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Business case – Group 4

valuable insights to inform your solution approach.

SWOT Analysis:

1. Strengths: Build on your strengths to create a solid foundation for

your solution. For example, emphasize the improved accuracy and
security of your fingerprint scan voting system.
2. Weaknesses: Address your weaknesses by developing strategies to
mitigate them. For instance, develop a plan to reduce initial
investment costs or improve technical infrastructure.
3. Opportunities: Capitalize on opportunities by incorporating them
into your solution. For example, explore government funding
opportunities or collaborate with local tech companies.
4. Threats: Develop contingency plans to address potential threats.
For instan…
[03:19, 08/05/2024] Mini: To develop a solution scope for PRALS
(Fingerprint Scan Voting System), follow these steps:

1. Define the Problem Statement:

Clearly articulate the problem PRALS aims to solve, such as "Improve
the accuracy and security of voting systems in South Africa."

2. Identify the Goals and Objectives:

Determine what PRALS wants to achieve, like:
- Enhance voter verification
- Reduce voter fraud
- Increase voting efficiency
- Improve voter experience

3. Determine the Functional Requirements:

Specify what PRALS must do to meet the goals and objectives, such
- Capture and verify fingerprints
- Authenticate voters
- Record and count votes securely
- Provide real-time voting results

4. Identify the Non-Functional Requirements:

Define the co…
[03:20, 08/05/2024] Mini: Here's an expanded solution scope for
PRALS, including more details on finding a solution for the fingerprint
scanner system:

Solution Scope Statement:

PRALS will design, develop, and implement a secure and efficient

fingerprint scan voting system for South Africa, enabling accurate
voter verification, reducing fraud, and improving the overall voting
experience. The solution will consist of:
Hardware Components:

1. Fingerprint Scanners: High-quality, durable, and tamper-proof

scanners to capture and verify fingerprints.
2. Servers: Secure and robust servers to store and process voter data,
voting records, and system configurations.
3. Networking Equipment: Reliable and secure networking
infrastructure to connect scanners, servers, and other components.

Software Components:

1. Voting Application: A user-friendly and secure application to

manage voter registration, voting, and results.
2. Database Management System: A robust and scalable database to
store and manage voter data, voting records, and system
3. Security and Encryption: Implementing industry-standard
encryption and security protocols to protect sensitive data.

Services and Features:

1. Voter Registration: Secure and efficient registration process to

enroll voters and capture their fingerprints.
2. Voter Verification: Real-time verification of voters' identities and
eligibility to vote.
3. Voting and Results: Secure and accurate voting process, with real-
time results and reporting.
4. System Administration: User-friendly interface for system
configuration, maintenance, and troubleshooting.
5. Technical Support: Comprehensive support and maintenance
services to ensure system uptime and reliability.

Functional Requirements:

1. Capture and verify fingerprints with high accuracy and speed.

2. Authenticate voters and ensure only eligible voters can cast
3. Record and count votes securely and accurately.
4. Provide real-time voting results and reporting.
5. Ensure system security, integrity, and reliability.

Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Scalability: Ability to handle a large number of voters and voting

2. Usability: User-friendly interface for voters, administrators, and
technical support.
3. Performance: High-speed processing and response times.
4. Security: Robust security measures to prevent tampering, hacking,
and data breaches.
5. Interoperability: Compatibility with existing voting systems and
Solution Approach:

1. Conduct thorough market research and analysis to identify best-in-

class fingerprint scanning technology and voting system solutions.
2. Collaborate with local and international experts in biometrics,
security, and voting systems to ensure a comprehensive and
effective solution.
3. Develop a customized solution that meets the specific needs and
requirements of the South African electoral process.
4. Implement a phased rollout plan, starting with pilot projects and
gradually scaling up to national implementation.
5. Provide comprehensive training and support for election officials,
technical staff, and voters to ensure a smooth transition and
successful adoption.

By following this solution scope, PRALS can develop a secure,

efficient, and reliable fingerprint scan voting system that meets the
needs of the South African electoral process and enhances the
overall voting experience.

The solution analysis approach for PRALS (Fingerprint Scan Voting

System) involves a comprehensive and structured methodology to
identify, evaluate, and select the most suitable solution to meet the
requirements and needs of the South African electoral process.
Here's an in-depth explanation of the approach:

1. Problem Definition:
Clearly articulate the problem statement, goals, and objectives of
PRALS, including the need for a secure, efficient, and reliable voting

2. Requirements Gathering:
Collect and document the functional, non-functional, and technical
requirements of the system, including:
- Voter registration and verification
- Voting and results management
- Security and encryption
- Scalability and performance
- Usability and accessibility
- Interoperability and compatibility

3. Solution Alternatives:
Identify and evaluate potential solution alternatives, including:
- Fingerprint scanning technology
- Biometric identification
- Smart card-based systems
- Online voting platforms
- Hybrid solutions

4. Evaluation Criteria:
Establish a set of evaluation criteria to assess each solution
alternative, including:
- Security and integrity
- Accuracy and reliability
- Scalability and performance
- Usability and accessibility
- Cost and feasibility
- Compliance with legal and regulatory requirements

5. Solution Evaluation:
Evaluate each solution alternative against the evaluation criteria,
using techniques such as:
- SWOT analysis
- Cost-benefit analysis
- Risk assessment
- User acceptance testing
- Technical feasibility studies

6. Solution Selection:
Select the most suitable solution alternative based on the evaluation
results, considering factors such as:
- Best fit with requirements
- Highest security and integrity
- Optimal scalability and performance
- User acceptance and ease of use
- Cost-effectiveness and feasibility
7. Solution Design:
Develop a detailed design of the selected solution, including:
- System architecture
- Component specifications
- Interface design
- Data management and storage
- Security and encryption protocols

8. Prototype Development:
Develop a prototype of the solution to test and validate its
functionality, performance, and security.

9. Testing and Quality Assurance:

Conduct thorough testing and quality assurance activities to ensure
the solution meets the requirements and is free from defects.

10. Implementation and Deployment:

Plan and execute a phased rollout of the solution, starting with pilot
projects and gradually scaling up to national implementation.

11. Training and Support:

Provide comprehensive training and support for election officials,
technical staff, and voters to ensure a smooth transition and
successful adoption.
By following this solution analysis approach, PRALS can ensure a
thorough and systematic evaluation of potential solutions, leading to
the selection and implementation of a secure, efficient, and reliable
fingerprint scan voting system that meets the needs of the South
African electoral process.
Functional Requirements -steps of solution

These sum up the main characteristics and features of the fingerprint scanning system.
PRALS will rank them in order of impact on the system's general operation and ensure that
the following is true:

Verification of Voters: Voters can be accurately and securely identified by their

fingerprints. Prioritize immediate verification above all else to avoid illegal access or
repetitive votes. Voter database integration: For smooth data interchange, link the system
to the national voter database.

1. Security Requirements:

PRALS believes that security is critical for voter confidence. Thus the business will prioritize
requirements related to data protection, encryption, and access control: Data Encryption:
Encrypt fingerprint data during transmission and storage. How? Access Control: Restrict
system access to authorized personnel only. Audit Trail that PRALS will use include
prioritizing logging and auditing features to track system usage.

2. Scalability and Performance:

PRALS is to consider the system's scalability to handle a large number of voters during
elections: Throughput: Prioritize high throughput to accommodate peak voting times.
Response Time: Ensure quick response times for voter authentication. Load Testing: Test
the system's performance under heavy loads.

3. Usability and Accessibility:

Putting requirements first means improving accessibility and user experience. User
Interface: To create a user-friendly interface for voters and poll staff. Multilingual Support:
Because PRALS considers South Africa to be a rainbow nation, it will take into account the
country's linguistic variety and make sure that voters are contacted in the language of their
preference. The Accessibility Features of PRALS: are to guarantee that all voters, including
those with disabilities, can utilize the system.

4. Reliability and Redundancy:

PRALS will give precedence to the following requirements for failover strategies and system
reliability: Use backup servers to avoid system outages, particularly in remote places. Make
sure the system has fault tolerance so it can bounce back from errors with ease. Backup
Power: Giving built-in battery backup systems a priority, particularly during load shedding.

5. Cost and Budget Constraints:

Sort requirements into priority lists according to available funds and cost-effectiveness.
Price: Select options that fit the budget that has been set aside. Maintenance Costs: Take
into account the costs of continuing upkeep and assistance.

6. Training and Support:

Setting the following priorities for the needs of voters' and poll workers' support and
training: Training Resources: PRALS is tasked with creating easily navigable training
resources. Assistance Desk Support: During elections, PRALS will ensure support in a timely
manner especially for poll workers and voters.

In closing the professional judgment and stakeholder input play a crucial role in prioritizing
requirements. Thus, PRALS will collaborate with election officials, technology experts, and
voters to make informed decisions.

In the final analysis, interviews are essential for obtaining first-hand knowledge, confirming
presumptions, and forming solutions. Business analysts can reduce the risk of fraud, suggest
changes to the voter registration procedure, and build a more effective system by
conducting interviewees.

1. Workshops and Focus Groups:

Voters, election officials, and technological experts could debate the present registration
procedure in a focus group. In addition to highlighting problems and offering solutions,
participants may share their own personal observations.

The focus group may be asked the following questions:

a) How user-friendly is the present registration process?

b) Are there any suspicions of fraud or errors in the voter list?

c) What enhancements are the preferences of voters?

d) How may innovation improve the procedure, such as electronic enrolment?

Key Activities include:

1. Evaluating Suggested Solutions:

Business analysts evaluate the feasibility, cost, and strategic fit of building a voter database.

2. Assessing Readiness for Organizations:

In this step, the readiness of the organization for the suggested change is evaluated. Are
interested parties prepared to switch to a new system?

2. Testing the Designed Approach:

Analysts confirm that the solution satisfies requirements and resolves recognized obstacles
prior to execution. Therefore, assessing the idea of creating a voter database would be part
of the solution assessment. Take into account elements like price, usability, and
compatibility with the objective of streamlining the registration procedure.

3. Allocation of Requirements

The purpose of requirement allocation is the process of translating high-level requirements

into specific functional and performance design criteria and It will ensure that system-level
goals are broken down into actionable components.

4. Converting System-wide Specifications

Researchers disassemble corporate needs into specific functional specifications, if the
designing a user-friendly system.

Establishing a Useful Architecture

As a result, each system function can be connected to the original specifications.

Requirement allocation would require mapping the general requirements:

 Creating a voter database instead of a manual voter’s register.

 Ensuring that the system is accessible and user-friendly across the country
 To specific system operations, such as voter registration and verification. In order to cast
a ballot, a voter must provide a fingerprint.

o Functional Requirements:

1. User Registration: The system must allow voters to register and provide their fingerprints.
2. Fingerprint Capture: The system must capture and store voters' fingerprints accurately.
3. Voter Verification: The system must verify voters' identities using their fingerprints.
4. Secure Voting: The system must ensure secure and private voting.
5. Results Calculation: The system must calculate and display voting results accurately.

o Non-Functional Requirements:

1. Performance: The system must respond quickly and efficiently.

2. Security: The system must ensure the privacy and security of voters' data.
3. Usability: The system must be user-friendly and easy to use.
4. Reliability: The system must be available and accessible during voting periods.
5. Scalability: The system must be able to handle a large number of voters.

User Requirements:

1. Easy registration and voting process.

2. Private and secure voting experience.
3. Accurate voting results.
4. User-friendly interface.
5. Minimal waiting time.

4. Use Case Development:

Use Case 1: Voter Registration
Actor: Voter
1. Approach the registration desk
2. Provide personal information (name, ID number, etc.)
3. Place finger on the fingerprint scanner
4. Wait for the system to verify and register their information
Expected Outcomes:
1. Successful registration
2. Unique voter ID generated
3. Fingerprint data stored securely
4. Confirmation of registration displayed on the screen
Use Case 2: Voting
Actor: Voter
1. Approach the voting station
2. Place finger on the fingerprint scanner
3. Select preferred candidate/party
4. Confirm vote
Expected Outcomes:
1. Successful verification of voter identity
2. Vote cast and recorded accurately
3. Confirmation of vote displayed on the screen
4. Vote counted and included in the overall results
Use Case 3: Results Calculation
Actor: Election Official
1. Log in to the system
2. Initiate results calculation
3. Review and verify results

Expected Outcomes:
1. Accurate calculation of votes
2. Display of results in real-time
3. Generation of reports and statistics
4. Successful completion of the electoral process
Use Case 4: System Administration
Actor: System Administrator
1. Log in to the system
2. Monitor system performance
3. Perform maintenance tasks (software updates, etc.)
4. Manage user access and permissions
Expected Outcomes:
1. Smooth system operation
2. Timely software updates and maintenance
3. Secure user access and data protection
4. Efficient system management

5. Functional Requirements Definition:

Scanner system:
1. Fingerprint Scanning:
- Capture and store fingerprint data from voters
- Ensure accurate and reliable fingerprint recognition
- Support multiple fingerprint scanners and devices
2. Database Management:
- Create and manage a database of registered voters
- Store voter information (name, ID number, etc.) and fingerprint data
- Ensure data security and integrity
3. User Authentication:
- Verify voter identity using fingerprint recognition
- Ensure only registered voters can cast votes
- Support multiple user roles (voters, administrators, etc.)
4. Voting:
- Allow voters to cast votes for their preferred candidates/parties
- Ensure accurate and secure vote casting and counting
- Support multiple voting options (e.g., candidate, party, etc.)
5. Results Calculation:
- Calculate and display voting results in real-time
- Generate reports and statistics on voting data
- Ensure accurate and reliable results
6. System Administration:
- Manage system settings and configurations
- Monitor system performance and logs
- Support multiple administrators with varying levels of access
7. Security:
- Ensure secure data storage and transmission
- Protect against unauthorized access and tampering
- Support secure authentication and authorization
8. User Interface:
- Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for voters and administrators
- Support multiple languages and accessibility options
- Ensure easy navigation and minimal errors
9. Reporting and Analytics:
- Generate reports on voting data and system performance
- Support data analytics and visualization
- Ensure accurate and reliable reporting
10. Scalability and Flexibility:
- Support multiple voting stations and devices
- Ensure system scalability and flexibility for future growth
- Support multiple operating systems and hardware platforms

Here is a detailed list of what the system must do:

1. Register voters and store their information and fingerprint data.
2. Verify voter identity using fingerprint recognition.
3. Allow voters to cast votes for their preferred candidates/parties.
4. Calculate and display voting results in real-time.
5. Generate reports and statistics on voting data.
6. Ensure secure data storage and transmission.
7. Protect against unauthorized access and tampering.
8. Support multiple administrators with varying levels of access.
9. Provide an intuitive and user-friendly interface for voters and administrators.
10. Support multiple languages and accessibility options.
11. Ensure easy navigation and minimal errors.
12. Generate reports on voting data and system performance.
13. Support data analytics and visualization.
14. Ensure accurate and reliable reporting.
15. Support multiple voting stations and devices.
16. Ensure system scalability and flexibility for future growth.
17. Support multiple operating systems and hardware platforms.

6. Non-Functional Requirements Definition:

Non-Functional Requirements Definition:
1. Performance:
- Response time: The system must respond to user input within 2 seconds.
- Throughput: The system must be able to handle at least 100 voters per minute.
- Uptime: The system must be available for use at least 99.9% of the time.
2. Security:
- Data encryption: The system must encrypt all sensitive data, including voter information
and fingerprints.
- Access control: The system must restrict access to authorized personnel only.
- Intrusion detection: The system must detect and alert administrators of any potential
security breaches.
3. Usability:
- User interface: The system must have an intuitive and user-friendly interface.
- Accessibility: The system must be accessible to voters with disabilities.
- Error handling: The system must handle errors gracefully and provide clear instructions
for recovery.
4. Maintainability:
- Backup and recovery: The system must have a backup and recovery process in place to
ensure data integrity.
- Updates: The system must be able to receive updates and patches without disrupting
5. Scalability:
- Horizontal scaling: The system must be able to handle increased traffic by adding more
- Vertical scaling: The system must be able to handle increased traffic by increasing server
Constraints and Assumptions:
1. Technical Constraints:
- Hardware: The system must be able to run on existing hardware infrastructure.
- Software: The system must be able to integrate with existing software systems.
2. Assumptions:
- Voter registration data will be accurate and up-to-date.
- Fingerprint scanners will be calibrated and functioning correctly.
- Network connectivity will be stable and secure.
3. Environmental Constraints:
- Temperature: The system must be able to operate in a temperature range of 15-30°C.
- Humidity: The system must be able to operate in a humidity range of 40-60%.
4. Legal and Regulatory Constraints:
- Compliance with electoral laws and regulations.
- Protection of voter privacy and data security.

1. Data Analysis:
Data Entities:
- Voters
- Votes
- Political Parties
- Candidates
- Voting Stations
- Voter Registrations
- Election Results
Data Relationships:
- A voter can cast one vote.
- A vote is associated with one candidate and one political party.
- A political party can have multiple candidates.
- A voting station can have multiple voters.
- A voter registration is associated with one voter.
- An election result is associated with one political party and one candidate.
Data Structures and Storage Needs:
- Relational database management system (e.g., MySQL)
- Data storage requirements: 1 TB (estimated)
- Data entities will be stored in separate tables with relationships established through
foreign keys
- Indexing and caching will be used to improve query performance
Process Design:
Business Processes and Workflows:
- Voter Registration
- Voting
- Results Calculation
- Voter Verification
Steps, Inputs, Outputs, and Expected Outcomes:
- Voter Registration:
- Input: Voter information (name, ID number, etc.)
- Output: Registered voter ID
- Expected Outcome: Successful registration
- Voting:
- Input: Voter ID, candidate selection
- Output: Cast vote
- Expected Outcome: Successful vote casting
- Results Calculation:
- Input: Votes cast
- Output: Election results
- Expected Outcome: Accurate results
- Voter Verification:
- Input: Voter ID
- Output: Verification of voter registration
- Expected Outcome: Successful verification
User Interface Design:
Wireframes or Prototypes:
- Voter Registration Screen
- Voting Screen
- Results Screen
- Voter Verification Screen
User-Friendly and Easy to Use:
- Intuitive interface
- Clear instructions
- Minimal errors
- Responsive design for various devices

Testing and Quality Assurance:

Testing Plan:
- Unit testing
- Integration testing
- System testing
- Acceptance testing
Defects or Issues:
- Identified and fixed promptly
Implementation and Deployment:

Deployment Plan:
- Hardware installation
- Software installation
- Training for users
- Data migration from manual voter rolls

Smooth Transition:
- Minimal downtime
- Effective training
- Support team available for assistance

Post-Implementation Review:
Success Metrics:
- Improved efficiency
- Increased accuracy
- User satisfaction
Work breakdown structure

Activity list

Actor: Voter Use Case: Voter Registration

Main Flow steps to be implemented: (Use in business rules )

1. Voter goes to their nearest voting stations and enters voting booth.
2. Voting polls (employee) ask for Identity smartcard /book.
3. Voter provides personal details (name, address, etc.).
4. Voter’s fingerprint is captured by employees using a scanner through algorithms
5. System validates the fingerprint against existing records.
6. If valid, voter is added to the voters roll.
7. If not valid the finger print scanner will turn red and employee provides reason why the system
in rejecting the fingerprint scan process such as:

1. Age restriction: As you mentioned, if the voter is under 18, the system may flag their fingerprint
and prevent them from voting.

2. Ineligible voter: If the voter is not registered or is not eligible to vote in the specific election, the
system may block their fingerprint.

3. Duplicate registration: If the voter is registered multiple times or has multiple identities, the
fingerprint scanner may detect the duplicate registration and prevent voting.

4. Felony or criminal record: In some jurisdictions, individuals with felony convictions or certain
criminal records may be ineligible to vote; the fingerprint scanner may identify these individuals and
prevent them from voting.

5. Citizenship status: If the voter is not a citizen or is not eligible to vote due to citizenship status,
the fingerprint scanner may prevent them from proceeding.

6. Voter impersonation: If the fingerprint scanner detects a mismatch between the voter's
fingerprint and the one on record, it may indicate attempted voter impersonation and prevent

8. Employee will than Test fingerprint matching accuracy.

9. Simulate voting scenarios to ensure system reliability.
10. If the process goes through the scanner will turn green.
11. Voter’s will than wait 2 minutes for their vote to be validated onto the system
12. After process has been successfully and citizens have voted they may exit booth and building

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