A Decision Support Method For Environmental Impact Assessment

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Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170 – 181



A decision support method for environmental impact assessment

using a fuzzy logic approach
André de Siqueira Campos Boclin a,*,1, Renato de Mello b,2,3
Instituto Brasileiro do Meio Ambiente e dos Recursos Naturais Renováveis, IBAMA, Brazil
Fundação de Apoio à Pesquisa Cientı́fica e Tecnológica do Estado de Santa Catarina, FAPESC, Brazil
Received 8 December 2004; received in revised form 7 June 2005; accepted 7 June 2005
Available online 15 September 2005


This paper presents a decision support method for environmental impact assessment, using a fuzzy logic computational
approach. It aims at offering stakeholders a way to operate fuzzy and crisp variables and make inferences from resultant values
of the systemic indicator as well as environmental, cultural, social and economic thematic indicators. The method was tested in
the Environmental Protection Area of Anhatomirim (Santa Catarina state, Brazil) forecasting alternative future scenarios for the
adaptation of a highway route and paving project.
D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Environmental impact assessment; Decision support; Environmental indicators; Fuzzy logic

1. Introduction

This paper presents the results of an ongoing

research project involving a decision support method
* Corresponding author. Av. Mauro Ramos 1113, Centro Floria- for environmental impact assessment. The method
nópolis, SC 88020-302, Brazil. Tel.: +55 482123357; fax: +55 developed herein evaluates the expected changes in
482123361. the physical, biological, social and economic systems
E-mail addresses: andre.boclin@ibama.gov.br
(A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin), valorambiente@terra.com.br derived from the implementation of a project or
(R. de Mello). activity.
Brazilian Institute of the Environment and Renewable Natural The current methods for environmental impact
Resources (The Federal Environmental Agency in Brazil). assessment are insufficient to support systems and
Rodovia SC 401, KM 1 Parque Tecnológico, Itacorubi, Floria- decisions related to real impact conditions. These
nópolis, SC 88030-000, Brazil. Tel.: +55 482151219; fax: +55
methods usually display extensive databases and fra-
Support Foundation of Scientific and Technological Research in gile qualification instruments to support stakeholders’
Santa Catarina. decisions. Nowadays, the synergetic effects and fuzzy
0921-8009/$ - see front matter D 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181 171

indications are treated as bqualitativeQ elements and can be either crisp or fuzzy, being operated by opera-
when these elements are assessed, this assessment is tors bifQ, bandQ, borQ, and bthenQ.
carried out in a secondary form as ancillary elements The method was tested in the forecasting of future
for the quantitative indicators. scenarios deriving from alternatives for the adaptation
This study intends to contribute to the improve- of a planning and paving project for SC-410 Highway,
ment of methods and techniques for the current which connects BR-101 Highway to the City of Gov-
assessment of environmental impact, providing an ernador Celso Ramos, in the State of Santa Catarina,
instrument that enables the interaction between the Brazil. The reason for this choice of object lies in the
representations (i.e. indicators) and their logic opera- fact that the proposed action is inserted in the Envir-
tions. The method allows for the visualization (deci- onmental Protection Area of Anhatomirim, a Federal
sion dendrograms) of elements of analysis (criteria) as Conservation Unit of sustainable use, created by a
well as transparency in the definition of the weights federal law (Brasil, 1992) and managed by IBAMA,
and in the understanding of such criteria. It may also which has as its main objectives to protect the biologic
contribute to the democratization of decisions, as an diversity, organize the occupation process and assure
instrument that equips non-specialized social agents to the sustainability of natural resources.
better understand reality, and be able to forecast the The decision, in this case, involves mainly public
impacts on the environment. administration departments, which are responsible for
The basis for the method is the analysis of the the licenses and the management of protection areas,
environmental indicators, which are joined and com- the municipal administration, and the department of
bined in logic operations of fuzzy sets. Such indica- tourism and roads. Other stakeholders are non-govern-
tors are defined and arranged according to a soft mental organizations with social and ecological inter-
decision tree (dendrogram) structured in a top-down ests, tourism and recreation investors, landowners and
fashion, initiated from the main question to be local population.
answered. In each knot a rule block defines the out- The conflicts among stakeholders are basically
puts, or results. The variables of inputs and outputs related to how to invest and obtain the results from

Fig. 1. Location of the SC-410 highway and the EPA of Anhatomirim (source: Ambiental Consultoria e Planejamento Ltda, 1997).
172 A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181

the alternatives in each period. The part of the popula- one combined output. In the real world, most vari-
tion, which does not see an economic share from the ables are fuzzy, although the possibilities of repre-
ecological protection system and tourism, shows pre- sentation by crisp values are strongly inter-
ferences to an alternative regular road with higher dependent. This is the main reason why a fuzzy
speed and without problems to the occupation and method to operate the combination of variables was
use of land. The federal administration of the area chosen. To represent the whole situation, one of the
states that the regulations are clear and the road must best ways to find how the decision can be detailed is
comply with all federal laws, and this position has the to divide the main question into branches, where the
support of the ecological non-governmental organiza- leaves represent the indicators that can be measured
tions as well as part of the local population. The state or evaluated. This is the top-down decision tree
road department argues that an alternative bparkQ is displayed in Fig. 2.
expensive, as such department could not afford much The method developed herein consists, firstly, of
more than a new pavement. recognizing the area and the selected alternatives to
According to Article 15 of Brazilian Law number the project, by the identification of the main activities
9985 from July 18, 2000, which instituted the SNUC – and actions that can impact on the region, ecology,
Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservação4 (Bra- social activities, and economy within the respective
sil, 2000) – an Environmental Protection Area is environmental aspects in each alternative.
generally an extensive area, with a certain degree of The next step is the elaboration of a top-down soft
human occupation, endowed with abiotic, biotic, aes- decision tree as suggested by Janikow (1998), Kothari
thetic or cultural attributes, especially important for and Dong (2001) and Wehenkel and Olaru (2003),
life quality and comfort of the human population, and using the environmental indicators and starting from
has as its basic objectives to protect the biologic the search of the most important question to be
diversity, organize the occupation process and assure answered. The tree leaves are the direct indicators;
the sustainability of natural resources. the thematic indicators are the branches and the sys-
The Environmental Protection Area (EPA) of temic final indicator is the environmental situation of
Anhatomirim encloses approximately 3000 ha of ter- the project.
restrial and marine areas, and has as its main objective The definitions of membership functions using
to protect important remaining elements of the Atlan- linguistic variables and the operations of the sets are
tic Forest and a resident population of dolphins (gray- carried out according to the fuzzy logic principles in
dolphin) of the Sotalia fluviatilis species. The area the light of Troya et al. (1996), Bueno (2003) and
location is shown in Fig. 1. Prabhu and Mendoza (2004). Fig. 2 shows the entire
structure of the soft decision tree for the case study,
including the inputs, the rule blocks and the outputs.
2. The developed method The connecting lines represent the data flow.
The tree must be elaborated by a multi-disciplinary
The usual multi-criteria methods for decision sup- team and revised by all stakeholders. The composition
port deal basically with discrete values on a common of the tree, the relevance of each input variable that
reference base. The best results are obtained by the composes the sequence of the output variable and the
hierarchical approximation process and with stochas- membership functions (MBF) of the fuzzy operations
tic programming, especially the MAUT, AHP, PRO- also need to be revised in every step of the study. The
METHEE and ELECTRE methods as suggested by MBF used were three, represented by the linguistic
Zuffo (1998). All variables must be represented by a terms bbadQ, bcriticQ and bgoodQ for all the variables in
crisp value (e.g. money) and are usually combined the bSQ shape. Thus, each value obtained from the
two by two. The variables need to be independent studied indicators, was co-related to the established
and an input variable cannot be part of more than linguistic terms, which the basis varied from zero to
represent the bad state (i.e. bad state pertinence level),
to one to represent the good state (i.e. good state
NSCU — National Systems of Conservation Unities. pertinence level).
A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181 173

Fig. 2. The soft decision tree for the case study.

Following the sequence, the rules (i.e. bifQ, bandQ, sets combination. The input combinations of all mem-
borQ, bthenQ) that operate the relations among the bership functions must meet the criteria which estab-
variables are established, and the models of defuzzy- lish all the restrictions that need to be considered and
fication are defined. The fuzzy production rules store among such restrictions the higher ones are those
the information in a Fuzzy Knowledge Base. The which prevail.
production rules used for the composition of the the- This type of combination means that we have an
matic and systemic indicators consist of two main intersection of two sets, which can be defined and
parts: bifQ (situation) and bthenQ (action). While the formulated as the following expressions.
bifQ part of the rule describes the situation for which it If U is the universe that contains the elements
is designed, the bthenQ part describes the action of the denominated as x, then the fuzzy set A in U is the
fuzzy system in this situation. ordered pair:
In order to operate the fuzzy sets of the case study,
the conditions established by the rule blocks were
assumed to be of the restriction type with the bandQ A ¼ f lA ð xÞ; xg; 8xaU ð1Þ
174 A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181

According to Zimmermann (1996), this definition

of the intersection of two fuzzy sets was first sug-
gested by Zadeh (1965).
The system structure identifies the flow of the
fuzzy logic analysis from the input to the output
Fig. 3. Example of a scroll bar used to define the influence of variables. The fuzzyfication in the input interface
bcontinental waterQ on the output bwaterQ. shows discreet values in pertinence levels to the
fuzzy membership functions. The fuzzy analysis
where l A (x) is a real function, named as a member- takes place in blocks that contain the rules of the
ship function, defined by the expression l A (x):U Y linguistic control.
[0,1], that associates to each x a U a real number The combination of the inputs indicators into
l A (x), in the interval [0,1]. This real number repre- one or more outputs requires a previous definition
sents the membership degree of x in A. of the relevance of each input variable in the com-
Let A, B and C be fuzzy sets in the universe U, for position of the output variable, established with the
8x a U, use of a slider in a qualitative scale as displayed in
Then the membership function l C (x) of the inter- Fig. 3.
section C = A \ B is: Each output variable is a result of the rule block
lC ð xÞ ¼ lA\B ð xÞ that contains the information of all possible arrange-
ments among input variables described in linguistic
¼ lA ð xÞT lB ð xÞVminflA ð xÞ;lB ð xÞg; 8xaU
means. The choice of rules which better represent the
ð2Þ desired condition can be done by a bounded sum or by
where T are triangular norms, functions of two defined the maximum value obtained. This study uses the
entrances in the domains T:[0,1] X [0,1] Y [0,1]. X maximum value method, which represents the union
denotes the Cartesian product. of sets. The operators and stakeholders can also define
The operator T indicates a mapping between two the degree of support (DoS) of each rule, on a scale
fuzzy membership functions, each one in the interval from zero to one. Zero means that the rule will never
[0,1], and the operation is executed among them point be fired, and the values between zero and one repre-
to point, according to their format. The mapping sent the relevance of a particular rule in the block. In
function in 8x, y, z and z a [0,1] must follow: the example shown in Fig. 4, all the DoS of the rules
are equal to 1.
! Coherency in the shapes: xT0 = 0 and xT1 = 1 The results of the operation in these rule blocks are
! Commutativity: xTy = yTx also represented by linguistic variables. The defuzzy-
! Associativity: xT(yTz) = (xTy)Tz fication in the outputs converts the linguistic variables
! Monotonicity: x V y and w V z, xTw V yTz in discreet variables.

Fig. 4. Rule block of bwaterQ shows the possibilities of combining input variables with possible results of the output variable.
A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181 175

Fig. 4 shows an example of the rule block bwaterQ.

The input variables represent conditions, fields, or
other definitions related to the state of the object in
analysis, or aspect. The results–output variables may
be represented in a fuzzy form, or by a crisp value.
The method establishes that the defuzzyfication shall
be used as a form to verify the behavior assumed by
the output variables. Thus, each set of input variables, Fig. 6. MBF of bbioticQ Pre-existing situation.
operated in a rule block, results in two output vari-
ables. One with fuzzy values which will feed a new method generates environmental diagnosis of the
input for the next set, and other defuzzyficated vari- influence area and prognostics for each alternative
able with discreet values. These two output variables of the project.
will allow a better comprehension by the stakeholders
giving support to them to visualize and interpret each
result. The membership functions to the defuzzyfica- 3. Results
tion operations were of the bSQ types with the upper
shoulder width of 50%. Two alternatives to the highway projects and a
The defuzzyfication that converts fuzzy into crisp third hypothesis of bNo action at allQ were analyzed.
values can be done by different methods. In this case, One alternative called bSouth CircuitQ foresees a sce-
the method used to obtain the crisp value is the nario for determining a priority to assist immediately
bcenter of area (CoA)Q. the local communities, mitigating the environmental
An example of the graphic representation of a impacts. Another alternative called bPark-highwayQ
membership function is shown in Fig. 5. foresees not only the mitigation of the environmental
The obtained values by the CoA defuzzyfication impacts, but also improvements in the protection of
method range from the minimum of 0.158 to the ecosystems through a Management Plan for the EPA
maximum of 0.842. In order to change the base to a of Anhatomirim.
percentage, and deal with a common reference, the
new reference values of the outputs are obtained from 3.1. Characterization of the study area
the expression:
The EPA of Anhatomirim is located in the north of
x ¼ ð y  0:1580Þ=ð0:8420  0:1580Þ: ð3Þ
Florianópolis metropolitan region, capital of the state
This thematic and systemic output indicator repre- of Santa Catarina, Brazil. Small bays and promon-
sents the combinations and operations of the input tories with beaches and rock coasts bathed by shel-
variables, according to the assessments of stake- tered waters and an open sea form its coastline. A
holders, specialists, and decision makers. Thus, the population of dolphins of the Sotalia fluviatilis spe-
cies inhabits its territorial waters, constituting the area
of more austral occurrence of this species (Mori,
1998). The hills of Serra da Armação with its well-
kept remaining areas of Atlantic Rain Forest are a
shelter for various endangered wild animal species.
The forest conservation state, the landscape and the
population of dolphins have taken the Federal Gov-
ernment to create the EPA of Anhatomirim.
The EPA of Anhatomirim has the area of 3000 ha.
A place of rare beauty sees in the tourism a develop-
Fig. 5. Graphic representation of membership functions of the bSQ
ment option, after the decay of the economic cycle of
type with the width of the upper shoulder of 50% (example of whales hunting and fishery in the past. The EPA is
output variable bPhysicalQ — Pre-existing situation). served by precarious accesses, what constitutes the
176 A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181

Fig. 7. MBF of bbioticQ bSouth CircuitQ alternative. Fig. 9. MBF of bbioticQ bNo action at allQ alternative.

main limiting factor to the development of its econ- erating environmental impacts. As a consequence,
omy and the protection of its ecosystem. Although the water resources and the road itself are jeopardized
highway works extend beyond the limits of the EPA due to erosion problems and inadequate drainage.
of Anhatomirim, our study focuses only on where this On the other hand, precarious access conditions inhi-
road crosses the Unit of Conservation along an area of bit the sustainable development and the occupation
11 km. The analysis of the probable environmental area.
impacts will be limited to the operation phase of the
road. 3.2.3. Park-highway
This is a conceptual alternative that uses part of the
3.2. The alternative projects current SC-410 Highway. This is a different treatment
to alternatives of tracing, due to many factors asso-
3.2.1. The south contour ciated with environmental concern, from its concep-
This alternative uses partially the existent SC-410 tion until its implantation and mainly its operation.
Highway that surrounds Serra da Armação by the The project seeks to minimize and mitigate the
South, crossing three villages in an extension area of impacts of the civil constructions and also creates a
27.1 km. This is the preferential alternative as a compensation mechanism of the occupation control
project, because apart from assisting a larger number and use of the accessible areas for the road. One of the
of communities, with more safety for the user and objectives of the Park-highway is the protection of
for the inhabitants of the bordering areas, it facil- natural, historical and cultural places. Another objec-
itates a larger development and organization of tour- tive is to promote the ecological education of the
ism potentialities. This alternative will be called population and users, creating conditions for the
bSouth ContourQ. social and economic development of the communities.

3.2.2. No action at all 3.3. Input variables — direct and thematic indicators
This alternative means that nothing is going to be
carried out, maintaining the road as it is now. In this The choice of indicators had as its main criterion
situation the maintenance of the traffic conditions the definition of a synthetic set, which is able to
requires constant interventions of soil movement gen- identify the conditions of the environmental quality

Fig. 8. MBF of bbioticQ bPark-highwayQ alternative. Fig. 10. MBF of bphysicalQ Pre-existing situation.
A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181 177

Table 1
Conditions and possible conditions changes in bbioticQ
Indicator Pre-existing bSouth circuitQ bPark-highwayQ bNo action
situation alternative alternative at allQ
Biotic 73.58% 41.37% 76.59% 57.80%

and the probable condition changes of these qualities Fig. 12. MBF of bphysicalQ bPark-highwayQ alternative.
at the physical, biologic and social economic levels
and legal conformity. These changes are determined ! Forest cover—represents the conditions of the flora
by the probably direct and indirect, relevant, environ- concerning the covering;
mental impacts caused by the project and its alterna- ! Diversity—represents the conditions of the flora
tives in the operation phase of the project. concerning the diversity;
The definition of the structure and composition of ! Continental water—represents the conditions of
the thematic indicators are based on the sufficiency continental water – superficial and subterranean
and capacity of representation of the individual indi- waters – from the EPA of Anhatomirim;
cators in the set. This definition shows which indivi- ! Marine water—represents the conditions of the
dual indicators should be used and their relative seawaters in the EPA of Anhatomirim;
importance. ! Air—represents the conditions of the air quality in
A list of the used input variables, which are indi- the EPA of Anhatomirim;
vidual and thematic conditions indicators, is shown ! Soil—represents the conditions of the soil in the
below following the flow of represented data in the EPA of Anhatomirim;
soft decision tree: ! Legal conformity—represents the level of legal
conformity in the process of territorial formation
! Connectivity—represents the possibility of a and occupation of spaces in the EPA of Anhato-
genetic flow among the populations; mirim. It is identified in the model by the denomi-
! Conservation—represents the conditions of conser- nation blegalQ;
vation of the ecosystems; ! Distribution—represents the conditions in the dis-
! Fragmentation—represents the level of continuity tribution of businesses in the private economy;
of the environments; ! Inducement—represents the conditions in the
! Aquatic fauna—represents the conditions of the inducement of new businesses in the private
aquatic fauna; economy;
! Continental fauna—represents the conditions of the ! Remuneration—represents the conditions of the
continental fauna; acquisitive power in the remuneration performed
! Gray-dolphins (Sotalia fluviatilis)—represent the by the private economy;
conditions of this population, who live in the ! Public expenses—represents the conditions of the
EPA of Anhatomirim. They are identified in the public expenses. It is identified in the model by the
model by the denomination bdolphinQ; denomination bexpenseQ;

Fig. 11. MBF of bphysicalQ bSouth CircuitQ alternative. Fig. 13. MBF of bphysicalQ bNo action at allQ alternative.
178 A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181

Table 2
Conditions and possible conditions changes in bphysicalQ
Variable/ Pre-existing bSouth circuit’ bPark-highwayQ bNo action
Indicator situation alternative alternative at allQ
Physical 63.64% 35.84% 73.80% 50.00%

! Public income—represents the conditions of the Fig. 15. MBF of bsocial–economicQ bSouth CircuitQ alternative.
public income. It is identified in the model by the
denomination bincomeQ;
In the sequence the output variables are showed,
! Scenic—represents the conditions of the aesthetic,
following the data flow represented in the soft deci-
scenic and landscape conditions in the EPA of
sion tree:
! Culture—represents the conditions of the culture;
! Ecosystems—natural ecosystem conditions — it is
habits; traditions; cultural, artistic, architectonic,
derived from the composition of the obtained
historical and archeological patrimony in the EPA
indexes for the connectivity, conservation and frag-
of Anhatomirim;
mentation conditions;
! Life quality—represents the conditions of comfort
! Fauna—fauna conditions—it is derived from the
and life quality, considering education, health,
composition of the obtained indexes for the aquatic
security, dwelling, transport and leisure in the
and continental faunas conditions and for the con-
EPA of Anhatomirim;
ditions of the dolphins’ population that live in the
! Work—represents the conditions of job offers,
EPA of Anhatomirim;
resulting from the private economy performance
! Flora—flora conditions—it is derived from the
in the EPA of Anhatomirim.
composition of the obtained indexes for the native
forest cover and the native vegetation diversity
3.4. Output variables — thematic and systemic
! Water—hydric resource conditions—it is derived
from the composition of the obtained indexes for
The output variables result from the composition of
the continental, superficial and subterranean waters
the fuzzy values of the input variables, operated
and marine water conditions;
according to the rules bifQ, bandQ, bthenQ and impor-
! Private economy—private economy conditions—it
tance scales in the formation of results.
is derived from the composition of the obtained
The results were defuzzyficated in discreet values
indexes for business distributions, inducement of
and expressed in percentages (through basis change
new businesses and remuneration conditions;
that adjust the reference fields). These results are the
! Public economy—public economy conditions—it
thematic indicators, and the final result that expresses
is derived from the composition of the obtained
the general situation of the environment is a systemic
indexes for expenses and income conditions;
conditions indicator.

Fig. 14. MBF of bsocial–economicQ Pre-existing situation. Fig. 16. MBF of bsocial–economicQ bPark-highwayQ alternative.
A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181 179

Fig. 17. MBF of bsocial–economicQ bNo action at allQ alternative. Fig. 18. MBF of bsituationQ Pre-existing situation.

! Economic—economic aspect conditions–it is 3.4.1. Biotic — biologic means and natural ecosystem
derived from the composition of the obtained in- conditions
dexes for private and public economies conditions; The scenario of the bSouth CircuitQ alternative
! Social—social aspects conditions – it is derived indicates a sensible tendency of quality reduction,
from the composition of the obtained indexes representing the worst alternative for the project, con-
for the scenic, cultural, life quality and work sidering its negative impacts on the biologic means
conditions; and natural ecosystems. The scenario of the bPark-
! Biotic—biologic means and natural ecosystem highwayQ alternative indicates the maintenance of
conditions – it is derived from the composition of good quality in the preservation of flora. The scenario
the obtained indexes for the natural ecosystems, of the bNo action at allQ alternative indicates that the
fauna and flora conditions; evolution of the region without the implementation of
! Physical—physical means conditions – it is the project presents a tendency to jeopardize the bio-
derived from the composition of the obtained logic means quality and natural ecosystems. The
indexes for water, air and soil quality conditions; values of the membership functions (MBFs) of each
! Social-economic—social–economic means condi- alternative are shown in Figs. 6, 7, 8 and 9. Table 1
tions – it is derived from the composition of the shows the defuzzyficated results.
obtained indexes for the conditions of the means Being compared to the future projected settings;
in relation to the economy aspects and the con- the alternative bPark-highwayQ presents the best
ditions of the means in relation to the social choice for the biologic means and natural ecosystems.
! Situation—environmental situation conditions – it 3.4.2. Physical — physical means conditions
is derived from the composition of the obtained The scenario of the bSouth CircuitQ alternative
indexes for the conditions of the biologic means indicates a sensible tendency to quality reduction,
and the natural ecosystems, the physical means and representing the worst alternative for the project con-
the social-economic means, as well as the legal sidering its negative impacts on the physical means.
conformity conditions. The scenario of the bPark-highwayQ alternative indi-
cates a tendency of quality elevation in the physical
Below, the defuzzyfication results of the final the- means. The projected scenario for the bNo action at
matic variables are presented. allQ alternative shows a tendency to jeopardize the

Table 3
Conditions and possible conditions changes in bsocial–economicQ
Variable/ Pre-existing bSouth bPark-highwayQ bNo action
Indicator situation circuitQ alternative at allQ
alternative alternative
Social– 42.17% 65.95% 73.80% 46.15%
Fig. 19. MBF of bsituationQ bSouth CircuitQ alternative.
180 A. de Siqueira Campos Boclin, R. de Mello / Ecological Economics 58 (2006) 170–181

Table 4
Conditions and possible conditions changes in bsituationQ
Variable/ Pre-existing bSouth bPark-highwayQ bNo action
Indicator situation circuitQ alternative at allQ
alternative alternative
Situation 0.5000 0.4032 0.6628 0.4737

Fig. 20. MBF of bsituationQ bPark-highwayQ alternative. situation, may be considered critic. The scenario of
the bSouth CircuitQ alternative indicates a sensible
quality of this variable. The values of the membership tendency to quality reduction and may be considered
functions (MBFs) of each alternative are shown in the worst project alternative. The projected scenario
Figs. 10, 11, 12 and 13. Table 2 shows the defuzzy- for the bPark-highwayQ alternative indicates a strong
ficated results. tendency to quality improvement in the environmental
The results show that the alternative bPark-high- situation conditions. The scenario of the bNo action at
wayQ is the most adequate one, as it improves the allQ alternative indicates that the evolution of the
present quality of the physical means. region, without the project implementation, presents
a tendency of jeopardy in the environmental situation
3.4.3. Social-economic—social-economic means con- quality. The values of the membership functions of
ditions each alternative situation are shown in Figs. 18, 19, 20
The scenario of the bsouth contourQ alternative and 21. Table 4 shows the final systemic defuzzyfi-
indicates a sensible tendency to quality improvement cated results.
for this variable. The scenario of the bPark-highwayQ When the future projected scenarios are compared,
alternative indicates a more emphatic quality elevation the bPark-highwayQ alternative is considered as the
in the social–economic means. The projected scenario most appropriated choice. This can be better under-
for the bNo action at allQ alternative shows a light stood when the percentage values of the defuzzyficated
tendency to improve the quality of the social–eco- results obtained from the scenarios without the projects
nomic means, although it still can be considered critic. (46.15%) is compared to the results of the best alter-
The values of the membership functions (MBFs) of native—bPark-highwayQ alternative (73.80%). A
each alternative are shown in Figs. 14, 15, 16 and 17. favorable result to the environment, about 27.65%,
Table 3 shows the defuzzyficated results. may be accepted.
The results show that the alternative bPark-high-
wayQ is the most adequate one, as it improves the
present quality of the social–economic means, when 4. Conclusions
compared to the No action at allQ alternative.
The present study intends to contribute for the
3.4.4. Situation — environmental situation conditions improvement of the current assessment processes of
The results of the fuzzy operations show that the environmental impacts, presenting a method that
environmental situation conditions, in the Pre-existing enables the integration of the representations (indica-
tors) and their logical operations. The soft decision
tree that uses a fuzzy logic approach can be easily
understood by non-specialists and it is logically con-
sistent. This method brings democracy and transpar-
ency to the process, operating variables that seemed,
until now, to be un-mixable with regular mathematics.
The results of the application indicate that the
bPark-highwayQ alternative is the one that brings the
best ecological, economic and social answers, being
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