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Dona Mathew

Both point and period prevalence can be represented by the formula 1/

(x/y)*10n for a specified time period. The primary difference between 1-
point and period prevalence is in: დან


the time period of reference

The maximum number of variables that should be cross-tabulated in 1 / 1-

a single table is: დან

1 / 1-დან





1 / 1-დან





the curve is normal

Which range characterizes the interquartile range? 1 / 1-დან

From 5th percentile to 95th percentile

From 10th percentile to 90th percentile

From 25th percentile to 75th percentile

From 1 standard deviation below the mean to 1 standard deviation above the mean

From 1.96 standard deviations below the mean to 1.96 standard deviations above
the mean

The null and alternative hypotheses divide all possibilities into: 1 / 1-დან

two sets that overlap

two non-overlapping sets

two sets that may or may not overlap

as many sets as necessary to cover all possibilities

A two-tailed test is one where: 1 / 1-დან

results in only one direction can lead to rejection of the null hypothesis

negative sample means lead to rejection of the null hypothesis

results in either of two directions can lead to rejection of the null hypothesis

no results lead to the rejection of the null hypothesis

The report of an epidemiologic study described the association 1/
between a particular exposure and a particular disease as “a weakly 1-
positive association, but not statistically significant at the 0.05 level.” დან
The data most consistent with this statement is:

odds ratio = 10.0, p-value = 0.20

odds ratio = 1.5, p-value = 0.03

relative risk = 1.8, p-value = 0.01

risk ratio = 1.8, p-value = 0.20

relative risk = 10.0, p-value = 0.10

Statistics is used in research 1 / 1-დან

to make rational inferences

to quantify uncertainty

to summarize the results of experiments

all of the above

none of the above

The duration of disease A is longer than that of disease B. They both 1/
have the same incidence. The prevalence of disease A would then be 1-
expected to be დან

the same as that of disease B

less than that of disease B

greater than that of disease B

less than the incidence of the disease

greater than the incidence of the disease

All of the following are measures of central location EXCEPT 1 / 1-დან

arithmetic mean

geometric mean



All of the following are measures of dispersion EXCEPT 1 / 1-დან

interquartile range



standard deviation


Which type of the graph is recommended for showing annual 1 / 1-

mortality rates for disease Z 1940-1990? დან

line graphs


bar charts

all of the above

The -------------- is an alternative for the incidence rate that is used 1/

when the nature of the disease or condition is such that a population is 1-
observed for a short time period, often as a result of specific exposure. დან

Attack rate



Proportional mortality ratio

A ------ study makes use of historical data to determine exposure levels 1 /
at some baseline in the past; "follow-up" for subsequent occurrences of 1-
disease between baseline and the present is performed. დან

Life expectancy


Relative risk

Retrospective cohort

Prospective cohort

A survey in which thick smears are performed on all of the villagers in 1/

one village shows that 14% are positive. Does this represent an 1-
incidence rate or a prevalence rate? დან

Incidence rate

Prevalence rate

Bar charts may be distinguished from histograms at a glance 1 / 1-

because: დან

bar charts are not used for time series data

histograms are used to display discrete data

bar charts are based on area under the curve

histograms do not have spaces between consecutive columns

All the following are major types of epidemiology EXCEPT 1 / 1-დან

Classic epidemiology

Infectious epidemiology

Chronic disease epidemiology

Ecologic epidemiology

The basic goal of hypothesis testing is 1 / 1-დან

to confirm the alternative hypothesis

to distinguish between random and meaningful differences in outcome

to establish the value of alpha

to establish the value of beta

0 / 1-დან




only 4

none of the above

სწორი პასუხი

only 4

Statistical significance is achieved when 1 / 1-დან

when alpha is greater than p

beta equals alpha

p is greater than alpha

p is greater than beta

1 / 1-დან

only I

only II

only III

I and II

I, II and III

1 / 1-დან

only I

only II

only III

I and II

I and III
What type of sampling is this: Each individual of the total group has an 1 / 1-
equal chance of being selected დან

systematic sampling

simple random sampling

stratified sampling

cluster sampling

To employ parametric methods of statistical analysis the population 1 / 1-

distribution of the dependent variable must be დან




normally distributed

All the following are true EXCEPT 1 / 1-დან

cohort study is used to study rare diseases

cohort study provides information regarding incidence rate

case-control study is inexpensive study

case-control study is a retrospective study

What is the type of measurement scale for the following variable: 1 / 1-
Year of Birth დან

dichotomous scale

nominal scale

ordinal scale

interval scale

ratio scale

During January in village X, there were 7 people under treatment for 1/

tuberculosis, one of whom finished treatment on January 15. Three new 1-
cases were diagnosed during the month. The total population of the დან
village is 1000 persons. What was the INCIDENCE rate of tuberculosis
during January in village X?

7 per 1000.

3 per 1000.

10 per 1000.

2 per 1000.

None of the above is correct.

Which of the following measures is used frequently as a denominator 1 / 1-
to calculate the incidence rate of a disease? დან

number of cases observed

number of new cases observed

number of asymptomatic cases

person-years of observation

persons lost to a follow-up

The t distribution has WHAT degrees of freedom 1 / 1-დან




A normal distribution curve is determined by the 1 / 1-დან

mean and sample size

mean and standard deviation

mean and variance

mean and range

In nine families surveyed the numbers of children per family were 4, 6, 2,0 /
2, 4, 3, 2, 1, 7. The mean, median and mode numbers of children per 1-
family are დან

3.4 ; 2 ; 3

3 ; 3.4 ; 2


2 ; 3.5 ; 3

none of the above

სწორი პასუხი

none of the above

Smaller p-values indicate more evidence in support of: 1 / 1-დან

the null hypothesis

the alternative hypothesis

the quality of the researcher

further testing
79 volunteers were asked to donate a blood sample in which blood 0/
cobalt levels (mcg per ml) were measured and eosinophils counted 1-
(number per mcl). What is the INDEPENDENT variable in this study? დან

blood sample

blood cobalt levels

number of eosinophils

no correct answer

სწორი პასუხი

blood cobalt levels

An investigator studying the health effects of diclac in subjects with 0/

arthritis tends to assign enthusiastic participants to diclac and skeptics 1-
to placebo. The best way to avoid this form of bias is: დან

random sampling




სწორი პასუხი

Confidence limits of a mean define: 0 / 1-დან

confidence interval for a sample mean

confidence interval for a standard error of the mean

confidence interval for the population mean

95% are under curve

სწორი პასუხი

confidence interval for the population mean

For 95% confidence limits alpha is: 1 / 1-დან




Numerator = number of children with Down syndrome who were 0/
younger than 12 years of age in Georgia on July 1, 1991. Denominator = 1-
total number of children who were younger than 12 years of age in დან
Georgia on July 1, 1991. A measure using the numerator and
denominator described above is an example of a/an:

incidence rate

attack rate

person-time rate

point prevalence

სწორი პასუხი

point prevalence

All of the following are true EXCEPT 1 / 1-დან

Case-control study starts with a disease

Cases and controls are selected from the same population

Case may have one or more controls

Case-control study is a prospective study

Qualitative data can be: 1 / 1-დან





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