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Ecological Modelling 135 (2001) 131– 147

Fuzzy approach to the environmental impact evaluation

Mario Enea a,*, Giuseppe Salemi b
Dipartimento di Tecnologia e Produzione Meccanica, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Palermo Uni6ersity, 6iale delle Scienze,
90128 Palermo, Italy
Dipartimento di Energetica ed Applicazioni di Fisica, Facoltà di Ingegneria, Palermo Uni6ersity, Palermo, Italy

Received 21 September 1999; received in revised form 20 July 2000; accepted 17 August 2000


Because of the imprecision of the ecological impacts and the frequent lack of quantitative information, fuzzy theory
provides a useful approach to the environmental impact evaluation. In this paper, the environmental parameters are
defined through fuzzy numbers. By considering the quality of the global component as derived from primitive
environmental components, for these primitive components the quality is generally derived from their fuzzy physical
parameters. Suitable operators are proposed in order to estimate the global environmental component quality as a
function of environmental primitive components quality that can decrease or increase the environmental quality. Also
in fuzzy form the magnitude of the plant impact factor that strikes the environmental components is esteemed. This
magnitude is a function of environmental parameters that can be fuzzy, as fuzzy can be the relation between these
parameters and the magnitude of the impact factor. Therefore, through the matrix method, the total environmental
impact (T.E.I.) in fuzzy terms is calculated, as in fuzzy form, the percentage of impact on every environmental
component is calculated. A criterion is proposed in order to compare fuzzy T.E.I. for various sceneries. This criterion
is based on a ranking method that considers the grade of prudence of the decision-maker and the acceptable risk.
Finally, a case study is reported as an explanation of the method. © 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Fuzzy set theory; Environmental impact; Ecological impact; Environmental decision making

1. Introduction in the social sciences, the models based on uncer-

tainty may help to understand and to interpret, in
In the physical sciences, we have moved from a a believable way, certain phenomena that are
line of thought that considers uncertainty as un- characterized by notable complexity, as well as
desirable and to be avoided, to the awareness that the uncertainty of variables and relationships.
such sciences cannot neglect uncertainty to ex- One of the theories of uncertainty that has
plain and to understand certain phenomena. Also arisen in these last decades is the fuzzy theory
(Zadeh, 1965), which abandons the Aristotelian
logic to two values and defines fuzzy sets as those
* Corresponding author. Tel.: +39-91-6657052; fax: + 39-
91-6657039. whose confinements are not precise but vague.
E-mail address: (M. Enea). This theory has the characteristic that it is able to

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132 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

represent the concepts of vagueness that natural environmental components are the elements
language uses for pointing out qualitative vari- struck by the impact factors typical of the plant
ables, such as warm, cold, lukewarm etc. considered. Some examples of environmental
A fuzzy set is defined by assigning to every components can be air, water, use of the territory,
object of the question a membership grade to the acoustic level and aesthetics.
whole that represents a concept (Zimmermann The quality is a characteristic of the environ-
and Zysno, 1991 Klir and Yuan, 1995). Such a mental components. Each component has an ini-
definition is very suggestive, because it allows the tial quality before the project begins and this
representation of some facts of a qualitative na- quality can be estimated subjectively through an
ture. In the case of the environmental quality, opportune numerical value according to a specific
representing it with a precise number (Hobbs et scale. This evaluation is often based on a relation
al., 1989 Salski, 1992) does not give credible re- between a parameter (e.g. physical or chemical)
sults. Such an observation induced us to try a and the quality level.
different approach in comparison to the ones The impact factors are those characteristics of
traditionally used in environmental impact evalu- the plant that can influence the environmental
ation (EIE). components. Common examples can be acoustic
Some authors employed the fuzzy logic in order issues, water pollution, ground occupation, trans-
to face environmental subjects. Salski (1992) in- port and production of solid waste. The impact
troduced the problem of uncertainty in ecological factor magnitude represents the environmental
research by fuzzy logic approach, applying ap- damage intensity caused by the impact factor
proximated reasoning to create a fuzzy knowl- considered. Such intensity can be expressed
edge-based model. Others have used it to map the through an opportune numerical value.
land by remotely sensed imagery (Foody, 1996 The assignment of these numbers (quality of
Metternicht, 1998); others developed fuzzy clus- the environmental component and impact factor
tering for the classification of chemicals in ecotox- magnitude) is the most subjective part of the
icological data analysis (Friederichs et al., 1996 entire analysis and is determined on the basis of
Melcher and Matthies, 1996) and of sites sus- an expert’s team judgment.
pected of being contaminated (Lhen and Temme, The matrix crisp EIE model begins with the
1996). individualization of the environmental compo-
Silvert (1997) describes an ecological impact nents of the site and of the plant impact factors,
analysis approach by fuzzy logic; he also proposes then proceeds with numerical estimate of the
fuzzy combination rules for partial memberships quality and of the magnitude impacts.
of impact and defuzzification rules. In the matrix method Q is the matrix of the
In this paper, a general environmental impact environmental components quality, where the qij
evaluation by fuzzy theory is proposed. This ap- element is equal to qi if the jth impact factor
proach can be adopted with many models of strikes the ith environmental component, other-
impact analysis. One of the simplest basic models wise zero if it does not strike; qi is the quality level
for the EIE is the matrix model (Caffrey and of the ith environmental component. G is the
David, 1975 Enea et al., 1994) whose input is the vector of the magnitude impacts, where the ele-
subjective evaluation of both the qualities of the ment gj represents how much the jth impact factor
environmental components and of the impact fac- strikes the environmental components. The
tors magnitude. To treat the fuzzy approach, it product matrix Q·G is the vector of the impacts
was opportune to start from such a model be- on the environmental components and the sum of
cause of its simplicity that leads to a better com- this element is the total environmental impact
parative valuation between the proposed and the (T.E.I.).
traditional model. Usually the values of the elements of the matrix
It is now opportune to make some remarks Q and the vector G are estimated very precisely,
about the nomenclature used in this paper. The although the expert assessment is vague, since
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 133

vague is a judgment expressed in the natural Consequently, it is necessary to define how to

language. compute an aggregated index derived from the
Starting from such this observation, it is numerical quality of primitive components to as-
thought that the application of fuzzy logic in the sess the quality of the global environmental
EIE could bridge the gap between the perfection component.
of an exact mathematical model, in which all the In particular cases, the primitive components
objects of the environment are characterized by can be only one and therefore, the global quality
well-defined proprieties and the real world in of the component will be that one of the only
which all the properties are only approximately primitive. It is useful to explicit such a concept for
true. two environmental components: the flora and the
Therefore, in this paper the environmental noise level. For the flora, the primitive environ-
parameters are defined through fuzzy numbers mental components could be the different types of
and suitable operators are proposed in order to species in the examined environment. The matter
estimate both the T.E.I. in fuzzy terms, as well as is to establish a criterion that maps the quality of
the percentage of impact on every environmental the primitive environmental components to the
component in a fuzzy form. quality of the global component.
The other classical environmental component,
the noise level, is the classical example in which
the primitive environmental component is only
2. Environmental quality determination one and it coincides with global component.
It is now opportune to explain in detail some-
The quality is an intrinsic parameter of the thing about fuzzy sets. Two distinct notations are
considered environmental component; in order to commonly employed in the literature to denote
estimate this parameter, it can be considered that membership functions. In one, the membership
the evaluation of the global quality of the compo- function of a fuzzy set A is denoted by vA, that is:
nent is referable to the qualities of the primitive vA :x“ [0, 1]. In the other one, the function is
components contained in the global component denoted by A(x) and has, of course, the form:
(Vismara, 1995); through the combination of the A:x“[0, 1].
environmental quality of the primitive compo- According to the first notation, the symbol of
nents we can deduce the environmental quality of the fuzzy set A is different from the symbol of its
the global environmental component. membership function vA. According to the second
So, the global environmental component (wa- notation, this distinction is not made, but no
ter, air, ground, etc.) quality can be completely ambiguity results from this double use of the same
defined through the evaluation and the composi- symbol. In this paper, we use the second notation,
tion of various qualities related to the primitive that is, each fuzzy set and the associated member-
environmental components. For example, an eval- ship function are denoted by the same capital
uation of the air (global environmental compo- letter.
nent) quality cannot be obtained using a single Being h(A) the largest membership grade of a
environmental parameter, but in order to repre- fuzzy set A, this fuzzy set is called normal when
sent the situation completely (Newman, 1989) it is h(A)=1. Another important concept of fuzzy sets
necessary to combine two or more quality is the h-cut and its variant, strong h-cut. Given a
parameters of primitive environmental compo- fuzzy set A defined on X and any number h[0, 1],
nents related to the amount of SO2, NOx, dusts, the h-cut, hA and the strong h-cut, h + A are the
etc. crisp sets:
In addition, the water quality can be defined by
the composition of parameters related to primitive
environmental components such as BOD, COD,
A= {x A(x)] h}
N, P, etc. h+
A= {x A(x)\ h}
134 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

If a fuzzy set on R possesses all the following To define the operators to compose the quali-
properties: ties of the primitive environmental components,
“ to be a normal fuzzy set; we note that usually the quality of the primitive
“ that hA is a closed interval for every h  (0, 1]; environmental components is a function of ob-
“ that the support of A, 0 + A is limited; jects that add or subtract quality to the
it can be considered a fuzzy number. Special case environment.
of fuzzy numbers includes fuzzy intervals of real For instance, usually some flora and fauna
numbers. species (increasing types) add quality to the envi-
Let us consider a model with environmental ronment component, while gaseous or solid waste
components N and M as factors of impact and let (decreasing types) decreases it; we call the first
us assume that the jth environmental component increasing type and the second, decreasing types
has K primitive components. Since the quantifica- environmental components.
tion of the environmental component quality is So we can define primitive environmental com-
surely a vague concept, it seems appropriate to ponents as increasing or decreasing, that must
express such variables through a fuzzy set A:x “ follow different composition quality rules. To
[0, 1], where x points out a level of quality of the simplify this concept, let us consider the case of
environmental component that can be assumed to the presence in the same environment of two
vary between 1 and 10. The membership between different fauna species: one rare r and the other
0 and 1 quantifies how much the primitive envi- common c; if a= q(r) and b= q(c) are, respec-
tively, the quality level of these primitive environ-
ronmental component is at the level of quality x
mental components then obviously a b; then it
(Figs. 5–8 and 15). In such a way the quality of
is plausible in this case, in the calculation of the
the environmental component is qualified not by a
global environmental component quality, to give
precise value, but from a set of values, each one of
more importance to a rather than b.
them represents the quality of the component to a
In the case of two polluting gases, p1 and p2
certain degree of membership.
characterizing the air quality component, with
In the particular case, the fuzzy set that repre-
quality levels a and b, if the presence of p2 is more
sents the quality level can be reasonably chosen in harmful than p1, then obviously ab; then it is
such a way that it is a fuzzy number. For in- plausible in this case for the calculation of global
stance, the triangular or trapezoid memberships environmental component quality to give more
are fuzzy numbers that well lend in representing importance to b rather than a.
linguistic concepts. With the use of fuzzy num- Based on this observation, to define a specific
bers, fuzzy arithmetic operations can be defined. class of operators for each typology of primitive
As mentioned before, to determine the global environmental component, we list below some
component quality, we need to define a rule for properties relative to the operators for the compo-
the composition of the primitive component qual- sition of increasing and decreasing primitive envi-
ity. There are several numerical methods for the ronmental component qualities.
primitive quality aggregation; this paper points Let us suppose that the maximum value of the
out some functions for the quality aggregation, quality environmental component has convention-
based on the typology of the environmental ally been fixed equal to 10. The properties for the
component. quality composition f(a, b) of the increasing type
In the case that the primitive components qual- components would be:
ities are crisp, let q ipj be the quality of the ith 1. f(a, b)[0, 10]Öa, b[0, 10]
primitive component relative to the jth global 2. f(a, 0)= aÖa [0, 10] (boundary condition)
component. We can define a function q j =f({q pj}) 3. b 5c [ f(a, b)5 f(a, c)Öa, b, c [0, 10]
where q j is the resulting jth global component (monotonicity)
quality and {q pj}is a vector whose elements are 4. f(a, b)=f(b, a)Öa, b [0, 10] (commutativity)
q ipj. 5. f is a continuous function
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 135

6. f(a, a)\ aÖa (0, 10) (superidempotency) or fmax(a, b)= 10 otherwise

f(a, a)= aÖa [0, 10] (idempotency)moreover
another property is: The function fmax(a, b) is the maximum of Eq.
7. a B c,b Bd [ f(a, b)B f(c, d)Öa, b, c, d  [0, 10] (1), while max(a, b) is the minimum,
(strict monotonicity) consequently:
The (1) property is necessary because if a and b max(a, b)5 f(a, b)5 fmax(a, b)
are quality levels of primitive environmental com-
ponents, the value of the quality composition The max(a, b) function has the properties (1–6)
function must be in the interval [0, 10], in fact the in terms of idempotent and (7). Such relationship,
quality level is defined by hypothesis in this inter- in the specific case, will express the concept that
val. The (2) property states that if the first primi- the quality of the global environmental compo-
tive environmental component quality is zero and nents is the maximum of the incremental environ-
the second one is not, the second determines the mental primitive components that can sometimes
global quality; this appears reasonable for increas- be considered as a sufficiently acceptable
ing type environmental components because we hypothesis.
must give more importance to the major quality. The properties, for the quality composition of
If one primitive environmental component quality the decreasing type components, would be:
is zero, this cannot contribute to the quality, thus 1. f(a, b)[0, 10]Öa, b [0, 10]
the only contribution is given by the other one. 2. f(a, 0)= 0Öa [0, 10] (boundary condition)
The (3) –(5) and (7) properties are trivial. The (6) 3. b5c [ f(a, b)5 f(a, c)Öa, b, c [0, 10]
property (superidempotency or idempotency) (monotonicity)
states that if we have two increasing type primi- 4. f(a, b)=f(b, a)Öa, b[0, 10] (commutativity)
tive components with equal quality a, the global 5. f is a continuous function
quality is major or equal to this primitive environ- 6. f(a, a)B aÖa (0, 10) (subidempotency) or
mental component quality a. This is reasonable f(a, a)= aÖa (0, 10) (idempotency)moreover
for increasing primitive components because the another property is:
global quality must be at least equal to the major 7. aB c,b Bd [ f(a, b)Bf(c, d)Öa, b, c, d[0, 10]
quality component (idempotency), a in this case. (strict monotonicity)
But we also can think that the other quality The only different properties that are not com-
component (also equal to a) can also increase the mon to both increasing and decreasing type envi-
global quality (superidempotency), because it is ronmental components are (2) and (6). The
an increasing type component. boundary condition Eq. (2) is necessary in the
The function: composition of the decreasing type components
quality, because the decreasing type component
f(a, b)=min[10,(a w +b w)1/w] w  (0, ) (1)
with less quality must have more importance than
is a well-known class of functions (Yager, 1980) the component with more quality. If the first
as w varies, that has the properties (1 – 6) in terms quality is zero, for example when the air quality is
of superidempotency if w does not tend to ; very bad for the presence of pollution, it appears
moreover, it satisfies the associative property and reasonable that the global quality cannot be \0.
is strictly monotonous. The function Eq. (1) in- The (6) property (subidempotency or idempo-
creases when w decreases. tency) states that if we have two decreasing type
For w“ is: primitive components with equal quality a, the
global quality is less or equal to this primitive
f(a, b)=max(a, b)
environmental component quality a. This is rea-
When w“ 0 we obtain the function fmax(a, b): sonable for decreasing primitive type components,
because the global quality must be not greater
fmax(a, b)=a when b =0
than the minimum quality component (idempo-
fmax(a, b)=b when a =0 tency), a in this case. But we can think that the
136 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

other quality component (also equal to a) can This function satisfies the following conditions:
also decrease the global quality (subidempotency) 1. f(a1, a2, a3,.....,an )[0, 10] Ö a1, a2, a3,....,an
because it is a decreasing type component.
 [0, 10]
The function:
2. f(0, 0, 0,.....,0)=0; f(1, 1, 1,.....,1)= 1
f(a, b)=10 −min[10,((10 −a)w +(10 − b)w)1/w] (boundary condition)
3. f(a1, a2, a3,...,an )5 f(b1, b2, b3,..., bn ) if ai
w (0, ) (2)
5 bi Öi 05 i5 n
is a well-known class of functions (Yager, 1980)
(monotonic increasing in all its arguments)
as w varies, that has the properties (1 – 6) in terms
4. f(a1, a2, a3, . . . , an ) (is a continuous function)
of subidempotency, when w does not tend to ;
5. f(a1, a2, a3, . . . , an ) (is a symmetric function in
moreover it satisfies the associative property and
all its arguments)
is strictly monotonous. The function Eq. (2) in-
6. f(a1, a2, a3, . . . , an ) is an idemponent function
creases when w is rising.
that is f(a, a, a, . . . , a)=a
For w“ is:
The lower and the upper bound of this operator
f(a, b)= min(a, b) (2%) are min(ai ) and max(ai ) that are obtained for
h“ − and h“ .
When w“0 we obtain the function fmin(a, b):
Another possible class of aggregation that cov-
fmin(a, b)= a when b =10 ers the entire range between the min(ai ) and the
max(ai ) operator is the ordered weighted averag-
fmin(a, b)= b when a =10
ing operations (OWA):
fmin(a, b)= 0 otherwise
f(a1, a2, a3, . . . , an )= % pi bi (4)
The function fmin(a, b) is the lower-bound of i
Eq. (1), while min(a, b) is the upper-bound with where bi for any i {1, 2, 3. . . n} is the ith largest
w, consequently: in a1, a2, . . . , an. That is the vector
Žb1, b2, b3, . . . , bn  is a permutation of the vector
fmin(a, b)5 f(a, b)5min(a, b)
Ža1, a2, a3, . . . , an  in which the elements are or-
The min(a, b) function has the properties (1 – 6) dered: bi ] bj if iB j for any pair
in terms of indemponent and (7). Such relation- i, j {1, 2, 3, . . . , n}. The vector Žp1, p2, p3, . . . , pn 
ship in the specific case will express the concept is a weighting vector such that pi [0, 1] for all
that the quality of the global environmental com- i {1, 2, 3, . . . , n} and:
ponents is the minimum of the decreasing types
environmental primitive components, which %pi = 1 (5)
sometimes can be sufficiently considered as an
The lower and the upper bound of this operator
acceptable hypothesis.
are min(ai ) and max(ai ) that are obtained for the
In order to complete the set of numerical values
weighting vectors:
for f(a, b), it is necessary to consider when it is
opportune that f(a, b) has a numerical value be- p  = Ž0, 0, 0, . . . , 1 and
tween min(a, b) and max(a, b); i.e. the resulting p  = Ž1, 0, 0, . . . , 0
quality is a middle value between the quality of
Silvert (1997) proposed other classes of aggre-
primitive components. In this case, we can use
gation such as ‘the compensatory and function’
also the class of generalized means that covers the
by Zimmermann and Zysno (1991), as well as the

: ;
entire range between min and max operations.
‘symmetric sum’ by the same Silvert.
These are defined by the formula:
Now it is opportune to say something about the
%a hi extension principle (Zadeh, 1965). The member-
f(ai ) =
i ship rule that characterizes the elements of a
n general crisp set A¦U (universal set) can be
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 137

established by the concept of the characteristic the extension principle or the a-cut
function A(x) taking only two values, 1 and 0, representation:
indicating whether or not x  U is a member of A.
[ f(A, B)](z)= sup min(A(a), B(b))
Let us consider the following function of two real Ö(a,b) z = max(a,b)
numbers x and y:
( f(A, B))= {max(a, b) a, b(hA× hB)} (12)
z = f(x, y) (6)
Such an operation can be indicated syntheti-
If the real numbers x and y are extended to
cally as max(A, B)(z) not to be confused with the
crisp intervals A and B, respectively, then, the
standard fuzzy t-conorm max(A(x), B(x)).
usual function can map the crisp intervals A and
If we select f(a, b)=min(a, b) (decreasing type
B into the interval Z as follows:
environmental component) we obtain, employing
Z = {z z=f(x, y), x  A, y  B)} (7) the extension principle or the h-cut
Using the previous expression, the interval
function being the extension of Eq. (6) is denoted [ f(A, B)](z)= sup min(A(a), B(b)) (13)
Ö(a,b) z = min(a,b)
as h
( f(A, B))= {min(a, b) a, b( A× B)} h h
Z = f(A, B)
Such an operation can be indicated syntheti-
The characteristic function of the crisp set Z cally as min(A, B)(z) not to be confused with the
can be described as: standard fuzzy t-norm max(A(x), B(x)).
The f(A, B)(z) is a continuous fuzzy number
Z(z) = sup min[A(x), B(y)] (8)
{Öx,y z = f(x,y)} because the f(a, b) is continuous and
Eq. (8) is equivalent to Eq. (7), it represents the monotonous. For the class of Eq. (1) and Eq. (2)
basic concept of the extension principle, so when through the repeated application of the function
A(x) and B(y) are the membership of the fuzzy [ f(A, B)](z) we can calculate
j j j j
sets A and B (considered here as special cases of f(q 1p , q 2p , q 3p , . . . , q kp ) which can be indicated
characteristic function) Eq. (8) expresses a form of with q j:q“ [0, 1].
the extension principle. The extension principle is As stated before, the quality that is a character-
a principle for fuzzifying crisp functions: employ- istic of the environmental component is some-
ing this principle, standard arithmetic operations times a function of physical or chemical
on real numbers are extended to fuzzy numbers. parameters.
Since the values of the qualities of the primitive In order to define the quality of environmental
components are fuzzy numbers, it is necessary to components, it is worth considering the case in
apply the operators above defined Eqs. (1) – (4) which the quality is expressed as function of a
through the extension principle. For the increas- certain physical parameter f (Newman, 1989 Vis-
ing or decreasing types if A:a “ [0, 1] and B:b “ mara, 1995), that is a correspondence existing
[0, 1] are two fuzzy numbers, applying the between the value, which some physical quantity
operator f(a, b) we get: assumes in the site and the quality of the consid-
ered environmental component. Thus, we can
[ f(A, B)](z)= sup min(A(a), B(b)) (9)
Ö(a,b) z = f(a,b) define a function q( f ) that maps the values of the
This expression can also be written employing physical quantity to the quality of the component.
the h-cut representation, in terms of arithmetic For some cases, it is opportune to pass to a
operations on closed intervals of real numbers normalized scale by applying the following
(Klir, 1992): formula:
f(A, B)= { f(a, b) a, b  hA × hB}
(10) fnorm = ( f− fmin)/( fmax − fmin)
If we select f(a, b) = max(a, b) (increasing type where f is the measure of initial conditions ac-
environmental component) we obtain, employing cording to the original scale; fnorm, the measure of
138 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

the initial conditions according to the normal- pact magnitude with the physical parameter, or
ized scale; and fmin and fmax are the lower and the quantification of the surface occupied by the
upper bound of the interval in which the quality plant, since this quantification is often uncertain
component is different from zero. during the feasibility study of the project. Thus,
It is necessary then to choose and this is the besides the situation in which all the variables
most delicate phase of the crisp model, the func- and functions are crisp, the following cases can
tion q=f( f ) that best describes the environ- be found:
mental quality. a. fuzzy diagram, crisp occupied surface;
An example could be the case when, for the b. crisp diagram, fuzzy occupied surface;
water quality, the pH is the measure of a primi- c. diagram and occupied surface, both fuzzy.
tive environmental component quality. In this In the crisp model, if s indicates the surface
case if to a pH value between fmin and fmax is occupied by the plant, there is a function m=
associated a quality higher than zero and zero g(s) that returns the ‘m’ magnitude of the ac-
outside (obviously in absolutely pH is between 0 tion for a value of the occupied surface s.
an 14), a function that can represent the envi- Referring to case (a), this function m=g(s) can
ronmental quality is: depend upon a fuzzy parameter B:r“ [0, 1], as
in the following equation:
q= 1 −4( fnorm − 0, 5)2
if 0 5fnorm 51
otherwise m=10
s B
if s5 Sm
Sm (16)
If the value to be assigned to the physical m= 10 if s\ Sm
quantity is not of the crisp type, but is instead
For each s, m is a fuzzy number, that apply-
fuzzy, it is necessary to replace f in q( f ) with
ing the extension principle, is defined by:
the fuzzy value F:f“ [0, 1] of the physical quan-
tity and to use the operator: [g(s, B)](m)= sup B(r) (16%)
Ör m = g(s,r)
Q(q) = sup F( f ) (15) In the case (b) S:s“ [0, 1] indicates a fuzzy
Öf q = q( f )
number that expresses the surface occupied by
Of course the function q( f ) can also be a
the plant, if m=g(s) is the function relating the
fuzzy function; this case is similar to the case
impact magnitude with the physical parameter,
for the calculation of impact factor magnitude
also in this case, the magnitude will be a fuzzy
expounded in the next section.
number that when applying the extension princi-
ple, is expressed by:

3. Impact factor magnitude determination [g(S)](m)= sup S(s) (17)

Ös m = g(s)

In the crisp model, a certain value of magni- Finally in the case (c) the most complex, the
tude is assigned to every impact factor, generally magnitude will be a fuzzy number function of
through the individualization of the physical two fuzzy numbers S and B. Applying the ex-
measure of the impact factor on a scale of im- tension principle we have:
pact (Enea et al., 1994 Vismara, 1995). [g(S, B)](m)= sup min(B(r), S(s)) (18)
For instance, the elementary impact ‘ground Ö(r,s) m = g(r,s)

occupation’ can be represented by the diagram Sometimes the magnitude of an impact factor
as in Fig. 16; being the surface occupied by the is function, as before for environmental quality,
plant the input, it is possible to obtain the ‘m’ of several impact parameters, therefore also
magnitude of the action. in this case the composition rules (1–4) are
In such a case the uncertain elements can be applicable to determine the impact factor magni-
either the form of the diagram relating the im- tude.
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 139

4. Determination of the T.E.I. 5. How to compare the T.E.I. for different

Once defined the above elements, the element qij
(i = 1, . . . , N, j= 1, . . . , M) of the matrix Q Ranking rules can be applied to these fuzzy
(quality of the environmental components) will be numbers in order to estimate relative importance
a fuzzy number if the environmental component i of the impacts on the environmental components;
is influenced by the impact factor j, otherwise it the same ranking rules can be applied to T.E.I. in
will be zero if the environmental component i is order to compare impacts for different sceneries.
not influenced by the impact factor j. Fuzzy num- We could use a process of defuzzification, but
bers also constitute the vector G of the impact we would lose some information and we would
factor magnitudes. have an artificial precision. However when de-
Therefore, the product lines per columns Q·G, fuzzification is necessary, as sometime in manage-
can be obtained to get the I vector of the impacts; ment decision-making, it is opportune not to lose
dealing with arithmetic operations on fuzzy num- information on the fuzzy number distribution.
bers, the ii element of I will be expressed by: Presented in this paper is a criterion to rank the
fuzzy numbers representing the T.E.I. that consid-
ii (yi ) ers both the grade of pessimism of the decision
maker and the acceptable risk level.
= sup M min[ci1(z1), ci2(z2), ci3(z3) Let A and B be two fuzzy T.E.I. defined for
Ö(z 1,z 2,z 3,...,zM) yi = % zk
x N. We will define A] B (strong relation) when
, . . . ,ciM (zM )] (19) for each h-cut the following two relations are
both satisfied:
with: inf I(A, h)] inf I(B, h) and
sup I(A, h)]sup I(B, h) (23)
ci, j (zj )= sup min[(qi, j (xi ), gj (mj )] (20)
Ö(xi,mj) z = xi·mj
where I(A, h) is the h-level set of A.
The T.E.I. is expressed by: When this relation is not satisfied, i.e.
max(A, B)" A and max(A, B)" B a weak rank-
TEI(t) ing relation must be established to determine
whether A is weakly bigger or equal to B or vice
= sup N min[i1(y1), i2(y2), i3(y3) versa.
Ö(y 1,y 2,y 3,...,yN) t = % yk The comparison of two fuzzy numbers can be

, . . . , iN (yN )] (21) based on the comparison of the areas determined

by their membership functions according to the
Now it remains to establish how much the following integrals (Nakamura 1986 Roubens,

impact ii (yi ) on the environmental component i th 1990):
is contained in the T.E.I. this relationship is fuzzy.
By applying the extension principle we have SL(A]B)= [inf I(A, h)− inf I(B, h)] dh
Ri :ri “[0, 1], which represents in fuzzy form how
much the impact on the component i th is con-
tained in the global impact: SR(A]B)= [sup I(A, h)− sup I(B, h)] dh
Ri (ri )
U(A, B)= {h 05h5 1, inf I(A, h)]inf I (B, h)}
= sup min[i1(y1), i2(y2), i3(y3)
S(A, B)={h 05h5 1, sup I(A, h)] sup I (B, h)}
Ö(y 1,y 2,y 3,...,yN) ri = yi/ % yk

, . . . , iN (yN )] (22) (26)

140 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

Those areas are given in Fig. 1. U(A,B)= {h h 5 h5 1, inf I(A, h)] inf I(B, h)}
The degree to which A ] B is defined by the S(A, B)={h h5 h5 1, supI(A, h)] sup I(B, h)}
following relation:
C(A ]B)= max{[SL(A ] B) +SR(A ] B)]
With reference to fuzzy-set interpretation of
−[(SL(B] A)+SR(B ]A)],0} (27) possibility theory (Zadeh, 1978 Klir, 1992), h can

Fortemps (1996) defines the crisp relations be- be seen as an accepted grade of risk, because if dh
tween every pair (A,B): is the hbasic probability of nesting set hA then:
1. A ]B iff C(B] A) =0 h = dh
2. A\ B iff C(A]B) \ 0 (which implies C(B ]
A)=0) is the upper bound probability of the set: SA =
3. A $B iff C(A] B) = C(B ]A) =0 {x 0B A(x)5 h}.
The crisp preference ] structure is a complete, The Eq. (27%) with Eq. (28) definition for
reflexive and transitive relation, which implies U(A, B) and S(A, B), can be used to compare the
that \ and $ are transitive. The transitivity of T.E.I. for different plant typologies and different
this relation makes this ranking criterion suitable locations, taking into account the decision mak-
in order to compare the T.E.I. for many types of er’s grade of pessimism and of accepted risk.
In the third case, if A and B are fuzzy T.E.I.
corresponding to two different sceneries the solu- 6. Example
tions are considered equivalent, that means they
belong to the same grade of preference. In the following an application of the proposed
The relation can also be modified to take into fuzzy approach is presented; such an example is
account the grade of prudence of the decision developed first in crisp with the purpose of under-
maker, by introducing a grade of prudence lining the differences between the two models.
i[0, 1], as in the crisp Hurwitz method used to The example concerns the T.E.I. for the work-
compare economic alternatives. The condition ing phase of an incinerator, in order not to weight
i= 0.5 will obviously identify the neutral deci- down the numerical part, we refer to five environ-
sion-maker. Considering this prudence coefficient, mental components and four factors of impact
the relation (27) can be modified as follows: only, this is because the example is finalized to
better clarify the methodology and not to ap-
C(A ] B)=
praise the case in matter. The values assigned to
max{[(1−i)SL(A]B) +iSR(A ] B)] the environmental component qualities and to the
impact factor magnitudes are merely indicative.
− [(1 −i)SL(B]A)+ iSR(B ] A)],0} (27%)
Using the classical crisp method (Fig. 2) the
In order to consider the acceptable risk level, matrix of assignment Q (5× 4) has five environ-
sets Eq. (26) can be calculated as: mental components and four impact factors.

Fig. 1. Ranking of fuzzy numbers.

M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 141

Fig. 2. Classical crisp T.E.I..

The five environmental components are: through knowledge engineering techniques that
“ site noise; supply the estimates in order to value the T.E.I. in
“ road network; a more objective way. In this paper, such tech-
“ site aesthetics; niques are not studied, therefore the formalities to
“ site wholesomeness; quantify environmental parameters are put aside.
“ air quality. In the following figures, the membership of the
The four impact factors are: fuzzy number of the generic variable x is indicated
“ ground occupation; with v, for ease of representation; qi is the ith
“ noise emission; environmental component quality; mi is the ith
“ transport of solid waste and material; magnitude impact factor.
“ gaseous discharge.
Furthermore a vector G (4 × 1) is the vector of
the impacts magnitudes. As mentioned before the
values assigned to the elements of the matrix Q
and to the vector G, are merely indicative. From
the matrix product Q·G, we obtain the vector I
(5 × 1) of the partial impacts on the single envi-
ronmental components. The sum of the elements
of the vector I will supply the T.E.I.. The single
elements of the vector I divided by T.E.I. are the
Fig. 3. Site quality versus acoustic level (dB).
percentage incidence of the impact on the single
environmental components; these percentages are
indicated in Fig. 2.
In fuzzy procedure the elements of the matrix Q
are the global components quality in fuzzy form,
whose primitive are calculable through Eq. (15) if
a quality physical measure exists or through an
expert direct evaluation when there is not a phys-
ical parameter, associated to the considered envi-
ronmental component quality. In the second case,
a good evaluation of such a fuzzy set is possible Fig. 4. Fuzzy acoustic level of the site (dB).
142 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

6.1. Analysis of the en6ironmental components

6.1.1. Site noise

Fig. 3 shows the hypothesized correlation be-
tween the physical quantity noise level al ex-
pressed in dB and the environmental component
quality indicated as q1; in Fig. 4 the fuzzy number
represents the physical acoustic level al in the site.
In Fig. 5 the quality fuzzy for the considered
Fig. 5. Fuzzy acoustic level quality of the site. environmental component is derived by the appli-
cation of the operator Eq. (15).

6.1.2. Road network

In Fig. 6, the fuzzy set represents the quality of
the environmental component: road practicability
of the site, indicated by q2. It can be obtained on
the basis of the typological characteristic of the
roads that are related to the quality of the road

6.1.3. Site aesthetics

Fig. 6. Fuzzy road network quality of the site.
In Fig. 7 the fuzzy set represents the quality of
the aesthetics environmental component q3. This
curve, as that for the wholesomeness is very sub-
jective and can be obtained through expert’s as-
sessment. A methodology to define these curves
using expert’s assessments is the Fuzzy Delphi
method that is a typical multi-experts procedure
for combining views and opinions. The Fuzzy
Delphi method was introduced in management
science by Kaufmann and Gupta (1988) as a
generalization of the classical Delphi method.

6.1.4. Site wholesomeness

Fig. 7. Fuzzy aesthetics quality of the site. In Fig. 8, the fuzzy set represents the quality of
the environmental wholesomeness component in
the site q4.

Fig. 8. Fuzzy wholesomeness quality of the site. Fig. 9. Air quality versus NO2 concentration (mg/m3).
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 143

6.1.5. Air quality

In order to exemplify the application of fuzzy
combination rules, in particular the Eq. (2%), the
air environmental component quality is divided in
two primitive environmental components, the first
function of the NO2 level and the second of the
SO2 level. For this case, in Figs. 9 and 10, the
relation between the measures of the physical
quantity and the environmental quality are re-
Fig. 10. Air quality versus SO2 concentration (mg/m3).
ported; in Figs. 11 and 12 the fuzzy sets represent
the measures of the physical quantity in the site
(concentration of NO2 and SO2). In Figs. 13 and
14 the fuzzy sets obtained by the application of
the operator derived Eq. (15), that represent the
air quality through the primitive components NO2
and SO2.
The determination of the curve given in Fig. 13
is rather simple. By means of the extension princi-
ple we can vary the q(NO2) given in Fig. 9 from
0 to 10 and for every value we determine the
corresponding values (or the value) of the NO2
Fig. 11. Fuzzy NO2 concentration (mg/m3).
concentration, then using the curve given in Fig.
11 for these concentrations we obtain the corre-
sponding membership. The maximum of such
membership (in most cases only one value is
obtained) is the membership of q(NO2).
For example, as Fig. 9 shows for q51 = 2 (the
first subscript refers to the global environmental
component and the second refers to the primitive
environmental component) the concentration of
NO2 is :170 mg/m3, the corresponding member-
ship given in Fig. 11 is zero. Therefore the value
q=2 is not a member of the ‘fuzzy set air quality
for NO2’. Conversely, as Fig. 9 shows to the value
Fig. 12. Fuzzy SO2 concentration (mg/m3). q51 = 8 corresponds a NO2 concentration of :60

Fig. 13. Fuzzy air quality for NO2. Fig. 14. Fuzzy air quality for SO2.
144 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

membership corresponds to quality q51 = 8 for the

presence of NO2.
The composition of the two primitive qualities
can be generally calculated through Eqs. (1) –(4).
In order to describe explicitly how to compose the
two fuzzy primitive qualities of Figs. 13 and 14, in
terms of arithmetic operations on closed intervals
of real numbers, we consider for every h-cut in
Figs. 13 and 14 the intervals, so because the
Fig. 15. Fuzzy global air quality. environmental components are of decreasing type,
we apply Eq. (14). In particular, the h-cut of the
resulting composition has as lower bound (inf) the
minimum of each h-cut lower bound of the fuzzy
numbers in Figs. 13 and 14. Similarly the upper
bound is the minimum of each h-cut upper
bound. The result is given in Fig. 15.

6.2. Analysis of the impact factors

6.2.1. Ground occupation

Fig. 16 shows the correlation hypothesized be-
Fig. 16. Impact versus ground occupancy S. tween the measure of the physical quantity impact
‘s’ (occupied surface) and its magnitude impact
factor m1. In Fig. 17, the fuzzy set represents the
measure of the physical quantity of the impact
factor; this measure is uncertain in the project
feasibility analysis phase and for this reason the
parameter may be considered fuzzy.
Fig. 18 represents the fuzzy set derived by the
application of the operator Eq. (17) and it ex-
presses the magnitude of the analyzed impact
factor m1.
Fig. 17. Fuzzy plant surface (m2).
6.2.2. Noise emission
Fig. 19 shows the correlation hypothesized be-
tween the measure of the physical measure of the

Fig. 18. Fuzzy impact for ground occupancy plant.

mg/m3 and to this concentration a membership of

: 0.82 as shown in Fig. 11. Therefore, a 0.82 Fig. 19. Impact versus acoustic emission (dB).
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 145

impact factor ‘a’ (acoustic emission) and its mag-

nitude m2; in Fig. 20 the fuzzy set represents the
physical measure of the impact factor in the pro-
ject phase; Fig. 21 represents the fuzzy set, derived
by the application of the operator Eq. (17) and it
expresses the magnitude of the considered impact
factor m2.

6.2.3. The transport of solid waste and material

In Fig. 22 the fuzzy set represents the magni-
Fig. 20. Fuzzy plant acoustic emission (dB). tude of the considered impact factor for the trans-
port of solid waste and material, based on the
procedure followed in the previous cases.

6.2.4. Gaseous discharge

In this case Eq. (13) or Eq. (14) is applied to the
primitive impacts for the gaseous discharge; for
simplicity the fuzzy set in Fig. 23 represents the
impact factor magnitude calculated with the pro-
cedure followed in the previous cases.

6.3. Impact e6aluation

Fig. 21. Fuzzy impact for plant acoustic emission.
Fig. 24 shows the fuzzy set that represents the
T.E.I., calculated through Eqs. (19) –(21).
The h-cut interval for h= 1 of this curve is
202 –224, that as expected contains the crisp value
209. The additional information compared to the
crisp case is that we know all the possible values
that T.E.I. can assume and their relative member-
ship. Moreover, if we compare the impact for
several sceneries by means of Eq. (27), then not
only the T.E.I. values with membership = 1, but
also those with membership B 1 would be
Fig. 22. Fuzzy impact for solid waste transport.

Fig. 23. Fuzzy impact for gaseous discharge.

Fig. 24. T.E.I.
146 M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147

In Fig. 25 is represented the comparison be-

tween the fuzzy T.E.I. determined before (scenery
A) and the one relative to a different scenery B.
Through Eq. (27) for i= 0.5 we obtain that in
the first scenery there is a total impact stronger
than in the second scenery, although for i= 1
and h= 0.1 in the second scenery B there is a
stronger impact than in the first one; a proper
value for a and h is chosen according to the
decision-maker’s prudence grade and accepted
risk. In the last case, the crisp values of the T.E.I.,
Fig. 25. Comparison between scenery A and B impacts. since i= 1 whole did not influence the decision.
The fuzzy set in Figs. 26 and 27 represent how
much of T.E.I. affects the ith environmental

7. Conclusions

In this paper, a fuzzy approach to EIE matrix

model that can be extended to other EIE models,
has been proposed. This approach gives a possi-
bility interpretation (Yager, 1984 Zadeh and
Kacprzyk, 1992 Klir, 1992) of the global impact
(Fig. 24) and of impact incidence on each environ-
mental component (Figs. 26 and 27). So for every
Fig. 26. Fuzzy impact on the ith component. (1) Impact on h-cut level, a risk grade can be considered for
acoustic level quality. (2) Impact on road practicability qual- which an interval of impacts is possible. The
ity. (3) Impact on aesthetics quality. (4) Impact on the air width of the interval derives both from impreci-
quality. (5) Impact on wholesomeness quality.
sion of the input data (environmental component
quality, impact physical parameters) and from
uncertainty of the relations (between physical
parameters and environmental component quality
and between physical parameters and impact fac-
tors). Contrarily crisp approaches give artificially
undoubted EIE estimate, consequently they do
not consider, when comparing the impact of sev-
eral projects, the effect of the impact valuation
imprecision. This fact sometimes causes the com-
parisons based on crisp models to be not very
reliable. We believe that it is better for the deci-
sion-maker to be aware of the uncertainty rather
than believe that the real word is artificially pre-
cise. Moreover, as stated before, it is possible to
Fig. 27. Fuzzy impact on the ith component. (1) Impact on
manage the uncertainty also by considering an
acoustic level quality. (2) Impact on road practicability qual- acceptable level of prudence and of risk. It is
ity. (3) Impact on aesthetics quality. (4) Impact on the air mainly in the comparison of different sceneries
quality. (5) Impact on wholesomeness quality. that the difference between fuzzy and crisp ap-
M. Enea, G. Salemi / Ecological Modelling 136 (2001) 131–147 147

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