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Title: "Lost in Translation"

Setting: A team meeting at a fictional company called "Innovate Tech Solutions."


1. Ishuah (Team Leader): Responsible for leading the team and ensuring effective
2. Arham (Technical Expert): Holds crucial technical information required for the project.
3. Kashan (Creative Designer): In charge of visual elements and design concepts.
4. Kami (Marketing Specialist): Responsible for developing a marketing strategy based on
the project.
5. Ahsan (Client Representative): Represents the client's interests and expectations.
6. Roha (Communication Coordinator): Responsible for facilitating communication and
ensuring everyone is on the same page.
7. Jonty (Team Member 1): Supports Arham with technical aspects.
8. Abrar (Team Member 2): Supports Kashan with creative design ideas.
9. Kami (Team Member 3): Supports Kami with marketing insights.
10. Raja Sheraz (Observer/Facilitator): Observes and provides feedback on
communication dynamics.


The team is working on a project to develop a new software application for a client. The team
members have different pieces of crucial information that need to be integrated for the project to


1. Setup:
o The team gathers for a meeting, each member with their specific role and
2. Round 1: Miscommunication Begins:
o Ishuah assigns tasks to team members based on initial information.
o Arham struggles to explain the technical aspects to Jonty.
o Kashan and Abrar have a misunderstanding about the design concept.
3. Round 2: Ripple Effects:
o Jonty, unsure of the technical details, provides inaccurate information to Kami.
o Kami, working with inaccurate data, creates a marketing strategy that doesn't
align with Ahsan's expectations.
4. Round 3: Client Concerns:
o Ahsan, the client representative, expresses concerns about the proposed strategy.
o Ishuah realizes there's a breakdown in communication and calls for a team
5. Round 4: Team Discussion:
o Roha, the communication coordinator, facilitates a discussion to identify
communication challenges.
o Team members share their difficulties and misunderstandings.
6. Round 5: Resolution:
o The team collectively identifies strategies to improve communication.
o Arham provides a clear technical explanation to Jonty.
o Kashan and Abrar collaborate to align their design concepts.
o Kami adjusts the marketing strategy based on accurate information.
7. Conclusion:
o The team reconvenes, and this time, communication flows smoothly.
o Ahsan approves of the revised strategy, and the project moves forward
8. Debrief:
o Raja Sheraz, the observer, provides feedback on the communication dynamics
observed during the roleplay.
o The class discusses the importance of effective communication in organizational

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