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Description of Target Market






1. Demographic Dimension

Baby Boomers, a demographic aged between 57 and 75 on Airbnb, are characterized

by their prioritization of comfort, personalized service, and a preference for traditional

booking methods. Despite being tech-savvy, this group tends to lean towards clear

communication and human interaction. With a stable financial outlook, Baby Boomers are

open to investing in premium lodging experiences and frequently engage in group travel. To

enhance their Airbnb experience, the platform should not only prioritize detailed information

and personalized customer support but also focus on creating user-friendly interfaces.

Additionally, introducing features tailored to group bookings can further align with the

comfort-oriented travel preferences of Baby Boomers, ensuring a more seamless and

satisfying experience for this demographic (Seifert et al., 2022).

2. Geographic dimension

Frankly, on coastal destinations, which encompass serene beach towns and bustling

seaside cities, attracts a diverse range of travelers seeking waterfront experiences. These

areas, characterized by scenic views and comfortable resorts, particularly appeal to

demographics like Baby Boomers. Travelers to coastal destinations often prioritize

accommodations with ocean views, proximity to beaches, and access to water-based activities

(Guttentag et al., 2018). However, seasonal variations in demand may impact pricing and

availability. According to Guttentag et al., (2018) to enhance the Airbnb experience in these

locales, the platform could emphasize coastal amenities, provide information on local water

activities, introduce seasonal pricing features, and offer localized recommendations for

nearby attractions, catering to the unique preferences of those seeking coastal getaways.

3. Phycographic Dimension

On adventure enthusiasts as a psychographic profile, these individuals seek

accommodations that align with their active lifestyle and love for outdoor activities.

Prioritizing stays near adventure hotspots like hiking trails and climbing areas, they also

value shared spaces or communal areas to foster a sense of community while embracing a

tech-savvy approach to travel planning. To enhance the Airbnb experience for adventure

enthusiasts, the platform can emphasize accommodations near adventure destinations,

highlight communal features within stays, offer personalized activity recommendations, and

develop interactive digital guides for real-time updates on weather conditions and trail maps.

This comprehensive approach ensures that Airbnb caters to the diverse preferences and needs

of this dynamic psychographic group (Northfelt, 2020).

4. Behavioral Dimension.

Concentrating on behavioral dimensions, last-minute travelers exhibit a spontaneous

approach to trip planning, often engaging in impulsive bookings and seeking deals closer to

their travel dates. Characterized by flexibility in accommodation preferences and a reliance

on mobile apps, these individuals value availability and affordability. To enhance the Airbnb

experience for last-minute travelers, the platform could introduce real-time availability

updates, dynamic pricing alerts for optimal deals, and flexible filters allowing users to specify

their adaptable preferences (Scaglione et al., 2018). Additionally, fostering collaborations

with hosts to offer exclusive last-minute deals would further cater to the needs of this

dynamic group, ensuring a seamless and cost-effective experience for those who prefer

spontaneous travel arrangements.



Guttentag, D., Smith, S., Potwarka, L., & Havitz, M. (2018). Why tourists choose Airbnb: A

motivation-based segmentation study. Journal of Travel Research, 57(3), 342-359.

Northfelt, P. (2020). Evaluating brand perceptions, attitudes and usage of Airbnb with the

uses and gratifications framework (Doctoral dissertation).


Scaglione, M., Johnson, C., & Favre, P. (2018). When “last-minute” really is “last minute”.

In Information and communication technologies in tourism 2018: Proceedings of the

International Conference in Jönköping, Sweden, January 24-26, 2018 (pp. 501-514).

Springer International Publishing.

Seifert, C. F., Van Ness, R. K., Eddy, E. R., Buff, C., & D’Abate, C. P. " Generational Work

Ethic Differences: From Baby Boomers to Gen Z"(2023) Journal of Managerial Issues

(in press).

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