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I Department of Humanities &'Education

Islamic Studies & Ethics

Course Outline

Course: Islamic Studies and Ethics

Course Code: HU- 124

Credit Hours: 02

Faculty of Social Sciences

Air University, Islamabad
I Course: lamic and Ethics

Code: HII-124
Credit Hours: 02


Department of Humanities & Education

Faculty of Social Sciences

Aif universitY
Course Code: HU-121
Credit Hours: 0 2
Academic Year 2023-2 024

Course DescriPtion:
knowledge and guidance of the
Islam is a religion of peace and harmony for all humanity based on
Holy Quran and Sunnah of the Holy prophet (blessings and peace be upon him)'
The basic teachings
the vision and
of Islam are comprehensive, practicable and universal. This course briefly presents
and Sunnah
applied aspects of ethical life in accordance with the teachings of the Quran

Course Objectives

a To instruct students about the fundamentals of Islam, it's intellectual, scientific, spiritual &
cultural history in addition to the ethical teachings with intra-faith and inter-faith harmony,
respect, and tolerance in today's multi-cultural world'
a To develop the critical thinking in students so that they apply it with high moral conduct
in all
spheres of life as individuals especially in their profession'
To comprehend the sole purpose of Shariah and its role for the betterment of society and
success of human beings.

Course Content:

o Faith and Religious Life: study of selected verses (Surah Baqara Verse 284'286 Al-Mu'minun
verse 1-1 1)
o Concept of Jihad
o Ethics and protocols of war in Islam

. Holy Prophet (PBUH) as a role model

o Study of verses related to Adab e Nabavi (Surah Hujurat verse 1 to 5)
. Surah Ahzab (verse 6,21,40,56,57)
o Seal of the Prophecy: Constitutional status of Qadiyaniat & Minorities Rights

Hazratluqman (A.S) & his advice for moral training of children: Study of Surah Luqman

Verses 12-19
o Surah Hujrat Verses 6-18
t Surah Furqan Verses 63-77


Significance of critical thinking (surah Hashar verses 19-21)

Role of Muslim intellectuals in Science and Education
Imam Ghazah (R.A)
Allama Muhammad Iqbal (R.A)
Ibn'e Rushd
Ibn'a Sina

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Week 7: Muslim Societies 111"

o Atheism
a Materialism
a Identity Crisis (Feminism, gender equality)

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o Concept of Ilm ul lhsan
o Essence of Spirit-uality: Excellence in vgrtical and horizontal Relations

Surah no Surah Name

I At- Cow verse 284
t7 Al-Isrii / Bani Israel (The Night Journey) verses 23-37

23 Al -Momin6n (The Believers) verses L-11

25 Al-FurqIn (The Criterion) verses 63'77

31 Al- Luqmiin (Hazrat Luqman) verses t2-19

33 Surah AhzEb The verses ", 4 5 f,/

49 AI- r-at Chambers verses L-18
59 Al-Hashar The verses 18-21
100 The Cha
101 At-Qfiria (The Calamity', The Stunning Blow, The Disaster )

102 Al-Takiithur In Wo Increase, Com

103 Al-Asr (The Declining Day , Eventide, The Epoch)
104 Al-Humaza (The ) The

105 Al-FIl (The Elephant)

107 Al-MEn Have You

108 Al-Kaiither dance, Plenty)

109 Al-Kilfiroon (Th r)

110 Al-Nasr (Succor, Divine SuPPort)

111 Al- Lahab (Palm Fibre, The Flame)

112 Al-Ikhliis
113 Al-Falaq (The Daybreak, Dan'n)

tL4 Al-Niis

a (verse 23-,
a Improving four quotients to respond the challenges of life
Intelligence Quotient
Emotional Quotient
Adversity Quotient
1V Social Quotient

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Circulation of wealth, Institution of Zakat, Trade, Law of Inheritance

Business Ethics
Lawlul and unlawful Earning

o Current Issues and Islam

o Constitution of Medina and World Constitutions
o Human Rights: An ethical study
o Economic Problems
o Quran and Modem Science
o Mysticism
o Comparative Study of any related topic
. Reading Research Articles
o BookReviews/Seminars
o Research Assignments
a Islam on Peace and Conflict Resolution
a Practical and Functional Manners in Islam
a Community service /social work/Blood Donation/Visit & Support to Orphanages/Old Homes
a \-isits to state institutions

Islamic Studies and Ethics Course Learning Outcomes

PLOs: Program Learning Objectives CLOs: Course Learning Objectives

CLO Statement PLO Domain and
No. Level

Identify the basic teachings of Islam substantiated in the
PLO.8 C1
Quran and Sunnah.
Express the integration and significance of religious
2 beliefs and practices for positioning a society in the C2
constructive level.
Apply and analyze the knowledge of'
3 Islam with a view to develop ethical values in society PLO-8 C3
and organization.
PLOs and CLOs Association



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Criteria Qualify

Excellent Average Poor

Task fulfillment The assignment Student present the The assignment fails to identify
and timely teachings of research content up to Function, rnain points and steps as
Islam related

submission .the satisfaclory level requffeo.

Content research topic with of quality and
relevance, references from quantity as
clarity Quran and Sunnah. instruction .



Criteria Quality
Excellent' Average Poor

Comprehension Excellent Student performs at Student lacks

and clarity of Student covers all portions of satisfaclory level in comprehension,
concepts along question in a well-versed cornprehension and relevance and authentic
with sound mannel. authentic knowledge. knowledge' will in this
knowledge Or Student chooses correct category.


Criteria Quality

Excellent A-verage Poor

Folloriing the Meeting the standards Meeting some of the Meeting a few standards as set
benchmarks as as required in letter and standards as set by by the teacher at the time/
given by the spirit by the teacher at the teacher at the time inability to respond as desired.
teacher concerned above average level. in a satisfactory
at the time fashion.

Reference Material & Book(s):

Sayyid Tahir Rasul Qadri:52 Duroos e Quran (Islamic Research Academy Karachi, 7th ed)
Muhammad Shafi:Maarif ul Quran ( Dar-ul-lsha'at KARACHI.2000)
Seyyed Ameer Ali:Spirit of Islam.
Ehsan Masood:Science and Islam
Muhammad Al-Ghazali: Muslim's Character (Latest Edition)
Hameedullah: Emergence of Islam
Hameedullah: Introduction to lslam.
A.S. Bukhari & M.D Zafar:lslamic Education, Latest Edition
HaroonYahya: The Quranic Miracles.
Hussain Hamid Hasan:An Introduction to the study of Islamic Law(Leaf Publication
Islamabad, Latest Edition)
o Mirakor,Atbas; Askari,Hoisein:' Id6al Islamie economy.

Online Sources:

. Online Catalogue I llUI

Instructional Tools and Evaluation Methods:
several evaluation methods that include homework, class
quizzgs, Q/A sessions, assignments, mid-term, and finaf exa{ninations-

Course Assessment and Evaluation z l00o/o

Class partic ipationl Assignments t0%

Project/ Presentation
Nazra Quiz (Presentation)
Mid Term Examination
Final Examination 45%

Dr ( Assistant Professor) Mr. Tariq Ejaz (Assistant professor)

Ms. Samina Batool Shah( Assistant Professor)

Mr. Muhammad Yasar (Lecturer)

External Reviewer: Prof Dr Mustafeez Ahmed Alvi

Chair Departrnent of Islamic thought & Culture

NUML Is,lamabad

Approved By:
Dr Sultan
Chair Department Dean of L

Humanities & Education I


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