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Complete DSA Roadmap

By Ronit Kundu

Language Fundamentals:

1. Flowchart
2. Variables, Operators, Input/Output
3. Control Flow (If-Else, Loops)
4. Basics of STL

Time and Space Complexity:

1. Why, What and How?

2. Different Notations
3. Comparing Different Complexities


1. Theory and Basic Operations

2. Memory Allocation
3. Dynamic Arrays
4. Patterns like 2-pointers, Sliding Window
5. Auxiliary Arrays

Searching and Sorting:

1. Bubble, Selection, Insertion Sort

2. Merge Sort, Quick Sort
3. Applications of the algorithms
4. Linear and Binary Search
5. Ternary Search

Linked List:

1. Intuition and Implementation

2. Singly, Doubly and Circular Linked List
3. Practice Problems

Stacks and Queues:

1. Theory and Basic Operations

2. Implementation using Arrays, Linked List
3. Deque and its classical problems

Ordered and Unordered Map:

1. Intuition behind Hand functions

2. Implementation Unordered map
3. LRU cache

Number Theory:

1. Primality testing and factorization

2. Sieve of Eratosthenes
3. Euclid’s GCD and extended GCD
4. Modular arithmetic and Binary Exponentiation
5. Linear Diophantine equation
6. Modular inverse

Greedy Algorithms:

1. Introduction and how to identify

2. Activity selection problem
3. Job selection problem
4. Huffman encoding
5. Fractional Knapsack

Recursion and Backtracking:

1. Advanced
2. Sudoku solver, N-Queen
3. Generating Subsets, Permutations

Dynamic Programming:

1. Longest increasing subsequence

2. Longest common subsequence
3. Knapsack, Matrix multiplication
4. DP with Bitmasks and Game theory
5. DP for combinatorics and Probability
6. Digit DP

Discrete Math:

1. Combinations Basics
2. Boolean Algebra and Bit Manipulation
3. Stars and Bars principle
4. Probability
5. Pigeon Hole principle


1. Generic Trees
2. Binary Trees
3. Binary Search Trees
4. Tree Traversals

Heaps and Trie:

1. Theory and Implementation

2. Priority CPU scheduling
3. Binary Trie


1. Theory and Implementation

2. Traversals - DFS, BFS
3. Shortest path algorithm
4. Dijkstra, Bellman Ford, Floyd Warshall
5. MST - PRIM, Kruskal algorithms
6. Disjoint set union
7. Topological sorting, SCCS

String Algorithms:

1. Rabin Karp
2. Naive pattern matching
3. Prefix Function and KMP algorithm

Bonus Topics:

1. Game theory basics

2. Sparse table
3. Segment tree
4. Fenwick tree(BIT)

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