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What is soil profile?

Is the vertical arrangement of different soil layers as seen as we dig into the ground?

These layers are also called horizons

Layers that make up the soil profile (copy pg 4 skip 10 lines)

Top soil (horizon A)

 It is the top layer of soil

 It is made of particles of broken rocks
 It is dark in color
 It is usually fertile
 Plants roots move easily in it
 We grow crops in this layer

Sub soil (horizon B)

 It lies below top soil

 It is lighter than top soil
 It is more compact than top soil
 It is not good for plants growth

Weathered or partly weathered rock (horizon C)

 This layer is a mixture of soil, gravel and broken down rocks

 It is hard to dig
 Plants roots do not move easily
 It is not suitable for plants growth

Parent rock / bed rock (horizon D)

 It is made up of solid rock

 Plants cannot grow in this layer
 Underground water is found in this layer

Why should we study soil profile?

 If we know the soil profile we can use the soil in a better way
 We can find out what the soil is like in a given area. We can find out whether the soil is
suitable for crop production or not.



o It is rough or grainy
o It has little plant food
o It holds very little water for plants use
o Plants roots and water move easily in it
o It has very little humus
o It is very loose and easy to dig
o It is usually light in color

Clay soil

o It is sticky when wet and cracks when dry

o It feels smooth or fine
o It holds too much water for plants
o It contains a lot of plant food
o It is compact and difficult to dig

Loam soil

o It has plenty of humus

o It is fairly loose and easy to dig
o Most plants grow very well in it
o It holds enough water for plants use
o It is rich in plant food or nutrients
o Plants roots ,air and water move well in it

What is soil texture?

Soil texture is how the soil feels e.g. rough, fine, grainy, smooth, and coarse

Soil texture is the size of soil particles or how fine or coarse the soil particles are.

Types of soil texture

1. Coarse texture- this where soil particles are large and the soil rough e.g. sandy soil
2. Fine texture – the particles are very small. it makes the soil feels very smooth e.g. clay soil
3. Medium texture – it is mixture of coarse and fine particles .it is neither smooth nor rough
e.g. loam soil

Why should we know the texture of soil?

o The texture of a soil affects plants growth and production

o We can make use of the soil better by planting crops that will grow well in that type of

What are field crops?

Filed crops are those we usually grow in a big field (tshimo).

Examples of field crops grown in Botswana

 Beans
 Maize
 Groundnuts
 Millet
 Sorghum
 Watermelons

Importance of field crops

 Source of food
 Source of money
 Creates jobs
 Source of foreign currency
 Can also be used to feed livestock (fodder)
 We can make useful products from field crops e.g. peanut butter, cooking oil, cornflakes

Nutritional value of field crops

Contains nutrients such as proteins needed by the body for growth e.g. beans, groundnuts,
Provide the body with carbohydrates which gives our bodies energy e.g.
Contains fiber that helps the bowel to work well e.g. green beans
Contains minerals and vitamins that help protect our bodies from diseases.

Importance of field crops to people with HIV and AIDS

 They contain carbohydrates which give the body energy to strengthen the immune system
 Some are rich in proteins that are needed to build new cells and tissues e.g. beans,
 Some are rich in minerals and vitamins needed to defend the body from attack by diseases
and to make the immune system stronger

Problems faced by crop producers

 Low and unreliable rainfall

 Pests and diseases
 Lack of knowledge and skills
 Competition between locally produced crops and cheaper imported ones
 Lack of market
 Lack of money
 Poor soils

Possible solutions to the problems faced by farmers

 Build dams or grow crops that does not need lot of water
 Buy chemicals to control pests and diseases
 Practice crop rotation
 Agricultural demonstrators should teach farmers better ways of farming
 Government should limit importation of field crop products
 Government should charge more tax on imported filed crop products
 Government should find reliable markets for their products
 Farmers should borrow money from banks
 Should add manure and other fertilizers to improve crop production

Growing field crops

Preparations for growing field crops

 Land should be fenced

 Land should be cleared of trees ,stumps, weeds and anything that can disturb growth
 Tools ,implements ,fertilizers, seeds and insecticides should be available
 You should have the correct knowledge and skills to grow and manage the crops

Methods of planting field crops

1 .Broadcasting- scattering or spreading the seeds by hand

2. Row planting- seeds are planted in rows. In big fields planters are used

Spacing of crops

What determines the spacing of field crops?

 Fertility of the soil

 How much rainfall or water will be available
 The type of crop we are growing and how much space it occupies
 The use of the crop

Depth of planting

The depth of the seed at which is planted mainly depends on their size and the type of soil. Bigger
seed are planted deeper then the small ones

Preparing suitable seedbeds (plots) and planting field crops

 A plot that is 3m long and wide is suitable

 Dig out the soil
 Breaks lumps or clods
 Add manure
 Level the soil
 Measure and mark out planting row
 Plant seeds you have chosen water the plot immediately


Managing means caring for the crops

How can we take of our field crops?

 Watering
 Weeding
 Cultivating
 Adding manure
 Thinning
 Controlling pests and diseases
 Harvesting

Keeping production records

 It is important to keep records when growing crops, records help a farmer to help his or her
farm work better. Records provide useful information such as when planting was done, how
long it took the crops to reach maturity, what fertilizers were added to the soil, what pests
and diseases attacked the crops, and how much of the crop was harvested.
 Is also important to see whether the business is profitable or not
 Records help you in future projects
 They remind us to do important activities in order

Processing field crops

 Drying (removing moisture)

 Threshing (removing grains from the head)
 Winnowing (separating chuff from grains)

Marketing field crops

Marketing involves the selling of field crops or their products

BAMB is the major market of field crops in Botswana

 Green mealies can be cooked and sold

 Some buy green mealies from farmers and re-sell them at a higher price
 Sweet reed can be sold as green mealies to individuals
 Dried grains like maize,sourghum can be sold to BAMB

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