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Feasibility Study on Manufacturing Of Wood

and Metal Works For Home and Office

Project Owner: Mr Mohammed Dino Hassen

Project Location: Oromia Regional State,

Mattuu Town, Abba Saya Kebele

Submitted To: Oromia Capital Goods Finanae

Business Share Company

Phone Number; +251935111111

October 2016 E.C/Mattu

Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit


EXECUTIVE SUMMARY.................................................................................................................3
INTRODUCTION to MDF Manufacturing Wood and Metal Works..........................................................4
PURPOSE OF THE DOCUMENT......................................................................................................5
BRIEF DESCRIPTON OF PROJECT & PRODUCT.............................................................................5
Production Process Flow.................................................................................................................6
Installed & Operational Capacities...................................................................................................7
1 CRITICAL FACTORS................................................................................................................8
GEOGRAPHICAL POTENTIAL FOR INVESTMENT........................................................................9
POTENTIAL TARGET CUSTOMERS / MARKETS...........................................................................9
PROJECT COST SUMMARY............................................................................................................9
Project Economics........................................................................................................................10
Project Financing..........................................................................................................................10
Project Cost..................................................................................................................................11
Loan Repayment Schedule...........................................................................................................12
Depreciation Schedule.................................................................................................................12
Production Cost............................................................................................................................12
FINANCIAL EVALUATION............................................................................................................13
Break-even Analysis..................................................................................................................13
Payback Period..........................................................................................................................14
Net Present Value......................................................................................................................14
ECONOMIC BENEFITS..............................................................................................................15
Environmental Impact of the Project..................................................................................................15
Future Development and Exit Strategies.............................................................................................17
Monitoring and Evaluation.............................................................................................................17
Conclusion and Recommendation.................................................................................................17
Implementation Schedule..............................................................................................................17

October 2016 1
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit


This information memorandum is to introduce the subject matter and provide a general idea and
information on the said matter. Although, the material included in this document is based on data
/ information gathered from various reliable sources; however, it is based upon certain
assumptions, which may differ from case to case. The information has been provided on as is
where is basis without any warranties or assertions as to the correctness or soundness thereof.
Although, due care and diligence has been taken to compile this document, the contained
information may vary due to any change in any of the concerned factors, and the actual results
may differ substantially from the presented information. SMEDA, its employees or agents do not
assume any liability for any financial or other loss resulting from this memorandum in
consequence of undertaking this activity. The contained information does not preclude any
further professional advice. The prospective user of this memorandum is encouraged to carry out
additional diligence and gather any information which is necessary for making an informed
decision, including taking professional advice from a qualified consultant / technical expert
before taking any decision to act upon the information.


The proposed project is for setting up a MDF Wooden Furniture Manufacturing Unit. This unit
will be capable of integrated wooden furniture manufacturing from sourcing and cutting of
wood, to retailing of product to the end customer.
The project will cater to the growing needs of domestic wooden furniture market. The housing
and construction industry has seen a steady growth over the past many years due to a number of
factors which include; development of new housing schemes, introduction of housing finance
schemes / loans by different banks, increased urbanization and a growing middle class and
enhanced purchasing power of the public. All these factors have contributed directly and
indirectly towards an increased demand for wooden furniture.
The proposed wooden furniture business venture entails a total investment of about ETB.
22.237561 million. This includes a capital investment of ETB.18. million and a sum of ETB.4
million as initial working capital. The project is financed through 50% debt and 50% equity. The
Net Present Value (NPV) of the project is around ETB. 46.57 million with an Internal Rate of
Return (IRR) of 43% and a payback period of 4.94 year ETB. Higher returns on investment and a
steady growth of business are expected if the entrepreneur has some prior experience / education
in the related field of business. The project will generate direct employment opportunity for 24
persons. The legal business status of this project is proposed as ‘Sole Proprietorship’.

October 2016 2
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit

INTRODUCTION to MDF Manufacturing Wood and Metal Works

The Mohammed Dino Manufacturing Wood and Metal Works was established in 2007 E.C with
an objective to provide fresh impetus to the economy through development of MDF Furniture
With a mission "to assist in employment generation and value addition to the national income,
through development of the Wood and Metal Manufacturing, by helping increase the number,
scale and competitiveness of Products For Local and International Market", also to identify
policy, access to finance, business development services, strategic initiatives and institutional
collaboration and networking initiatives.
Preparation and dissemination of feasibility studies in key areas of investment has been a
successful hallmark of Mohammed Dino Wood and Metal Manufacturing Works facilitation by
Oromia Capital Good Finance Business Share Company.
Concurrent to the feasibility studies, a broad spectrum of business development services is also
offered to the Mohammed Dino Wood and Metal Manufacturing Works by Oromia Capital Good
Finance Business Share Company. These services include identification of experts and
consultants and delivery of need based capacity building programs of different types in addition
to business guidance through help Service.

October 2016 3
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit


The objective of the feasibility study is primarily to facilitate potential Owner in project
identification for investment. The project feasibility may form the basis of an important
investment decision and in order to serve this objective, the document / study covers various
aspects of project concept development, start-up, and production, marketing, finance and
business management.
The purpose of this document is to facilitate potential investors in Wooden and Metal
Furniture Manufacturing Unit by providing them with a general understanding of the business
with the intention of supporting potential investors in crucial investment decisions.
The need to come up with feasibility reports for undocumented or minimally documented sectors
attains greater imminence as the research that precedes such reports reveal certain thumb rules;
best practices developed by existing enterprises by trial and error, and certain industrial norms
that become a guiding source regarding various aspects of business set-up and it’s successful
Apart from carefully studying the whole document one must consider critical aspects provided
later on, which form basis of any Investment Decision.


This unit is capable of producing different types of wooden furniture i.e. bed sets, dinning sets,
sofa sets, center tables, Kitchen Cabinet, side tables and office furniture.
The entire finished product depends on the quality of wood. Detailed technical know-how about
the quality of wood and the use of seasoned / dry wood plays a vital role in the manufacturing of
quality furniture. It is recommended that dry wood, from forests is used for manufacturing
quality wooden furniture. Other types of woods used in manufacturing furniture. Besides this,
substitute material like Gravilia and Eucalyptus are also used in the manufacturing of furniture.
Other materials used in furniture manufacturing process are nails, screws, glue / solution, spirit,
lakh, thinner, lacquer, sealer, hardener etc. These raw materials are easily available in the market.
The demand for wooden furniture in the domestic market is consistent throughout the year;
however, it significantly increases during the period of October to March due to ‘wedding
season’. The demand for furniture almost doubles during this period and is a good time to enter
the market. Since strong competition already exists in the domestic market, manufacturing of
high quality trendy designs and aggressive marketing is essential to get a prominent place in
the market. Despite the introduction of new
Alternative materials in furniture manufacturing, wooden furniture is still preferred in the
domestic as well as in the international market due to its traditional appeal and durability.

October 2016 4
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit

Over the years, entry into the global market has also become more competitive, due to
demanding factors like green furniture, multi-functionality, simplicity and neutral colors, Ready-
to-assemble (RTA) and Do-it-yourself (DIY) furniture.

Production Process Flow

The process of converting wood into furniture mainly involves the following sequence of
Wood Seasoning
Purchase of Wood Cutting Wood comes in
Wood (Timber at Trolley (Big Factory
Market) Saw)

Wood comes at Shaper Machine Wood comes to Machine Man

Furniture Designing on CAD

Carpenter shape Furniture comes to Furniture comes

the wood into Spindle / Molding to Carver for
Furniture Machine Carving

Furniture goes to Store Furniture comes Carpenter

or for Polishing to Inspection assembles the
before finishing Furniture

Purchase of Wood
Wood is purchased after Quality inspection. Following points are to be considered while
inspecting quality:
 Age of wood
 Dryness of wood
 Its surface, which should be plain without holes etc.
Cutting of Wood
Wood of natural form, after purchase is cut into different sizes of blocks and slabs.

October 2016 5
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit

Seasoning / Drying of Wood

Season wood is higher in price than the fresh wood, so if the wood purchased is not properly
dried than these blocks / slices are seasoned through different processes, namely:
 Condensation
 Boiler System
 Vacuum System
 Seasoning the wood by putting the wood slices under normal environmental
temperature for considerable duration.
Selection of Design
Before manufacturing any furniture product the desired design is selected. Selection of
elegant design is important to ensure attractive finished product.
Cutting into Slices
The seasoned wood blocks are cut into desired shape and slices according to the
requirement of design.
The slices of wood are molded into the desired shape according to the design.
Carving means the different elegant patterns carved in the wood. Quality of carving depends
on the skills of the labor.
Assembly / Fitting
Once the different pieces are carved & molded than these parts / pieces are assembled or fixed
together to give the shape to the final product.
Finishing (Paint / Polish)
Assembled product is grinded to make the surface smooth. Once the surface is smooth,
finishing material is applied to make the surface ready for paint or polish. After the base is
prepared final finishing is applied depending on requirement in terms of paint / polish.
Upholstery of fabric is carried out according to the requirement of the design.

Installed & Operational Capacities

The proposed project is capable of manufacturing a complete range of wooden furniture and
other allied products to meet the demand of domestic market. The Unit will work on an 8 hours
shift for 300 days. Total number of furniture items produced in year 1 would be 15.

October 2016 6
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit

Details of proposed production mix offered by the business is provided in the table below:
Table 1 - Proposed Production Mix Capacity
Description Percentage
Bed Set 40%
Dinning Set 10%
Sofa Set and Kitchen Cabinet 30%
Misc. Furniture 10%
Office Furniture 10%
Total 100%

Table 2 - Proposed Production Mix Details

Bed Set Dinning Set Sofa Set Misc. Furniture Office Furniture
Standards and
Superior 20% 20% 20% 20% 20%
Fine 30% 30% 30% 30% 30%
Normal 50% 50% 50% 50% 50%
Total 100% 100% 100% 100% 100%


Following are the factors critical for the success of this business venture;

 Ensuring availability of seasoned (dry) wood for high quality furniture manufacturing.
Seasoned wood minimizes deforming that may occur due to dampness in wood.
 Selection of skilled labor is an important factor, as it can improve quality of finished
products by better craftsmanship & lower wastage. It is recommended that specialized
labor is hired for this business.
 New designs and styles can build brand equity for the business. Creation of new
designs and styles is vital for setting new trends as the market is quite competitive.
 Aggressive virtual marketing needs to be undertaken in the absence of a physical
 Though skilled labor is available in the market, additional manufacturing workload can
be sub-contracted to save time and resources.

October 2016 7
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit

 The manufacturing unit will require selling directly to showrooms and direct clients, for
which the owner would need to develop extensive knowledge of the market.
 Higher return on investment and a steady growth of business is expected with the
entrepreneur having some prior experience / education in the related field of business.
 Easy access to raw material should be ensured.


The demand for wooden furniture is higher in densely populated cities of Ilubabbor Zone i.e.
Mettu Town/Woreda, Ale, Hurumu,Yayo, Alge and Dorani , making all these Woredas/cities
viable for business. However, establishment of the unit in the vicinity of established wooden
furniture clusters gives the added advantage of easy availability of skilled labor.


Potential markets for wooden furniture can be categorized into the following:
 Newly constructed houses
 Gift on weddings
 Building renovations
 Public / private institutions

Majority of customers in the domestic market belong to first and second category. These
customers require furniture for their newly built houses and usually buy a range of products like
bed sets, dining sets and sofa sets with other decorative material for their entire house. Initially,
Owner should target these customers to establish the business and increase their customer base.
Flourishing hotel and tourism industry can considerably increase the demand for wooden
furniture whereby; large orders can also be secured to supply wooden furniture to hotels and
resorts. Wooden furniture retail clusters are found in most areas of all cities of Ethiopia, where
manufactured furniture can be sold.


A detailed financial model has been developed to analyse the commercial viability of the
Wooden and Metal Furniture Manufacturing Unit. Various costs and revenue related
assumptions along with results of the analysis are outlined in this section.

October 2016 8
Feasibility Study Mohammed Dino Wooden Furniture
Manufacturing Unit

The projected Income Statement, Cash Flow Statement and Balance Sheet are also attached as

Project Economics

The unit is capable of producing different types of wooden furniture, as it builds predominantly
upon, craftsmanship of skilled labour. However, this particular feasibility focuses on
manufacturing of bed sets, dinning sets, sofa sets, office furniture and miscellaneous furniture
(centre table & tables for sofa set etc.).
All the assumptions in this financial model are based upon manufacturing of around 15 items
annually. Whereas, during first year around 11 items production is targeted.
The following table shows internal rate of return, payback period and Net Present Value.
Table 3: Project Economics
Description Details
Internal Rate of Return (IRR) 43%
Pay Back Period (Years) 4.94
Net Present Value (NPV) ETB. 46,573,335

Returns on

equity and variables related to bank loan;Table 4: Project Financing

Description Details
Total Equity (50%) ETB. 11,118,780.50
Bank Loan (50%) ETB. 11,118,780.50
Annual Markup to the Borrower– Long Term Loan 16%
Tenure of the Loan (Years) 5

October 2016 9
Project Cost

Following fixed and working capital requirements have been identified for operations of the
proposed business is estimated at Birr 22.237561 million. The major breakdown of the total initial
investment cost is shown in Table 7.1.

Table 7.1

Sr. Cost Items Local Foreign Total

No. Cost Cost Cost
2 Building and Civil Work 3,000.00 - 3,000.00
3 Plant Machinery and 8,514.28 - 8,514.28
4 Office Furniture and 4,800.00 - 4,800.00
5 Vehicle 5,800.00 - 5,800.00
6 Pre-production 3,337.561 - 3,337.561
7 Working Capital 4,600.00 - 4,600.00
7 Land Lease 70 - 70
Total Investment Cost 22,237.561 - 22,237.561

* N.B. Pre-production expenditure includes interest during construction (Birr 3,337.561 thousand)
and Birr 100 thousand costs of registration, licensing and formation of the company including
legal fees, commissioning expenses, etc.

October 2016 26
Loan Repayment Schedule
Year Principal Payment Interest (10%) Total Annual Remaining
Payment in ETB Balance in ETB
0 0 0 0 23,871,963.50
1 23,871,963.50 2,387,196.35 4,774,392.70 21,484,767.15
2 23,871,963.50 2,148,476.715 4,535,673.065 19,097,570.80
3 23,871,963.50 1,909,757.08 4,296,953.43 16,710,374.45
4 23,871,963.50 1,671,037.445 4,058,233.795 14,323,178.10
5 23,871,963.50 1,432,317.81 3,819,514.16 11,935,981.75
6 23,871,963.50 1,193,598.175 3,580,794.525 9,548,785.40
7 23,871,963.50 954,878.54 3,342,074.89 7,161,589.05
8 23,871,963.50 716,158.905 3,103,355.255 4,774,392.70
9 23,871,963.50 477,439.72 2,864,636.07 2,387,196.35
10 23,871,963.50 238,719.635 2,625,915.985 0

Depreciation Schedule
SN Description
Original Value In ETB
Depreciation Rate in % Depreciation per Year
1 Construction and Civil Work 3,000,000 5 150,000
2 Machinery & Equipment 8,514,280 10 851,428
3 Vehicles 5,800,000 20 1,160,000
4 Office Equipment 1,095,000 10 109,500
Total 18,409,280 2,270,928

Production Cost

The annual production cost at full operation capacity is estimated at Birr 22.237561 million (see
Table 7.2). The raw material cost accounts for 66.73 per cent of the production cost. The other
major components of the production cost are financial cost, depreciation and direct labour which
account for 10.51%, 9.18% and 4.39% respectively. The remaining 9.18% is the share of utility,
repair and maintenance, labour overhead and other administration cost.

Table 7.2
October 2016 26
Items Cost %
Raw Material and Inputs
9,557.856 66.73
Utilities 584.38 4.08
Maintenance and repair
50.13 0.35
Labour direct 628.79 4.39
Labour overheads
262.114 1.83
Administration Costs 419.669 2.93
Land lease cost
- -
Total Operating Costs 11,472.86 80.31
Depreciation 1,314.86 9.18
Cost of Finance 1,505.36 10.51
Total Production Cost
14,323.178 100

Based on the projected profit and loss statement, the project will generate a profit through out its
operation life. Annual net profit after tax will grow from Birr 1,491.38 thousand to Birr 2.38 million
during the life of the project. Moreover, at the end of the project life the accumulated cash flow
amounts to Birr 7.52 million.
In financial analysis financial ratios and efficiency ratios are used as an index or yardstick for
evaluating the financial position of a firm. It is also an indicator for the strength and weakness of
the firm or a project. Using the year-end balance sheet figures and other relevant data, the most
important ratios such as return on sales which is computed by dividing net income by revenue,
return on assets (operating income divided by assets), return on equity (net profit divided by equity)
and return on total investment (net profit plus interest divided by total investment) has been carried
out over the period of the project life and all the results are found to be satisfactory.

Break-even Analysis
The break-even analysis establishes a relationship between operation costs and revenues. It
indicates the level at which costs and revenue are in equilibrium. To this end, the break-even point
of the project including cost of finance when it starts to operate at full capacity (year 3) is estimated
by using income statement projection.

October 2016 26
BE = Fixed Cost = 28%
Sales – Variable Cost

Payback Period
The payback period, also called pay – off period is defined as the period required recovering the
original investment outlay through the accumulated net cash flows earned by the project.
Accordingly, based on the projected cash flow it is estimated that the project’s initial investment
will be fully recovered within 4.94 years.
Internal Rate of Return

The internal rate of return (IRR) is the annualized effective compounded return rate that can be
earned on the invested capital, i.e., the yield on the investment. Put another way, the internal rate of
return for an investment is the discount rate that makes the net present value of the investment's
income stream total to zero. It is an indicator of the efficiency or quality of an investment. A project
is a good investment proposition if its IRR is greater than the rate of return that could be earned by
alternate investments or putting the money in a bank account. Accordingly, the IRR of this porject
is computed to be 43 % indicating the vaiability of the project.

Net Present Value

Net present value (NPV) is defined as the total present( discounted) value of a time series of cash
flows. NPV aggregates cash flows that occur during different periods of time during the life of a
project in to a common measuring unit i.e. present value. It is a standard method for using the
time value of money to appraise long-term projects. NPV is an indicator of how much value an
investment or project adds to the capital invested. In principal a project is accepted if the NPV is

Accordingly, the net present value of the project at 8.5% discount rate is found to be Birr 46.573335
million which is acceptable.

October 2016 26
The project can create employment for 27 persons. In addition to supply of the domestic needs, the
project will generate Birr 6 million in terms of tax revenue. The project will create a forward
linkage effect with the apiculture sub-sector.

This profile envisages the establishment of a plant for the production of beehives with a capacity of
15,000 pieces per annum.

The major raw materials required to make MDF Manufacrturing Home and Office equipment are
wood planks, nails/screws and meshes, which are avilable locally.

The present demand for the proposed product is estimated at 112,102 pieces per annum. The
demand is expected to reach at 480,905 pieces by the year 2020.

The total investment requirement is estimated at about Birr 22.237561 million, out of which Birr
8.514 Million is required for plant and machinery. The plant will create employment opportunities
for 27 persons.

The project is financially viable with an internal rate of return (IRR) of 43% and a net present value
(NPV) of Birr 46.573335 million, discounted at 8.5%.

The project will create a forward linkage effect with the apiculture sub-sector.

Environmental Impact of the Project

The biggest risk that could lead stagnation or even the failure of the project stems from the
limited degree of development of raw materials harvesting mechanisms. The contractor shall
take all precautions for safeguarding the environment during the course of the MDF
Manufacturing Home and Office and related Wood works. He shall abide by all prevalent laws,
rules and regulations governing pollution and environment protection
The contractor shall prohibit employees from authorized use of explosives, Planting trees,
Poaching wild life and cutting trees. The contractor shall be responsible for the action of his
employees. The contractor is expected to arrange and execute the works in such a way that
Existing environmental conditions are not deteriorated. Borrow pits and dumping sites used
during construction shall be coinstated of project owner cost by grass and/or tree plantation.
Written instruction/approval must be given to seek from the on-site manager regarding protection
and reinstatement of environment throughout the contract period. Failure in compliance with on-
site manager instructions in respect of overall standard will lead to reduction or withhold of

October 2016 26
Further, any serious deterioration in the environment including pollution attribute to contractor as
determined by the onsite manager, May result deduction of actual expenditures incurred in their
reinstatement done through separate agency, from any money due to the contractor.
Environmental protection works, among others shall also include the following; disposal of and
construction waste, materials in excess of the requirements for permanent works and unsuitable
materials shall be disposed of in locations and in the manner as agreed with the contractor. The
location of disposal sites shall be such as not to promote instability, destruction of properties and
public service systems. Exposed areas of such disposal sites shall be suitably dressed and planted
with suitable vegetation.
The contractor shall plan his works in such a way that there’s no spillage of products to the
surface or sub-surface water. Environmental assessment is must be undertaken before a project
carried out. There are several environmental impact assessments, which aimed to assess the
impact the impact of the intended project up on the surrounding living and non- living things.
Environmental problems such as indiscriminate disposal of solid and poor handling of liquid
wastes are among the existing environmental problems in the town, the building which consists
Beehives and other related wood products activities to be constructed on 500m 2 plot of land with
the intention of considering environmental problems from the 1 st phase up to past of the project.
As matter of facts, Solid Wastes to be generated during the initial phase of project
implementation and its operational phase are to be addressed by integrated solid management
approach. In Similar way for liquid waste with placement of appropriate septic tanks and other
sanitary utilities moreover, continual assessment of the possible effects and/or impacts of the
project to the environment is carried out at regular basis.
To this end, during the preparation of project proposal it also conducted feasibility study of the
project, as a result the proposed project is Manufacturing sector which no relation with chemicals
that affects the given environment condition and also the area land using is commercials purpose
and already occupied by the promoter so that, no dislocation of the people and loss of
neighborhood property values as well as no loss of ecological assets.
Solid wastes are expected that affect the given environment but, the project proposal also
included the strategy of proper disposing methods.

October 2016 26
Future Development and Exit Strategies

Every Business undertaking is it small or large should have future Development plan. It is plain
fact that business activities are undertaken in a dynamic and turbulent environment. Hence, to
overcome or minimize the risks of uncertain future business should devise effective strategies
that enable them to be successful in their operation. The first strategy is Diversification of its
Activities to different other Business Forms. The Second future Development Plan of the project
is expanding its Branches in many parts of the Zonal/Region.
The third strategy of the Center is making a joint venture with other similar Business.
The final Strategy of the center is selling and Servicing to other organization or Individuals local,
Domestic and internationally.

Monitoring and Evaluation

Monitoring and Evaluation of the project to be depend on the mission and goal of the project. To the aspect
of this every concerning office to be evaluating and Monitoring this project stands for its Mission and Goal.

Conclusion and Recommendation

Conclusion: The project is found to be Operationally Profitable and has Significant Socio-Economic
Benefits due to customer Satisfaction based Experience project income statement and profitability
indicator shows to start up is financial return the loan and equity of the owner according to the
project plan Schedule.

Recommendation: The Project will be no Environmental Impact assessments that have no Pollution.
The Mission to be job Creation for the reduction of Unemployment of the living town. So that every
concerning body to be support to facilitate the implementation of this plan.

Implementation Schedule

The actual Implementation Schedule of the project.

T/L Activities Time Plan

1 Land Requisition Nov-2023
2 Land Attainment Dec-2023
3 Land Clearance Jan-2024
4 Design and Construction permit from authorized Body Feb-March- 2024
5 Office Structuring April-2024
6 Service Delivery May-2024

October 2016 26

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