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Quarter 4-Module 8

English – Grade 7
Science – Grade 7
Alternative Delivery Mode
Quarter 4 – Module 8: Eclipse
First Edition, 2020

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Published by the Department of Education

Secretary : Leonor Magtolis Briones
Undersecretary : Diosdado M. San Antonio

Development Team of the Module

Writer/Illustrator/Layout Artist/Editors
Bernadeth M. Angeles
Crisanto M. Serrano
Rodbert M. Santos
MayLyn S. Coloma

Content Evaluator: Victoria S. Angeles

Language Evaluator: Roselda M. Baylon
Layout Evaluator: Roselle S. Malicdem
Management Team: Gregorio C. Quinto
Rainelda M. Blanco
Agnes R. Bernardo
Marinella P. Garcia Sy
Glenda S. Constantino
Joannarie C. Garcia

Printed in the Philippines by ________________________

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Office Address: Curriculum Implementation Division

Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan
Email address:
Quarter 4 - Module 8
Introductory Message

This Self-Learning Module (SLM) is prepared so that you, dear learners, can continue your
studies and learn while at home. Activities, questions, directions, exercises, and discussions
are carefully stated for you to understand each lesson.

Each SLM is composed of different parts. Each part shall guide you step-by-step as you
discover and understand the lesson prepared for you.

Pre-tests are provided to measure your prior knowledge on lessons in each SLM. This will
tell you if you need to proceed on completing this module or if you need to ask your
facilitator or your teacher’s assistance for better understanding of the lesson. At the end of
each module, you need to answer the post-test to self-check your learning. Answer keys are
provided for each activity and test. We trust that you will be honest in using these.

In addition to the material in the main text, Notes to the Teachers are also provided to our
facilitators and parents for strategies and reminders on how they can best help you on your
home-based learning.

Please use this module with care. Do not put unnecessary marks on any part of this SLM.
Use a separate sheet of paper in answering the exercise and tests. Read the instructions
carefully before performing each task.

If you have any questions in using this SLM or any difficulty in answering the tasks in this
module, do not hesitate to consult your teacher or facilitator.

Thank you.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:
 Define This
module will help the learners explain how solar and lunar eclipses
 occur using solar
Differentiate models. Through
eclipse from this the learners
the lunar eclipse.will also learn to define eclipse and
give the difference between solar eclipse and
 Explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur using lunarmodels.

At the end of this module, you are expected to:

 define eclipse;
 differentiate solar eclipse from the lunar eclipse; and
 explain how solar and lunar eclipses occur using models.

Directions: Read the following questions carefully. Write the letter of the correct answer
on your answer sheet.

1. What is formed when an object blocks a light source?

a. eclipse
b. rotation
c. shadow
d. tides
2. This occurs when the sun, moon and the earth are precisely aligned.
a. eclipse
b. rotation
c. shadow
d. tides
3. What star is the source of all heat and light in the solar system?
a. comets
b. moon
c. planet
d. sun
4. Which of the following doesn’t emit its light and the closest neighbor to the earth?
a. asteroids
b. moon
c. sun
d. Venus
5. Which of the following scenario happens when the earth is directly positioned
between the moon and the sun?
a. lunar eclipse
b. rotation
c. solar eclipse
d. tides
6. What happens when the moon moves directly between the earth and the sun?
a. lunar eclipse
b. rotation
c. solar eclipse
d. tides
7. It is the darkest portion of the moon's shadow.
a. crater
b. night
c. penumbra
d. umbra
8. What is a lighter shadow on earth's surface?
a. crater
b. day
c. penumbra
d. umbra
9. The phenomena that occurs from zero to two times every year.
a. partial lunar eclipse
b. partial solar eclipse
c. total lunar eclipse
d. total solar eclipse
10. When the moon is completely passing into the umbra of earth, the moon becomes
very dark because the earth blocks sunlight, a ____________ has occurred.
a. partial lunar eclipse
b. partial solar eclipse
c. total lunar eclipse
d. total solar eclipse
11. A ___________ happens when only a portion of the moon moves into the earth’s
a. partial lunar eclipse
b. partial solar eclipse
c. total lunar eclipse
d. total solar eclipse
12. Do not look directly to the sun because it can damage your ______.
a. eyes
b. face
c. head
d. skin
13. What eye protection is used when viewing a solar eclipse?
a. compact disk
b. sunglasses
c. tinted glasses
d. umbrella
14. The _______ of the moon causes more than just a change in its phase, but also
causes an eclipse.
a. revolution
b. rotation
c. seasons
d. tides
15. It is the planet where we live.
a. Earth
b. Mars
c. Mercury
d. Venus

You learned in the previous lesson that the earth's revolution around the sun
accounts for the seasonal changes. Since the earth's axis is tilted at 23.5 degrees, the
season experienced by those in the northern hemisphere is different from those in the
southern hemisphere.
The sun gives light and energy. As the earth rotates, the sun appears to move
across the sky. Do this activity and make an observation. You go outside your house.
Make sure that the sun shines brightly on you. Move in different directions at different
hours of the day- in the morning, at noon, at mid-afternoon and late afternoon. What did
you noticed after doing this? If your answer is you have seen a shadow that is Correct!
This is how eclipse happens, by something blocking light from the sun.
The myth below accounts for the belief of the people about the eclipse.

According to the Visayan myth, there is an eclipse because there is a part serpent-
part dragon creature called a "bakunawa" that is trying to eat the sun and the moon coming
from the seas. In order for it not to be successful in eating the sun and the moon, the people
have to shout in order to distract it and make it spit out the sun and the moon so that it may
return to its original place.

In other Filipinos'
superstitious beliefs, pregnant
mothers should stay indoors
during an eclipse. With the rare
annular solar eclipse taking place
starting around noon today,
December 26, 2019, many are
advising their pregnant friends
and relatives not to go out during
the duration of the eclipse.

Although no scientific proof has been established connecting pregnancy and eclipse,
according to beliefs, the unborn child could develop deformity if the expectant mother goes
outside. This belief has been shared and passed on for generations.

In ancient China and Egypt, the high priests taught the people that when an eclipse
came, an evil dragon-spirit was eating up the sun, and it would disappear forever unless
prayers were said and offerings were made. Other magicians and sorcerers, knowing that
an eclipse was due, threatened to remove the sun from the sky unless certain of their
demands were met. When the eclipse began, the people were convinced that the magician
was making good his threat. After they gave him what he wanted, he would promise to make
the sun reappear in a few hours, which of course, it was going to do in any case. If you are
ever lucky enough to see a total solar eclipse, you will discover that it is an awe-inspiring
sight. As the moon approaches the sun, the skies begin to darken as they do at regular
twilight. On the farms, chickens go to roost, thinking that its nightfall. When the moon
completely obscures the sun's flaming ball, the sky becomes almost as dark as a moonless
night. Then, in a few minutes, the moon passes across the sun and disappears from view,
and the day becomes bright again.
Sources: Filipino beliefs about eclipse, Superstitions on pregnant mothers arise with solar
eclipse occurrence today and The Science Library

Eclipses can occur only when the sun, the moon, and earth are perfectly lined up.
Because the moon's orbit is not in the same plane as earth's orbit around the sun, eclipses
happen only a few times per year.

Solar Eclipses

A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves directly between the sun and earth and
casts a shadow on the part of earth. The darkest portion of the moon's shadow is called the
umbra. A person standing in an area of earth within the umbra sees a total solar eclipse.
The only visible portion of the sun is part of its atmosphere, which appears as a pearly white
glow around the edge of the eclipsing moon.

Surrounding the umbra is a lighter shadow on earth's surface called the penumbra.
Persons standing in the penumbra see a partial solar eclipse. Photographs can be taken
off the curved edge of the moon, moving over a portion of the sun.

Never look directly at a solar eclipse. The light will permanently damage your eyes.


Sun Earth

Figure 1. Orientation of sun, moon and earth for a solar eclipse.

Lunar Eclipses

When earth's shadow falls on the moon, a lunar eclipse occurs. A lunar eclipse
begins with the moon moving into earth's penumbra. As the moon continues to move, it
enters earth's umbra, and you see a curved shadow on the moon's surface. It was from this
shadow that Aristotle concluded that earth was a sphere. When the moon moves ultimately
into earth's umbra, the moon becomes very dark because the earth blocks light from the
sun. A total lunar eclipse has occurred.

A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the moon moves into earth's
umbra. The remainder of the moon is in the earth's penumbra, and therefore it receives
some direct sunlight.

A total solar eclipse occurs from zero to two times every year, yet most people live
their entire lives without witnessing one. You may not be lucky enough to see a total solar
eclipse, but it is almost certain you will have a chance to see a total solar eclipse in your
lifetime. Although total solar eclipses are more common than total lunar eclipses, only those
people in the tiny region where the moon's umbra strikes earth can witness a total solar
eclipse. In contrast, anyone on the night time side of earth can see a total lunar eclipse.

Sun Earth shadow cone Moon


Figure 2. Orientation of sun, earth and moon for a lunar eclipse.

Independent Activity 1

Activity: Eclipses

To make a model of a solar eclipse and lunar eclipse.

Materials Needed:

two drinking glasses

two plastic balls of different sizes
flashlight or penlight

Safety Notes: Be careful in handling glasses and in using flashlight or penlight. Work with
adult supervision.


1. Get a medium size ball, to represent

the earth and a small ball to represent the moon.

2. Place it on top of the two drinking glasses.

3. Use a flashlight to represent the sun

and to light up your model.

Note: Make sure that the glasses are aligned
and far from each other.

Answer the questions below. Your teacher will rate you using the scoring rubric.

2 points The response gives evidence of a complete understanding of the problem. It

is fully developed and clearly communicated. All parts of the problem are
completely answered. There are no errors.
1 point The response gives evidence of a reasonable approach but also indicates
gaps in conceptual understanding. Parts of the problem may be missing.
The explanation may be incomplete.
0 point There is no response, or the work is completely incorrect or irrelevant.

Question 1. What did you observe when the moon is between the earth and the sun?
Question 2. What did you observe when the earth is between the sun and the moon?
Question 3. What is formed when the moon, earth and sun are aligned?
Question 4. What is an eclipse?
Question 5. What is the difference between a solar eclipse and a lunar eclipse?

Independent Assessment 1

Directions: Identify what is being described for each of the following statements. Choose
your answer from the choices below.

Lunar eclipse Partial lunar eclipse Penumbra Solar eclipse Umbra

__________1. It occurs when the moon moves directly between the sun and earth and
casts a shadow on the part of earth.
__________2. It is a lighter shadow on earth's surface.
__________3. It is the darkest portion of the moon’s shadow.
__________4. It happens when earth’s shadow falls on the moon.
__________5. It occurs when only a portion of the moon moves into earth's umbra.

Independent Activity 2

Directions: Draw the position of the moon, the sun, and the earth during a solar eclipse
and lunar eclipse. The score will be based on the following criteria:

Score Criteria
4 The appearance of the drawing looks similar to what was learned. It is properly
labelled. The size of the drawing is big enough to see all the details.
3 The appearance of the drawing looks similar to what was learned. It is properly
labelled. The size is small to see all the details.
2 The appearance of the drawing is not similar to what was learned. It is not
properly labelled. The size is small to see all the details.
1 The appearance of the drawing is not similar to what was learned. There is no
label. The size is small to see all the details.
0 There is no answer.

Solar Eclipse

Lunar Eclipse

Independent Assessment 2

In your answer sheet, write the difference between:

a. Solar eclipse and Lunar eclipse

b. Umbra and Penumbra
c. Partial solar eclipse and Total solar eclipse
d. Partial lunar eclipse and Total lunar eclipse

Your score will be rated based on the following criteria.

Score Criteria
4 All parts of the question are correctly answered. An explanation stating the logic
behind the answer is provided with each answer (because…). Complete
sentences are used. Each question is restated in the answer. Proper scientific
terminology is used in all parts of answer.
3 All parts of the question are correctly answered. No explanation of the answers is
given. Complete sentences are used. The question is fully restated in most of the
answers. Some scientific terms are used.
2 Some parts of the question are correctly answered. Some parts of the question
are partially correct. No explanation of the answers is given. Complete
sentences are used. The question is not restated in most answers. Very few
scientific terms are used.
1 One part of the question is correctly answered. It is unclear what is meant by
many of the answers. No explanation of the answers is given. Sentences are
incomplete. No scientific terms are used.
0 No parts of the question are answered.

Independent Activity 3

Directions: Answer the given question: What is the importance of eclipse?
You will be given a score based on the following criteria:

Score Criteria
10-7 The idea is clearly stated and logically organized. Researched information and
personal ideas were cited. Written works has no error.
6-4 The idea is not clearly expressed and logically organized. Some researched
information and personal ideas were cited. Written works has few errors.
3-2 Unable to express the idea. Lacks organization and gathering of information.
Written works has several errors.
1-0 The ideas were unorganized and have no supporting details. The writing is
confusing and hard to understand.


Independent Assessment 3

Directions: Complete the following statement.

1. Eclipse is the ___________________________________________________.

2-3. The two types of eclipse are the ____________________________ and the
4-5. The two portions of the shadows are the _____________ and ____________.

Directions: Complete the following:

Metacognition for Stating Knowledge

My chosen word is ______________________________________

I know that I know ______________________________________
First, I know ___________________________________________
In addition, I know ______________________________________
Finally, I know _________________________________________

A solar eclipse does not frequently

happen. As a Grade 7 student, what
safety precautions can you give in order to
protect your eyes while observing a partial
solar eclipse?

Your score will be based on the following criteria:

Content 10 points
Understanding/Application 10 points
Total 20 points

True or False

Directions: Write the word True if the statement is correct and False if it is not.

__________1. Eclipse can be observed every day.

__________2. Eclipses only happen when the moon aligns with the sun and earth.
__________3. The only shadows that we can see are the shadows of the earth and the
__________4. Solar eclipse occurs when the moon comes directly between the sun and
the earth.
__________5. Looking directly to the sun can harm your eyes.
__________6. It was Isaac Newton who concluded that earth was a sphere.
__________7. The moons shadow is bigger than the earth's shadow.
__________8. Lunar eclipse happens when the earth’s shadows falls on the moon.
__________9. When the moon is completely within the umbra it becomes totally dark.
__________10. A total lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the moon moves into
earth's umbra.
__________11. The sun is the ultimate and cheapest source of energy.
__________12. The earth is the planet where we live.
__________13. The earth has two moons.
__________14. The moon is the earth’s nearest neighbor.
__________15. Eclipses are observable phenomenon.

Web Map
Directions: Write down words related to eclipse.



Independent Activity 2
Solar Eclipse Lunar Eclipse

Independent Activity 3 What I Have Learned

The occurrence of an eclipse (This is only a sample answer. Students
allows us to observe the shape of the response may vary)
celestial body. This observation gives us Metacognition for Stating Knowledge
information on the real shape of these My chosen word is the solar eclipse
celestial bodies, particularly the earth I know that I know what a solar
and the moon. eclipse is
First I Know that solar eclipse occurs
when the moon moves directly
Independent Assessment 3
between the sun and earth
1. Eclipse is the casting of shadow or In addition, I know that the darkest
temporarily blocking of sunlight to portion of the moon's shadow is
heavenly bodies called the umbra while lighter shadow
2-3. Solar eclipse and lunar eclipse. on earth's surface is called the
4-5. Umbra and penumbra penumbra
Finally, I know what solar eclipse is.

What I Can Do Assessment Additional Activity

When viewing a solar eclipse, everyone 1. False Earth
should take safety measures. Here are 2. True Moon
some of them: 3. True Partial lunar eclipse
1. Use tinted glasses or negatives 4. True Partial solar eclipse
of used films. 5. True Penumbra
2. Use a sheet of white glass 6. False Shadow
whose surface is coated with 7. False Sun
soot to protect your eyes from 8. True Total lunar eclipse
glare. 9. True Total solar eclipse
3. Avoid prolonged exposure to the 10. False Umbra
sun's glare because it will 11. True
damage your eyes. 12. True
13. False
14. True
15. True

What I Know
1. c
11. a
2. a
12. a
3. d
13. c
4. b
14. a
5. a
15. a
6. c
7. d
8. c
9. d
10. c

What's More Independent Assessment 1

Independent Activity 1
Question 1. When the moon is between the earth 1. Solar eclipse
and the sun, a shadow comes down on the earth. 2. Penumbra
Question 2. The moon becomes very dark because 3. Umbra
the earth blocks light from the sun. 4. Lunar eclipse
Question 3. It formed an eclipse. 5. Partial lunar eclipse
Question 4. An eclipse is the casting of shadow or
temporarily blocking of sunlight to heavenly bodies.
Question 5. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon
moves directly between the sun and earth and casts
a shadow on the part of earth while in a lunar eclipse;
the moon seems to disappear because the earth's
shadow falls on the moon

Independent Assessment 2
a. A solar eclipse occurs when the moon moves directly between the sun and earth
and casts a shadow on the part of earth while in a lunar eclipse, the moon seems
to disappear because the earth's shadow falls on the moon.
b. Umbra is the darkest portion of the moon's shadow, while penumbra is the lighter
shadow on earth's surface.
c. A partial solar eclipse is when the moon only blocks part of the sun while total
solar eclipse-the moon blocks out the sun.
d. A partial lunar eclipse occurs when only a portion of the moon receives some
direct light while in a total lunar eclipse, the moon becomes very dark because the
earth blocks light from the sun.

Bilgera, Yolanda P., 2004. Integrated Science For First Year High School.
Quezon City: St. Bernadette Publications, Inc.

Santos, Gil Nonato C., Danac, Alfonso C. 2006. i-Science. Sampaloc,

Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.

Sutton, Felix. 1987. The Science Library.Chicago: J.G. Publishing Company.

Department of Education: Science Learner's Material Grade 7

Google 2017. Filipino beliefs about eclipse- Accessed by July 7, 2020 Filipino beliefs about the eclipse.

Google.2019. Superstitions on pregnant mothers arise with solar eclipse occurrence

today. CDODev Admin. Accessed by June 21, 2020 mothers-arise-

For inquiries or feedback, please write or call:

Department of Education, Schools Division of Bulacan

Curriculum Implementation Division
Learning Resource Management and Development System (LRMDS)
Capitol Compound, Guinhawa St., City of Malolos, Bulacan

Email address:

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