Probabilistic-Fuzzy Health Risk Modeling

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Stoch Envir Res and Risk Ass (2004) 18: 324–338 Ó Springer-Verlag 2004

DOI 10.1007/s00477-004-0187-3


E. Kentel  M. M. Aral

Probabilistic-fuzzy health risk modeling

Abstract Health risk analysis of multi-pathway expo- The proposed method provides a robust approach in
sure to contaminated water involves the use of mecha- evaluating human health risk to exposure when there is
nistic models that include many uncertain and highly both uncertainty and variability in model parameters.
variable parameters. Currently, the uncertainties in these PFRA allows utilization of certain types of information
models are treated using statistical approaches. How- which have not been used directly in existing risk
ever, not all uncertainties in data or model parameters assessment methods.
are due to randomness. Other sources of imprecision
that may lead to uncertainty include scarce or incom- Keywords Human health risk  Probability theory 
plete data, measurement error, data obtained from ex- Fuzzy set theory  Exposure  Uncertainty  Variability
pert judgment, or subjective interpretation of available
information. These kinds of uncertainties and also the
non-random uncertainty cannot be treated solely by 1 Introduction
statistical methods. In this paper we propose the use of
fuzzy set theory together with probability theory to Risk assessment has been used to quantify the human
incorporate uncertainties into the health risk analysis. health impacts due to exposure to contaminated water
We identify this approach as probabilistic-fuzzy risk via multiple exposure routes such as ingestion (drink-
assessment (PFRA). ing), inhalation (breathing volatilized contaminants
Based on the form of available information, fuzzy set during showering) and dermal contact (contact of con-
theory, probability theory, or a combination of both can taminated water with skin, for example while shower-
be used to incorporate parameter uncertainty and vari- ing). The goal of risk assessment is to estimate the
ability into mechanistic risk assessment models. In this severity and likelihood of harm to human health from
study, tap water concentration is used as the source of exposure to a substance or activity that under plausible
contamination in the human exposure model. Ingestion, circumstances can cause harm to human health. Quan-
inhalation and dermal contact are considered as multiple titative risk characterization involves evaluating expo-
exposure pathways. The tap water concentration of the sure estimates against a benchmark of toxicity, such as a
contaminant and cancer potency factors for ingestion, cancer slope factor. Risk is calculated by multiplying the
inhalation and dermal contact are treated as fuzzy cancer potency factor (slope factor) of the toxic sub-
variables while the remaining model parameters are stance by the dose an individual receives.
treated using probability density functions. Combined Uncertainties in risk estimates may arise from many
utilization of fuzzy and random variables produces different sources such as measurement or estimation of
membership functions of risk to individuals at different parameters, natural variability in individual’s response,
fractiles of risk as well as probability distributions of risk variability in environmental concentration of toxicants
for various alpha-cut levels of the membership function. over time and space and unverifiable assumptions in
dose-response models or extrapolations of the results of
E. Kentel Æ M. M. Aral (&) these models. For example, variability in individuals is
Multimedia Environmental Simulations Laboratory, not only due to response. Air intake or amount of water
School of Civil and Environmental Engineering, consumed per day may vary from person to person.
Georgia Institute of Technology, Atlanta, Variability in environment is not only associated with
Georgia, USA
concentration of toxicant in the medium, but also vola-
Tel.: +/) 404–8942243 tilization of contaminant from tap water to air as it varies
Fax: +/) 404–894-5111 as a function of temperature. In risk assessment studies,

analysts always acknowledge the existence of these cancer potency factors (indicators of toxicological re-
uncertainties but can only provide a point estimate of sponse of the individual to a specific risk agent) associ-
risk that may represent the ‘‘best’’ estimate. In recent ated with different exposure pathways and tap water
years, the probabilistic risk assessment (PRA) studies toxicant concentration as non-random but uncertain
have become popular in analyzing this variability. PRA parameters. We will assume that these uncertain
is the general term for risk assessment that uses proba- parameters can be represented as fuzzy variables. The
bility theory and probability models to represent the other parameters of the risk model will be treated as
likelihood of different risk levels in a population (i.e., random variables and the associated probability distri-
variability) or to characterize the uncertainty in risk butions of these variables, as they are defined in the
estimates (Maxwell et. al. 1998; Maxwell and Kastenberg literature, will be used. However, we emphasize that the
1999; Ma 2002; Ma 2000; Ma et. al. 2002). Assuming all proposed approach is not limited to these selections. As
uncertainty is due to randomness, PRA uses probability it will become apparent, any combination of fuzzy and
distributions for one or more variables in a risk equation random variables can be analyzed using the approach
in order to quantitatively characterize variability and/or described here.
uncertainty in the outcome. The output of a PRA is a
probability distribution of risk that reflects the combi-
nation of the input probability distributions. Using this 2 Methodology
approach, if the input distributions represent variability
in a probabilistic sense, then the output risk distribution Our approach for calculating risk estimates involve a
may provide information on the variability in risk in the multi-pathway exposure, an individual health risk model
population of concern. If the input distributions reflect and a framework for evaluating the membership func-
uncertainty in a probabilistic sense, then the output risk tion of health risk as a function of variability and
distribution may provide information about the uncer- uncertainty.
tainty in the risk estimate (U.S. EPA 2001). However,
only rarely there are sufficient data available to estimate
and characterize accurately the probability distribution 2.1 Health risk assessment
of the input variables. Moreover, if uncertainty is not due
to randomness or if the available information is in the Health risk assessment process consists of four main
form of an expert judgment or subjective interpretations steps: Source/release assessment, exposure assessment,
of system parameters or imprecisely defined boundaries dose-response assessment and risk characterization. The
of parameters, than probabilistic analysis may not be details of each step can be found in Louvar and Louvar
sufficient to represent the true nature of uncertainty. In (1998) or Cohrssen and Covello (1989) and will not be
such cases, fuzzy set theory can be used to incorporate repeated here. In this study we consider the contami-
uncertainty into the computational models. In this study, nated tap water, obtained through some environmental
we propose a framework for probabilistic-fuzzy risk modeling, as the source of contamination and we will
assessment (PFRA), which will enable the analyst to use only discuss exposure assessment, dose-response assess-
other types of information (i.e., other than statistical ment and risk characterization computations.
data) such as expert knowledge or fuzzy information in Exposure assessment techniques estimate or directly
combination with PRA in health risk assessment studies. measure the quantities of concentrations of risk agents
The proposed approach integrates utilization of proba- received by individuals, populations, or ecosystems. In
bility theory and fuzzy arithmetic in treating variability this study, we will carry out the risk assessment analysis
and uncertainty. only from the individual risk perspective; so the main
As defined in U.S. EPA (2001), variability is the true concern is health risk estimates of an individual as a
heterogeneity or diversity that characterizes an exposure result of exposure to contaminated tap water. The risk is
variable or response in a population. Further study (e.g., defined to be the increased individual probability of
increasing sample size) will not reduce variability, but it developing cancer during a specified time interval as a
can provide greater confidence, that is lower uncertainty, result of such an exposure.
in quantitative characterization of variability. Variabil- Exposure model proposed by U.S. EPA (2001) for
ity maybe associated with parameters related to indi- cancer risk model (assuming that the ingestion is the
vidual behavior patterns and individual variations in only route of intake) is:
dose-response sensitivity to risk agents. On the other
hand, uncertainty is somewhat different than variability C.IR.EF.ED
and is defined as lack of knowledge about specific vari- CDI ¼
ables, parameters, models, or other factors (U.S. EPA
Risk ¼ CDI.CSF
2001). Examples include limited data regarding the
concentration of a contaminant in an environmental where C is the concentration of a chemical in an expo-
medium, lack of information on cancer potency factors. sure medium (e.g., mg/L), IR is the ingestion rate (e.g.,
In this study, in order to demonstrate the proposed L/day for water, mg/day for soil, etc.), EF is the expo-
approach in a simple manner, we will only consider the sure frequency (days/year), ED is exposure duration

(years), BW is the body weight (kg), AT is averaging geneity or diversity in a population (U.S. EPA 2001).
time (equal to 70 years  365 days/year), CDI is the Thus, variability in daily intake, for example, can be
chronic daily intake of the chemical (mg/kg-day) and characterized by combining multiple sources of vari-
CSF is the cancer slope factor (linear low-dose cancer ability in exposure, such as ingestion rate, inhalation
potency factor) for the chemical (mg/kg-day))1. rate, water use rates, skin surface area, skin permeabil-
In this study we assume that the source is the con- ity, body weight, etc. In this study most of the param-
taminated tap water and routes of exposure are inges- eters occurring in daily intake formulas for ingestion,
tion, inhalation and dermal contact. Risk equations for inhalation and dermal contact routes are also considered
these specific routes are provided in Appendix. to be variable parameters and probability density func-
Exposure analysis is used to estimate the daily intake, tions are used instead of single value estimates (Table 1).
while epidemiological studies are used to determine the However, tap water concentration and cancer potency
dose-response relationship. Most of the variables that factors associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal
occur in chronic daily intake formula are uncertain and/ contact may not exibit only variability as defined above.
or variable. Thus, using single-value estimates for these Depending on the form of the available information, it
variables may result in significant errors. In PRA ap- may be better to interpret them as uncertain parameters.
proach a probability distribution is specified for one or Based on this assumption, one has to use a method other
more of these variables. For the majority of PRA than the probabilistic approach when incorporating
studies, it is expected that probability distributions, ra- them into the mechanistic models.
ther than a single value, will be used to characterize To estimate the responses of populations exposed to a
inter-individual variability, which refer to true hetero- given dose of contaminant, risk analysts conduct mathe-
Table 1 Parameters of risk calculations

Parameter Symbol Units Type of Uncertainty Variable Type Value/Distribution*

Averaging time AT days none constant 25500 (70 years)

Exposure duration ED years none constant 30
Exposure frequency EF d/year none constant 350
Ingestion rate per IR/BW L/d/(kg body wt) variable random lognormal ~ (3.3e–2, 1.3e–2)
body weight
Water use rate Wi L/hr
Shower Ws L/hr variable random lognormal ~ (480,160)
Bathroom Wb L/hr variable random lognormal ~ (40,15)
House Wh L/hr variable random lognormal ~ (40,15)
Transfer efficiency from TEi –
water to air
Shower TEs – variable random triangular ~ (0.1, 0.5, 0.9)
Bathroom TEb – variable random triangular ~ (0.1, 0.43, 0.9)
House TEh – variable random triangular ~ (0.1, 0.43, 0.9)
Air exchange rate VRi m3/hr
Shower VRs m3/hr variable random uniform ~ (4–20)
Bathroom VRb m3/hr variable random uniform ~ (10–100)
House VRh m3/hr variable random uniform ~ (300–1200)
Exposure time ETi hr/d
Shower ETs hr/d variable random lognormal ~ (0.13, 0.09)
Bathroom ETb hr/d variable random lognormal ~ (0.32, 0.21)
House ETh hr/d variable random uniform ~ (8–20)
Inhalation rate per unit IH/BW m3/d/(kg body wt) variable random lognormal ~ (0.39, 0.5)
body weight
Skin surface area available SA/BW m2/kg variable random lognormal ~ (0.39, 0.5)
per body weight
Chemical-specific dermal PC m/hr variable random uniform ~ (0.004–0.01)
permeability constant
Fraction of skin in contact F – variable random unirorm ~ (0.4–0.9)
with water
Cancer potency factor CPF (
Ingestion CPFingestion ( uncertain fuzzy triangular: (0.08, 0.11, 0.14)
Inhalation CPFinhalation ( uncertain fuzzy triangular: (0.0014, 0.0018,
Dermal CPFdermal ( uncertain fuzzy triangular: (0.1, 0.14, 0.18)
Contaminant (PCE) CW mg/L uncertain fuzzy triangular: (0.012, 0.015,
concentration in tap water 0.018)

All parameters other than fuzzy variables are from McKone and represent the minimum and maximum values in the distribution.
Bogen (1991) For triangular distributions (probability density functions), the
For lognormal and normal distributions, the values given in par- numbers in parentheses represent the minimum, likeliest and
entheses represent the arithmetic mean and standard deviation, maximum values, respectively
respectively. For uniform distributions the numbers in parentheses

matical extrapolations. Determining how much of a ments. Depending on the source of tap water (i.e.,
hazard the absorbed substance poses is a complicated groundwater, surface water or combination of both)
problem. Clear-cut relations are rare since epidemiologi- groundwater modeling, surface water modeling or
cal studies are not very sensitive in detecting health effects combined modeling of groundwater and surface water
from relatively low levels of exposure (Hattis and Ken- may be required. It is not our intention here to provide
nedy 1986). As explained in detail in Hattis and Kennedy groundwater or surface water modeling studies to esti-
(1986), the problem is that the rates of specific illnesses mate tap water concentration. However, we are aware of
from a given hazard often must be several times above the fact that contaminant concentration in the tap water
average before one can conclude that they aren’t simply is another uncertain parameter and must be treated as
random fluctuations. Moreover, in great majority of the such in its own uncertainty structure. In this study,
cases where the epidemiological evidence is incomplete or contaminant concentration in tap water is also treated as
ambiguous, using animal studies to make projections a fuzzy variable. Measured contaminant concentrations
make more sense. However, such studies suffer from their in tap water or expert knowledge may help the analyst to
own serious uncertainties. In order to ensure that the toxic assign membership function for this fuzzy variable.
effects will appear at statistically significant levels, the To summarize, our goal here is to provide a frame-
animals are generally exposed to high concentrations of work which enables the risk analyst to make use of all
chemical. A dose-response curve is fitted to the resulting available information. Avaliable information can be in
data obtained from these experimental animals. The dose- the form of expert judgement (e.g., subjective informa-
response curve is used to assess the probability of humans tion of system boundaries, intuitive information), and
developing cancer to this chemical, but most of the time, incomplete or ambiguous information (e.g., imprecisely
at much lower levels. Using such high doses on experi- defined boundaries of parameters, linguistic informa-
mental animals can complicate the interpretation of re- tion). We believe that risk assessment studies will benefit
sults in various ways. Thus, the different mathematical from inclusion of these types of information into health
models produce widely varying results. Other serious risk estimates. Fuzzy set theory can be used to incor-
difficulty is in the process of interpreting animal studies porate such information into the computational models.
and extrapolating them to humans. Because animals and Therefore, in this study we will define the cancer potency
humans metabolize substances differently, the level of the factors associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal
test chemical that reaches various parts of the animal and contact and contaminant concentration in tap water in
the human body can vary widely. Hence, humans and terms of fuzzy variables. We will treat most of the other
animals may suffer from different health effects. As the parameters of the mechanistic models described above in
National Research Council, which often advises the fed- terms of appropriate probability distributions, as is
eral government on scientific issues, points out in a con- commonly done in PRA approach.
gressionally commissioned report that correcting for
these difficulties are not easy because researchers often
lack enough information about human and animal sys- 2.2 Variability and uncertainty
tems (Risk Assessment in the Federal Government:
Managing the Process 1983). Thus assessing toxicity As discussed previously, variable parameters are those
values – which defines the quantitative relationship be- which can be measured but which have different values at
tween dose and response – of risk agents on humans is full different locations, or which may differ from person to
of uncertainties, and the information available is not en- person. Uncertain variables are the ones for which there
ough to provide clear-cut values. Based on this observa- exist measurement errors or incomplete information. In
tion, cancer potency factors may be treated more Table 1 a list of all of the parameters used in risk cal-
appropriately as non-random but uncertain variables and culations are shown, along with the definition of the type
using single value estimates or probabilistic estimates for of variability/uncertainty associated with them and how
this parameter may not be the proper interpretation. In an they are treated (random or fuzzy) in this study. The
application, the analyst must gather all the available corresponding distributions used to represent that vari-
information about cancer potency factors and include this ability/uncertainty (probability distribution functions for
information – even if it is not complete – into risk random variables and membership functions for fuzzy
assessment studies in some other manner. We believe that variables) are also given in the last column of Table 1.
as an initial approximation, modeling these parameters as
fuzzy variables may reduce the associated interpretation
errors and may lead to more informed decisions. Characterizing variability in exposure parameters
Contaminant concentration in the tap water is con-
sidered as the toxicant source in this study. Calculation In PRA a probability distribution is specified for all of
of tap water concentration requires detailed studies as the variable parameters (see Table 1). Monte Carlo
well, which has its own uncertainty structure. Contam- analysis (MCA) is the most widely used probabilistic
inant concentration within the medium, which is used as method in PRA. MCA is a probabilistic method that
the source of tap water, must be determined through uses computer simulation to combine multiple proba-
detailed environmental modeling studies or measure- bility distributions in a risk equation. The details of this

method are explained in U.S. EPA’s Risk Assessment the inevitable uncertainty involved in this decision (Klir
Guidance for Superfund Report (U.S. EPA, 2001). In and Yuan 1995).
our study we will use MCA together with fuzzy interval One of the most important concepts of fuzzy sets is
analysis to carry out PFRA analysis. the concept of an apha-cut, ac. Given a fuzzy set A de-
fined on X and any number a 2 [0, 1], the a-cut, Aa, is
the crisp subset of X consisting of all of the elements of
Characterizing uncertainty in exposure parameters X for which membership grades in A are greater than or
equal to the specified value of a. The membership con-
In this study, all uncertain parameters are treated as cept is shown in Fig. 1a. To summarize, the membership
fuzzy variables. Thus, fuzzy arithmetic and interval value of a real number reflects the ‘‘likeliness’’ of
analysis will be used to integrate uncertainty due to these occurrence of that number; the alpha-cut level reflects
parameters into the PFRA study. Namely, contaminant the different sets of numbers with a given minimum
concentration in tap water, and cancer potency factors likeliness (Kaufmann, 1985).
associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact
are considered as fuzzy variables. The membership
functions of these fuzzy variables are given in Fig. 1. For 3 Probabilistic-fuzzy risk assessment analysis
ease of calculations triangular membership functions are
used for membership functions of fuzzy variables. The The procedure for PFRA starts with the identification of
PFRA method is not restricted to this membership fuzzy or random variables in a risk model. The form of
function choice. information available to the analyst determines whether
Fuzzy set theory was first introduced by L. A. Zadeh a parameter will be treated as a fuzzy or a random
in 1965 (Zadeh 1965) and have been applied in various variable. Thus, the initial step of PFRA is data collec-
fields, such as decision making, control theory and ex- tion and evaluation. Once all available information is
pert systems. Basic definitions of fuzzy sets and fuzzy gathered and data evaluated, appropriate probability
arithmetic along with some engineering applications can density functions and membership functions can be
be found in Zimmerman (1985), Ross (1995) and Ka- specified for variable and uncertain parameters, respec-
ufmann and Gupta (1985). Objects of fuzzy set theory tively.
are fuzzy sets whose boundaries are not precise. The The risk model we propose is as follows:

Risk ¼ CW: f ðV1ing ; . . . ; Vning Þ:CPFing þ gðV1inh ; . . . ; Vminh Þ:CPFinh þ qðV1der ; . . . ; Vkder Þ:CPFder
# # # # # # # ð2Þ
fuzzy random fuzzy random fuzzy random fuzzy

membership in a fuzzy set is not a matter of acceptance where f ðV1ing ; . . . ; Vning Þ represents the function involving
or rejection (i.e., membership function for crisp set is a random variables occurring in the risk formula associ-
binary pair {0, 1}, 1 representing membership and 0 ated with ingestion route, Equation [A1] (Appendix), n
representing non-membership) but rather a matter of is the number of random variables occurring in Equa-
degree. Fuzzy sets have the capability to express gradual tion [A1] (i.e. ingestion rate per body weight),
transitions from membership to nonmembership and gðV1inh ; . . . ; Vminh Þ represents the function involving ran-
vice versa. dom variables occurring in the risk formula associated
The membership concept provides us not only with a with inhalation route, Equation [A2], m is the number of
meaningful and powerful representation of measure- random variables occurring in Equation [A2] and
ment uncertainties, but also with a meaningful repre- qðV1der ; . . . ; Vkder Þ represents the function which involves
sentation of vague concepts expressed in natural random variables occurring in the risk formula associ-
language. Thus, the significance of fuzzy variables is that ated with dermal contact route, Equation [A5], k is the
they facilitate gradual transition between states and, number of random variables occurring in Equation [A5].
consequently possess a natural capability to express and In this study, as indicated in Table 1, some of the var-
deal with observation and measurement uncertainties. ibles occurring in f, g and q functions are defined as
Traditional variables, which we may refer to as crisp constants. However, the solution methodolgy will not
variables, do not have this capability. Although the alter
 if they are chosen as random variables. Here,
definition of states by crisp sets is mathematically cor- Viing ; Vjinh ; Vkder are vectors that contain the sampled
rect, it is unrealistic in the face of unavoidable uncer- values of these parameters from the probability distri-
tainty for certain applications. A measurement that falls butions selected for these parameters, respectively
into a close neighborhood of each precisely defined (Table 1).
border between states of a crisp variable is taken as As can be seen in Equation [2], the risk equation is
evidential support for only one of the states, in spite of composed of various fuzzy and random variables. In this

Fig. 1a Membership function

of contaminant concentration
in tap water Fig. 1b. Mem-
bership function of CPF
associated with ingestion
Fig. 1c. Membership func-
tion of CPF associated with
inhalation Fig. 1d. Member-
ship function of CPF associ-
ated with dermal contact

study, the PFRA analysis is carried out for two different are chosen constant values. This would represent a
scenarios. In the first scenario, it is assumed that only simpler case, where only the environmental modeling
the contaminant concentration in the tap water is trea- outcome is assumed to be uncertain. In the second sce-
ted as a fuzzy variable and cancer potency factors nario, cancer potency factors associated with all three
associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact routes together with the contaminant concentration in

Fig. 1 (Contd)

the tap water are treated as uncertain variables thus 3.1 Scenario one
represented in terms of fuzzy membership functions. For
both cases, most of the terms in functions f, g, q are In this case only the contaminant concentration in the
modeled as random variables while some are defined as tap water is treated as a fuzzy variable which has a tri-
constants. angular membership function, Figure 1a. The total risk
equation for this case can be given as:

Risk ¼ CW : f ðV1ing ; . . . ; Vning Þ:CPFing þ gðV1inh ; . . . ; Vminh Þ:CPFinh þ qðV1der ; . . . ; Vkder Þ:CPFder
# # # # # # # ð3Þ
fuzzy random constant random constant random constant
  h i
Monte Carlo Analysis is used together with interval to as Riskalower
and Riskaupper
in equation [6]
analysis to generate cumulative distribution functions of respectively. Thus, the multiplication operation used in
risk for upper and lower limits of each alpha-cut level. Equation [6] represents multiplication of a cdf with a
PRFA study is conducted with 5000 and 10000 Monte constant. The collection of all of these risk cdfs (i.e., 21
Carlo simulations. Since the results obtained are very cdfs corresponding to lower and upper limits of each ac)
similar, it is decided to proceed with 5000 Monte Carlo will be referred to as ½Riskcdf . The cdfs corresponding to
simulations for the rest of the study. The procedure to lower and upper limits of all alpha-cut levels are gen-
conduct PFRA is given below. erated. However, to provide a clear and simple presen-
The term inside the square parenthesis in Equation [3] tation, cdfs for the lower and upper limits of only 0.0,
(this term will be referred as P from now on) involves 0.5 and 1.0 alpha-cut levels are given in Fig. 2.
only random variables and constants. 5000 Monte Carlo Using these cumulative distribution functions of risk,
simulations are conducted to generate sets of random ½Riskcdf , the membership function of the total risk to a
variables by sampling from the probability distribution specific fractile of individuals at risk can now be gener-
functions of the associated variables provided in Table 1. ated. This concept is explained in Fig. 2. A horizontal
P ¼ f ðV1ing ; . . . ; Vning Þ:CPFing þ gðV1inh ; . . . ; Vminh Þ:CPFinh line cutting through ½Riskcdf curves are drawn and risk
values corresponding to upper and lower limits of each
þ qðV1der ; . . . ; Vkder Þ:CPFder ð4Þ ac are read. For example, a and e are risk values having
The cumulative distribution function of P, ½P cdf can be membership values of zero for 50th fractile. Similarly, all
generated. of the other risk values and associated membership
The next step, is to include the uncertainty due to values are read from the graph and used to plot the fuzzy
fuzziness associated with the contaminant concentration risk membership function corresponding to 50th fractile.
in the tap water, CW. Figure 3 depicts the membership function of total risk to
The total risk equation, Equation [3], being a individuals at 30th, 60th and 90th fractiles of risk.
monotonic function will allow us to use interval analysis In PFRA, all variable parameters are modeled as
to carry out fuzzy calculations. Interval analysis involves random variables (in this specific case study, some are
discretizing the membership domain of the fuzzy vari- taken as constants but the proposed method allows all of
able into a specified number of alpha-cut, ac, levels. these parameters to be modeled as random variables).
First, an alpha-cut interval, in this case 0.1, is selected Here the assumption is that none of the variables are
(i.e., 0.0:0.1:1.0). The lower and upper bounds of the correlated with one another and an independent distri-
intervals for each ac for fuzzy variable CW (this concept bution over all individuals at risk is determined for each
is depicted in Figure 1a) can be given as: of these variable parameters; which we believe is an
acceptable assumption. A set of random variables is
CWac ¼ ½CWalower
; CWaupper
 8 ac ¼ 0 : 0:1 : 1:0 ð5Þ sampled from these distributions to construct an indi-
vidual. This individual is not associated with any par-
Fuzzy arithmetic is carried out for each ac level in ticular individual but is representative of a particular
accordance with interval analysis. This procedure is risk fractile in the population. Detailed explanation of
summarized below and detailed explanations of interval the particular risk fractile concept can be found in
analysis can be found in Moore (1979). Maxwell et. al. (1998).
The lower and upper values of CW (i.e.,
and CWaupper
) are used together with the previ-
ously calculated cumulative distribution function (cdf), 3.2 Scenario Two
½P cdf , to calculate two cumulative distribution functions
of risk corresponding to each ac level (i.e., a total of 21 In this case all the variable parameters are modeled as
cumulative distribution functions for risk are calcu- random variables as before and all the uncertain
lated). parameters (contaminat concentration and cancer po-
  tency factors) are modeled as fuzzy variables. The risk
¼ ½P cdf :CWalower
equation associated with this case is given in Equation
h icdf 8 ac ¼ 0 : 0:1 : 1:0 ð6Þ
ac ac [2]. A similar procedure to the one used in Scenario 1 is
Riskupper ¼ ½P cdf :CWupper
cdf followed for this case. Lower and upper limits of each
Multiplying ½P cdf with a constant, either fuzzy variable for each ac level are determined. Again
or CWaupper
, results in shifting the cumulative 5000 Monte Carlo simulations are conducted to generate
distribution function CWalowerc
or CWaupper
units, and random variables by sampling from the probability
these new cumulative distribution function are referred distribution functions of associated variables. Since the

Fig. 2 The cdfs of risk for 0.0,

0.5 and 1.0 ac levels for Sce-
nario 1

Fig. 3 The membership

function of risk to individuals
at 30th, 60th and 90th
fractiles of risk, Scenario 1

functions associated with ingestion, f ðV1ing ; . . . ; Vning Þ, factors associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal
inhalation, gðV1inh ; . . . ; Vminh Þ and dermal contact, contact are provided in McKone and Bogen (1991) as
qðV1der ; . . . ; Vkder Þ, are functions of random variables and constants. We used these values as the peak values (i.e.,
constants, 5000 different values for these three functions value which has a membership value of one), then we
are generated: assigned a triangular distributions for these fuzzy vari-
  ables according to our interpretation of uncertainty in
½f  ¼ f Viing i ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; n these parameters. Since our goal here is to present the
½g ¼ g Vjinh j ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; m ð7Þ framework of PFRA analysis, the particular selection of
½q ¼ qðVlder Þ l ¼ 1; 2; 3; . . . ; k the support base of an uncertain variable is not impor-
tant and can be changed as one interprets the data.
As stated before the total risk equation, Equation [2], is Again, since we are working with a hypothetical case, we
a monotonic function and this will allow us to use again assigned an arbitrary triangular membership
interval analysis to carry out fuzzy calculations. The function for the contaminant concentration in the tap
lower and upper values of contaminant concentration, water. Any kind of membership function is possible for
and CWaupper
, and
ac potency factorsasso- fuzzy variables but for the sake of simplicity we pre-
ciated with ingestion, CPFing lower and CPFing upper , ferred to work with triangular distributions here. While
ac ac
inhalation, ðCPFinh Þlower and ðCPFinh Þupper , and dermal conducting toxicant and site specific PFRA studies the
contact, ðCPFder Þalower
and ðCPFder Þaupper
, corresponding analyst should collect all the available information
to each ac are used together with the previously calcu- about these uncertain parameters and assign the most
lated ½f , ½g and ½q results to calculate two risk values appropriate membership functions to them as they
for each of the 5000 Monte Carlo simulation results (i.e., interpret the uncertainty.
one for lower and one for upper limit of each alpha-cut The proposed risk model is provided in Equation [2].
of the membership functions of contaminant concen- First, we conducted simulations for a simple case, Sce-
tration and cancer potency factors associated with nario 1, in which only contaminant concentration in the
ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact): tap water is treated as a fuzzy variable, Equation [3]. In

¼ CWalower
: ½f : CPFing lower þ½g:ðCPFinh Þalower
þ½q:ðCPFder Þalower

h i   ac  8ac ¼ 0 : 0:1 : 1:0 ð8Þ

¼ CWaupper
: ½f : CPFing upper þ½g:ðCPFinh Þaupper
þ½q:ðCPFder Þaupper

Then acfor upperh andac lower

i limits of each ac level, this case, cancer potency factors associated with inges-
Risklower and Riskupper are used to generate cumu- tion, inhalation and dermal contact are chosen as con-
hlative distribution
i functions of risk, Riskalower
and stants. Variable parameters (see Table 1) are treated as
, respectively. Thus, a total of 21 cumula- random variables. We should note here that some of the
cdf variable parameters are also chosen as constants (i.e.,
tive distribution functions for risk are calculated. The exposure duration, exposure frequency) but the proce-
cumulative distribution functions corresponding to dure will be the same if they are treated as random
lower and upper limits of 0.0, 0.5 and 1.0 ac levels are variables as well. Probabilistic-fuzzy risk assessment
given in Fig. 4. study is conducted as explained in section 3.1 to generate
The cumulative distribution functions corresponding cumulative density functions for lower and upper limits
to lower and upper limits of each alpha-cut level are of each ac. Then, these cumulative density functions are
used to generate membership functions of total risk to used to form membership functions of risk to individuals
individuals at 30th, 60th and 90th fractiles of risk are at certain fractiles of risk.
calculated similar to process described earlier and they Scenario 1 uses contaminant concentration in tap
are given in Fig. 5. In Fig. 5, results of Scenario 1 are water as a fuzzy variable so the resultant risk is also a
also shown for comparison purposes. fuzzy variable. The membership functions of risk to
individuals at 30th, 60th and 90th fractiles of risk are
given in Fig. 3. As can be seen from Fig. 3, the mem-
4 Results bership functions of risk to individuals at different
fractiles of risk have triangular distributions. Triangular
4.1 Interpretation of results with fuzzy set theory membership functions of risk can be interpreted as risk
to individuals at a certain fractile of risk being around
In this study we used the probability density functions the peak value (i.e., value corresponding to a member-
provided by McKone and Bogen (1991) for the variable ship function of 1.0). A membership value of one reflects
parameters. They are summarized in Table 1. For fuzzy the most likely value for the variable. If the fuzzy set
variables we used triangular membership functions corresponding to the risk to the 90th most highly ex-
which are given in Fig. 1. The values for cancer potency posed person is called Rf f
90 , then R90 can be defined as

Fig. 4 Cdfs of risk for 0.0, 0.5

and 1.0 ac levels for
Scenario 2

Fig. 5 Comparison of mem-

bership functions of risk to
individuals at certain fractiles
of risk for Scenario 1 and
Scenario 2

‘‘around 1.5  10)4’’ (see Figure 3). The support of the viduals at 90th fractile of risk for only contaminant
membership function provides the possible ranges of concentration fuzzy case is 4.05  10)5 – 2.43  10)4
the risk for the individuals at the corresponding fractile. while for contaminant concentration and all cancer po-
The risk value corresponding to a membership value of tency factors fuzzy case it is 2.94  10)5 – 2.93  10)4.
1.0 is the most likely risk to occur for the associated For the later case the uncertainty in the resulting risk is
fractile. The possible range of risk to individuals at 90th higher due to the fact that uncertainty in more param-
fractile is 4.05  10)5 to 2.43  10)4 and the most likely eters (i.e., cancer potency factors) are included into the
outcome is 1.5  10)4(see Fig. 3). Risk values outside study. Another observation from Fig. 5 is that the peak
4.05  10)5 – 2.43  10)4 range have zero membership values corresponding to same fractile of risk for both
values (i.e., no membership) and 1.5  10)4 has a scenarios are almost the same. Ideally, they should be
membership value of one (i.e., full membership). Since the same, however 5000 Monte Carlo simulations are
the membership values indicate the degree to which a used in the calculation of these peak values. For two
risk value is a member of the fuzzy set Rf 90 , values outside different scenarios two different sets of 5000 Monte
4.05  10)5 – 2.43  10)4 range are not members of Rf 90 Carlo simulations are generated and they produce
and 1.5  10)4 is a full member of Rf 90 . As can be seen slightly different values for most likely added risk values.
from Figure 3, the uncertainty (i.e., support of the The shapes of the membership functions of risk for a
membership function being wide implies that the certain fractile for Scenario 2 are not similar to the
uncertainty is larger) in added risk to individuals at 90th shapes of input fuzzy variables (i.e., contaminant con-
fractile is larger than that of 30th fractile. This is due to centration in tap water and cancer potency factors
the shapes of the cumulative distribution functions used associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal con-
to generate membership functions. As can be seen from tact) any more. This is due to the fact that, in Scenario 2,
Fig. 2, cumulative distribution functions have higher several of the variables are defined as fuzzy variables and
slopes up to around 0.8 and then they level off. Thus, the the risk equation involves multiplication and addition
rate of change of risk for lower fractiles is smaller than operations of these fuzzy variables. Thus, the shape of
those of higher fractiles. the membership function for risk at a certain fractile is
The triangular membership function obtained for risk not symmetric but skewed for this case. The selection of
for a certain fractile (Fig. 2) is symmetric for Scenario 1. membership functions for the fuzzy variables and also
This is due to the fact that only contaminant concen- the probability distribution functions of the random
tration is modeled as a fuzzy variable, whose member- variables will impact the shape of the membership
ship function is taken as a symmetric triangular function of risk obtained for a certain fractile. The shape
distribution. The rest of the risk equation (i.e., P term of the membership function may also represent valuable
defined in section 3.1) results in a single number for each information to the analyst. There are several methods to
of the 5000 Monte Carlo simulations and then these defuzzify fuzzy variables (i.e., convert a fuzzy variable
results are used to form ½P cdf . For each fractile one risk into a point estimate). One of the most popular methods
value can be obtained from this cdf. Thus, the fuzzy is the center of gravity method (Ross 1995). For exam-
arithmetic carried out to generate the membership ple, if the shape of the membership function of risk is
function of risk for a certain fractile involves multiplying skewed to the left or right of the peak and if the fuzzy
the lower and upper bounds of a fuzzy number at a risk is deffuzified using the center of gravity method, a
certain ac level with a constant (i.e., the risk value for crisp risk value which will be higher or lower depending
that certain fractile). This yields a risk membership on the orientation of the skewness of the triangle. Thus,
function similar to the one used for contaminant con- the deffuzified value of risk will be either smaller (or
centration in tap water. larger) than the most likely risk value of the fuzzy risk
In the second scenario, PFRA is applied to generate (i.e., value corresponding to a membership value of one).
membership function of risk to individuals at certain This would indicate that a lower (or higher) risk value is
fractiles of risk using Equation [2]. In this scenario, possible when compared to the risk corresponding to the
contaminant concentration in tap water and cancer po- membersip value of one, which also corresponds to the
tency factors associated with ingestion, inhalation and risk one would obtain from PRA approach for that
dermal contact are treated as fuzzy variables while most fractile.
of the variable parameters are treated as random vari- Membership functions can also be used to interpret
ables (Table 1). The corresponding cumulative distri- the results from possibility point of view. Possibility
bution curves for Scenario 2 are given in Fig. 4 and theory is briefly explained in the following section.
comparison of membership functions of risk for certain
fractiles for Scenario 1 and Scenario 2 is given in Fig. 5.
As can be seen from Fig. 5, when cancer potency factors 4.2 Interpretation of results with possibility theory
associated with ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact
are also treated as fuzzy variables, the uncertainty in risk Possibility theory
increases (i.e., compare support base of triangular dis-
tributions corresponding to the same fractile for two Possibility theory is a measure-theoretic counterpart of
different scenarios). The support base of risk for indi- fuzzy set theory based upon the standard fuzzy opera-

tions. It provides us with appropriate tools for pro- possibility theory is that, the possibility that risk will be
cessing incomplete information expressed in terms of smaller than 2.94  10)5 and greater than 2.93  10)4
fuzzy propositions; consequently, it plays a major role in (this is the support of the membership function corre-
fuzzy logic and approximate reasoning (Klir and Yuan sponding to Scenario 2, for the individual at 90th frac-
1995). tile, see Fig. 5) is zero, thus the probability is also zero.
The theory of possibility is related to the theory of Similarly, we can assign possibility values for all the risk
fuzzy sets by defining the concept of a possibility dis- values covered by the domain of fuzzy restriction
tribution as a fuzzy restriction which acts as an elastic ‘‘around 1.4  10)4’’. The results obtained from possi-
constraint on the values that may be assigned to a var- biliy theory application may be used in approximate
iable. More specifically (Zadeh, 1978): reasoning studies. This topic is not discussed in this
Let F be a fuzzy subset of a universe of discourse U paper since it is a completely different subject matter.
which is characterized by its membership function lF ,
with the grade of membership lF ðuÞ, interpreted as the
compatibility of u with the concept labeled F. 5 Conclusion
Let X be a variable taking values in U, and let F act as
a fuzzy restriction, R(X), associated with X. Then the In health risk assessment studies, it is very important to
proposition ‘‘X is F’’ which translates into include all available information into the mathematical
models. Tradiationally, the available information is
RðXÞ ¼ F ð9Þ interpreted in a probabilistic sense and probability the-
which associates a possibility distribution, PX , with X ory has been used to integrate this information into
which is postulated to be equal to R(X): mathematical models. However, we believe that the
form of the information must guide the analyst in
PX ¼ R(X) ð10Þ deciding which mathematical tool to use. The proba-
Correspondingly, the possibility distribution function bility theory or possibility theory or a combination of
associated with X (or the possibility distribution func- the two maybe more appropriate for a specific study.
tion of PX ) is denoted by pX and is defined to be Probability theory is a very strong and well established
numerically equal to the membership function of F: mathematical tool to treat variability. It has certain in-
put requirements and whenever these requirements are
pX ¼ lF ð11Þ met, probability theory will provide powerful results.
Thus, pX ðuÞ, the possibility that X = u, is postulated However, it is clear that not all uncertainties in data or
to be equal to lF ðuÞ. In this way, X become a fuzzy model parameters are random, and can be treated by
variable which is associated with the possibility distri- statistical approaches alone. Another source of impre-
bution, PX in much the same way as a random variable cision that may lead to uncertainty is scarce or incom-
is associated with a probability distribution. plete data, measurement error or data obtained from
expert judgment or subjective interpretation of available
information. These kinds of uncertainties and also the
non-random uncertainty cannot be treated solely by
Interpretation statistical methods. Thus, usefullness and applicability
of other mathematical tools, such as fuzzy set theory or
In our example, in the terminology of possibility defined possibility theory should be explored. We believe that
above, for individuals at 90th fractile risk for Scenario 2, depending on the form of the available information,
F is the fuzzy subset defined as ‘‘around 1.4  10)4’’ health scientists may also make use of these methods as
(Fig. 5) and the variable X is the risk for individuals at demonstrated in this study.
90th fractile risk. Then the proposition ‘‘risk for indi- While conducting health risk assessment studies the
viduals at 90th fractile is around 1.4  10)4’’ translates first step is to collect all information that is available.
into Depending the type of collected information, variables
Rðrisk for individuals at 90th fractile of riskÞ of the risk equation should be modeled as crips, random
or fuzzy variables. The proposed probabilistic-fuzzy
¼ ‘‘around 1:4  104 ’’ ð12Þ
approach allows the analysist to include uncertainties in
which associates a possibility distribution, PRisk , with model parameters in the desired fashion (i.e., allows
concentration which is postulated to be equal to RðRiskÞ, combining crip, random and fuzzy variables in the risk
i.e., PRisk ¼ RðRiskÞ. Thus for our example, the possi- equation).
bility distribution associated with risk is denoted by pRisk In this study, we proposed an approach to include
and is equal to the membership function of F, Fig. 5. two different kinds of uncertainties into risk assessment
From Fig. 5, we can conclude that for Scenario 2, for models using probability theory and fuzzy set theory in
individuals at 90th fractile risk, the possibility that risk is combination. Treating cancer potency factors associated
7.7  10)5 or 2.09  10)4, given that ‘‘risk to individu- with ingestion, inhalation and dermal contact together
als at 90th fractile risk is around 1.4  10)4’’ is 0.5. with the contaminant concentration in tap water as
Another significant result that can be derived using fuzzy variables allowed us to include uncertainties due to

reasons other than randomness into the risk assessment Inhalation of airborne chemicals:
model. Fuzzy set calculations resulted in membership CA.IH.ET.EF.ED
values of risk for individuals at a certain fractile of risk. Riskinhalation ¼ ðCPFinh Þ ðA2Þ
Instead of a single probability distribution of risk as BW.AT
provided by PRA, PFRA approach provides the prob- where CA is chemical concentration in air (mg/m3), IH
ability distributions of risk for various ac levels. If the is the inhalation rate (m3/hr), ET is the exposure time
appropriate information is available, utilization of (hours/day) and CPFinh is the cancer potency factor
PFRA may provide result which may help the decision associated with inhalation (mg/kg-day))1.
maker to make more informed decisions. We, believe A modified risk equation due to indoor inhalation of
that the proposed risk assessment model provides a vaporized chemicals is given by McKone and Bogen
better approach than the existing ones. (1991). The concentration of vaporized chemicals is
Representation of uncertainty using fuzzy or ran- estimated assuming a linear transfer function between
dom variables will impact the form of the uncertainty tap water and air in various locations in the home. The
in the calculated risk. The membership function of risk contaminant vapor concentration in indoor air can be
for a certain fractile may provide significant informa- estimated from:
tion for the analyst. For example, the possibility of Wi :TEi
occurrence of risk values having zero membership ACi ¼ CW ; i ¼ s; b; h ðA3Þ
values for a specific fractile are zero, while the risk
value with a membership value of one is the most likely where ACi is the contaminant concentration in indoor
risk. The shape and the support base of the risk pro- air (mg/m3), Wi is the tap water use rate (1/hr), TEi is the
vides extra information about the resulting uncertainty transfer efficiency from tap water to air (unitless), VRi is
which is a combined effect of the random and fuzzy the air exchange rate (mg/m3), and i takes the subscripts
input variables. For example, the uncertainty associ- s, b, and h, for the shower, bathroom and house,
ated with a risk that has a small support base is respectively. Thus the modified risk equation due to
respectively smaller than that of a risk which has a inhalation of airborne chemicals is:
larger support base. For simplicity purposes triangular
membership functions are used in this study; however, Riskinhalation ¼ ½ðACs :ETs Þ þ ðACb :ETb Þ
membership functions for fuzzy variables do not need IH.EF.ED
þ ðACh :ETh Þ: ðCPFinh Þ ðA4Þ
to be triangular. Since the membership functions of the BW.AT
input parameters are choosen as triangular distribu-
tions the resulting fuzzy risks have triangular distribu- where ETi is the exposure time (hr/d) in shower, bath-
tions. If other membership functions are used for the room and house for i = s, b and h respectively.
input variables, the procedure to conduct PFRA will Dermal contact with chemicals in water (modified
not change but the shape of resulting fuzzy risk will according to McKone and Bogen (1991)):
change. The shape of the membership function depends CW.SA.F.PC.ETs .EF.ED.CF
on the available information about the fuzzy variable. Riskdermal ¼ ðCPFder Þ
Application of the proposed PFRA using different
membership values for the input variables and sensi- ðA5Þ
tivity of the resulting fuzzy risks might be interesting where SA is skin surface area available (cm2), F is the
topics for further studies. fraction of skin in contact with water, PC is chemical-
specific dermal permeability constant (cm/hr), CF is the
volumetric conversion factor for water (1 lt/1000 cm3)
Appendix and CPFder is the cancer potency factor associated with
dermal contact (mg/kg-day))1.
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