Grade 8 - Term 1 Exam Paper

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Dinajpur School of LIBERATORS

Grade: VII Session: 2019-2020 Term: First Subject: MathD

27th October, 2019



Paper 1 7


Write in dark blue or black pen.
Make sure to write your name and registration number.
Pencils may only be used for diagrams or graphs.
Do not use correction fluid.

Answer all the questions. 12

Show all your working in the space provided below each question. 13
Write your answers at the end of each problem.
The number of marks is given in brackets [] at the end of each question. 14




1. Determine whether each of the following is a prime or a composite number
a. 57

Answer .............................. [2]

b. 123

Answer .............................. [2]

2. The volume of box in the shape of a cube is 1728 cm2. Find the area of one side of the box.

Answer .............................. [3]

3. a. Find the prime factorization of 59290 giving your answers in index notation.

Answer .............................. [3]

b. Given that √ 2=1.414 and √ 5=2.236 , find the value of √ 59290 to three significant figures.

Answer .............................. [3]

4. a. Find the highest common factor of 84, 210, 462

Answer .............................. [2]

b. Find the lowest common multiple of 84, 210, 462

Answer .............................. [3]

5. A class has between 40 to 50 students. Each boy in the class brings 12 chocolate bars for a class
party to celebrate Teacher’s Day. The chocolate bars are shared equally among the 20 girls of the
class, and 3 of their teachers.
a. How many students are there in the class?

Answer .............................. [3]

b. How many chocolate bars does each of the girls receive?

Answer .............................. [2]

6. In the space below, draw a number line to illustrate the following set of numbers.
2 1 5 4 3
0.1 ,− √ 9 , ,− , √ 32 , 0.14 ,− , √−27
5 3 3

Answer .............................. [4]

7. The total monthly income, $ M , of a bicycle salesman consists of a basic salary of $800, and a
variable amount which depends on the number of bicycles he sells. For each bicycle he sells, he
receives $12.

a. If the salesman sells 42 bicycles in a particular month, find his total income for that month.

Answer .............................. [2]

b. If the salesman’s monthly income for a particular month is $1808, find the number of bicycles
he sold in that month.

Answer .............................. [2]

c. Write down a formula connecting M and x , where x is the number of bicycles the salesman
sells in a month.

Answer .............................. [2]

d. Sketch a graph for the equation you found above, and determine if M is directly proportional
to x , giving a reason for your answer.

Answer ...................................................................................................................................................... [3]

8. At 6:00 a.m., Arthur, Bruce, and Clark are at the starting point of a 3 km circular track. Arthur takes
54 minutes to walk one round, Bruce takes 18 minutes to run 1 round and Clark takes 18 minutes
to cycle 3 rounds. Find the time when they will next meet.

Answer .............................. [3]

9. a. If y is directly proportional to x 2, and the difference in the values of y when x=2 and x=5
is 84, find the value of y when x=−7 .

Answer .............................. [3]

b. y is directly proportional to x 2 and y=a for a particular value of x . Find an expression for y in
terms of a , when the value of x is increased by 400%.

Answer .............................. [3]

10. A contractor sees two job opportunities involving laying roads in the city of Metropolis.

Road Laying List Road length Number of workers Working rate

Option A 5000 m 50 men 10 hrs/day
Option B 8000 m 64 men 8 hrs/day

Quickly, he understands that Option A requires laying of a road 5000 m long with 50 men, each
working for 10 hours a day. After doing some complex calculation, he comes to the conclusion
that Option A will take 80 days.

a. How many days will it take for Option B to complete?

Answer .............................. [4]

Upon further investigation, he adds some information to the table as shown below.

Road Laying List Road length Number of workers Working rate

Option A 5000 m 50 men @ $1.32/hr 10 hrs/day
Option B 8000 m 64 men @ $0.84/hr 8 hrs/day

b. Calculate the cost of hiring the men for Option A, rounding the value to 2 significant figures.

Answer .......................... [2]

c. Calculate the cost of hiring the men for Option B, rounding the value to 2 significant figures.

Answer .......................... [2]

d. Given that the contractor will get paid $ 800,000 for Option A, and $ 820,000 for Option B,
find out which Option is more efficient.

Answer .......................... [2]

11. Consider the two equations,
Equation1 :−6 x+ 5 y=12Equation2 :6 x + y=24

a. For both equation 1 and 2, make y the subject of the formula.

Answer Equation 1: .............................. [1]

Equation 2: .............................. [1]

b. Complete the tables below:

x −2 3 x 3 4

y y


c. On a sheet of graph paper, using a scale of 2 cm to represent 1 unit on the x -axis and 4 cm to
represent 1 unit on the y -axis, draw the graphs of −6 x +5 y=12 for −2 ≤ x ≤3 and
6 x + y=24 for 3 ≤ x ≤ 4 .

d. Find the area of the triangle formed by the lines −6 x +5 y=12,6 x + y=24 , and the x -axis.

Answer .............................. [3]

12. For part (d) of this question, it is advised to use an electronic calculator.
In a Mathematics test, the average score obtained by Grade VI is 72 and Grade VII is 75. Taking the
number of students of G-VI to be x and G-VII to be y ,
a. Show that the total marks, T 1, obtained by all the students of Grade VI is T 1=72 x .


b. Find, in terms of y , the total marks, T 2, obtained by all the students of Grade VII.

Answer .............................. [2]

It is given that the average score obtained by the two grades is 73.48, and that the total number
of students in the two grades is 75.
c. Use this information, along with your answers from parts (a) and (b), to form two equations in
x and y .

Answer .............................. [3]

d. Solve the two equations you found in part (c) to find the number of students in Grade VI

Answer .............................. [3]

13. Expand and simplify.
a. ( 2 x+3 )( 5 x−2 ) −2 ( 5 x−3 )( x +1 )

Answer .............................. [2]

b. ( 2 k−1 )( k −4 )−3 k ( k−7 )

Answer .............................. [2]

14. Factorise completely.

a. −3 b2 +76 b−25

Answer .............................. [2]

b. 14 k 2+ 49 k +21

Answer .............................. [2]

15. Use a calculator to evaluate, giving your answer correct to 4 decimal places.

5 3 5 × √3
5 × √2
3 3

Answer .............................. [2]

16. The volume of box in the shape of a cube is 1728 cm2. Find the area of one side of the box.

Answer .............................. [2]

17. a.Find the prime factorization of 59290 giving your answers in index notation.

Answer .............................. [3]

c. Given that √ 2=1.414 and √ 5=2.236 , find the value of √ 59290 to three significant figures.

Answer .............................. [3]

18. The surface area of each face of a cube is ( x 2 +8 x+ 16 ) cm2.
a. Find, in terms of x , the length of each side of this cube.

Answer .............................. [2]

b. Find, in terms of x , the volume of this cube.

Answer .............................. [2]

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