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Tru Fabrics LTd.

comparaTive sTaTemenT
Requisition No 2380 + 2382 Requisition Date 22 & 23 July 2023 CS Date 23-Jul-23
Purpose: Singeing Machine & ETP Price Comparison-1 Price Comparison-2 Price Comparison-3
SL Name of Materials Qty Unit Spec/Origin Company Unit price contact no Company Unit Price Contact No Company Unit Contact No

Trigen International Tauseef Trading Corporation Industry Wallet

1 Oxalic Acid 1000 kg Local 160.00 01717142771 165.00 01710730444 160.00 01711865861
(60 Days Credit) (15 days) (30 Days Credit)

Trigen International Tauseef Trading Corporation Industry Wallet

2 Common Salt (Local) kg Local 19.50 01717142771 19.50 01710730444 19.80 01711865861
(60 Days Credit) (15 days) (30 Days Credit)

Common Salt 28000

(China) 2% less Trigen International Tauseef Trading Corporation Industry Wallet
3 kg China 20.25 01717142771 20.50 01710730444 - 01711865861
consumption than (60 Days Credit) (15 days) (30 Days Credit)
Negotiated Lowest Price
Monthly Unit price Total Value Last Pur. Last Pur. Price Change
SL Name of Materials Qty Unit Company VAT AIT Present Stock (Kg) Purpose Purchase Area E.T.A
Cons (Avg.) BDT BDT Rate BDT Date (Incr +; Dec -)

Trigen International Pre

1 Oxalic Acid 1000 kg 400 Kg 160.00 160,000.00 N/A N/A 160 7-Mar-23 0.00 50 N/A 24-Jul-23
(60 Days Credit) Treatment
Common Salt
(China) 2% less Trigen International
2 28000 kg 50 MT 20.25 567,000.00 N/A N/A 19 15-Apr-23 +1.25 8,000 ETP N/A 26-Jul-23
consumption than (60 Days Credit)
Total Amount 727,000.00 BDT

Total Amount: BDT 7,27,000/-

In Word: Seven Lac Twenty Seven Thousand Taka only
Payment Terms: 60 days cheque from MRR Date

Procurement & SCM Dept. Head G. Manager Accounts DMD / Director (SCM) Director (A&F)

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