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1. Which of the following policy focusses on human rights of the persons with
A. education for all
B. salamanca policy
C. united nations convention on rights of persons with disability
D. sustainable development goals

2. What is the main focus of Salamanca policy?

A. ordinary schools should accommodate all children regardless of physical, intellectual, social,
emotional, linguistic or other conditions.
. c
B. ordinary schools should accommodate only children with linguistic and cultural diversity
C. ordinary schools should accommodate only children with intellectual disability

D. ordinary schools should accommodate children with intellectual and physical disability.
3. From the given options identify the component which is not included in an IEP.
A. current academic and functional performance of the student
B. annual academic and functional goals that are measurable
C. times when the student will not participate with their peers with a disability
D. times when the student will not participate with their nondisabled peers

4. State the key role of NGO's in inclusive education.

A. collecting funds
B. mobilizing the community involvement.
C. coordinating with the governement
D. imparting education

5. In the UNCRPD the article 2 focuses on which aspect of persons with disability.
A. employability
B. vocational training
C. definition of disability
D. discrimination

6. In which year was the Salamanca policy framed?

A. 1992
B. 1994
C. 1993
D. 1991

7. In Indian context which is one of the major barrier that is adversely affecting the
inclusive education.
A. medical facilities
B. curriculum challenges
C. negative attitude of people
D. dropout rate

8. Inspite of the policy, still many schools don’t admit children with disabilities.
A. lack of proper infrastructural facilities
B. lack of awareness
C. reputation of school
D. bureaucracy

9. What does IEP stand for?

A. individualized education prospectus
B. international education plan
C. individualized education policy
D. individualized education plan

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10. The idea that everyone should be able to use the same facilities, take part in the
same activities and enjoy the same experiences including people who have a
disability or other disadvantage. This statement represents which of the following
A. inclusion
B. involvement
C. incorporation
D. diversity

11. Understanding the needs, capacities and rights of older people and people
with disabilities promotes:
A. humanitarian inclusion
B. social inclusion
C. cultural inclusion
D. democratic inclusion

12. Government is providing people fair and equitable access to economic

opportunities including fostering broad support for market reforms and,
ultimately, sustainable market economies.Which type of Inclusion is Government
A. social inclusion
B. economic inclusion
C. cultural inclusion
D. humanitarian inclusion

13. The concept of diversity encompasses:

A. mutual understanding for all
B. accepting religious beliefs of all
C. acceptance and respect
D. considering socio-economic status of all.

14. Which of the following be most useful for orientation and mobility training for
students with visual impairment?

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A. verbal description of learning activity
B. slate and stylus for note taking
C. tactile maps of school building
D. captioned age appropriate films

15. Which of these is not an accommodation used in the classroom to aid students
with Locomotor disabilities?
A. giving enough space for the student to move around the classroom
B. having ramps enabling the student smooth access to different classrooms
C. provide a structured, predictable classroom environment
D. allowing the child to eat and drink in the classroom without any restrictions

16. A teacher presents material in both audio and video format. This is an example
of following adaptation:
A. size adaptation
B. output adaptation
C. time adaptation
D. input adaptation

17. How would a Geography teacher adapt curriculum for a dyslexic student?
A. reduce the number of new terms the student has to learn
B. allow the student to participate in varied activities
C. let student learn history instead of geography
D. give more time to complete an assignmnet in geography

18. A teacher uses texts at different reading level for students in the class. Which
category of differentiation of content does it fall under?
A. independent study
B. varied ways of presenting information
C. varied texts
D. varied activities

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19. Provision of CAI packages to allow differently abled learners to move at their
own pace falls under the following category of differentiation of content:
A. varied ways of presenting information
B. accelerated coverage of material
C. independent study
D. interest develeopment centre

20. Which out of the following is an option for authentic assessment of differently
abled students
A. paper pencil assessment
B. portfolio assessment
C. oral assessment
D. practical assessment

21. How frequently should the differently abled students be allowed to demonstrate
their learning using methods that reflect their strengths.
A. frequently
B. never
C. rarely
D. sometimes

22. The year in which Education for All (Millenium development goals) was
A. 1980
B. 1990
C. 2000
D. 2010

23. Equality of Opportunity in Educational Institutions states

A. no citizen shall be denied admission into any educational institution maintained by the state or
receiving aid out of state funds, on grounds only of religion, race, caste, language or any of them.

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B. “the state shall promote with special care the educational and economic interests of the weaker
sections of the people and in particular, of the scheduled castes and scheduled tribes and shall
protect them from social injustice and all forms of exploitation.” it is one of the directive principles
of state policy
C. “any section of the citizens, residing in the territory of india or any part there of, having a
distinct language, script or culture of its own, shall have the right to converse the same.”
D. “it shall be the duty of the union to promote the spread of the hindi language, to develop it so
that it may serve as a medium of expression of all the elements of the composite culture of india.”

24. One of the focus of the points of the National Policy for Persons with
Disabilities is:
A. no social security
B. promotion of governmental organizations
C. no scope for sports quota
D. prevention of disabilities

25. As a teacher which curricular and evaluation process shall you be using in
accordance to the RTE 2009 in your classroom?
A. teacher centered processes
B. make child free from fear, trauma and anxiety
C. continuous and comprehensive processes
D. inflicting corporal punishment on children

26. Which category of students are provided Braille reading and writing material?
A. speech impaired
B. leaning disabled
C. hearing impaired
D. visually impaired

27. The first person to identify a developmental problem in school.

A. classroom teacher
B. supervisor

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C. special teacher
D. counsellor

28. The school personnel who places the differently abled children in the classroom
in proper places so that they feel comfortable and are benefited by the classroom
A. counsellor
B. classroom teacher
C. special teacher
D. supervisor

29. Building a sense of belongingness among diverse human families across the
world is called as:
A. accommodation
B. adjustment
C. involvement
D. inclusion

30. Article 30 of the Indian Constitution relates to

A. free and compulsory education
B. equality of gender
C. women’s right
D. certain cultural and educational rights to establish and administer educational institutions

31. Who develops positive attitude between normal and disabled children?
A. classroom teacher
B. supervisor
C. special teacher
D. counsellor

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32. The school personnel who refers the identified differently abled to the experts
for further examination and treatment.
A. classroom teacher
B. supervisor
C. special teacher
D. counsellor

33. Which category of differently abled students is offered concession in drawing

diagrams and maps?
A. hearing impaired
B. visually impaired
C. speech impaired
D. leaning disabled

34. When did Right to Education 2009 come into force in the country?
A. 2009-04-01 00:00:00
B. 2010-01-01 00:00:00
C. 2010-04-01 00:00:00
D. 2009-01-01 00:00:00

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