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Mathematics Course Outline
1. Number System
a. Natural Numbers
b. Whole numbers
c. Even Numbers
d. Odd numbers
e. Prime Numbers
f. Composite numbers

2. Integers
a. Representation
b. Addition
c. Subtraction
d. Multiplication
e. Division

4. Prime Factorization
5. LCM
6. HCF
7. Common Fraction
a. Types of Fractions
i. Proper
ii. Improper
iii. Mixed Fraction
iv. Like Fraction
v. Un like fractions
vi. Equivalent Fractions
b. Comparison of Fractions
c. Convert Proper to Mixed and vice versa
d. Addition
e. Subtraction
f. Multiplication
g. Division

8. Decimal Number
a. Addition
b. Subtraction
c. Multiplication
d. Division
e. Conversion of Decimal to Fractions and vice versa

9. Average
a. Average
b. Mean
c. Mode
d. Range
10. Percentage
a. Conversion of % to Fraction
b. Conversion of Fraction to Percentage
c. Solve Percentage of Given Number
d. Some Real life Problems
11. Ratio and Proportion (Ratio)
a. Ratio of two numbers
b. Reduce Ratio to lowest
c. Relation between Ratio and Proportion
d. Real Life Problems
12. Ratio and Proportion (Proportion)
a. Proportion Basic Introduction
b. Solve Problems
c. Find unknown Number of Proportion
d. Direct and Inverse Proportion
e. Word Problems
13. Rational Numbers
14. Exponents
a. Introduction
b. Laws of Exponents
15. Perfect Square
16. Square Root
17. Cube Root
18. Financial Arithmetic
19. Sets
a. Introduction
b. Union
c. Intersection
d. Difference
e. Compliment of Sets
f. De Margins Law
g. Venn Diagram

20. Algebra
a. Introduction
i. Variable
ii. Coefficient
iii. Power/Exponent
b. Find value of x
c. Linear Equations with one variable
d. Linear Equations with two variables
e. Real Life Problems
f. Linear Inequalities
g. Polynomial Equations
i. Degree
h. Basic Operations
i. Addition
ii. Subtraction
iii. Multiplication
iv. Division

21. Logarithm
22. Geometry
a. Point
b. Line
c. Ray
d. Parallel Lines
e. Area
f. Perimeter
g. Volume
h. Word Problems
23. Different Kinds of Angles

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