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Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy.



Hooke’s law, Young’s modulus.

Pressure in a fluid; Pascal’s law; Buoyancy; Surface energy and surface tension, capillary rise; Viscosity
(Poiseuille’s equation excluded), Stoke’s law; Terminal velocity, Streamline flow, equation of
continuity, Bernoulli’s theorem and its applications.



1. THEORY 1 – 31

2. EXERCISE # I 32 – 38

3. EXERCISE # II 39 – 40

4. EXERCISE # III 40 – 41

5. EXERCISE # IV 41 – 43

6. WINDOW TO IIT-JEE 44 – 50

7. ANSWER KEY 51 – 52

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

IIT-JEE Syllabus
Principle of Buoyancy, Pressure in a fluid, Bernoulli’s Theorem, Surface Tension, Viscosity

Fluid Mechanics

Fluid Statics/ Hydrostatics Fluid Dynamics/ Hydrodynamics

A fluid is a substance which flows because it cannot withstand a shearing stress.
Liquids and gases are referred as fluids.

Fluid Mechanics
It is a branch of mechanics which deals with study of fluids.
Fluid statics deals with study of fluids at rest while Fluid dynamics deals with study of fluids in motion.

Fluid statics
An Ideal fluid is Incompressible and Non-Viscous.
Incompressible means the density of liquid is constant and it is independent of variation of pressure.
Non-viscous means no friction between the adjacent layers of fluid.
The force exerted by one part of liquid on other part is only perpendicular to the surface of contact.

Density (  )
It is defined as the ratio of mass and volume.
Let a substance has mass (M) and volume (V), then its density is given by
S.I. unit of density is kg/m3. Its dimensional formula is [M1 L-3].

Relative Density or Specific Gravity ( r )

It is defined as the ratio of density of substance to the density of water at 40C.

r 
It has no unit and hence, it is a dimensionless number.

Illustration 1. The mass of a liter of milk is 1.032 kg. The butterfat that it contains has a density of 865 kg/m3
when pure, and it constitutes 4 percent of the milk by volume. What is the density of the fat-free
skimmed milk?

Solution: Volume of fat in 1000 cm3 of milk = 4%  1000 cm3 = 40 cm3

Mass of 40 cm3 fat = V   (40  10 6 m3 )(865 kg/m 3 )  0.0346 kg

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

mass (1.032  0.0346)kg

Density of skimmed milk = = 6 3
 1039 kg/m 3
volume (1000  40)  10 m

Illustration2: A hollow metallic sphere has inner and outer radii as 5cm and 10cm respectively. Find (a) density of
the material (b) relative density of the material of sphere, if mass of sphere is 5kg.
Solution. The volume of the material of the sphere is
4 3 3 4
V (r2  r1 )   3.14  [0.001  0.000125]
3 3
V   3.14  0.000875m3  0.00367m3
(a) Density of the material of sphere is
M 5 kg
  3
 1362.4 kg / m3
V 0.00367 m
 1362.4
(b) r    1.3624
w 1000

Density of mixture of substance in proportion of mass

Consider a number of substances of masses M1 , M 2 , M 3 ....... having densities 1 , 2 3 ........ respectively,
are mixed together.
Total mass of mixture = M1  M 2  M 3 +……
M1 M 2 M 3
Total volume of mixture     ......
1  2 3
Therefore, density of the mixture is given by
M 1  M 2  M 3  ....
 mix 
M1 M 2 M 3
   ......
1 2 3
For two substances, the density of the mixture is given by
M1  M 2   (M  M 2 )
 mix   1 2 1
M1 M 2 1 M 2   2 M 1

1  2

Illustration3. Two liquids of densities 2.5gm/cm3 and 0.8gm/cm3 are taken in the ratio of masses as 2: 3
respectively. Find average density of mixture.
Solution. Let masses of two substances be ‘2m’ gm and ‘3m’ gm respectively.
2m 2m 3
Volume of first liquid = V1   cm
1 2.5
3m 3m 3
Volume of second liquid = V2   cm
2 0.8
 2m 3m  3
Total volume  V1  V2     cm
 2.5 0.8 
Total mass = 2m + 3m = 5m gm  mix  gm / cm3  1.099 gm / cm3
 2m 3m 
  
 2.5 0.8 

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Density of mixture of substance in proportion of volume

Consider a number of substances of volume V1 ,V2 ,V3 ….. and densities 1 ,  2 , 3 ….. respectively are
Total mass of mixture = 1V1   2V2  3V3  ......
Total volume of mixture = V1  V2  V3  ……..
Therefore, density of mixture is given by
1V1  2V2  3V3  ......
mix 
V1  V2  V3  .....
For two substances, the density of mixture is
1V1  2V2
mix 
V1  V2
Effect of temperature on density (  )
If a liquid is not ideal, then its volume and hence density can change.
On increasing temperature of a liquid, its volume increases. Since, mass of liquid remains same, so its density
Let a liquid of mass (m) has density (  ) at temperature T. If temperature of liquid is increased by (T ),
then its volume increases by (V )
V  V  (T )
 = coefficient of volume expansion
V = Initial volume of liquid 

 V   (  T )

V '  New volume of liquid
m m
V '  V  V    ( T )
 
V '  (1   ( T ))

m m
 New density (  ' ) = 
V ' m (1   (T ))

1   ( T )
If temperature of liquid decreases, then  T is negative. Hence, density of liquid will increase.

Effect of Pressure on Density

For non-ideal liquid, if pressure increases, volume decreases and hence density will increase.
Consider a non-ideal liquid of mass (m) and density (  ) at pressure (P).
 Volume of liquid  V

If pressure changes by (  P) and (B) is the bulk modulus of elasticity of liquid, then change in volume (  V) is given
P V P
B  V or, V  
V B

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

V  
m m P m  P 
New volume  V  V   
1  
 B  B 
m 
 New density   '  
m  P   P 
1   1  
 B   B 
Pressure F
It is defined as the magnitude of normal force per unit area exerted by fluid.
Consider an area element (A) on which a force  F is exerted by fluid normal to surface
Average pressure on element is given by
F  A
Pav 
If force applied is variable over an area element, then pressure is different at different points, and at a point is given
F dF
P  Lim 
A 0 A dA
Pressure is a scalar quantity.
S.I. unit is N/m2 or Pascal (Pa). Other units of pressure are bar, atmosphere etc.
1 bar = 1.00000 x 105Pa 1 atm = 1.01325 bar =1.01325×10 Pa

Illustration 4. Atmospheric pressure is about 1.01  105 Pa. How large a force does the atmosphere exert on a 2cm 2
area on the top of your head?
Solution: Because P  F / A , where F is perpendicular to A , we have F  PA . Assuming that 2 cm2 of your head
is flat (nearly correct) and that the force due to the atmosphere is perpendicular to the surface (as it
is), we have
F  PA  (1.01105 N/m2 )(2 104 m2 )  20N
Properties of pressure
1. Pressure is isotropic
The pressure exerted by a static fluid is same in all directions.
Consider a small cubic element of fluid as shown.
Fluid element is in equilibrium so, forces acting on each face are equal in
Areas of each face are equal therefore, pressure of fluid on each lateral face is
In the limit as the cube element reduces to a point, pressure at top and bottom
surface become equal. Hence, pressure exerted by fluid is same in all directions -
the pressure is isotropic.
2. Pressure is uniform on horizontal plane
The pressure is same at all points on the same horizontal level in a static fluid ΔS ΔS
(or moving with uniform velocity or with vertical acceleration)
Consider a cylindrical volume element of fluid within the fluid contained in a
If  S be the cross-section of cylinder, then force F1 on face A is P1 (S ) and P1 P2
force F2 on face B is P2 (S ) . P1 and P2 are respective pressures at face A and
B respectively.
In equilibrium,
F1  F2  P1 (S )  P2 (S ) Or, P1 = P2
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

On any horizontal plane in static fluid, pressure is same at all the points.

3. Fluids in equilibrium exerts pressure at right angles to contact surface

Consider a fluid contained in a beaker. Let force exerted by fluid on bottom of
beaker is along direction RP. Y
From Newton’s third law, force exerted by beaker on fluid is along PR. Resolving R
thisforce along two rectangular components PX and PY.
Since fluid cannot resist tangential force, the fluid at P should begin to flow along
PX parallel to surface.
But fluid is at rest, so there cannot be any component along PX.
The force exerted by a fluid on any surface is normal to the surface and is called thrust of fluid.
The thrust per unit area of the surface in contact with fluid is called Pressure.
4. Pressure varies with depth and height
Consider a fluid contained in a container exposed to atmosphere. P0

Let a small volume element at depth (h) of area (A), thickness (dh) in the fluid.
P0 = Atmospheric Pressure= pressure acting on free surface of fluid
F  P A
F = Total force acting downward on top face of volume element
F   P  dP  A
F’ = Total force acting upward on bottom face of volume element dw

F = (P + dP) x A
dW= weight of this element in equilibrium,
F + dW = F’
dW = F’ – F = (P + dP) A – PA , dW = (dP)A
(dP) A = dW = (dhA)  g
dP  dh g
P h

 dP    gdh
P0 o

P  P0  h g
Pressure is same on all points at the same depth.
Total pressure at depth (h) from free surface is greater than atmospheric pressure.

Incompressible fluid model

Density (  ) of the fluid remain constant throughout its volume. It is good assumption for liquids. Pressure at depth
(h) can be obtained by the relation
dP  dh g
P h h

 dP=  ρgdh = ρg  dh  ρ,g are constants 

P0 0 0

P  Po  h g
Where,  = density of fluid
P0 = Atmospheric Pressure

Absolute Pressure and Gauge Pressure

Absolute pressure is the total pressure at a point.
Gauge pressure is the pressure relative to the local atmospheric pressure.
Pabsolute = Patm + Pgauge
Gauge pressure may be positive, zero or negative.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Pascal’s law
It states that pressure applied to a confined fluid at rest is transmitted equally
undiminished to every part of fluid and the walls of the container.

Consider a U-tube with each limb of uniform length but different cross-section.
An incompressible fluid is filled in U-tube. Both limbs are provided with frictionless
A1, A2 are area of cross-sections of left and right limb respectively. Suppose a force of
magnitude F1 is applied on piston of area (A1). The pressure at this piston is given by
P1 
If F2 is the force at right piston
P2 
At same horizontal level, P1 =P2
A 
 F2  F1  2 
 A1 

So, the force at larger piston is large.

A small force F1 acting on small area A1 results in larger force F2 acting on larger area A2

Illustration 5. Find the absolute pressure and gauge pressure at points

5 1m Kerosene
A, B and C as shown in the figure (1 atm = 10 Pa) A 2m
1=800 kg/m

1.5m Water
B 2=1000 kg/m3
C Mercury 0.5m
3 3
3=13.6×10 kg/m
Solution: patm  105 Pa =100 kPa
Points Gauge Pressure Absolute Pressure
A pA  1 ghA  (800)(10)1  8 kPa p A  p A  patm =
B pB  1 g (2)  2 g (1.5) pB  pB  patm = 131
= (800)(10)(2) + (103) (10) (1.5) = 31 kPa kPa
C pC  p1 g (2)  2 g (2)  3 g (0.5) pC  pC  patm = 204
= (800)(10)(2)+(103)(10)(2)+(13.6  kPa
= 104 kPa
Illustration 6. Find the pressure in the air column at which the piston remains in equilibrium. Assume the
piston to be massless and frictionless.

Solution: Let pa be the air pressure above the AIR

piston. Piston
Applying Pascal’s law at point A and B . 5m 1.73m
3 Datum 60º S=0.8
patm  w g (5)  pa  k g (1.73) A B
2 Water
Pa = 138 kPa

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Illustration 7. A weighted piston confines a fluid of density

 in a closed container, as shown in the
figure. The combined weight of piston and B
weight is W  200 N and the cross-sectional
area of the piston is A  8 cm2. Find the total
pressure at point B , if the fluid is mercury
and h = 25 cm ( m = 13600 kg/m3). What
would an ordinary pressure gauge read at B ?
Solution: Pascal’s principle tells us about the pressure applied to the fluid by the piston and atmosphere.
This added pressure is applied at all points within the fluid. Therefore, the total pressure at B is
composed of three parts:
Pressure of atmosphere  1.0  10 5 Pa
W 200N
Pressure due to piston and weight    2.5 105 Pa
A 8  104 m2
Pressure due to height h of fluid  hg = 0.33  105 Pa
In this case, the pressure of the fluid itself is relatively small. We have
Total pressure at B  3.83  105 Pa = 383 kPa
The gauge pressure does not include atmospheric pressure. Therefore,
Gauge pressure at B  283 kPa
Illustration 8. For the system shown in figure, the cylinder on the left,
at L has a mass of 600 kg and a cross-sectional area of
800 cm2. The piston on the right at S has cross- S
sectional area 25 cm2 and negligible weight. If the 8m
600 kg
apparatus is filled with oil (   0.78 g/cm3), find the L
force F required to hold the system in equilibrium as H1 H2
shown in figure.

Solution: The pressures at points H1 and H 2 are equal because they are at the same level in the single
connected fluid. Therefore,
Pressure at H1 = Pressure at H 2
(Pressure due to left piston) = (Pressure due to F and right piston)
(600)(9.8)N F
 +(8m)(780 kg/m-3)(9.8)
0.08m2 25 104 m2
After solving, we get F  30.87 N.

Measurement of Pressure
It is used for measuring gauge pressure of fluids.
It consists of U-shaped tube partially filled with mercury, with open at both
ends. When one end is subjected to unknown pressure P, the mercury level
drops on that side and rises on other end exposed to atmospheric pressure.
According to Pascal’s law, fluid pressure is same at same horizontal level.
Pressure at points A and B are same
P  h 00 g  P0  hg
P  P0  hg  h 00 g
P0 = Atmospheric pressure
0 = density of fluid in vessel
  density of mercury
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Illustration 9. As shown in the figure, a column of water 40 cm

high supports a 31 cm of an unknown fluid. What is
the density of the unknown fluid?

40 cm
31 cm

Solution: The pressure at point A due to the two fluids must be

equal (or the one with the higher pressure would
push the lower pressure fluid away). Therefore,
Pressure due to water at A = Pressure due to known
fluid at A
h11 g  h22 g
h1 40
from which 2  1  (1000 kg/m2)
h2 31
= 1290 kg/m3.

Illustration 10. For the arrangement shown in the figure, determine Kerosene
h , if the pressure difference between the vessels A h (s=0.8)

and B is 3 kN/m2.
A Water


B Water
Solution: Let pressure in the horizontal tube is P (s=0.8)k
So in left vertical tube
P  k gh1   w gh0  PB h1
P  k gh2  w g (h0  h  0.2)  PA
here, pB  p A  3 103 N/m2
h0 A Water
w  103 kg/m3
k  800 kg/m3 20cm

Thus, h  0.5 m = 50 cm. B Water

Mercury Barometer
It is a device used for Measuring (absolute) pressure.
It consists of a long uniform glass tube closed at one end and filled with mercury
and inverted with its open end in a dish of mercury.

The mercury column in tube falls and finally comes two rest at particular height
The pressure between closed end of tube and mercury column is zero.
Form Pascal’s law, pressure at all points in a fluid on same horizontal level is same. A and B are two points at same
horizontal level. Point B is just below mercury surface. So, pressure at A and B are same.
PA = PB , PB  PO
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

PA  0  h g
PO  h g
P0 = Atmospheric Pressure

At sea level, Po can support a column of mercury about 76cm in height.

P0  (0.76m)(13.6 103 kg / m3 )(9.8 m / s2 )

P0  1.01105 N / m2 or Pa

Illustration 11.
What must be the length of a barometer tube used to measure atmospheric
pressure if we are to use water instead of mercury?
We know that p0  m ghm  w ghw
Where,  w and hw are the density and height of the water column supporting the atmospheric
pressure p0 .
 hw  hm
Since  13.6 and hm  0.76 m  hw  (13.6)(0.76)  10.33 m.

Illustration 12. In the figure shown, find

(a) the total force on the bottom of the tank
due to the water pressure. 5m
(b) the total weight of water. A2=100cm2

Solution: (a) Pressure at the base due to water is
p  w g[5  1]  (103 )(10)(5  1)  6 104 N/m2
4 4
 Force  pA2  (6 10 )(100  10 )  600 N
(b) Weight of water
 w g[5 A1  A2 ]  104 [5  10 104  100 104 ]  150 N.

It is the phenomenon by which a body partially or wholly immersed in a fluid at rest experience an upward force
due to the fluid surrounding it.
The upward force is called Buoyant force.

Archimede’s Principle
It states that a body that is partially or fully submerged in a fluid at rest experiences an upward force equal in
magnitude to the weight of fluid displaced by it.
Or, B  Vg
B = Buoyant force, V = volume of fluid displaced,  = density of fluid
Consider a cylindrical body submerged in a fluid of density '  ' . P1 A  F1 h1 h
The top of cylinder is at depth h1 and bottom at h2.
The horizontal forces acting on cylinder at any depth cancels out. As for each force there
is a force diametrically opposite, which is equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
The vertical components are P2 A  F2

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

F1  P1 A  ( Po  h1  g ) A, F2  P2 A  ( P0  h2  g ) A
A = Area of cross-section of cylinder
Net buoyant force acts upward on the cylinder is
B  F2  F1  (h2  h1 )  gA B  A(h2  h1 )  g
A (h2 – h1) = volume of cylinder
V= Volume of fluid displaced
B  V  g  (V  ) g
V   mass of fluid displaced
B = mf g where, mf = mass of fluid displaced
This relation is called Archimede’s Principle.
Buoyant force arises because of pressure difference in the fluid.
Maximum buoyant force Bmax that can act on the body is equal to the weight of maximum volume of fluid displaced.
Bmax  V  g
1. If Bmax  Wblock, then block will float in fluid.

(i) Bmax= Wblock, it floats just being fully submerged

V  g  V g
Or,   ,  = density of material of block.

(ii) Bmax> Wblock, then it floats being partially submerged V  g  V g  

2. If Bmax< Wblock, then block will sink in the fluid. If there is no viscous force then equation of motion of block is
given by
Wblock – Bmax = ma
m = mass of block ; a = acceleration of block
Note: If the density of material '  ' is greater than fluid '  ', then object can be made to float provided it is not a
uniform solid.

Illustration 13. An iceberg with a density of 920 kgm-3 floats on an ocean of V

above water
density 1025 kgm-3. What fraction of the iceberg is visible?
w(V 0-V)

iV 0

Under water

Solution: Let V be the volume of the iceberg above the water surface, then
the volume under water will be V0  V .
Under floating conditions, the weight (i V0 g ) of the iceberg is
balanced by the buoyant force w (V0  V ) g . Thus,
iV0 g   w (V0  V ) g
or  wV  (w  i )V0 or  wV  (w  i )V0
V   w  i 
or  
V0   w 
Since w  1025 kg m-3 and i  920 kg m-3, therefore,
V 1025  920
  0.10
V0 1025
Hence 10% of the total volume is visible.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

When a 2.5 kg crown is immersed in water, it has an apparent weight of 22 N. What is the
Illustration 14.
density of the crown?
Solution: Let W  actual weight of the crown, W  = apparent weight of the crown
 = density of crown, 0 = density of water
The buoyant force is given by
FB  W  W  or 0Vg  W  W 
Since W  Vg , therefore, V 
Eliminating V from the above two equations, we get
W W 
3 -3 (103 )(25) -3
Here W  25 N; W   22 N; 0  10 kg m    8.3  103 kg m .
25  22

Stability of a floating body

The resultant buoyant force acts at a fixed point located within the body called centre of buoyancy.
This point is centre of mass of the displaced fluid.
The weight of body acts at its centre of gravity.
If the centre of buoyancy and centre of gravity lies on the same vertical lineas infigure (a),then the body floats in
If centre of buoyancy lies above the centre of gravity as infigure (a), then equilibrium is stable otherwise it is


(a) (b)

Illustration 15. An ice cube of side 1 cm is floating at the interface of kerosene and water
in a beaker of base area 10 cm2. The level of kerosene is just covering the
top surface of the ice cube.
(a) Find the depth of submergence in the kerosene and that in the water.
(b) Find the change in the total level of the liquid when the whole ice
melts into water.

Solution: (a) Condition of floating

0.8 w ghk  w ghw  0.9 w gh or 0.8hk  hw   0.9 h …(i)
where, hk and hw be the submerged depth of the ice in the kerosene and water, respectively.
Also, hk  hw  h …(ii)
Solving equation (i) and (ii), we get hk  0.5 cm, hw  0.5 cm
(b) 1cm3 
 0.9cm3
(Ice) (Water)

Fall in the level of kerosene

hk 
Rise in the level of water
0.9  0.5 0.4
hw  
Net fall in the overall level
0.1 0.1
h    0.01 cm = 0.1 mm.
A 10
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Fluid subjected to constant acceleration

Consider a fluid in a tank moving horizontally with acceleration ‘a’. The free surface fluid makes an angle ' ' with
Consider a cylindrical section of fluid of length‘l’ and cross section
area ‘A’.
F1 = Force on left face of cylinder
F1  P1  A
F2 = Force on right face of cylinder
F2  P2  A
F1 – F2 = ma , m = mass of cylinder
P1A – P2A = ma
(  gy1   gy2 ) A  ma
 g ( y1  y2 ) A   Ala
y1  y2 a

l g
y1  y2 a
 tan  , tan  
l g

Fluid subjected to constant vertical acceleration

Consider a beaker filled with fluid of density '  ' accelerating vertically with
acceleration ‘a’.
Imagine a cylindrical element of fluid of cross-section ‘A’ with upper face at depth
‘h1‘ and lower face at depth ‘h2’.
If P1 and P2 be pressures at upper and lower face of element then, from
Newton’s second law,
P2A – (P1A + mg) = ma
(P2 – P1)A = m (g + a)
m = mass of cylinder = A (h2 – h1) 
( P2  P1 ) A  A(h2  h1 )  ( g  a)

P2  P1  (h2  h1 )  ( g  a)
g + a = geff = Effective gravity

 P2  P1  (h2  h1 )  geff
If fluid is accelerating vertically downward with acceleration a, then
P2  P1  (h2  h1 )  ( g  a)
Or, P2  P1  (h2  h1 )  geff
Where, geff = g – a
If fluid is subjected to combined horizontal and vertical acceleration.
tan  
g eff
Where,  = angle of inclination of surface with horizontal
aH = horizontal acceleration
geff = Effective gravity = g  av
av  Vertical acceleration
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Illustration 16. An open rectangular tank 5 m  4 m  3 m high containing Rear a0 Front

water upto a height of 2 m is accelerated horizontally along the 3m Water 2m
longer side.
(a) Determine the maximum acceleration that can be given
without spilling the water. 5m
(b) Calculate the percentage of water spilt over, if this
acceleration is increased by 20%.
(c) If initially, the tank is closed at the top and is accelerated
horizontally by 9 m/s2, find the gauge pressure at the
bottom of the front and rear walls of the tank. (Take
g  10 m/s )
Solution: (a) Volume of water inside the tank remains constant
 3  y0 
 2  5 4  5  2  4 
 
3 1 3m a0
or y0  1m  tan 0   0.4 y0
Since, tan 0  , therefore a0  0.4 g  4 m/s2 5m
(b) When acceleration is increased by 20%
a  1.2 a0  0.48 g  tan    0.48
Now, y  3  5 tan   3  5(0.48)  0.6 m
Fraction of water spilt over
(3  0.6)
4 25   5 4
 2  0.1
25 4
Percentage of water spilt over =10%

(c) a  0.9 g v
tan    0.9 5m
volume of air remains constant
4  yx  (5)(1)  4
2 x
1 2
Since y  x tan   x tan   5 AIR
or x  3.33 m ; y  3.0 m 3m
Gauge pressure at the bottom of the Water
i) Front wall p f  zero
ii) Rear wall pr  (5 tan )w g  5(0.9)(103 )(10)  4.5  104 Pa 5m
60 rpm

Illustration 17. A vertical U - tube with the two limbs 0.75 m apart is
filled with water and rotated about a vertical axis 0.5
m from the left limb, as shown in the figure. Determine
the difference in elevation of the water levels in the
two limbs, when the speed of rotation is 60 rpm.

Solution: Consider a small element of length dr at a distance r from the axis of
rotation. Considering the equilibrium of this element.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

( p  dp )  p  2 r dr or dp 2 r dr
On integrating between 1 and 2

p1  p2  2  r dr
 r2 h1
2 2 2 dr r h2
p1  p2  (r1  r2 )
1 p 2
2 2 2 (2)2 p+dp
or h1  h2  r1  r2   [(0.5)2  (0.25)2 ]  0.37 m.
2g 2(10) r1 r2

Forces on Fluid Boundaries

A fluid in contact with any surface exerts a pressure and hence forces on
it.Consider a rectangular vessel of base l  b filled with fluid upto height H as
The forces exerted by fluid at base
Fb  Pressure(at base)× Base Area
Fb  Hg  lb
lbH  volume of fluid
Fb  gV  weight of fluidin vessel
At base, pressure is uniform everywhere and is equal to weight of fluid.
Pressure at vertical wall of vessel is not uniform but increases linearly with depth from the free surface.

Consider a small rectangular element of width (b) and thickness (dh) at a depth h from the free surface.
Pressure due to fluid at this position is
P  h g
The force at this element

dF  PdA  h g (bdh)

h H
Total force on wall is F   h  g (bdh)   gbH 2

F 1
The total force per unit width of vertical wall    gH 2
b 2
The centre of force (hc) is the point of application of total force from the free surface is given by
1 1
hc   hdF   h2  g bdh ,
F 0 F 0
1 2 1 H3
hc  (  gb)  h dh  (  gb )
F 0
F 3
 gbH 3 / 3 2
hc   H
 gbH 2 / 2 3
hc  H
Centre of force is at two-third of the total depth.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Illustration18. Find the force acting per unit width on a plane wall
inclined at an angle  with the horizontal as shown in the h=y sin
figure. Density of fluid = . H

Consider a small element of thickness dy at a distance y measured along the wall from the free
surface. The pressure at the position of the element is
p  gh  gy sin 
The force is given by
dF  p(b dy )  gb( y dy )sin 
The total force per unit width b is given by
H / sin  H / sin 
F  y2  F 1 H2
 g sin  .  y dy  g sin    or,  g
b 0  2 0 b 2 sin 
Note: The above formula reduces to gH2 for a vertical wall    900 

1. Choose the correct statement(s) about the pressure in a liquid.
(a) Two points in the same horizontal plane cannot have the same pressure
(b) Two points at different levels may have same pressure
(c) Two points at different levels cannot have same pressure
(d) Two points in the same vertical line always have different pressures

2. A U-tube filled with mercury is connected to a bulb containing a gas as

shown. If atmospheric pressure is 1.013  105 Pa and H = 0.05 m then,
(a) Pressures at M, N and inside bulb are same.
(b) Gauge pressure at N =0
(c) Gauge pressure at M is 6.56×103 Pa
(d) Absolute pressure in bulb is 1.08×105 Pa

3. An ice cube contains a glass ball. The cube is floating on the surface of water contained in a trough on the
surface of water. What will happen to the water level, when the cube melts?
(a) It will remain unchanged (b) It will fall
(c) It will rise (d) First it will fall and then rise

4. Upon which of the following quantities, the value of buoyant force on a body immersed in a fluid, does not
depend on
(a) Density of fluid (b) Density of immersed body
(c) Volume of immersed body (d) Acceleration due to gravity

5. An ice cube contains a large air bubble. The cube is floating on the surface of water contained on a trough.
What will happen to the water level, when the cube melts?
(a) It will remain unchanged (b) It will fall
(c) It will rise (d) First it will fall and then rise

6. The apparent weight of a body

(a) May by positive (b) May by negative
(c) May be zero (d) Is always positive

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

7. A boat carrying steel balls is floating on the surface of water in a tank. If the balls are thrown into the tank
one by one, how will it affect the level of water?
(a) It will remain unchanged (b) It will rise
(c) It will fall (d) First it will rise and then fall

8. A uniformly tapering vessel is filled with a liquid of density 900 kgm-3 .

The force that acts on the base of the vessel due to the liquid is
(g =10 m/s 2 ;neglect atmospheric pressure)
(a) 3.6 N (b) 7.2 N
(c) 9.0 N (d) None of these

9. A block B of specific gravity 2 and another block C of specific gravity 0.5. Both are joined together and they
are floating inside water such that they are completely dipped inside water. The ratio of the masses of the
blocks B and C is
(a) 2 : 1 (b) 3 : 2 (c) 5 : 3 (d) 2 : 3

10. In a hydraulic lift, used at a service station the radius of the large and small piston are in the ratio of 20: 1.
What weight placed on the small piston will be sufficient to lift a car of mass 1500kg?
(a) 3.75kg (b) 37.5kg
(c) 7.5kg (d) 75kg

11. A body floats in liquid contained in a beaker. The whole system falls freely under gravity. The upthrust on
the body due to the liquid is
(a) Zero
(b) Equal to the weight of the liquid displaced.
(c) Equal to the weight of the body in air.
(d) Equal to the weight of the immersed portion

12. A boat floating in a tank is carrying passengers. If the passengers drink water, how will it affect the
water level of the tank?
(a) It will go down
(b) If will rise
(c) It will remain unchanged
(d) It will depend on atmospheric pressure.

Answer 1b 2 b, c, d, 3b, 4b, 5a, 6 a, b, c, 7c, 8b, 9 a, 10a,

11a, 12c

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Fluid Dynamics
Types of Flow
Steady Flow: A flow in which velocity, pressure and density at a given point do not change with time.
dv dP d
 0,  0, 0
dt dt dt
Unsteady Flow: A flow in which velocity at a point varies with time.
Streamline Flow
Consider an incompressible, non-viscous fluid flowing through a tube. Take a
line A – B – C – D – E through which fluid particles are successively following
each other move from A to E.
Let the velocities of fluid particles of A, B, C, D, E are respectively
    
vA , vB , vC , vD , vE .
    
In a steady flow, vA , vB , vC , vD and vE are constant with time.
When a fluid particle is coming towards A, just reaches A and then acquires the velocity A .
In this way successively the fluid particle while reachingB, C, D and E
   
acquires the velocities vB , vC , vD and vE respectively.
This reveals that line of motion of a stream of fluid particles is a fixed
and the velocities at different points are fixed with respect to time.
This path of motion of fluid particles is called a streamline and the
motion is called Streamline flow.

The Equation of Continuity

Consider streamline flow of a fluid in a tube. The fluid enters the left section of the tube having area A1 with velocity
 
v1 and leaves the other section having area A2 with velocity v2 .
The length of fluid column entering the left section in time (t ) is v1 ( t ). So the volume of fluid entering the cross-
section A1 is
v1 A1 (t )  V1 ....(1)

In same time interval (t ) , the volume of fluid leaving cross-section of area A2is
v2 A2 (t )  V2
Let 1 , 2 be densities of fluid entering left section and leaving right section then, masses entering and
leaving are
m1  1V1  1v1 A1 (t )
m2   2V2   2 v2 A2 (t )
Since the amount of fluid flowing through any cross-section per second is constant.
m1  m2
v1 A1 1  v2 A2 2
If the fluid is incompressible, then
1   2
 v1 A1  v2 A2
This is known as equation of continuity.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Bernoulli’s Theorem
In streamline flow, the energy of an incompressible and non-viscous fluid remains constant.
For an ideal fluid,

P   gh   v 2  constant
It is the principle of conservation of energy for a flowing fluid.
where, P = pressure of fluid at a point
v = velocity of fluid at that point
h = height of centre of mass of fluid at that point
 =density of fluid

Consider a tube of flow having cross-section area at points 1 and 2 as
A1 and A2, corresponding velocities v1 and v2 and pressures P1and P2
Take an element ABCD of an incompressible, non-viscous fluid.
In a time t , the liquid moves in and the element becomes A’B’C’D’.
In other words, fluid element AB B’ A’ has effectively changed into DC
m   A1v1t   A2v2 t
where,  m = mass of fluid elements AB B’ A’ and DC C’ D’.
Work done by pressure at 1  F1 (v1t )
 P1 A1v1t  P1

Work done by pressure at 2   F2 (v2 t )
  P2 A2 v2 t   P2

Work done by gravity  (m) g (h2  h1 )
Change in kinetic Energy = (m)[v22  v12 ]
From Work – Energy theorem,
Wall Forces  K
m m 1 1 1
 P1  P2  mg ( h2  h1 )  m (v22  v12 )  P1   v12   gh1  P2   v22   gh2
  2 2 2
 P   gh   v 2  constant
Where, P = pressure energy per unit volume = Pressure at a cross-section
gh = Gravitational potential energy per unit volume
1 2
 v  Kinetic energy per unit volume
This relation is known as Bernoulli’s equation.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Applications of Bernoulli’s Theorem and Equation of Continuity

It is used to measure the rate of streamline flow of fluid through a tube.
The tube has different areas of cross-section A1 and A2 in two sections. A U-tube
containing mercury is fitted between the broader and narrower part of the
horizontal tube. The flow speed of the narrower part is v2 and that of broader is
v1 .

Since the fluid is incompressible, the rate of flow of fluid is given by

Q  v1 A1   v2 A2  = volume of fluid flowing per second …(1)

If P1 and P2 be the pressure at two sections, then
P1  P2  hm g …(2)
 m = density of mercury in U-tube
From Bernoulli’s Theorem,
1 1
P1   v12  0  P2   v22  0
2 2
P1  P2   (v22  v12 ) …(3)
Solving equations (2) and (3)
2  m gh
v1  A2
 ( A12  A22 )
 Volume rate of flow of fluid is given by
Q  v1 A1
2  m gh
Q   A1 A2
 ( A12  A22 )

B. Torricelli’s’ Theorem
It states that “the velocity of efflux of a liquid issuing out of an orifice is same as
it would attain if allowed to fall freely through a vertical height between the
liquid surface and orifice”.

Consider a fluid taken in container of large cross-sectional area A1upto height H.

There is a small hole of cross-sectional area A2 at a depth h on the wall, at a
given instant.
If v2 be velocity of efflux of fluid from hole and v1 be velocity with which free
surface of fluid moves downwards, and the atmospheric pressure is P0.
From equation of continuity
A1v1 = A2v2 …(1)
From Bernoulli’s theorem
1 1
Po  h g   v12  Po   v22 …(2)
2 2
Solving the equation (1) and (2), we get
2 gh
v2  …(3)
  A 2 
1   2  
  A1  

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

If container has large cross-section then,

A2<< A1
v2  2 gh = velocity of efflux.
This relation is known as Torricelli’s equation.

1. v h
2. v is independent of nature of liquid and area of orifice.
3. If the liquid is ejected through the hole horizontally and the hole is at a depth
h from upper level of fluid, and total height of fluid is H, then time taken by fluid to
the ground is given by
2( H  h )

Suppose that horizontal distance travelled by fluid stream is x i.e the liquid will strike the ground at a
distance x from the base of the container below hole.
2( H  h)
x  vt  2 gh
x  2 h(H  h) = Range of fluid
The range will be maximum when, 0
dx 2 H
 ( H  2h)  0  h
dh 2 h( H  h) 2
H  H H
 xmax  2  H  2   2 2   H or, xmax  H
2    

4. Time taken to empty the tank

v2  2 gh

Volume rate of flow  A2v2  A2 2gh through orifice

Let y be level of fluid above hole in container at any instant ‘t’. If level of container falls from y to y – dy in small
time (dt) then, volume rate of flow of fluid is given by

dV dy dy
   A1 ,  A1  A2 2 gh
dt dt dt

h  y= level of fluid above orifice

dy dy A2
  A1  A2 2 gy ,  2 g dt
dt y A1

dy A 2g t A1 1 
  2 t 2 H  2 H ' 
A1 0
dt ,
H y A2 2g 

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

A1 2 
t H  H ' 
A2 g 
If H’ = 0, then time taken to empty the tank
A1 2H
A2 g

Illustration 19. A tank initially at rest, is filled with water to a height

H  4 m. A small orifice is made at the bottom of the wall.
Find the velocity attained by the tank when it becomes H=4
completely empty. Assume mass of the tank to be
negligible. Friction is negligible.

Solution: Let v be the instantaneous velocity of the tank, and c be

the instantaneous velocity of efflux with respect to the A
tank. Thrust exerted on the tank, F  ac 2
Where, a is the cross-sectional area of the orifice v
c  2 gh
Where, h is the instantaneous height of water in the tank a
Mass of the tank at any time t is m  Ah c
A  cross-sectional area of the tank,
Using Newton’s second law,
dv dv dv
F m  Ah  Ah  ac2  2gah
dt dt dt
dv a
or  2g   …(i)
dt  A
From equation of continuity,
A  ac
Equation (i) can be written as
dv dh a dv  ac  a
 2g   or,     2g  
dh dt  A dh  A   A
dv 2g 2g 2g
or   
dh c 2 gh h
On integrating
v 0
 dv   2 g 
0 H h
v  2 2 gH

Since H  4 m, therefore v  2 2(9.8)(4)  17.7 m/s

(C) Working of an Aeroplane

The wings of an Aeroplane have tapering as shown. As the air passes through
wings, its speed is higher above wing compared to below.
This is because it has to travel more distance above wing in a given time as
compared to air below wing.
From Bernoulli’s theorem, this creates a pressure difference and hence an
upward force acts on wings called Dynamic lift.
When this force becomes greater than the weight of aeroplane, the plane takes

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22


1. A horizontal pipe of shown cross-section has a liquid flowing through itand

follows Bernoulli’s theorem. Which of the following is/are constant
throughout pipe?
(a) Velocity (b) Pressure
(c) Flow rate (d) Force

2. A container is filled with water, accelerating with acceleration 10 m/s2 , along +ve
X-axis on a smooth horizontal surface. The velocity of efflux of water at a point P at
the bottom of the tank and near its left most corner is
(a) 4.43 m/s (b) 5.48 m/s
(c) 4 m/s (d) 3 m/s

3. Which of the following statement(s) is/are correct?

(a) The equation of continuity expresses the principle of conservation of mass in fluid mechanics
(b) The Bernoulli’s equation expresses the work-energy theorem in fluid mechanics
(c) The change in plane of motion of a spinning ball can be explained with the help of
Bernoulli’s equation
(d) The Bernoulli’s equation and equation of continuity are valid for incompressible and non-viscous fluids

4. Water flows through a frictionless duct with a cross-section varying as

shown. Pressure ‘P’ at points along the axis is best represented by

(a) (b)

(c) (d)

5. A pipe of constant cross-section is bent in a horizontal plane asshown

in the figure. Point A and B are located on two different streamlines.
(a) Velocity of fluid at A is more than at B
(b) Velocity of fluid at B is more than at A
(c) Pressure at A is more than at B
(d) Pressure at B is more than at A

6. Water from a tap (at the end of a horizontal pipe) emerges vertically downwards with an initial speed of 1.0
ms-1 .The cross-sectional areaof the tap is 10 -4 m 2 . Assume that the pressure is constant throughout the
stream of water and the flow is steady, the cross- sectional area of the stream 0.15 m below the tap is
(a) 5.0×10-4 m 2 (b) 1.0×10-5 m 2
(c) 5.0×10-5 m2 (d) 2.0×10-5 m2

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

7. In the given figure, the velocity v3 will be

(a) Zero (b) 4 m/sec.
(c) 1 m/sec (d) None of these

8. The velocity of the water flowing from the inlet pipe is less than the velocity
of water flowing out from thespin pipe B. Then
(a) Variation of water level in vessel will be irregular.
(b) Water level will remains constant.
(c) The water level will perform periodic oscillation motion.
(d) None of the above.

9. A and B are two metallic pieces. They are fully immersed in water and then
weighed. Now they show same loss of weight. The conclusion therefore is:
(a) A and B have same weight in air
(b) A and B have equal volumes
(c) The densities of the materials of A and B are the same.
(d) A and B are immersed to the same depth inside water.

10. A wide vessel with a small hole in the bottom is filled with water and kerosene. Neglect viscosity. The
thickness of water layer is h 1 and that of kerosene layer is h 2 (density of water ρ1 gm/cc and that of
kerosene is ρ2 gm/cc). The velocity of water flow through hole is
(a) 2g(h1 +h 2 ) (b) 2g(h1ρ1 + h 2ρ2 )
 ρ   ρ  
c) 2g  h1 + h 2  1   (d) 2g  h1  1  + h 2 
  ρ2     ρ2  

Answer key
1c, 2 b, 3 a, b, c, d, 4 b, 5a, d, 6 c, 7 c, 8 c, 9b, 10c

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22


1. Law of Hydrostatics  g

2. Acceleration of the containers:

tan  
ay  g

Where ax and ay are horizontal and vertical components of acceleration of the containersand  is the
angle of inclination of the free surface of the liquid with the horizontal.

3. Archimedes’s principle; Buoyant force = weight of the displaced fluid.

4. The weight of floating body is equal to the weight of volume of liquid displaced by submerge volume of the
5. Pascal’s law: The pressure at any point in a liquid is same in all directions.
 v2
6. Bernoulli’s Theorem: P + gh + = constant
7. Velocity of efflux, v = 2gh assuming A1  A 2


1. A wooden boat is in the shape of a half cylinder of length 3.00m and radius 0.350m. It weighs
1.00  10 N. what is the maximum weight it can hold without sinking? Density of water is
1.0  10 3 kg / m 3 .
Solution: As the weight in the boat increases, it sinks lower in the water. It will carry maximum weight when its top is
at the level of the water. Since the boat is in equilibrium,
Fy  0
B  wB  wP  0
w P  B  wB
Where B is buoyant force; wB , weight of boat; wP , weight of
1 2
Volume of the displaced water is the volume of the boat  r l
1   
B  gV  g  r 2 l   (1.00 103 )(9.80) (0.350) 2 (3)  5.66  103 N
2  2
wP  5.66  10  1.00  103

=4.66×103 N

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

2. Icebergs pose hidden danger to ships, since much of an iceberg’s volume lies beneath the level of the
water; we see only the tip of the iceberg. If the densities of ice and sea water are 0.917 and 1.025
respectively. Find the fraction of an iceberg’s Volume that is below the surface
Solution : We apply Archimedes’ principle and Newton’s second law,

Fy  0
Buoyant force = weight of iceberg
 w gVw   i gVi
The volume of the displaced water Vw equals the part of the iceberg’s volume Vi , which is below
the surface. Thus the fraction of the iceberg beneath the surface is Vw / Vi ,
Vw  i 0.917
   0.895
Vi  w 1.025
The iceberg is 89.5% submerged.

3. A concrete sphere of radius R has a cavity of radius r which is packed with sawdust. The relative densities
of concrete and sawdust are 2.4 and 0.3 respectively. For this sphere to float with its entire volume
submerged under water, the ratio of the mass of concrete to the mass of sawdust will be :
Solution: Let m be the mass of concrete and  its density and let m ' be the mass of sawdust and  ' its density. Then
4 3 3 4 3 m R3  r 3 
m ( R  r ) and m'  r '   . … (i)
3 3 m' r3 '
4 3
Since the entire volume V  R of the sphere is submerged under water, we have, from the
principle of floatation,
Weight of concrete + weight of sawdust = weight of volume V water displaced
Or, mg  m ' g  V 0 g or , m  m '  V 0
where, 0 is the density of water. Thus
4 3 3 4 4 3
( R  r )  r 3 '  R 0 or ( R3  r 3 )d  r 3 d '  R3 … (ii)
3 3 3
Where, d   / 0 and d '   '/ 0 are the relative densities of concrete and sawdust respectively.
Equation (ii), on simplification, gives
R3 (d  d ') R3 (d  d ') R 3  r 3 (1  d ')
 or 1  1 or  … (iii)
r3 (d  1) r3 (d  1) r3 (d  1)
 d
Using (iii) in (i) and noting that , we have
' d '
m (1  d ') d (1  0.3) 2.4
    4
m ' (d  1) d ' (2.4  1) 0.3

4. Consider a length of pipe with a transverse area A1 that necks down to a smaller area A2 and then opens
out again [see Fig. (a)]. A U-tube connects two cross-sections of pipe, partially filled with mercury. If the
height difference between the mercury levels is ‘h’, what is the velocity of fluid in region 1? Take density of
fluid as  and mercury  .
Solution: In this case there is no change in the gravitational potential energy of the fluid, although some fluid in the
larger diameter pipe lowers its gravitational potential energy. An equivalent amount raises its gravitational
potential energy, and so the net change is zero. We can say that for a horizontal pipe the mean elevation is
constant. So Bernoulli’s principle becomes

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

1 2 1
P1  v1  P2  v22 … (1)
2 2
From equation of continuity, v2  v1 … (2)
The eqn. (2) implies that the speed of the flow in the smaller diameter
pipe must be greater than that in the larger diameter pipe. Since v 2  v1 ,
Bernoulli’s principle then indicates that the pressure P2  P1 .
 Note that if the speed of the fluid increases, the pressure decreases.
Substituting v 2 in eqn. (1),
1 1 A 
P1  v12  P2    1 v1 
2 2  A2 

1/ 2
 
 
 2(P1  P2 ) 
Which on solving for v1 yields, v1 
  A12  
   2  1 
  A 2  
The pressure difference between two cross-sections is measured by a
U-tube. The pressure difference is balanced by a rise in the mercury surface in the right branch of the U-tube
and a corresponding fall in the left branch, which produces a compensating pressure difference  Hg gh . But
the lowering of the mercury column on the left results in a lengthening of water column. Similarly there is a
corresponding shortening of the water column on the right. The additional water column on the left offsets
the pressure difference produced by the additional mercury column on the right by an amount gh . Total
pressure difference = gh  gh which we can substitute in expression for v1 , so that
1/ 2
 
 
 2(   ) gh 
v1 
  A2 
   12  1 
  A2  

5. Fig. shows a device called pitot’s tube. It measures the velocity of moving
fluids. Determine the velocity of the fluid in terms of the density  , the
density of the fluid in manometer (U-tube)  and the height ‘h’.
Solution:From Bernoulli’s principle,
1 2 1
P1  v1  P2  v22 … (1)
2 2

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Because the average elevation fluid is constant, the openings at points A are located far enough along the
tube so that the pressure just outside the opening is same as that within the pitot tube. Therefore the
pressure at the left arm of the manometer is same as the fluid pressure Pf , i.e.P1  Pf . The velocity v1 is the
fluid velocity v f . In equilibrium the velocity v 2 of the fluid at point B is zero and the pressure in the right
arm is P2 (called stagnation pressure)
Thus Pf   f v 2f  P2 … (2)
Also P2  P1  (    ) gh … (3)

Generally    , so it is ignored.
Thus P2  Pf gh … (4)

1 2 2 gh
From eqns. (4) and (3),  v f  gh or vf 
2 

6. A tank has a small hole in its side at a height y1 . It is filled with a fluid (density  ) to a height y2 . If the
pressure at the top of the fluid is Pt , find the velocity with which it leaves the tank. Assume that the cross-
sectional area of the tank is larger as compared to that of the hole. Pt
Solution: From equation of continuity,
v2  v1
Since A1  A2 , v 2 must be very small compared to velocity of efflux at the hole, therefore we can take
v 2  0. Fluid emerging from the hole is open to atmospheric pressure P0 . We take two points A and B at the
top of the fluid and at the hole respectively. From Bernoulli’s principle,

1 2
P0  v1  gy1  Pt  gy 2
2(Pt  P0 )
Solving for v1 , we obtain v1   2gh

Where, h  y 2  y1

 When the valve at the top of the tank is open to atmosphere,

P1  P0 , the velocity is
v1  2gh
 If a pump is attached to the open valve so that pressure at the top of the tank
is made large, then,
2( Pt  P0 )  P  P0 
 gh and, v1  2 t 
   
which shows that the velocity of the emerging water depends on the magnitude of the applied pressure Pt .
 To apply Bernoulli’s equation we have followed a streamline from top of the liquid to the hole. If friction is
ignored, the liquid spurts from the hole with a speed equal to that which it would have gained in free-falling
through the height ‘h’. Torricelli observed that the emerging jet, if directed straight up, would almost reach

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

the original level. Since some energy is converted to thermal energy due to friction the jet does not attain
the height h.
7. Find the tension in the string holding a solid sphere of mass 0.8 kg and density 0.8 g/cc immersed in a
liquid of density 1.2 g/cc and tied to the bottom of the vessel holding it.
(i) when the vessel is stationary
(ii) when the vessel moves upwards with an acceleration of 4.9 m/s2
(iii) when the vessel moves downwards with an acceleration of 4.9 m/s2.
Solution: Weight of the sphere = 0.8 g N
Up thrust acting on the sphere F = (volume of liquid displaced) 
(density of liquid) g
 0.8 
 F  (1200) g N  1.2 g N
 800 
If T be the tension in the string, then

(i) Considering the vertical equilibrium of the sphere

F  mg  T or T  F  mg
= (1.2 – 0.8) g N
= 3.92 N
(ii) Applying Newton’s II law, to the sphere
F  (mg  T )  ma or T  F  mg  ma or, T  1.2 g  0.8g  0.8  
Thus, the string is tension free.

(iii) Applying Newton’s II law to the sphere,

T  mg  F  ma, or T  F  ma  mg or, T  1.2 g  0.8   0.8 g
 0.8 g  0.8  9.8 N  7.84 N

8. A light tank, initially at rest is filled with water to a height 2.5 m. A small hole is punched on the side of the
tank, close to the bottom. Find the velocity acquired by the tank, as a function of depth ‘h’ of water left in
it, if the tank be placed on a smooth floor. Hence calculate the velocity acquired when the tank becomes
Solution: Let ‘a’ and ‘A’ be areas of the hole and that of tank’s cross section respectively. Consider, the instant, when
the depth of water in the tank is h
Mass of the water = Ah  M (say) …(i)
Velocity if efflux = v  2gh . …(ii)
Let dm be the small mass of water ejected through the hole
in a further small time interval dt, then
dm   avdt …(iii)
If, as a result dh be the fall in water level, then
dh  dt …(iv)
Now, using Newton’s II law, for variable mass
  dm   
M a  F v or  Ah   a  0   av  v [Making use of (i) and (ii)]
 
dv  d v dh 
Ah   av  v  Ah .   av  v
dt dh dt

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

d v  av  
 Ah     av  v [Form equation (iv)]
dh  A 
 
d v  2g
 h    2 gh  dv   dh
 dh  h
 
Integrating both sides, we have
v h 2g v h

dv   
2 .5 h
dh   v0   2 g  2 h   v  2 2 g  2.5  h 

when the tank becomes completely empty h = 0 v  2 2  9.8  2.5  14 m / s

9. A non viscous, homogenous liquid of density 1200 kg/m3 flows along a

streamline path in a tube of non-uniform cross-section. The tube is kept inclined
in the vertical plane as shown in figure. The cross sectional area of the tube at
the points A and B are 20 cm2 and 60 cm2respectively.
The discharge through the pipe is 4 liters/sec. Find the work done per unit
volume, by the pressure and the gravity forces as the liquid flows from point A to
point B. ( g  10 ms )
Solution: let v1 and v 2 be the velocities of the liquid at the points A and B
4  10 3 4 10 3 2
Then Q  a1v1  a 2 v 2  v1  4
 2 m / s; v 2  4
 m / s.
20  10 60  10 3
Referring to the horizontal level shown in figure as the datum level, and applying Bernoulli’s theorem, to
points A and B
1 2 1 1
P1  gh1  v1  P2  gh2  v22 i.e., P1  1200  10  2   1200  2 2
2 2 2
1 2
 P2  1200  10  3   1200 
2 3
or, P1  P2  9866.67 Pa
Now, if dV be a small volume entering the pipe at A, and coming out at B
Then, work done by pressure forces on that volume
 P1 dV  P2 dV  ( P1  P2 )dV
So, work done, per unit volume = P1  P2  9866.67 J / m .
Since, there is an increase in the height of the liquid, as it moves from A to B, so, work is actually done
against gravity, which would be the negative of work done by gravity.
Mass per unit volume = density = 
 Work done against gravity per unit volume
= increase in potential energy per unit volume
=  g ( h2  h1 )
= 1200  10(3  2)  12000J / m
 Work done by gravity =  12000J / m

Note: Decrease in K.E. per unit volume

1 1  2  2 2 
  (v1  v1 )   1200 2     = 2133.33 J/ m 3
2 2

2 2   3  

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Thus it is seen that, an amount of work 9866.67 J/ m per unit volume, offered by the pressure force is able
3 3
to do a work of 12000 J / m , against gravity, at the expense of 2133.33 J / m of K.E.
Since 9866.67 + 2133.33 = 12,000
10. A wooden stick of length L, radius R and density  has a small metal piece of mass m (of negligible volume)
attached to its one end. Find the minimum value for the mass
m that would make the stick float vertically in equilibrium in a
liquid of density.  (  )
Solution:Normally a light stick floating in a liquid vertically cannot be in
rotational equilibrium (Figure A). The reason being, the location
of centre of mass of stick G, as always higher than the of center
of buoyancy B. Turning the stick slightly, to the left or right,
generates a couple which would tend to topple the stick.
For the stick to float vertically in equilibrium, the position of centre of mass G should be lowered below that
of centre of buoyancy (Figure B). The lowering of G below B can be achieved by attaching the mass to its
lower end.
Let C be the position of combines centre of mass of the stick and the metal piece at a height x above the
lower end.
0.m  (R 2 L ) L / 2
x …(i)
m  R 2 L
If h be the depth of immersion then, from principle of floatation, force of
buoyancy = weight of stick + weight of metal piece.
 R h g  R L g  mg
2 2

 m
Or, hL  2 …(ii)
 R 
Now, for stable rotational equilibrium centre of buoyancy B should be above the centre of gravity C
h 1 L m  R 2 L2  / 2
i.e., x or   
2 2   R 2  m  R 2 L
Or, m  R 2
L   R 2 L   or m  R 2 L  R 2 L 
2 2

 m  R 2 L(    )  The minimum mass required is R L(

   )

11. A vessel containing a liquid has a square hole of edge a, punched on one of its sides, with the centre of
the square at a depth H below the free liquid surface. Find the initial discharge.
Solution: Since the velocity of efflux varies as h where h is the depth below the free surface so, discharge
corresponding to elemental rectangular strips, parallel to the free surface, can be computed and
Integrated over the entire square
Consider, a thin rectangular strip of length ‘a’, width dh, at a depth h below the free surface.
Initially discharge through this strip
dQ = (vel. Of efflux)  (area of strip) or dQ  2gh(adh)
 Total discharge through the square will be
( H  a / 2)
( H  a / 2)  h3/ 2 
Q   dQ   a 2 ghdh  a 2 g  
( H  a / 2)
 3 / 2  ( H a / 2)
i.e., Q 

2 g H  a / 2   ( H  a / 2) 3 / 2
3/ 2

Note: If a <<H; i.e., for a small hole

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

3/2 3/ 2
2   a   a   
Q a 2 g  H 3 / 2 1     1   
3   2H   2 H   

2   3a 3a 
 a 2 g  H 3/ 2 1  1 
3   4H 4 H 
3/ 2 3/ 2
 a   a 
[Expanding 1   and 1   by binomial theorem and ignoring higher powers of
 2H   2H 
2   3a   2
 a 2g  H H     a 2gH = (area)  (vel. Of efflux)
3   2H  

12. A container of large uniform cross-sectional area holds two immiscible, non viscous and incompressible
liquids of densities  and 4  , each of height H/2. Determine, the position where a small hole be
punched, so that the heavier liquid comes out with a maximum range R, initially.
Solution: Let the hole be punched at a height h above the base level, so that the
heavier liquid gushes out of it.
First of all, let us find out the velocity of efflux. Applying Bernoulli’s
theorem between two points close to the hole one inside and the other
just outside the hole,
1 1
P1   v12  P2   v22
2 2
[Reduced form of Bernoulli’s equation for horizontal flow
H H  1
P0   g    h 4 g  P0  (4 )v2
2 2  2
[ v1  0; and the vessel is open to the atmosphere]
 g[ H / 2  2 H  4h]  2v 2
 1
v g (5 H  8h)
Now, since the vertical component of velocity of liquid is zero initially, so the time taken by it to reach the
ground is t  2h / g
2 h g (5 H  8h ) h (5 H  8 h )
Hence, R  vt  
g 4 2
Making the terms related to h, a perfect square, R can be written as
2 2
 5H   5H 
R    4 h  
 8   16 
2  5H  5H
For R to be maximum h  5H / 16 should be minimum. Evidently,  h   0; when h 
 16  min 16

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22


1. The vertical limbs of a U shaped tube are filled with a liquid of density  upto a height h on each side. The
horizontal portion of the U tube having length 2h contains a liquid of density 2. The U tube is moved
horizontally with an accelerator g/2 parallel to the horizontal arm. The difference in heights in liquid levels in
the two vertical limbs, at steady state will be
2h 8h 4h
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
7 7 7

2. A bucket contains water filled upto a height = 15 cm. The bucket is tied to a rope which is passed over a
frictionless light pulley and the other end of the rope is tied to a weight of mass which is half of that of the
(bucket + water). The water pressure above atmosphere pressure at the bottom is
(a) 0.5 kPa (b) 1 kPa (c) 5 kPa (d) None of these

3. A cone of radius R and height H, is hanging inside a liquid of density  by means of a

string as shown in the figure. The force, due to the liquid acting on the slant surface of
the cone is
(a)  gHR2 (b)  HR2
4 2
(c)  gHR2 (d)  gHR2
3 3

4. The area of cross-section of the wider tube shown in figure is 800 cm2. If a mass
of 12 kg is placed on the massless piston, the difference in heights h in the level of
water in the two tubes is :
(a) 10 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 15 cm (d) 2 cm

5. A fluid container is containing a liquid of density is accelerating upward with

acceleration a along the inclined place of inclination as shown. Then the angle of
inclination of free surface is :
 a   a  g sin  
(a) tan 1   (b) tan 1  
 g cos    g cos  
 a  g sin    a  g sin  
(c) tan 1   (d) tan 1  
 g(1  cos  )   g(1  cos  ) 

6. Figure shows a three arm tube in which a liquid is filled upto levels of
height l. It is now rotated at an angular frequency about an axis passing
through arm B. The angular frequency at which level of liquid in arm B
becomes zero is
2g g
(a) (b)
3l l
3g 3g
(c) (d)
l 2l

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

7. An open cubical tank was initially fully filled with water. When the tank was accelerated on a horizontal
plane along one of its side it was found that one third of volume of water spilled out. The acceleration was
(a) g/3 (b) 2g/3 (c) 3g/2 (d) None

8. Some liquid is filled in a cylindrical vessel of radius R. Let F1 be the force applied by the liquid on the bottom
of the cylinder. Now the same liquid is poured into a vessel of uniform square cross-section of side R. Let F2
be the force applied by the liquid on the bottom of this new vessel. Then:
(a) F1= F2 (b) F1 = (c) F1 = F2 (d) F1 = F2

9. A liquid of mass 1 kg is filled in a flask as shown in figure. The force exerted by the flask on
the liquid is (g = 10 m/s2) [Neglect atmospheric pressure]:
(a) 10 N (b) greater than 10N
(c) less than 10N (d) zero

10. A U – tube having horizontal arm of length 20 cm, has uniform cross-sectional area = 1cm2. It is filled with
water of volume 60 cc. What volume of a liquid of density 4 g/cc should be poured from one side into the U
– tube so that no water is left in the horizontal arm of the tube?
(a) 60 cc (b) 45 cc (c) 50 cc (d) 35 cc

11. The pressure at the bottom of a tank of water is 3P, where P is the atmospheric pressure. If the water is
drawn out till the level of water is lowered by one fifth, the pressure at the bottom of the tank will now be
(a) 2P (b) (13/5) P (c) (8/5) P (d) (4/5)P

12. An open-ended U-tube of uniform cross-sectional area contains water (density 1.0
gram/centimeter3) standing initially 20 centimeters from the bottom in each arm. An
immiscible liquid of density 4.0 grams/ centimeter3 is added to one arm until a layer 5
centimeters high forms, as shown in the figure above. What is the ratio h2/h1 of the
heights of the liquid in the two arms?
(a) 3/1 (b) 5/2 (c) 2/1 (d) 3/2

13. A heavy hollow cone of radius R and height h is placed on a horizontal table surface, with its flat base on the
table. The whole volume inside the cone is filled with water of density . The circular rim of the cone’s base
has a watertight seal with the table’s surface and the top apex of the cone has a small hole. Neglecting
atmospheric pressure find the total upward force exerted by water on the cone is
(a) (2/3)R2hg (b) (1/3)R2hg
(c)R2hg (d) None

14. Two cubes of size 1.0 m sides, one of relative density 0.60 and another of relative density = 1.15 are
connected by weightless wire and placed in a large tank of water. Under equilibrium, the lighter cube will
project above the water surface to a height of
(a) 50 cm (b) 25 cm (c) 10 cm (d) zero

15. A cubical piece of wood has dimensions a, b and c. Its relative density is d. It is floating in a large body of
water such that side a is vertical. It is pushed down a bit and released. The time period of SHM executed by it
abc g bc da
(a) 2  (b) 2 (c) 2  (d) 2
g da dg g

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

16. A dumbbell is placed in water of density . It is observed that by

attaching a mass m to the rod, the dumbbell floats with the rod
horizontal on the surface of water and each sphere exactly half
submerged as shown in the figure. The volume of the mass m is
negligible. The value of length l is
d(V  3M) d(V  2M)
(a) (b)
2(V  2M) 2(V  3M)
d(V  2M) d(V  2M)
(c) (d)
2(V  3M) 2(V  3M)

17. Two bodies having volumes V and 2V are suspended from the two arms of a common balance and they are
found to balance each other. If larger body is immersed in oil (density d1 = 0.9 gm/cm3) and the smaller
body is immersed in an unknown liquid, then the balance remain in equilibrium. The density of unknown
liquid is given by :
(a) 2.4 gm/cm3 (b) 1.8 gm/cm3 (c) 0.45 gm/cm3 (d) 2.7 gm/cm3

18. A container of large surface area is filled with liquid of density . A cubical block of side edge a and mass M is
floating in it with four-fifth of its volume submerged. If a coin of mass m is placed gently on the top surface
of the block is just submerged. M is
(a) 4m/5 (b) m/5 (c) 4m (d) 5m

19. A boy carries a fish in one hand and a bucket (not full) of water in the other hand. If he places the fish in the
bucket, then the weight now carried by him (assume that water does not spill):
(a) is less than before (b) is more than before
(c) is the same as before (d) depends upon his speed

20. A cork of density 0.5gcm3 floats on a calm swimming pool. The fraction of the cork’s volume which is under
water is
(a) 0% (b) 25% (c) 10% (d) 50%

21. Two cylinders of same cross-section and length L but made of two material of densities d1 and d2 are
cemented together to form a cylinder of length 2L. The combination floats in a liquid of density d with a
length L/2 above the surface of the liquid. If d1> d2 then:
3 d d
(a) d1> d (b) >d (c) >d (d) d < d1
4 2 1 4 1
22. A piece of steel has a weight W in air, W1 when completely immersed in water and W2 when completely
immersed in an unknown liquid. The relative density (specific gravity) of liquid is:
W  W1 W  W2 W1  W2 W1  W2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
W  W2 W  W1 W  W1 W  W2

23. A ball of relative density 0.8 falls into water from a height of 2m. The depth to which the ball will sink is
(neglect viscous forces):
(a) 8 m (b) 2 m (c) 6 m (d) 4 m

24. A small wooden ball of density  is immersed in water of density  to depth h and then released. The height
H above the surface of water up to which the ball will jump out of water is
h  
(a) (b)   1 h (c) h (d) zero
  

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

25. A hollow sphere of mass M and radius r is immersed in a tank of water (density w). The
sphere would float if it were set free. The sphere is tied to the bottom of the tank by two
wires which makes angle 45° with the horizontal as shown in the figure. The tension T1 in
the wire is:
4 3
 R w g  Mg
3 2
(a) (b)  R 3w g  Mg
2 3
 R 3w g  Mg 4
(c) 3 (d)  R 3w g  Mg
2 3
26. A metal ball of density 7800 kg/m3 is suspected to have a large number of cavities. It weighs 9.8 kg when
weighed directly on a balance and 1.5 kg less when immersed in water. The fraction by volume of the
cavities in the metal ball is approximately:
(a) 20 % (b) 30 % (c) 16 % (d) 11 %

27. A sphere of radius R and made of material of relative density  has a concentric cavity of radius r. It just
floats when placed in a tank full of water. The value of the ratio R/r will be
1/ 3 1/ 3 1/ 3 1/ 3
     1    1    1 
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
  1          1 

28. A body having volume V and density  is attached to the bottom of a container as shown.
Density of the liquid is d(>). Container has a constant upward acceleration a. Tension in
the string is
(a) V [Dg –  (g+a)] (b) V (g+a) (d – ) (c) V (d – ) g (d) none

29. A hollow cone floats with its axis vertical up to one-third of its height in a liquid of relative density 0.8 and
with its vertex submerged. When another liquid of relative density  is filled in it up to one-third of its
height, then cone floats up to half its vertical height. The height of the cone is 0.10 m and the radius of the
circular base is 0.05 m. The specific gravity  is given by
(a) 1.0 (b) 1.5 (c) 2.1 (d) 1.9

30. A beaker containing water is placed on the platform of a spring balance. The balance reads 1.5 kg. A stone of
mass 0.5 kg and density 500 kg/m3 is immersed in water without touching the walls of beaker. What will be
the balance reading now?
(a) 2 kg (b) 2.5 kg (c) 1 kg (d) 3 kg

31. There is a metal cube inside a block of ice which is floating on the surface of water. The ice
melts completely and metal falls in the water. Water level in the container
(a) Rises (b) Falls
(c) Remains same (d) Nothing can be concluded

32. A uniform solid cylinder of density 0.8 g/cm3 floats in equilibrium in a combination of two
non-mixing liquid A and B with its axis vertical. The densities of liquid A and B are 0.7 g/cm3
and 1.2 g/cm3. The height of liquid A is hA = 1.2 cm and the length of the part of cylinder
immersed in liquid B is hB = 0.8 cm. Then the length part of the cylinder in air is
(a) 0.21 cm (b) 0.25 cm (c) 0.35 cm (d) 0.4 cm

33. A cylindrical block of area of cross–section A and of material of density  is placed in a liquid of density one–
third of density of block. The block compresses a spring and compression in the spring is one–third of the
length of the block. If acceleration due to gravity is g, the spring constant of the spring is:
(a) Ag (b) 2Ag (c) 2Ag/3 (d) Ag/3
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

34. A rectangular tank is placed on a horizontal ground and is filled with water to a height H above the base. A
small hole is made on one vertical side at a depth D below the level of the water in the tank. The distance x
from the bottom of the tank at which the water jet from the tank will hit the ground is
(a) 2 D(H  D) (b) 2 DH (c) 2 D(H  D) (d) DH
35. A jet of water with cross section of 6 cm2 strikes a wall at an angle of 60° to the normal and rebounds
elastically from the wall without losing energy. If the velocity of the water in the jet is
12 m/s, the force acting on the wall is
(a) 0.864 N (b) 86.4 N (c) 72 N (d) 7.2 N
36. The cross sectional area of a horizontal tube increases along its length linearly, as we move in the direction
of flow. The variation of pressure, as we move along its length in the direction of flow (x-direction), is best
depicted by which of the following graphs

(a) (b) (c) (d)

37. A cylindrical tank of height 1 m and cross section area A = 4000 cm2 is initially empty when it is kept under a
tap of cross sectional area 1 cm2. Water starts flowing from the tap at t = 0, with a
speed = 2 m/s. There is a small hole in the base of the tank of cross-sectional area 0.5 cm2. The variation of
height of water in tank (in meters) with time t is best depicted by

(a) (b) (c) (d)

38. A cubical box of wine has a small spout located in one of the bottom corners. When
the box is full and placed on a level surface, opening the spout results in a flow of
wine with a initial speed of v0 (see figure). When the box is half empty, someone tilts
it at 45° so that the spout is at the lowest point (see figure). When the spout is
opened the wine will flow out with a speed of
(a) v0 (b) v0 2 (c) v0 2 (d) v0 2

39. Water is flowing steadily through a horizontal tube of non uniform cross-section. If the pressure of water is 4
× 104 N/m2 at a point where cross-section is 0.02 m2 and velocity of flow is 2 m/s, what is pressure at a point
where cross-section reduces to 0.01 m2.
(a) 1.4 × 104 N/m2 (b) 3.4 × 104 N/m2 (c) 2.4 × 10–4 N/m2 (d) none of these

40. A large tank is filled with water to a height H. A small hole is made at the base of the tank. It takes T1 time to
decrease the height of water to H  , (> 1) and it takes T2 time to take out the rest of water. If T1 = T2 ,
then the value of  is :
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 2 2

41. In the case of a fluid, Bernoulli’s theorem expresses the application of the principle of conservation of:
(a) linear momentum (b) energy (c) mass (d) angular momentum

42. Fountains usually seen in gardens are generated by a wide pipe with an enclosure at one end having many
small holes. Consider one such fountain which is produced by a pipe of internal diameter
2 cm in which water flows at a rate 3 ms-1. The enclosure has 100 holes each of diameter 0.05 cm. The
velocity of water coming out of the holes ids (in ms-1):
(a) 0.48 (b) 96 (c) 24 (d) 48
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

43. Water flows through a frictionless duct with a cross-section varying as

shown in figure. Pressure p at points along the axis is represented by

(a) (c) (c) (d)

44. A cylindrical vessel filled with water up to the height H becomes empty in time t0 due to a small hole at the
bottom of the vessel. If water is filled to a height 4H it will flow out in time
(a) t0 (b) 4t0 (c) 8t0 (d) 2t0

45. A cylindrical vessel open at the top is 20cm high and 10cm in diameter. A circular hole withcross-sectional
area 1 cm2 is cut at the centre of the bottom of the vessel. Water flows from a tube above it into the vessel
at the rate 100 cm3s-1. The height of water in the vessel under steady state is (Take g=1000 cms–2)
(c) 20 cm (b) 15 cm (c) 10 cm d) 5 cm

46. A fire hydrant delivers water of density  at a volume rate L. The water travels vertically
upward through the hydrant and then does 90° turn to emerge horizontally at speed V.
The pipe and nozzle have uniform cross section throughout. The force exerted by the
water on the corner of the hydrant is
(a) VL (b) zero (c) 2VL (d) 2VL

47. A vertical tank, opens at the top, is filled with a liquid and rests on a smooth horizontal surface. A small hole
is opened at the centre of one side of the tank. The area of cross-section of the tank is N times the area of
the hole, where N is a large number. Neglect mass of the tank itself. The initial acceleration of the tank is
g g g g
(A) (B) (c) (d)
2N 2N N 2 N
48. Two water pipes P and Q having diameters 2 ×10-2m and 4 ×10-2m respectively, are joined in series with the
main supply line of water. The velocity of water flowing in pipe P is
(a) 4 times that of Q (b) 2 times that of Q
(c)½ times of that of Q (d) ¼ times that of Q

49. Water flows into a cylindrical vessel of large cross-sectional area at a rate of 10–4 m3/s. It flows out from a
hole of area 10–4 m2, which has been punched through the base. How high does the water rise in the vessel?
(a) 0.075 m (b) 0.051 m (c) 0.031 m (d) 0.025 m

50. A tank is filled up to a height 2H with a liquid and is placed on a platform of height H from the ground. The
distance x from the ground where a small hole is punched to get the maximum range R is:
(a) H (b) 1.25 H (c) 1.5 H (d) 2 H

51. In a cylindrical vessel containing liquid of density , there are two holes in the side
walls at heights of h1 and h2 respectively such that the range of efflux at the bottom of
the vessel is same. The height of a hole, for which the range of efflux would be
maximum, will be
h 2  h1 h 2  h1
(a) h2 – h1 (b) h2 + h1 (c) (d)
2 2

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

52. A large tank is filled with water (density = 103 kg/m3). A small hole is made
at a depth 10 m below water surface. The range of water issuing out of the
hole is Ron ground. What extra pressure must be applied on the water
surface so that the range becomes 2R (take 1 atm = 105 Pa and g = 10 m/s2):
(a) 9 atm (b) 4 atm
(c) 5 atm (d) 3 atm

53. A water barrel stands on a table of height h. If a small hole is punched in the side of the barrel at its base, it is
found that the resultant stream of water strikes the ground at a horizontal distance R from the barrel. The
depth of water in the barrel is
R R2 R2 h
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 4h h 2
54. A cylindrical vessel of cross-sectional area 1000 cm2, is fitted with a frictionless piston of mass
10 kg, and filled with water completely. A small hole of cross-sectional area 10 mm2 is opened at a point 50
cm deep from the lower surface of the piston. The velocity of efflux from the hole will be
(a) 10.5 m/s (b) 3.4 m/s (c) 0.8 m/s (d) 0.2 m/s

55. A laminar stream is flowing vertically down from a tap of cross-section area 1 cm2. At a distance 10 cm below
the tap, the cross-section area of the stream has reduced to ½ cm2. The volumetric flow rate of water from
the tap must be about
(a) 2.2 litre/min (b) 4.9 litre/min (c) 0.5 litre/min (d) 7.6 litre/min

56. A horizontal right angle pipe bend has cross-sectional area = 10 cm2 and water flows through it at
speed = 20 m/s. The force on the pipe bend due to the turning of water is :
(a) 565.7 N (b) 400 N (c) 20 N (d) 282.8 N

57. A jet of water having velocity = 10 m/s and stream cross-section = 2 cm2 hits a flat plate perpendicularly,
with the water splashing out parallel to plate. The plate experiences a force of
(a) 40 N (b) 20 N (c) 8 N (d) 10 N

58. Equal volumes of two immiscible liquids of densities  and 2 are filled in a
vessel as shown in figure. Two small holes are punched at depth h/2 and 3h/2
from the surface of lighter liquid. If v1 and v2 are the velocities of a flux at these
two holes, then v1/v2 is :
1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 2 2 4 2
59. A horizontal pipe line carries water in a streamline flow. At a point along the tube where the cross-sectional
area is 10–2 m2, the water velocity is 2 ms–1 and the pressure is 8000 Pa. The pressure of water at another
point where the cross-sectional area is 0.5 × 10–2 m2is:
(a) 4000 Pa (b) 1000 Pa (c) 2000 Pa (d) 3000 Pa

60. Water is pumped from a depth of 10 m and delivered through a pipe of cross section 10–2m2. If it is needed
to deliver a volume of 10–1 m3 per second the power required will be:
(a) 10 kW (b) 9.8 kW (c) 15 kW (d) 4.9 kW

61. The three water filled tanks shown have the same volume and height. If small
identical holes are punched near this bottom, which one will be the first to get
(a) (i) (b) (ii)
(c) (iii) (d) All will take same time
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

1. A beaker is filled in with water is accelerated a m/s2 in +x direction. The surface of water shall make on angle
(a) tan–1(a/g) backwards (b) tan–1(a/g) forward
(c) cot–1(g/a) backwards (d) cot–1(g/a) forward
2. The vessel shown in the figure has two sections. The lower part is a rectangular vessel with
area of cross-section A and height h. The upper part is a conical vessel of height h with
base area ‘A’ and top area ‘a’ and the walls of the vessel are inclined at an angle 30° with
the vertical. A liquid of density  fills both the sections upto a height 2h. Neglecting
atmospheric pressure
(A  a)
(a) The force F exerted by the liquid on the base of the vessel is 2hg
(b) The pressure P at the base of the vessel is 2hg
(c)The weight of the liquid W is greater than the force exerted by the liquid on the base
(d) The walls of the vessel exert a downward force (F–W) on the liquid.
3. The weight of an empty balloon on a spring balance is w1. The weight becomes w2 when the balloon is filled
with air. Let the weight of the air itself be w .Neglect the thickness of the balloon when it is filled with air.
Also neglect the difference in the densities of air inside & outside the balloon. Then:
(a) w2 = w1 (b) w2 = w1 + w (c) w2< w1 + w (d) w2> w1

4. A cubical block of wood of edge 10cm and mass 0.92kg floats on a tank of water with oil of rel. density 0.6 to
a depth of 4cm above water. When the block attains equilibrium with four of its side’s edges vertical
(a) 1cm of it will be above the free surface of oil.
(b) 5cm of it will be under water.
(c) 2cm of it will be above the common surface of oil and water.
(d) 8cm of it will be under water.
5. The spring balance A reads 2 kg with a block m suspended from it. A balance B reads 5
kg when a beaker with liquid is put on the pan of the balance. The two balances are
now so arranged that the hanging mass is inside the liquid in the beaker as shown in
the figure in this situation:
(a) The balance A will read more than 2 kg
(b)The balance B will read more than 5 kg
(c)The balance A will read less than 2 kg and B will read more than 5 kg
(d) The balances A and B will read 2 kg and 5 kg respectively
6. A tank is filled upto a height h with a liquid and is placed on a platform of
height h from the ground. To get maximum range xm a small hole is punched at
a distance of y from the free surface of the liquid. Then
(a) xm = 2h (b) xm = 1.5 h
(c) y = h (d) y = 0.75 h

7. Water coming out of a horizontal tube at a speed  strikes normally a vertically

wall close to the mouth of the tube and falls down vertically after impact. When the speed of water is
increased to 2,
(a) The thrust exerted by the water on the wall will be doubled
(b) The thrust exerted by the water on the wall will be four times
(c)The energy lost per second by water strike up the wall will also be four times
(d) The energy lost per second by water striking the wall is increased eight times.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

8. A cylindrical vessel is filled with a liquid up to height H. A small hole is made in the
vessel at a distance y below the liquid surface as shown in figure. The liquid emerging
from the hole strike the ground at distance x
(a) if y is increased from zero to H, x will decrease and then increase
(b) x is maximum for y =
(c)The maximum value of x is
(d) The maximum value of x increases with the increases in density of the liquid

9. A steady flow of water passes along a horizontal tube from a wide section X to the
narrower section Y, see figure. Manometers are placed at P and Q at the sections.
Which of the statements A, B, C, D, E is most correct?
(a) Water velocity at X is greater than at Y
(b) The manometer at P shows lower pressure than at Q
(c)Kinetic energy per m3 of water at X = kinetic energy per m3 at Y
(d) The manometer at P shows greater pressure than at Y

Comprehension and Match the Column
Comprehension – I

Torricelli was the first to devise an experiment for measuring atmospheric pressure. He
took a calibrated hard glass tube, 1 m in length and of uniform cross section, closed at
one end. He filled the whole tube with dry mercury taking care that no air or water
droplets remain inside the tube, closed the opposite end of the tube tightly with thumb
and inverted mercury tube into a mercury trough, taking care that the end of the
remains inside the mercury rough. An interesting thing was noticed. Mercury in the
tube fell down at first and then stopped at a particular position. The height was 76
cm above the free surface of mercury in the trough. When the given tube was
inclined or lowered in the mercury trough, the vertical height of mercury level in the
tube was always found constant.
Torricelli explained this by saying that the mercury column is supported by the
atmospheric pressure acting on the free surface or mercury in the trough. Hence, the
hydrostatic pressure exerted by the vertical mercury column in the tube above free
surface of mercury in the trough measures the atmospheric pressure.
Read the paragraph carefully and answer the following questions:
1. If a small hole is made at point P in the barometer tube, then
(a) mercury will come out instantly form the hole
(b) mercury will come out of the tube after some time
(c) mercury will not come out of the hole.
(d) none of the above
2. If an additional hole is also made at P’ at the top point of the tube, then
(a) mercury will not come out of the tube.
(b) mercury may come out of the tube after some time
(c) mercury will come out of the tube instantly
(d) none of the above
3. If this experiment uses water instead of mercury, then
(a) length of water will be equal to 76 cm (b) length of water will be less than 76 cm
(c) length of water will be greater than 76 cm (d) none of the above

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

4. If the apparatus used in Torricelli experiment is kept in a chamber and all the air form the chamber is
pulled out, then
(a) level of mercury will decrease (b) level of mercury will increase
(c) level of mercury will drop down to zero (d) none of the above

5. In Torricelli’s experiment, the length of free space in tube us

(a) 76 m (b) 24 cm (c) none of the above (d) no information given.


6. Statement-1: When a body is inside a static liquid it experience is up by buoyancy force.

Statement-2: Pressure varies with depth in a static liquid.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True.; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statemtn-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

7. STATEMENT-1: Bernoulli’s theorem is conservation of energy.

STATEMENT-1: Mass flowing per second at every cross section in tube of flow
corresponding to incompressible liquid remains constant.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True.; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statemtn-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

8. STATEMENT-1: When a container containing a liquid accelerated horizontally buoyancy force is not vertical.
STATEMENT-2: Pressure also varies horizontally when container is accelerated horizontally.
(A) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True.; Statement-2 is a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(B) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is True; Statement-2 is NOT a correct explanation for Statement-1.
(C) Statement-1 is True, Statement-2 is False.
(D) Statemtn-1 is False, Statement-2 is True.

1. A liquid mixture of volume V has two liquids as its ingredients with densities 1 and  2 respectively. If the
density of the mixture be  , then, what are the masses of each ingredients?

2. When equal volumes of two metals are mixed together, the specific gravity of the alloy is 4. But when equal
masses of the same two metals are mixed together, the specific gravity of the alloy is 3. Find the specific
gravity of each metal separately.

3. A horizontal passage 40 cm  40 cm has its outlet covered by a plane flap inclined at 60 with the horizontal
and is hinged along the upper horizontal edge of the passage. If the depth of the water be 20 cm in the
passage, determine the thrust on the gate.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

4. A vertical cylindrical vessel fitted with a thin long tube at its centre, contains
water to a total height of 30 cm. Find the thrust due to hydrostatic pressure,
on the (i) base (ii) vertical sides and (iii) top face of the cylinder. (g = 10 ms – 2 )
 
(Thrust =  )

5. Figure shows a pot of base diameter 10 cm and filled with water upto a height
of 50 cm, and volume 10 liters. Find the resultant force exerted by water on
the sides of the pot.
5 2 2
Atmospheric Pressure = 1.0 10 Nm ; g  10 ms .

6. Three immiscible liquids are filled in a square tube kept in a vertical plane. The
three liquids are in equilibrium and their densities are in arithmetic
progression. What fraction of the side of the tube does liquid A occupy, in the
vertical column?

7. A simple accelerometer can be made in the form of a uniform tube filled

with a liquid and bent as shown in figure. The instrument is fitted in a
carriage, moving with acceleration ‘a’. Determine the value of ‘a’.

8. A vertical U-tube of uniform cross section contains mercury in both arms. A glycerin column of length 10 cm
is introduced in one of the arms and oil is poured into the other arm until the upper surface of the oil and
glycerin are at the same level. Determine the height of the oil column. Sp. Gravity of mercury = 13.6; sp.
Gravity of glycerin = 1.3 and that of oil = 0.8.

9. A uniform tube closed at one end contains mercury and is immersed vertically in a bath containing mercury.
In equilibrium, 50 cm length of the tube projects out of mercury and the height of mercury column within
the tube is 46 cm. If 20 cm length of the tube released, what will be the height of mercury column in it?
10. A vertical cylindrical vessel contains water, which is rotated about its axis with a speed of 120 rpm. If the
diameter of the cylinder be 10 cm then find the difference in elevation of water level between the sides and
the centre.

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

111. A vertical cylindrical vessel of diameter 20 cm and height 100 cm

contains water to half its volume. It is given a uniform rotation,
about its axis, so that the water level at the centre is at a height of 25
cm above the base. What is the rotational speed of the cylinder, the
height of the level at the periphery and the equation of the water
surface, referred to the coordinate axes as shown in figure?

12. An iron cube of edge 10 cm is placed gently in mercury. Find the volume of mercury displaced by the cube.
Sp. Gravity of iron = 7.8 and that of mercury = 13.6.

13. A cubical block of wood 10 cm along each side floats at the interface between an oil and a water column
with its lower surface 2 cm below the interface. If the depths of oil & water layers be 10 cm each & density
of oil be 800kg m .
(a) What is the mass of the block?
(b) What is the gauge pressure at the lower surface of the block?

14. An object is suspended from a spring balance. The balance registers 60 N is air, 40 N when the object is
immersed in water and 45 N, when immersed in oil. Determine the density of ‘
(a) the solid and (b) the oil.

15. A stick of uniform cross-section area, length 3 m and relative density 0.4 is hinged, to one of its ends at a
point 1 m deep inside water. When a weight of 600 g is suspended at the other end, it rests in equilibrium
making an angle of 60 with the vertical. Determine the cross-section area of the stick.

16. In the above problem, determine the up thrust acting on the stick and also the
direction and magnitude of the reaction at the hinge.

17. Figure given shows a uniform rod OA of length l hinged at Owithin a liquid, at a
point H distance below the free surface. The density of the liquid of the liquid
changes with the height (h) above the point O as    0 (k  h) where  0 and k
are positive constants. If the rod rests in equilibrium making an angle  with the
vertical, determine the density of the material of the rod.

18. A venturimeter is to be filled to a25 cm diameter pipe, in which the maximum flow is 7200 liters per minute
and the pressure head is 6 m of water. What is the minimum diameter of throat, so that there is no negative
head in it?

19. In a venturimeter experiment, the diameter at entrance and throat are 9.5 cm and 3 cm respectively. The
mercury manometer shows a difference in level of 12 cm. Determine the flow of oil (Specific gravity 0.9)

20. A wide vertical vessel filled with water has two small holes, each of area 4 cm on the opposite sides. If the
level difference between the holes be 1 m and water is filled above the higher hole, what is the resultant

thrust due to outflow of water acting on the vessel? g  10 ms

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Window to IIT-JEE

1. A container of large uniform cross-sectional area A resting on a horizontal

surface, holds two immiscible, non-viscous and incompressible liquids of
densities d and 2d , each of height H / 2 as shown in figure. The lower
density liquid is open to the atmosphere having pressure P0 .
(a) A homogeneous solid cylinder of length L( L  H / 2) , cross-sectional
H/2 d
area A / 5 is immersed such that it floats with its axis vertical at the
liquid-liquid interface with length L / 4 in the denser liquid. Determine:
(i) the density D of the solid H/2 2d h
(ii) the total pressure at the bottom of the container.

(b) The cylinder is removed and the original arrangement is restored. A tiny hole of area s ( s  A) is
punched on the vertical side of the container at a height h(h  H / 2) . Determine:
(i) the initial speed of efflux of the liquid at the hole.
(ii) the horizontal distance x traveled by the liquid initially, and
(iii) the height hm at which the hole should be punched so that the liquid travels the maximum
distance xm initially. Also calculate xm . (Neglect the air resistance in these calculations.) [IIT 1995]

2. A thin rod of length L and uniform cross-section is pivoted at

its lowest point P inside a stationary homogeneous and non- d1
viscous liquid. The rod is free to rotate in a vertical plane about
a horizontal axis passing through P . The density d1 of the d2

material of the rod is smaller than the density d2 of the liquid. P

The rod is displaced by small angle  from its equilibrium
position and then released. Show that the motion of the rod is
simple harmonic and determine its angular frequency in terms
of the given parameters.

[IIT 1996]

3. A wooden stick of length L , radius R and density  has a small metal piece of mass m (of negligible volume)
attached to its one end. Find the minimum value for the mass m (in terms of given parameters) that would
make the stick float vertically in equilibrium in a liquid of density ( ) . [IIT 1999]

A uniform solid cylinder of density 0.8 g/cm3 floats in equilibrium in a combination of

4. air
two non-mixing liquids A and B with its axis vertical. The densities of the liquids A h
and B are 0.7 g/cm3 and 1.2 g/cm3 respectively. The height of liquid A is hA  1.2
A hA
cm, the length of the part of the cylinder immersed in liquid B is hB = 0.8 cm.
(a) Find the total force exerted by liquid A on the cylinder. B hB
(b) Find h , the length of the part of the cylinder in air.
(c) The cylinder is depressed in such a way that its top surface is just below the
upper surface of liquid A and is then released. Find the acceleration of the
cylinder immediately after it is released.
[IIT 2002]

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

5. A solid sphere of radius R is floating in a liquid of density  with half of its volume submerged. If the sphere
is slightly pushed and released, it starts performing simple harmonic motion. Find the frequency of these
oscillations. [IIT 2004]

6. A U-shaped tube contains a liquid of density  and it is rotated about the line as shown in the figure. Find
the difference in the levels of liquid column. [IIT 2005]

7. Water is filled in a cylindrical container to a height of 3 m . The ratio of the

cross- sectional area of the orifice and the beaker is 0.1 . The square of the

speed of the liquid coming out from the orifice is g  10 m s 2 
[IIT 2005]

(a) 50m s2 (b) 50.5m
s2 (c) 51m
s2 (d) 52m

8. Water is filled up to a height h in a beaker of radius R as shown in the figure. The

density of water is  , the surface tension of water is T and the atmospheric pressure is
p0 . Consider a vertical section ABCD of the water column through a diameter of the
beaker. The force on water on one side of this section by water on the other side of this
section has magnitude. [IIT 2007]

(a) 2 p 0 Rh   R 2  gh  2 RT (b) 2 p0 Rh  R  gh 2  2 RT

(c) p0 R 2  R  gh 2  2 RT (d) p0 R 2  R  gh 2  2 RT

Passage Based Problem

Passage # 1

A wooden cylinder of diameter 4r , height h and density  3 is kept on a hole

of diameter 2 r of a tank, filled with liquid of density  as shown in the figure.

9. Now level of the liquid starts decreasing slowly. When the level of liquid is at a height h1 above the cylinder
the block starts moving up. At what value of h1 , will the block rise? [IIT 2006]
(a) 4h 9 (b) 5h 9 (c) (d) Remains same
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

10. The block in the above question is maintained at the position by external means and the level of liquid is
lowered. The height h2 when this external force reduces to zero is [IIT 2006]

4h 5h 2h
(a) (b) (c) remains same (d)
9 9 3

11. If height h2 of water level is further decreased, then [IIT 2006]

(a) cylinder will not move up and remains at its original position
(b) for h2  h 3 , cylinder again starts moving up
(c) for h2  h 4 , cylinder again starts moving up
(d) for h2  h 5 , cylinder again starts moving up

Assertion and Reason

(a) It Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is the correct explanation for Statement I
(b) If Statement I is true, Statement II is true; Statement II is not a correct explanation for Statement I
(c) If Statement I is true; Statement II is false
(d) If Statement I is false; Statement II is true
12. Statement I: The stream of water flowing at high speed from a garden hose pipe tends to spread like a
fountain when held vertically, but tends to narrow down when held vertically down.

Statement II: In any steady flow of an incompressible fluid, the volume flow rate of the fluid remains
constant. [IIT 2008]

13. A cylindrical vessel of height 500 mm has an orifice (small hole) at its bottom. The orifice is initially closed
and water is filled in it upto height H. Now the top is completely sealed with a cap and the orifice at the
bottom is opened. Some water comes out from the orifice and the water level in the vessel becomes steady
with height of water column being 200 mm. Find the fall in height (in mm) of water level due to opening of
the orifice.

5 2 3 2
(Take atmospheric pressure  1.0 10 Nm , density of water  1000kgm and g  10ms . Neglect any
effect of surface tension) [IIT 2009]

14. A ball is made of a material of density  , where oil    water with oil and water representing the
densities of oil and water, respectively. The oil and water are immiscible. If the above ball is in
equilibrium in a mixture of this oil and water, which of the following pictures represents its
equilibrium position?
(a) (b) (c) (d)

(AIEEE 2010)

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

15. Water is flowing continuously from a tap having an internal diameter 8 103 m . The water velocity
as it levels the tap is 0.4 ms–1. The diameter of the water stream at a distance 2 101 m below the tap
is close to
(a) 5.0 103 m (b) 7.5 103 m (c) 9.6 103 m (d) 3.6 103 m
(AIEEE 2011)

16. A uniform cylinder of length L and mass M having cross sectional area A is suspended, with its
length vertical, from a fixed point by a massless spring, such that it is half submerged in a liquid of
density  at equilibrium position. The extension x0 of the spring when it is in equilibrium is
Mg  La  Mg  La  Mg  La  Mg
(a)  1  (b)  1  (c)  1  (d)
k  M  k  2M  k  M  k
(JEE Main 2013)

17. An open glass tube is immersed in mercury in such a way that a length of 8 cm extends above the
mercury level. The open end of the tube is then closed and sealed and the tube is raised vertically up by
additional 46 cm. What will be length of the air column above mercury in the tube now?
(Atmospheric pressure = 76 cm of Hg)
(a) 38 cm (b) 6 cm (c) 16 cm (d) 22 cm
(JEE Main 2014)

18. There is a circular tube in a vertical plane. Two liquids which do not mix and of densities d1and d2
are filled in the tube. Each liquid subtend 900 angle at centre. Radius joining their interface makes an
angle  with vertical. Ratio d1 d 2 is

1  tan  1  sin  1  sin  1  cos 

(a) (b) (c) (d)
1  tan  1  cos  1  sin  1  cos 
(JEE Main 2014)

19. On heating water, bubbles being formed at the bottom of the vessel detach and rise. Take the bubbles
to be spheres of radius R and making a circular contact of radius r with the bottom of the vessel. If r
<< R and the surface tension of water is T, the value of r just before bubbles detach is (density of
water is w )

w g 3w g w g w g
(a) R 2 (b) R 2 (c) R 2 (d) R 2
T T 6T 3T
(JEE Main 2014)
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22


Single Choice

1. A thin uniform cylinder shell, closed at both ends, is partially filled with water. It is floating
vertically in water in half – submerged state. If c is the relative density of the shell with respect to
water, then the correct statement is that the shell is
(a) More than half – filled if c is less than 0.5
(b) More than half – filled c is more than 1.0
(c) half – filled if c is more than 0.5
(d) less than half – filled if c is less than 0.5
(IIT–JEE 2012)

Multiple Choice

2. Two solid spheres and of equal volumes but of different densities and are connected by a string.
They are fully immersed in a fluid of density. They get arranged into an equilibrium state as shown
in the figure with a tension in the spring. The arrangement is possible only if

(a) dA  dF (b) dB  dF (c) dA  dF (d) d A  d B  2dF

(IIT-JEE 2011)

3. A solid sphere of radius R and density  is attached to one end of a mass–less spring of force
constant k.
The other end of the spring is connected to another solid sphere of radius R and density 3 . The
complete arrangement is placed in a liquid of density 2 and is allowed to reach equilibrium. The
correct statement(s) is (are)
4R 3g
(a) the net elongation of the spring is
8R 3g
(b) the net elongation of the spring is
(c) the light sphere is partially submerged
(d) the light sphere is completely submerged
(IIT-JEE 2013)

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

Passage – I
A small spherical monoatomic ideal gas bubble    5 3 is trapped inside a liquid of density 1
(seefigure). Assume that the bubble does not exchange any heat with the liquid. The bubble contains
n moles of gas. The temperature of the gas when the bubble is at the bottom is T0, the height of the
liquid is H and the atmospheric pressure is P0 (neglect surface tension). (IIT–JEE 2008)

4. As the bubble moves upwards, beside the buoyancy force, the following forces are acting on it.
(a) Only the force of gravity
(b) The force due to gravity and the force due to the pressure of the liquid
(c) The force due to gravity, the force due to the pressure of the liquid and the force due to viscosity
of the liquid
(d) The force due to gravity and the force due to viscosity of the liquid

5. When the gas bubble is at height y from the bottom, its temperature is
25 25
 P  l gH   P  l g  H  y  
(a) T0  0  (b) T0  0 
 P0  l gy   P0  l gy 
35 35
 P  l gH   P  l g  H  y  
(c) T0  0  (d) T0  0 
 P0  l gy   P0  l gy 

6. The buoyancy force acting on the gas bubble is (assume R is the universal gas constant)
 P  l gH 
(a) l nRgT0 0 (b)
l nRgT0
75 75
 P0  l gy   P0  l gH 
 P0  l g  H  y   
 
 P  l gH 
(c) l nRgT0 0 (d)
l nRgT0
85 25
 P0  l gy   P0  l gH 
 P0  l g  H  y   
 

A spray gun is shown in the figure where a piston pushes air out of a nozzle. A thin tube of uniform
cross section is connected to the nozzle. The other end of the tube is in a small liquid container. As
the piston pushes air through the nozzle, the liquid from the container rises into the nozzle and is
sprayed out. For the spray gun shown, the radii of the piston and the nozzle are 20 mm and 1 mm
respectively. The upper end of the container is open to the atmosphere.

(JEE Advanced 2014)

7. If the piston is pushed at a speed of 5 mms–1, the air comes out of the nozzle with a speed of
(a) 0.1 ms–1 (b) 1 ms–1 (c) 2 ms–1 (d) 8 ms–1
Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

8. If the density of air is a and that of the liquid l , then for a given piston speed the rate (volume per
unit time) at which the liquid is sprayed will be proportional to
a l
(a) (b) a l (c) (d) l
l a

Matrix match
9. A person in a lift is holding a water jar, which has a small hole at the lower end of its side. When the
lift is at rest, the water jet coming out of the hole hits the floor of the lift at a distance d of 1.2 m from
the person. In the following, state of the lift's motion is List I and the distance where the
water jet hits the floor of the lift is given in List II. Match the statements from List I with those in
List II and select the correct answer using the code given below the lists.
P. Lift is accelerating vertically up. 1. d = 1.2 m
Q. Lift is accelerating vertically down with an 2. d > 1.2 m
acceleration less than the gravitational acceleration.
R. Lift is moving vertically up with constant speed. 3. d < 1.2 m
S. Lift is falling freely. 4. No water leaks out of
the jar

(a) P–2, Q –3, R–2, S–4 (b) P–2, Q–3,R–1,S–4
(c) P–1, Q–1, R–1, S–4 (d) P–2, Q–3, R–1, S–1
(JEE Advanced 2014)

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22



1. b 2. b 3. d 4. c 5. b 6. c 7. b
8. d 9. a 10. d 11. b 12. c 13. a 14. b
15. d 16. b 17. b 18. c 19. c 20.d 21. a
22. b 23. a 24. b 25. a 26.c 27. a 28. b
29. d 30. b 31. b 32. b 33. b 34. a 35. b
36. a 37. c 38. d 39. b 40. c 41. b 42. d
43. a 44. d 45. d 46. d 47. c 48. a 49. b
50. c 51. d 52. d 53. b 54. b 55. b 56. a
57. b 58.d 59. c 60. c 61. a

1. a,c 2. d 3. a,c 4. c,d 5. b,c 6. a,c 7. b,d
8. b 9. d
Comprehension – I

1. c 2. b 3. c 4. c 5. b

6. a 7. b 8. a

V (  2 ) V (  1 )
1. ; 2. 2 and 6 3.90.53 N
(1  2 / 1 ) (1  1 / 2 )

4. (i) 94.29 N (ii) 157.14 N (iii) 60.34 N 5.60.714 N downwards

3  h2  h1  g
6.0.5 7. a  8. 9.6 cm
( h2  3h1 )

9.61.642 cm 10.2 cm 11. 31.32 rad s – 1 ; 75 cm ; y = 50x2 + 0.25 m

12. 573.53 cc 13. (a)840 gm ; (b)9800 dyne cm -2 14.(a) 3000kgm–3(b) 750kgm–3

2 0 H 2
15. 90cm 16. 176.40N ; 64.68N vertically down 17. (3k  2 H )
3l 2 cos 2 
18.11.72 cm 19. 4.24 lit/sec 20. 8 N

Fluid Mechanics & Properties of Matter Rg-Phy. XII-2020-22

dg (6 H  L)
1. (a) (i) D  5 / 4 d (ii) P  P0 
(d) (i) V  (3H  4h) g / 2 (ii) x  h(3H  4h)
(ii) hm  , xm  3 / 4H
3 g (d 2  d1 )
2. w 3. m  R2 L  
2d1 L
4. (a) net force zero (b) h = 025 cm (c) a = g/6.
5. (a) 6. (b)

1 3g 2 L2
7. f  . 8. H 
2 2R 2g
9. (c) 10. (a) 11. (a) 12. (a) 13. 6 14. (b) 15. (d) 16. (b)

17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (None)


1. (d) 2. (abd) 3. (ad) 4. (d) 5. (b)

6. (b) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (c)


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