfD value by 10 times (from 2.0 to 0.2 mg/kg d) for xylene
it was found that 55.3% of the surveyed respondents (USEPA, 2003). This leads to significant differences in
indicated that ‘‘the probability of guideline violation the relevant risk analysis. The HI of xylene under the old
J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 179


μER 0.8




0.50 0.55 0.60 0.65 0.70 0.75 0.80 0.85 0.90 0.95 1.0
(a) P






0.10 0.20 0.30 0.40 0.50 0.60 0.70 0.80 0.90 1.0
(b) P






0.10 0.15 0.20 0.25 0.30 0.35 0.40 0.45 0.50 0.55 0.60
(c) P

Fig. 4. Membership function of fuzzy environmental risks associated with probability (P) of violating groundwater quality guideline with (a) for strict
standard, (b) for medium standard, and (c) for loose standard.
180 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188






-0.4 -0.2 0.0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1.0 1.2
(0.04) (0.06) (0.10) (0.16) (0.25) (0.40) (0.63) (1.0) (1.6)
Log (10HI) (HI)

Fig. 5. Membership function of health risks associated with hazard index (HI).

and new RfD formulations and different environmental A B A B A

guidelines is listed in Table 1, with the modeling parameter
values of IR ¼ 2 L/day, EF ¼ 350 days/year, ED ¼ 30
years, and BW ¼ 70 kg. For example, the HI is 0.137 under
the USEPA guideline when the old RfD is applied, and
1.37 when the new one is used. As a result, the different risk A and B
Not A
values may result in different perceptions of health risks,
leading to different decision actions. Thus these uncertain-
A or B
ties due to incomplete toxicity information should be
incorporated within the process of risk analysis. However,
the quality of information available is not good enough Min [μA(x), μB(x)] Max [μA(x), μB(x)] 1-μA(x)
for using probabilistic distributions to describe the
applicability or suitability of the guidelines, resulting in Fig. 6. Basic operations in fuzzy logic.
consequent difficulties in quantifying associated health
risks. Since such uncertainties usually show subjective of 0.5) and partly ‘‘medium-to-high’’ (with a membership
features, a fuzzy logic approach is proposed in this study to grade of 0.5).
account for related complexities.
In this study, non-carcinogenic health risk introduced by 4.5. General risk levels and rule base for risk management
xylene will be investigated. The health risk levels will be
categorized into fuzzy sets of ‘‘low’’, ‘‘low-to-medium’’, The general risk level is derived from an integrated
‘‘medium’’, ‘‘medium-to-high’’, and ‘‘high’’ by associating consideration of environmental-guideline-based and health
them with different magnitudes of the HI. A questionnaire risks. Since there are no mathematical models to relate
survey was conducted to obtain the associated membership both types of risks, quantification of the general risk level
functions. The investigated HI was set to vary from 0.04 can only be based on subjective opinions rather than
(corresponding to the Canadian groundwater quality through probabilistic analyses. A fuzzy inference process
guideline for xylene) to 1.6 (approximately corresponding will then be introduced for facilitating this kind of risk
to the USEPA guideline for xylene). Similar to the quantification, by using fuzzy membership functions and
identification of environmental-guideline-based risk levels, fuzzy rules. The rules usually contain a conditional part
the membership functions of related fuzzy health risk levels (e.g. antecedent) and a conclusion part (e.g. consequence).
can be established. Since the investigated HI levels vary An antecedent may be a simple clause or may be a
from 0.04 to 1.6, they were scaled down by using logarithm combination of several clauses connected via fuzzy logical
values such as Log(10HI). Membership functions of these operators AND, OR, and NOT (Fig. 6). For example, ‘‘if
fuzzy events are shown in Fig. 5. For example, if the environmental-guideline-based risk is MEDIUM and
calculated HI is 0.40, then the related health risk can be health risk is HIGH, then the general risk is MEDIUM-
categorized as partly ‘‘medium’’ (with a membership grade to-HIGH’’, where the ‘‘MEDIUM’’ is a fuzzy set of
J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 181

Table 2
Survey results on fuzzy rules

Antecedent Survey result with highest response frequency

If environmental-guideline-based risk If health risk (HR) is Then the general risk level (GRL) is Frequency (%)
(ER) is

Low Low Low 65.8

Low Low-to-medium Low-to-medium 76.3
Low Medium Medium 78.9
Low Medium-to-high Medium-to-high 81.6
Low High High 73.7
Low-to-medium Low Low-to-medium 71.1
Low-to-medium Low-to-medium Low-to-medium 100
Low-to-medium Medium Medium 76.3
Low-to-medium Medium-to-high Medium-to-high 78.9
Low-to-medium High High 76.3
Medium Low Medium 76.3
Medium Low-to-medium Medium 78.9
Medium Medium Medium 100
Medium Medium-to-high Medium-to-high 81.6
Medium High High 73.7
Medium-to-high Low Medium-to-high 84.2
Medium-to-high Low-to-medium Medium-to-high 81.6
Medium-to-high Medium Medium-to-high 76.3
Medium-to-high Medium-to-high Medium-to-high 100
Medium-to-high High High 81.6
High Low High 71.1
High Low-to-medium High 71.1
High Medium High 68.4
High Medium-to-high High 73.7
High High Very High 63.2

‘‘environmental-guideline-based risk’’, the ‘‘HIGH’’ is a

fuzzy set of ‘‘health risk’’, and the ‘‘MEDIUM-to-HIGH’’ L L-M M M-H H V-H
is a fuzzy set of ‘‘general risk’’. This is a form of fuzzy rules, 1.0
where the ‘‘environmental-guidelined-based risk’’ and 0.8
‘‘health risk’’ are input variables, the ‘‘general risk’’ is an

output variable. Such a set of rules is known as the rule 0.6

base (Mohamed and Cote, 1999). 0.4
In this study, determination of the general risk will be
based on a series of fuzzy rules as acquired through a 0.2
questionnaire survey of experts and stakeholders. The risk
levels are set to include six categories of fuzzy sets: ‘‘low’’,
0 10 20 30 40 50 60 70 80 90 100
‘‘low-to-medium’’, ‘‘medium’’, ‘‘medium-high’’, ‘‘high’’,
and ‘‘very-high’’. The fuzzy logic operator ‘‘AND’’ is used
to join factors in the antecedent of the rules. Since both Fig. 7. Membership functions of fuzzy general risk levels.
types of risks include five categories of fuzzy events, there
will be a total of 150 rules (5  5  6). Assume that, if a rule (Mohamed and Cote, 1999). These numerical values have
obtains the highest frequency in the survey, it will be kept in no direct relationship with the values of input risk factors
the rule base for determination of the general risk level. As (e.g. environmental-guideline-based risk and health risk).
a result, 25 fuzzy rules were obtained as shown in Table 2. However, after establishing the fuzzy sets of general
Since the general risk level can be categorized into risk level, a numerical site risk score can be obtained
‘‘low’’, ‘‘low-to-medium’’, ‘‘medium’’, ‘‘medium-to-high’’, from Fig. 7 through the fuzzy ‘‘AND’’ or fuzzy ‘‘OR’’
‘‘high’’ and ‘‘very-high’’, the corresponding membership operations based on the environmental guideline, the
functions of these fuzzy events can be established according probability of guideline violation, and the corresponding
to Chen et al. (1992) and Mohamed and Cote (1999) as HI. This will be illustrated in the following case study. The
shown in Fig. 7. The range of the general risk levels (i.e. site management decisions can then be made based on the
GRL ¼ [0, 100]) is subjectively given to the fuzzy sets in calculated site scores that describe the general risk level.
order for them to have single numerical site risk scores Table 3 lists the relationship between site scores and
182 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

suggested management actions (Mohamed and Cote, proposed approach in this study. The site has been
1999). operated as a natural gas processing plant to remove
naphtha condensate from the gas stream prior to transport
to a regional transmission line. Fig. 8 shows an overview
5. Case study of the study site. Throughout the site history, naphtha
condensate, a waste liquid removed from natural gas by a
5.1. Overview of the study site series of scrubbers, was disposed of in a previous under-
ground storage tank (UST). Due to leakage of this UST in
A petroleum-contaminated site in western Canada was the past years, the site has been contaminated. During the
selected as a case to illustrate the applicability of the past several years, a number of field investigations have
been conducted to examine the site hydrogeologic condi-
Table 3 tions and related pollution problems. The groundwater
Recommended risk management actions flow was towards the northwest, which was determined
Calculated site score Risk management action through multiple site investigation results. The previous
UST that was at the up-gradient location of the site leaked
90–100 The site should be immediately approximately 55 m3 of petroleum products before it was
cleaned up
removed. Various forms of pollutants were found in the
70–90 Take full actions to treat the site
50–70 Contain the site and restrict down-gradient directions; they include free product, vapor-
groundwater use phase hydrocarbons, dissolved hydrocarbons in ground-
30–50 Take interim control measures and water, and trapped hydrocarbons in soil.
limit access to the site The constituent of interest is xylene in this study, which
10–30 The site should be monitored
is a toxic chemical and can result in impairment of lung and
0–10 No actions are required
respiratory functions, impairment of memory, damage of

BH205 BH207 14
BH104 BH109
BH204 BH203 BH107
BH111 Meter Building
16 Building BH101

BH304 BH401 BH209

BH202 BH106
A/G Tank 12
BH303 7
BH201 BH103 2
BH115 BH402
BH105 6
10 7 Compound
18 8 Existing
BH110 5 UST
BH112 Gate
Pole Mounted
Transformers Ditch


Legend: Monitoring Well Approximate Extent of Residual Hydrocarbons

Approximate Extent of LPH Plume
BH111 Well Name
Former UST Approximate Scale
Groundwater Flow
Direction Property boundary 0 10 m

Fig. 8. Overview of the study site.

J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 183

Table 4
140 Groundwater Flow Part of the modeling parameters
NW 1.10
120 1.00
Parameter Value Unit
100 0.80 Mean of permeability of sandy soil in x, y, 2900 MD

0.70 and z direction
Y (m)

80 0.60 Mean of permeability of clay till in x, y, 195 MD

0. and z direction
0. 0.50
60 0.
3 0.40 Mean of permeability of silty clay in x, y, 380 MD
0. and z direction
0 0.30
40 Standard deviation of the logarithm of 0.60 —
sandy soil permeability
0.10 Standard deviation of the logarithm of clay 0.60 —
0.00 till permeability
0 Standard deviation of the logarithm of silty 0.60 —
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 clay permeability
X (m) Mean of porosity of sandy soil 0.35 —
Mean of porosity of clay till 0.30 —
Fig. 9. Observed xylene concentrations in groundwater (mg/L). Mean of porosity of silty clay 0.53 —
Standard deviation of sandy soil porosity 0.03 —
Standard deviation of silty clay porosity 0.03 —
Standard deviation of sandy soil porosity 0.03 —
X NAPL density 0.713 g/cm3
Longitudinal dispersivity of sandy soil 5 m
Y Longitudinal dispersivity of clay till 5 m
Z Layer 1 Longitudinal dispersivity of silty clay 5 m
Clay/silty clay Transverse dispersivity of sandy soil 0.5 m
Transverse dispersivity of clay till 0.5 m
Transverse dispersivity of silty clay 0.5 m
Hydraulic gradient 0.006 m/m
Clay/silty clay Till Layer 2 Benzene solubility 1750 mg/L
Ethylbenzene solubility 152 mg/L
Toluene solubility 535 mg/L
Flow Flow Xylene solubility 175 mg/L
Clay/ Till Sand Time step at t ¼ 0 0.101 Day
silty clay Layer 3 Maximum time step size 10 Day
Tolerance for concentration change 0.001 —

Till Sand Layer 4

a block-centered finite difference scheme. The vertical
Fig. 10. Soil properties in the simulation domain. gridblock size was 5 m. Each layer with an area of
180  150 m2 was discretized into 30  25 grid blocks. Each
kidney and liver, lack of muscle coordination, dizziness, grid had dimensions of 6, 6, and 5 m in the x, y, and z
and possibly reproductive effects. In extreme cases, it may directions, respectively. The total number of grids in the
result in death (USEPA, 2003). Fig. 9 shows the observed 3-D computational grid system was 3000 (30  25  4).
xylene concentration in groundwater at the site. The Layers 3 and 4 were located in the saturated zone, while
highest xylene concentration of 1.12 mg/L was observed layers 1 and 2 were in the unsaturated zone. The site
at a monitoring well located to the west of the previous possesses three soil types including sandy soil, clay till and
UST. This concentration was higher than the regulated silty clay. Distribution of the three soil types in the
local environmental guideline. Thus, soil and groundwater simulation domain is described in Fig. 10. Table 4 lists part
contamination at this site may pose environmental risks of the modeling inputs. The input data were obtained from
and health impacts on the surrounding communities. a number of sources after careful analysis and verification.
Among them, reports of the previous site investigation,
5.2. Results of stochastic simulation laboratory analysis, and a modeling study were the major
sources. The values of soil permeability (Kxx) and porosity
The developed stochastic modeling system was used for (f) were considered to be log-normally and normally
simulating contaminant transport in the groundwater. The distributed, respectively. The mean values and standard
site was considered as a three dimensional domain with an deviations of Kxx and f for three on-site soil types (sand,
area of 180  150 m2 and a depth of 20 m. The simulation clay till, and silty clay) were used for generating the Monte
domain was vertically discretized into four gridblocks Carlo realizations of Kxx and f based on assumed
corresponding to four layers; each layer was located at the probabilistic distributions. As a result, the contaminant-
middle of each vertical grid block, since the model applied concentration-distribution patterns can be obtained by
184 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

nants (i.e. benzene, toluene, ethyl-benzene, xylene, etc.),

only the simulation results of xylene concentrations are
120 1300 presented in this paper. The mean and standard devia-
1200 tion of xylene concentration 10 years later from the
Monte Carlo simulations are shown in Figs. 11 and 12,
respectively. With a conservative consideration, the peak
Y (m)


800 contaminant concentration at the site 10 years later for
40 0.00
60 600 each Monte Carlo run is identified for further fuzzy-

400 stochastic risk assessment. The peak values range from

200 0.931 to 1.951 mg/L with a mean of 1.35 mg/L and
20 standard deviation of 0.316 mg/L). Fig. 13 shows a
cumulative relative frequency distribution of the peak
xylene concentrations.
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180
X (m)
5.3. Risk assessment results
Fig. 11. Mean of the xylene concentrations (mg/L) at 10 years later from
Monte Carlo simulations. Three scenarios were examined based on the drinking
water quality guidelines formulated by the Province of
Saskatchewan, the State of California and the USEPA. The
140 degrees of guideline strictness were analyzed, and the
probabilities of guideline violation were obtained to
120 320 analyze the associated environmental-guideline-based
risks. The mean of the peak xylene concentrations from
100 280
Monte Carlo simulation was used for analyzing the HI
240 through oral ingestion pathways. The associated health
Y (m)

risk could then be quantified. Thus, the general risk level
180 00

60 due to the environmental-guideline-based and health risks


140 was obtained through fuzzy ‘‘AND’’ and ‘‘OR’’ opera-

100 tions.
20 The first scenario was to apply the Saskatchewan
groundwater quality guideline of 0.3 mg/L for xylene. It
0 is indicated from Fig. 3 that this guideline is ‘‘strict’’ (with a
0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160 180 membership grade of 1.0). It is also found from Fig. 13 that
X (m) PðCo0:3Þ ¼ F ð0:3Þ ¼ 0:0; thus the probability of guideline
Fig. 12. Standard deviation of the xylene concentrations (mg/L) at 10 violation is PF ¼ 1  F ð0:3Þ ¼ 1:0 based on Eq. (1). As a
years later from Monte Carlo simulations. result, the environmental-guideline-based risk (ER) would
be ‘‘high’’ with a membership grade of 1.0 according to
Fig. 4a when the probability was 1.0 and the guideline was
‘‘strict’’, and it is illustrated in Figs. 14a and d. Since the
mean of the peak xylene concentrations was 1.35 mg/L, the
Cumulative relative frequency

corresponding chronic daily intake (CDI) can be calculated
as 0.037 mg/kg d according to Eq. (2). The associated HI
0.6 can be calculated as 0.185 according to Eq. (4) when a
0.5 reference dose (RfD) of 0.2 mg/kg d was used. When HI is
0.4 equal to 0.185, it could then be found from Fig. 5 that the
0.3 corresponding health risk (HR) would be partly ‘‘low-to-
0.2 medium’’ (with a membership grade of 0.33) and partly
0.1 ‘‘medium’’ (with a membership grade of 0.67), as shown in
0 Figs. 14b and c, respectively. Therefore, two combinations
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 1.2 1.4 1.6 1.8 2 2.2 2.4 of antecedents exist (i.e. two rules have to be analyzed)
Peak concentration of xylene (mg/L) including: (a) if ER is ‘‘high’’ and HR is ‘‘low-to-medium’’,
Fig. 13. Cumulative relative frequency distribution of peak xylene and (b) if ER is ‘‘high’’ and HR is ‘‘medium’’.
concentration. The related fuzzy inference process is shown in Fig. 14.
The fuzzy ‘‘AND’’ operation was applied to the rule’s
running the stochastic modeling system. Although the antecedent to determine its consequence (e.g. mGR ¼ Min
modeling system predicted the spatial and temporal (mER, mHR)) according to the rule base as shown in Table 2.
distributions of the concentrations of multiple contami- In other words, the minimum degree of membership grade
J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 185




(a) (b) (c) 60 100



(d) (e) (f) 60 100

Fuzzy “OR” operation

Fuzzy “AND” operation μGR GRL

Note: fuzzy “AND” operation of (a) and (b) to obtain (c); 0.67
fuzzy “AND” operation of (d) and (e) to obtain (f); fuzzy
“OR” operation of (c) and (f) to obtain (g)
(g) 60 100

Fig. 14. Fuzzy inference process under scenario 1, (a) and (d): environmental risks; (b) and (e): health risks; (c), (f) and (g): general risk levels.

of the two input factors (ER and HR) was given to the As a result, the environmental-guideline-based risk (ER)
output factor (GRL). According to Table 2, the general would be ‘‘low’’ with a membership grade of 0.60 ( ¼ Min
risk level would be ‘‘High’’ for the antecedent ‘‘if ER is (1.0, 0.60)) according to Fig. 4a when the probability was
‘high’ and HR is ‘low-to-medium’’’. Based on Fig. 7, the 0.14 and the guideline was ‘‘strict’’ by applying the fuzzy
‘‘High’’ general risk level was represented by a triangular ‘‘AND’’ operation; ER would also be ‘‘low’’ with a
membership function with the site score ranging from membership grade of 0.27 ( ¼ Min (0.80, 0.27)) according
60 to 100 as shown in Fig. 14c, and the corresponding to Fig. 4b when the probability was 0.14 and the guideline
membership grade of this risk level was mGR ¼ Min (1.0, was ‘‘medium’’ by applying the fuzzy ‘‘AND’’ operation;
0.33) ¼ 0.33. Similarly, the output of the second antecedent ER could also be ‘‘low-to-medium’’ with a membership
‘‘if ER is ‘high’ and HR is ‘medium’’’ is a ‘‘High’’ general grade of 0.2 ( ¼ Min (0.20, 0.27)) when the probability was
risk level with a membership grade of mGR ¼ Min (1.0, 0.14 and the guideline was ‘‘medium’’. Since ER could be
0.67) ¼ 0.67 as shown in Fig. 14f. As a result, the outputs ‘‘low’’ with a membership grade of 0.60 or with a
from the inference procedure which provide inputs for the membership grade of 0.27, then the fuzzy ‘‘OR’’ operation
fuzzy composition process were then two scaled-down would be applied to obtain the risk level of ER. At last, the
fuzzy general risk levels (GRLs) (Mohamed and Cote, ER in this scenario would be partly ‘‘low’’ (with a
1999). The fuzzy ‘‘OR’’ operation was then applied to the membership grade of 0.60 shown in Figs. 15a and d) and
two fuzzy GRLs. In other words, the two fuzzy events partly ‘‘low-to-medium’’ (with a membership grade of 0.20
represented by Figs. 14c and f were superimposed to obtain shown in Figs. 15g and j).
the final fuzzy GRL. As shown in Fig. 14g, the final GRL Since the calculation of health risk was based on the
would be ‘‘High’’ with the site score ranging from 60 to 100 health impact criteria rather than environmental quality
and with a membership grade of mGR ¼ Max (0.33, criteria, the health risk (HR) under the second scenario
0.67) ¼ 0.67 under this scenario. The crisp final GRL would be the same as that under scenario 1. It would still
value was then obtained by calculating the centroid of the be partly ‘‘low-to-medium’’ and partly ‘‘medium’’. There-
fuzzy GRL value as 80. As a result, the suggested risk fore, four combinations of the antecedents exist under
management action would be ‘‘take full actions to treat the scenario 2: (a) if ER is ‘‘low’’ and HR is ‘‘low-to-medium’’;
site’’ according to Table 3. (b) if ER is ‘‘low’’ and HR is ‘‘medium’’; (c) if ER is ‘‘low-
The second scenario was to apply the California ground- to-medium’’ and HR is ‘‘low-to-medium’’, and (d) if ER is
water quality guideline of 1.8 mg/L for xylene. This guide- ‘‘low-to-medium’’ and HR is ‘‘medium’’. Similar to the
line is looser than the corresponding Saskatchewan analysis of scenario 1, the outputs from the inference
environmental quality guideline. It is indicated from procedure were four scaled-down fuzzy GRLs as shown in
Fig. 3 that this guideline is partly ‘‘strict’’ (with a member- Figs. 15c, f, i and l, respectively. The final GRL would
ship grade of 0.60) and partly ‘‘medium’’ (with a member- therefore be partly ‘‘low-to-medium’’ with a membership
ship grade of 0.27). It is also found from Fig. 13 that the grade of 0.33 and partly ‘‘medium’’ with a membership
probability of guideline violation is PF ¼ 1  F ð1:8Þ ¼ 0:14. grade of 0.60 with site scores ranging from 0 to 60 as shown
186 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188


(a) (b) (c) 0 40

L 0.67

(d) (e) (f) 20 60


(g) (h) (i) 0 40



(j) (k) (l) 20 60
Fuzzy “OR” operation

Fuzzy “AND” operation


Note: fuzzy “AND” operation of (a) and (b) to obtain (c);

fuzzy “AND” operation of (d) and (e) to obtain (f); fuzzy 0.60
“AND” operation of (g) and (h) to obtain (i); fuzzy L-M
“AND” operation of (j) and (k) to obtain (l); fuzzy “OR” 0.33
operation of (c), (f), (i) and (l) to obtain (m)
(m) 0 20 40 60

Fig. 15. Fuzzy inference process under scenario 2, (a), (d), (g) and (j): environmental risks; (b), (e), (h) and (k): health risks; (c), (f), (i), (l) and (m): general
risk levels.

in Fig. 15m. The crisp final GRL value was then obtained looser environmental quality criteria was applied, as
by calculating the centroid of the fuzzy GRL value as 36, compared with scenarios 1 and 2. This is due to the fact
which was lower than that under scenario 1. As a result, the that the calculated health risk level (i.e. the same levels
suggested risk management action would be ‘‘take interim under these three scenarios) would significantly affect the
control measures and limit access to the site’’ according to general risk level (GRL) when the environmental-guide-
Table 3, and it is observed that the application of looser line-based risk level is low, according to the fuzzy rule base
environmental quality criteria will lead to less expensive as shown in Table 2.
risk management actions, as compared to scenario 1.
The 3rd scenario was to apply the USEPA groundwater 6. Discussion
quality guideline of 10 mg/L for xylene, which is much
looser than those under scenarios 1 and 2. Similar to the Uncertainties due to randomness and imprecision in a
analyses of scenarios 1 and 2, the final GRL would be risk assessment procedure have been addressed through the
partly ‘‘low-to-medium’’ and partly ‘‘medium’’ with a crisp integrated fuzzy-stochastic approach called IFSRA. The
final GRL value of 36 as shown in Fig. 16. This value is the contaminant concentrations in groundwater predicted
same as that under scenario 2, but is lower than that under from the numerical model were associated with probabil-
scenario 1. As a result, the suggested risk management istic uncertainties due to the randomness in modeling
action would be ‘‘take interim control measures and limit input parameters, while the consequences of contaminant
access to the site’’ according to Table 3, although a much concentrations violating relevant environmental quality
J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188 187



(a) (b) (c) 0 40



(d) (e) (f) 20 60

Fuzzy “OR” operation

Fuzzy “AND” operation GRL

Note: fuzzy “AND” operation of (a) and (b) to obtain (c); M

fuzzy “AND” operation of (d) and (e) to obtain (f); fuzzy L-M
“OR” operation of (c) and (f) to obtain (g) 0.33

(g) 0 20 40 60

Fig. 16. Fuzzy inference process under scenario 3, (a) and (d): environmental risks; (b) and (e): health risks; (c), (f) and (g): general risk levels.

guidelines and health evaluation criteria were linked with ingestion rate, body weight and exposure time, may also
fuzzy uncertainties. As compared to conventional risk affect the predicted contaminant concentration and the
assessment methods, the proposed IFSRA took into resulting risk levels, and should be examined in further
account the fuzzy uncertainties in environmental quality studies.
guidelines and health impact criteria. The uncertainties of
risk assessment due to the uncertainties in Monte Carlo 7. Conclusions
simulation outputs were also addressed (see Section 4.1) by
establishing the linkage between fuzzy and stochastic An integrated fuzzy-stochastic risk assessment (IFSRA)
uncertainties (Fig. 4). As a result, the proposed approach approach was developed to systematically quantify both
would provide a more realistic perception of risk for probabilistic and fuzzy uncertainties associated with site
decision makers. conditions, environmental guidelines, and health impact
The membership functions of relevant fuzzy events and criteria. The linkage between both types of uncertainties
the fuzzy rule base for generating the general risk levels was also effectively established. This development was
were established based on questionnaire surveys, and they based on (a) Monte Carlo simulation for the fate of
represent the perceptions of the investigated stakeholders. contaminants in the subsurface through a 3-D multiphase
The bounds and shapes of the membership functions were multi-component numerical model to account for stochas-
also subjective and dependent on the particular problem tic uncertainties, (b) examination of simulation results
investigated. Such uncertainties in the fuzzy membership that were expressed as cumulative distribution functions,
functions and rule base themselves were not incorporated (c) quantification of environmental guidelines and health
into the approach presented in this paper, and need further impacts using fuzzy membership functions acquired from a
investigation. In addition, this study considered uncertain- questionnaire survey, (d) quantification of environmental
ties in soil properties, environmental guidelines, and health and health risks based on fuzzy and stochastic inputs, and
impacts. It only examined the non-carcinogenic risk from (e) assessment of general risk levels based on a fuzzy logic
one contaminant (i.e. xylene) although the multiphase approach. As a result, the IFSRA integrated fuzzy logic,
multi-component simulator can predict the concentrations expert involvement, and stochastic simulation within a
of multiple pollutants. However, the comprehensive con- general framework. The robustness of the modeling
sideration of carcinogenic and non-carcinogenic risks from processes was enhanced through the effective reflection of
multiple contaminants may be needed for site management the two types of uncertainties as compared with the
decisions, and the methodology developed in this study conventional risk assessment approaches. The developed
needs to be further expanded to accommodate this kind of IFSRA was applied to a petroleum-contaminated ground-
consideration. Moreover, the uncertainties in many other water system in western Canada. Three scenarios with
parameters used in the contaminant transport simulator application of different environmental quality guidelines
and risk assessment model, such as soil dispersivity, daily were analyzed, and reasonable results were obtained. The
188 J. Li et al. / Journal of Environmental Management 82 (2007) 173–188

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