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Anxiety: Anxiety is a natural human response to stress or perceived threats. It’s a feeling of
apprehension or fear about what’s to come, often accompanied by physical sensations like increased
heart rate, sweating and muscle tension. Anxiety becomes a concern when its frequent, intense, or
persistent, affecting daily life and well-being.

1. Amenorrhea: Absence of menstrual periods which can be influenced by stressed and hormonal
changes associated with anxiety.

2. Blurring vision; Temporary vision impairment or blurriness, possibly due to pupil dilation or
altered focus under stress.

3. Borborygmi; Anxiety can contribute to increased gastrointestinal activity, leading to audible

stomach rumbling or gurgling noises (borborygmi) due to changes in digestion and motility.

4. Broken sleep: Anxiety often disrupts sleep, causing difficulties with falling asleep, frequent
awakenings, during the night, or waking up early in the morning and not being able to go back to

5. Burning Sensation: This sensation might manifest as a burning feeling in the chest, skin or other
parts of the body. It can be caused by the body’s response to stress hormones, which can trigger
changes in blood flow and nerve sensitivity.

6. Depression: Anxiety disorders frequently co-exist with depression. Prolonged anxiety can lead to
feelings of hopelessness, sadness or emptiness which are characteristics of depression.

7. Development of frigidity: Emotional coldness or decreased interest in sexual activity, potentially

influenced by anxiety or psychological distress

8. Diurnal swing; Anxiety can cause fluctuations in mood and energy levels throughout the day,
resulting in periods of increased anxiety or calmness at different times.
9. Dry mouth; Reduced saliva production due to stress-induced changes in the body’s autonomic
nervous system

10. Dyspnea: Anxiety can cause sensations of shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, often
associated with hyperventilation during panic attacks.

11. Early waking; This refers to waking up earlier than desired and being unable to resume sleep due
to anxiety or worrying thoughts

12. Fatigability: Anxiety can contribute to feelings of fatigue or exhaustion due to heightened stress
levels and disrupted sleep patterns

13. Fearful Anticipation; This refers to the persistent and anxious expectation of encountering or
experiencing something frightening or threatening

14. Fidgeting: Restless or repetitive movements (eg; tapping, shifting ) due to nervousness or

15. Flushing pallor: Alternating between reddening (flushing) and paleness of the skin due to
changes in blood flow caused by anxiety.

16. Frequency of micronutrition: This refers to dietary habits affected by anxiety, such as changes in
eating habits or food choices.

17. Furrowed brows: Deep lines or wrinkles between the eyebrows, often due to persistent muscle
tension associated with anxiety

18. Giddiness: Feeling light-headed, dizzy, or unsteady, typically due to changes in blood pressure or
oxygen levels related to anxiety.

19. Grinding of teeth; involuntary clenching and grinding of teeth, often due to muscle tension
associated with anxiety.
20. Hot and cold flushes; sensation of sudden heat or cold spreading over the body, a common
response to heightened stress or anxiety

21. Irritability; Anxiety can heighten irritability, making individuals more easily annoyed, frustrated
or agitated even by minor triggers or stressors.

22. Menorrhagia; Excessive or prolonged menstrual bleeding , which can also be impacted by stress
and hormonal changes

23. . Missing Beat: Anxiety-related palpitations can sometimes feel like the heart skips a beat or has
irregular rhythms

24. Moved to tears easily: Anxiety can make individuals more emotionally sensitive, causing them to
be easily overwhelmed or tearful in response to stress or intense feelings.

25. Myoclonic jerks: These are sudden, involuntary muscle contractions or jerks that can occur
during periods of heightened anxiety or stress.

26. Pricking sensation; Feeling of pins and needles or tingling sensations, often due to altered blood
flow related to anxiety

27. Raising of hair: Refers to “goosebumps” or piloerection, caused by the body’s response to stress
hormones like adrenaline.

28. Sighing: Frequent deep breaths or sighs, often involuntary, as a way to release tension or stress
29. Startle response; People with anxiety may have an exaggerated startle response, where they
react strongly to sudden or unexpected noises or movements.

30. Strained face: Tense or tight facial muscles, often resulting from stress or anxiety

31. Swallowing: Difficulty swallowing or a sensation of a lump in the throat, common with anxiety-
related muscle tension in the neck and throat.

32. Tachycardia: Anxiety can lead to a rapid heart rate or palpitations, even in non-stressful
situations, due to the body’s heightened state of arousal

33. Tinnitus: Anxiety may exacerbate or cause ringing or buzzing sensations in the ears, known as

34. Tremor of hands: Involuntary shaking or trembling of the hands, a common manifestation of

35. Twitching: Anxiety can manifest physically as muscle tension or twitching, often due to increased
nervous system activity.

36. Unsteady voice; Shaking or wavering voice caused by muscle tension in vocal cords due to

37. Urgency of micronutrition; Altered dietary behaviours driven by anxiety.

38. Wind abdominal pain: Anxiety can cause abdominal discomfort including bloating, cramping, or
sensations of “butterflies” in the stomach due to heightened stress or anxiety

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