EW3 Non Verbal Activities

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Role-Playing Scenarios:
o Divide the class into pairs or small groups and assign each group a scenario where
nonverbal cues play a significant role (e.g., a job interview, a negotiation, a
disagreement between friends).
o Have students role-play the scenarios while focusing on using nonverbal
communication effectively to convey their message.
2. Charades:
o Write down various scenarios or emotions on slips of paper (e.g., "excited,"
"frustrated," "confused," "surprised").
o Have students take turns drawing a slip and acting out the scenario or emotion
using only nonverbal cues (e.g., facial expressions, gestures, body language)
while their classmates guess what it is.
3. Body Language Detective:
o Show the class a short video clip or image of people interacting in different
situations (e.g., a job interview, a meeting, a social gathering).
o Ask students to observe the body language of the individuals in the video or
image and identify nonverbal cues that convey their feelings, attitudes, or
4. Nonverbal Charades:
o Have students pair up and take turns being the "actor" and the "observer."
o The actor chooses an emotion or scenario and uses only nonverbal cues to convey
it, while the observer tries to guess what it is based on the nonverbal cues.
5. Body Language Freeze Frame:
o Divide the class into small groups and assign each group a scenario (e.g., waiting
for the bus, receiving good news, feeling nervous before a presentation).
o Instruct each group to create a freeze-frame tableau depicting the scenario using
only their bodies and nonverbal cues. Encourage them to focus on posture, facial
expressions, and gestures to convey the situation effectively.
1. Conflict Resolution:
o Show a video clip depicting a conflict resolution scenario, such as a disagreement
between coworkers or friends, and analyze the nonverbal cues used to resolve the
2. Cross-Cultural Communication:
o Choose a video clip or image that illustrates cross-cultural communication
challenges, such as a business meeting between individuals from different cultural
backgrounds, and discuss the nonverbal cues that may influence the interaction.
3. Leadership and Influence:
o Select a video clip showcasing a leader or influential figure addressing a group of
people, such as a politician giving a speech or a CEO leading a team meeting, and
examine the nonverbal cues that convey authority, confidence, and charisma.
4. Teamwork and Collaboration:
o Find a video clip or image portraying teamwork and collaboration in action, such
as a sports team working together to achieve a goal or a group of colleagues
collaborating on a project, and analyze the nonverbal cues that facilitate effective
5. Customer Service and Hospitality:
o Choose a video clip depicting customer service interactions, such as a server
assisting patrons in a restaurant or a receptionist greeting guests at a hotel, and
discuss the nonverbal cues that contribute to positive customer experiences.

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