Physics Module - 3

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S. No. Chapter Page No.

1. Impulse and Momentum 01-36

2. Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion 37-128

3. Thermal Properties of Matter 129-188

4. Thermodynamics 189-230

5. Kinetic Theory of Gases 231-278



Topic Name Page No.

 Theory 1 –12

 Solved Example 12–25

 Multiple Choice Questions 26–35

 Exercise-# 26–29

 Assertion & Reasoning 30 –30

 Previous Years Questions 31–35

 Answer Key 36–36

& Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

The event or the process, in which two bodies either coming in contact with each other or due to mutual
interaction at distance apart, affect each other motion (velocity, momentum, energy or direction of motion)
is defined as a collision.
Changes during collision/ Impact:
(a) During impact each of the colliding bodies experiences a strong force, hence during impact each of
the bodies changes its momentum, but as a whole, the total momentum of the system does not
(b) Impact is practically followed by emission of light, sound, heat etc. Therefore, during an impact or
collision, the mechanical energy of the system does not remain constant whereas the total energy of
the system remains unchanged.
(c) In ideal case of collision such as collision between gas molecules, atoms, electrons etc., the K.E. of
the system of colliding particles remains constant before and after the impact. This type of collision
is known as perfectly elastic collision. Remember that, during collision, the K.E. of the particles
changes due to large impulsive force.
(d) In some collisions, the K.E. of the system changes. This type of collision cannot be called as
perfectly elastic.
(e) For perfectly elastic collision, the K.E. of the system at the beginning and at the end of the impact
must remain constant, but not during the impact.
(f) If the colliding particles/bodies stick together, they move together with same velocity. This type of
collision is known as perfectly inelastic collision. In this process sometimes K.E. is lost completely.
For example, in dropping a stone into mud, the stone loses its total K.E. Some times, K.E. is
fractionally lost, for example, the collision of a bullet with a hanging target.
(g) Relative velocity of the bodies just after the collision ( velocity of separation) may or may not be
equal to that before the collision along the line of impact ( velocity of approach)

Insight into collision v >v 1 2

Consider two balls moving as shown in the figure. v v 1 2
If v1> v2, both the balls will eventually collide. Just at the instant
of collision the point of contact A has a larger velocity (v1) compared
v v
to the contact point B. Let us assume that the two bodies interact 1 1

(remain in contact) for a small time Δt, for this period points A and B
must move through equal distance. This is possible only if the contact
point gets deformed.
The deformation is maximum when the two balls have equal velocities. A fraction of total kinetic energy
gets converted into elastic potential energy. If the balls are made of elastic material, they regain their
original shape and gets separated with changed velocities. During the entire process both the ball keep on
pushing each other, as a result of which, the velocity of first ball decreases from v1 and that of second ball
increases from v2. If the balls regain their original shape, the entire elastic potential energy is converted back
to kinetic energy. Remember that we are neglecting energy loss on account of heat developed, noise
produced etc.
If the material of the bodies are perfectly inelastic, they continue to move with the deformed shape. In this
case both the bodies have a common velocity (when their deformation is maximum) and they move together.
Collision is said to be perfectly inelastic in this case.

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
For partially inelastic material, the deformed body tries to regain its shape but is capable of achieving it
partially. Some kinetic energy is still lost and remains in form of elastic potential energy.
Classification of collisions :
(1) On the basis of direction :
(a) One-dimensional collision, Head on collision or Direct collision
Collision in which the particles move along the same straight line before and after the collision.
(b) Two dimensional collision or Oblique collision
Collision in which the particle move in the same plane at different angles before and after collision
(2) On the basis of conservation of kinetic energy
(a) Elastic collision
Collision in which total K.E. before and after the collision remains the same.
(b) In-elastic collision
Collision in which total K.E. before and after collision does not remain the same.
(c) Perfectly inelastic collision
Collision in which particles get stick together after the collision. Loss of energy is maximum.
Line of impact :
The line of impact is the line along which the impulsive force acts on the bodies or the impact takes
Locating line of impact :
Step 1: Let two bodies 1 and 2 collide. First of all find the point of contact just before the collision.
Step 2: Draw a straight line passing through the point of contact of the bodies along the surface of
collision. This is known as the common tangent to the surfaces in contact.
Step 3: After drawing the tangent, draw a normal to the tangent at that point. This normal line is known
as line of impact.

Newton’s law of collision:

Let (v12)n = component of relative velocity just after collision along line of impact (called velocity of
(u12)n = component of relative velocity just before collision along line of impact (called velocity of
According to Newton’s law of collision when two bodies collide, the relative velocity after the impact
bears a constant ratio with the relative velocity before impact along the line of impact. This constant
ratio is known as coefficient of restitution for the impact, denoted by ‘e’.
(v12)n= - e (u12)n
Where e = coefficient of restitution for collision.
Note :
(a) e is a dimensionless quantity, is independent of shape and mass of object but depends on
the material. It has constant value for a given pair of objects.
(b) e = 1 : Collision is elastic

e=0 : collision is perfectly inelastic

0 < e < 1 : collision is inelastic
(c) Definition of e can be applied only a long line of impact

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
4.6 Velocity of approach and Velocity of separation in common situations:
u1 u2
(a) V1 V2

Before Collision
After Collision
Velocity of Approach
 u1  u 2 velocity of sepration
 v 2  v1
u1 u2
u1 u2

Before Collision
Velocity of Approach Before Collision
 u1  u 2 Velocity of Approach
 u1  u 2

(c) u1

wedge v2

Before Collision

Velocity of Approach After Collision
Velocity Of Separation
= u1
v1  v 2 s i n 

u1 u1
(d) (e)

 u2

Before Collision 
Velocity of Approach Velocity Of Approach
 u1 sin   u1 cos   u 2 sin 
 v1

(f) 

v2 

Velocity of separation Velocity of separation

 v1 cos   v2  v1 cos   v2 sin 

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Analysis of collision
(1) Head on collision
(a) Velocities after collision: Two bodies of mass m1 and m2 moving uni -directionally collide such

that their relative velocity is along the line of impact. Let the velocities before the collision be u1 and
  
u2 and that just after the collision be v1 and v2 respectively. Assume that the direction of motion of
the bodies remains the same just before and after the collision.
Conserving the linear momentum along the line of impact we obtain
   
m1 u1  m2 u 2  m1 v1  m2 v 2
Since all the momenta are unidirectional
 m1u1  m2u2  m1v1  m2v2 ……(1)
Newton’s experiment law yields

 v1  v2 
 u1  u2 
 v1  v2  e  u2  u1  .......(2)
Solving equations (1) and (2)
We obtain,
 m1  em2  u  m2 1  e  u m1 1  e   m  em1  u
v1  and v2  u1  2 2
 m1  m2  1  m1  m2  2 m1  m2 m1  m2
Note : Take proper sign for u1 and u2 .
(b) Impulse of Bodies :
The linear momentum delivered to the 2nd ball= Impulse of the 1st ball on the 2nd ball & vice versa.
 Impulse   P1  P2

 m1v1  m1u1  m2 v2  m2u2

Putting the obtained values of v1 and v2 we obtain same result, numerically given as
 1  e  u1  u2 
m1  m2
= µ( 1 + e) urel
µ = reduced mass = m1 m2/(m1 + m2 )
urel = Velocity of approach
e  coefficient of restitution for collision

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Illustration : A ball of mass m collides with a stationary ball with a speedv0. Find the impulse of the
colliding balls .  e  1 2 

Solution: Impulse  1  e  u1  u2 
m1  m2
Putting m1  m2 , e  1 2, u1  v0 , u2  0 , we obtain
Impulse = 3mv0 /4

(c) Loss of K.E. in collision

Rewriting the momentum equation
m1v1  m2v2  m1u1  m2u2 …….(1)
From Newton’s experimental law,
v2  v1  e  u1  u2  ……..(2)

Square of (1)  m1m2 square of (2) yields

 m1v1  m2v2 2  m1m2  v2  v1 2   m1u1  m2u2 2  m1m2 e  u1  u2 
   
 m12  m1m2 v12  m22  m1m2 v12   m1u1  m2u2   e2 m1m2  u1  u2 
2 2

  2 2

  m1  m2  m1v12  m2 v22   m1u1  m2u2   m1m2  u1  u2  1  1  e 

  m1  m2   m1v12  m2v22   m2u1  m2u2   m1m2  u1  u2   m1m2 1  e   u1  u2 
2 2 2 2

  m1  m2   m1v12  m2 v22    m1  m2   m1u12  m2u 22   m1m2 1  e2   u1  u2 


Dividing both sides by  m1  m2  and rearranging the terms, we obtain

 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2  1 m1m2
 m1v1  m2v2    m1u1  m2u2     .
 2 2  2 2  2 m1  m2
1  e2  u1  u2 
 
1 m1m2 1 m1m2
 KE final  KEinitial  
2 m1  m2
 
1  e 2  u1  u2 
 KE  
2 m1  m2
 
1  e2  u1  u2 

KE  
 urel 
1  e2 
Where   reduced mass and urel is velocity of approach
Since KE is negative the kinetic energy is lost as heat, light, sound etc.

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Illustration :
(i) Find the loss of KE of the two particles of mass m1  3 kg & m2  6 kg , moving towards each
other with speed u1  5 m s , u2  10 m s respectively. The coefficient of restitution for collision of
the particles is e  0.5 .
Using the derived expression c

KE  
2  m1  m2 

ur2 1  e2 
where ur  u1  u2 since the particles are approaching towards each other
 KE 
2  m1  m2 
 u1  u2 2 1  e 2 
 3 6  5  10 2 1  0.5 2  3 675
       225  J  169 J
2  3  6 4 4
(ii) Find the loss of kinetic energy of the system during collision if the particles are moving
1 m1m2 2
KE 
2 m1  m2
vr 1  e 2 
If they are unidirectional, the velocity of approach has the magnitude of
 3 6
u1  u2  5  10  5 m sec  K .E  2
 5 2 1  1 2 2  75 4 J  
(d) Perfectly elastic collision
Putting e  1 , we obtain,
 m  m2   2m2   2m1   m2  m1 
v1   1  u1    u2 and v2    u1    u2
 m1  m2   m1  m2   m1  m2   m1  m2 
2m1 m2
 Impulse   u1  u2  and KE  0
m1  m2
(a) When one of the bodies is at rest, say m2 is at rest putting u2  0 , we obtain
 m  m2   2m1 
v1   1  u1 & v2    u1
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
(b) If the bodies are identical ( same mass ) putting m1  m2 we obtain
v1  u2 & v2  u1
That means the bodies exchange their momenta. If one of them, say m2 is at rest, just after
collision m2 will move with same velocity as that of m1 & m1 will be at rest.

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(c) If one of bodies, say m2 , is very massive, putting  0 we obtain
v1  u1  2u2 & v2  u2

(i) If u2  0 then v1  u1 & u2  0

That means the lighter mass gets reflected back with approximately same speed.
Example- Elastic collision of ball and earth. The ball recoils back with same speed whereas the motion of
earth remains unchanged. Therefore recoiling of earth is hardly experienced with collision of any
object with it.
(ii) If u1  0 , the lighter particle is at rest and the heavier particle moves with speed u2 , then putting
u1  0 we obtain v1  2u2 , v2  u2
That means, the lighter particle moves along the direction of motion of the massive particle with double the
speed of the incident(massive) particles, whereas the velocity of the massive particle remains unchanged
(e) Kinetic energy delivered by an incident particle to a stationary particle in elastic collision
The K.E. lost by the incident particle is equal to the K.E. delivered by it to the second particle or
K.E. gained by the 2nd particle.
nd st
 K.E. delivered =K.E. received by the 2 particle from the 1 particle.
  KE   m2v22
Putting v2  u1 u2  0  we obtain
m1  m2

1 4m12m2 2  KE1 4m1m2

 KE 1  u1  
2  m1  m2  KE1  m2  m2 2
 Fraction of energy lost by the particle 1   
 m1  m2 2
Note:  is maximum when m1  m2

 is minimum when m2  
In perfectly elastic collision the (total) change of KE of the system  0   KE  0
(f) Loss of Kinetic energy in perfectly inelastic collision:
Putting e  0 , we obtain
m1 m2 m1 m2
v1  u1  u2 and v2  u1  u2
m1  m2 m1  m2 m1  m2 m1  m2
 Impulse   u1  u2 
m1  m2
Since v1  v2 the particles move together with the same velocity; one sticks to the other.

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When the second particle  m2  is stationary v1  u1  V2
m1  m2
Loss of K.E. of the system, ΔK.E = m1 u12 /2 - (m1 +m2 )v2 /2 , where v = v1 = v2
= ( m1 u12 /2){ m2 /(m1 +m2 ) }
Fractional loss in K.E. of the system = { m2 /(m1 +m2 )}
(2) Oblique Collision :
In this type of collision the relative velocity of approach of the bodies doesn’t coincide with the line
of impact.
Let u1, u2 are velocities before collision and v1 , v2 are velocities after collision.
Conserving the linear momentum of the system along and perpendicular to the line of impact (due to
absence of any other external impulsive force) we obtain
m1 u1 cos 1  m2 u2 cos  2  m1v1 cos 1  m2 v2 cos  2 …….(1)

& m1 u1 sin 1  m2u2 sin  2  m1v1 sin 1  m2v2 sin  2

Since no force is acting on m1 & m2 along the tangent, the
individual momentum of m1 and m2 remains conserved.
 m1u1 sin 1  m1v1 sin 1 … (2)
& m2u2 sin  2  m2 v2 sin  2 … (3)
Newton’s experimental Law: Along the line of impact
v1 cos 1  v2 cos  2
e … (4)
u1 cos 1  u2 cos  2
Now we have four equations and four unknowns v1 , v2 , 1 and  2 .
Solving four equations for four unknown we obtain

v1 cos 1 
 m1  em2  u1 cos1  m2 1  e  u2 cos2 … (5)
m1  m2
m1 1  e  u1 cos 1   m2  em1  u2 cos 2
& v2 cos 2   v1   v1 sin 1 2   v1 cos 1 2
m1  m2
v1 sin 1  v sin 1 
& tan 1   1  tan 1  1 
v1 cos 1  v1 cos 1 
[Put v1 sin  from (2) and v1 cos 1 from (5)]. Similarly v2 and  2 can be calculated.
Impulse = µ(1+e) urel  1  e u1 cos 1  u2 cos 2 
m1  m2
Energy loss = µ(1-e2 )urel2 /2 
2  m1  m2 
 
1  e2  u1 cos 1  u 2 cos  2 

Here urel = velocity of approach along the line of impact.

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(3) Oblique collision on a fixed horizontal plane:
Let a small ball collides with a smooth horizontal floor with a speed u at
an angle  to vertical as shown in the figure. Just after the collision let the
ball leave the floor with a speed v at an angle  to vertical.
It is quite clear that line of impact is perpendicular to the floor. Therefore,
the impact takes place along the (normal) vertical. Now we can use
Newton’s experimental law as
velocity of separation
e  e  velocity of approach   velocity of separation
velocity appraoch

 
 e  u cos    ˆj    v cos    ˆj  
v cos   e u cos  …(a)
Since impulsive force acts on the body along the normal we can conserve the horizontal momentum
of the body.
(a) Velocity after collision
  Px body  Constant   Px initial   Px  final

 m u sin   mv sin   v sin   u sin  ……(b)

 a 2   b 2  v2 cos2   v2 sin 2   e2u 2 cos2   u 2 sin 2 

 v2  u 2 e2 cos2   sin 2    v  u sin 2   e2 cos 2 
 
v cos  eu cos
 a   b    cot   e cot     cot 1  e cot  
u sin  u sin 
(b) Impulse
Impulse of the collision = change of momentum of the body

  
 mv sin  iˆ   mv cos   ˆj  mu sin  iˆ  mu cos ˆj 
 Impulse  m  v sin   u sin   iˆ  m  v cos   u cos   ˆj

Since v sin   u sin   Impulse  m  v cos   u cos   ˆj

Putting v cos   e u cos  from eq(a) we obtain

Impulse  m 1  e  u cos  ˆj
 Magnitude of the impulse =m( 1 + e) u cosθ
(c) Loss of kinetic energy
1 2 1
K .E.  mv  m u 2
2 2
Putting the value of v we obtain

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1   
2  

 m   u sin   e cos    u 2 
2 2 2

1 1
 m u 2 sin 2   e 2 cos 2   1   mu 2 cos 2   e 2 cos 2  
2   2  
 
K .E   1  e 2 mu 2 cos 2   ve sign indicates the loss of K.E.
 Suppose a ball is a projected with speed u at an angle  with horizontal. It collides at some
distance with a wall parallel to y-axis as shown in figur e. Let v x and v y be the components of its
velocity along x and y dir ections at the time of impact with wall. Coefficient of r estitution between
the ball and the wall is e. Component of its velocity along y-dir ection (common tangent) v y will
remain unchanged while component of its velocity along x -dir ection (common nor mally) v x will
v v y

become ev x is opposite dir ection. v y


u y

 x

Further, since v y does not change due to collision, the time of flight (time taken by the ball to
return to the same level) and maximum height attained by the ball will r emain same as it would had
been in the absence of collision with the wall. E D

O  F C 
tOAB = tCD + tDEF and hA = hE

Illustration : A particle is thrown with velocity v at an angle θ with the horizontal as shown in
the figure. If the coefficient of restitution between the particle and the floor is e
and the floor is smooth, find
(a) the total time of flight and
(b) the total horizontal distance covered before the particle stops bouncing.
Solution: After first impact, let v 1 and  1 be the velocity and angle of rebound, as shown in
the figure.
Now v 1 cos  1 = v cos
v 1 sin 1 = ev sin  v v1
Similarly, after second impact  1
v 2 cos  2 = v 1 cos  1

v 2 sin 2 = ev 1 sin 1 and so on.

(a) The total time of flight is
2v sin  2v1 sin1  2v2 sin2 
T   ...
g g g
2v sin 
T [1  e  e 2 ...]
2v sin 
or g (1  e )

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(b) The total horizontal distance is

2v 2 sin  cos  2v12 sin 1 cos 1 2v22 sin  2 cos  2
R   ...
g g g
2v 2 sin  cos 
R [1  e  e 2 ...]
v 2 sin 2 
g (1  e)

Illustration : A particle falls from a height h upon a fixed horizontal plane. If e be the
coefficient of restitution,
(i) show that the total distance described befor e the particle has stopped rebounding
 1  e2 
is h 
 1  e2 
 
 1  e  2h
(ii) Show that the particle stopped r ebounding after time t equal to  
1 e  g
Solution : (i) When the particle reaches the horizontal plane, its velocity just before first rebound
v0  2 gh
Let the velocity after first rebound be v 1 h
From our definition of coefficient of restitution, v1 h2

velocity of separation
we have e
velocity of separation
or e or v 1 = ev 0
Hence, the particle travels to a height h 1 given by

e202 e2  2 gh
12  2gh1 or h1    e2 h
2g 2g
The particle comes down by h 1 to have the second rebound. At the time the particle is
just to the hit the floor for second time, its velocity is again v 1 . Hence, its upward
velocity after second is v 2 = ev 1 e2v0.

Height attained is h2   e4 h
Theoretically, this goes on continuing for infinite number of times. Hence, t otal distance
travelled is
H = h + 2h 1 + 2 h 2 + .... or, H = h + 2e 2 h + 2e 4 h + 2e 6 h + ...

2 1   1  e2 
= h + 2he 2 ( 1 + e 2 + e 4 + ...)  h  2he    h  2
 1  e2  1  e 
 

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(ii) Time taken by the particle to fall through h is t0  2 h g

2h1 2h
Time taken to go up through h1 and then come down is t1  2  2 e
g g
2h 2
Similarly, t2  2 e
    Total time of motion is
2h 2h 2h 2 2h 2h
T 2 e2 e  ...  2 e 1  e  .....
g g g g g
2h 1  e 

g 1  e 



Example 1. n small balls each of mass m impinge elastically each second on a surface with velocity u.
The force experienced by the surface will be
(a) mnu (b) 2 mnu (c) 4 mnu (d) mnu
Solution : (b) As the ball rebounds with same velocity therefore change in velocity = 2u and the mass
colliding with the surface per second = nm
Force experienced by the surface F  m  F = 2 mnu.
Example 2. A particle of mass m moving with horizontal speed 6 m/sec. If m<<M then for one
dimensional elastic collision, the speed of lighter particle after collision will be
(a) 2 m/sec in original direction
(b) 2 m/sec opposite to the original direction
(c) 4 m/sec opposite to the original direction
(d) 4 m/sec in original direction

 m  m2  2m2u2
Solution : (a) v1   1  u1  M
 m1  m2  m1  m2 m

Substituting m1 = 0, v1  u1  2u2 u1 = 6 m/s u2 = 4 m/s

 v1   6  2(4)  2m/s

i.e. the lighter particle will move in original direction with the speed of 2 m/s.

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Example 3. A body of mass m moving with velocity v makes a head-on collision with another body of mass
2m which is initially at rest. The loss of kinetic energy of the colliding body (mass m) is
1 1
(a) of its initial kinetic energy (b) of its initial kinetic energy
2 9
8 1
(c) of its initial kinetic energy (d) of its initial kinetic energy
9 4
Solution : (c) Loss of kinetic energy of the colliding body
2 2 2
K  m  m2   m  2m  1
 1  1   1    1  
K  m1  m2   m  2m   3

 1 8 8
K  1   K  K  Loss of kinetic energy is of its initial kinetic energy.
 9 9 9
Example 4. A ball of mass m moving with velocity V, makes a head on elastic collision with a ball of the
same mass moving with velocity 2V towards it. Taking direction of V as positive velocities of
the two balls after collision are
(a) – V and 2V (b) 2V and – V (c) V and – 2V (d) – 2V and V
Solution : (d) Initial velocities of balls are +V and – 2V respectively and we know that for given condition
velocities get interchanged after collision. So the velocities of two balls after collision are –
2V and V respectively.
Example 5. Consider the following statements
Assertion (A) : In an elastic collision of two billiard balls, the total kinetic energy is
conserved during the short time of collision of the balls (i.e., when they are in contact)
Reason (R) : Energy spent against friction does not follow the law of conservation of energy
of these statements
(a) Both A and R are true and the R is a correct explanation of A
(b) Both A and R are true but the R is not a correct explanation of the A
(c) A is true but the R is false
(d) Both A and R are false
Solution : (d) (i) When they are in contact some part of kinetic energy may convert in potential energy so it
is not conserved during the short time of collision. (ii) Law of conservation of energy is
always true.
Example 6. A big ball of mass M, moving with velocity u strikes a small ball of mass m, which is at rest.
Finally small ball attains velocity u and big ball v. Then what is the value of v
M m m 2m M
(a) u (b) u (c) u (d) u
M m M m M m M m
 m  m2   M m
Solution : (a) From the standard equation v1   1  u1   u .
 m1  m2  M m
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Example 7. A car of mass 400kg and travelling at 72 kmph crashes into a truck of mass 4000kg and
travelling at 9 kmph, in the same direction. The car bounces back at a speed of 18 kmph. The
speed of the truck after the impact is
(a) 9 kmph (b) 18 kmph (c) 27 kmph (d) 36 kmph
Solution : (b) By the law of conservation of linear momentum m1u1  m2u2  m1v1  m2 v2
 400  72  4000  9  400  (18)  4000  v2  v2  18 km / h .
Example 8. A smooth sphere of mass M moving with velocity u directly collides elastically with another
sphere of mass m at rest. After collision their final velocities are V and v respectively. The
value of v is
2uM 2um 2u 2u
(a) (b) (c) (d)
m M m M
1 1
M m
 m  m1  2m1u1
Solution : (c) Final velocity of the target v2   2  u2 
 m1  m2  m1  m2

2 Mu 2u
As initially target is at rest so by substituting u2  0 we get v2   .
M  m 1 m
Example 9. A sphere of mass 0.1 kg is attached to a cord of 1m length. Starting from the height of its
point of suspension this sphere hits a block of same mass at rest on a frictionless table, If the
impact is elastic, then the kinetic energy of the block after the collision is
(a) 1 J m

(b) 10 J
(c) 0.1 J
m m
(d) 0.5 J
Solution : (a) As two blocks are of same mass and the collision is perfectly elastic therefore their velocities
gets interchanged i.e. the block A comes into rest and complete kinetic energy transferred to
block B.
Now kinetic energy of block B after collision = Kinetic energy of block A before collision
= Potential energy of block A at the original height = mgh = 0.1  10  1 = 1 J.
Example 10. A ball moving horizontally with speed v strikes the bob of a simple pendulum at rest. The
mass of the bob is equal to that of the ball. If the collision is elastic the bob will rise to a
v2 v2 v2 v2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
g 2g 4g 8g
Solution : (b) Total kinetic energy of the ball will transfer to the bob of simple pendulum. Let it rises to

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height ‘h’ by the law of conservation of energy.
1 2
mv  mgh

v2 m
 h v h
2g m m

Example 11. A moving body with a mass m1 strikes a stationary body of mass m2. The masses m1 and m2
should be in the ratio 1 so as to decrease the velocity of the first body 1.5 times assuming a
perfectly elastic impact. Then the ratio 1 is
(a) 1/ 25 (b) 1/5 (c) 5 (d) 25

 m  m2  2m2u2  m  m2   u 
Solution : (c) v1   1  u1   1  u1 [As u2 = 0 and  v1  1  given]
 m1  m2  m1  m2  m1  m2   1.5 

u1  m1  m2  m1
   u1  m1  m2  1.5(m1  m2 )   5.
1.5  m1  m2  m2
Example 12. Six identical balls are lined in a straight groove made on a horizontal frictionless surface as
shown. Two similar balls each moving with a velocity v collide with the row of 6 balls from
left. What will happen


(a) One ball from the right rolls out with a speed 2v and the remaining balls will remain at
(b) Two balls from the right roll out with speed v each and the remaining balls will remain
(c) All the six balls in the row will roll out with speed v/6 each and the two colliding balls
will come to rest
(d) The colliding balls will come to rest and no ball rolls out from right
Solution : (b) Only this condition satisfies the law of conservation of linear momentum.
Example 13. A moving mass of 8 kg collides elastically with a stationary mass of 2 kg. If E be the initial
kinetic energy of the mass, the kinetic energy left with it after collision will be
(a) 0.80 E (b) 0.64 E (c) 0.36 E (d) 0.08 E
K  m1  m2 
Solution : (c) Kinetic energy retained by projectile  
K  m1  m2 
82 9
 K    E = E  0.36 E .
82 25
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Example 14. A neutron travelling with a velocity v and K.E. E collides perfectly elastically head on with
the nucleus of an atom of mass number A at rest. The fraction of total energy retained by
neutron is
2 2 2 2
 A 1   A 1  A 1   A 1
(a)   (b)   (c)   (d)  
 A 1  A 1   A   A 
K  m1  m2 
Solution : (a) Fraction of kinetic energy retained by projectile  
K  m1  m2 
Mass of neutron (m1) = 1 and Mass of atom (m2) = A
2 2
K  1  A   A 1 
   or   .
K  1 A   A 1
Example 15. A neutron with 0.6MeV kinetic energy directly collides with a stationary carbon nucleus
(mass number 12). The kinetic energy of carbon nucleus after the collision is
(a) 1.7 MeV (b) 0.17 MeV (c) 17 MeV (d) Zero
K   m1  m2  
Solution : (b) Kinetic energy transferred to stationary target (carbon nucleus)  1    
K   m1  m2  
 
K   1  12    121  48 48
 1      1     K   (0.6MeV )  0.17 MeV .
K   1  12    169  169 169
Example 16. A body of mass m moving along a straight line collides with a body of mass nm which is also
moving with a velocity kv in the same direction. If the first body comes to rest after the
collision, then the velocity of second body after the collision would be
nv nv (1  nk )v (1  nk )v
(a) (b) (c) (d)
(1  nk ) (1  nk ) n n
Solution : (d) Initial momentum = mv  nm(kv ) and final momentum  0  nmV
By the conservation of momentum, mv  nm(kv)  0  nmV
(1  nk )v
 v  nkv  nV  nV  (1  nk )v  V 
Example 17. Which one of the following statement does not hold good when two balls of masses m1 and
m2 undergo elastic collision
(a) When m1  m2 and m2 at rest, there will be maximum transfer of momentum
(b) When m1  m2 and m2 at rest, after collision the ball of mass m2 moves with four times
the velocity of m1
(c) When m1  m2 and m2 at rest, there will be maximum transfer of kinetic energy
(d) When collision is oblique and m2 at rest with m1  m2 , after collision the balls move in
opposite directions
Solution :(b,d) We know that transfer of momentum will be maximum when target is massive and transfer of
kinetic energy will be maximum when target and projectile are having same mass. It means
statement (a) and (c) are correct, but statement (b) and (d) are incorrect because when target
is very light, then after collision it will move with double the velocity of projectile and when
collision is oblique and m2 at rest with m1  m2 , after collision the ball move perpendicular to
each other.

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Example 18. A ball moving with velocity of 9m / s collides with another similar stationary ball. After the
collision both the balls move in directions making an angle of 30o with the initial direction.
After the collision their speed will be
(a) 2.6m / s (b) 5.2m / s (c) 0.52m / s (d) 52m / s
Solution : (b) Initial horizontal momentum of the system = m  9
Final horizontal momentum of the system = 2mv
m v
cos 30o
m m 30o
According to law of conservation of momentum, 30o
9 m/s
At rest
m  9 = 2mv cos 30o m v

 v = 5.2 m/s
Example 19. A ball of mass 1kg , moving with a velocity of 0.4m / s collides with another stationary ball.
After the collision, the first ball moves with a velocity of 0.3m / s in a direction making an
angle of 90o with its initial direction. The momentum of second ball after collision will be (in
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.3 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.7
Solution : (c) Let second ball moves with momentum P making an angle  from the horizontal (as shown in
the figure).
By the conservation of horizontal momentum 0.3 m/s
1 0.4  P cos  ......(i) 1 kg
1 kg
0.4 m/s
By the conservation of vertical momentum 0.3 
Before collision
= P sin  ......(ii) 
From (i) and (ii) we get P = 0.5 kg-m/s
Example 20. Keeping the principle of conservation of momentum in mind which of the following collision
diagram is not correct
M1 M2

 
(a) M1 M2  (b) M1 M2 

M2 M1

(c) M1 M2  (d) 90o
M2 M1 M2 M2

Solution : (d) In this condition the final resultant momentum makes some angle with x-axis. Which is not
possible because initial momentum is along the x-axis and according to law of conservation
of momentum initial and final momentum should be equal in magnitude and direction both.

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Example 21. Three particles A, B and C of equal mass are moving with the same velocity v along the
medians of an equilateral triangle. These particle collide at the centre G of triangle. After
collision A becomes stationary, B retraces its path with velocity v then the magnitude and
direction of velocity of C will be
(a) v and opposite to B C
(b) v and in the direction of A
(c) v and in the direction of C v
(d) v and in the direction of B A

Solution : (d) From the figure (I) it is clear that before collision initial momentum of the system = 0
After the collision, A becomes stationary, B retraces its path with velocity v. Let C moves
with velocity V making an angle  from the horizontal. As the initial momentum of the
system is zero, therefore horizontal and vertical momentum after the collision should also be
equal to zero.
mv mv
120o V

120o 120o 
C 30o
mv v

From figure (II) Horizontal momentum v cos   v cos 30o  0 …..(i)

Vertical momentum v sin   v sin 30  0 …..(ii)
By solving (i) and (ii) we get   30 and V = v i.e. the C will move with velocity v in the
direction of B.

Example 22. A ball B1 of mass M moving northwards with velocity v collides elastically with another ball
B2 of samce mass but moving eastwards with the same velocity v. Which of the following
statements will be true
(a) B1 comes to rest but B2 moves with velocity 2v
(b) B1 moves with velocity 2v but B2 comes to rest
(c) Both move with velocity v / 2 in north east direction
(d) B1 moves eastwards and B2 moves north wards
Solution : (d) Horizontal momentum and vertical momentum both should remain conserve before and after
collision. This is possible only for the (d) option.

Example 23. A body of mass 40kg having velocity 4m / s collides with another body of mass 60kg
having velocity 2m / s . If the collision is inelastic, then loss in kinetic energy will be
(a) 440 J (b) 392 J (c) 48 J (d) 144 J
Solution : (c) Loss of K.E. in inelastic collision
1 m1m2 1 40  60 1 2400
K  (u1  u2 ) 2  (4  2) 2  4  48 J.
2 (m1  m2 ) 2 (40  60) 2 100

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Example 24. One sphere collides with another sphere of same mass at rest inelastically. If the value of
coefficient of restitution is , the ratio of their speeds after collision shall be
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 2 : 1 (c) 1 : 3 (d) 3 : 1
v 1  e 1  1/ 2 1/ 2 1
Solution : (c) 1     .
v2 1  e 1  1/ 2 3 / 2 3
Example 25. The ratio of masses of two balls is 2 : 1 and before collision the ratio of their velocities is 1 :
2 in mutually opposite direction. After collision each ball moves in an opposite direction to
its initial direction. If e = (5/6), the ratio of speed of each ball before and after collision
would be
(a) (5/6) times (b) Equal (c) Not related
(d) Double for the first ball and half for the second ball
Solution : (a) Let masses of the two ball are 2m and m, and their speeds are u and 2u respectively.

2m m 2m m

u1 = u u2 = 2u v1 v2

Before collision After collision

   
By conservation of momentum m1 u1  m2 u 2  m1 v1  m2 v 2
 2mu  2mu  mv2  2mv1  v2 = 2v1
 
(v 2  v1 ) (2v1  v1 ) 3v1 v1 5 5
Coefficient of restitution =         [As e  given]
( u 2  u1 ) (2u  u ) 3u u 6 6
v 5
 1   ratio of the speed of first ball before and after collision.
u1 6
Similarly we can calculate the ratio of second ball before and after collision,
v2 2v1 v1 5
   .
u2 2u u 6
Example 26. Two identical billiard balls are in contact on a table. A third identical ball strikes them
symmetrically and come to rest after impact. The coefficient of restitution is
2 1 1 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 3 6 2
r 1
Solution : (a) sin      = 30o c
2r 2
From conservation of linear momentum v
mu  2mv cos 30o or v u

Relative velocity of separation
Now e  in common normal
Relative velocity of approach v

v u/ 3 2
Hence, e  o
 
u cos 30 u 3/2 3
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Example 27. A body of mass 3kg , moving with a speed of 4ms , collides head on with a stationary body
of mass 2kg . Their relative velocity of separation after the collision is 2ms 1 . Then
(a) The coefficient of restitution is 0.5
(b) The impulse of the collision is 7.2 N-s
(c) The loss of kinetic energy due to collision is 3.6 J
(d) The loss of kinetic energy due to collision is 7.2 J
Solution: (a,b,c). m1  3kg , m2  2kg , u1  4m/s , u2  0

Relative velocity of approach u1  u2  4m/s

Relative velocity of separation v2  v1  2m/s (given)

relative velocity of separation 2 1
Coefficient of restitution e     0.5
relative velocity of approach 4 2
1 m1m2 2 2 1 3 2   1   2
Loss in kinetic energy  (1  e) (u1  u2 )  1   (4)  7.2 J
2 m1  m2 2 3  2   2  

 m  em2   (1  e) m2 
Final velocity of m1 mass, v1   1  u1    u2
 m1  m2   m1  m2 
(3  0.5  2) 8
  4  0  m/s
3 2 5
Impulse of collision = change in momentum of mass m1 (or m2)
8 24
= m1v1 – m1u1  3   3  4   12  4.8  12  7.2 N- s .
5 5
Example 28. Two cars of same mass are moving with same speed v on two different roads inclined at an
angle  with each other, as shown in the figure. At the junction of these roads the two cars
collide in elastically and move simultaneously with the same speed. The speed of these cars
would be

(a) v cos
2 m

v v
(b) cos  
2 v
v 
(c) cos m
2 2
(d) 2v cos 
 
Solution : (a) Initial horizontal momentum of the system  mv cos  mv cos .
2 2
If after the collision cars move with common velocity V then final horizontal momentum of the
system = 2mV.
  
By the law of conservation of momentum, 2mV  mv cos  mv cos  V  v cos .
2 2 2
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Example 29. The change of momentum in each ball of mass 60gm , moving in opposite directions with
speeds 4m / s collide and rebound with the same speed, is
(a) 0.98 kg-m / s (b) 0.73 kg-m / s
(c) 0.48 kg-m / s (d) 0.22kg-m / s
Solution : (c) Momentum before collision = mv, Momentum after collision = – mv
 Change in momentum  2mv  2  60  103  4  480  103 kg-m/s  0.48 kg -m/s

Example 30. A body falling from a height of 20m rebounds from hard floor. If it loses 20% energy in the
impact, then coefficient of restitution is
(a) 0.89 (b) 0.56 (c) 0.23 (d) 0.18
Solution : (a) It loses 20% energy in impact and only 80% energy remains with the ball
So ball will rise upto height h2  80% of h1   20  16 m
h2 16
Now coefficient of restitution e    0.8  0.89.
h1 20

Example 31. A rubber ball is dropped from a height of 5m on a planet where the acceleration due to
gravity is not known. On bouncing, it rises to 1.8m . The ball loses its velocity on bouncing
by a factor of
(a) 16/25 (b) 2/5 (c) 3/5 (d) 9/25
Solution : (c) If ball falls from height h1, then it collides with ground with speed
v1  2 gh1 …..(i)
and if it rebound with velocity v2, then it goes upto height h2 from ground,
v2  2 gh2 …..(ii)
v2 2 gh2 h 1.8 9 3
From (i) and (ii)   2    .
v1 2 gh1 h1 5 25 5

Example 32. Which of the following is not a perfectly inelastic collision

(a) Striking of two glass balls (b) A bullet striking a bag of sand
(c) An electron captured by a proton (d) A man jumping onto a moving cart
Solution : (a) For perfectly elastic collision relative velocity of separation should be zero i.e. the colliding
body should move together with common velocity.

Example 33. A metal ball of mass 2kg moving with a velocity of 36km / h has an head-on collision with a
stationary ball of mass 3kg . If after the collision, the two balls move together, the loss in
kinetic energy due to collision is
(a) 40J (b) 60J (c) 100J (d) 140J
1 m1m2 1 2 3
Solution : (b) Loss in kinetic energy K  (u1  u2 )2  (10  0)2  60 J .
2 m1  m2 2 23

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Example 34. A mass of 20kg moving with a speed of 10m / s collides with another stationary mass of 5
kg. As a result of the collision, the two masses stick together. The kinetic energy of the
composite mass will be
(a) 600 J (b) 800 J (c) 1000 J (d) 1200 J
Solution : (b) By conservation of momentum m1u1  m2u2  (m1  m2 )V
m1u1  m2u2 20 10  5  0
Velocity of composite mass V    8 m/s
m1  m2 20  5
1 1
 Kinetic energy of composite mass  (m1  m2 )V 2  (20  5)  82  800 J .
2 2

Example 35. A neutron having mass of 1.67  1027 kg and moving at 108 m / s collides with a deutron at
rest and sticks to it. If the mass of the deutron is 3.34  10 27 kg ; the speed of the combination
(a) 2.56 103 m / s (b) 2.98 105 m / s
(c) 3.33 107 m / s (d) 5.01109 m / s
Solution : (c) m1  1.67  1027 kg , u1  108 m/s , m2  3.34 10 27 kg and u2  0
m1u1  m2u2 1.67  1027  108  0
Speed of the combination V   27 27
 3.33  107 m/s.
m1  m2 1.67 10  3.34  10
Example 36. A particle of mass m moving eastward with a speed v collides with another particle of the
same mass moving northward with the same speed v . The two particles coalesce on collision.
The new particle of mass 2m will move in the north-easterly direction with a velocity
(a) v / 2 (b) 2v (c) v / 2 (d) v
Solution : (c) Initially both the particles are moving perpendicular to each
2m V
other with momentum mv. So the net initial momentum
2 2 m
 (mv)  (mv )  2 mv .

After the inelastic collision both the particles (system) m

moves with velocity V, so linear momentum = 2mV

By the law of conservation of momentum 2 mv  2 mV

 V  v/ 2.
Example 37. A particle of mass ' m ' moving with velocity ' v ' collides in elastically with a stationary
particle of mass ' 2m ' . The speed of the system after collision will be
v v
(a) (b) 2v (c) (d) 3v
2 3
Solution : (c) By the conservation of momentum mv  2m  0  3 mV  V  .

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 38. A ball moving with speed v hits another identical ball at rest. The two balls stick together
after collision. If specific heat of the material of the balls is S, the temperature rise resulting
from the collision is
v2 v2 v2 v2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
8S 4S 2S S
Solution : (b) Kinetic energy of ball will raise the temperature of the system mv 2  (2m) S t
 t  .
Example 39. A bullet of mass a is fired with velocity b in a large block of mass c. The final velocity of the
system will be
c ab ( a  b) ( a  c)
(a) (b) (c) (d) b
ac ac c a
Solution : (b) Initially bullet moves with velocity b and after collision bullet get embedded in block and
both move together with common velocity.
By the conservation of momentum
b c a+c
a  b + 0 = (a + c) V V

ab a

Example 40. A particle of mass 1g having velocity 3iˆ  2 ˆj has a glued impact with another particle of
mass 2g and velocity as 4 ˆj  6kˆ . Velocity of the formed particle is
(a) 5.6ms 1 (b) 0 (c) 6.4ms 1 (d) 4.6ms 1
  
Solution : (d) By conservation of momentum mu1  m2u2  (m1  m2 )V
 m u  m2u2 1(3i  2 ˆj )  2(4 j  6kˆ) 3i  6 j  12kˆ
V 1 1    iˆ  2 ˆj  4kˆ
m1  m2 m1  m2 (1  2)

| V | (1)2  (2)2  (4) 2  1  4  16  4.6ms 1 .

Example 41. A body of mass 2kg is placed on a horizontal frictionless surface. It is connected to one end
of a spring whose force constant is 250 N / m . The other end of the spring is joined with the
wall. A particle of mass 0.15kg moving horizontally with speed v sticks to the body after
collision. If it compresses the spring by 10cm , the velocity of the particle is
(a) 3m / s (b) 5m / s (c) 10m / s (d) 15m / s
Solution : (d) By the conservation of momentum
Initial momentum of particle = Final momentum of
system v
M m

 m  v = (m + M) V

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 velocity of system V 
(m  M )

Now the spring compresses due to kinetic energy of the system so by the conservation of
1 2 1 1  mv 
kx  (m  M )V 2  (m  M )  
2 2 2  m M 
2 m 2v 2 kx 2 (m  M ) x
 kx  v 2
 k (m  M )
mM m m
Putting m = 0.15 kg, M = 2 kg, k = 250 N/m, x = 0.1 m we get v = 15 m/s.

Example 42. A bullet of mass m moving with velocity v strikes a block of mass M at rest and gets
embeded into it. The kinetic energy of the composite block will
1 m 1 M
(a) mv 2  (b) mv 2 
2 (m  M ) 2 (m  M )
1 ( M  m) 1 m
(c) mv 2  (d) Mv 2 
2 M 2 (m  M )
Solution : (a) By conservation of momentum,
Momentum of the bullet (mv) = momentum of the composite block (m + M)V
 Velocity of composite block V 
m M
1 1 mv  1 m2v2 1  m
 Kinetic energy  (m  M )V 2  ( m  M )     mv 2 

2 2 mM  2 mM 2 mM 

Example 43. A mass of 10gm , moving horizontally with a velocity of 100cm / sec , strikes the bob of a
pendulum and strikes to it. The mass of the bob is also 10gm (see fig.) The maximum height
to which the system can be raised is ( g  10m / sec 2 )
(a) Zero
(b) 5cm
(c) 2.5cm
(d) 1.25cm
10 gm
1 m/s 10 gm

Solution : (d) By the conservation of momentum,

Momentum of the bullet = Momentum of system  10 1  (10  10)  v  v  m/s
v 2 (1/ 2)2
Now maximum height reached by system H max   m  1.25cm .
2 g 2 10

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 44. A bullet of mass m moving with a velocity v strikes a suspended wooden block of mass M as
shown in the figure and sticks to it. If the block rises to a height h the initial velocity of the
bullet is
m M
(a) 2 gh
(b) 2gh (m+M)

M m M
(c) 2 gh m h
M v1
(d) 2 gh
M m

Solution : (a) By the conservation of momentum mv  (m  M )V

and if the system goes upto height h then V  2 gh
 mv  (m  M ) 2 gh  v  2 gh .
Example 45. A bag P (mass M) hangs by a long thread and a bullet (mass m) comes horizontally with
velocity v and gets caught in the bag. Then for the combined (beg + bullet) system the
mvM mV 2
(a) Momentum is (b) Kinetic energy
M m 2
mv (M  m) m 2V 2
(c) Momentum is (d) Kinetic energy is
M 2( M  m)
Solution : (d) Velocity of combined system V 
m M
Momentum for combined system  (m  M )V  (m  M )
m M
Kinetic energy for combined system
1 1  mv  1 m 2v 2 m2v2
 (m  M )V 2  (m  M )    ( m  M )  .
2 2 mM  2 (m  M ) 2 2( m  M )
Example 46. A wooden block of mass M is suspended by a cord and is at rest. A bullet of mass m, moving
with a velocity v pierces through the block and comes out with a velocity v / 2 in the same
direction. If there is no loss in kinetic energy, then upto what height the block will rise
(a) m2 v 2 / 2 M 2 g (b) m 2v 2 / 8M 2 g (c) m 2v 2 / 4 Mg (d) m 2v 2 / 2 Mg
Solution : (b) By the conservation of momentum
Initial momentum = Final momentum
v m
mv  M  0  m  M  V  V  v
2 2M
V 2 (mv / 2 M )2 m 2v 2
If block rises upto height h then h    .
2g 2g 8M 2 g

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1. Two identical spheres move in opposite directions with speeds v1 and v2 and pass behind an opaque screen,
where they may either cross without touching (Event 1) or make an elastic head - on collision (Event 2)
(a) We can never make out which event has occurred
(b) We cannot make out which event has occurred only if v1  v2
(c) We can always make out which event has occurred
(d) We can make out which event has occurred only if v1  v2
2. A light particle moving horizontally with a speed of 12 m/s strikes a very
heavy block moving in the same direction at 10 m/s. The collision is 10 m/s
one-dimensional and elastic. After the collision, the particle will 12 m/s
(a) Move at 2 m/s in its original direction
(b) Move at 8 m/s in its original direction
(c) Move at 8 m/s opposite to its original direction
(d) Move at 12 m/s opposite to its original direction
3. A sphere A moving with a speed u and rotating with an angular velocity , makes a head- on elastic collision
with an identical stationary sphere B. There is no friction between the surfaces of A and B. Disregard gravity.
(a) A will stop moving but continue to rotate with an angular velocity 
(b) A will come to rest and stop rotating
(c) B will move with a sped u without rotating
(d) B will move with a speed u and rotate with an angular velocity 
4. The bob of a simple pendulum (mass m and length l) dropped from a horizontal position strikes a block of the
same mass elastically placed on a horizontal frictionless table. The K.E. of the block will be (after collision)

(a) 2 mgl (b) mgl/2

(c) mgl (d) 0
5. A neutron moving with a velocity 'v' and kinetic energy 'E' collides perfectly elastically head on with the nucleus
of an atom of mass number 'A' at rest. The energy received by the nucleus and the total energy of the system are
related by
2 2
4A  A 1  ( A  1)  A 1
(a) (b)   (c) 2
(d)  
( A  1) 2  A 1 4A  A 1 
6. A body of mass m moving with velocity V makes a head - on collision with another body of mass 2m which is
initially at rest. The ratio of kinetic energies of colliding body before and after collision will be
(a) 9 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 4 : 1 (d) 2 : 1
7. An object A collides head on elastically with a stationary object B. The object A will recoil with maximum speed
if (e = 1)
(a) M B  M A (b) M B  M A (c) M A  M B
(d) Can not be predicted due to incomplete data
8. In above question the momentum transferred to B will be maximum if
(a) M B  M A (b) M B  M A (c) M A  M B
(d) Can not be predicted as information is incomplete
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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

9. A sphere has a perfectly elastic oblique collision with another identical sphere which is initially at rest. The
angle between their velocities after the collision is
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
10. A ball collides elastically with another ball of the same mass. The collision is oblique and initially one of the
body was at rest. After the collision, the two balls move with same speeds. What will be the angle between the
initial and final velocities of the colliding ball
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
11. A billiard ball moving at a speed 2m / s strikes an identical ball initially at rest, at a glancing blow. After the
collision one ball is found to be moving at a speed of 1m / s at 60o with the original line of motion. The
velocity of the other ball shall be
(a) (3)1/2 m / s at 30o to the original direction (b) 1m / s at 60o to the original direction
(c) (3)1/2 m / s at 60o to the original direction (d) 1m / s at 30o to the original direction
12. A particle of mass m collides perfectly elastically with another particle of mass M  m . The angle between the
velocities of two particles will be
(a) 15° (b) 90° (c) 45° (d) 60°
13. A moving neutron is deflected by an angle of 45o after colliding with a stationary proton (assuming the masses
of both particles equal). Then it again collides with another stationary proton and so on. In this way the particle
is deflected through an angle 45o in each collision. When its energy becomes 10–6 times the initial energy, the
approximate number of collision must have been
(a) 20 (b) 40 (c) 80 (d) 100
14. The co-efficient of restitution depends upon
(a) The masses of the colliding bodies (b) The direction of motion of the colliding bodies
(c) The inclination between the colliding bodies (d) The materials of the colliding bodies
15. Which of the following statements is true
(a) Kinetic energy is conserved in all types of collisions
(b) By definition there is no difference between elastic and perfectly elastic collisions
(c) By definition there is no difference between inelastic and perfectly inelastic collisions
(d) After the collision, the relative displacement of the particles can decrease with time
16. During inelastic collision of two particles
(a) ( KE ) final  ( KE )initial (b) ( KE ) final must be greater than ( KE )initial
(c) ( KE ) final must be less than ( KE )initial (d) ( KE ) final may be greater or less than ( KE )initial
17. Inelastic collision is the
(a) Collision of ideal molecules with the walls of the container
(b) Collision of electron and positron to annihilate each other
(c) Collision of two rigid solid spheres lying on a frictionless table
(d) Scattering of  -particles with the nucleus of gold atom
18. A ball falls vertically onto a floor, with momentum P and then bounces repeatedly. The coefficient of restitution
is e. The total momentum imparted by the ball to the floor is
P  1  1 e 
(a) P(1  e) (b) (c) P  1   (d) P  
1 e  e 1 e 
19. A particle strikes a horizontal frictionless floor with a speed u, at an angle  with the vertical and rebounds with
a speed v, at an angle  with the vertical. The coefficient of restitution between the particle and the floor is e.
The magnitude of v is
(a) eu (b) (1  e)u (c) u sin 2   e 2 cos 2  (d) u e 2 sin 2   cos 2 

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20. In the previous question the angle  is equal to
(a)  (b) tan 1[e tan  ] (c) tan 1[ tan  ] (d) (1  e)
21. Two bodies of same mass are moving with same velocity V in mutually opposite directions. They collide and
stick together. The resultant velocity of the system will be
(a) Zero (b) (c) V (d) From zero to 
22. A 50g bullet moving with a velocity of 10ms 1 strikes a block of mass 950g at rest and gets embedded in it.
The percentage loss in kinetic energy is
(a) 100% (b) 95% (c) 5% (d) 50%
23. Two pendulums each of length l are initially situated as shown in figure. The first pendulum is released and
strikes the second. Assume that the collision is completely inelastic and neglect the mass of the string and any
frictional effects. How high does the centre of mass rise after the collision
 m1   m1 
(a) d   (b) d  
 ( m1  m2 )   ( m1  m2 )  l
d (m1  m2 )  m2  m1
(c) (d) d   d
m2  ( m1  m2 )  m2

24. A body of mass 2.9kg is suspended from a string of length 2.5m and is at rest. A bullet of mass 100g , moving
horizontally with a speed of 150ms 1 , strikes and sticks to it. What is the maximum angle made by the string
with the vertical after the impact ( g  10 ms 2 )
(a) 30o (b) 45o (c) 60o (d) 90o
25. A bullet of mass 0.01kg , travelling at a speed of 500ms 1 , strikes a block of mass 2kg , which is suspended by
a string of length 5m and emerges out. The block rises by a vertical distance of 0.1m . The speed of the bullet
after it emerges from the block is
(a) 55ms 1 (b) 110ms 1 (c) 220ms 1 (d) 440ms 1
26. A horizontally flying bullet of mass m gets struck in a body of mass M suspended by two identical threads of
length l as shown in fig. As a result, the threads swerve through an angle  . Assuming m  M . Then the
fraction of the bullet’s initial kinetic energy that turned into heat
m 2M
(a) 1  (b) 2l g
M m
M M l l
(c) 1  (d) 1
m m m

27. A bullet of mass m moving with velocity v strikes a suspended wooden block of mass M. If the block rises to a
height h , the initial velocity of the block will be
M m m M m
(a) 2gh (b) 2 gh (c) 2 gh (d) 2 gh
m M m M
28. A bag of sand of mass M is suspended by a string. A bullet of mass m is fired at it with velocity v and gets
embedded into it. The loss of kinetic energy in this process is
1 2 1 2 1 1 2 M 1 2 M 
(a) mv (b) mv  (c) mv  (d) mv  
2 2 M m 2 m 2 M m

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29. A bullet of mass m and velocity v passed through a pendulum bob of mass M and emerges with velocity v / 2.
What is the minimum value of v such that the pendulum bob will swing through a complete cycle
M 2M M 2M
(a) 2l g (b) 2l g (c) 5l g (d) 5 gl
m m 2m m
30. The law of conservation of momentum is based on Newton’s is
(a) First law of motion (b) Second law of motion
(c) Third law of motion (d) Law of gravitation
31. A ball is dropped from a height of 10 m. If 40% of its energy is lost on collision with the earth then after
collision the ball will rebound to a height of
(a) 10 m (b) 8 m (c) 4 m (d) 6 m
32. A ball strikes the floor and after collision rebounds back. In this state
(a) Momentum of the ball is conserved (b) Mechanical energy of the ball is conserved
(c) Momentum of ball earth system is conserved (d) The kinetic energy of ball earth system is not conserved
33. A bomb of mass9 kg explodes into two pieces of 3 kg and 6 kg. The velocity of 3 kg piece is 16 m/s. The kinetic
energy of 6 kg piece is
(a) 768 Joule (b) 786 Joule (c) 192 Joule (d) 687 Joule
34. The graph between Ek and is (Ek = kinetic energy and p = momentum)-

(a) Ek (b) Ek (c) Ek (d) Ek

1/p 1/p 1/p 1/p

35. If similar bullets are fired from two guns out of which one is lighter and another one is heavier. Which gun will
give more violent jerk
(a) Same by both (b) Lighter one
(c) Heavier one (d) Will depend upon the type of gun
36. Bullets of mass 40 gm each are fired from a machine gun with a velocity of 10 3 m/s. If the person firing the
bullets experiences an average force of 200N, then the number of bullets fired per minute will be
(a) 300 (b) 600 (c) 150 (d) 75
37. Two particles each of mass m travelling with velocities u1 and u2 collide perfectly in elastically. The loss of
kinetic energy will be
1 1
(a) m(u1  u2 ) 2 (b) m(u1  u2 ) 2 (c) m(u1 – u2)2 (d) 2m(u1 – u2)2
2 4
38. A ball moving with velocity of 9m/s collides with another similar stationary ball. After the collision both the
balls move in directions making an angle of 30o with the initial direction. After the collision their speed will be
(a) 2.6 m/s (b) 5.2 m/s (c) 0.52 m/s (d) 52 m/s
39. A frictionless steel ball of radius 2 cm, moving on a horizontal plane with a velocity of 5 cm/s, collides head-on
with another stationary steel ball of radius 3 cm. The velocities of two bodies after collision will respectively be
(in cm/s)
(a) 2.7, 2.3 (b) – 2.7, 2.3 (c) 2.7 , – 2.3 (d) – 2.7, – 2.3

40. A disc of mass 1.0 kg kept floating horizontally in air by firing bullets of mass 0.05 kg F
each vertically at it, at the rate of 10 per second. If the bullets rebound with the same
speed, the speed with which these are fired will be
(a) 0.098 m/s (b) 0.98 m/s
(c) 9.8 m/s (d) 98.0 m/s

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Assertion and Reason

Each of the questions given below consists of two statements, an assertion (A) and reason (R). Select the number
corresponding to the appropriate alternative as follows
(a) If both A and R are true and R is the correct explanation of A
(b) If both A and R are true but R is not the correct explanation of A
(c) If A is true but R is false
(d) If A is false but R is true
(e) Both are false
1. Assertion : A quick collision between two bodies is more violent than a slow collision, even when the
initial and the final velocities are identical.

Reason : Because the rate of change of momentum which determines the force is greater in the first

2. Assertion : Kinetic energy of a body becomes four times, when its linear momentum is doubled.

Reason : This is because, K.E. = p2/2m.

3. Assertion : Kinetic energy is conserved in both, perfectly elastic and inelastic collisions.

Reason : Because both the types of collisions are identical.

4. Assertion : For any collisions, coefficient of restitution lies between 0 and 1.

Reason : This is because no collision is 100% elastic or 100% inelastic.

5. Assertion : A body can have energy without having momentum.

Reason : A body can have momentum without having mechanical energy.

6. Assertion : A truck and a car moving with the same kinetic energy are brought to rest by the application
of breaks which provide equal retarding forces. Both come to rest in equal distance.

Reason : It is possible that the speed of a body is zero but velocity is not zero

7. Assertion : If two objects of different masses have same momentum, the lighter body possess greater

Reason : For all bodies momentum always remains same.

8. Assertion : In case of bullet fired from gun, the ratio of kinetic energy of gun and bullet is equal to ratio
of mass of bullet and gun.

Reason : In firing, momentum is conserved.

9. Assertion : A quick collision between two bodies is more violent than a slow collision; even when the
initial and final velocities are identical.
Reason : The momentum is greater in first case.

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Previous Year’s Questions

1. A body of mass (4m) is lying in x–y plane at rest. It suddenly explodes into three pieces. Two pieces, each of
mass (m) move perpendicular to each other with equal speeds (U). The total kinetic energy generated due to
explosion is : [AIPMT 2014]
(a) 2 m2 (b) 4 m2 (c) m2 (d) m 2
2. An explosion breaks a rock into three parts in a horizontal plane. Two of them go off at right angles to each
other. The first part of mass 1 kg moves with a speed of 12 ms-1 and the second part of mass 2 kg moves with
8 ms-1 speed. If the third part flies off with 4 ms -1 speed, then its mass is : [NEET 2013]
(a) 17 kg (b) 3 kg (c) 5 kg (d) 7 kg
3. If two bodies stick together after collision and move as a single body, the collision is said to be
(a) perfectly inelastic (b) elastic [J&K CET 2011]
(c) inelastic (d) perfectly elastic
4. A cricket ball of mass 0.25 kg with speed 10 ms–1 collides with a bat and returns with same speed within 0.01 s.
The force acted on bat is [WB JEE 2011]
(a) 25 N (b) 50 N (c) 250 N (d) 500 N
5. The coefficient of restitution e, for a perfectly elastic collision is [DUMET 2011]
(a) 0 (b) –1 (c) 1 (d) 
6. A particle of mass m1 moves with velocity v1 and collides with another particle at rest of equal mass. The
velocity of the second particle after the elastic collision is [DUMET 2011]
(a) 2v1 (b) v1 (c) –v1 (d) 0
7. A ball falls from a height of 20 m on the floor and rebounds to a height of 5 m. Time of contact is
0.02 s. Find the acceleration during impact. [Manipal 2010]
(a) 1200 ms–2 (b) 1000 ms–2 (c) 2000 ms–2 (d) 1500 ms–2
8. In a head an elastic collision of a very heavy body moving at v with a light body at rest, velocity of the heavy
body after collision is [KCET 2009]
(a) v (b) 2v (c) zero (d)
9. For a system to follow the law of conservation of linear momentum during a collision, the condition is
(1) total external force acting on the system is zero. [AFMC 2008]
(2) total external force acting on the system is finite and time of collision is negligible.
(3) total internal force acting on the system is zero,
(a) (1) only (b) (2) only (c) (3) only (d)(1) or (2)
10. In the figure, pendulum bob on left side is pulled a side to a height h from
its initial position. After it is released it collides with the right pendulum
bob at rest, which is of same mass. After the collision the two bobs stick
together and rise to a height [Punjab PMET 2008]
3h 2h
(a) (b)
4 3
h h
(c) (d)
2 4

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
11. A sphere of mass m moving with constant velocity u, collides with another stationary sphere of same mass. If e
is the coefficient of restitution, the ratio of the final velocities of the first and second spheres is
1 e 1– e
(a) (b) [Punjab PMET 2008]
1– e 1 e
e 1 e
(c) (d)
1– e e
12. Two identical balls A and B collide head on elastically. If the velocity of A and B before collision are 0.5 ms –1
and 0.3 ms–1 respectively, then their velocities after collision will be [Kerala CEE 2008]
(a) 0.5 ms–1 and 0.3 ms–1 (b) –0.5 ms–1 and 0.3 ms–1
(c) 0.3 ms–1 and -0.5 ms–1 (d) 0.3 ms–1 and 0.5 ms–1
(e) –0.3 ms–1 and 0.5 ms–1
13. Two balls of same mass each m are moving with same velocities v on a
smooth surface as shown in figure. If all collisions between the masses
and with the wall are perfectly elastic, the possible number of collisions
between the bodies and wall together is [EAMCET 2008]
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) 3 (d) infinity
14. A body of mass m strikes another body at rest of mass . Assuming the impact to be inelastic the fraction of
the initial kinetic energy transformed into heat during the contact is [EAMCET 2008]
(a) 0.1 (b) 0.2 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.64
15. A stationary particle explodes into two particles of masses m1 and m2 which move in opposite directions with
velocities v1 and v2. The ratio of their kinetic energies E1 / E2 is [AFMC 2007]
(a) 1 (b) m1 v2 / w2v, (c) m2 / ml (d) m1 / m2
16. A bomb of mass 3.0 kg explodes in air into two pieces of masses 2.0 kg and 1.0 kg. The smaller mass goes at a
speed of 80 ms-1. The total energy imparted to the fragments is [UP CPMT 2007]
(a) 1.07 kJ (b) 2.14 kJ (c) 2.4 kJ (d) 4.8 kJ
17. A body from height h is dropped. If the coefficient of restitution is e, then calculate the height achieved after one
bounce. [UP CPMT 2007]
(a) h1 = e2h (b) h1 = e4h (c) h 1 = eh (d) h x =
18. A body of mass m moving with velocity v makes a head-on elastic collision with another body of mass 2m
which is initially at rest. The loss of kinetic energy of the colliding body (mass m) is [Punjab PMET 2007]
1 1
(a) of its initial kinetic energy (b) of its initial kinetic energy
2 9
8 1
(c) of its initial kinetic energy (d) of its initial kinetic energy
9 4
19. For inelastic collision between two spherical rigid bodies [MP PMT 2007]
(a) the total kinetic energy is conserved (b) the linear momentum is not conserved
(c) the total mechanical energy is not conserved (d) the linear momentum is conserved

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
20. A ball of mass m elastically collides with a wall with velocity v, the change in its momentum is equal to
(a) 2 m (b) 2 mv (c) 8 mv (d) zero [RPMT 2007]
21. A body of mass m1 collides elastically with another body of mass m2 at rest. If the velocity of m1 after collision
becomes 2/3 times its initial velocity, the ratio of their masses, is [J&K CET 2007]
(a) 1 : 5 (b) 5 : 1 (c) 5 : 2 (d) 2 : 5
22. A stationary bomb explodes into two parts of masses in the ratio of 1 : 3. If the heavier mass moves with a
velocity 4 ms–1, what is the velocity of lighter part? [J&K CET 2007]
(a) 12 ms–1 opposite to heavier mass (b) 12 ms–1 in the direction of heavier mass
(c) 6 ms–1 opposite to heavier mass (d) 6 ms–1 in the direction of heavier mass
23. Which of the following is not an example of perfectly inelastic collision? [AMU 2006]
(a) A bullet fired into a block if bullet gets embedded into block
(b) Capture of electrons by an atom (c) A man jumping on to a moving boat
(d) A ball bearing strinking another ball bearing
24. A bullet of mass 20 g and moving with 600 ms–1 collides with a block of mass 4 kg hanging with the string.
What is velocity of bullet when it comes out of block, if block rises to height 0.2 m after collision?
(a) 200 ms–1 (b) 150 ms–1 (c) 400 ms–1 (d) 300 ms–1 [DUMET 2006]
25. In two separate collisions, the coefficients of restitutions e1 and e2 are in the ratio 3 : 1. In the first collision the
relative velocity of approach is twice the relative velocity of separation. Then the ratio between the relative
velocity of approach and relative velocity of separation in the second collision is [EAMCET 2006]
(a) 1 : 6 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 6 : 1
26. A bomb of mass 30 kg at rest explodes into two pieces of masses 18 kg and 12 kg. The velocity of 18 kg mass is
6 ms–1. The kinetic energy of the other mass is [CBSE AIPMT 2005]
(a) 256 J (b) 486 J (c) 524 J (d) 324 J
27. An electron with kinetic energy 5 eV is incident on a H-atom in its ground state. The collision[UP CPMT 2005]
(a) must be elastic (b) may be partially elastic
(c) may be completely elastic (d) may be completely inelastic
28. A body of mass M moves velocity  and collides elastically with another body of mass m(M >> m) at rest, then
the velocity of body of mass m is [Punjab PMET 2005]
(a)  (b) 2 (c) /2 (d) zero
29. A body of mass m is moving towards east and another body of equal mass is moving towards north. If after
collision both stick together, their speed after collision would be [DUMET 2005]
(a)  (b) /2 (c) 2v (d) v / 2
30. A ball falling freely from a height of 4.9 ms–1 hits a horizontal surface. If e  , then the ball will hit the surface
second time after [DUMET 2005]
(a) 0.5 s (b) 1.5 s (c) 3.5 s (d) 3.4 s
31. A moving body of mass m and velocity 3 kmh–1 collides with a body at rest and of mss 2m and then sticks to it.
Now the combined mass starts to move, then the combined velocity will be [RPMT 2005]
(a) 4 kmh–1 (b) 3 kmh–1 (c) 2 kmh–1 (d) 1 kmh–1

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
32. 1 kg body explodes into three fragments. The ratio of their masses is 1 : 1 : 3. The fragments of same mass
move perpendicular to each other with speed 30 ms–1, while the heavier par remains in the initial direction. The
speed of heavier part is [BCECE 2005]
(a) ms –1 (b) 10 2ms –1 (c) 20 2ms –1 (d) 30 2ms –1
33. An -particle of mass m suffers one dimensional elastic collision with a nucleus of unknown mass. After the
collision the -particle is scattered directly backwards losing 75% of the kinetic energy. The mass of the
unknown nucleus is [JCECE 2005]
(a) m (b) 2m (c) 3m (d) m
34. A body of mass 4 kg moving with velocity 12 ms–1 collides with another body of mass 6 kg at rest. If two bodies
stick together after collision, then the loss of kinetic energy of system is [J&K CET 2005]
(a) zero (b) 288 J (c) 172.8J (d) 144 J
35. A ball is dropped from a height of 20 cm. Ball rebounds to a height of 10 cm. What is the loss of energy?
(a) 25% (b) 75% (c) 50% (d) 100% [AFMC 2004]
36. A 10 kg ball moving with velocity 2 ms collides with a 20 kg mass initially at rest. If both of them coalesce,
the final velocity of combined mass is [AMU 2004]
3 –1 1 –1 3 –1 2 –1
(a) ms (b) ms (c) ms (d) ms
4 3 2 3
37. A body x with a momentum p collides with another identical stationary body y one dimensionally. During the
collision y gives an impulse J to the body x. Then, the coefficient of restitution is [EAMCET 2004]
2J J J J
(a) –1 (b) 1 (c) –1 (d) –1
p p p 2p
38. A neutron makes a head-on elastic collision with a stationary deuteron. The fractional energy loss of the neutron
in the collision is [AIIMS 2003]
(a) 16/81 (b) 8/9 (c) 8/27 (d) 2/3
39. A particle of mass m moving with velocity  collides inelsatically with a stationary particle of mass 2m. The
speed of the system, will be [Punjab PMET 2003]
(a) 3 (b) /2 (c) /3 (d) 2
40. A ball is dropped from a height h. If the coefficient of restitution is e then to what height will it rise after
jumping twice from the ground? [Kerala CEE 2003]
(a) (b) 2eh (c) eh (d) e4h
41. In the elastic collision of objects [RPET 2003]
(a) Only momentum remains constant (b) Only kinetic energy remains constant
(c) Both remains constant (d) None of these
42. A body of mass 2kg makes an elastic collision with another body at rest and continues to move in the original
direction with one fourth of its original speed. The mass of the second body which collides with the first body is
[Kerala (Engg.) 2002]
(a) 2 kg (b) 1.2 kg (c) 3 kg (d) 1.5 kg

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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

43. In above figure if transfer kinetic energy to B is maximum then

[Orissa JEE 2002; DCE 2001]

(a) M B  M A (b) M B  M A
(c) M A  M B (d) Can not be predicted as information is incomplete
44. In an elastic collision of two particles the following is conserved [MP PET 1994; DPMT 2001]
(a) Momentum of each particle (b) Speed of each particle
(c) Kinetic energy of each particle (d) Total kinetic energy of both the particles
45. A particle of mass m moving with a velocity V makes a head on elastic collision with another particle of same
mass initially at rest. The velocity of the first particle after the collision will be

[MP PMT 1997; MP PET 2001; UPSEAT 2001]

(a) V (b) – V (c) – 2V (d) Zero

46. A particle P moving with speed v undergoes a head - on elastic collision with another particle Q of identical
mass but at rest. After the collision [Roorkee 2000]
v v
(a) Both P and Q move forward with speed (b) Both P and Q move forward with speed
2 2

(c) P comes to rest and Q moves forward with speed v (d) P and Q move in opposite directions with speed
 
47. Two particles having position vectors r1  (3iˆ  5 ˆj ) metres r2  (5iˆ  3 ˆj ) metres are moving with velocities
 
v1  (4iˆ  3 ˆj ) m/s and v2  ( iˆ  7 ˆj ) m/s . If they collide after 2 seconds, the value of '' is [EAMCET 2003]

(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 8

(d) 1
 
48. Two particles of masses m1 and m2 in projectile motion have velocities v1 and v2 respectively at time
 
t = 0. They collide at time t0. Their velocities become v1' and v2' at time 2t0 while still moving in air. The value
   
of | (m1 v1  m2 v2' )  ( m1 v1  m2 v2 ) | is
' [IIT-JEE (Screening) 2001]
(a) Zero (b) [ m1  m2 ]gt0 (c) 2(m1  m2 ) gt0 (d) ( m1  m2 ) gt0
49. A particle falls from a height h upon a fixed horizontal plane and rebounds. If e is the coefficient of restitution,
the total distance travelled before rebounding has stopped is [EAMCET 2001]
 1  e2   1  e2  h  1  e2  h  1  e2 
(a) h  2 
(b) h  2 
(c)   (d)  
1 e  1 e  2  1  e2  2  1  e2 


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Impulse & Momentum Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a, c) 4. (c) 5. (a)
6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (b) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (b)
16. (c) 17. (b) 18. (d) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (a) 22. (b) 23. (a) 24. (c) 25. (c)
26. (a) 27. (a) 28. (d) 29. (d) 30. (c)
31. (d) 32. (c) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (b)
36. (a) 37. (b) 38. (b) 39. (b) 40. (c)

Assertion & Reason

1. (a) 2. (a) 3. (e) 4. (a) 5. (b)
6. (e) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (c)

Previous Year’s Questions

1. (d) 2. (c) 3. (a) 4. (d) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (a) 9. (a)

10. (d) 11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (a) 15. (c) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (c)
19. (c, d) 20. (b) 21. (b) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (a) 25. (d) 26. (b) 27. (a)
28. (b) 29. (d) 30. (b) 31. (d) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (c) 35. (c) 36. (d)
37. (a) 38. (b) 39. (c) 40. (d) 41. (c) 42. (b) 43. (c) 44. (d) 45. (d)
46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (c) 49. (a)

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Topic Name Page No.
 Chapter at a Glance 37-64
 Solved Example 65-80
 Exercise 81-126
 Exercise – I 81-85
 Exercise – II 86-90
 Exercise – III 91-104
 Assertion & Reasoning 104-107
 Previous Year’s Questions 107-126
 Answer Key 127-128
This Chapter Includes:
Centre of Mass
 Position of Centre of Mass
 Position of CM of Continuous Bodies
 Motion of the Centre of Mass
 Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
 Impulse Force
Rotational Motion
 Kinematics of rotational motion
 Moment of Inertia
 Radius of Gyration
 Torque
 Rigid Body
 Angular Momentum and its Conservation
 Angular Impulse
 Rotational kinetic energy
 Pure Rotation
 Rolling
Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21



In earlier Chapters, we worked with ideal point particles, even though we applied the result to
objects of small but finite size. Normally we do not encounter such point objects in our daily life. When
we use concepts like position, velocity, and acceleration, we should keep in mind that these could be
different for different parts of the same body.
When we consider the motion of a system of particles, there is one point in the system which behaves
as if the entire mass of the system (i.e. the sum of the masses of all the individual particles) is concentrated
there and its motion is same as the motion that would occur if the resultant of all the forces acting on all the
particles were applied directly to it. This point is called the centre of mass (CM) of the system. The concept
of CM is very useful in solving many problems, in particular, those concerned with collision of particles.


First of all we find the position of CM of a system of particles. Just to make the subject easy we
classify a system of particles in three groups :
1. System of two particles.
2. System of a large number of particles
3. Continuous bodies


Centre of mass of two particles of masses m1 and m2 separated by a distance of d lies in be-
tween the two particles. The distance of centre of mass from any of the particle (r) is inversely
proportional to the mass of the particle (m).
 m2   m1  m1 m2
or r1    d and r2   d
 m2  m1   m1  m2  r1 r2

From the above discussion, we see that d

r1  r2  if m1  m2 , i.e. CM of a system of two equal masses lies midway between the two

Similarly, r1  r2 if m1  m2 i.e. CM is nearer to the particle having larger mass.

Example 1 :

Two particles of masses 1 kg and 2 kg respectively are located at x = 1 and x = 3 m. Find the
position of their centre of mass.

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Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21
Solution :
Since, both the particles lie on x-axis , the CM will also be lie on x-axis. Let the CM be located
at x = x, then
(m1 + m2) x = m1 x1 + m2 x2
 (1 + 2) x = 1 × 1 + 2 × 3
 x = 2.33 m
Thus, the CM of the two particles is located at x = 2.33m from origin.
(i.e.) between the two masses and at 1.33 m distance from the 1 kg mass.
Alternate Method : Let CM be at r1 distance from m1
d = x2 – x1 = 3 – 1 = 2m.
 m2   2 
r1   d     2  1.33 m
 m 2  m1   2 1 
Thus the CM lies at 1.33 m from the 1 kg mass.
  
If we have a system consisting of n particles, of masses m1 , m2 with r1 , r2 ,.....rn as their

position vectors at a given instant of time. The position vector rCM of the CM of the system at that
instant is given by :
  
 m1r1  m2 r2  ....  mn rn
rCM =
m1  m2  .....  mn

m r
i 1
i i
or rCM 
The cartesian co-ordinates of the CM will be as given below
n n

m x  m2 x2  ...  mn xn
 mi xi
i 1
m x i i
i 1
xCM = 1 1 = =
m1  m2  ....  mn M
 mi
n n

m y
i 1
i i m z i i
i 1
Similarly, yCM = and zCM =
Example 2 :

The position vector of three particles of masses m1 = 1 kg, m2 = 2 kg and m3 = 3 kg are

  
r1  (iˆ  4 ˆj  kˆ) m, r2  (iˆ  ˆj  kˆ)m and r3  (2iˆ  ˆj  2kˆ) m respectively. Find the position vector of
their centre of the mass.
Solution :

The position vector of CM of the three particles  rC M  will be given by

  
 m1r1  m2 r2  m3 r3
rCM = m1  m2  m3
Substituting the values, we get

rCM 
     =

1 iˆ  4 ˆj  kˆ   2  iˆ  ˆj  kˆ   3 2iˆ  ˆj  2kˆ 9iˆ  3 ˆj  3kˆ
1 2  3 6
 1 ˆ ˆ ˆ
rCM =

3i  j  k m 

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Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21


If the body has continuous distribution of matter, the summation in the formula of CM is replaced
by integration. We write the co-ordinates of CM as
 
xdm xdm
xCM = dm  M

 ydm   ydm  zdm   zdm
yCM = dm M and zCM = dm M
 
Example 3 :

Find out the centre of mass of a uniform rod.

Solution :
Suppose a rod of mass M and length L is lying along the x-axis with its one end at x = 0 and
the other end at x = L. Q P
M x
Then, mass per unit length of the rod = x=0 x=L
L dx
Here, the mass of the element PQ of length dx situated at x = x is dm = dx
The coordinates of the element PQ are (x, 0, 0). Therefore, x-coordinate of CM of the rod will be
M 
 x dm   x   L dx  1
xCM =
= 0
= L  xdx  2
M 0
 dm

 ydm
yCM =  0 and Similarly, zCM = 0
 dm
L 
i.e. the coordinates of CM of the rod are  ,0,0  . Thus the CM lies at the centre of the rod.
2 
Example 4 :

Three particles of masses 0.50 kg, 1.0 kg and 1.5 1.5 kg

kg are placed at the three corners of right-angled
triangle of sides 3.0 cm, 4.0 cm and 5.0 cm as
3.0 cm 5.0 cm
shown in figure.
Locate the centre of mass of the system.
0.50 kg 4.0 cm 1.0 kg
Solution :

Let us take the 4.0 cm line as the X-axis and the 3.0 cm line as the Y-axis. The coordinates of
the three particles are as follows :
m x y
0.50 kg 0 0
1.0 kg 4.0 cm 0
1.5 kg 0 3.0 cm

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m1 x1  m2 x2  m3 x3
The x-coordinate of the centre of mass is X 
m1  m2  m3

 0.50kg  .0  1.0kg  . 4.0cm   1.5kg  .0

 1.3cm
 =
0.50kg  1.0kg  1.5kg 3kg
The y-coordinate of the centre of mass is
m1 y1  m2 y2  m3 y3
m1  m2  m3

 0.50kg  .0  1.0kg  .0  1.5kg  3.0cm 

 1.5cm
 =
0.50kg  1.0kg  1.5kg 3kg
Thus, the centre of mass is 1.3 cm right and 1.5 cm above the 0.5 kg particle.


Let us consider the motion of the system of n particles whose individual masses are m1, m2 .....,
mn and total mass is M.Then, we have the relation
     
 m1r1  m2 r2  .....  mn rn m1r1  m2 r2  .....  mn rn
rCM = m1  m2  =
   
 MrCM = m1r1  m2 r2  ....  mn rn

Differentiating this expression with respect to time t, we have

   
drCM dr1 dr2 drn
M = m1  m2  ....  mn
dt dt dt dt

Since, = velocity of mass m1
   
Therefore, MvCM = m1v1  m2 v2  .....  mn vn

  

 m1v1  m2 v2  .....  mn vn m v i i
or Velocity of the CM is vCM = = i 1 .... (i)
Further, linear momentum of a system is conserved (in the absence of external force).
   
PCM = P1  P1  ....  Pn
   
 MVCM  m1V1  m2V2  .....mnVn
Differentiating with respect to time t, we get
   
dVCM dv dv dv
M = m1 1  m2 2  ....  mn n
dt dt dt dt
   
or MaCM = m1a1  m2 a2  ....  mn an
  

 m1a 1  m2 a2  .....  mn an  mi ai
or aCM = = i 1 ..... (ii)

Further, in accordance with Newton’s second law of motion F  ma . Hence, Equation (ii) can be
written as
   
FCM = F1  F2  ....  Fn
n 

or FCM =  Fi
i 1

40 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Durgapur / Dubai
Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21
Thus, as pointed out earlier also, the center of mass of a system of particles moves as if it were a
particle of mass equal to that of the whole system with all the external forces acting directly on it.
Example 5 :

Two blocks A and B of equal mass are released on two sides of a fixed wedge C as shown in
figure. Find the acceleration of centre of mass of blocks A and B. Neglect friction.
Solution :

Acceleration of both blocks will be g sin 45o

or at right angles to each other..

  A B
 m A a A  mB a B C
aCM =
m A  mB
o o
45 45

Here, mA = mB

90 o

 1   1 g g
 aCM =  a A  aB   g downwards aA  aB 
2 2 2 2

a A  aB  g


The product of mass and the velocity of a particle is defined as its linear momentum  P  . So,
 
P  mv
The magnitide of linear momentum may be written as P  mv

Thus, P 2  m 2 v 2  2m  1 mv 2   2mk
2 
Here, K is the kinetic energy of the particle. In accordance with Newton’s second law,
  
  dv d  mv  dP
F  ma  m  
dt dt dt

 dP
Thus, F 
In case the external force applied to a particle (or a body) be zero, we have

 dP 
F 0 or P  constant
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Showing that in the absence of an external force, the linear momentum of a particle (or the body)
remains constant. This is called the law of conservation of linear momentum. The law may be
extended to a system of particles or to the centre of mass of a system of particles also.
If net force (or the vector sum of all the forces) on a system of particles is zero, the vector sum of
linear momentum of all the particles remain conserved, or
    
If F  F1  F2  F3 ...  Fn  0
   
Them, P1  P2  P3  ...  Pn = constant

The same is the case for the centre of mass of a system of particles, i.e., if FCM  0,

P CM = constant.
Thus, the law of conservation of linear momentum can be applied to a single particle or even to the
centre of mass of the particles.
The law of conservation of linear momentum enables us to solve a number of problems which can

not be solved by a straight application of the relation F  ma .
Suppose a particle of mass m initially at rest. It suddenly explodes into two fragments of masses m1
 
and m2 which fly apart with velocities v1 and v2 respectively. Obviously, the forces resulting in the
explosion of the particle must be internal forces, since no external force has been applied. In the absence
of the external forces, therefore, the momentum must remain conserved and we should have
  
mv  m1v1  m2 v2 (vector sum)
Since, the particle was initially at rest, v  0 and therefore,
 
mv1  m2 v2  0

 m  v1 m2
v1  2 v2 or  
m1 v2 m1
Therefore the velocities of the two fragments must be inversely proportional to their masses and in
opposite directions along the same line. Please note that in this case linear momentum is conserved,
but kinetic energy is not conserved.
Example 6:

A block of mass m is released from the top of a wedge of mass M as shown in figure. Find the
displacement of wedge on the horizontal ground when the block reaches the bottom of the wedge.
Neglect friction everywhere

h M
 x

Solution :
Here the system is wedge + block. Net force on the system in horizontal direction (x- direction) is
zero, Therefore, the centre of mass of the system will not move in x - direction
So we can apply,
x1M = x2m ..... (i)
where 1 & 2 refer to the wedge and the block.
x1 = displacement of wedge towards left
42 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Durgapur / Dubai
Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21
x2 = displacement of block with respect to ground towards right = h cot  – x1
Substituting in Equation (i), we get
x1M = (h cot  – x1)m
mh cot 
 x1 
M m


Consider a system of mass M being acted upon by an external force Fext. Let mass of the system be
changing at the rate of dM/dt. The mass leaving (or entering) the system with a velocity vrel relative to
this system. The equation of Newton’s Law for such a system of variable mass is :
dv dM
M  Fext  vrel .
dt dt
Example 7 :

A rocket has a mass M 0 before firing. It is fired vertically upward with initial velocity v0 . The gases
move away from the rocket with a constant speed of ur relative to the rocket. Find the expression for
velocity of the rocket after time t when the mass of rocket has decreased to M. Assume that the force of
gravity remains constant.
Solution :
The external force on the rocket is mg towards earth.
 Fext   mg
The velocity with which the mass leaves the rocket is :
vrel  ur
applying the equation of variable mass :
dv dm
m   mg  ur
dt dt
v t M
dm dm
 dv   gdt  ur
  dv   g  dt  ur
v0 0


 v  v0  gt  ur log e
We can neglect the gravitational pull of earth as the rocket goes very far from earth in a short time.
In that case, the equation becomes :
v  v0  ur loge


Consider a constant force F which acts for a time interval t on a body of mass m, thus, changing
  
its velocity from u to v . Because the force is constant, the body will travel with constant acceleration a
    
F = ma and at = v  u

t = v  u  
hence, or Ft = mv  mu
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 
The product of constant force F and the time t for which it acts is called the impulse J of the  
force and this is equal to the change in linear momentum which it produces.
   
Impulse  J  = P  Pf  Pi

In case, F is net force on a system of particles, we can write
  
Ft  mVcm  mucm
Example 8 :

A truck of mass 2 × 103 kg travelling at 4 m/s is brought to rest in 2s when it strikes a wall.
What average force (assumed to be constant) is exerted by the wall ?

Using impulse = change in linear momentum

We have F.t = mvf - mvi = m(vf - vi)
F u +ve
or F  2  = 2  103 0   4  Truck
or F = 4 × 103 N
Example 9 :
Consider a two-particles system with the particles having masses m1 and m2. If the first particle is
pushed towards the centre of mass through a distance d, by what distance should the second particle be
moved so as to keep the centre of mass at the same position?
Solution :
Consider the figure. Suppose the distance of m1 from the centre of mass C is x1 and that m2 from C
is x2. Suppose the mass m2 is moved through a distance d  towards C so as to keep the centre of mass
d d
m1 m2
x1 x2
Then, m 1x 1 = m2x2 ..... (i)
and m1(x1–d) = m2(x2– d  ) ..... (ii)
Subtracting (ii) from (i)
m1d = m2 d  or,, d  = d
Example 10 :

Two blocks of equal mass m are connected by an

unstretched spring and the system is kept at rest on a fric-
tionless horizontal surface. A constant force F is applied on
one of the blocks pulling m m F
it away from the other as shown in figure.
(a) Find the position of the centre of mass at time t.
(b) If the extension of the spring is x0 at time t, find the displacement of the two blocks at this instant.
Solution :

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Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21

(a) The acceleration of the centre of mass is given by aCM = 
M 2m

1 2 Ft 2
The position of the centre of mass at time t is x = aCM t =
2 4m
(b) Suppose the displacement of the first block is x1 and that of the second is x2. As the centre of mass is
at x, we should have
mx1  mx2
x =
Ft 2 x x
or = 1 2
4m 2
Ft 2
or x1  x2 = ..... (i)
The extension of the spring is x2  x1 .

Therefore, x2  x1 = x0 ..... (ii)

From (i) and (ii),

1  Ft 2  1  Ft 2 
x1 = 2  2m  x0  and x =   x0 
  2 2  2m 

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Consider a body of arbitrary shape rotating about a fixed axis ‘O’ as shown in the figure. In a given
interval all the particles lying on the line OA move to their corresponding positions lying on OB.
Although the particles of the body have different linear displacements, they all have the same angular
displacement  , which is given by B
 A
r 
The average angular velocity of the body for a O

finite time interval is given by

  f  i 
av  
t t f  ti z
The unit of angular velocity is radian per second (rad/s).
The instantaneous angular velocity is defined as
 d  x
m  lim 
t 0 t dt
It is the rate of change of the angular position  with respect to time. It is a vector quantity. The
direction of angular velocity is given by the right-hand rule. We hold the right hand such that when the fingers
of the right hand curve in the sense of rotation, the thumb points in the direction of  .
The relation between linear speed and angular speed is obtained by differentiating equation w.r.t
d  1 ds

dt r dt
or  or v  r
In vector form v  
 
Although all particles have the same angular velocity, their speeds increase linearly with distance
from the axis of rotation.
  f  i
The average angular acceleration is defined as  av  
t t f  ti
 d 
and the instantaneous angular acceleration is defined as  av  lim 
t 0 t dt
Angular acceleration is a vector quantity measured in rad/s2
Equations For Constant Angular Acceleration
When the angular acceleration is constant, we can find the change in angular velocity by integrating
equation d    dt
 t
or  d0dt

or   0  t
or   0  t ..... (i)
Substituting the value of  in equation we get d    0  t  dt
On integrating
 t

 d     0  t  dt
0 0

  0  0t  t 2
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Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21

or   0  0 t  t 2 ..... (ii)
On eliminating t from equation we get
2  20  2    0 ....(iii)
The equations (i), (ii) and (iii) are called the equations of rotational kinematics for constant angular
Note : These relations can be easily compared with those in uniformly accelerated linear motion,
i.e., v  u  at ; s  ut  1/ 2at 2 ; v2  u 2  2as
 q, w, a can be clockwise or anti-clockwise. We can take anticlockwise direction as positive and
clockwise direction as negative or vice-versa
 w and q are always in same direction.
 a and w are opposite if the rotating body slows down.
Example 1 :
A disc starts rotating with constant angular acceleration of p rad/s2 about a fixed axis perpendicular
to its plane and through its centre.
(a) Find the angular velocity of the disc after 4s.
(b) Find the angular displacement of the disc after 4 s and
(c) Find number of turns accomplished by the disc in 4 s.
Solution :

Here    rad / sec 2

0  0
t  4sec
(a)   0    rad/s 2   4 sec = 4 rad/s.
(b) 0
  rad/s2   16s2   8 rad.
(c) Let the number of turns be n
 n  2  rad=8 rad  n=4
Example 2 :
A wheel is mounted on a stationary axle starts from rest and is given by the following angular accel-
eration :
α = 9  12t (in SI unit)
where t is the time after the wheel begins to rotate. Find the number of revolutions that the wheel
turns before it stops (and begins to turn in the opposite direction).
Solution :

The kinematic equations do not apply because the angular acceleration  is not constant.
We start with the basic definition :   d  / dt
t t

 0   dt  9 12t dt  9t 6t 2 (in SI unit)

0 0

we find the elapsed time t between 0  0 and   0 by substituting these values :

0  0  9t  6t 2
Solving for t, we obtain t = 9/6 = 1.50 s
From   d  / dt , we have   0

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t t
  dt    9t  6t 2  dt  4.5t 2  2t 3
0 0

Substituting 0  0 and t  1.5s,

We obtain   0  4.5 1.5 2  2 1.5 3 = 3.375 rad
Example 3 :
A wheel rotates with an angular acceleration, given by   4 at 3 - 3bt 2 where t is the time and a and
b are constants. If the wheel has initial angular speed 0 , write the equations for the :
(i) angular speed
(ii) angular displacement.
Solution :

We know d    dt
Integrating both sides, we get
 t t

 d     dt    4at  3bt  dt
3 2

0 0 0

or   0  at  bt 3 4

we know d   dt
 t t

On integrating both the sides, we get  d    dt    0  at  bt  dt

4 3

0 0 0

at 5 bt 4
or   0t  
5 4

The moment of inertia (I) of a body is a measure of its rotational inertia, that is, its resistance to the
change in its angular velocity. It depends on the location of the axis, that is, on how the mass of the body is
distributed relative to the axis. Thus, a body does not posses a unique moment of inertia; different axes
through the body are associated with different moment of inertia. Y
Moment of Inertia of Single Particle r P
Let a particle P of mass m is rotating about an axis YY  . Then the moment of inertia mass 'm'
of the particle P is defined as, I = mr2
where, r is the perpendicular distance from the axis of rotation. Y
Moment of Inertia of System of Particles rn

Let point masses m1 , m2 , m3 ,......., mn are rotating about an axis YY  . Then the moment of inertia of
the system is defined as,
I  m1r12  m2 r22  m3 r32  ............  mn rn2
where r1 , r2 , r3 ,........rn are perpendicular distances from axis of rotation or I   mi ri 2
i 1

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When the distribution of masses of a system of particles is continuous, the discrete sum I   mi ri 2 ,
i 1
is replaced by an integral, We have to sum of contributions of infinitesimal mass elements dm shown in figure,
each of which contributes dI = r2 dm to the moment of inertia. The mass element should be chosen such that all
the particles on it are at the same perpendicular distance from the axis. The moment of inertia of the whole
body takes the form

r dm
I   r 2 dm

Keep in mind that here the quantity r is the perpendicular distance to an axis, not the distance to an
origin. To evaluate this integral, we must express m in terms of r.

Example 4 :

We illustrate for some bodies the above process.

(i) Moment of inertia of a rod for an axis passing through its CM.

M,L x

Let us assume a rod of mass M and length L as shown. Consider an element dx at a distance x from the
axis. the mass of the element
dm =   · dx

dI = m2 dm = x2   · dx
 L
 
 2
M x2dx
I= 
L  L
 
 2

L L
The rod varies from on one side to on the other side, hence the limits.
2 2
3 2
M  x 
 I=  
L  3  L

2 2
M  L     L  
=     
3L  2   2  

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3 3
ML  L    L  
=     
3  2   2  

M  L3  ML2
= 3L  8  2 =
  12
(ii) Moment of Inertia of a Disc for an axis passing through its CM and normal to the plane of the disc.



Consider a disc of mass M and radius R. We choose an elemental ring of radius r and thickness dr,
 M 
concentric with the disc. The elemental mass of the ring is dm =  2  (2rdr)
 R 

 M 
dI = r2 dm = r2  2  (2rdr)
 R 

2M 3
dI = r dr
2M 3
I= 2

The disc can be thought of as concentric rings set from r equal to 0 to R.

2M  r4  2M 4 2
 I= 2   = 2 · R = MR .
R 4 R 4 2
By choosing suitable elements, moments of inertia for other continuous bodies can be derived. some of
their results are given in the table below.
S.No. Body Moment of Radius of
Axis Gyration
Thin uniform rod of mass M and (a) Passing through the centre and ML/12 L/ 12
length L. perpendicular to its length
1. (d) (b) Perpendicular to its length and passing ML/3 L/ 3
x through one end
(c) 0 0
(c) About its own axis
(b) (a) (d) About a line parallel to its length Mx x
Rectangular plate of length l (a) About bisector of length ML/12 l/ 12
breadth and mass M 2
(b) About bisector of breadth b/ 12
2. (a) (c) About its breadth as axis ML/3 l/ 3
(c) 2
(d) About its length as axis Mb/3 b/ 3

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Uniform rectangular bar of mass (a) M 2

Passing through centre and (l  b 2 ) l 2  b2
M, length l and breadth b. perpendicular to both the length and 12
l breadth.
M 2
h (b) Passing through a corner (l  b2 ) l 2  b2
b perpendicular to its plane 3
(a) (b)

Thin uniform circular ring of mass (a) About an axis passing through the MR2 R
M and radius R. centre of the ring and perpendicular
to the plane of the ring 1 R
axis R MR 2
(b) About a diameter 2 2
3 3
(b) (c) About a tangent parallel to diameter MR 2 R
(c) 2 2
(d) About a tangent perpendicular to the 2MR2 2R
(a) (d) plane

Uniform hollow cylinder of mass (a) About axis of the cylinder MR2 R2
M, length L and radius R
(b) About an axis passing through the R2 L2 R2 L2
M 2 + 12
centre and perpendicular to the 2 + 12
(c) length
hollow (a) (c) 2 MR 2 2 R

Uniform circular disc of mass M (a) About an axis passing through centre 1 R
and radius R and perpendicular to the plane of disc MR 2
2 2
axis R
1 R
MR2 2
(b) About a diameter of the disc 4
(b) 5 5
(c) About a tangent parallel to diameter MR2 2R
(c) 4
(d) About a tangent perpendicular to 3 3
(a) (d) MR 2 R
plane of the disc. 2 2
(a) About axis of the cylinder 1 R
Uniform solid cylinder of mass M, MR2
length L and radius R. 2 2
7. (b) About an axis passing through the R2 L2 2
centre and perpendicular to the length M 4 + 12 4 + 12
solid (a) (c) 3
MR 2 3/2 R
(b) 2
Uniform solid sphere of mass M (a) About diameter 2 MR2 2R
and radius R 5 5

8. 7 MR2 7R
solid (b) About tangent 5 5

(a) (b)

Uniform hollow sphere of mass M (a) About diameter 2 MR2 2R

3 3
and radius R
9. 5 MR2 5R
hollow (b) About tangent 3 3

(a) (b)

It is the distance from the axis of rotation at which, if the entire mass of the body is assumed to be
concentrated its M.I. Would remain same ie. equal to M. I of the distributed mass earlier, about the same
axis. It is given by I  MK 2
If M is the mass of the system and I is the moment of inertia of a rigid body, then the radius of
gyration (k) of body is given by: k  ;
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Consider a rigid body, spinning about an axis (z-axis) passing

(x ,y ) 1 1

through its centre of mass. We designate the CM as the origin CM

(0,0) P
(x , y ) 0 0

(0, 0, 0)
Icm = mi (ri2)
Icm = mi (xi2 + yi2)
As all the particles of the rigid body are spinning about the z-axis, the radial distance of the point (xi, yi
zi) from the axis is x i2  y i2 .
Now, if we shift the axis to a place parallel to the original axis. It means the origin has been shifted to
(x0, y0, z0)
For translation of axes,
xi' = mi = x0 and yi' = yi – y0 Now, IP = mi(xi2 + yi2)

= Smi(xi2 + yi2) + Sm(x02 + y02) – 2x0(mixi) – 2y0 (miyi)

Now S(mixi) = 0 and S(mivi) = 0 as CM is the origin.

(m i x i )
0 = xcn = m i

( m i x j )
0 = ycm– =  IP = mi(xi2 + yi2) + m (x02 + y02)
m i
= Icm = + (x02 + y02) M
Now the distance between the CM axis and parallel axis in
d= x 02  y 02  IP = Icm + Md2


This is true for laminar or flat bodies. Y

Ix = miyi2
As yi is the distance of mi from the z-axis) (xi,yi)
Similarly, Iy = mixi2 Now, Iz = mi(xi2 + yi2)
(As the distance of the mi from the z-axis will be
ri = x i2  y i2  Iz = mixi2 + miyi2
I z = Iy + Ix I z = Ix + Iy
where x and y are axes lying on the laminar body and z-axis is perpendicular to the x and y axes.

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Example 5 :

Find the moment of inertia about the axis shown in the following situations.

(a) (b) Rod (M, L)

Disc (M,R)


MR 2
Soln.(a) Iz =
Using perpendicular axes theorem Disc (M, R)
I x + Iy = Iz
But Ix = Iy from symmetry,
MR 2
 2Iy = Iz =

Iy = P
The Iy is through CM of the disc, hence
IP = Icm + Md2
MR 2 5
Disc (M, R)
IP = + M(R)2  IP = MR2
4 4
(b) For the rod,
Icm = ML l/2
Rod (M, L)
IP = Icm + Md2
ML2 L ML2 ML2 (1  3)ML2
IP = +M   = + =
12 2 12 4 12

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 IP =
(c) About C1
IRing = MR2
IRod 1 = I C 2 + M(R)2
(As C2 is the centre of mass of rod 1 and the distance between the C1 and C2 : d = R).
ml 2  L
 IRod 2 = + m R   M,R
12  2
Thus, Isystem = Iring + Irod 1+ Irod 2
1 m
 ml 2 2
 ml 2  L   C2

= (MR)2 +  12  mR  +  12  m R  2   l/2
      C3


Torque of a force about a point is defined as   r  F . In terms of magnitude, we defined torque as
the product of force and force arm. Force arm is the perpendicular distance from the axis to the line of
action of force.
  
Also,   r  F = rF sin  = F (r sin ) = force × force arm.
The direction of torque can be inferred from the nut and spanner imagery described below.
When you have to find the direction of torque, then you proceed like this. Imagine a nut kept at the
point about which the torque is to be found.

T1 T2 Nut

Fig(a) Fig(b)

Say we have to find the torque about the point C due to T1 in fig. (a). Then we imagine a nut kept at C
as shown in fig. (b). It is clearly evident that T1 will rotate the spanner clockwise, hence torque due to
T1 about C is clockwise.
If it is torque due to T2 at C, then fig. (c) illustrates the imagery.
As is evident torque due to T2 is anti-clockwise.
τ=Iα; I = Moment of inertia
α = angular acceleration

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Example 6 :

A ladder is balanced on a wall as shown. The normal forces N1, N2 forces of static friction f1, f2 and
weight mg are acting as shown. The length of the ladder is l and it is kept at an inclination . Find the
(i) About P (ii) About C
Soln.(i)For torque about P, Torque due to N1 and f1 is zero about P, as they pass through P.


 Q

l  (l/2) cos (l/2) cos
mg = (mg  cos   clockwise 
2  N1
f 2  ( f 2 ) (l sin ) clockwise

 N 2  ( N 2 ) (l cos ) anti-clockwise mg
 Q
 mgl  f2 N2
 P =  cos   f 2 · l sin   N 2l cos  clockwise
 2 
(ii) For torque about C
Torque to mg about C is 0, as mg passes through C.
l N1
 N1  N 1 · sin  clockwise
2 l/2

1 l sin C
 f1  f 1 · 2 
cos  clockwise
2 l/2
1 l sin
N 2  N 2 · cos  anti-clockwise 2
2 f2 N2
f 2  f 2 · sin  clcokwise.

 N1l sin  f1l sin  N 2l cos  f 2l cos  

net =     clockwise.
 2 2 2 2 


For a particle, angular momentum is defined as,

  
L i  ri  pi

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  
    d r1    d r1  
 ri   = v i  mv i  +  r  F
  dL d
L    ri  pi 
 ri  pi  =   dt  pi  +   dt  i i  
 
 
As vi is parallel to mvi , the first term becomes 0.
 
dL     d L

 
=  ri  Fi = ext  ext =

 dL 
If  = 0  = 0 or L = constant.
If the total external torque acting an a system is zero, its angular momentum remains constant or
conserved. This is known as the principle of conservation of angular momentum.
• For a moving particle
  
L  rp
L = (Momentum) (Momentum arm)
To find direction of angular momentum, we can again use the 'nut and spanner' imagery as we used in
the case of torque. The only difference now is the momentum vector replaces the earlier force vector.
• For a body having pure rotation, it can be proved that,
 
L  I
 
The L and  must be taken about the same axis.
• For a body having rotation cum translation, it can be proved.
   
L  L cm  ( r  p cm )
   
or L  I cm   ( r  mv cm )
Example 7:

(a) A body of mass m is dropped from the shoulder height by keeping the arm horizontal. The arm length
is l. What is the body's angular momentum about the shoulder after time t ?
(b) What is the angular momentum of a solid ball of mass 2 kg and radius 0.5 m, spinning at 3 rad/s?
(c) A football of mass 2 kg rolls away at a speed of 5 m/s. Its radius is 25 cm. What is its angular
momentum about P at the instant shown ?
5 m/s

25cm S
10m l
    
Soln.(a) L  r  p  r  mv
 L = (r) (mv) sin  r
= (mv) (r sin ) = mvl
The velocity v of the dropped body after time t is  m
v = gt  L = (mgt) · l v
The 'nut and spanner' imaginary shows that the angular momentum of the body about the shoulder in
the given figure is clockwise.

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(b) For a body having pure rotation, l

L = I
Here, I = Mr2 r
2 2 
L= Mr2 ·  = (2kg) (0.5 m)2 · (3 rad s–1)
5 5 mv
2 –1
L = 0.6 mg m · s
(c) For a body having rotation cum translation,
   
L  L cm  r  Pcm

v 2 v r 5m/s
Lcm = I = I   = MR2 ·
R 5 R
P 10m

2MRv 2
= = (2 kg) (0.25 m) (5 ms–1)
5 5

 L cm = 1 kg m2 · s–1 clockwise.
 
r  p cm = Momentum × Momentum axis.
= (2 kg) (5 ms–1) × (0.25 m) 10kg ms–1

r  p cm  = 2.5 kg m2 s–1 clockwise. 0.25m

 L = 3.5 kg m2 s–1 clockwise


Angular impulse of a torque in a given time is defined as

 t t
   
J   dt   dt =  dL  J  L f  L i  L
0 0
dt Li


Kinetic energy of a rigid body rotating about a given axis is

1 1 1 1
K =   m i v i2   m i ( ri ) 2  m i ri 2 2  I2
 
2  2 2 2
This is known as the rotational kinetic energy.


dW dK d 1 2 d
P= = =  I  = I · = (I) · 
dt dt dt  2  dt

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 
 P =  ·
    
Also, dW =  ·dt =  · d  W =   · d



Translation Pure Rotation Rotation Cum



Problem of translation have been dealt with under Newton's law. Other than that the problem could be
of pure 'rotation' or rotation cum translation'.


Strategy for dealing with problems of Pure Rotation

1. Find the axis and determine the moment of inertia of the body about this axis.
2. Label all the forces acting on the F.B.D. of the system, at their points of application.
3. Label the angular acceleration ().
4. Find the torques due to the forces about the axis taking the ones along  as positive and vice-versa.
5. Use  = I
Example 8 :
Find the angular acceleration  of the pulley shown in the
figure. The pulley has a moment of inertia I and radius r. The I
mass of the block is m. A string is would round the pulley and r
is attached to the block.

Soln. For the block m, which is undergoing translation.
mg – T = ma ..........(1)
For the pulley, which undergoes pure rotation, m a

P mg

Moment of inertia = I
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As  = I T · R = I .............(2)
Acceleration of point 'P' = R as its is on the periphery of the pulley. But aP = acceleration of block as
they are interconnected by a unstretchable string.
Thus a = R
Equation (1) becomes mg – T = m(R)
From (2) T =
Thus mg – =mR
mgR = mR2 · + I or  =
(mR 2  1)


1. For rotation cum translation, the axis is the centre of mass.

2. Use the steps of translation and pure rotation separately.
3. Use constraint equation, if any.

Example 9 :

Thread would around cylinder of mass M and radius R. It is allowed to fall as shown. Find its acceleration.



R (M,R)

Soln. The spool undergoes translation as well as rotation.


For translation, T
Mg – T = Ma .........(1)
For rotation, About C 
MR 2
IC =
=T·R Mg

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As  = I
MR 2
T·R= · ...........(2)
2 G
Constraint equation

a PC  R 
 
a CP  R  P R C
  
a CG  a CP  a PG

a PG  0 (As point P and G are two points on an inextensible thread).
 
 a CG  a CP  R 
or a = R ...........(3)
Use (3) in (2)
 MR  a Ma
T=   =
 2  R R
Put this in (1),
Mg – = Ma
3Ma 2g
Mg = a= .
2 3


Rolling is a special phenomenon and it can be understood from two perspectives. Firstly, it can be seen
as a special combination of rotation and translation. Secondly, it can be seen as pure rotation about its
point of contact.

R C v

Assume a G(ground) frame of reference at rest.

Let a disc of radius R rotate with  and translate with speed v as shown
   vCG= v
• v FG  v FC  v CG

 vFG = R 2  v 2 = v 2  2 · R 2 vFC=R


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vTC = R

VCG = v
  
• v TG  v TC  v CG
 vFG
v TG  ( v  R )
   vFC=R
• v RG  v RC  v CG

v RG  2 R 2  R 2 vCG = v
  
v BG  v BC  v CG
vFC= R vCG= v
v BG  ( v – R )
If it is assumed that the wheel is touching the ground, B-bottom most point or the point of contact of the
wheel with ground.
When a wheel is rolling,
vBG = 0  v – R = 0
or v = R
or vcm = R
Since the point of contact does not move w.r.t. the ground, the friction is static (f).
0  f  µN
The magnitude and direction of f are self adjusting according to the requirements of the equation of
Example 10 :

A disc of mass M and radius R is pulled by a force F horizontally applied at its centre. Find the
acceleration and force of friction acting on the disc.



Soln. (f is arbitrarily assumed to be backwards).

For translation,
F – f = Ma .......(1)
For Rotation about C, a
f · R = I

 MR 2  
f · R =  2   F
  R
Now, v = R  a = R for rolling, f

MR 2  a 
Hence, f · R = · 
2 R

F– = Ma
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3Ma  2F 
F= a=  
2  3M 

M M  2F  F
and f = (a) =   Þ backwards.
2 2  3M  3
f (2R) = M
F – f = Ma
f = R – Ma
4F Ma
f=R– ;f=
5 4
F– = Ma
5Ma F
F= =
4 5


Consider the toppling of a box of length h and regular polygonal cross-section of side l.




Assume the box to be moving ahead uniformly, so time period of rotation is constant = T. Every point
on the box rotates about the point on the ground (axis). Every vertex acts as an axis for time .
l 2

l 2


Similarly, if a box of length h and hexagonal cross-section (regular hexagon) is toppling, then ,

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Here, every point on the box rotates about the point on the ground (axis). Every vertex acts as an axis
for time.
6 (2R)


Toppling of a box, which has a cross-section as an infinite regular polygon (circle), will be as follows
The point of contact remains as the axis of rotation for a time or infinitesimal time. We call this as

instantaneous axis of rotation.
Here, Vcm = R or acm = R
and since the point of contact does not move relative to the ground, the friction is static. Hence,
0  f  µN
The direction of f is self - adjusting according to the requirements of the equation of motion.

Example 11 : F

Find the acceleration and friction in the following situation.

Rolling Ring (M, R)
Rolling Ring (M, R)
Soln. We draw F.B.D. as

For horizontal translation, C
F – f = Ma
Rolling is pure rotation about P. f
IP = IC + Md2 + MR2 + MR2 = 2MR2 P

Torque about P, P = F(2R). N

The torques due to f, Mg and N are 0 about P, as all of them either pass through P or their line of action
passes through P.
Now, P = IP ·  F · (R) = (2MR2) · 

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For rolling,
 F  F
acm = R =   R  acm =
 MR  M
From (1)
F – f = Ma
F – f = M    f = 0.
In this situation, friction acting at the base is 0.

— — — —

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Example 1 :

Four particles of masses 1 kg, 2 kg, 3 kg and 4 kg are placed at the four vertices A,B,C and D
of the square of side 1 m. Find the position of centre of mass of the particles.
Solution :

Let us take D as the origin, DC as x-axis and DA as y-axis, we have

m1=1 kg,  x1 , y1  =  0,1m 
m2 = 2 kg,  x2 , y2  = 1m,1m  m1=1kg m2=2kg
m3 = 3 kg,  x3 , y3  = 1m,0  B

and m4 = 4 kg,  x4 , y4  =  0,0 

Co-ordinates of their CM are 0.3m
D 0.5m C
m x  m2 x2  m3 x3  m4 x4 m4=4kg m3=3kg
xCM = 11
m1  m2  m3  m4
1 0   2 1  3 1  4  0 
5 1
 m  0.5m
= =
1 2  3  4 10 2
m y  m2 y2  m3 y3  m4 y4
Similarly, yCM = 1 1
m1  m2  m3  m4
11  2 1  3  0   4  0 
= = 0.3 m
1 2  3  4
  xCM , yCM  =(0.5m, 0.3m)
Thus, position of CM of the four particles is as shown in the figure.
Example 2 :

A projectile is fired at a speed of 100 m/s at an angle of 37° above the horizontal. At the highest
point, the projectile breaks into two parts of mass ratio 1 : 3, the smaller comes to rest.
Find the distance from the launching point to the point where the heavier piece lands.
 3 4
 sin 37  , cos 37  
 5 5


Solution :
At the highest point, the projectile has horizontal velocity. In vertical direction, both parts have zero
velocity and undergo same acceleration, hence they will cover equal vertical displacements in a
given time. Thus, both will hit the ground together. As internal forces do not affect the motion of

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the centre of mass, the centre of mass hits the ground at the position where the original projectile
would have landed. The range of the original projectile is
3 4
2 2  104  
xCM = 2u sin  cos   5 5 m = 960 m
g 10
The centre of mass will hit the ground at this position. As the smaller block comes to rest after
breaking, it falls down vertically and hits the ground at half of the range i.e. at x = 480 m. If the
heavier block hits the ground at x2, then
m1 x1  m2 x2
xCM 
m1  m2

M 3M
 480m   x2
or 960 m = 4 4
or x2 = 1120 m.

Example 3 :

Two particles A and B of masses 1 kg and 2 kg respectively are projected in the directions shown
in figure with speeds uA=200 m/s and uB = 50 m/s. Initially they were 90m apart. Find the maxi-
mum height attained by the centre of mass of the particles. Take g=10m/s2
Solution :
Let h0 be the height of CM initially, Then B

 mB   2 
h0    d     90m = 60 m 90m
 m A  mB   1 2 
Alternatively using mArA = mB rB
or (1)(rA) = (2) (rB)
or rA =2rB
and rA  rB = 90m
Solving these two equations, we get
rA= 60 m and rB = 30m
Hence, CM is at height h0 = 60 m from the ground at time t = 0.
 
 m A a A  mB a B
Further, aCM = m  m
 
Because aA = aB = g (downwards)

  m  mB 
 aCM   A .g  10 m/s 2
 m A  mB 
 
 m A u A  mB u B
uCM = m  m

1 200   2 50   00

m/s (upwards)
= =
1 2 3

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Let, h be the maximum height attained by CM beyond 60m. Using equations for constant accelera-
2 2
vCM = uCM  2aCM h
 100 
 0 =    2 10  h
 3 

100 
 55.55m

Therefore, maximum height attained by the centre of mass is
H = h0 + h = 60 + 55.55 = 115.55 m
Example 4 :

In the arrangement shown in the figure, A has mass m1 = 3 kg and B has mass m2  2 k g and
the string is light and inextensible. Find the acceleration of centre of mass of this pair of blocks. Neglect
friction everywhere.
Solution :
From previous chapters we know that 2T

2 m1 m 2 2  3 5
T g  g  3.75g T T
m1  m 2 35
External force on the system are as below : T T
(i) Weight m1g (downward) A B
(ii) Weight m2g (downward)
(iii) Tension in ceiling support, 2T (upward) m1 g m g

Example 5 :
A block of mass M is placed on the top of a bigger block
of mass 10 M as shown in figure. All the surfaces are
frictionless. The smaller block is released from rest. Find
the distance moved by the bigger block at the instant the 10M
smaller block reaches the ground.

Solution :
If the bigger block moves towards right by a distance X, the smaller block will move towards left by
a distance (2.2m -X). Taking the two blocks together as the system, there is no horizontal external force
on it. The centre of mass, which was at rest initially, will remain at the same horizontal position.
Thus, M(2.2m – X) = 10 MX
or 2.2 m = 11 X or X = 0.2 m

Example 6 :
A man of mass m is standing on a platform of mass M kept on smooth ice. If the man starts moving
on the platform with a speed v relative to the platform, with what velocity relative to the ice does the
platform recoil?

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Solution :

Consider the situation shown in figure. Suppose the

man moves at a speed w towards right and the
platform recoils at a speed V towards left, both w
relative to the ice. Hence, the speed of the man MAN
relative to the platform is V +w. By the question,

V + w = v, or w = v–V ...(i)
Taking the platform and the man as the system, there is no external horizontal force on the system.
The linear momentum of the system remains constant. Initially, both the man and the platform were at
rest. Thus,
0  MV  mw or, MV  m  v  V  [Using (i)]
or V
M m
Example 7 :
A flywheel of radius 30 cm starts from rest and accelerates with constant angular acceleration of 0.5
rad/s . Compute the tangential, radial and resultant accelerations of a point on its circumference :
(a) initially at   0 (b) after it has made one third of a
Solution :
(a) At the start :  0.5 rad/s 2
R  0.3 m   i  0 rad/s
Radial acceleration = ar  2 R  0 m/s
Tangential acceleration  at  R
  0.3 0.5  0.15 m/s2
Net acceleration = anet
 ar2  at2  0 2  0.15 2  0.15 m/s 2
(b) After   120 2 /3 :
2 2
    2  0  2  0.5  2  / 3 
f i

 f  rad/s
ar  2 R   (0.3)   / 5 m/s 2
at  R   0.3 0.5  0.15 m/s 2
2 2 2
anet  ar2  at2    0.15  0.646 m/s
Example 8 :
The motor of an engine is rotating about its axis with an angular velocity of 100 rev/minute. It comes to rest
in 15 s, after being switched off. Assuming constant angular deceleration, calculate the number of revolutions
made by it before coming to rest.
Solution :
The initial angular velocity = 100 rev/minute
= (10  / 3 ) rad/s.
Final angular velocity  = 0, Time interval t = 15 s.

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Let the angular acceleration be  . Using the equation   0  t , we obtain    2 / 9  rad/s2.
The angle rotated by the motor during this motion is   0t  1 t 2
 10 rad  1  2 rad  2
  15s     15s 
 3 s  2  9 s2 
 25 rad  12.5 revolutions.
Hence the motor rotates through 12.5 revolutions before coming to rest.
Example 9 :
A wheel having moment of inertia 2 kg-m2 about its axis, rotates at 50 rpm about this axis. Find the torque
that can stop the wheel in one minute.
Solution :
The initial angular velocity  50rpm  rad/s
Using   0  t ,
  0 3 rad/s 2    rad/s 2
 
t 60 36
  
The torque that can produce this deceleration is   I    2kg-m 2   rad/s2   N-m
 36  18
Example 10 :

Four point masses lie at the corners of a rectangle with sides of length 3 m and 4m, as shown in figure. Find
the moment of inertia about each of the diagonals. Take M = 1 kg.
Solution :

For each mass we need its perpendicular distance from the axis. For each axis, two masses do not contribute
to the moment of inertia. The other two are at the same distance M.
AB = 4m, BC = 3m, AC = 5m
BC 3
In  ABC sin  
AC 5 4m 3M
x 3 x N C
In ΔBNA sin     x = 2.4m. x
4 5 4 3m
2 2  B
I A   4kg  2.4m    2kg  2.4m   34.6 kgm2
M 2M
I B  1kg  2.4m    3kg   2.4 m 2   23.0 kgm 2

Example 11 :
Find moment of inertia of a sector cut from a disc of mass M, radius R and central angle q.
Solution :

1 2   
I = 2 MR  
 2 
Example 12 :
Prove that moment of inertia of an annular sphere about its diameter. Given mass, internal and
external radii are M, R1 and R2 respectively.
2  R25 – R15 
I = 5 M  R3 – R3 
 2 1 

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Solution :
I = Ibig – Ismall
2 2
= M big R22 – M small R12
5 5
2 4 3  2 2 4 3  2
= 5  R2   R2 – 5  R1   R1
3  3 
2 4
=    R25 – R15 
5 3
 5 5
M 2  R 2  R1 
Where,  = 4 I  M 3
( R23 – R13 ) 5 [R 2  R13 ]
Example 13 :
Three particles, each of mass m, are situated at the vertices of an equilateral triangle. Find the
moment of inertia of the system about the line AX perpendicular to AB in the plane of ABC.
Solution : X
Perpendicular distance of A from AX = 0 C
Perpendicular distance of B from AX = L
Perpendicular distance of C from AX = L/2.
Thus, the moment of inertia of the particle at A = 0,
of the particle at B=mL2, and of the particle at C = m(L/2)2. The moment of inertia of the three-
particle system about AX is
2 5mL2
0  mL2  m  L / 2  
Note that the particles on the axis do not contribute to the moment of inertia.
Example 14 :

Force 2iˆ  7 ˆj , 2iˆ  5 ˆj  7kˆ and iˆ – 2 ˆj  kˆ act at

(4, –1, 2). Find the moment of these forces about (6,1,–3)
Solution :

F resultant  (2iˆ  7 ˆj )  (2iˆ  5 ˆj  7 kˆ)  (iˆ  2 ˆj  kˆ )
 5iˆ  10 ˆj  8kˆ
 
ra  4i  j  2 k and rb  6i  j  3k
  
 r  ra  rr  2i  2 j  5k
i j k
  
   r  F  2 2 5  i  24 j  10k Ans.
6 1 3
Example 15 :
Find the moment of these following forces, about origin
     
F1  iˆ – ˆj acting at r1  2iˆ  ˆj , F2  –iˆ  ˆj acting at r2  iˆ  2 ˆj & F3  iˆ  ˆj acting at r3  iˆ – ˆj .
Find the plane of rotation
Solution :
   
1  ( r1  r0 )  F1  ( 2i  j )  (i  j)   3k

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   
 2  ( r2  r0 )  F2  (i  2 j )  (i  j )   3k
   
 3  (r3  r0 )  F3  (i  j)  (i  j)  2 k
   
 net   1   2   3  2 k Ans.
Plane of rotation is x-y plane.
Example 16 :

Find  and  if the force F = 2iˆ – 3 ˆj  kˆ acting at (2,  , –1) produces no torque about (  , 0, 2).
Solution :

r  (2  ) i  (  0)  (1 2)k

F  2i  3j  k
 
If   0  r is parallel to F
2     0 3
  
2 3 1
   8 and  = 9 Ans.
Example 17 :

Find the moment of the couple of formed by forces 5iˆ  kˆ acting at (9,–1, 2)and –5iˆ – kˆ acting at (3, –
2, 1).
Solution :
   
 (due to couple)= ( r1  r2 )  F1

   (6i  j  k )  5i  k)

i. e.,   i  j  5k Ans.
Example 18 : 4N
On a disc of mass 10 kg and diameter 40 cm, few forces O
are acting as shown in diagram. Find the torque acting and initial 30° 40cm
angular acceleration a of the disc.

Solution : 6N

Torque due to the followings forces are

(i) Due to 4N force 1 = 0.2 × 4 Nm = 0.8 Nm (acw).
(ii) Due to 9N force 
 2 = 0.2 × 9 Nm = 1.8 Nm (cw).
(iii) Due to 6N force  3 = 0 (as it passes through 0).

(iv) Due to 8N force  4 = 0.2 × 8 × sin 30° = 0.8 NM (cw).
(v) Net torque = t = 0.8 – 1.8 + 0 – 0.8 = – 1.8 Nm = 1.8 Nm (cw)
1.8 1.8  2
  / I   2
MR 2 10  0.2
  9 rad/s 2 (cw).
10  0.04
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Example 19 :
On a triangular sheet pivoted at O, several forces are acting
as shown in diagram. Find torque about O on the triangular 4cm 6cm 15N
sheet. O 150°
Solution : 20N
Torque due to 10 N force = t1 = 0.04 × 10
= 0.4 Nm (cw)
Torque due to 5 N force = t2 = 0 (as it passes through O)
Torque due to 20 N force = t3 = 0.04 × 20 × sin 30°
= 0.4 Nm (acw)
Torque due to 15 N force = t4 = 0.06 × sin 30° × 15
= 0.45 Nm (acw)
Taking acw direction as positive
Net torque t = – 0.4 + 0 + 0.4 + 0.45 = 0.45 Nm.
Example 20 : 2N 1m

Several forces are acting on a rod of length 1 m pivoted at O. If the 0.8m 4N

mass of rod is 3 kg, Find its initial angular acceleration. 0.6m
0.4m 15N
10N 0.2m
Solution :
Taking anticlockwise direction as positive.
No torque on the rod about O is
t = 0.2 × 10 – 0.4 × 15 – 0.6 × 8 cos 60° – 0.8 × 4 + 1 × 2 Nm
= 2 – 6 – 2.4 – 3.2 + 2 = – 7.6 Nm
i.e. net torque t = 7.6 Nm (clock wise)
  7.63
     7.6rad/s 2 (clockwise)
I ML2 312
Example 21 :
P O r
The disc of mass M is pivoted at P. If it is released from the position shown. 3r/4
Find its intial angular acceleration. The disc is in a vertical plane.

Solution :

Net torque about P    Mg  3r / 4 (cw)

 
Angular acceleration  

I 1 3r FG IJ 2

Mr 2  M
4 H K
3 Mgr / 4
   4
1 9 2 17
 M  r2  M  r r
2 16 16
12 g
or   rad/s 2 (clock wise)
17 r

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Example 22 :
A man is carrying a rod on his shoulder as shownm such that one end of it rests on the floor. If the
mass of rod is M, find normal reaction on man’s shoulder due to the rod. Assume that the normal
reaction on his shoulder is vertically upwards. Also calculate the force acting on the floor.

l l/3

Solution :
N1 + N2 = W ....(1)
Taking moment of forces about 0. Due to equilibrium
res  0

O l
cos W=mg
l 2l
 –W  cos    N1 cos   0
2  3
 N1= W
 N2 =
Example 23 :
A rod is kept horizontally on the two supports as shown in diagram. The mass of the rod is M and
its length is L. Find the normal reactions on the two supports due to the rod
L/4 L/3

Solution :
Let the normal reactions on the left and right pegs be N1 and N2 respectively. The free body dia-
gram of the rod is
L/2 L/2
N1 N1

L/4 L/6 L/3

Taking moment of forces about point of action of N1.
Net torque =  1   0  Mgx L /  N 2  5 L / 12  0 (Due to equilibrium)
 N 2  3 Mg / 5
But N 1  N 2  Mg  N 1  2 Mg / 5

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Example 24 :
A man of mass M is standing on a ladder of mass 2M as shown in the diagram. The ladder is resting
between a smooth wall and a rough floor as shown. Find minimum value of coefficient of friction at the
floor for which angular position  of the ladder is maintained.

2M smooth

2l /3
O 
Solution :
Considering free body diagram and equilibrium of the rod.
N 1  f  N 2 ... (i)
Mg  2 Mg  N 2
i.e., N 2  3 Mg ... (ii)
Now, torque about O = 0
l   2l 
2 Mg  cos    Mg  cos    N1 l sin  0
2  3 

Solving, N1  5 Mg cot  ... (iii)

Putting (ii) and (i)
5 / 3 Mg cot    (3 Mg )
  cot 

Example 25 :
The block shown is pushed horizontally on a rough surface. Prove that

(1) It topples if F > Ft = a
2h F
(2) It slips If F > Fs = µMg h M
(3) Derive the condition for µ
(a) Toppling before it slips
(b) Slips before is topples
(4) Can it touple on a smooth surface ?
Solution :
M h
µ a point of rotation
(1) For toppling Fh  mg torque to mg
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where , torque (due to F)= Fh
F  mg  Ft
(2) For slipping F > µ mg = Fs
(3) (a) If it topples before it slips
Ft  Fs or 
(b) If it slips before it topples
Fs  Ft or 
(4) Yes, it can touple on smooth surface also.

Example 26 :

A spool (cylinder) rotating about its axis and a mass ‘m’ tied it, which falls
as string is unwinded. Find the accelerations of the mass m and tension in M
the string.
Solution :
Considering F.B.D. of m
a mg–T=ma ... (1)

For cylinder,

a Ia
T.R =   I   I  T ... (2)
R R2

Putting (2) in (1)  I 
1  
 mR 2 

MR 2 2mg
Putting I = M  2m M  2m
Example 27 :

We have a false balance whose arms are of equal length but masses of pans different(m1 and m2) A weight
W, when placed on left pan, reading is W1 and when placed on right pan, reading is W2. Find the original
weight in terms of W1 and W2.
m1 m2

x x
Solution :
(m1g + W) x = (m2g + W1) x ... (1)
(m1g + W2) x = (m2g + W) x ... (2)

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(1) – (2)
 W – W2 = W1– W
W1  W2
 W 

Example 28 :

We have a false balance whose arms are of different lengths, masses of pans are also different (m1 & m2)
but beam is initially horizontal. A weight W when placed on one pan reading is W1 and when placed on other
reading is W2. Find the original weight. W in terms of W1 & W2.
m1 m2

x y
Solution :
m1g x = m2g y ... (1)
(m1g + W)x = (W1g + m2g)y ... (2)
(m1g + W2)x = (m2g +W)y ... (3)
(2) – (1)  Wx = W1y ... (4)
(3) – (1)  W2x = Wyy ... (5)
1W W
(4) / (5)  W  W

 W  W1W 2

Example 29 :

A grinding stone in the form of a solid cylinder has a radius of 0.5 m and a mass 50 kg. Find
(a) What torque will bring it from rest to an angular velocity of 300 rev/min in 10 s ?
(b) What is the kinetic energy when it is rotating at 300 rev/min ?
Solution :

Let i  0 rad/s,  f  2  300 / 60   10  rad/s

 f  i
10  0
(a)     rad/s 2
t 10
1 2
Torque required =   I    MR  
2 
   1/ 2  50  0.5    19.6 Nm
(b) Kinetic energy of a rotating body (RKE) : {RKE - Rotational Kinetic energy}
1 2 11 
RKE  I    MR 2  2
2 2 2 
11 2 2
   50  0.5   10 
2 2 
RKE = 3086 J

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Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21
Example 30 :
Calculate the torque developed by an aeroplane engine whose output is 2000 hp at angular velocity
of 2400 rev/min.
Solution :

  2  2400 / 60   80 rad/s.

Work done by torque
  torque    angular displacement 
Power = work done per sec = 
Power = 
2000  786
  6252 Nm

Example 31 :
A wheel of radius 10 cm can rotate freely about its centre as shown in figure. A string is wrapped
over its rim and is pulled by a force of 5.0 N. It is found that the torque produces an angular accelera-
tion of 2.0 rad/s2 in the wheel. Calculate the moment of inertia of the wheel.

5.0 N
Solution :
The forces acting on the wheel are (i) W due to gravity, (ii) N due to the support at the centre and
(iii) F due to tension. The torque of W and N are separately zero and that of F is F.r. The net torque is
   5.0 N  .10cm   0.50 Nm
The moment of inertia is
 0.50N-m
I  2
 0.25kg-m 2 .
 2rad/s

Example 32 :
A string is wrapped around the rim of the wheel of moment of inertia 0.20 kg-m2 and radius 20 cm.
The wheel is free to rotate about its axis. Initially, the wheel is at rest. The string is now pulled by a force
of 20 N. Find the angular velocity of the wheel after 5.0 seconds.
Solution :
The torque acting on the wheel is
  Fr   20 N  0.20m   4.0 N-m
The angular acceleration produced is
 4.0N-m
  2
 20 rad/s 2
I 0.20kg-m
The angular velocity after 5.0 seconds is
  0  t  0+ (20 rad/s2) (5.0 s) = 100 rad/s.

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Example 33 :
The pulley shown in figure has a moment of inertia I about its axis and its radius is R. Find the
magnitude of the acceleration of the two blocks.
Assume that the string is light and does not slip on the pulley.

m M>m
Solution :
Suppose the tension in the left string is T1 and that in the right string is T2. Suppose the block of
mass M goes down with an acceleration a and the other block moves up with the same acceleration.
This is also the tangential acceleration of the rim of the wheel as the string does not slip over the rim. The
angular acceleration of the wheel is therefore,   a / R. The equations of motion for the mass M, the
mass m and the pulley are as follows :
Mg  T1  Ma ..... (i)
T2  mg  ma ..... (ii)
T1 R  T2 R  I   Ia / R. ..... (iii)
Putting T1 and T2 from (i) and (ii) into (iii),
 M  g  a   m  g  a   R  I

 M  m  R2 g
which gives a
I   M  m  R2

Example 34 :
A turntable rotates about a fixed vertical axis, making one revolution in 10s. The moment of inertia
of the turntable about the axis is 1200 kg m2. A man of mass 80 kg initially standing at the centre of the
turntable, runs out along a radius, What is the angular velocity of the turntable when the man is 2m from
the centre?
Solution :


I 0  initial moment of inertia of the system

I 0  I man  I table
I0 = 0 + 1200 = 1200 kgm2 ( I man  0 as the man is at the axis)
I  Final moment of inertia of the system
I  I man  I table I  mr 2  1200
I = 80 (2)2 + 1200 = 1520 kgm2
By conservation of angular momentum I 0 0  I 
Now 0  2 / T0  2 /10   / 5 rad/s
I 0 0 1200  
   0.51 rad/s
I 1520  5
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Center of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.PH. XI - 2019-21

Example 35 :
A small block of mass 4 kg is attached to a cord passing through a hole in a horizontal frictionless
surface. The block is originally revolving in a circle of radius 0.5 m about the hole, with a tangential
velocity of 4 m/s. The cord is then pulled slowly from below, shortening the radius of the circle in which
the block revolves. The breaking strength of the cord is 600 N. What will be the radius of the circle
when the cord breaks ?

Solution :
The tension of the rope is the only net force on the block and it does not exert any torque about the
axis of rotation. Hence the angular momentum of the block about the axis should remain conserved.
 mvr  constant
Let r1  0.5m and v1  4 m/s
Let r2 , v2 , T2 be the radius, velocity and tension when the string breaks.
 T2  600 N
mv1r1  mv2 r2 and T2  mv22 / r2
 mv1r1  m r2
1 1
 mv 2 r 2  3  4  16  0.25  3
r2   1 1    
 T2   600 
 16  3
 r2     3.0m
 600 

Example 36 :

A motor rotates a pulley of radius 25 cm at 20 rpm. A rope around the pulley lifts a 50 kg block, as shown in
figure. What is the power output of the motor ?
Solution :
The tension in the rope is equal to the weight since there is no acceleration.
Thus, T = 500 N. 
Therefore,   TR   500  0.25
= 125 Nm
Angular velocity, 
2   20  2 T
or   rad/s
60 3 m
the power required is
 2 
P    125Nm   rad/s   260N
 3 

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Example 37 :
Two small balls A and B, each of mass m, are attached rigidly to the ends of a light rod of length d.
The structure rotates about the perpendicular bisector of the rod at an angular speed  . Calculate the
angular momentum of the individual balls and of the system about the axis of rotation.
Solution :

The velocity of ball A with respect to the centre O is v  . The angular momentum of the ball
with respect to the axis is
 d  d  1
L1 = mvr = m    = 4 md .
 2  2 
The same is the angular momentum L2 of the second ball. The angular momentum of the system is
equal to sum of these two angular momenta i.e, L  md 2 .

Example 38 :

A uniform rod of mass m and length l is kept vertical with the lower end clamped. It is slightly pushed to let
it fall down under gravity. Find its angular speed when the rod is passing through its lowest position. Neglect
any friction at the clamp. What will be the linear speed of the free end at this instant?
Solution :
As the rod reaches its lowest position, the centre of mass is lowered by the distance l. Its gravita-
tional potential energy is decreased by mgl. As no energy is lost against friction, this should be equal to
the increase in the kinetic energy. As the rotation occurs about the horizontal axis through the clamped
end, the moment of inertia is I  ml 2 / 3 .
1 2
I   mgl
1  ml 2  2
    mgl
2 3 

or 
6g l
The linear speed of the free end is v  l  6 gl

— — — —

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Exercise - I
1. Parrot is in a cage which has openings and is hanging from a spring balance. Initially the parrot sits in the cage in
the second instance the parrot flies about inside the cage:
(1) The reading of the balance will be greater when the parrot flies in the cage
(2) The reading of the balance remains unchanged
(3) The reading of the balance will be less when the parrot flies
(4) None of the above
2. Two heavenly bodies S1 and S2 not far from each other are seen revolving in orbits :
(1) Around their common centre of mass (2) Which are arbitrary
(3) With S1 fixed and S2 moving round S1 (4) With S2 fixed and S1 moving round S2
3. The variation of momentum with time of one of the body in a two body collision is shown in figure. the
instantaneous force is maximum corresponding to point :

(1) P (2) S (3) R (4) P & S
4. A body of mass 3 kg is acted upon by a force which varies as shown in the graph below. The momentum
acquired is given by :


   
(1) Zero (2) 5 Ns (3) 30 Ns (4) 50 Ns
5. The distance between the centres of the carbon and oxygen atoms in the carbon monoxide gas molecule is 1.12 ×
10–8cm. Calculate the centre of mass of the molecule with respect to the carbon atom.
(1) 0.48 × 10–8 cm (2) 0.64 × 10–8 cm
(3) zero (4) 1.12 × 10–8
6. The linear density of a rod of length L varies as  = A + Bx. Then the position of its centre of mass is given by
L(2A  BL) L(3A  2BL)
(1) XCM  (2) XCM 
3(3A  2BL) 3(2A  BL)
L(3A  2BL) L(2A  3BL)
(3) XCM  (4) XCM 
3 3
7. The centre of mass of a system of particles does not depend upon:
(1) Masses of the particles (2) Forces on the particles
(3) Position of the particles (4) Relative distances between the particles
 
8. If R CM is the position of the centre of mass of a system of two particles of masses m1 and m2, then R CM is given
   
m1  m2 m1m2 m1 r1  m2 r2 m1 r1  m2 r2
(1)   (2)   (3) (4)
m1 r1  m2 r2 m1 r1  m2 r2 m1  m2 m1m2

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9. The centre of mass of a body is defined as the point at which the whole of its mass is supposed to be
concentrated, while centre of gravity of a body is defined as the point at which whole of its weight is supposed to
be concentrated then:
(1) Centre of gravity always coincides with the centre of mass
(2) Centre of gravity may lie slightly below the centre of mass
(3) Centre of gravity may lie slightly above the centre of mass
(4) None of these
10.The position of centre of mass of a system consisting of two particles of masses m1 and m2 separated by a
distance L apart, from m1 will be:
m1L m2 L
(1) (2)
m1  m2 m1  m2
m2 L
(3) L (4)
m1 2
11. Three uniform thin rods, each of mass M and length l are placed along the three co-ordinate axes with one
end of each rod at the origin. The moment of inertia of the system about any one of the co-ordinate axes is:
2 2
(1) 2 Ml2 (2) Ml
3 2 1 2
(3) Ml (4) Ml
2 2
12.The angular speed of a body changes from to without application of a torque but due to changes in moment of
inertia. The ratio of the radii of gyration in the two cases i.e., k1 : k2 to equal to

(1) 1 : 2 (2) 2 : 1
(3) 2 2 : 1 2 (4) 2 3 : 13
13. A solid cylinder of diameter D is mounted on a fixed frictionless horizontal axle. A string is wrapped around it
and a mass m is attached to the free end of the string. The mass is allowed to fall freely. If the speed of the mass
m just before striking the ground be , then :
(1)  D (2)   D2
(3)   1/D (4)  is independent of D
14.The moment of inertia of a solid cylinder about its axis is I. It is allowed to roll down an inclined plane without
slipping. If its angular velocity at the bottom be  , then kinetic energy of the cylinder will be
1 2
(1) I (2) I 2
3 2 2
(3) I (4) 2I 
15. A uniform circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating about its fixed axis such that a particle on the rim
moves with uniform speed v. What is its kinetic energy ?
(1) Mv2 (2) (1/2)Mv2
(3) (1/4) Mv2 (4) (1/8)Mv2
16.A circular ring of mass M and radius R is rolling on a horizontal surface with speed v. What is its kinetic energy
(1) Mv2 (2) (1/2) Mv2
(3) (1/4) Mv (4) (1/8) Mv2
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17.A body slides down an inclined plane and reaches the bottom with velocity v. If a ring rolls down the same
inclined plane without slipping, what will be its velocity on reaching the bottom ?
(1) v (2) v/ 2
(3) 2v (4) v/2
18. A solid sphere rolls down an inclined plane having inclination 30o, without slipping. What will be its acceleration
down the inclined plane ?
(1) g/2 (2) g/3
(3) 2g/3 (4) 5g/14
19.A ring of radius R slides down an inclined plane and reaches the bottom with speed v. If the radius of the ring is
doubled keeping its mass constant, the speed at the bottom of the inclined plane will be :
(1) 2v (2) 2v
(3) v/ 2 (4) v
20. A solid homogeneous sphere of mass M and radius R is moving on a rough horizontal surface, rolling with
sliding. During this kind of motion of the sphere
(1) Total kinetic energy is conserved
(2) The angular momentum of the sphere about the point of contact with the plane is conserved
(3) Only the rotational kinetic energy about the centre of mass is conserved
(4) Angular momentum about the centre of mass of conserved
21.A particle of mass M is moving in a horizontal circle of radius R with uniform speed V. When it moves from one
point to a diametrically opposite point, its
(1) Kinetic energy changes by MV2/4 (2) Momentum does not change
(3) Momentum changes by 2 MV (4) Kinetic energy changes by MV2
22. A body is rolling without slipping on a horizontal surface and its rotational kinetic energy is equal to the
translational kinetic energy. The body is :
(1) Disc (2) Sphere (3) Spherical shell (4) Ring
23.A thick walled hollow sphere has outer radius R. It rolls down an inclined plane without slipping and its speed at
the bottom is V. If the inclined plane is frictionless, its speed at the bottom will be 5V/4. What is the radius of
gyration of the sphere ?
R R 3R 3R
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 2 4 4
24.A solid sphere of mass M rolls without slipping on an inclined plane of inclination ‘  ’. What should be the
minimum coefficient of friction, so that the ball rolls down without slipping ?
2 2 5
(1) tan  (2) tan  (3) tan  (4) tan 
5 7 7
25.A uniform disc of mass M can rotate about a fixed smooth axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its
plane. A force F is applied on its rim. What is the tangential acceleration of the rim of the disc ?

2F F F F
(1) (2) (3) (4)
M M 2M 4M

26. Torque per unit moment of inertia is equivalent to

(1) angular velocity (2) angular acceleration
(3) radius of gyration (4) inertia

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27.The moment of inertia of a ring about its geometrical axis is I, then its moment of inertia about its diameter will
(1) 2I (2) (3) I (4)
2 4
28.A rigid body is rotating with variable angular velocity (a – bt) at any instant of time t. The total angle rotated by
it before coming to rest will be: (a and b are constants)

a  ba (2)
2 2b
a  b2
a2  b2
(3) (4)
2b 2a
29. The moment of inertia of a thin square plate ABCD of uniform thickness about an axis passing through its centre
and perpendicular to its plane will be
A 4 1


D C 2
(1) I1  I 2 (2) I1  I 3
(3) I1  I 2  I 4 (4) I1  I 2  I 3
30. Two rotating bodies have same angular momentum but their moments of inertia are I1 and I2 respectively (I1 >
I2). Which body will have higher kinetic energy of rotation.
(1) first (2) second
(3) both will have same kinetic energy (4) not possible to predict
31. A girl is sitting near the edge of a rotating circular platform. If the girl moves from circumference toward the
centre of the platform then the angular velocity of the platform will
(1) decrease (2) increase
(3) remain same (4) become zero
32. The angular momentum of a particle is
(1) parallel to its linear momentum (2) perpendicular to its linear momentum
(3) inclined to its linear momentum (4) a scalar quantity
33. A constant torque acting on a uniform circular wheel changes its angular momentum from A0 to 4A0 in 4
seconds. The value of torque is
(1) 4A0 (2) 12A0 (3) A0 (4) 3A0/4
34.A solid cylinder of mass M and radius R rolls an inclined plane of height h. The velocity of its centre of mass at
the bottom of the plane will be
4g 3
(1) (2) gh
h 4
(3) gh (4) 2gh
35. If the rotational kinetic energy of a body is increased by 300% then the percentage increase in its angular
momentum will be
(1) 600% (2) 150%
(3) 100% (4) 1500%

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36. A thin wire of length l and mass m is bent in the form of a semicircle (Figure). Its moment of inertia about an axis
joining its free ends will be

m O

(1) zero (2) ml2
ml 2 ml 2
(3) (4)
2 22
37.About which axis in the following figure the moment of inertia of the rectangular lamina is the maximum?


(1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 3 (4) 1
38. Figure shows a small wheel fixed coaxially on a bigger one of double the radius. The system rotates
about the common axis. The strings supporting A and B do not slip on the wheels. If x and y be the
distances travelled by A and B in the same time interval, then

(1) x = 2y (2) y = 2x (3) x = y (4) none of these.

39.A particle moves with a constant velocity parallel to the X-axis. Its angular momentum with respect to the origin
(1) is zero (2) remains constant
(3) goes on increasing (4) goes on decreasing

40. A cubical block of mass M and edge a slides down a rough inclined plane of inclination  with a uniform
velocity. The torque of the normal force on the block about its centre has a magnitude
(1) zero (2) Mga
(3) Mga sin  (4) Mga sin 

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Exercise - II
1. Determine the x and y coordinates of the center of mass of the system shown in the figure. The system consists of
masses m, m and 2m placed at the vertices of an equilateral triangle of side 1m.

1m 1m

m 1m m
(1) (0.5, 0.866) (2) (0.5, 3) (3) (0.43, 0.5) (4) (0.5, 0.43)
2. Two blocks of masses 3 m and m are connected by a massless and inextensible string which passes over a
massless and frictionless pulley. Calculate the magnitude of acceleration of centre of mass of the system when
the blocks are allowed to accelerate, given g = 10 m/s2
(1) 5 m/s2 (2) 2.5 m/s2 (3) 2 m/s2 (4) zero
3. Sailing of a boat is based on the principle of
(1) Momentum conservation (2) Angular momentum conservation
(3) Energy conservation (4) Mass conservation
4. Two particles of masses 1 kg and 3 kg move towards each other under their mutual force of attraction. No other
force acts on them. When the relative velocity of the two particles is 2 m/s, their centre of mass has a velocity of
0.5 m/s. But when the relative velocity of approach becomes 3 m/s, the velocity of the centre of mass is
(1) 0 (2) 0.5 m/s (3) 1.5 m/s (4) none of these
5. If the centre of mass of three particles of masses 10, 20 and 30 units be at a point (1, –1, 3) where should a fourth
particle of mass 40 units be placed so that the combined centre of mass may be at the point (1, 1, 1) ?
(1) 1, 5.5, –2 (2) 3, 5, 4 (3) 1.5, 0, –2 (4) None of these
6. Three identical spheres, each of mass 1 kg are placed touching each other with their centres on a straight line.
Their centre are marked P, Q and R respectively. The distance of centre of mass of the system from P is:
PQ  PR  QR PQ  PR PQ  QR PR  QR
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 3 3 3
7. A uniform metal disc of radius R is taken and out of it a disc of diameter R is cut off from the end. The centre of
mass of the remaining part will be:
(1) from the centre (2) from the centre
4 3
(3) from the centre (4) from the centre
5 6
8. A circular plate of uniform thickness has a diameter of 56 cm. A circular portion of diameter 42 cm is removed
from one edge as shown in the figure. The centre of mass of the remaining portion from the centre of plate will

O2 O O1

(1) 5 cm (2) 7 cm (3) 9 cm (4) 11 cm

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9. The two bodies of masses m1 and m2 (m1 > m2) respectively are tied to the ends of a string which passes over a
light frictionless pulley. The masses are initially at rest and released. The acceleration of the centre of mass is:
 m  m2   m  m2 
(1)  1  g (2)  1 g (3) g (4) Zero
 m1  m 2   m1  m 2 
10. The particles attract each other and are permitted to move towards each other along the line joining their centres
of mass. They are left at rest and at a particular moment of time their speeds are v and 2v. What is the speed of
their common centre of mass at this instant?
(1) Zero (2) 1.5v (3) v (4) 3v
11. Four identical rods are joined end to end to form a square. The mass of each rod is M. The moment of
inertia of the square about the diagonal is
2Ml 2 13Ml 2 Ml 2 13Ml 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 3 6 6
12. Three identical thin rods each of length l and mass M are joined together to form a letter H. What is the moment
of inertia of the system about one of the sides of H?

Ml 2 Ml 2 2Ml 2 4Ml 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 4 3 3
13. A uniform cylinder has a radius R and length L. If the moment of inertia of this cylinder about an axis
passing through its centre and normal to its circular face is equal to the moment of inertia of the same cylinder
about an axis passing through its centre and normal to its length; then:

(1) L = R (2) L = 3R (3) L  (4) L = 0
14. Three solid spheres , each of mass m and radius l, are placed at the corners of an equilateral triangle of side 2l.
The moment of inertia of this system about an axis along one of side of the triangle is:
65 2 33 2 21 2
(1) 3ml2 (2) ml (3) ml (4) ml
5 4 5
15.Let I be the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate about an axis AB that passes through its centre and is
parallel to two of its sides. CD is a line in the plane of the plate that passes through the centre of the plate and
makes an angle  with AB. The moment of inertia of the plate about the axis CD is :

(1) I (2) I sin 2
 (3) Icos2  (4) I cos2 (  /2)

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16.The minimum moment of inertia of a solid sphere about any axis is MR 2 . Then its radius of gyration about an
axis at a distance 2R from its centre is:
(1) 5R (2) 22 / 5 R
(3) R (4) 12 / 5R
17.Two particles of masses m1 and m2 are connected by a rigid massless rod of length r to constitute a dumb-bell
which is free to move in any plane. The moment of inertia of the dumb-bell about an axis perpendicular to the
line joining the centres and passing through the centre of mass of the dumb bell is:
m1m 2 r 2 2
(1) (2) (m1  m2 )r
m1  m 2
m1m 2 r 2
(3) (4) (m1 – m2)r2
m1  m 2
18.A heavy disc is gently placed on a horizontal surface after it has been given angular velocity (V0/R) . It will start
rolling without slipping when the speed of its centre reduces to:
V0 2V0 3V0 5V0
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 3 5 7
19.A rigid body rotates about a fixed axis with variable angular velocity equal to    t at time t where  and 
are constants. Find the angle through which it rotates before it comes to stop ?
2 2  2 2  2 (  )
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2 2 2 2
20. Moment of inertia of a uniform circular disc about a diameter is I. Its moment of inertia about an axis
perpendicular to its plane and passing through a point on its rim will be
(1) 5 I (2) 3 I (3) 6 I (4) 4 I
21.Moment of inertia of a uniform annular disc of internal radius r and external radius R and mass M about an axis
through its centre and perpendicular to its plane is
1 1
(1) M(R 2  r 2 ) (2) M(R 2  r 2 )
2 2
M(R 4  r 4 ) 1 M (R 4  r 4 )
(3) (4)
2(R 2  r 2 ) 2 R2  r2
22. A fly-wheel rotating about a fixed axis has a kinetic energy of 360 joule when its angular speed is 30 radian per
second. The moment of inertia of the fly-wheel about the axis of rotation is
(1) 0.6 kgm2 (2) 0.15 kgm2
(3) 0.8 kgm2 (4) 0.75 kgm2
2 2
23.The moment of inertia of a thin spherical shell of mass M and radius, r, about a diameter is Mr . Its radius of
gyration K, about tangent will be

2 2 5 3
(1) r (2) r (3) r (4) r
3 3 3 5

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24. Four spheres each having mass m and radius r are placed with their centres on the four corners of a square of side
a. The moment of inertia of the system about an axis along one of the sides of the square, is

8 2 8 2
(1) mr (2) mr  2ma 2
5 5
4 2 4 2
(3) mr  2ma 2 (4) mr  4ma 2
5 5
25.A smooth uniform rod of length L and mass M has two identical beads of negligible size, each of mass m, which
can slide freely along the rod. Initially the two beads are at the centre of the rod and the system is given an
angular velocity 0 about an axis perpendicular to rod and passing through the mid point of rod (As shown in
figure). There are no external forces. When the beads reach the ends of the rod the angular velocity of the system

m m
2 0 2
M M M  6m
(1) 0 (2) 0 (3) 0 (4) 0
M  3m M  6m M
26. A person sitting firmly over a rotating stool has his arms stretched. If he folds his arms, his angular momentum
about the axis of rotation
(1) increases (2) decreases
(3) remains unchanged (4) doubles
27. A solid sphere, a hollow sphere and a disc, all having same mass and radius, are placed at the top of a smooth
incline and released. Least time will be taken in reaching the bottom by
(1) the solid sphere (2) the hollow sphere
(3) the disc (4) all will take same time
28.The rotational kinetic energy of a body is E and its moment of inertia is I. The angular momentum is
(1) EI (2) 2 EI
(3) 2EI (4) E/I
29. A solid sphere is moving on a horizontal plane, Ratio of its translational K.E. and rotational energy is
(1) 1/5 (2) 5/2
(3) 3/5 (4) 5/7
30. Before jumping in to water from above, swimmer bends his body to
(1) Increase moment of Inertia (2) decrease moment of Inertia
(3) decrease the angular momentum (4) reduce the angular velocity

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31.The moment of Inertia of a solid cylinder of mass M and radius R about a line parallel to the axis of the cylinder
but lying on the surface of the cylinder is
2 3 3 5
(1) MR 2 (2) MR 2 (3) MR 2 (4) MR 2
5 5 2 2
32. A wheel is rotating at 900 r.p.m about its axis. When power is cut off it comes to rest in 1 minute. The angular
retardation in rad/s2 is
(1)  / 2 (2)  / 4 (3)  / 6 (4)  / 8
33.The angular velocity of second’s hand of a watch is
(1) 0.053 rad/s (2) 0.210 rad/s (3) 0.105 rad/s (4) 0.42 rad/s
34. One quarter sector is cut from a uniform circular disc of mass M of radius R. It is made to rotate about a line
perpendicular to its plane and passing through the centre of the original disc. Its moment of inertia about the axis
of rotation is


1 1 1
(1) MR 2 (2) MR 2 (3) MR 2 (4) 2MR 2
2 4 8
35. A loop rolls down on inclined plane. The fraction of its total kinetic energy that is associated with rotational
motion is
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 1 : 3 (3) 1 : 4 (4) 2 : 3
36. A fly-wheel rotating about a fixed axis has a kinetic energy of 360 J when its angular speed is 30 radian per
second. The moment of inertia of the fly-wheel about the axis of rotation is
(1) 0.6 kgm2 (2) 0.15 kgm2 (3) 0.8 kgm2 (4) 0.75 kgm2
37.From a given sample of uniform wire, two circular loops P and Q are made, P of radius r, and Q of radius nr. If
the M.I. of Q about its axis is 4 times that of P about its, axis the value of n is
2 1 1 1
(1) (4) 3
(2) (4) 3
(3) (4) 2
(4) (4) 4

2 2
38.The moment of inertia of a thin spherical shell of mass M and radius, r, about a diameter is Mr . Its radius of
gyration K, about tangent will be
2 2 5 3
(1) r (2) r (3) r (4) r
3 3 3 5
39. Let g be acceleration due to gravity on the surface of earth and T be the rotational kinetic energy of earth.
Suppose the earth’s radius decreases by 2% due to internal forces. Then
(1) g decreases by 2% and T decreases by 4%
(2) g decreases by 4% and T decreases by 2%
(3) g increases by 4% and T increases by 4%
(4) g increases by 4% and T decreases by 4%
40.A body rolls down an inclined plane without slipping. The fraction of total energy associated with its rotation
will be (K  Radius of gyration)
2 2 K2 K2 R2
(1) K + R (2) (3) (4)
R2 K2  R 2 K2  R 2

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Exercise - III


1. A spherical ball rolls on a table without slipping. Then the fraction of its total energy associated with rotation
is -
(1) 2/5 (2) 2/7 (3) 3/5 (4) 3/7
2. A body of radius R and mass m is rolling horizontally without slipping with speed v. It then rolls up a hill to a
maximum height h = . The body might be a -
(1) solid sphere (2) hollow sphere (3) disc (4) ring
3. A disc is performing pure rolling on a smooth stationary surface with constant angular velocity as shown in
figure. At any instant, for the lower most point of the disc.


(1) Velocity is v, acceleration is zero (2) Velocity is zero, acceleration is zero

(3) Velocty is v, acceleration is (4) Velocity is zero, acceleration is nonzero
4. A L shaped rod whose one rod is horizontal and other is vertical is rotating about a vertical axis as shown with
angular speed . The sleeve shown in figure has mass m and friction coefficient between rod and sleeve is .
The minimum angular speed  for which sleeve cannot sleep on rod is –


m sleeve

g g 
(1)   (2)   (3)   (4) None of these
  g
5. Portion AB of the wedge shown in figure is rough and BC is smooth. A solid cylinder rolls without slipping
from A to B. If AB = BC, then ratio of translational kinetic energy to rotational kinetic energy, when the
cylinder reaches point C is –

(1) 3/5 (2) 5 (3) 7/5 (4) 8/3

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6. In the figure given below, the end B of the rod AB which makes angle  with the floor is pulled with a
constant velocity v0 as shown. The length of rod is . At an instant when = 37º


 v0
O B x
4v 0 5v0
(1) Velocity of end A is (2) angular velocity of rod is
3 6
(3) angular velocity of rod is constant (4) velocity of end A is constant
7. A L shaped rod of mass M is free to rotate in a vertical plane about axis AA as shown in figure. Maximum
angular acceleration of rod is-

3g 9 g 9 g 6g
(1) (2) (3) (4)
10  10 5 5 2

8. Figure shows a sphere of mass M & radius ‘R’ let AA and BB be two axes as shown in figure then
(I) Parallel axes theorem is not applicable between axes AA & BB
(II) I BB = I AA + MR2

B B
(1) Both of statement - I and statement - II are correct
(2) Statement - I is correct but statement-II is false
(3) Statement - I is false but statement - II is correct
(4) Both of statement - I and statement - II are false

9. A right circular cone with semi vertical angle '' rest on a rough inclined plane. As angle of inclination 
increases, cone will slides before it topples over if coefficient of friction -



3 4
(1)  < tan  (2)  < tan  (3)  < 4 tan  (4)  < tan 
4 3

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

10. A uniform disc of mass M and radius 'R' is supported vertically by a pivot at its periphery as shown. A particle
of mass M is fixed to the rim and raised to highest point above the centre. The system is released from rest and
it can rotate about pivot freely. The angular speed of system when it attached object is directly beneath the
pivot, is -

24 g 8g 8g 3g
(1) (2) (3) (4)
11 R 11 R 3R 8R

11. A cylinder is rolling over frictionless horizontal surface with velocity v0 as shown in figure. Coefficient of
friction between wall and cylinder is  = . If the collision between cylinder and wall is completely inelastic,
then kinetic energy of cylinder after collision -


mv02 mv02 3mv20

(1) Zero (2) (3) (4)
32 4 32
12. In the given figure a ring of mass m is kept on a horizontal surface while a body of equal mass 'm' attached
through a string, which is wounded on the ring. When the system is released the ring rolls without slipping.
Consider the following statements and choose the correct option-

(i) acceleration of the centre of mass of ring is
(ii) acceleration of the hanging particle is
(iii) frictional force (on the ring) acts along forward direction
(iv) frictional force (on the ring) acts along backward direction
(1) statement (i) and (ii) only (2) statement (i) and (iii)only
(3) statement (ii) and (iv) only (4) none of these
13. AB and CD are two identical rods each of length  and masses m joined to
form a cross. The moment of inertia of these two rods about a bisector of the
angle between the rods (xy) is

m 2 m 2
(1) (2) A B
6 3
m 2 2m 2
(3) (4) y
12 3

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14. A uniform disc of mass radius R lies in the x – y plane, with its centre at origin. Its moment of inertia is
MR 2
about the line y = x + c. The value of c will be
(1) –R/2 (2)  (3) + R/4 (4) –R
15. A circular disc of radius R and thickness has moment of inertia I about an axis passing through its centre
and perpendicular to its plane. It is melted and recasted into a solid sphere. The moment of inertia of the
sphere about its diameter as axis of rotation is
2I I I
(1) I (2) (3) (4)
8 5 10
16. Two discs of same thickness but of different radii are made of two different materials such that their masses
are same. The densities of the materials are in ratio 1 : 3. The moment of inertia of these discs about the
respective axes passing through their centres and perpendicular to their planes will be in the ratio
(1) 1:3 (2) 3:1 (3) 1:9 (4) 9:1
17. Two thin rods of mass m and length  each are joined to form L shape as shown in the figure. The moment of
inertia of rods about an axis passing through free end (O) of a rod and perpendicular to both the rod is
2 m 2 5m  2
(3) m 
(1) m 2 (2) (4)
7 6 3
18. A particle moves along a circle of radius m with constant tangential acceleration. If the velocity of the

particle is 80 m/s at the end of the second revolution after motion has begin, the tangential acceleration is
2 2 2 2
(1) 640  m / s (2) 160  m / s (3) 40  m / s (4) 40 m / s
19. The direction of the angular velocity vector is along
(1) The tangent to the circular path (2) The inward radius
(3) The outward radius (4) The axis of rotation
20. A ring of radius r and mass m rotating with an angular velocity 0 is placed in vertical plane on a rough
horizontal surface. The initial velocity of the centre of the hoop is zero. What will be the velocity of the centre
of the hoop when it ceases to slip
r0 r0 r0
(1) (2) (3) (4) r0
4 3 2
21. The moment of inertia of semicircular ring of mass m and radius R about an axis which is perpendicular to the
plane of the ring and passes through the centre
2 MR 2 MR 2
(1) MR (2) (3) (4) None of these
2 4
22. Four point masses, each of value m, are placed at the corners of a square ABCD (taken in order) of side l .
The moment of inertia of this system about an axis passing through A and parallel
to BD is
(1) 3 ml 2 (2) 3ml 2 (3) ml 2 (4) 2ml 2
23. The moment of inertia of a sphere of mass M and radius R about an axis passing through its centre is 2/5MR .
The radius of gyration of the sphere about a parallel axis to the above and tangent to the sphere is
7 3  7  3
(1) R (2) R (3)   R (4)   R
5 5  
 5  5

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24. Consider a uniform square plate of side ‘a’ and mass ‘m’. The moment of inertia of this plate about an axis
perpendicular to its plane and passing through one of its corners is
1 7 2 5
(1) ma  (2) ma 2 (3) ma 2 (4) ma 2
12 12 3 6
25. Moment of inertia of a thin circular disc of mass M and radius R about any diameter is
MR 2 2 1 2
(1) (2) MR 2 (3) MR 2 (4) MR
4 3 2
26. The moment of inertia of a circular ring of mass 1 kg about an axis passing through its centre and
perpendicular to its plane is 4kg  m . The diameter of the ring is
(1) 2m (2) 4m (3) 5m (4) 6m
27. One solid sphere A and another hollow sphere B are of same mass and same outer radii. Their moment of
inertia about their diameters are respectively I A and IB such that
(1) I A  I B (2) I A  I B (3) I A  I B (4) IA / I B  d A / d B
28. A small part of the rim of a fly wheel breaks off while it is rotating at a constant angular speed. Then its radius
of gyration will
(1) Increase (2) Decrease
(3) Remain unchanged (4) Nothing definite can be said

  
29. Let F be the force acting on a particle having position vector r and T be the torque of this force about the
origin. Then
       
(1) r.T  0 and F.T  0 (2) r.T  0 and F.T  0
       
(3) r.T  0 and F.T  0 (4) r.T  0 and F.T  0
30. A couple produces
(1) Purely linear motion (2) Purely rotational motion
(3) Linear and rotational motion (4) No motion
31. When a torque acting upon a system is zero, then which of the following will be constant
(1) Force (2) linear momentum
(3) Angular momentum (4) linear impulse
32. A disc of moment of inertia 5 kg  m is acted upon by a constant torque of 40 Nm. Starting from rest the
time taken by it to acquire an angular velocity of 24 rad/sec is
(1) 3sec (2) 4sec (3) 2.5 sec (4) 120 sec
33. The angular momentum of a system of particles is conserved
(1) When no external force acts upon the system
(2) When no external torque acts on the system
(3) When no external impulse acts upon the system
(4) When axis of rotation remains same
34. If the radius of the earth suddenly contracts to half of its present value, then the duration of day will be of
(1) 6 hours (2) 12 hours (3) 18 hours (4) 24 hours

35. The centre of mass of a body:

(1) Lies always at the geometrical centre (2) Lies always inside the body
(3) Lies always outside the body (4) Lies within or outside the body

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36. The centre of mass of the shaded portion of the disc is:
(The mass is uniformly distributed in the shaded portion):

A R/4

(1) to the left of A (2) to the left of A
20 12
(3) to the right of A (4) to the right of A
20 12
37. A thin uniform wire is bent to form the two equal sides AB and AC of triangle ABC, where AB  AC  5cm
. The third side BC, of length 6 cm, is made from uniform wire of twice the density of the first. The distance
of centre of mass from A is:
34 11 34 11
(1) cm (2) cm (3) cm (4) cm
11 34 9 45
38. A body has its centre of mass at the origin. The x  coordinates of the particles
(1) May be all positive (2) May be all negative
(3) May be all non-negative (4) None of these
39. A bomb travelling in a parabolic path under the effect of gravity, explodes in mid air. The centre of
mass of fragments will
(1) Move vertically upwards and then downwards
(2) Move vertically downwards
(3) Move in irregular path
(4) Move in the parabolic path which the unexploded bomb would have travelled.
40. A body at rest breaks into two pieces of equal masses. The parts will move
(1) In same direction (2) Along different lines
(3) In opposite directions with equal speeds (4) In opposite directions with unequal speeds
41. Two blocks of masses m and M are moving with speeds v1 and v 2  v1  v 2  in the same direction on the
frictionless surface respectively, M being ahead of m. An ideal spring of force constant k is attached to the
backside of M ( as shown). The maximum compression of the spring when the block collides is:

m M
(1) v1 (2) v2
k k
(3)  v1  v 2  (4) None of above is correct
M  m K
42. A bullet in motion hits and gets embedded in a solid block resting on a frictionless table. Which of the
following is conserved?
(1) Momentum and KE (2) Kinetic energy alone
(3) Neither KE nor momentum (4) Momentum alone

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43. A man weighing 80 kg is standing at the centre of flat boat and he is 20 m from the shore. He walks 8m on the
boat towards the shore and then halts. The boat weight 200 kg. How far is he from the shore at the end of this
(1) 11.2 m (2) 13.8 m (3) 14.3 m (4) 15.4 m
44. On a smooth horizontal plane, a uniform string of mass M and length is lying in the state of rest. A man of the
same mass M is standing next to one end of the string. Now, the man starts collecting the string. Finally the
man collects all the string and puts it in his pocket. What is the displacement of the man with respect to earth
in the process of collection?

(1) L 2 (2) L 4 (3) L 8 (4) none

45. A boy hits a baseball with a bat and imparts an impulse J to the ball. The boy hits the ball again with the
same force, except that the ball and the bat are in contact for twice the amount of time as in the first hit. The
new impulse equals:
(1) Half the original impulse (2) The original impulse
(3) Twice the original impulse (4) Four time the original impulse
46. One end of a uniform rod of mass m and length l is clamped. The rod lies on a smooth horizontal surface and
rotates on it about the clamped end at a uniform angular velocity . The force exerted by the clamp on the rod
has a horizontal component
1 2
(1) m2 l (2) zero (3) mg (4) m l b
47. A small mass m is stricken at the end of a rod of mass 3m and length l. This system is redeased to rotate about
an axis coming out of page and passing through left end of rod. What will be ‘’ of the system at the instant
when it becomes vertical?

3g g 5g 5g
(1) (2) (3) (4)
2l 2l 2l 4l
48. A bullet of mass m coming at a speed v hits at the center of a rod of mass m and length l and gets embedded in
it. What will be the angular velocity with which it will start rotating?

3V 3V
(1) 6V (2) (3) (4) 12V
7l 7l 2l 7l

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1. A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is placed on a smooth horizontal surface. It is given a horizontal
impulse J at a height h above the centre of mass and sphere starts rolling then, the value of h and speed of
centre of mass are –

2 J 2 2 J
(1) h = R and v = (2) h = R and v =
5 M 5 5 M

7 7 J 7 J
(3) h = R and v = (4) h = R and v =
5 5 M 5 M
2. A rod of mass m and length l is hinged at one of its end A as shown in figure. A force F is applied at a
distance x from A. The acceleration of centre of mass (1) varies with x as –


a a a a

(1) (2) (3) (4)

x x x x

3. A solid sphere of radius R and M is placed on a smooth horizontal floor. If it given a horizontal impulse F at a
height h above centre of mass and the sphere starts rolling, then its angular speed  is


2 F.h 5 Fh F 7F h
(1)  = (2)  = × (3)  = (4)  =
5R M 2 2 MR 2 hM 5MR 2

4. As shown in figure, wheel A of radius rA = 10 cm is coupled by belt B to wheel C of radius

rC = 25 cm. The angular speed of wheel A is increased from rest at a constant rate of 1.6 rad/s2. Time after
which wheel C reaches a rotational speed of 100 rpm, assuming the belt does not slip, is nearly


(1) 4 sec (2) 8 sec (3) 12 sec (4) 16 sec

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

5. A uniform rod of mass M1 is hinged at its upper end. A particle of mass M2 moving
horizontally strikes the rod at its mid point elastically. If the particle comes to rest
after collision, the value of is –
3 4
(1) (2)
4 3
2 3
(3) (4)
3 2

6. A thin uniform equilateral plate rests in vertical plane with one of its ends 'A' on a
rough horizontal floor, and other end 'C' on smooth vertical wall. The least angle
() its base AC can make with horizontal will be –
 1   1 
(1)  = cot–1  2   (2)  = tan–1  2  
 3  3
 1   1 
(3)  = tan–1  2   (4)  = cot–1  2  
 2 3  2 3

7. In the figure shown two identical disc of radius R, each are placed on a smooth horizontal plane. Thread
unwraps without slack from discs when they move away from each other. At any instant acceleration of centre
of disc A & B are a2 & a1 respectively in opposite direction while their angular acceleration are 2 & 
respectively. If string unwraps from discs without slipping then –

(1) a1 – R1 = R2 – a2 (2) a1 – a2 = R1 – R2

d  d 2
(3) = a1 – a2 (4) = a1 + a2 – (R1 + R2)
dt 2 dt 2

8. A rod of mass 'M' & length 'L' lying on a frictionless horizontal surface is initially
given an angular velocity '' about vertical axis with centre of mass at rest but circular
motion is not fixed. Subsequently end A of rod collides with nail P, which is near to A
such that end A becomes stationary immediately after impact. Velocity of end 'B' just
after collision will be –
(1) L (2)
L 7L
(3) (4)
4 3

9. Two identical rods each of mass M and length 'L' are performing general
plane motion in horizontal plane as shown in figure. If v is the velocity
of circular motion of both rods and '' is the angular speed about vertical
axis, then angular momentum of rod 1 in the reference frame of centre of
mass of rod 2 at given instant will be
 2 
3L ML  3L
(1)  Mv   (– k̂ ) (2) Mv. (–k̂ )
 2 12   2
 2 
ML 
(3)   (–k̂ ) (4) None
12 
 

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10. A solid sphere of mass M and radius R is lying on a rough horizontal

plane. A constant force F = 4 Mg acts vertically at point P such that OP
makes 600 with horizontal. Find the minimum value of coefficient of
friction  so that sphere starts pure rolling –
3 4
(1) (2)
7 7
2 2
(3) (4)
7 5

11. A smooth sphere of radius R and M is placed on the smooth horizontal floor. Another particle of mass m is
placed on the sphere and a horizontal force F is applied on the sphere as shown. If the particle does not slip on
the sphere, then the value of force F is –

(1) F = (m + M)g cot  (2) F = Mg cot  (3) F = (m + M) g tan  (4) None of these

12. A thin rod of mass m and length is hinged at one end point which is at a distance h (h < ) above the
horizontal surface. The rod is released from rest from the horizontal position. If e is the co-efficient of
restitution, the angular velocity of rod just after collision will be (h = 1m,  = 2m, e = 1) -

3 3g 6 3g 5 3g
(1) (2) (3) (4) none of these
8 8 8
13. A uniform disc of mass m and radius R is rolling down a rough inclined plane which makes an angle 30° with
the horizontal. If the coefficients of static and kinetic friction are each equal to  and the only force acting are
gravitational and frictional, then the magnitude of the frictional force acting on the disc is -
(1) (mg/3) upwards (2) (mg/3) downwards
(3) (mg/6) upwards (4) (mg/6) downwards

14. Two point masses A of mass M and B of mass 4M are fixed at the ends of a rod of length  and of negligible
mass. The rod is set rotating about an axis perpendicular to its length with a uniform angular speed  . The
work required for rotating the rod will be minimum when the distance of axis of rotation from the mass A is at
2 8 4 
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4)
5 5 5 5

15. A thin circular ring of mass M and radius r is rotating about its axis with a constant angular velocity  , Two
objects, each of mass m, are attached gently to the opposite ends of a diameter of the ring. The wheel now
rotates with an angular velocity
M   M  2m  M   M  2m 
(1) (2) (3) (4)
M  m  M  2m   M  2m  M

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16. A circular platform is free to rotate in a horizontal plane about a vertical axis passing through its centre. A
tortoise is sitting at the edge of the platform. Now the platform is given an angular velocity 0 . When the
tortoises move along a chord of the platform with a constant velocity (with respect to the platform), the
angular velocity of the platform   t  will very with time t as

(1) (2)
 t   t 

0 0

t t

(3) (4)
 t   t 

0 0

t t

17. A particle is confined to rotate in a circular path decreasing linear speed, then which of the following is
(1) L (angular momentum) is conserved about the centre
(2) only direction of angular momentum L is conserved about the center
(3) it spiral towards the centre
(4) its acceleration is towards the centre
18. A solid cylinder is projected on a rough surface having coefficient of friction  , with velocity v 0 and angular
 v0 
velocity 0   , R is radius  , the time t at which rolling without slipping occurs is-
 2R 


v0 v0 v0 v0
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3g 6 g 2g g
19. A cylinder rolls up an inclined plane, reaches some height, and then rolls down (without slipping throughout
these motions). The directions of the frictional force acting on the cylinder are
(1) up the incline while ascending and down the incline descending
(2) up the incline while ascending as well as descending
(3) down the incline while ascending and up the incline while descending
(4) down the incline while ascending as well as descending
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20. A small block of mass m is rigidly attached at P to a ring of mass 3m and radius r. The system is released from
the rest at   90 0 and rolls without sliding. The angular acceleration of loop just after release is


(1) g/4R (2) g/8R (3) g/3R (4) g/2R

21. A uniform sticks of mass m and length  spins around on a frictionless horizontal plane, with its Centre of
Mass stationary. A mass M is placed on the plane, and the sticks collide elastically with it, as shown (with the
contact point being the end of the stick). If M the mass (in kg) so that after the collision the stick has
translational moxion, but no rotational motion, then find the value of . (Take m = 24 kg)
(1) 3 (2) 5 (3) 9 (4) None of these

22. A uniform ‘T’ shaped object with dimensions shown in the figure, is lying on a smooth floor. A force ' F ' is
applied at the point P parallel to AB, such that the object has only the translational motion without rotation.
Find the location of P with respect to C

4 2 3
(1) l (2) l (3) l (4) l
3 3 2
23. Four small objects each of mass m are fixed at the corners of a rectangular wire-frame of negligible mass and
of sides a and b (a>b). If the wire frame is now rotated about an axis passing along the side of length b, then
the moment of inertia of the system for this axis of rotation is
(1) 2ma 2 (2) 4ma 2 (3) 2m a  b
2 2
 2
(4) 2m a  b
  
24. The moment of inertia of a circular ring of mass 1 kg about an axis passing through its centre and
perpendicular to its plane is 4kg  m . The diameter of the ring is
(1) 2m (2) 4m (3) 5m (4) 6m
25. A solid sphere of mass M, radius R and having moment of inertia about an axis passing through the centre of
mass as I, is recast into a disc of thickness t, whose moment of inertia about an axis passing through its edge
and perpendicular to its plane remains I. Then, radius of the disc will be
2R  2 4R R
(1) (2) R   (3) (4)
5  5 5 4
26. From a solid sphere of mass M and radius R a cube of maximum possible volume is cut. Moment of inertia of
cube about an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to one of its faces is
MR 2 MR 2 4MR 2 4MR 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
32 2 16 2 9 3 3 3

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27. An annular ring with inner and outer radii R1 and R 2 is rolling without slipping with a uniform angular
speed. The ratio of the forces experienced by the two particles situated on the inner and outer parts of the ring,
(1) 1 (2) R 1 / R 2 (3) R 2 / R 1 (4)  R1 / R 2 
28. A thin and circular disc of mass M and radius R is rotating in a horizontal plane about an axis passing through
its centre and perpendicular to its plane with an angular velocity  . If another disc of same dimensions but of
mass M/4 is placed gently on the first disc co-axially, then the new angular velocity of the system is
5 2 4 3
(1)  (2)  (3)  (4) 
4 3 5 2
29. A gymnast spins on a smooth floor with angular speed  and kinetic energy k about his vertical symmetric
axis. He reduces his moment of inertia by half on pulling his hands closer. The kinetic energy of rotation
finally is
(1) k (2) 2k (3) k/2 (4) k/4
30. A uniform cylinder has a radius R and length L. If the moment of inertia of this cylinder about an axis passing
through its centre and normal to its circular face is equal to the moment of inertia of the same cylinder about
an axis passing through its centre and perpendicular to its length, then
R 3
(1) L  R (2) L  3R (3) L  (4) L  R
3 2
31. A semicircular portion of radius ‘r’ is cut from a uniform rectangular plate as shown in figure. The
distance of centre of mass ‘C’ of remaining plate,

2r 3r 2r 2r
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3    2  4    4   3 4  
32. A shell is fired from a cannon with a velocity V at an angle  with the direction. At the highest point in its
path, it explodes into two pieces of equal masses. One of the pieces retraces its path to the cannon. The speed
of the other piece immediately after the explosion is
(1) 3 V cos  (2) 2 V cos  V cos  (3) (4) V cos 
33. In the arrangement shown, the pendulum on the left is pulled aside. It is then
released and allowed to collide with other pendulum which is at rest. A perfectly
inelastic collision occurs and the system rises to a height 1 / 4 th . The ratio of the
masses of the pendulum is
(1) 1 (2) 2
(3) 3 (4) 4
34. There are hundred identical sliders equally spaced on a frictionless track as shown in the figure. Initially all
the sliders are at rest. Slider 1 is pushed with velocity v towards slider 2. In a collision the sliders stick
together. The final velocity of the set of hundred stucked sliders will be

v v
(1) (2) (3) zero (4) v
99 100
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35. In the figure one fourth part of a uniform disc of radius R is shown. The distance of the centre of mass of this
object from centre ‘O’ is
4R 2R
(1) (2)
3 3
4R 2R O
(3) 2 (4) 2
3 3 R

36. In the figure shown, the two identical balls of mass M and radius R each, are placed in contact with each other
on the frictionless horizontal surface. The third ball of mass M and radius R/2, is
coming down vertically and has a velocity  v0 when it simultaneously hits the two
balls and itself comes to rest. Then, each of the two bigger balls will move after
collision with a speed equal to
(1) 4v 0  5 (2) 2v 0  5

(3) v 0  5 (4) None

37. A ball of mass m is released from A inside a smooth wedge of mass m as shown in the figure. What is the
speed of the wedge when the ball reaches point B?
 gR 
(1)   (2) 2gR
3 2 
1/ 2
 5 gR  3
(3)   (4) gR
2 3 2

Assertion & Reason Questions

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below:
(1) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason is a correct explanation for Assertion.
(2) Assertion is True, Reason is True; Reason is NOT a correct explanation for Assertion.
(3) Assertion is True, Reason is False.
(4) Assertion is False, Reason is True.
1. Assertion : In a two body collision, the momenta of the particle are equal and opposite to one another,
before as well as after the collision when measured in the center of mass frame.
Reason : The momentum of the system is zero from the centre of mass frame.
2. Assertion : If no external force acts on a system of particles, then the centre of mass will not move in any
Reason : If net external force is zero, then the linear momentum of the system remains constant.
3. Assertion : The centre of mass and centre of gravity of a body are two different positions in general.
Reason : The centre of mass and centre of gravity of a body coincide only if gravitational field is
4. Assertion : If linear momentum of a system of discrete particles is zero. The kinetic energy of the system
of discrete particles will be zero.
Reason : If kinetic energy of a system of discrete particle is zero, the linear momentum of the system of
discrete particles will be zero.

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5. Assertion : The internal forces acting within the system can change the linear momentum of individual
particles of the system.
Reason : The internal forces cannot change the linear momentum of the system.
6. Assertion : If there is no external torque on a body about its centre of mass, then the velocity of the centre
of the mass remains constant.
Reason : The linear momentum of isolated system remains constant.
7. Assertion : A block is kept at the top of a smooth wedge which is kept on a smooth horizontal surface. As
the block slides down the wedge, centre of the mass of system will be accelerated.
Reason : When external force acting on the system is zero, centre of mass is in rest.
8. Assertion : We apply the principle of conservation of linear momentum in collision and explosion
phenomena even in the presence of external forces.
Reason : During collision and explosion net impulse on the system should be zero to apply the
principle of conservation of linear momentum.
9. Assertion : If net force acting on a system is zero then centre of mass of system always remains at rest.
Reason : If net force acting on a system is zero then acceleration of centre of mass is zero.
10. Assertion : The position of centre of mass of a body does not depend upon shape and size of the body.
Reason : The centre of mass of a body may lie where there is no mass.
11. Assertion : The equation  = I can be applied only about two points
(i) centre of mass and
(ii) point about which the body is rotating.
Reason : The equation a = r can always be applied in case of rolling.
12. Assertion : In case of rolling friction force can act in forward and backward direction both.
Reason : The angular momentum of a system will be conserved only about that point about which
external angular impulse is zero.
13. Assertion : For the purpose of calculation of moment of inertia, a body’s mass can be thought to be
concentrated at its centre of mass.
Reason : Moment of inertia is a measure of how the mass is distributed about a certain axis.
14. Assertion : Many great rivers flow toward the equator. The sediments that they carry, increases the time
of rotation of the earth about its own axis.
Reason : The angular momentum of the earth about its rotation axis is conserved.
15. Assertion : The mass of a body cannot be considered to be concentrated at the centre of mass of the body
for the purpose of computing its moment of inertia.
Reason : For then the moment of inertia of every body about an axis passing through its centre of mass
would be zero.
16. Assertion : A ladder is more likely to slip when a person is near the top than when he is near the bottom.
Reason : The friction between the ladder and floor decreases as he climbs up.
17. Assertion : If a body (ball) is rolling on a surface without slipping, no frictional force acts on it.
Reason : In the case of rolling without slipping points of contact are relatively at rest.
    
18. Assertion : If Torque (  ) acting on a rigid body is defined as   A  L , where A is a constant vector

and L is the angular momentum of the body, the magnitude of the angular momentum of the
body remains same.
 
Reason :  is perpendicular to L and hence torque does not deliver any power to the body.

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 
19. Assertion : For a rigid body angular momentum L and  have same direction.
 
Reason : For rigid body about a symmetrical axis L and  have same direction.
20. Assertion : The moment of inertia of a rigid body is not unique; about a given axis.
Reason : The moment of inertia of a rigid body depends on axis about which it has to be calculated.
21. Assertion : A sphere rolling on a rough horizontal surface with constant velocity then it start going up on
a smooth inclined plane. Rotational KE of sphere decreases continuously on horizontal and
inclined surface.
Reason : Rotational KE decreases if torque due to friction opposes angular velocity of sphere.
22. Assertion : Minimum moment of inertia of a uniform body is I about an axis. The axis must be passing
through COM of body.
Reason : Moment of inertia depends on distribution of mass about axis of rotation.
23. Assertion : A solid sphere rolling on a rough horizontal surface. Acceleration of contact point is zero.
Reason : A solid sphere can roll on the smooth surface.

24. Assertion : A disc is rolling on an inclined plane without slipping. The velocity of centre of mass is V.
These other points on the disc having same speed as centre of mass lie on a circular arc.
Reason : When a disc is rolling on an inclined plane. The magnitude of velocities of all the point from
the contact point is same, having distance equal to radius r.
25. Assertion : A sphere is performing pure rolling on a rough horizontal surface with constant angular
velocity. Frictional force acting on the sphere is zero.
Reason : Velocity of contact point is zero.
26. Assertion : A non–uniform sphere is placed such that its centre is at the origin of co–ordinate system. If Ix
and Iy be moment of inertia about x axis and y axis respectively then moment of inertia about
z axis is Ix + Iy.
Reason : According to perpendicular axis theory Iz = Ix + Iy when object is lying in x–y plane.
27. Assertion : Torque is equal to rate of change of angular momentum.
Reason : Angular momentum depends on moment of inertia and angular velocity.
28. Assertion : If earth shrink (without change in mass) to half it’s present size. Length of the day would
become 6 hours.
Reason : As size of earth changes its moment of inertia changes.
29. Assertion : A disc is rolling on a rough horizontal surface. The instantaneous speed of the point of contact
during pure rolling is zero with respect to ground.
Reason : The force of friction can help in achieving pure rolling condition.
30. Assertion : When a diver dives, the rotational kinetic energy of diver increases, during several
Reason : When diver pulls his limbs, the moment of inertia decreases and on account of conservation
of angular momentum his angular speed increases.
31. Assertion : A ring moving down on a smooth inclined plane will be in slipping motion.
Reason : Work done by friction in pure rolling motion is zero.

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32. Assertion : The velocity of a body at the bottom of an inclined place of given height, is more when it
slides down the plane, compared to, when it rolling down the same plane.
Reason : In rolling down, a body acquires both, kinetic energy of translation and rotation.
33. Assertion : If rod is thrown upward with initial angular velocity and velocity of centre of mass then its
momentum changes but angular velocity remains same.
Reason : Torque on rod about centre of mass due to gravitational force is zero.
34. Assertion : Moment of inertial of uniform disc and solid cylinder of equal mass and equal radius about an
axis passing through centre and perpendicular to plane will be same.
Reason : Moment of inertia depends upon distribution of mass from the axis of rotation i.e.,
perpendicular distance from the axis.
35. Assertion : For a particle moving along circular path, centripetal force cancel centrifugal force.
Reason : They are equal in magnitude and opposite in direction.
36. Assertion : The force of friction in the case of a disc rolling without slipping down on inclined plane is
g sin  .
Reason : When the disc rolls without slipping, friction is required because for rolling condition velocity
of point of contact is zero.

Previous Year’s Questions

Centre of Mass

1. In the diagram shown below, m1 and m2 are the masses of two particles and x1 and x2 are the respectively
distances from the origin O. The centre of mass of the system is [J&K CET 2011]
m1 x2  m2 x2 m1  x2
(1) (2)
m1  m2 2
m1 x1  m2 x2 m1m2  x1 x2
(3) (4)
m1  m2 m1  m2
2. The centre of mass of a solid cone along the line form the centre of the base to the vertex is at
[DUMET 2011]
(1) One-fourth of the height (2) One-third of the height
(3) One-third of the height (4) None of these
3. The centre of mass of a system of three particles of masses 1g, 2g, and 3g is taken as the origin of a coordinate
system. The position vector of a fourth particle of mass 4g such that the centre of mass of the four particle
 
system lies at the point (1, 2, 3) is  iˆ  2 ˆj  3kˆ , where  is a constant. The value of  is [AMU 2010]

10 5
(1) (2)
3 2
1 2
(3) (4)
2 5
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4. A pulley fixed to the ceiling carries a string with blocks of masses m and 3m attached to its ends. The masses
of string and pulley are negligible. When the system is released, the acceleration of centre of mass will be
(1) zero (2) – [JCECE 2010]
g g
(3) (4) –
2 2
5. The centre of mass of three particle of masses 1 kg, 2 kg and 3 kg is at (3, 3, 3) with reference to a fixed
coordinate system. Where should a fourth particle of mass 4 kg be placed, so that the centre of mass of the
system of all particles shifts to a point (1, 1, 1)? [JCECE 2010]
(1) (–1, –1, –1) (2) (–2, –2, –2)
(3) (2, 2, 2) (4) (1, 1, 1)

6. An object placed in stable equilibrium. If the object is given a slight push then initially the position of centre
of gravity [AMU 2008]
(1) moves nearer to ground (2) rises higher above the ground
(3) remains as such (4) may remain at same level

7. Two bodies of different masses of 2 kg and 4 kg moving with velocities 2 ms–1 and 10 ms-1 towards each other
due to mutual gravitational attraction. What is the velocity of their centre of mass?
[BHU 2008]
(1) zero (2) 5 ms-1
(3) 8 ms-1 (4) 6 ms-1
8. A system consisting of two masses connected by a massless rod lies along the x-axis. A 0.4 kg mass is at a
distance x =2 m while a 0.6 kg mass is at a distance x = 7 m. The x-coordinate of the centre of mass is
(1) 5 m (2) 3.5 m [Kerala CEE 2008]
(3) 4.5 m (4) 4 m
(5) 3 m
9. Identify the correct statement for the rotational motion of a rigid body. [J&K GET 2008]
(1) Individual particles of the body do not undergo accelerated motion
(2) The centre of mass of the body remains unchanged
(3) The centre of mass of the body moves uniformly in a circular path
(4) Individual particles and centre of mass the body undergo an accelerated motion
10. Four point masses P, Q, R and S with respective masses 1 kg, 1 kg, 2 kg and 2 kg form the corners of a
square of side a. The centre of mass of the system will be farthest from [Kerala CEE 2007]
(1) P only (2) R and S
(3) R only (4) P and Q
(4) P and R
11. The motion of the centre of mass is the result of [J&K GET 2007]

(1) internal forces (2) external forces

(3) attractive forces (4) repulsive forces
12. A small disc of radius 2 cm is cut from a disc of radius 6 cm. If the distance between their centres is 3.2 cm,
what is the shift in the centre of mass of the disc? [AFMC 2006]

(1) 0.4 cm (2) 2.4 cm

(3) 1.8 cm (4) 1.2 cm

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13. Find the velocity of centre of mass of the system shown in the figure? [AMU 2006]

 22 3  2
(1)   iˆ – ˆj (2) 4iˆ
 3  3
2–2 3  1
(3) 
  iˆ – ˆj (4) None of these
 3  3
14. A straight rod of length L has one of its ends at the origin and the other at x = L. If the mass per unit length of
the rod is given by Ax here A is constant, where is its mass centre? [BHU 2006]
(1) L/3 (2) L/2
(3) 2L/3 (4) L/4
15. Four particles, each of mass 1 kg are placed at the corners of a square OABC of side 1 m. O is at the origin of
the coordinate system. OA and OC are aligned along positive X-axis and positive y-axis respectively. The
position vector of the centre of mass is (in metre) [EAMCET 2006]
1 ˆ ˆ
(1) iˆ  ˆj (2) ij 
1 ˆ ˆ

(3) iˆ – ˆj  (4)
i–j 
16. Three identical spheres of mass M each are placed at the cornels of an equilateral triangle of side 2m. Taking
one of the corner as the origin, the position vector of the centre of mass is [J&K GET 2006]

(1) 
3 iˆ – ˆj  (2)
 ˆj

iˆ  ˆj ˆj
(3) (4) iˆ 
3 3
17. A ladder is leaned against a smooth wall and it is allowed to slip on a frictionless floor. Which figure
represents the track of its centre of mass? [AIIMS 2005]

(1) (2)

(3) (4)

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18. A cricket bat is cut at the location of its centre of mass as shown. Assuming the handle to be light, which of
the following is correct? [Kerala JEE 2005]

(1) the two pieces will have the same mass

(2) the bottom piece will have larger mass
(3) the handle piece will have larger mass
(4) mass of handle piece is double the mass of bottom piece
19. Three particles each of mass 1 kg are placed at the corners of a right angled triangle AOB, O being the origin
of the coordinate system (OA and OB along positive X-direction and positive Y-direction). If OA = OB = 1
m, the positive vector of the centre of mass (in metre) is [EAMCET 2005]
iˆ  ˆj iˆ – ˆj
(1) (2)
3 3

2 iˆ  ˆj 

(4) iˆ  ˆj 
20. If linear density of a rod of length 3 m varies as =2 + x, then the position of the centre of gravity of the rod
is [BCECE 2005]
7 12
(1) m (2) m
3 7
10 9
(3) m (4) m
7 7

21. Consider a system of two particles having masses m1 and m2. If the particle of mass ml is pushed towards the
mass centre of particles through a distance d, by what distance would the particle of mass m2 move so as to
keep the mass centre of particles at the original position? [CBSE AIPMT 2004]
m1 m1
(1) d (2) d
m1  m2 m2
(3) d (4) d
22. Four particles, each of mass 1 kg, are placed at the corners of a square of side 1 m in the X-Y plane. If the
point of intersection of the diagonals of the square is taken as the origin, the coordinates of the centre of mass
(1) (1, 1) (2) (–1, 1) [EAMCE 2004]
(3) (1, –1) (4) (0, 0)
23. The centre of mass of a system of two particles divides the distance between them [MHT CET 2004]
(1) in inverse ratio of square of masses of particles (2) in direct ratio of square of masses of particles
(3) in inverse ratio of masses of particles (4) in direct ratio of masses of particles

Rotational Variables

24. A car moves on a circular road. It describes equal angles about the centre in equal intervals of time. Which of
the following statements about the velocity of the car is true? [Punjab PMET 2009]
(1) Magnitude of velocity is not constant
(2) Both magnitude and direction of velocity change
(3) Velocity is directed towards the centre of the circle
(4) Magnitude of velocity is constant but direction changes

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25. A wheel has angular acceleration of 3.0 rad s–2 and initial angular speed of 2.00 rad s–1. In a time of 2 s it has
rotated through an angle (in radian) of [AIIMS 2008]
(1) 6 (2) 10
(3) 12 (4) 4

26. When a ceiling fan is switched off, its angular velocity reduces to half its initial value after it completing 36
rotations. The number of rotations it will further rotate before coming to rest is (Assuming the retardation to
be uniform)
(1) 10 (2) 20 [Kerala CEE 2008]
(3) 18 (4) 12

Moment of Inertia

27. The moment of inertia of a thin uniform rod of mass M and length L about an axis passing through its mid-
point and perpendicular to its length is I0. Its moment of inertia about an axis passing through one of its ends
and perpendicular to its length is [CBSE AIPMT 2011]
2 2
(1) I 0 + ML /4 (2) I 0 + 2ML
(3) I 0 + ML (4) I 0 + ML 2 /2
28. Moment of inertia of a hollow cylinder of mass M and radius r about its own axis is
[Kerala CEE 2011]
2 2
(1) Mr 2 (2) Mr 2
3 5
(3) Mr 2 (4) Mr 2
29. A constant torque of 3.14 Nm is exerted on a pivoted wheel. If the angular acceleration of the wheel is 4 rad
s–2, then the moment of inertia of the wheel is [J&K CET 2011]
2 2
(1) 0.25 kg-m (2) 2.5 kg-m
(3) 4.5 kg-m (4) 25 kg-m2
30. The moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius 2 m and mass 1 kg
about an axis passing through the centre of mass but perpendicular to
the plane of the disc is 2 kg-m2. Its moment of inertia about an axis
parallel to this axis but passing through the edge of the disc is (see the
given figure). [KCET 2010]
(1) 8 kg-m (2) 4 kg-m2
(3) 10 kg-m2 (4) 6 kg-m2

31. If the moment of inertia of a disc about an axis tangential and parallel to its surface be I, then what will be the
moment of inertia about the axis tangential but perpendicular to the surface? [VMMC 2010]
6 3
(1) I (2) I
5 4
3 5
(3) I (4) I
2 4
32. A sphere of mass 10 kg and radius 0.5 m rotates about a tangent. The moment of inertia of the sphere is
[VMMC 2010]
2 2
(1) 5 kg-m (2) 2.7 kg-m
(3) 3.5 kg-m2 (4) 4.5 kg-m2

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33. The moment of inertia of two equal masses each of mass m at separation L connected by a rod of mass M,
about an axis passing through centre and perpendicular to length of rod is [CMC 2010]

 M  3m  L2 (2)
 M  6m  L2
12 12
2 2
(3) (4)
4 12
34. From a circular disc of radius R and mass 9m, a small disc of radius is removed from the disc, the moment
of inertia of the remaining disc about an axis perpendicular to the plane of the disc and passing through O is

(1) 4MR2 (2) 40 MR 2 [AFMC 2010]

(3) 10 MR2 (4) MR 2
35. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc and a circular ring of the same radii about a tangential axis
perpendicular to plane of disc or ring is [AFMC 2010]
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 5 : 6
(3) 2 : 3 (4)

36. Radius of gyration of disc of mass 50 g and radius 5 cm about an axis passing through its centre of gravity and
perpendicular to the plane is [Punjab PMET 2010]
(1) 6. 54 cm (2) 3.64 cm
(3) 1.77 cm (4) 3.53 cm
37. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc to that of a circular ring, each of same mass and radius,
around their respective axes is [CBSE AIPMT 2008]
(1) 3: 2 (2) 1: 2
(3) 2 :1 (4) 2: 3
38. A thin rod of length L and mass M is bent at its mid-point into two halves so that the angle between them is
90°. The moment of inertia of the bent rod about an axis passing through the bending point and perpendicular
to the plane defined by the two halves of the rod is [CBSE AIPMT 2008]
(1) (2)
24 12
ML2 2 ML2
(3) (4)
6 24

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39. For the given uniform square lamina ABCD, whose centre is O
(1) 2 I AC  I EF (2) I AD  3I EF
(3) I AD  4 I EF (4) I AD  2 I EF

40. Moment of inertia of circular loop of radius R about the axis of rotation parallel to horizontal diameter at a
distance R/2 from it is [AMU 2008]
(1) MR2 (2) MR2
(3) 2MR2 (4) MR2
41. The radius of gyration of a rod of length L and mass M about an axis perpendicular to its length and passing
through a point at a distance L/3 from one of its ends is [Punjab PMET 2008]
7 L
(1) L (2)
6 9
L 5
(3) (4) L
3 3
42. Two identical concentric rings each of mass m and radius R are placed perpendicularly. What is the moment
of inertia about axis of one of the rings? [DUMET 2008]
(1) MR2 (2) 2MR2
(3) 3MR2 (4) MR2

43. Two spheres of equal masses, one of which is a thin spherical shell and the other a solid, have the same
moment of inertia about their respective diameters. The ratio of their radii will be [MHT CET 2008]
(1) 5 : 7 (2) 3 : 5
(3) 3: 5 (4) None

44. Moment of inertia of ring about its diameter is I. The: moment of inertia about an axis passing through centre
perpendicular to its plane is [BCECE 2008]
(1) 2I (2)
(3) I (4) I
45. The moment of inertia of a circular ring of mass 1kg about an axis passing through its centre an; perpendicular
to its plane is 4 kg-m2. The diameter of the ring is [J&K CET 2008]
(1) 2 m (2) 4m
(3) 5 m (4) 6 m
46. The moment of inertia about an axis of a body which is rotating with angular velocity 1 rads is numerical equal to
[J&K CET 2008]
(1) one-fourth of its rotational kinetic energy (2) half of the rotational kinetic energy
(3) rotational kinetic energy (4) twice the rotational kinetic energy

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47. The moment of inertia of a circular disc of radius 2m and mass 2 kg, about an axis passing through its centre
of mass is 2 kg-m2. Its moment of inertia about an axis parallel to this axis and passing through its edge (in kg-
m2) is
(1) 10 (2) 8 [J&K CET 2008]
(3) 6 (4) 4
48. The moment of inertia of a flywheel having kinetic energy 360 J and angular speed of 20 rad s-1 is
(1) 18 kg-m2 (2) 1.8 kg-m2 [Kerala CEE 2007]
2 2
(3) 2.5 kg-m (4) 9 kg-m
(5) 0.9 kg-m-2
49. The ratio of the radii of gyration of a circular disc and a circular ring about axes passing through their centers
and perpendicular to their planes is [Manipal 2007]
(1) 2 : 3 (2) 2 : 1
(3) 5: 6 (4) 1: 2

50. Three particles, each of mass m gram situated at the vertices of an

equilateral triangle ABC of side  cm (as shown in the figure). The
moment of inertia of the system about a line AX perpendicular to
AB and in the plane of ABC, in gram-cm2 units will be
[MP PMT 2007]

(1) (3/4) m2 (2) 2 m2

(3) (5/4) m2 (4) (3/2) m2

51. Three rings each of mass M and radius R are arranged as shown in figure.
The moment of inertia of the system about the XX will be
(1) MR2 (2) 3R2
(3) MR2 (4) 5MR2

52. The moment of inertia of a rod about an axis through its centre and perpendicular to it is ML 2 (where M is
the mass and L the length of the rod). The rod is bent in the middle so that the two halves make an angle of
60°. The moment of inertia of the bent rod about the same axis
[AIIMS 2006]
1 1
(1) ML2 (2) ML2
48 12
1 ML2
(3) ML2 (4)
24 8 3

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53. Moment of inertia of a body does not depend not depend upon its [Kerala CEE 2006]
(1) mass (2) axis of rotation
(3) shape (4) distribution of mass (5) angular velocity
54. A uniform circular disc of radius R lies in the X–Y plane with its centre coinciding with the origin of the
coordinate system. Its moment of inertia about an axis, lying in the X-Y plane, parallel to the X-axis and
passing through a point on the Y-axis at a distance y = 2R is I1. Its moment of inertia about an axis lying in a
plane perpendicular to X–Y plane passing through a point on the X-axis at a distance x = d is I2. If I1 = I2, the
value of d is [EAMCET 2006]
19 17
(1) R (2) R
2 2
15 13
(3) R (4) R
2 2
55. Five particles of mass 2 kg each are attached to the rim of a circular disc of radius 0.1 m and negligible mass.
Moment of inertia of the system about the axis passing through the centre of the disc and perpendicular to its
place is [Manipal 2006]
(1) 1 kg-m (2) 0.1 kg-m2
(3) 2 kg-m2 (4) 0.2 kg-m2
56. The moment of inertia of a solid sphere about an axis passing through centre of gravity is MR 2 , then its
radius of gyration about a parallel axis at a distance 2R from first axis is [MHT CET 2006]
(1) 5R (2) R
5 12
(3) R (4) R
2 5

57. A T joint is formed by two identical rods A and B each of mass m and
length L in the XY plane as shown. Its moment of inertia about axis
coinciding with A is [J&K CET 2006]
2mL2 mL2
(1) (2)
3 12

(3) (4) None of these

58. Assertion (A): I s and I H are the moments of inertia about the diameters of a solid and thin walled hollow
sphere respectively. If the radii and the masses of the above spheres are equal, IH > Is.
Reason (R): In solid sphere, the mass is continuously and regularly distributed about the centre whereas the
mass, to a large extent, is concentrated on the surface of hollow sphere. [EAMCET 2005]

59. Moment of inertia of a disc about an axis which is a tangent and parallel to its plane is I. Then the moment of
inertia of disc about a tangent, but perpendicular to its plane will be [MHT CET 2005]
3I 5I
(1) (2)
4 6
3I 6I
(3) (4)
2 5

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60. Out of the given bodies (of same mass) for which the moment of inertia will be maximum about the axis
passing through its centre of gravity and perpendicular to its plane? [RPMT 2005]
(1) Disc of radius a (2) Ring of radius a
(3) Square lamina of side 2a (4) Four rods of length 2a making a square

61. The angular speed of a body changes from 1 to 2 without applying a torque, but due to change in moment of
inertia. The ratio of radii of gyration in the two cases is [Haryana PMT 2005]

(1) 1 : 2 (2) 2 : 1
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 1 : 2

62. Four spheres each of mass M and radius R are placed with their centres on the four corners A, B, C and D of
a square of side b. The spheres A and B are hollow and C and D are solids. The moment of inertia of the
system about side AD of square is [J&K CET 2005]
8 8
(1) MR 2  2 Mb 2 (2) MR 2  2 Mb 2
3 5
(3) MR 2  2 Mb 2 (4) 32MR 2  4Mb2

63. A round disc of moment of inertia I2 about its axis perpendicular to its plane and passing through its centre is
placed over another disc of moment of inertia I1 rotating with an angular velocity  about the same axis The
final angular velocity of the combination of discs is [CBSE AIPMT 2004]
I 2
(1) (2) 
I1  I 2

I1  I1  I2  
(3) (4)
I1  I 2 I1
64. Let I be the moment of inertia of a uniform square plate about an axis AB that passes through its centre and is
parallel to two of its sides. CD is a line in the plane of the plate that passes through the centre of the plate and
makes an angle  with AB. The moment of inertia of the plate about the axis CD is then equal to

(1) I sin2  (2) I cos2 

(3) I (4) I cos 2  

65. Two circular loops A and B or radii r A and r B , respectively are made from a uniform wire. The ratio of their
moments of inertia about axes passing through their centres and perpendicular to their planes is  8 then
 rB 
  equal to [EAMCET 2003]
 rA 
(1) 2 (2) 4
(3) 6 (4) 8

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Torque, Couple and Angular Momentum

66. The instantaneous angular position of a point on a rotating wheel is given by the equation
Q (t) = 2t3 – 6t2 [CBSE AIPMT]
The torque on the wheel becomes zero at
(1) t = 0.5 s (2) t = 0.25 s
(3) t = 2 s (4) t = 1 s

67. If r denotes the distance between the sun and the earth then the angular momentum of the earth around the sun
is proportional to [Kerala CEE 2011]
(1) r / r (2) r
(3) r (4) r2
(5) r3

68. A small object of mass m is attached to a light string which passes through a hollow tube. The tube is hold by
one hand and the string by the other. The object is set into rotation in a circle of radius R and velocity v. The
string is then pulled down, shortening the radius of path of r. What is conserved?
[UP CPMT 2010]
(1) Angular momentum (2) Linear momentum
(3) Kinetic energy (4) None of these

69. A particle with the position vector r has linear momentum p. Which of the following statements is true in
respect of its angular momentum L about the origin? [Kerala CEE 2010]
(1) L acts along p
(2) L acts along r
(3) L is maximum when p and r are parallel
(4) L is maximum when p is perpendicular to r
(5) L is minimum when p is perpendicular to r

70. A particle of mass m is projected with a velocity v making an angle of 45° with the horizontal. The magnitude
of angular momentum of the projectile about an axis of projection when the particle is at maximum height is
(1) zero (2) [BVP 2010]
4 2g

(3) (4) m(2gh3)

71. A uniform rod AB of length  and mass m is free

to rotate about point A. The rod is released from
rest in the horizontal position. Given that the
ml 2
moment of inertia of the rod about A is , the
initial angular acceleration of the rod will be
2g l 3 3g
(1) (2) mg (3) gl (4)
3l 2 2 2l

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72. A particle of mass m moves in the XY plane with a velocity v along

the straight line AB. If the angular momentum of the particle with
respect to origin O is L A when it is at A and L B when it is at B,
(1) LA > LB (2) LA = LB
(3) the relationship between LA and LB depends upon the slope of
the line AB

(4) LA < LB
73. A thin rod of mass m and length 2  is made to rotate about an axis passing through its centre and
perpendicular to it. If its angular velocity changes from 0 to  in time t, the torque acting on it is
[AMU 2007]

ml 2 ml 2
(1) (2)
12t 3t

ml 2 4 ml 2 
(3) (4)
t 3t
74. A particle is projected with a speed v at 45° with the horizontal. The magnitude of angular momentum of the
projectile about the point of projection when the particle is at its maximum height h is
[Kerala CEE 2007]

(1) zero (2)

mv2 h mvh3 mvh

(3) (4) (5)
2 2 2
75. A ring and a disc of different masses are rotating with the same kinetic energy. If we apply a retarding torque
 on the ring, it stops after completing n revolutions in all. If same torque is applied to the disc, how many
revolutions would it complete in all before stopping? [Manipal 2007]
(1) 4n (2) 2n
(3) n (4)
76. A wheel having moment of inertia 2 kg-m2 about its vertical axis, rotates at the rate of 60 rpm about this axis.
The torque which can stop the wheel's rotation in one minute would be [Manipal 2007]
2 
(1) Nm (2) Nm
15 12
 
(3) Nm (4) Nm
15 18
77. A tube of length L is filled completely with an incompressible liquid of mass M and closed at both the ends.
The tube is then rotated in a horizontal plane about one of its ends with a uniform angular velocity . The
force exerted by the liquid at the other end is [MP PMT 2007]
ML 2 ML2
(1) (2)
2 2
ML2 2
(3) ML 2 (4)

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78. A solid sphere is rotating about a diameter at an angular velocity . If it cools so that its radius reduces to 1/n
of its original value, its angular velocity becomes [RPMT 2007]

(1)  (2) 2
n n
(3) n (4) n2 
79. A particle performs uniform circular motion with an angular momentum L. If the frequency of particle motion
is doubled and its KE is halved the angular momentum becomes [AMU 2006]
(1) 2L (2) 4L
(3) (4)
2 4
80. A disc of mass 2 kg and radius 0.2 m is rotating with angular velocity 30 rad s–1. What is angular velocity, if a
mass of 0.25 kg is put on periphery of the disc? [DUMET 2006]
–1 –1
(1) 24 rads (2) 36 rads
(3) 15 rads (4) 26 rads–1
81. A particle of mass m = 5 units is moving with a uniform speed v  3 2 units in the XOY plane along the line
y = x + 4. The magnitude of the angular momentum of the particle about the origin is
[Manipal 2006]
(1) 60 unit (2) 40 2 unit
(3) zero (4) 7.5 unit

82. The unit mass having r  8iˆ – 4 ˆj and v  8iˆ  4 ˆj in its angular momentum is [JCECE 2006]
(1) 64 unit in – kˆ direction (2) 64 unit in kˆ direction
(3) 64 unit in  ĵ direction (4) 64 unit in iˆ direction

83. A horizontal platform is rotating with uniform angular velocity around the vertical axis passing through its
centre. At some instant of time a viscous fluid of mass m is dropped at the centre and is allowed to spread out
and finally fall, the angular velocity during this period [AIIMS 2005]
(1) decreases continuously (2) decreases initially and increases again
(3) remains unaltered (4) increases continuously

84. Assertion For a system of particles under central force field, the total angular momentum is conserved.
Reason The torque acting on such a system is zero.

85. A uniform disc of mass M and radius R is mounted on an axle supported in frictionless bearings. A light cord
is wrapped around the rim of the disc and a steady downward pull T is exerted on the cord. The angular
acceleration of the disc is [AMU 2005]
(1) (2)
(3) (4)

86. The angular momentum of a rotating body changes from A 0 to 4A 0 in 4 min. The torque acting on the body is
(1) A0 (2) 4 A0 [BHU 2005]
(3) 3 A0 (4) A0

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87. If torque is zero, then [Punjab PMET 2005]

(1) angular momentum is conserved (2) linear momentum is conserved
(3) energy is conserved (4) angular momentum is not conserved

88. A uniform cylindrical rod of mass M and length L is rotating with an angular speed . The axis of rotation is
perpendicular to its axis of symmetry and passes through 1 of its end faces. If the room temperature increases
by t and the coefficient of linear expansion of the rod is , the magnitude of the change in its angular
momentum is [EAMCET 2005]
(1) 2t (2) t
3  t
(3)  t (4)
2 2

89. By keeping moment of inertia of a body constant, if we double the time period, then angular momentum of
body [MHT CET 2005]
(1) remains constant (2) becomes half
(3) doubles (4) quadruples

90. Total angular momentum of a rotating body remains constant, if the net torque acting on the body is
[JCECE 2005]
(1) zero (2) maximum
(3) minimum (4) unit

91. Turning effect is produced by [J&K CET 2005]

(1) tangential component of force (2) radial component of force
(3) transverse component of force (4) None of the above

92. The angular momentum of a system of particles is not conserved [DUMET 2004]
(1) when a net external force acts upon the system
(2) when a net external torque is acting upon the system
(3) when a net external impulse is acting upon the system
(4) None of the above

93. If a particle of mass m is moving in horizontal uniform circular motion, then the angular momentum of the
particle is constant about [Manipal 2004]
(1) radius of the circle (2) centre of the circle
(3) tangent of the circle (4) None of the above

Rotational Energy and Power

94. A body of mass 10 kg moves with a velocity v of 2 ms-1 along a circular path of radius 8 m. The power
produced by the body will be [Manipal 2010]
–1 –1
(1) 10 Js (2) 98 Js
(3) 49 Js (4) zero

95. If a sphere is rolling, then the ratio of its rotational kinetic energy to the total kinetic energy is [JCECE 2010]
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 2 : 5
(3) 2 : 7 (4) 5 : 7

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

96. A coin is of mass 4.8 kg and radius 1 m rolling on a horizontal surface without sliding with angular velocity
600 rot/min. What is total kinetic energy of the coin? [JCECE 2010]
(1) 360 J (2) 1440 n J
(3) 4000 2J (4) 600 2 J

97. A person, with outstretched arms, is spinning on a rotating stool. He suddenly brings his arms down to his
sides. Which the following is true about his kinetic energy K and angular momentum L.
[AMU 2010]
(1) Both K and L increase (2) Both K and L remain unchanged
(3) K remains constant, L increases (4) K increases but L remains constant

98. A body is rolling down an inclined plane. If KE of rotation is 40% of KE in translatory state, then the body is
a [DUMET 2008]
(1) ring (2) cylinder
(3) hollow sphere (4) solid ball

99. Circular disc of mass 2 kg and radius 1 m is rotating about an axis perpendicular to its plane and passing
through its centre of mass with a rotational kinetic energy of 8 J. The angular momentum in (Js) is
(1) 8 (2) 4 [EAMCET 2008]
(3) 2 (4) 1

100. A ball rolls without slipping. The radius of gyration of the ball about an axis passing through its centre of
mass is K. If radius of the ball be R, then the fraction of total energy associated with its rotational energy will
be [BHU 2007]
K2 R2
(1) 2 2
K R K  R2

K 2  R2 K2
(3) (4)
R2 R2

101. A thin metal disc of radius of 0.25 m and mass 2 kg starts from rest and rolls down on an inclined plane. If its rotational
kinetic energy is 4 J at the foot of inclined plane, then the linear velocity at the same point, is in ms–1 [J&K CET 2007]
(1) 2 (2) 2 2
(3) 2 3 (4) 3 2

102. A sphere of diameter 0.2 m and mass 2 kg is rolling on an inclined plane with velocity v = 0.5 ms–1. The
kinetic energy of the sphere is [Manipal 2006]
(1) 0.1 J (2) 0.3 J
(3) 0.5 J (4) None

103. Two bodies have their moments of inertia I and 2I respectively about their axis of rotation. If their kinetic
energies of rotation are equal, their angular momenta will be in the ratio
(1) 1 : 2 (2) 2 :1
(3) 2 : 1 (4) 1: 2

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104. A solid sphere is rolling on a frictionless surface, shown in

figure with a translational velocity v ms–1. If it is to climb
the inclined surface then v should be [AIIMS 2005]

(1)  gh (2)  2gh
(3) 2gh (4) gh

105. An object of mass m is attached to light string which passes through a hollow tube. The object is set into
rotation in a horizontal circle of radius r 1 . If the string is pulled shortening the radius to r 2 , the ratio of new
kinetic energy to the original kinetic energy is [JCECE 2005]
2 2
 r2   r1 
(1)   (2)  
 r1   r2 
r1 r2
(3) (4)
r2 r1

106. If the moments of inertia of two freely rotating bodies A and B are I A and I B respectively such that I A > I B
and their angular momenta are equal. If K A and K B are their kinetic energies, then [CPMT 2004]

(1) K a <K b (2) K a >K b (3) K a = K b (4) K a =2 K b

107. A cylinder of 10 kg is rolling in a plane with an initial velocity of 10 ms–1. If the coefficient of friction
between the surface and cylinder is 0.5, then before stopping, it will cover (g = 10 ms –2)
[Punjab PMET 2004]
(1) 2.5 m (2) 5 m (3) 7.5 m (4) None of these

108. A solid sphere and a hollow sphere, both of the same size and same mass roll down an inclined plane. Then
(1) solid sphere reaches the ground first [Kerala CEE 2003]
(2) hollow sphere reaches the ground first
(3) both spheres reach the ground at the same time
(4) the time at which the spheres reach the ground cannot be specified by the data given
(5) the hollow sphere will not roll down

109. A circular ring of mass m and radius r is rolling on a smooth horizontal surface with speed v. Its kinetic
energy is [Haryana PMT 2003]

1 2 1 2
(1) 1 mv 2 (2) mv (3) m v (4) mv2
8 4 4

Rolling Motion

110. If s is coefficient of static friction, the maximum speed max with which a vehicle can negotiate an unbanked
curved track having radius R and inclined at an angle  with respect to horizontal plane is
[J&K CET 2011]

(1) vmax  Rg tan  (2) vmax  s Rg (3) Rg (4) tan  / Rg

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

111. The reduced mass of two particles having masses m and 2m is [DUMET 2011]

(1) 2m (2) 3m (3) 2m/3 (4) m/2

112. When a uniform solid sphere and a disc of the same mass and of the same radius roll down an inclined smooth
plane from rest to the same distance, then the ratio of the times taken by them is [Haryana PMT 2010]

(1) 15 : 14 (2) 152 : 142 (3) 14 : 15 (4) 14 : 15

113. Assertion The velocity of a body at the bottom of an inclined plane of given height is more when it slides
down the plane, compared to, when it rolling down the same plane.
Reason In rolling down, a body acquires both, kinetic energy of translation and rotation.
[AIIMS 2008]
114. Two spheres of unequal mass but same radius are released on inclined plane. They rolls down with slipping.
Which one will reach the ground first? [DUMET 2008]
(1) Lighter sphere (2) Heavier sphere
(3) Both will reach at the same time (4) None of the above
115. A cylinder is rolling down on an inclined plane of inclination 60°. What is its acceleration? [DUMET 2008]

(1) g/3 (2) g / 3 (3) (4) None of these

116. A solid cylinder is rolling down on an inclined plane of angle . The coefficient of static friction between the
plane and cylinder is s. Then condition for the cylinder not to slip is [J&K CET 2008]
(1) tan   3 s (2) tan  > 3 s (3) tan   3 s (4) tan  < 3 s

117. A solid cylinder rolls down an inclined plane of height 3 m and reaches the bottom of plane with angular
velocity, of 2 2 rad s–1. The radius of cylinder must be
(Take g = 10 ms–2) [Kerala CEE 2006]

(1) 5 cm (2) 0.5 cm (3) 10cm (4) 5m

(5) 10 cm

118. A drum of radius R and mass M, rolls down without slipping along an inclined plane of angle . The frictional
force [CBSE AIPMT 2005]
(1) converts translational energy to rotational energy
(2) dissipates energy as heat
(3) decreases the rotational motion
(4) decreases the rotational and translational motion

119. At any instant, a rolling body may be considered to be in pure rotation about an axis through the point of
contact. This axis is translating forward with speed [JCECE 2005]
(1) equal to centre of mass (2) zero
(3) twice of centre of mass (4) no sufficient data

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

120. If a sphere rolling on an inclined plane with velocity v without

slipping, the vertical height of the incline in terms of velocity will be
7v 7v 2
(1) (2)
10 g 10 g

2v 2 3v
(3) (4)
5g 5g

121. A circular platform is mounted on a frictionless vertical axle. Its radius R = 2m and its moment of inertia
about the axel is 200 kg m2. It is initially at rest. A 50 kg man stands on the edge of the platform and begins to
walk along the edge at the speed of 1 ms–1 relative to the ground. Time taken by the man to complete one
revolution on disc is [AIPMT 2012]

 3
(1) 2 s (2) s (3)  s (4) s
2 2
122. Three identical spherical shells, each of mass m and radius r are placed as shown in figure. Consider an axis
XX’ which is touching to two shells and passing through diameter of third shell. Moment of inertia of the
system consisting of these three spherical shells about XX’ axis is [AIPMT 2015]

16 2 11 2
(1) 3 mr2 (2) mr (3) 4mr2 (4) mr
5 5
123. A mass m moves in a circle on a smooth horizontal plane with velocity v0 at a radius R0, The mass is attached to
a string which passes through a smooth hole in the plane as shown. [AIPMT 2015]

The tension in the string is increased gradually and finally m moves in a circle of radius . The final value of
the kinetic energy is:
1 2 2 1 2 2
(1) mv0 (2) 2mv0 (3) mv0 (4) mv0
4 2

124. A rod of weight W is supported by two parallel knife edges A and B and is in equilibrium in a horizontal
position. The knives are at a distance d from each other. The centre of mass of the rod is at distance x from A.
The normal reaction on A is: [AIPMT 2015]
Wd W(d  x) W(d  x) Wx
(1) (2) (3) (4)
x x d d

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

125. An automobile moves on a road with a speed of 54 km h–1. The radius of its wheels is
0.45 m and the moment of inertia of the wheel about its axis of rotation is 3 kg m2. IF the vehicle is brought to
rest in 15 s, the magnitude of average torque transmitted by its brakes to the wheel is: [RE AIPMT 2015]

(1) 2.86 kg m2s–2 (2) 6.66 kg m2s–2\ (3) 8.58 kg m2s– (4) 10.86 kg m2s–2
 
126. A force F  ˆi  3jˆ  6kˆ is acting at a point r  2iˆ  6jˆ  12k.
ˆ The value of  for which angular momentum about

origin is conserved is: [RE AIPMT 2015]

(1) 1 (2) –1 (3) 2 (4) zero

127. From a disc of radius R and mass M, a circular hole of diameter R, whose rim passes through the centre is cut.
What is the moment of inertia of the remaining part of the disc about a perpendicular axis, passing through the
centre ? [NEET-I 2016]

(1) 9 MR2/32 (2) 15 MR2/32 (3) 13 MR2/32 (4) 11 MR2/32

128. A disk and a sphere of same radius but different masses roll off on two inclined planes of the same altitude and
length. Which one of the two objects gets to the bottom of the plane first ? [NEET-I 2016]

(1) Depends on their masses (2) Disk

(3) Sphere (4) Both reach at the same time

129. A rope is wound around a hollow cylinder of mass 3 kg and radius 40 cm. What is the angular acceleration of
the cylinder the rope is pulled with a force of 30 N? [NEET 2017]

(1) 25 m s 2 (2) 0.25rad s2

(3) 25 rad s2 (4) 5 m s2

130. Which of the following statements are correct? [NEET 2017]

(a) Centre of mass of a body always coincidens with the centre of gravity of the body.
(b) Centre of mass of a body is the point at which the total gravitational torque on the body is zero.
(c) A couple on a body produce both translational and rotational motion in a body.
(d) Mechanical advantage greater than one means that small effort can be used to lift a large load.
(1) (b) and (d) (2) (a) and (b)
(3) (b) and (c) (4) (c) and (d)
131. Two discs of same moment of inertia rotating about their regular axis passing through centre and
perpendicular to the plane of disc with angular velocities 1 and 2 . They are brought into contact face to
face coinciding the axis of rotation. The expression for loss of energy during this process is: [NEET 2017]
1 2 1 2 2 1 2
(1) 1 1  2  (2) 1 1  2  (3) 1  1  2  (4)  1  2 
2 4 8

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

132. A solid sphere is in rolling motion. In rolling motion a body possesses translation kinetic energy (K r )

simultaneously. The ratio K t : (K t  K r ) for the sphere is [NEET 2018]

(1) 10. : 7 (2) 2 : 5 (3) 5 : 7 (4) 7 : 10

133. A solid sphere is rotating freely about its symmetry axis in free space. The radius of the sphere is increased
keeping its mass same. Which of the following physical quantities would remain constant for the sphere?
[NEET 2018]

(1) Rotational kinetic energy (2) Angular momentum

(3) Moment of inertia (4) Angular velocity

134. A moving block having mass m, collides with another stationary block having mass 4m. The lighter block
comes to rest after collision. When the initial velocity of the lighter block is v, then the value of coefficient of
restitution (e) will be [NEET 2018]

(1) 0.8 (2) 0.4 (3) 0.25 (4) 0.5

135. The moment of the force, F  4iˆ  5ˆj  6kˆ at (2, 0, –3), about the point (2, –2, –2), is given by [NEET 2018]

(1) 7iˆ  8ˆj  4kˆ (2) 7iˆ  4ˆj  8kˆ (3) 4iˆ  ˆj  8kˆ (4) 8iˆ  4ˆj  7kˆ


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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2018-20

Exercise # Key
Exercise - I
1. (3) 5. (2) 9. (2) 13. (4) 17. (2) 21. (3) 25. (1) 29. (1) 33. (4) 37. (2)
2. (1) 6. (2) 10. (2) 14. (3) 18. (4) 22. (4) 26. (2) 30. (2) 34. (3) 38. (2)
3. (3) 7. (2) 11. (2) 15. (3) 19. (4) 23. (3) 27. (2) 31. (2) 35. (3) 39. (2)
4. (4) 8. (3) 12. (2) 16. (1) 20. (2) 24. (2) 28. (2) 32. (2) 36. (4) 40. (1)

Exercise - II
1. (4) 5. (4) 9. (1) 13. (2) 17. (1) 21. (2) 25. (2) 29. (2) 33. (3) 37. (2)
2. (2) 6. (2) 10. (1) 14. (4) 18. (1) 22. (3) 26. (3) 30. (2) 34. (3) 38. (3)
3. (1) 7. (4) 11. (1) 15. (1) 19. (1) 23. (3) 27. (1) 31. (3) 35. (1) 39. (3)
4. (2) 8. (3) 12. (4) 16. (2) 20. (3) 24. (2) 28. (3) 32. (1) 36. (3) 40. (3)

Exercise - III
1. (2) 6. (1) 11. (4) 16. (2) 21. (1) 26. (2) 31. (3) 36. (1) 41. (3) 46. (4)
2. (3) 7. (1) 12. (4) 17. (4) 22. (2) 27. (3) 32. (1) 37. (1) 42. (4) 47. (3)
3. (4) 8. (1) 13. (3) 18. (4) 23. (3) 28. (2) 33. (2) 38. (3) 43. (3) 48. (1)
4. (1) 9. (3) 14. (2) 19. (4) 24. (3) 29. (1) 34. (1) 39. (4) 44. (2)
5. (2) 10. (1) 15. (3) 20. (3) 25. (1) 30. (2) 35. (4) 40. (3) 45. (3)


1. (1) 5. (1) 9. (3) 13. (3) 17. (2) 21. (1) 25. (1) 29. (2) 33. (1) 37. (1)
2. (2) 6. (1) 10. (3) 14. (3) 18. (2) 22. (1) 26. (3) 30. (2) 34. (2)
3. (2) 7. (4) 11. (1) 15. (3) 19. (2) 23. (1) 27. (2) 31. (4) 35. (3)
4. (4) 8. (3) 12. (4) 16. (2) 20. (2) 24. (2) 28. (3) 32. (1) 36. (3)

Assertion & Reason Questions

1 (1) 5 (2) 9 (4) 13 (4) 17 (4) 21 (4) 25 (2) 29 (2) 33 (1)
2 (4) 6 (4) 10 (4) 14 (1) 18 (4) 22 (2) 26 (4) 30 (1) 34 (1)
3 (1) 7 (3) 11 (3) 15 (1) 19 (4) 23 (4) 27 (2) 31 (2) 35 (4)
4 (4) 8 (1) 12 (2) 16 (3) 20 (4) 24 (1) 28 (2) 32 (1) 36 (2)

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Centre of Mass and Rotational Motion Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Previous Year’s Questions

1 (3) 18 (2) 35 (4) 52 (2) 69 (4) 86 (1) 103 (4) 120 (2)
2 (1) 19 (1) 36 (4) 53 (5) 70 (2) 87 (1) 104 (1) 121 (1)
3 (2) 20 (2) 37 (2) 54 (3) 71 (4) 88 (1) 105 (2) 122. (3)
4 (2) 21 (2) 38 (2) 55 (2) 72 (2) 89 (2) 106 (1) 123. (2)
5 (2) 22 (4) 39 (3) 56 (2) 73 (2) 90 (1) 107 (4) 124. (3)
6 (2) 23 (3) 40 (4) 57 (2) 74 (5) 91 (4) 108 (1) 125. (2)
7 (4) 24 (4) 41 (3) 58 (1) 75 (3) 92 (2) 109 (4) 126. (2)
8 (1) 25 (2) 42 (1) 59 (4) 76 (3) 93 (2) 110 (1) 127. (3)
9 (4) 26 (4) 43 (3) 60 (4) 77 (1) 94 (4) 111 (3) 128. (3)
10 (4) 27 (1) 44 (1) 61 (2) 78 (4) 95 (3) 112 (3) 129. (3)
11 (2) 28 (3) 45 (2) 62 (3) 79 (4) 96 (2) 113 (2) 130. (1)
12 (1) 29 (1) 46 (4) 63 (3) 80 (1) 97 (4) 114 (3) 131. (2)
13 (1) 30 (4) 47 (1) 64 (3) 81 (1) 98 (4) 115 (2) 132. (3)
14 (3) 31 (1) 48 (2) 65 (1) 82 (2) 99 (2) 116 (3) 133. (2)
15 (2) 32 (3) 49 (4) 66 (4) 83 (2) 100 (1) 117 (4) 134. (3)
16 (4) 33 (2) 50 (3) 67 (4) 84 (1) 101 (2) 118 (1) 135. (2)
17 (4) 34 (1) 51 (1) 68 (1) 85 (2) 102 (4) 119 (2)

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Topic Name Page No.

Theory ....................................... 129-160

Level - I ....................................... 161-163

Level - II ....................................... 163-166

Assertion & Reason ....................................... 166-167

Previous Years Questions ....................................... 168-186

Answers Key ....................................... 187-188


Scales of temperature
Thermal expansion
Variation of density with temperature
Expansion of liquid
Effect of temperature on upthrust
Anomalous expansion of water
Expansion of gases
Application of thermal expansion
Thermal capacity and water equivalent
Specific heat
Specific heat of solids
Specific heat of water
Latent heat
Principle of caloriemetry
Heating curve
Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21


The energy associated with configuration and random motion of the atoms and molecules with in a body
is called internal energy and the part of this internal energy which is transferred from one body to the other
due to temperature difference is called heat.
(1) As it is a type of energy, it is a scalar.
(2) Dimension : [ ML2T 2 ] .
(3) Units : Joule (S.I.) and calorie (Practical unit)
One calorie is defined as the amount of heat energy required to raise the temperature of one gm of water
through 1°C (more specifically from 14.5oC to 15.5°C).
(4) As heat is a form of energy it can be transformed into others and vice-versa.
e.g. Thermocouple converts heat energy into electrical energy, resistor converts electrical energy into heat
energy. Friction converts mechanical energy into heat energy. Heat engine converts heat energy into
mechanical energy.
Here it is important that whole of mechanical energy i.e. work can be converted into heat but whole of
heat can never be converted into work.
(5) When mechanical energy (work) is converted into heat, the ratio of work done (W) to heat produced (Q)
always remains the same and constant, represented by J.
 J or W = JQ
J is called mechanical equivalent of heat and has value 4.2 J/cal. J is not a physical quantity but a
conversion factor which merely express the equivalence between Joule and calories.
1 calorie = 4.186 Joule ≃ 4.12 Joule
(6) Work is the transfer of mechanical energy irrespective of temperature difference, whereas heat is the
transfer of thermal energy because of temperature difference only.
(7) Generally, the temperature of a body rises when heat is supplied to it. However the following two
situations are also found to exist.
(i) When heat is supplied to a body either at its melting point or boiling point, the temperature of the
body does not change. In this situation, heat supplied to the body is used up in changing its state.
(ii) When the liquid in a thermos flask is vigorously shaken or gas in a cylinder is suddenly compressed,
the temperature of liquid or gas gets raised even without supplying heat. In this situation, work done
on the system becomes a source of heat energy.
(8) The heat lost or gained by a system depends not only on the initial and final states, but also on the path
taken up by the process i.e. heat is a path dependent and is taken to be positive if the system absorbs it
and negative if releases it.

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Temperature is defined as the degree of hotness or coldness of a body. The natural flow of heat is from
higher temperature to lower temperature.
Two bodies are said to be in thermal equilibrium with each other, when no heat flows from one body to
the other. That is when both the bodies are at the same temperature.
(1) Temperature is one of the seven fundamental quantities with dimension [ ].
(2) It is a scalar physical quantity with S.I. unit kelvin.
(3) When heat is given to a body and its state does not change, the temperature of the body rises and if heat
is taken from a body its temperature falls i.e. temperature can be regarded as the effect of cause “heat”.
(4) According to kinetic theory of gases, temperature (macroscopic physical quantity) is a measure of
average translational kinetic energy of a molecule (microscopic physical quantity).

 3 
Temperature  kinetic energy  As E  2 RT 
 
(5) Although the temperature of a body can to be raised without limit, it cannot be lowered without limit
and theoretically limiting low temperature is taken to be zero of the kelvin scale.
(6) Highest possible temperature achieved in laboratory is about 108K while lowest possible temperature
attained is 10–8 K.
(7) Branch of physics dealing with production and measurement of temperatures close to 0K is known as
cryogenics while that dealing with the measurement of very high temperature is called as pyrometry.
(8) Temperature of the core of the sun is 107 K while that of its surface is 6000 K.
(9) Normal temperature of human body is 310.15 K (37°C = 98.6°F).
(10) NTP or STP implies 273.15K (0°C = 32°F)

Scales of Temperature
The Kelvin temperature scale is also known as thermodynamic scale. The S.I. unit of temperature is
kelvin and is defined as (1/273.16) of the temperature of the triple point of water. The triple point of water
is that point on a P-T diagram where the three phases of water, the solid, the liquid and the gas, can coexist in
In addition to kelvin temperature scale, there are other temperature scales also like Celsius, Fahrenheit,
Reaumer, Rankine etc.
To construct a scale of temperature, two fixed points are taken. First fixed point is the freezing point of
water, it is called lower fixed point. The second fixed point is the boiling point of water, it is called upper
fixed point.

Name of the Symbol for each Lower fixed point Upper fixed point Number of divisions on the
scale degree (LFP) (UFP) scale
Celsius °C 0°C 100°C 100
Fahrenheit °F 32°F 212°F 180
Reaumer °R 0°R 80°R 80
Rankine °Ra 460 Ra 672 Ra 212
Kelvin K 273.15 K 373.15 K 100

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Temperature on one scale can be converted into other scale by using the following identity.
Reading on any scale  Lower fixed point (LFP)
 Constant for all scales
Upper fixed point (UFP)  Lower fixed point (LFP)

C 0 F  32 K  273.15 R  0 Ra  460
   
100 212  32 373.15  273.15 80  0 672  460
C F  32 K  273 R Ra  460
or    
5 9 5 4 10.6

An instrument used to measure the temperature of a body is called a thermometer.
The linear variation in some physical property of a substance with change of temperature is the basic
principle of thermometry and these properties are defined as thermometric property (x) of the substance.
x may be (i) Length of liquid in capillary
(ii) Pressure of gas at constant volume.
(iii) Volume of gas at constant pressure.
(iv) Resistance of a given platinum wire.
In old thermometry, two arbitrarily fixed points ice and steam point (freezing point and boiling point at 1
atm) are taken to define the temperature scale. In celsius scale freezing point of water is assumed to be 0°C
while boiling point 100°C and the temperature interval between these is divided into 100 equal parts.
So if the thermometric property at temperature 0°C, 100°C and Tc°C is x0, x100 and x respectively then by
linear variation (y = mx + c) we can say that
0  ax0  b …..(i) 100  ax100  b …..(ii) Tc  ax  b …..(iii)

Tc  0 x  x0
From these equations 
100  0 x100  x0

x  x0
 Tc   100centigrade
x100  x0
In modern thermometry instead of two fixed points only one reference point is chosen (triple point of
water 273.16 K at which ice, water and water vapours co-exist) the other is itself 0 K where the value of
thermometric property is assumed to be zero.
So if the value of thermometric property at 0 K, 273.16 K and T K K is 0, xTr and x respectively then by
linear variation (y = mx + c) we can say that
0  a0 b …..(i)
273.16  a  xTr  b …..(ii)

TK  a  x  b …..(iii)
TK x
From these equation 
273.16 xTr

 x 
 TK  273.16   kelvin
 xTr 

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A thermometer is an instrument used to measure the temperature of a body. It works by absorbing some
heat from the body, so the temperature recorded by it is lesser than the actual value unless the body is at
constant temperature. Some common types of thermometers are :
(1) Liquid thermometers : In liquid thermometers mercury is preferred over other liquids as its expansion
is large and uniform and it has high thermal conductivity and low specific heat.
(i) Range of temperature : 50 to 350C
(freezing point) (boiling point)

(ii) Upper limit of range of mercury thermometer can be raised upto 550°C by filling nitrogen in space
over mercury under pressure (which elevates boiling point of mercury).
(iii) Mercury thermometer with cylindrical bulbs are more sensitive than those with spherical bulbs.
(iv) If alcohol is used instead of mercury then range of temperature measurement becomes – 80°C to
l  l0
(v) Formula : Tc   100C
l100  l0
(2) Gas thermometers : These are of two types
(i) Constant pressure gas thermometers
(a) Principle V  T K (if P = constant)
V  V0 V
(b) Formula : Tc  t  100 centigrade or TK  273.16 kelvin
V100  V0 VTr
(ii) Constant volume gas thermometers
(a) Principle P  T K (if V = constant)
P  P0 P
(b) Formula : Tc   100centigrade or TK  273.16 kelvin
P100  P0 PTr
(c) Range of temperature : Hydrogen gas thermometer – 200 to 500°C
Nitrogen gas thermometer – 200 to 1600°C
Helium gas thermometer – 268 to 500°C
(d) These are more sensitive and accurate than liquid thermometers as expansion of gases is more than that of
(3) Resistance thermometers : Resistance of metals varies with temperature according to relation.
R  R0 (1   Tc ) where  is the temperature coefficient of resistance.

Usually platinum is used in resistance thermometers due to high melting point and large value of .
R  R0 R
(i) Formula : Tc   100centigrade or TK  273.16 kelvin
R100  R0 RTr

(ii) Temperature range : Platinum resistance thermometer = – 200°C to 1200°C

Germanium resistance thermometer = 4 to 77 K
(4) Thermoelectric thermometers : These are based on “Seebeck effect” according to which when two
distinct metals are joined to form a closed circuit called thermocouple and the difference in temperature
is maintained between their junctions, an emf is developed. The emf is called thermo-emf and if one
junction is at 0°C, it varies with temperature as e  aTc  bTc2 where a and b are constants.

Temperature range : Copper-iron thermocouple 0°C to 260°C

Iron-constantan thermocouple 0°C to 800°C
Tungsten-molybdenum thermocouple 2000oC to 3000°C
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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(5) Pyrometers : These are the devices used to measure the temperature by measuring the intensity of
radiations received from the body. They are based on the fact that the amount of radiations emitted from
a body per unit area per second is directly proportional to the fourth power of temperature (Stefan’s
(i) These can be used to measure temperatures ranging from 800°C to 4000°C.
(ii) They cannot measure temperature below 800°C because the amount of radiations is too small to be
(6) Vapour pressure thermometer : These are used to measure very low temperatures. They are based on
the fact that saturated vapour pressure P of a liquid depends on the temperature according to the relation
log P  a  bTK 
The range of these thermometers varies from 120 K to 0.71 K for different liquid vapours.

Sample Examples based on Thermometry

Example 1. The graph AB shown in figure is a plot of temperature of a body in degree celsius and degree
Fahrenheit. Then
100° C B

(a) Slope of line AB is 9/5
(b) Slope of line AB is 5/9
32° F 212°F Fahrenheit
(c) Slope of line AB is 1/9 A

(d) Slope of line AB is 3/9

C F  32
Solution : (b) Relation between Celsius and Fahrenheit scale of temperature is 
5 9
5 160
By rearranging we get, C = F
9 9
5 160
By equating above equation with standard equation of line y  mx  c we get m  and c 
9 9
i.e. Slope of the line AB is .
Example 2. The freezing point on a thermometer is marked as 20° and the boiling point at as 150°. A temperature
of 60°C on this thermometer will be read as
(a) 40° (b) 65° (c) 98° (d) 110°
Solution : (c) Temperature on any scale can be converted into other scale by = Constant for all scales
X  20 C  0 C  130 60  130
  o
X=  20 =  20  98
150  20 100  0 100 100

Example 3. A thermometer is graduated in mm. It registers – 3mm when the bulb of thermometer is in pure melting
ice and 22mm when the thermometer is in steam at a pressure of one atm. The temperature in °C when
the thermometer registers 13mm is
13 16 13 16
(a)  100 (b)  100 (c)  100 (d)  100
25 25 22 22
Solution : (b) For a constant volume gas thermometer temperature in °centigrade is given as
P  P0 13  (3) 16
Tc   100C  Tc   100C   100
P100  P0 22  ( 3) 25

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Thermal Expansion
When matter is heated without any change in state, it usually expands. According to atomic theory of
matter, a symmetry in potential energy curve is responsible for thermal expansion. As with rise in temperature
the amplitude of vibration and hence energy of atoms increases, hence the average distance between the atoms
increases. So the matter as a whole expands.
(1) Thermal expansion is minimum in case of solids but maximum in case of gases because intermolecular
force is maximum in solids but minimum in gases.
(2) Solids can expand in one dimension (linear expansion), two dimension (superficial expansion) and three
dimension (volume expansion) while liquids and gases usually suffers change in volume only.
(3) The coefficient of linear expansion of the material of a solid is defined as the increase in its length per unit length
per unit rise in its temperature.
L 1
 
L T
A 1
Similarly the coefficient of superficial expansion   
A T
V 1
and coefficient of volume expansion   
V T
The value of ,  and  depends upon the nature of material. All have dimension [ 1 ] and unit per °C.
L 1 A 1 V 1
(4) As    ,   and  
L T A T V T
 L  LT , A  AT and V  V T
Final length L  L  L  L(1  T ) …..(i)
Final area A  A  A  A(1   T ) …..(ii)
Final volume V   V  V  V (1  T ) …..(iii)
(5) If L is the side of square plate and it is heated by temperature T, then its side becomes L'.
The initial surface area A  L2 and final surface A  L2
2 2
A  L   L (1  T )  2
      (1  T )  (1  2T ) [Using Binomial theorem]
A L  L 
or A  A(1  2T )
Comparing with equation (ii) we get  = 2
3 3
V   L   L(1   T )  3
Similarly for volumetric expansion      (1   T )  (1  3 T ) [Using
V L  L 
Binomial theorem]
or V   V (1   T )
Comparing with equation (iii), we get   3
So  :  :   1: 2 : 3
(i) Hence for the same rise in temperature
Percentage change in area = 2  percentage change in length.
Percentage change in volume = 3  percentage change in length.
(ii) The three coefficients of expansion are not constant for a given solid. Their values depends on the
temperature range in which they are measured.

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(iii) The values of , ,  are independent of the units of length, area and volume respectively.
(iv) For anisotropic solids    x   y   z where x, y, and z represent the mean coefficients of
linear expansion along three mutually perpendicular directions.

Material [K–1 or (°C)–1] [K–1 or (°C)–1]

Steel 1.2  10–5 3.6  10–5
Copper 1.7  10–5 5.1  10–5
Brass 2.0  10–5 6.0  10–5
Aluminium 2.4  10–5 7.2  10–5

Variation of Density With Temperature

Most substances expand when they are heated, i.e., volume of a given mass of a substance increases on
 1
heating, so the density should decrease  as    .
 V
m 1  V V V 1
 or       (For a given mass)
V V  V  V  V V   V T 1   T

or      (1   T ) 1 =  (1   T ) [As  is small  using Binomial theorem]
1  T
  '   (1   T )
Sample Examples based on Thermal expansion of solid
Example 4. The design of a physical instrument requires that there be a constant difference in length of 10 cm
between an iron rod and a copper cylinder laid side by side at all temperatures. If  Fe  11  106 C 1
and  cu  17  106 C 1 , their lengths are
(a) 28.3 cm, 18.3 cm (b) 23.8 cm, 13.8 cm (c) 23.9 cm, 13.9 cm (d) 27.5 cm, 17.5
Solution : (a) Since a constant difference in length of 10 cm between an iron rod and a copper cylinder is required
LFe  LCu  10cm .....(i)
or LFe  LCu  O  LFe  LCu
i.e., Linear expansion of iron rod = Linear expansion of copper cylinder
LFe  Cu 17 LFe 17
 LFe   Fe  T  LCu   Cu  T      .....(ii)
LCu  Fe 11 LCu 11
From (i) and (ii) LFe  28.3cm, LCu  18.3cm .
Example 5. A iron rod of length 50 cm is joined at an end to an aluminium rod of length 100 cm. All measurements
refer to 20°C. The coefficients of linear expansion of iron and aluminium are 12  106 / C and
24  106 / C respectively. The average coefficient of composite system is
(a) 36  106 / C (b) 12  106 / C (c) 20  106 / C (d)
48  10 / C
Solution : (c) Initially (at 20oC) length of composite system L = 50 + 100 = 150 cm
Length of iron rod at 100°C  50[1  12  106  (100  20)]  50.048cm

Length of aluminum rod at 100°C  100[1  24  106  (100  20)]  100.192cm

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Finally (at 100 C) length of composite system L' = 50.048  100.192  150.24cm
Change in length of the composite system L = L' – L = 150.24 –150 = 0.24 cm
L 0.24
 Average coefficient of expansion at 100oC   = = 20  106 / C
L  T 150  (100  20)
Example 6. A brass rod and lead rod each 80 cm long at 0°C are clamped together at one end with their free ends
coinciding. The separation of free ends of the rods if the system is placed in a steam bath is
( brass  18  106 / C and  lead  28  106 / C )
(a) 0.2 mm (b) 0.8 mm (c) 1.4 mm (d) 1.6 mm
Solution : (b) The Brass rod and the lead rod will suffer expansion when placed in steam bath.
 Length of brass rod at 100°C L'brass  Lbrass (1   brass T ) = 80[1  18  106  100]

and the length of lead rod at 100°C L'lead  Llead (1   lead T ) = 80[1  28  106  100]
Separation of free ends of the rods after heating
= L'lead  L'brass = 80[28  18]  104  8  102 cm  0.8mm
Example 7. A uniform solid brass sphere is rotating with angular speed 0 about a diameter. If its temperature is
now increased by 100°C. What will be its new angular speed. (Given  B  2.0  105 per C )
(a) 1.10 (b) 1.010 (c) 0.9960 (d) 0.8240
Solution : (c) Due to increase in temperature, radius of the sphere changes.
Let R0 and R100 are radius of sphere at 0oC and 100oC R100  R0 [1    100]
Squaring both the sides and neglecting higher terms R100  R02 [1  2  100]
By the law of conservation of angular momentum I11  I 22
2 2
 MR021  MR100
2  R021  R02 [1  2  2  105  100]2
5 5
1 
 2  3
 0  0.9960
[1  4  10 ] 1.004

Expansion of Liquid
Liquids also expand on heating just like solids. Since liquids have no shape of their own, they suffer only
volume expansion. If the liquid of volume V is heated and its temperature is raised by  then
VL'  V (1   L  ) [L = coefficient of real expansion or coefficient of volume expansion of liquid]
As liquid is always taken in a vessel for heating so if a liquid is heated, the vessel also gets heated and it also expands.
VS'  V (1   S  ) [S = coefficient of volume expansion for solid vessel]
So the change in volume of liquid relative to vessel.
VL'  VS'  V [ L   S ] 
Vapp  V  app  [  app   L   S  Apparent coefficient of volume expansion for liquid]

L S  app  0 Vapp  positive Level of liquid in vessel will rise on heating.
L S  app  0 Vapp  negative Level of liquid in vessel will fall on heating.
L S  app  0 Vapp  0 level of liquid in vessel will remain same.

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Effect of Temperature on Upthrust
The thrust on V volume of a body in a liquid of density  is given by
Th  V  g
Now with rise in temperature by  C°, due to expansion, volume of the body will increase while
density of liquid will decrease according to the relations V   V (1   S  ) and     / (1   L  )
So the thrust will become Th  V  g
Th V   g (1   S  )
  
Th V  g (1   L  )
and apparent weight of the body Wapp = Actual weight – Thrust
As  S   L  Th  Th with rise in temperature thrust also decreases and apparent weight of body

Anomalous Expansion of Water

(1) Generally matter expands on heating and contracts on cooling. In case of water, it expands on heating if
its temperature is greater than 4°C. In the range 0°C to 4°C, water contracts on heating and expands on
cooling, i.e.  is negative. This behaviour of water in the range from 0°C to 4°C is called anomalous
(2) The anomalous behaviour of water arises due to the fact that water has three types of molecules, viz.,
H 2O,( H 2 O) 2 and ( H 2 O)3 having different volume per unit mass and at different temperatures their
properties in water are different.
(3) At 4°C, density of water is maximum while its specific volume is minimum.
During winter when the water at the surface of a lake cools below 4°C by cool air, it expands and
becomes lighter than water below.
Therefore the water cooled below max
4°C stays on the surface and freezes min



when the temperature of



surroundings falls below 0°C. Thus

the lake freezes first at the surface
and water in contact with ice has 0°C 4°C Temperature 0°C 4°C Temperature
temperature 0°C while at the bottom
of the lake 4°C [as density of water at 4°C is maximum] and fish and other aquatic animals remain alive in
this water.

Sample Examples based on Thermal expansion of liquid

Example 8. The coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid in a copper vessel is C and in a silver vessel S. The
coefficient of volume expansion of copper is  C . What is the coefficient of linear expansion of silver
(a) (C   C  S ) / 3 (b) (C   C  S ) / 3
(c) (C   C  S ) / 3 (d) (C   C  S ) / 3

Solution : (c) Apparent coefficient of volume expansion for liquid  app   L   s   L   app   s

where s is coefficient of volume expansion for solid vessel.

When liquid is placed in copper vessel then L = C + copper ....(i) [As app. for liquid in copper vessel
= C]
When liquid is placed in silver vessel then L = S + silver ....(ii) [As app. for liquid in silver
vessel = S]

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From equation (i) and (ii) we get C + copper = S + silver
  silver  C   copper  S
Coefficient of volume expansion = 3 × Coefficient of linear expansion
 silver C   copper  S
  silver  
3 3
Example 9. A glass flask of volume one litre at 0°C is filled, level full of mercury at this temperature. The flask
and mercury are now heated to 100°C. How much mercury will spill out, if coefficient of volume
expansion of mercury is 1.82  104 / C and linear expansion of glass is 0.1  104 / C respectively
(a) 21.2 cc (b) 15.2 cc (c) 1.52 cc (d) 2.12 cc
Solution : (c) Due to volume expansion of both liquid and vessel, the change in volume of liquid relative to container
is given by V = V [ L   S ]

Given V = 1000 cc, g = 0.1×10–4/°C   g  3 g  3  0.1  104 / C  0.3  10 4 / C

 V = 1000 [1.82 × 10–4 – 0.3 × 10–4] × 100 = 15.2 cc

Example 10. Liquid is filled in a flask up to a certain point. When the flask is heated, the level of the liquid
(a) Immediately starts increasing (b) Initially falls and then rises
(c) Rises abruptly (d) Falls abruptly
Solution : (b) Since both the liquid and the flask undergoes volume expansion and the flask expands first therefore
the level of the liquid initially falls and then rises.
Example 11. The absolute coefficient of expansion of a liquid is 7 times that the volume coefficient of expansion of
the vessel. Then the ratio of absolute and apparent expansion of the liquid is
1 7
(a) (b)
7 6
(c) (d) None of these
Solution : (b) Apparent coefficient of Volume expansion app. = L – s = 7 s – s = 6s (given L = 7 s )
L 7 7
Ratio of absolute and apparent expansion of liquid  s  .
 app. 6 s 6
Example 12. In cold countries, water pipes sometimes burst, because
(a) Pipe contracts (b) Water expands on freezing
(c) When water freezes, pressure increases (d) When water freezes, it takes heat from pipes
Solution : (b) In anomalous expansion, water contracts on heating and expands on cooling in the range 0°C to 4°C.
Therefore water pipes sometimes burst, in cold countries.
Example 13. A solid whose volume does not change with temperature floats in a liquid. For two different
temperatures t1 and t2 of the liquid, fractions f1 and f 2 of the volume of the solid remain submerged
in the liquid. The coefficient of volume expansion of the liquid is equal to
f1  f 2 f1  f 2 f1  f 2 f1  f 2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
f 2t1  f1t2 f1t1  f 2 t2 f 2t1  f1t2 f1t1  f 2 t2
Solution : (a) As with the rise in temperature, the liquid undergoes volume expansion therefore the fraction of solid
submerged in liquid increases.
Fraction of solid submerged at t1 C  f1 = Volume of displaced liquid  V0 (1   t1 ) .....(i)

and fraction of solid submerged at t2 C  f 2 = Volume of displaced liquid  V0 (1   t2 )

f1 1   t1 f  f2
From (i) and (ii)    1
f 2 1   t2 f 2 t1  f1t2

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Expansion of Gases
Gases have no definite shape, therefore gases have only volume expansion. Since the expansion of
container is negligible in comparison to the gases, therefore gases have only real expansion.
Coefficient of volume expansion : At constant pressure, the unit volume of a given mass of a gas,
increases with 1°C rise of temperature, is called coefficient of volume expansion.
V 1
   Final volume V   V (1  T )
V T
P 1
Coefficient of pressure expansion :     Final pressure P  P (1  T )
P T
For an ideal gas, coefficient of volume expansion is equal to the coefficient of pressure expansion.
i.e.    C 1

Application of Thermal Expansion

(1) Bi-metallic strip : Two strips of equal lengths but of different materials (different coefficient of linear
expansion) when join together, it is called “bi-metallic strip”, and can be used in thermostat to break or
make electrical contact. This strip has the characteristic property of bending on heating due to unequal
linear expansion of the two metal. The strip will bend with metal of greater  on outer side i.e. convex
Steel Brass

Room temperature Higher temperature High temperature Room temperature

(2) Effect of temperature on the time period of a simple pendulum : A pendulum clock keeps proper
time at temperature . If temperature is increased to  (   ) then due to linear expansion, length of
pendulum and hence its time period will increase.
L T L L(1    )
Time period T  2     (1    )
g T L L
 1  1 TT 1
T   T  1      T    T or   
 2  2 T 2
T 1
   
T 2
(i) Due to increment in its time period, a pendulum clock becomes slow in summer and will lose time.
Loss of time in a time period T    T
 Loss of time in any given time interval t can be given by  t    t .
(ii) The clock will lose time i.e. will become slow if     (in summer) and will gain time i.e. will
become fast if     (in winter).
(iii) The gain or loss in time is independent of time period T and depends on the time interval t.
(iv) Time lost by the clock in a day (t = 86400 sec)
1 1
t    t    (86400)  43200  sec
2 2

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(v) Since coefficient of linear expansion () is very small for invar, hence pendulums are made of invar
to show the correct time in all seasons.
(3) Thermal stress in a rigidly fixed rod : When a rod whose ends are rigidly fixed such as to prevent
expansion or contraction, undergoes a change in temperature, due to thermal expansion or contraction, a
compressive or tensile stress is developed in it. Due to this thermal stress the rod will exert a large force
on the supports. If the change in temperature of a rod of length L is  then
L  L 1 
Thermal strain     As   L   
L  
 stress 
So Thermal stress  Y   As Y  strain 
 
or Force on the supports F  YA 
(4) Error in scale reading due to expansion or contraction : If a scale gives correct reading at
temperature , at temperature  (   ) due
0 a 0 SR a 0 a SR
to linear expansion of scale, the scale will
expand and scale reading will be lesser
than true value so that, at  at  >  at  < 
True value = Scale reading [1   (    )]
i.e. TV  SR [1    ] with   (    )
However, if     , due to contractions of scale, scale reading will be more than true value, so true value
will be lesser than scale reading and will still be given by equation with   (    ) negative.

(5) Expansion of cavity : Thermal expansion of an isotropic object may be imagined as a photographic
enlargement. So if there is a hole A in a
plate C (or cavity A inside a body C), the
area of hole (or volume of cavity) will a A r B
r a D
increase when body expands on heating,
just as if the hole (or cavity) were solid B
b b
of the same material. Also the expansion Expansion of A = Expansion of B Expansion of C = Expansion of D
of area (or volume) of the body C will be
independent of shape and size of hole (or cavity), i.e., will be equal to that of D.

Note :  A solid and hollow sphere of same radius and material, heated to the same temperature then
expansion of both will be equal because thermal expansion of isotropic solids is similar to
true photographic enlargement. It means the expansion of cavity is same as if it has been a
solid body of the same material. But if same heat is given to the two spheres, due to lesser
  a 
mass, rise in temperature of hollow sphere will be more As      . Hence its
  mc  
expansion will be more.
(6) Practical application
(i) When rails are laid down on the ground, space is left between the ends of two rails.
(ii) The transmission cable are not tightly fixed to the poles.
(iii) Pendulum of wall clock and balance wheel of wrist watch are made of invar (an alloy which have
very low value of coefficient of expansion).

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(iv) Test tubes, beakers and crucibles are made of pyrex-glass or silica because they have very low
value of coefficient of linear expansion.
(v) The iron rim to be put on a cart wheel is always of slightly smaller diameter than that of wheel.
(vi) A glass stopper jammed in the neck of a glass bottle can be taken out by warming the neck of the
Sample Examples based on Application of thermal expansion
Example 14. Two metal strips that constitute a thermostat must necessarily differ in their
(a) Mass (b) Length
(c) Resistivity (d) Coefficient of linear expansion
Solution : (d) Thermostat is used in electric apparatus like refrigerator, Iron etc for automatic cut off.
Therefore for metallic strips to bend on heating their coefficient of linear expansion should be
Example 15. A cylindrical metal rod of length L0 is shaped into a ring with a small gap as shown. On
heating the system X

(a) x decreases, r and d increase

(b) x and r increase, d decreases
(c) x, r and d all increase
(d) Data insufficient to arrive at a conclusion
Solution : (c) On heating the system; x, r, d all increases, since the expansion of isotropic solids is similar to
true photographic enlargement

Example 16. Two holes of unequal diameters d1 and d 2 (d1  d 2 ) are cut in a metal sheet. If the sheet is
(a) Both d1 and d 2 will decrease
(b) Both d1 and d 2 will increase
(c) d1 will increase, d 2 will decrease
(d) d1 will decrease, d 2 will increase
Solution : (b) If the sheet is heated then both d1 and d2 will increase since the thermal expansion of isotropic
solid is similar to true photographic enlargement.
Example 17. An iron tyre is to be fitted onto a wooden wheel 1.0 m in diameter. The diameter of the tyre is
6 mm smaller than that of wheel. The tyre should be heated so that its temperature increases
by a minimum of
(Coefficient of volume expansion of iron is 3.6  105 / C )
(a) 167°C (b) 334°C (c) 500°C (d) 1000°C
Solution : (c) Initial diameter of tyre = (1000 – 6) mm = 994 mm, so initial radius of tyre R   497 mm
and change in diameter D = 6 mm so R   3 mm
After increasing temperature by T tyre will fit onto wheel
Increment in the length (circumference) of the iron tyre
 
L = L    T  L   T [As   ]
3 3
  3 R 3 3
 2 R  2 R   T  T   [As R = 3 mm and R = 497 mm]
3  R 3.6  105  497
 T  500o C

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Example 18. A clock with a metal pendulum beating seconds keeps correct time at 0°C. If it loses 12.5
seconds a day at 25°C, the coefficient of linear expansion of metal of pendulum is
1 1
(a) per o C (b) per C
86400 43200
1 1
(c) per C (d) per C
14400 28800
Solution : (a) Loss of time due to heating a pendulum is given as
1 1 1
T =  T  12.5 =    (25  0)C  86400    per C
2 2 86400

Example 19. A wire of length L0 is supplied heat to raise its temperature by T. If  is the coefficient of
volume expansion of the wire and Y is the Young’s modulus of the wire then the energy
density stored in the wire is
1 2 2 1 2 2 3 1  2T 2 1 2 2
(a)  T Y (b)  T Y (c) (d)  T Y
2 3 18 Y 18
Solution : (d) Due to heating the length of the wire increases.  Longitudinal strain is produced 
   T
1 1
Elastic potential energy per unit volume E =  Stress  Strain =  Y  (Strain) 2
2 2
1  L  1 2 2
 E= Y     Y    T
2  L  2
1   1
or E =  Y     T 2 =  2YT 2 [As   3 and T = T (given)]
2 3 18

Example 20. Span of a bridge is 2.4 km. At 30°C a cable along the span sags by 0.5 km. Taking
  12  106 per o C , change in length of cable for a change in temperature from 10°C to 42°C
(a) 9.9 m
(b) 0.099 m
(c) 0.99 m
(d) 0.4 km
Solution : (c) Span of bridge = 2400 m and Bridge sags by 500 m at 30° (given)

From the figure LPRQ = 2 12002  500 2  2600m 1200 m O

But L  L0 (1   t ) [Due to linear expansion] 500 m
 2600  L0 (1  12  10  30)
 Length of the cable L0  2599m

Now change in length of cable due to change in temperature from 10oC to 42oC
L  2599  12  106  (42  10) = 0.99m

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In Chapter Exercise -1
1. Does the change in volume of a body when its temperature is raised depend on whether the
body has cavities inside, other things being equal?
(a) may be (b) may be not
(c) depends upon shape (d) no

2. A circular disc is rotating with a constant angular velocity ‘w’. Now the temperature of the
disc is decreased. What would happen to the angular velocity
(a) Increase (b) decrease
(c) remains constant (d) depends upon material

3. A concrete slab has a length of 10 m on a winter night when the temperature is 00C. Find the
length of the slab on a summer day when the temperature is 350C. The coefficient of linear
expansion of concrete is 1.0  10 5 / 0 C .
(a) 10.035 (b) 10.00035
(c) 10.35 (d) 10.0035

4. The design of some physical instrument requires that there be a constant difference in length
of 10 cm between an iron rod and a copper cylinder laid side by side at all temperatures. Find
their lengths? (  Fe  11 106 0C 1 ,  Cu  17  10 6 0C 1 )
(a) 28.33, 18.33 (b) 26.3 , 16.3
(c) 17.2, 7.2 (d) none of these

5. A clock with a metallic pendulum gains 5 sec each day at a temperature of 150C and loses 10
sec each day at a temperature of 300C. Find the coefficient of thermal expansion of the
pendulum metal.
(in 10-5/0C)
(a) 1.3 (b) 2.3 (c) 3.3 (d) 4.3

6. A metallic rod 1 cm long with a square cross-section (A) is heated through t°C. If Young’s
modulus of elasticity of the metal is E and the mean coefficient of linear expansion is  per
degree Celsius, then the compressive force required to prevent the rod from expanding along
its length is :(Neglect the change of cross-sectional area)
(a) EAαt (b) EAαt/(1 + αt)
(c) EAαt/(1-αt) (d) E/αt

7. A steel rod is clamped at its two ends and rests on a fixed horizontal base. The rod is in
unstrained condition at 200C. Find the longitudinal strain developed in the rod if the
temperature rises to 500C. Coefficient of linear expansion of steel =1.2  10 5 / 0 C .
8. If rod is compressed by ∆L length then what is the strain on the rod when the temperature (a)
is increased by θ0C (b) is decreased by θ0C.
9. A pendulum clock having copper rod keeps correct time at 200C. It gains 15 seconds per day
if cooled to 00C. Calculate the coefficient of linear expansion of copper.
10. The density of water at 00C is .998 g/cm3 and at 40C is 1.000 g/cm3. Calculate the average
coefficient of volume expansion of water in the temperature range from 00C to 40C?

(1) Gram specific heat : When heat is given to a body and its temperature increases, the heat required to
raise the temperature of unit mass of a body through 1°C (or K) is called specific heat of the material of
the body.

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If Q heat changes the temperature of mass m by T
Specific heat c  .
Units : Calorie/gm  °C (practical), J/kg  K (S.I.) Dimension : [ L2T 2 1 ]
(2) Molar specific heat : Molar specific heat of a substance is defined as the amount of heat required to
raise the temperature of one gram mole of the substance through a unit degree it is represented by
(capital) C.
By definition, one mole of any substance is a quantity of the substance, whose mass M grams is
numerically equal to the molecular mass M.
 Molar specific heat  M  Gram specific heat
or CMc

Q 1 Q  Q m
CM 
mT  T  As c  mT and   M 
 
 C
Units : calorie/mole  °C (practical); J/mole  kelvin (S.I.) Dimension : [ ML2T 2 1 1 ]

Important points
(a) Specific heat for hydrogen is maximum  3.5 cal / gm o C  and for water, it is 1cal / gm  C .
For all other substances, the specific heat is less than 1cal / gm  C and it is minimum for radon and
actinium   0.022 cal / gm  C  .
(b) Specific heat of a substance also depends on the state of the substance i.e. solid, liquid or gas.
For example, cice  0.5 cal / gm  C (Solid), cwater  1cal / gm  C (Liquid) and csteam  0.47 cal / gm  C
(c) The specific heat of a substance when it melts or boils at constant temperature is infinite.
As C   [As T = 0]
mT m  0
(d) The specific heat of a substance when it undergoes adiabatic changes is zero.
Q 0
As C  0 [As Q = 0]
mT mT
(e) Specific heat of a substance can also be negative. Negative specific heat means that in order to raise the
temperature, a certain quantity of heat is to be withdrawn from the body.
Example. Specific heat of saturated vapours.
(3) Thermal capacity : It is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the whole
body (mass m) through 0°C or 1K.
Thermal capacity  mc   C 
The value of thermal capacity of a body depends upon the nature of the body and its mass.
Dimension : [ ML2T 2 1 ] , Unit : cal/°C (practical) Joule/k (S.I.)
(4) Water Equivalent : Water equivalent of a body is defined as the mass of water which would absorb or
evolve the same amount of heat as is done by the body in rising or falling through the same range of
temperature. It is represented by W.
If m = Mass of the body, c = Specific heat of body, T = Rise in temperature.

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Then heat given to body Q  mcT ….. (i)
If same amount of heat is given to W gm of water and its temperature also rises by T
Then heat given to water Q  W  1 T [As cwater  1 ] ….. (ii)
From equation (i) and (ii) Q  mcT  W  1  T
 Water equivalent (W) = mc gm
Unit : Kg (S.I.) Dimension : [ ML0T 0 ]

Note :  Unit of thermal capacity is J/kg while unit of water equivalent is kg.
 Thermal capacity of the body and its water equivalent are numerically equal.
 If thermal capacity of a body is expressed in terms of mass of water it is called water-equivalent of
the body.

Specific Heat of Solids

When a solid is heated through a small range of temperature, its volume remains more or less constant.
Therefore specific heat of a solid may be called its specific heat at constant volume Cv.
From the graph it is clear that at T = 0, Cv tends to zero Y 3R

With rise in temperature, C v increases and becomes constant = 3R Cv

= 6 cal/mole  kelvin = 25 J/mole  kelvin

at some particular temperature (Debye Temperature)
T Debye temp.
For most of the solids, Debye temperature is close to room temperature.
(1) Specific heat of some solids at room temperature and atmospheric pressure
Substance Specific heat (J-kg–1 K–1) Molar specific heat (J-g mole–1 K–1)
Aluminium 900.0 24.4
Copper 386.4 24.5
Silver 236.1 25.5
Lead 127.7 26.5
Tungsten 134.4 24.9

(2) Dulong and Petit law : Average molar specific heat of all metals at room temperature is constant, being
nearly equal to 3R = 6 cal. mole–1 K–1 = 25 J mole–1 K–1, where R is gas constant for one mole of the gas.
This statement is known as Dulong and Petit law.

Specific Heat of Water

The variation of specific heat with temperature for water is shown in
Sp. heat cal/g C°

the figure. Usually this temperature dependence of specific heat is 1.0089

neglected. From the graph : 1.004

Temperature (°C) 0 15 35 50 100
Specific heat (cal/ gm  °C) 1.008 1.000 0.997 0.998 1.006 20 40 60 80 100
Temp. in °C

As specific heat of water is very large; by absorbing or releasing large amount of heat its temperature
changes by small amount. This is why, it is used in hot water bottles or as coolant in radiators.

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Note :  When specific heats are measured, the values obtained are also found to depend on the
conditions of the experiment. In general measurements made at constant pressure are different
from those at constant volume. For solids and liquids this difference is very small and usually
neglected. The specific heat of gases are quite different under constant pressure condition (cP)
and constant volume (cV). In the chapter “Kinetic theory of gases” we have discussed this
topic in detail.

Sample Examples based on Specific heat, thermal capacity and water equivalent
Example 21. Two spheres made of same substance have diameters in the ratio 1 : 2. Their thermal
capacities are in the ratio of
(a) 1 : 2 (b) 1 : 8 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1
Solution : (b) Thermal capacity = Mass × Specific heat
Due to same material both spheres will have same specific heat
4 3
r 3
m1 V1  3 1  r1   1 

 Ratio of thermal capacity           1: 8

m2 V2  4  r 3  r2   2 
Example 22. When 300 J of heat is added to 25 gm of sample of a material its temperature rises from 25°C
to 45°C. the thermal capacity of the sample and specific heat of the material are respectively
given by
(a) 15 J/°C, 600 J/kg °C (b) 600 J/°C, 15 J°/kg oC
(c) 150 J/°C, 60 J/kg °C (d) None of these
Q 300 300
Solution : (a) Thermal capacity = mc =    15 J / C
T 45  25 20
Thermal capacity 15
Specific heat = =  600 J / kg C
Mass 25  103
Example 23. The specific heat of a substance varies with temperature t(°C) as
c  0.20  0.14 t  0.023 t 2 (cal/ gm C )
The heat required to raise the temperature of 2 gm of substance from 5°C to 15°C will be
(a) 24 calorie (b) 56 calorie (c) 82 calorie (d) 100 calorie
Solution : (c) Heat required to raise the temperature of m gm of substance by dT is given as
dQ = mc dT  Q   mc dT

 To raise the temperature of 2 gm of substance from 5°C to 15°C is

15 15
2  0.14t 2 0.023t 3 
Q   2  (0.2  0.14t  0.023t ) dT  2   0.2t    = 82 calorie
5  2 3 5

Latent Heat
(1) When a substance changes from one state to another state (say from solid to liquid or liquid to gas or
from liquid to solid or gas to liquid) then energy is either absorbed or liberated. This heat energy is
called latent heat.

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(2) No change in temperature is involved when the substance changes its state. That is, phase
transformation is an isothermal change. Ice at 0°C melts into water at 0°C. Water at 100°C boils to form
steam at 100°C.
(3) The amount of heat required to change the state of the mass m of the substance is written as : Q = mL,
where L is the latent heat. Latent heat is also called as Heat of Transformation.
(4) Unit : cal/gm or J/kg and Dimension : [ L2T 2 ]
(5) Any material has two types of latent heats
(i) Latent heat of fusion : The latent heat of fusion is the heat energy required to change 1 kg of the
material in its solid state at its melting point to 1 kg of the material in its liquid state. It is also the
amount of heat energy released when at melting point 1 kg of liquid changes to 1 kg of solid. For
water at its normal freezing temperature or melting point (0°C), the latent heat of fusion (or latent
heat of ice) is
LF  Lice  80 cal / g  60 kJ / mol  336 kilo joule / kg .
(ii) Latent heat of vaporisation : The latent heat of vaporisation is the heat energy required to change 1
kg of the material in its liquid state at its boiling point to 1 kg of the material in its gaseous state.
It is also the amount of heat energy released when 1 kg of vapour changes into 1 kg of liquid. For
water at its normal boiling point or condensation temperature (100°C), the latent heat of
vaporisation (latent heat of steam) is
LV  Lsteam  540 cal / g  40.8 kJ / mol  2260 kilo joule / kg
(6) In the process of melting or boiling, heat supplied is used to increase the internal potential energy of the
substance and also in doing work against external pressure while internal kinetic energy remains
constant. This is the reason that internal energy of steam at 100°C is more than that of water at 100°C.
(7) It is more painful to get burnt by steam rather than by boiling water at same temperature. This is so
because when steam at 100°C gets converted to water at 100°C, then it gives out 536 calories of heat.
So, it is clear that steam at 100°C has more heat than water at 100°C (i.e., boiling of water).
(8) In case of change of state if the molecules come closer, energy is released and if the molecules move
apart, energy is absorbed.
(9) Latent heat of vaporisation is more than the latent heat of fusion. This is because when a substance gets
converted from liquid to vapour, there is a large increase in volume. Hence more amount of heat is
required. But when a solid gets converted to a liquid, then the increase in volume is negligible. Hence
very less amount of heat is required. So, latent heat of vaporisation is more than the latent heat of
(10) After snow falls, the temperature of the atmosphere becomes very low. This is because the snow
absorbs the heat from the atmosphere to melt down. So, in the mountains, when snow falls, one does not
feel too cold, but when ice melts, he feels too cold.
(11) There is more shivering effect of ice-cream on teeth as compared to that of water (obtained from ice).
This is because, when ice-cream melts down, it absorbs large amount of heat from teeth.
(12) Freezing mixture : If salt is added to ice, then the temperature of mixture drops down to less than 0°C.
This is so because, some ice melts down to cool the salt to 0°C. As a result, salt gets dissolved in the
water formed and saturated solution of salt is obtained; but the ice point (freeing point) of the solution
formed is always less than that of pure water. So, ice cannot be in the solid state with the salt solution at
0°C. The ice which is in contact with the solution, starts melting and it absorbs the required latent heat
from the mixture, so the temperature of mixture falls down.

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Sample Examples based on Latent heat
Example 24. Work done in converting one gram of ice at – 10°C into steam at 100°C is
(a) 3045 J (b) 6056 J (c) 721 J (d) 616 J
Solution : (a) Work done in converting 1gm of ice at – 10°C to steam at 100°C
= Heat supplied to raise temperature of 1gm of ice from – 10°C to 0°C [m  cice  T]
+ Heat supplied to convert 1 gm ice into water at 0°C [m  Lice]
+ Heat supplied to raise temperature of 1gm of water from 0°C to 100°C [m  cwater  T]
+ Heat supplied to convert 1 gm water into steam at 100°C [m  Lvapour]
= [m  cice  T] + [m  Lice] + [m  cwater  T] + [m  Lvapour]
= [1 0.5  10]  [1  80]  [1  1  100]  [1 540] = 725 calorie  725  4.2  3045 J
Example 25. 2 kg of ice at – 20°C is mixed with 5 kg of water at 20°C in an insulating vessel having a
negligible heat capacity. Calculate the final mass of water remaining in the container. It is
given that the specific heats of water and ice are 1 kcal/kg per °C and 0.5 kcal/kg/°C while the
latent heat of fusion of ice is 80 kcal/kg
(a) 7 kg (b) 6 kg (c) 4 kg (d) 2 kg
Solution : (b) Initially ice will absorb heat to raise it's temperature to 0 C then it's melting takes place
If m = Initial mass of ice, m' = Mass of ice that melts and mw = Initial mass of water
By Law of mixture Heat gain by ice = Heat loss by water
 m  c  (20)  m '  L = mw cw [20]
 2  0.5(20)  m ' 80 = 5  1  20  m ' = 1kg
So final mass of water = Initial mass of water + Mass of ice that melts = 5 + 1= 6 kg.
Example 26. If mass energy equivalence is taken into account, when water is cooled to form ice, the mass
of water should
(a) Increase (b) Remain unchanged
(c) Decrease (d) First increase then decrease
Solution : (b) When water is cooled at 0 C to form ice then 80 calorie/gm (latent heat) energy is released.
Because potential energy of the molecules decreases. Mass will remain constant in the process
of freezing of water.
Example 27. Compared to a burn due to water at 100°C, a burn due to steam at 100°C is
(a) More dangerous (b) Less dangerous
(c) Equally dangerous (d) None of these
Solution : (a) Steam at 100 C contains extra 540 calorie/gm energy as compare to water at 100oC. So it's

more dangerous to burn with steam then water.

Example 28. Latent heat of ice is 80 calorie/gm. A man melts 60 g of ice by chewing in 1 minute. His
power is
(a) 4800 W (b) 336 W (c) 1.33 W (d) 0.75 W
Solution : (b) Work done by man = Heat absorbed by ice = mL = 60  80 = 4800 calorie = 20160 J
W 20160
 Power =  = 336W
t 60

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Principle of Caloriemetry
When two bodies (one being solid and other liquid or both being liquid) at different temperatures are
mixed, heat will be transferred from body at higher temperature to a body at lower temperature till both
acquire same temperature. The body at higher temperature releases heat while body at lower temperature
absorbs it, so that
Heat lost = Heat gained
i.e. principle of caloriemetry represents the law of conservation of heat energy.
(1) Temperature of mixture (T) is always ≥ lower temperature (TL) and ≤ higher temperature (TH), i.e.,
TL  T  TH
i.e., the temperature of mixture can never be lesser than lower temperatures (as a body cannot be cooled
below the temperature of cooling body) and greater than higher temperature (as a body cannot be heated
above the temperature of heating body). Furthermore usually rise in temperature of one body is not
equal to the fall in temperature of the other body though heat gained by one body is equal to the heat
lost by the other.
(2) When temperature of a body changes, the body releases heat if its temperature falls and absorbs heat
when its temperature rises. The heat released or absorbed by a body of mass m is given by, Q = mc T
where c is specific heat of the body and T change in its temperature in oC or K.
(3) When state of a body changes, change of state takes place at constant temperature [ or] and
heat released or absorbed is given by, Q = mL
where L is latent heat. Heat is absorbed if solid converts into liquid (at or liquid converts into
vapours (at and is released if liquid converts into solid or vapours converts into liquid.
(4) If two bodies A and B of masses m1 and m2 , at temperatures T1 and T2 (T1  T2 ) and having gram
specific heat c1 and c2 when they are placed in contact.
Heat lost by A = Heat gained by B
or m1c1 (T1  T )  m2 c2 (T  T2 ) [where T = Temperature of equilibrium]
m1c1T1  m2 c2T2
 T
m1c1  m2 c2
m1T1  m2T2
(i) If bodies are of same material c1  c2 then T 
m1  m2
T1c1  T2 c2
(ii) If bodies are of same mass ( m1  m2 ) then T 
c1  c2
T1  T2
(iii) If bodies are of same material and of equal masses (m1  m2 , c1  c2 ) then T 

Heating curve
If to a given mass (m) of a solid, heat is supplied at constant rate P and a graph is plotted between
temperature and time, the graph is as shown in figure and is E
called heating curve. From this curve it is clear that b. pt. C
T2 D
(1) In the region OA temperature of solid is changing with Boiling

time so, T1 m. pt. B

A Melting
Q  mcS T
or P t  mcS T [as Q = Pt] O
t1 t2 t3 t4
But as (T/t) is the slope of temperature-time curve
cS  (1/slope of line OA)
i.e. specific heat (or thermal capacity) is inversely proportional to the slope of temperature-time curve.

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(2) In the region AB temperature is constant, so it represents change of state, i.e., melting of solid with
melting point T1. At A melting starts and at B all solid is converted into liquid. So between A and B
substance is partly solid and partly liquid. If LF is the latent heat of fusion.
P (t2  t1 )
Q  mLF or LF  [as Q  P(t2  t1 ) ]
or LF  length of line AB
i.e. Latent heat of fusion is proportional to the length of line of zero slope.
[In this region specific heat  ]
tan 0
(3) In the region BC temperature of liquid increases so specific heat (or thermal capacity) of liquid will be
inversely proportional to the slope of line BC
i.e., cL  (1/slope of line BC)
(4) In the region CD temperature is constant, so it represents the change of state, i.e., boiling with boiling
point T2. At C all substance is in liquid state while at D in vapour state and between C and D partly
liquid and partly gas. The length of line CD is proportional to latent heat of vaporisation
i.e., LV  Length of line CD [In this region specific heat  ]
tan 0
(5) The line DE represents gaseous state of substance with its temperature increasing linearly with time.
The reciprocal of slope of line will be proportional to specific heat or thermal capacity of substance in
vapour state.
Sample Examples based on Caloriemetry
Example 29. 50 g of copper is heated to increase its temperature by 10°C. If the same quantity of heat is
given to 10 g of water, the rise in its temperature is (Specific heat of
copper  420 Joule-kg 1 C 1 )
(a) 5°C (b) 6°C (c) 7°C (d) 8°C
Solution : (a) Same amount of heat is supplied to copper and water so mc cc Tc  m c T
mc cc Tc 50  103  420  10
 T =   5C
m c 10  103  4200
Example 30. Two liquids A and B are at 32°C and 24°C. When mixed in equal masses the temperature of
the mixture is found to be 28°C. Their specific heats are in the ratio of
(a) 3 : 2 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 1 : 1 (d) 4 : 3
Solution : (c) Heat lost by A = Heat gained by B
 mA  c A  (TA  T )  mB  cB  (T  TB ) Since mA  mB and Temperature of the mixture (T)
= 28°C
 c A  (32  28)  cB  (28  24)  A  1:1
Example 31. 22 g of CO2 at 27°C is mixed with 16g of O2 at 37°C. The temperature of the mixture is
(a) 27°C (b) 30.5°C (c) 32°C (d) 37°C
Solution : (c) Heat lost by CO2 = Heat gained by O2
If µ1and µ2 are the number of moles of carbon di-oxide and oxygen respectively and
Cv1 and Cv2 are the specific heats at constant volume then µ1Cv1 T1  µ2Cv2 T2
22 16 5 R
  3R  (T  27)   (37  T )  T = 31.5°C ≈ 32°C (where T is temperature of
44 32 2

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 32. A beaker contains 200 gm of water. The heat capacity of the beaker is equal to that of 20 gm
of water. The initial temperature of water in the beaker is 20°C. If 440 gm of hot water at
92°C is poured in it, the final temperature (neglecting radiation loss) will be nearest to
(a) 58°C (b) 68°C (c) 73°C (d) 78°C

Solution : (b) Heat lost by hot water = Heat gained by cold water in beaker + Heat absorbed by beaker
 440 (92 – T) = 200 × (T – 20) + 20 × (T – 20)  T = 68°C

Example 33. A liquid of mass m and specific heat c is heated to a temperature 2T. Another liquid of mass
m/2 and specific heat 2c is heated to a temperature T. If these two liquids are mixed, the
resulting temperature of the mixture is
(a) (2/3)T (b) (8/5)T (c) (3/5)T (d) (3/2)T
m.c.2T  .2.c.T
m1c1T1  m2 c2T2 2 3
Solution : (d) Temperature of mixture is given by T =   T
m1c1  m2 c2 m 2
m.c.  .2c

Example 34. Three liquids with masses m1 , m2 , m3 are thoroughly mixed. If their specific heats are c1 , c2 , c3
and their temperatures T1 , T2 , T3 respectively, then the temperature of the mixture is
c1T1  c2T2  c3T3 m c T  m2 c2T2  m3c3T3
(a) (b) 1 1 1
m1c1  m2 c2  m3c3 m1c1  m2 c2  m3 c3
m c T  m2 c2T2  m3c3T3 m T  m2T2  m3T3
(c) 1 1 1 (d) 1 1
mT1 1  m2T2  m3T3 c1T1  c2T2  c3T3
Solution : (b) Let the final temperature be T °C.
Total heat supplied by the three liquids in coming down to 0°C = m1c1T1  m2 c2T2  m3 c3T3
..... (i)
Total heat used by three liquids in raising temperature from 0oC to ToC =
m1c1T  m2 c2T  m3c3T .....(ii)
By equating (i) and (ii) we get (m1c1  m2 c2  m3 c3 ) T = m1c1T1  m2 c2T2  m3 c3T3
m c T  m2 c2T2  m3 c3T3
 T 111 .
m1c1  m2 c2  m3c3

Example 35. A caloriemeter contains 0.2kg of water at 30°C. 0.1 kg of water at 60°C is added to it, the
mixture is well stirred and the resulting temperature is found to be 35°C. The thermal capacity
of the caloriemeter is
(a) 6300 J/K (b) 1260 J/K
(c) 4200 J/K (d) None of these
Solution : (b) Let X be the thermal capacity of calorimeter and specific heat of water = 4200 J/kg-K
Heat lost by 0.1 kg of water = Heat gained by water in calorimeter + Heat gained by
 0.1  4200  (60  35)  0.2  4200  (35  30)  X (35  30)
10500 = 4200 + 5X  X = 1260 J/K

Example 36. The graph shows the variation of temperature (T ) of one kilogram of a material with the heat
(H) supplied to it. At O, the substance is in the solid state T

From the graph, we can conclude that C (H3,T3) 

A(H1,T1)  D (H4,T4)
(a) T2 is the melting point of the solid
 B(H2,T2)
(b) BC represents the change of state from solid to liquid O H

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(c) ( H 2  H1 ) represents the latent heat of fusion of the substance

(d) ( H 3  H1 ) represents the latent heat of vaporization of the liquid

Solution : (c) Since in the region AB temperature is constant therefore at this temperature phase of the material
changes from solid to liquid and (H2 – H1) heat will be absorb by the material. This heat is known as
the heat of melting of the solid.
Similarly in the region CD temperature is constant therefore at this temperature phase of the
material changes from liquid to gas and (H4 – H3) heat will be absorb by the material. This
heat as known as the heat of vaporisation of the liquid.

In Chapter Exercise -2
1. A bullet of mass 10 gm is moving with speed 400 m/s. finds its kinetic energy in calories?

2. Calculate amount of heat released to convert 1 kg steam from 1000C to 200C water?

3. Calculate heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gm of water through 10C?

4. 420 J of energy supplied to 10 gm of water will raise its temperature by?

5. The ratio of the densities of the two bodies is 3:4 and the ratio of specific heats is 4:3. Find
the ratio of their thermal capacities for unit volume?

6. 200 gm water is filled in a Calorimeter of negligible heat capacity. It is heated till its
temperature is increase by 200C. Find the heat supplied to the water.

7. 1 kg of ice at -100C is mixed with 1 kg water 1000C. Then find equilibrium temperature.

8. 1 kg ice at -100C is mixed with 1 kg water at 500C. Then find the equilibrium temperature.

9. The temperature of equal masses of three different liquids A, B and C are 150C, 200C and
300C respectively. The temperature when A and B are mixed is 180C and when B and C are
mixed, it is 220C. What will be the temperature when A and C are mixed?

10. Two liquids A and B are at 320C and 240C. When mixed in equal masses the temperature of
the mixture is found to be 280C. Their specific heats are in the ratio of?

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Heat transfer from one body to another body can take place in three ways
1. Conduction
2. Convection (not in JEE syllabus)
3. Radiation


Transfer of energy due to vibration and collision of medium particles without dislocation
from their equilibrium position.

1. Conduction in Variable State

When we start heating one end of a rod, heat transfer begins from hot end to cold end. At this
time, every small part gains some energy from hotter part, it absorbs some energy and passes
rest of the energy to next section. This process results in increased temperature of that small
part. Heat transfer to this small part can be defined using differential form of Ohm’s Law

dQ dT T T - dT
 KA
dt dx
Here  temperature gradient dx

In the following figure small part ‘dx’ is taking dQ1 heat and transferring dQ2 heat to next

dQ  dQ1  dQ2 (In steady state dQ  0 , i.e. dQ1  dQ2 )

dT1 dT
 mS dT  KA dt  KA 2 dt
dx dx
dT KA  dT1 dT2 
   
dt mS  dx dx 
dT  Increase in temperature of the section in time dt
As the system approaches to steady state, temperature of all cross section become constant
 0
Therefore we can say following things in variable state.
a. At a particular position ‘x’ (where x is the distance from heating end of the rod),
as t  
b. If we move along the rod at a particular time ‘t’, as x  T

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2. Thermal conduction in steady state
In this state net ∆Q=0 and temperature gradient throughout the rod becomes constant i.e.
 constant.Let the two ends of rod of length  is maintained at temp T1 and T2 , then the
rate of heat flow is:
dQ KA(T1  T2 ) T1  T2
Thermal current  
dt L RTh

Where thermal resistance RTh 

a. Electrical analogy for thermal conduction

Electrical conduction Thermal conduction

Electrical charge flows from higher Heat flows from higher temperature to lower
potential to lower potential temperature
The rate of flow of charge is called the The rate of flow of heat may be called as heat current
dq dQ
electric current, I  H
dt dt
The relation between the electric current and Similarly, the heat current may be related with the
the potential difference is given by ohm’s temperature difference as
law T
H , where R Th is the thermal resistance of the
V R Th
I , where R is the electrical resistance
R conductor.
of the conductor.
The electrical resistance is defined as L
L L The thermal resistance is defined as R Th  where
R  , where  = resistivity and  = KA
A A K= thermal conductivity of the conductor.
electrical conductivity
dq V dQ T KA(T2  T1 )
I H 
dt R dt R Th L

b. Combination of conductors:

(a) Series combination of rods (b) Parallel combination of rods

1 1 1
Equivalent thermal resistance  
Equivalent thermal resistance RTh = R1+R2 R Th R 1 R 2
dQ T1  T2
dQ T1  T2 Heat current 
Heat current  dt RTh
dt RTh

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Example 37. Two walls have thickness in the ratio 1:3 and thermal conductivities in the ratio
3:2 form a composite wall of a building. If the free surfaces of the walls are at
temperatures 300C and 200C, respectively, what is the temperature of the interface?
Solution: Let us assume temperature of wall is T.
At steady state, the rate of heat flow across the two walls will be the same.
So, considering an area normal to the heat flow A. then the rate of heat flow
dQ K1 A(30  T ) K 2 A(T  20)
 
dt L1 L2
K1 (30  T ) L1 (T  20) 3(30  T ) 1(T  20)
   
K2 L2 2 3
Solving we get T=28.120C

Example 38. One end of a uniform brass rod 15 cm long and 20 cm2cross-sectional area is kept
at 1000C. the other end is at perfect contact with an iron rod of identical cross-
section, but length 8 cm. the lateral surface of the composite rod is surrounded by a
heat insulator and the free end of the iron rod is kept in ice at 00C. if 684 gm of ice
melts in 1 h, determine the thermal conductivity of iron. Thermal conductivity of
brass = .25 cal/sec-cm0C and latent heat of ice = 80cal/gm.

Solution: let the thermal conductivity of iron be K.

The thermal resistance of brass rod R1  3
K1 A
L2 2
The thermal resistance of iron rod R2  
K 2 A 5K
Since, the two rods are in series; their effective thermal resistance is given by
 R  R1  R2  3 
dQ mL 684  80
Now the heat flow through the rods=    15.2
dt t 3600
dQ (T1  T2 ) (T  T ) 100
Since,   R 1 2 
dt R (dQ / dt ) 15.2
2 100
Also R= 3  =  K  .111cal / sec cm 0 C
5K 15.2
It is the process in which transfer of energy takes place in the form of wave from one place to
another through a medium or space.
Some important points about the thermal radiation:
i) Everybody radiates electromagnetic radiation of all possible wavelengths at all temp > 0K
ii) Medium not required for the propagation of these.
iii) Their intensity is inversely proportional to the square of distance of point of observation from
the source. (i.e. I  1 2 )

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i) Everybody emits heat radiations at all finite temperatures (except 0 K) as well as it absorbs
radiation from the surroundings. It is a continuous phenomenon.
ii) If the amount of radiation absorbed by a body is greater than, amount of radiation emitted
then temperature of body will increase, or if the amount of radiation absorbed is less than
amount of radiation emitted, then temperature of body decreases. This is a continuous
phenomenon, till body comes to thermal equilibrium with surrounding.


A perfectly black body is that, which absorbs all the radiations of all wave lengths incident on
it. As a perfectly black body it neither reflects nor transmits any radiation.
When perfectly black body is heated to suitable high temperature, it emits all type of
radiations of all possible wavelengths.


A. Spectral emissive power

It is defined as the radiant energy (dE) emitted in (    d ) interval per second per unit
area of the surface per unit wavelength dλ about λ.
Spectral emissive power (Eλ) =
Area  time  wavelength
Unit: o
m 2  sec A

B. Total emissive power

It is defined as the total amount of thermal energy emitted per unit time, per unit area of the
body for all possible wavelengths.

E   E  d

J Watt
Unit: 2
 2
m  sec m

C. Absorptive power (a)

It is defined as
Amount of energy absorbed per sec
Absorptive power (a) =
Total energy incident per sec
The absorptive power of black body is a = 1.

D. Emissivity (e)
Emissivity of a body at a given temperature is defined as the ratio of the total emissive power
of the body to the total emissive power of a perfect black body at that temperature.
E body
Emissivity (e) =
E black body
So for a perfectly black body, value of emissivity is 1.

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The ratio of emissive power to absorptive power is the same for all bodies at a given
temperature and is equal to the emissive power of a blackbody at that temperature. Thus
E body
 E black body
a body


Rate of heat emitted by a blackbody at temp T ºK is given as

Radiation power  AT 4 watt
power from general body
Emissivity or emissive power e
power from black body
Therefore, power generated by general body is

 E  eAT 4 A = area of the body in contact with surrounding
But from Kirchhoff’s radiation law
E body
 E black body , therefore we can say a = e.
a body
A good absorber is a good emitter.

Heat absorbed by a body = a  heat absorbed by perfectly black body.

= aA T 4
If the surrounding temperature is Ts, then the net heat emitted by a body is,
 eAT 4  aA TS4
As a = e , we can say  eA(T 4  TS4 )
If temperature of body falls by dT in time dt
dT eA 4
 (T  TS4 ) ( dT / dt  Rate of cooling)
dt mS
From the above equation,
dT eA 4
 (T  TS4 )
dt mS
If temp difference of body with surrounding is small i.e. T  Ts , we can say : T  Ts  T

T 4  Ts4  (Ts  T) 4  Ts4  Ts4 {(1  T ) 4  1}

 Ts4 (1  4T  1)  4Ts3 T
dT 4eA 3 dT
Then,  TS (T  TS ) Therefore,  (T  TS )
dt mS dt
So if the temperature of body is not very different from surrounding, rate of cooling is
proportional to temperature difference between the body and the surrounding. This law is
called Newton’s law of cooling.

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By solving and integrating T (from T0 to T) and time (0 to t). We get

T  TS  (T0  TS )e  Kt / ms , where K = 4eATs3

So temperature of a body decays exponentially.


If a body cools from T1 to T2 in time t

T1  T2
We can say dT  T1  T2 and average temperature Tavg =
So above expression for cooling can be rewritten as:
T1  T2 K  T1  T2 
   TS 
t mS  2 

According to the Wien’s displacement law there is an inverse

relationship between the wavelength of the peak of the
emission of a black body and its temperature.
So if the wavelength corresponding to maximum energy is
 m and T is the temperature of the body, then
Then  mT  b where b is a constant (Wein’s constant)
For a black body, value of b = .288 cmK.
From the above result we can say that the wavelength
distribution of thermal radiation from a black body at any
temperature has essentially the same shape as the distribution
at any other temperature, except that each wavelength is
displaced on the graph.

Example 39. A spherical body with radius 12 cm radiates 450 W power at 500 K. if the radius is
halved and the temperature is doubled, what would be the power radiated?
Solution: By Stefan’s law, power radiated
E   AT 4   (4 r 2 )T 4
When radius is halved and temperature is doubled, power radiated
E1   (4 ( )2 )(2T )4  4 E  1800W

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Example 40. Two bodies A and B have thermal emissivity of .01 and .81 respectively. The outer
surface areas of the two bodies are same. The two bodies emit total radiant power at
the same rate. The wavelength of B corresponding to maximum spectral radiation is
shifted from the wavelength corresponding to maximum spectral radiation from A by
10-6m. The temperature of A is 5802K. Find temperature of B and wavelength
corresponding to maximum spectral radiation.
Solution: if TA and TB are the temperature of bodies A and B, respectively then
 A ATA 4   B ATB 4
1/ 4
 
 TB   B  TA  1934 K
A 
By Wien’s displacement law, we have
 A  5802  B1934  A 
Also B  A  106 , solving both equations, we get B  1.5  106 .

In Chapter Exercise -3
1. The thermal conductivity of a rod depends on
(a) length (b) mass
(c) area of cross section (d) material of the rod

2. The thermal radiation emitted by a body is proportional to T n where T is its absolute

temperature. The value of n is exactly 4 for
(a) a black body (b) all bodies
(c) bodies painted black only (d) polished bodies only

3. One end of a metal rod is kept in a furnace. In steady state, the temperature of any small
portion of the rod (neglect heat loss by convection and radiation from rod)
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (d) non uniform

4. In the above problem, if we do not neglect heat loss by radiation then the temperature of any
small portion of the rod is
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (d) non uniform
5. A body cools down from 700C to 600C in 10 min, then it will cool down from 600C to 50 0 in
(a) more than 10 min (b) less than 10 min
(c) in 10 min (d) depending upon its mass

6. A body cools down from 700C to 600C in 10 min, then its final temperature may be in next 10
min is
(a) 50 0C (b) 550C
(c) 47 C (d) 49.5 0C

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7. A sphere, a cube and a thin circular plate are made of same substance and all have same
mass. These are heated to 2000C and then placed in a room. Then the
(a) temperature of sphere drops to room temperature at last
(b) temperature of cube drops to room temperature at last
(c) temperature of thin circular plate drop to room temperature at last
(d) all three bodies come to room temperature at same time
8. A cup of tea cools from 800C to 600C in 1 min. the ambient temperature is not known. In
cooling from 600C to 500C it may take
(a) 30 sec (b) 20 sec
(c) 10 sec (d) 50 sec

9. If we move along the rod from the hot end of the rod, then the temperature of rod
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (d) first increases then decrease

10. Temperature of a point on the rod increases with time, till it reaches steady state. Then what
can we say about heat current passing through that point
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) remains constant (d) first increases then decrease

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Level - 01
1. A centigrade and a Fahrenheit thermometer are dipped in boiling water. The water temperature is lowered
until the Fahrenheit thermometer registers 140°. What is the fall in temperature as registered by the
Centigrade thermometer
(a) 30° (b) 40° (c) 60° (d) 80°
2. At what temperature the centigrade (Celsius) and Fahrenheit, readings are the same
(a) – 40° (b) + 40° (c) 36.6° (d) – 37°
3. Standardisation of thermometers is obtained with
(a) Jolly's thermometer (b) Platinum resistance thermometer
(c) Thermocouple thermometer (d) Gas thermometer
4. The gas thermometers are more sensitive than liquid thermometers because
(a) Gases expand more than liquids (b) Gases are easily obtained
(c) Gases are much lighter (d) Gases do not easily change their states
5. Mercury thermometers can be used to measure temperatures upto
(a) 100°C (b) 212°C (c) 360°C (d) 500°C
6. A constant volume gas thermometer shows pressure reading of 50 cm and 90 cm of mercury at 0°C and
100°C respectively. When the pressure reading is 60 cm of mercury., the temperature is
(a) 25°C (b) 40°C (c) 15°C (d) 12.5°C
7. The relation that converts temperature in Celsius scale to temperature in Fahrenheit scale is
5 5 9 9
(a) t  F  (t C  32) (b) t  F  t C  32 (c) t  F  t C  32 (d) t  F  (t C  32)
9 9 5 5
8. At some temperature T, a bronze pin in a little large to fit into a hole drilled in a steel block. The change
in temperature required for an exact fit is minimum when
(a) Only the block is heated (b) Both block and pin are heated together
(c) Both block and pin are cooled together (d) Only the pin is cooled
9. If the length of a cylinder on heating increases by 2%, the area of its base will increase by
(a) 0.5% (b) 2% (c) 1% (d) 4%
10. A thin wire of length L increases in length by 1% when heated to a certain range of temperature. If a
thin copper plate of area 2L  L is heated through same range the percentage increase in area will be
(a) 3% (b) 2.5% (c) 1.5% (d) 2%
11. Two rods of length L1 and L2 are made of materials of coefficients of linear expansions 1 and  2
respectively such that L11  L2 2 . The temperature of the rods is increased by T and correspondingly the
change in their respective lengths be L1 and L2
(a) L1  L2 (b) L1  L2
(c) Difference in length ( L1  L2 ) is a constant and is independent of rise of temperature

(d) Data is insufficient to arrive at a conclusion

12. A liquid with coefficient of volume expansion  is filled in a container of a material expansion . If the
liquid overflows on heating then
(a)   3 (b)   3 (c)   3 (d)    3

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13. Water does not freeze at the bottom of the lakes in winter because
(a) Ice is a good conductor of heat
(b) Ice reflects heat and light
(c) Of anomalous expansion of water between 4°C to 0°C
(d) Nothing can be said

14. A one litre glass flask contains some mercury. It is found that at different temperatures the volume of air
inside the flask remains the same. What is the volume of mercury in this flask if coefficient of linear
expansion of glass is 9  106 / C while of volume expansion of mercury is 1.8  104 / C

(a) 50 cc (b) 100 cc (c) 150 cc (d) 200 cc

15. Two spheres of same size are made of the same material but one is solid and the other is hollow. They
are heated to the same temperature
(a) Both spheres expand equally (b) The solid sphere expands more
(c) The hollow sphere expands more (d) Data is insufficient to arrive at a conclusion

16. A bimetallic strip is made up of two metals with different 

(a) On heating, it bends towards the metal with high 
(b) On heating, it bends towards the metal with low 
(c) On cooling, it bends towards the metal with high 
(d) On cooling, it bends towards the metal with low 

17. A metal rod of length L0 , made of material of Young’s modulus Y, area A is fixed between two rigid
supports. The coefficient of linear expansion of the rod is . The rod is heated such that the tension in
the rod is T
(a) T  L0 (b) T  A00 (c) T  A (d) T  L00

18. Amount of heat required to raise the temperature of a body through 1K is called its
(a) Water equivalent (b) Thermal capacity (c) Entropy (d) Specific heat

19. The specific heat of metals at low temperature is

(a) Proportional to T (b) Proportional to T 2
(c) Proportional to T 3 (d) Independent of T

20. A metallic ball and highly stretched spring are made of the same material and have the same mass. They
are heated so that they melt, the latent heat required
(a) Are the same for both
(b) Is greater for the ball
(c) Is greater for the spring
(d) For the two may or may not be the same depending upon the metal

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
21. A mass of liquid with volume V1 is completely changed into a gas of volume V2 at a constant external
pressure P and temperature T. If the latent heat of evaporation for the given mass is L, then the increase
in the internal energy of the system is
(a) Zero (b) P(V2  V1 ) (c) L  P(V2  V1 ) (d) L

22. During the melting of a slab of ice at 273 K at atmospheric pressure

(a) Positive work is done by ice-water system on the atmosphere
(b) Positive work is done on the ice-water system by the atmosphere
(c) The internal energy of the ice-water system increases
(d) The internal energy of the ice-water system decreases

23. 1 gm steam at 100°C can melt how much ice at 0°C

80 540
(a) gm (b) gm (c) 8 gm (d) 8 kg
540 80

24. The melting of solids under atmospheric pressure is

(a) An isometric change (b) An isobaric change
(c) Both isobaric and isothermal change (d) An adiabatic change

25. 100 g of ice is mixed with 100 g of water at 100°C. What will be the final temperature of the mixture
(a) 10°C (b) 20°C (c) 30°C (d) 40°C

26. One kg of ice at 0°C is mixed with 1 kg of water at 10°C. The resulting temperature will be
(a) Between 0°C and 10°C (b) Equal to 0°C
(c) Less than 0°C (d) Greater than 0°

27. 1 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 1g of steam at 100°C. After thermal equilibrium is attained the
temperature of the mixture is
(a) 1°C (b) 50°C (c) 81°C (d) 100°C

Level - 02

1. A temperature difference of 5°C on Celsius scale corresponds to the following temperature difference in
the Fahrenheit scale
(a) 9° (b) 41° (c) 2.8° (d) 15°
2. Mercury boils at 367°C. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure
temperature up to 500°C. This is done by
(a) Maintaining vacuum above mercury column in the stem of the thermometer
(b) Filling nitrogen gas at high pressure above the mercury column
(c) Filling nitrogen gas at low pressure above the mercury column
(d) Filling oxygen gas at high pressure above the mercury column

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3. Which of the following is the smallest temperature
(a) 1°R (b) 1°C (c) 1°F (d) 1° K
4. A rod of length 40 cm has the coefficient of linear expansion 1  6  10 / C . Another rod of length l
has the coefficient of linear expansion  2  4  106 / C . If the difference in length of the two rods
always remain same at all temperatures, then the value of l is
(a) 26 cm (b) 60 cm (c) 80 cm (d) 32 cm
5. Two metal rods having same length and area of cross-section are fixed end to end between two rigid
supports. The coefficients of linear expansion of the rods are 1 and  2 and their respective Young’s
moduli are Y1 and Y2 . The system is now cooled and it is observed that the junction between the rods
does not shift at all for the condition
(a) Y1 2  Y21 (b) Y112  Y2 22 (c) Y11  Y2 2 (d) Y1 22  Y212

6. The coefficient of linear expansion of crystal in one direction is 1 and that in every direction
perpendicular to it  2 . The coefficient of cubical expansion is
(a) 1   2 (b) 21   2 (c) 1  2 2 (d) None of these
7. A metal ball immersed in alcohol weighs W1 at 0°C and W2 at 59°C. The coefficient of cubical
expansion of the metal is less than that of alcohol. Assuming that the density of metal is large compared
to that of alcohol, it can be shown that
(a) W1  W2 (b) W1  W2 (c) W1  W2 (d) W2  (W1 / 2)

8. In a vertical U-tube containing a liquid, the two arms are maintained at different temperatures t1 and t2 .
The liquid columns in the two arms have heights l1 and l2 respectively. The coefficient of volume
expansion of the liquid is equal to
l1  l2 l1  l2 t1
(a) (b) t2
l2t1  l1t2 l1t1  l2 t2 l2 l1

l1  l2 l1  l2
(c) (d)
l2t1  l1t2 l1t1  l2 t2

9. A triangular plate has two cavities, one square and one rectangular as shown. The plate is heated
(a) a increases, b decreases
(b) a and b both increase
(c) a and b increase, x and l decrease
(d) a, b, x and l all increase
10. The coefficient of volume expansion of a solid is x times the coefficient of linear expansion. Then x is
(a) 1.5 (b) 2 (c) 2.5 (d) 3
11. The metal of a pendulum clock has a coefficient of expansion as 2  105 / K . Its period is 2s at 15°C. If
the temperature increases to 25°C, shall the clock
(a) Show correct time (b) Lose time (c) Gain time (d) First lose and then
gain time

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
12. Three rods of equal length l are joined to form an equilateral triangle PQR. O is the mid point of PQ.
Distance OR remains same for small change in temperature. Coefficient of linear expansion for PR and
RQ is same i.e.  2 but that for PQ is 1 . Then R

(a)  2  31 (b)  2  41

(c) 1  3 2 (d) 1  4 2
13. A body of mass m gram has specific heat c
(a) Heat capacity of the body is mc (b) Water equivalent of the body is m
(c) Water equivalent of the body is mc (d) Heat capacity of the body is c

14. A system S receives heat continuously from an electrical heater of power 10 W. The temperature of S
becomes constant at 50°C when the surrounding temperature is 20°C. After the heater is switched off, S
cools from 35.1°C to 34.9°C in 1 minute. The heat capacity of S is
(a) 750 J (C ) 1 (b) 1500 J (C ) 1 (c) 3000 J (C )1 (d) 6000 J (C ) 1

15. 3.2 kg of ice at – 10°C just melts with a mass m of steam

(a) m = 400 gm (b) m = 800 gm (c) m = 500 gm (d) m = 900 gm

16. A 10 kg iron bar (specific heat 0.11 cal/gm-°C) at 80°C is placed on a block of ice. How much ice melts
(a) 1.1 kg (b) 10 kg (c) 16 kg (d) 60 kg

17. Water at 0°C was boiled away over a burner supplying heat at a constant rate. If the time to raise the
temperature from 0°C to 100°C is 5 min and the time to boil away at 100°C is 28 min, then the specific
latent heat of steam in J g–1 is (take s  1.0 cal g 1 K 1 )

(a) 540 (b) 2250 (c) 2352 (d) 2392

18. An object of mass 3.5 kg is situated at a height of 2 km from the earth’s surface at a temperature of –
15°C. it is dropped from rest. It falls in a tube containing ice at 0°C and immediately comes to rest.
During the journey its temperature becomes 0°C due to friction with air as it reaches the surface of the
earth. If g is 10 m/s2 and latent heat of ice is 3.5  105 J/kg, the object will melt
(a) 400 gm of ice (b) 300 gm of ice (c) 200 gm of ice (d) 100 gm of ice

19. An immersion heater takes time t1 to raise the temperature of a mass M of a liquid from a temperature
T1 to its normal boiling point T2 . In a further time t2 , a mass m of the liquid is vaporized. If the specific
heat capacity of the liquid is c and heat losses to the atmosphere and to the containing vessel are
ignored, the specific latent heat of vaporisation is
Mc (T2  T1 )t2 mc (T2  T1 )t2 McT1T2 mt1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
mt1 MT1 mt1 Mc (T2  T1 )t2

20. A 50 gm piece of iron at 100°C is dropped into 100 gm water at 20°C. The temperature of mixture
25.5°C. The specific heat of iron in Calorie/gm°C will be
(a) 0.341 (b) 0.267 (c) 0.082 (d) 0.148

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21. A mass m of steam at 100°C is to be passed into a vessel containing 10g of ice and 100g of water at 0°C
so that all the ice is melted and the temperature is raised to5°C. Neglecting heat absorbed by the vessel,
we get
(a) m = 2.1g (b) m = 4.2g (c) m = 6.3g (d) m = 8.4g
22. A ball of thermal capacity 10 cal/°C is heated to the temperature of furnace. It is then transferred into a
vessel containing water. The water equivalent of vessel and the contents is 200 gm. The temperature of
the vessel and its contents rises from 10°C to 40°C. What is the temperature of furnace
(a) 640°C (b) 64°C (c) 600°C (d) 100°C

23. 10 g of ice at –20°C is dropped into a calorimeter containing 10 g of water at 10°C. The specific heat of
water is twice that of ice. When equilibrium is reached, the calorimeter will contain
(a) 10 g of ice and 10 g water (b) 20 g water
(c) 5 g ice and 15 g water (d) 20 g ice

24. Three liquids of equal volumes are thoroughly mixed. If their specific heats are s1 , s2 , s3 and their
temperatures 1 ,2 ,3 and their densities d1 , d 2 , d 3 respectively, then the final temperature of the
mixture is
s11  s2 2  s3 3 d1s11  d 2 s2 2  d 3 s33
(a) (b)
d 1 s1  d 2 s2  d3 s3 d 1s1  d 2 s2  d3 s3
d1s11  d 2 s2 2  d 3 s33 d11  d 2 2  d33
(c) (d)
d 1 1  d 2 2  d33 s1 1  s2 2  s33

25. Equal masses of three liquids A, B and C have temperatures 10°C, 25°C and 40°C respectively. If A and
B are mixed, the mixture has a temperature of 15°C. If B and C are mixed, the mixture has a
temperature of 30°C. If A and C are mixed, the mixture will have a temperature of
(a) 16°C (b) 20°C (c) 25°C (d) 29°C

Assertion & Reason Type Questions

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the assertion.
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the assertion.
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.

1. Assertion : The melting point of ice decreases with increase of pressure.

Reason : Ice contracts on melting.

2. Assertion : Fahrenheit is the smallest unit measuring temperature.

Reason : Fahrenheit was the first temperature scale used for measuring temperature.

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3. Assertion : Melting of solid causes no change in internal energy.
Reason : Latent heat is the heat required to melt a unit mass of solid.

4. Assertion : Specific heat capacity is the cause of formation of land and sea breeze.
Reason : The specific heat of water is more than land.

5. Assertion : A brass disc is just fitted in a hole in a steel plate. The system must be cooled to loosen the
disc from the hole.
Reason : The coefficient of linear expansion for brass is greater than the coefficient of linear
expansion for steel.

6. Assertion : The coefficient of volume expansion has dimension K–1.

Reason : The coefficient of volume expansion is defined as the change in volume per unit volume per
unit change in temperature.
7. Assertion : The temperature at which Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers read the same is –
Reason : There is no relation between Fahrenheit and Centigrade temperature.

8. Assertion : When a solid iron ball is heated, percentage increase is its volume is largest.
Reason : Coefficient of superficial expansion is twice that of linear expansion where as coefficient of
volume expansion is three time of linear expansion.
9. Assertion : A beaker is completely filled with water at 4°C. It will overflow, both when heated or cooled.
Reason : There is expansion of water below and above 4°C.
10. Assertion : Latent heat of fusion of ice is 336000 J kg–1.
Reason : Latent heat refers to change of state without any change in temperature

11. Assertion : Two bodies at different temperatures, if brought in thermal contact do not necessary settle
to the mean temperature.
Reason : The two bodies may have different thermal capacities.

12. Assertion : Specific heat of a body is always greater than its thermal capacity.
Reason : Thermal capacity is the required for raising temperature of unit mass of the body through
unit degree.

13. Assertion : Water kept in an open vessel will quickly evaporate on the surface of the moon.
Reason : The temperature at the surface of the moon is much higher than boiling point of the water.

14. Assertion : The molecules at 0ºC ice and 0ºC water will have same potential energy.
Reason : Potential energy depends only on temperature of the system.

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Previous Year’s Questions

Question Asked in 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

1. On observing light from three different stars P, Q and R, it was found that intensity of violet colour is
maximum in the spectrum of P, the intensity of green colour is maximum in the spectrum of R and the
intensity of red colour is maximum in the spectrum of Q. If T P, TQ and IR are the respective absolute
temperatures of P, Q and R, then it can be concluded from the above observations that: [AIPMT- 2015]

(a) TP > TR > TQ (b) TP < TR < TQ (c) TP <TQ < TR (d) TP > TQ > TR

2. The two ends of a metal rod are maintained at temperatures 100oC. The rate of heat flow in the rod is
found to be 4.0 J/s. If the ends are maintained at temperatures 200oC and 210oC, the rate of heat flow
will be [AIPMT- 2015]
(a) 16.8 J/s (b) 8.0 J/s (c) 4.0 J/s (d) 44.0 J/s
3. The value of coefficient of volume expansion of glycerin is 5 × 10–4K–1. the fractional change in the
density of glycerin for a rise of 40°C in its temperature, is: [RE AIPMT- 2015]
(a) 0.010 (b) 0.015 (c) 0.020 (d) 0.025

4. Certain quantity of water cools from 70°C to 60°C in the first 5 minutes and to 54°C in the next 5
minutes. The temperature of the surroundings is : [CBSE AIPMT-2014]
(a) 42°C (b) 10°C (c) 45°C (d) 20°C

5. Steam at 100°C is passed into 20 g of water at 10°C When water acquires a temperature of 80°C, the
mass of Water present will be : [CBSE AIPMT-2014]
1 1 1
[Take specific heat of Water = 1 cal g °C and latent heat of steam = 540 cal g ]

(a) 42.5 g (b) 22.5 g (c) 24 g (d) 31.5 g

6. A piece of iron is heated in a flame. It first becomes dull red then becomes reddish yellow and finally
turns to white hot. The correct explanation for the above observation is possible by using :
(a) Newton’s Law of cooling (b) Stefan’s Law [NEET-2013]
(c) Wien’s displacement Law (d) Kirchoff’s Law
7. A slab of stone of area of 0.36 m2 and thickness 0.1 m is exposed on the lower surface to stream at
100ºC. A block of ice of 0ºC rests on the upper surface of the slab. In one hour, 4.8 kg of ice is melted.
The thermal conductivity of slab is
(Given Latent heat of fusion of ice = 3.36 × 105 J kg–1) [CBSE AIPMT-2012]
(a) 1.24 J/m/s/ºC (b) 1.29 J/m/s/ºC (c) 2.05 J/m/s/ºC (d) 1.02 J/m/s/ºC
8. If the radius of a star is R and it acts as a black body, what would be the temperature of the star, in
which the rate of energy production is Q? [CBSE AIPMT-2012]
(a) Q/4R2 (b) (Q/4R2)–1/2 (c) (4R2Q/)1/4 (d) (Q/4R2)1/4
( stands for Stefan’s constant.)
9. If a thermometer reads freezing point of water as 20ºC and boiling point as 150ºC, how much
thermometer read when the actual temperature is 60ºC [AFMC-2012]
(a) 98ºC (b) 10ºC (c) 40ºC (d) 60ºC
10. The temperature of hot and cold end of a 20 gm. Long rod in thermal steady stat are at 100ºC and 20ºC
respectively. Temperature of the centre of the rod is [AFMC- 2012]
(a) 50ºC (b) 60ºC (c) 40ºC (d) 30ºC

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11. A non-conducting body floats in a liquid at 20ºC with of its volume immersed in the liquid. When
liquid temperature is increased to 100ºC, ¾ of body’s volume is immersed in the liquid. Then the
coefficient of real expansion of the liquid is (neglecting the expansion of container of the liquid)
–4 –1 –4 –1 –4 –1
(a) 15.6 × 10 ºC (b) 156 × 10 ºC (c) 1.56 × 10 ºC (d) 0.156 × 10 ºC–1

12. Two slabs A and B of different material but of the same thickness are joined end to end to form a
composite slab. The thermal conductivities of A and B are k1 and k2 respectively. A steady temperature
difference of 12ºC is maintained across the composite slab. If k1  2 , the temperature difference
across slab A is [AIIMS-2012]
(a) 4ºC (b) 6ºC (c) 8ºC (d) 10ºC
13. A: A thermoelectric refrigerator is based on the Peltier effect.
R: A thermocouple may be used as a radiation detector. [AIIMS- 2012]

1. The material whose resistivity is insensitive to [J&K CET 2011]
(a) silicon (b) copper (c) silver (d) nichrome
2. Fractional increase in resistivity per unit increase in temperature is defined as [J&K CET 2011]
(a) resistivity (b) temperature coefficient of resistivity
(c) conductivity (d) drift velocity
3. Oxygen boils at 183°C. This temperature is approximately in Fahrenheit is [CG PMT 2010]
(a) 329°F (b) 261°F (c) 215°F (d) 297°F
4. Using which of the following instruments, the temperature of the sun can be determined?
(a) Platinum thermometer (b) Gas thermometer [CG PMT 2010]
(c) Pyrometer (d) Vapour pressure thermometer
5. If absolute zero is 273.15°C on Celsius temperature scale, then the absolute zero on the Fahrenheit
scale is [BVP 2009]
(a) 227.15°F (b) 453.15 °F (c) 459.67 °F (d) 491.67 °F
6. A constant volume gas thermometer works on [Manipal 2009]
(a) Archimedes’ principle (b) Pascal’s law
(c) Boyle’s law (d) Charles’ law
7. On a new scale of temperature (which is linear) and called the W scale, the freezing and boiling points
of water are 39°W and 239°W respectively. What will be the temperature on the new scale,
corresponding to a temperature of 39°C on the Celsius scale? [
(a) 78°W (b) 117°W (c) 200°W (d) 139°W
8. Mercury boils at 367°C. However, mercury thermometers are made such that they can measure
temperature up to 500°C. This is done by [UP CPMT 2008]
(a) maintaining vacuum above mercury column in the stem of the thermometer
(b) filling nitrogen gas at high pressure above the mercury column
(c) filling oxygen gas at high pressure above the mercury column
(d) filling nitrogen gas at low pressure above the mercury column

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9. Two thermometers are constructed in the same way except that one has a spherical bulb and the other a
cylindrical bulb, which one will respond quickly to temperature changes? [AMU 2009]
(a) Spherical bulb thermometer (b) Cylindrical bulb thermometer
(c) Both equally (d) None of the above
10. Infrared radiations are detected by [MP PMT 2007]
(a) spectrometer (b) pyrometer (c) nanometer (d) photometer
11. The triple point of water is [MP PMT 2007]
(a) 273.16°C (b) 273.16 K (c) 273.16°F (d) 0.15 K
12. If boiling point of water is 95°F, what will be reduction at Celsius scale? [BHU 2006]
(a) 7° C (b) 65° C (c) 63° C (d) 35° C
13. A faulty thermometer has its fixed point marked as 5° and 95°. The temperature of a body as measured
by the faulty thermometer is 59°. The correct temperature of the body on celsius scale is
[Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) 40°C (b) 60°C (c) 20°C (d) 30°C
14. If a thermometer reads freezing point of water as 20°C and boiling point as 150°C, how much
thermometer read, when the actual temperature is 60°C? [AFMC 2004]
(a) 98°C (b) 110°C (c) 40°C (d) 60°C
15. A Centigrade and Fahrenheit thermometers are dipped in boiling water. The water temperature is
lowered until the Fahrenheit thermometer registers a temperature of 140°. The fall of temperature as
registered by the Centigrade thermometer is [AFMC 2004]
(a) 80°C (b) 40°C (c) 50°C (d) 90°C
16. The point on the pressure-temperature phase diagram where all the three phases co-exist is called
(a) sublimation point (b) fusion point [MHT CET 2004]
(c) triple point (d) vaporisation point
17. Absolute zero is the condition at which [AFMC 2003]
(a) molecular motion ceases (b) gas becomes liquid
(c) gas cannot be liquified (d) random motion of molecules occur
18. At which temperature the Fahrenheit and Celsius scale give equal readings? [RPM 2003]
(a) 40° (b) 37° (c) 40° (d) 80°
Thermal Expansion
1. During an isothermal expansion, a confined ideal gas does 150 J of work against its surroundings.
This implies that [CBSE AIPMT 2011]
(a) 300 J of heat has been added to the gas
(b) no heat is transferred because the process is isothermal
(c) 150 J of heat has been added to the gas
(d) 150 J of heat has been removed from the gas
2. If the amount of heat given to a system is 35 J and the amount of work done on the system is 15 J, then
the change in internal energy of the system is [Kerala CEE 2011]
(a) 50 J (b) 20 J (c) 30 J (d) 50 J
(e) 20 J

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3. When the temperature of a rod increases from t to t + t, its moment of inertia increases from I to I + 
I. If  be the coefficient of linear expansion of the rod, then the value of is [Kerala CEE 2011]
t t
(a) 2t (b) t (c) (d)
2 
4. A clock with a metal pendulum beating seconds keeps correct time at 0°C. If it loses 12.5 s a day at
25°C, the coefficient of linear expansion of metal pendulum is [AIIMS 2010]
1 1 1 1
(a) /º C (b) /º C (c) /º C (d) /º C
86400 43200 14400 28800
5. There are two spheres of same radius and material at same temperature but one being solid while the
other hollow. Which sphere will expand more if they are heated to same temperature? [OJEE 2010]
(a) Hollow sphere (b) Solid sphere
(c) Both will expand equally (d) Data insufficient
6. Six identical metallic rods are joined together in a pattern as shown in the figure. Points A and D are
maintained at temperatures 60°C and 240°C. The temperature of the junction B will be [DUMET 2010]

(a) 120°C (b) 150°C (c) 60°C (d) 80°C

7. The property of water that has an important environmental effect is its [Kerala CEE 2010]
(a) low surface tension (b) high heat capacity
(c) maximum density at 4°C (d) low thermal conductivity
(e) low viscosity
8. A block of ice at temperature 20°C is slowly heated and converted to steam at 100°C. Which of the
following diagram is most appropriate? [WB JEE 2010]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

9. 420 J of energy supplied to 10 g of water will raise its temperature by nearly [CG PMT 2010]
(a) 1°C (b) 4.2°C (c) 10°C (d) 42°C
10. An idea! gas is initially at temperature T and volume V. Its volume is increased by V due to an
increase in temperature T, pressure remaining constant. The physical quantity   varies with
V T
temperature as [EAMCET 2010]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

11. The volume of mercury in the bulb of a thermometer is 106 m3. The area of cross-section of the
capillary tube is 2  107 m2. If the temperature is raised by 100°C, the increase in the length of the
mercury column is (Hg = 18  105/°C) [EAMCET 2009]
(a) 18 cm (b) 0.9 cm (c) 9 cm (d) 1.8 cm

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12. A bimetallic strip consists of brass and iron when it is heated it bends into an arc with brass on the
convex and iron on the concave side of the arc. This happens because [BCECE 2009]
(a) brass has a higher specific heat capacity than iron
(b) density of brass is more than that of iron
(c) it is easier to bend an iron strip than a brass strip of the same size
(d) brass has a higher coefficient of linear expansion than iron
13. It is difficult to cook rice in an open vessel by boiling it at high altitudes because of [KCET 2009]
(a) low boiling point and high pressure (b) high boiling point and low pressure
(c) low boiling point and low pressure (d) high boiling point and high pressure
14. What fraction of the volume of a glass flask must be filled with mercury so that the volume of the
empty space may be the same at all temperatures? (glass = 9  106/°C, Hg = 18.9  105/°C)
(a) 1/2 (b) 1/7 (c) 1/4 (d) 1/5 [Punjab PMET 2008]
15. A clock which keeps correct time at 20°C, is subjected to 40°C. If coefficient of linear expansion of the
pendulum is 12  106 /°C. How much will it gain or loss in time? [Punjab PMET 2008]
(a) 10.3 s/day (b) 20.6 s/day (c) 5 s/day (d) 20 min/day
16. A two litre glass flask contains some mercury. It is found that at all temperatures the volume of the air
inside the flask remains the same. The volume of the mercury inside the flask is
( for glass = 9  106 /°C,  for mercury = 1.8 x 104 /°C) [EAMCET 2008]
(a) 1500 cc (b) 150 cc (c) 3000 cc (d) 300 cc
17. Coefficient of cubical expansion of water is zero at [AMU 2008]
(a) 0°C (b) 4°C (c) 15.5°C (d) 100°C
18. A bimetallic strip consists of metals X and Y. It is mounted rigidly at the base as shown. The metal X
has a higher coefficient of expansion compared to that for metal Y. When bimetallic strip is placed in a
cold bath [AIIMS 2006]
(a) it will bend towards the right (b) it will bend towards the left
(c) it will not be end but shrink (d) it w ill neither bend nor shrink
19. A beaker is completely filled with water at 4°C. It will overflow if [Punjab PMET 2006]
(a) heated above 4°C (b) cooled below 4°C
(c) both heated and cooled above and below 4ºC respectively (d) None of the above
20. A vertical column 50 cm long at 50°C balances another column of same liquid 60 cm long at 100°C.
The coefficient of absolute expansion of the liquid is [Manipal 2006]
(a) 0.005/ºC (b) 0.0005/ºC (c) 0.002/ºC (d) 0.0002/ºC
21. The coefficient of apparent expansion of a liquid when determined using two different vessels A and B
are 1 and 2 respectively. If the coefficient of lense expansion of vessel A is . The coefficient of
lenses expansion of the vessel B is [Haryana PMT 2006]
1 2       
(a) (b) 1 2 (c) 1 2 (d) 1 2  
1   2 2 3 3
22. When water is heated from 0° to 10°C, its volume [Kerala CEE 2005]
(a) increases (b) decreases
(c) does not change (d) first decreases and then increases
(e) first increases and then decreases

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23. Two uniform metal rods of lengths l1 and l2 and linear coefficients of expansion 1 and 2 respectively
are connected to form a single rod of length (l1 + l2). When the temperature of the combined rod is
 2 
raised by t°C, the length of each rod increases by the same amount. Then   is[Kerala CEE 2005]
 1   2 
l1 l1  l2 l2 l1  l2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
l1  l2 l1 l1  l2 l2

24. At 0°C, the densities of a cork and a liquid, at which the cork floats are S1 and S2 respectively. The
coefficients of expansion of the material of the cork and the liquid are 100 and  respectively. If the
 
cork sinks when temperature of the liquid is t°C, then the  2  is [EAMCET 2004]
 1 
1  100t 1  t 100  t 1  t
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1  t 1  100t 1  t 100  t

25. If on heating liquid through 80°C, the mass expelled is (l/100)th of mass still remaining, the coefficient
of apparent expansion of liquid is [RPMT 2004]
(a) 1.25  104/°C (b) 12.5  104/°C
(c) 1.25  105/°C (d) None of these
26. If an ideal flask containing hot coffee is shaken, the temperature of the coffee will[Haryana PMT 2004]
(a) decrease (b) increase (c) remain same
(d) decrease if temperature is below 4°C and increase if temperature is equal to or more than 4°C
27. The volume of a metal sphere increases by 0.15% when its temperature is raised by 24°C. The
coefficient of linear expansion of metal is [JCECE 2004]
(a) 2.5  105/°C (b) 2.0  105/°C
(c) 1.5  105/°C (d) 1.2  105/°C

1. 0.3 kg of hot coffee, which is at 70°C, is poured into a cup of mass 0.12 kg. Find the final equilibrium
temperature. Take room temperature as 20°C.
(scoffee = 4080 J/kg-K. and scup = 1020 J/kg-K) [UP CPMT 2010]
(a) 45.5°C (b) 55.5°C (c) 65.5°C (d) 40.5°C
(e) None of these
2. Certain amount of heat is given to 100 g of copper to increase its temperature by 21 °C. If the same
amount of heat is given to 50 g of water, then the rise in its temperature is (specific heat capacity of
copper = 400 J kg1K1 and that for water = 4200 J kg1 K1) [Kerala CEE 2010]
(a) 4°C (b) 5.25°C (c) 8°C (d) 6°C
(e) 10.5°C
3. If 70 cal of heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 mol of an ideal gas at constant pressure from
30°C to 35°C, then the amount of heat required to raise the temperature of same gas through same
range at constant volume is [Punjab PMT 2010]
(a) 50 cal (b) 70 cal (c) 60 cal (d) 65 cal

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4. Two bodies at different temperatures are mixed in a calorimeter. Which of the following quantities
remains conserved? [Punjab PMT 2010]
(a) Sum of the temperatures of the two bodies (b) Total heat of the two bodies
(c) Total internal energy of the two bodies (d) Internal energy of each body
5. A lead bullet of unknown mass is fired with a speed of 180 ms-1 into a tree in which it stops. Assuming
that in this process two-third of heat produced goes into the bullet and one-third into wood. The
temperature of the bullet rises by [EAMCET 2010]
(a) 140°C (b) 106°C (c) 90°C (d) 100°C
6. Equal masses of two liquids A and B contained in vessels of negligible heat capacity are supplied heat
at the same rate. The temperature-time graphs for the two liquids are shown.
If S represents specific heat and L represents latent heat of liquid, then [AIIMS 2009]

(a) SA > SB, LA < LB (b) SA > SB, LA > LB (c) SA < SB, LA < LB (d) SA < SB, LA > LB
7. The sprinkling of water reduces slightly the temperature of a closed room because [JCECE 2009]
(a) temperature of water is less than that of the room
(b) specific heat of water is high
(c) water has large latent heat of vaporisation (d) water is a bad conductor of heat
8. 19 g of water at 30°C and 5 g of ice at 20°C are mixed together in a calorimeter. What is the final
temperature of the mixture? (Given specific heat of ice = 0.5 cal g1 (ºC) 1 and latent heat of fusion of
ice = 80 cal g-1) [KCET 2009]
(a) 0°C (b) 5°C (c) 5°C (d) 10°C
9. 0.1 m3 of water at 80°C is mixed with 0.3 m3 of water at 60°C. The final temperature of the mixture is
(a) 65°C (b) 70°C (c) 60°C (d) 75°C [KCET 2009]
10. The height of a waterfall is 30... g = 9.8ms2 the difference between the temperature at the top and the
bottom of the waterfall is [AMU 2009]
(a) 1.17°C (b) 2.17°C (c) 0.117°C (d) 1.43°C
11. A lead bullet, of initial temperature 27°C and speed v km h1 penetrates into a solid object and melts. If
50% of the kinetic energy is used to heat it, the value of v in km h1 is (for lead melting point = 600 K,
latent heat of fusion = 2.5  104 J kg1; specific heat = 125 J kg1 K1) [EAMCET 2008]
(a) 3600 (b) 1800 (c) 1200 (d) 1000
12. Work done in converting one gram of ice at 10°C into steam at 100°C is [J&K CET 2007]
(a) 3045 J (b) 6056 J (c) 721 J (d) 616 J
13. In an energy recycling process, X g of steam at 100°C becomes water at 100°C which converts Y g of
ice at 0°C into water at 100°C. The ratio of X and Y will be [AMU 2006]
(a) 1/3 (b) 2/3 (c) 3 (d) 2

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14. 10 g of ice at 0°C is mixed with 100 g of water at 50°C. What is the resultant temperature of mixture?
(a) 31.2°C (b) 32.8°C (c) 36.7°C (d) 38.2°C [PMET 2006]
15. A bullet of mass 10  103 kg moving with a speed of 20 ms1 hits an ice block (0°C) of 990 g kept at
rest on a frictionless floor and gets embedded in it. If ice takes 50% of KE lost by the system, the
amount of ice melted (in gram) approximately is (1 cal = 4.25). (Latent heat of ice = 80 cal/g)
(a) 6 (b) 3 (c) 6  103 (d) 3  103[EAMCET 2006]
16. The following figure represents the temperature versus time plot for a given amount of a substance
when heat energy is supplied to it at a fixed rate and at a constant pressure.
Which part of the above plot represent a phase change? [BCECE 20006]

(a) a to b and e to f (b) b to c and c to d (c) d to e and e to f (d) b to c and d to e

17. Assertion In pressure-temperature (p-T) phase diagram of water, the slope of the melting curve is
found to be negative. [AIIMS 2005]
Reason Ice contracts on melting to water.
18. Calculate the amount of heat (in calorie) required to convert 5 g of ice at 0°C to steam at 100°C
(a) 3100 (b) 3200 (c) 3600 (d) 4200 [DUMET 2005]
19. Hailstorm at 0°C falls from a height of 1 km on an insulating surface converting whole of its kinetic
energy into heat. What part of it will melt? (g = 10 ms2) [DUMET 2005]
(Latent heat of ice = 3.34  105 J kg1)
(a) 1/33 (b) 1/8 (c)  10 4 (d) All of it will melt
20. A 42 kg block of ice moving on rough horizontal surface stops due to friction, after sometime. If the
initial velocity of the decelerating block is 4 ms1, the mass of ice (in kg) that has melted due to the heat
generated by the friction is (Latent heat of ice is 3.36  105 J kg1) [EAMCET 2005]
(a) 103 (b) 15  103 (c) 2  103 (d) 2.5  103
21. 2 g of water condenses when passed through 40 g of water initially at 25°C. The condensation of steam
raises the temperature of water to 54.3°C. What is the latent heat of steam? [J&K CET 2005]
(a) 540 cal g1 (b) 536 cal g1 (c) 270 cal g1 (d) 480 cal g1

Thermal Conduction and Convection

1. Three identical rods A, B and C are placed end to end. A temperature difference is maintained between
the free ends of A and C. The thermal conductivity of B is thrice that of C and half of that of A. The
effective thermal conductivity of the system will be (Ka is the thermal conductivity of rod A) [KCET 11]
1 2
(a) K A (b) 3K A (c) 2 K A (d) K A
3 3

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2. A cylindrical metallic rod in thermal contact with two reservoirs of heat at its two ends conducts an
amount of heat Q in time t. The metallic rod is melted and the material is formed into a rod of half the
radius of the original rod. What is the amount of heat conducted by the new rod when placed in thermal
contact with the two reservoirs in time t ' ? [CBSE AIPMT 2010]
(a) Q/4 (b) Q/16 (c) 2Q (d) Q/2
3. The coefficient of real expansion of mercury is 0.18  103 C1. If the density of mercury at 0°C is
13.6 g/cc, its density at 473 K will be [Manipal 2010]
(a) 13.12 g/cc (b) 13.65 g/cc (c) 13.51 g/cc (d) 13.22 g/cc
4. In the diagram, a system of two metals of equal lengths and of same cross-sectional area are joined
together. The coefficient of thermal conductivities of the metals are K and 2K respectively. If the
furnace temperature at one end is 300°C and ice box temperature at the other end is 0°C, then the
junction temperature is [Manipal 2004]

(a) 100ºC (b) 125ºC (c) 150ºC (d) 200ºC

5. Two slabs are of the thicknesses d1 and d2 . Their thermal conductivities are K1 and K2 respectively.
They are in series. The free ends of the combination of these two slabs are kept at temperatures 1 and
2. Assume 1 > 2. The temperature  of their common junction is [KCET 2010]
K11  K 22 K11d1  K 22d 2 K11d 2  K 2 2 d1 K11  K 22
(a) (b) (c) (d)
1  2 K1d 2  K 2d1 K1d 2  K 2d1 K1  K 2

6. A body of length 1 m having cross-sectional area 0.75 m2 has heat flow through it at the rate of 6000
J/s. Then find the temperature difference if K = 200 Jm2 K1. [VITEEE 2010]
(a) 20°C (b) 40°C (c) 80°C (d) 100°C
7. A cylinder of radius rand of thermal conductivity K1 is surrounded by a cylindrical shell of inner radius
r and outer radius 2r made of a material of thermal conductivity K2. The effective thermal conductivity
of the system is [AFMC 2009]
1 1 1 1
(a)  K1  2 K 2  (b)  2K1  3K2  (c) 3K2  2K1  (d)  K1  3K 2 
3 2 3 4
8. The two ends of a rod of length L and a uniform cross-sectional area A are kept at two temperatures T 1
and T2 (T1 > T2). The rate of heat transfer, , through the rod in a steady state is given by
dQ KL(T1  T2 ) dQ K (T1  T2 )
(a)  (b) 
dt A dt LA
dQ dQ KA(T1  T2 )
(c)  KLA(T1  T2 ) (d) 
dt dt L

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9. Three rods of same dimensions have thermal conductivities 3K, 2K and K. They are arranged as
shown below:

What will be the temperature T of the junction? [EAMCET 2009]

200 100 50
(a) °C (b) °C (c) 75°C (d) °C
3 3 3
10. Ice starts freezing in a lake with water at 0°C when the atmospheric temperature is 10°C. If the time
taken for 1 cm of ice to be formed is 12 min; the time taken for the thickness of the ice to change from
1 cm to 2 cm will be [BHU 2008]
(a) 12 min (b) less than 12 min
(c) more than 12 min but less than 24 min (d) more than 24 min
11. Three rods of equal length of thermal conductivity K, 2K and 3K are symmetrically joined. If
temperature of ends are 0°C, 50°C and 100°C respectively what is the temperature of the junction?
[DUMET 2008]
100 200
(a) 20°C (b) ºC (c) ºC (d) None of these
3 3
12. The coefficient of thermal conductivity of copper is 9 times that of steel. In the composite cylindrical
bar shown in the figure, what will be the temperature at the junction of copper and steel? [KCET 1008]

(a) 75°C (b) 67°C (c) 25°C (d) 33°C

13. The temperature of the two outer surfaces of a composite

slab, consisting of two materials having coefficients of
thermal conductivity K and 2K and thickness x and 4x,
respectively are T 2 and T1, (T2 > T1). The rate of heat
transfer through the slab, in a steady state is
 A  T2  T1  K 
  f , with f equals to
 x 
(a) 1 (b) 1/2 (c) 2/3 (d) 1/3 [JCECE 2008]

14. Consider a compound slab consisting of two different materials having equal thickness and thermal
conductivities K and 2K respectively. The equivalent thermal conductivity of the slab is [BHU 2007]
(a) 3K (b) K (c) K (d) 2K

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15. Two identical rods AC and CB made of two different metals having thermal conductivities in the ratio
2 : 3 are kept in contact with each other at the end C as shown in the figure. A is at 100°C and B is at
25°C. Then the junction C is at [KCET 2007]

(a) 55°C (b) 60°C (c) 75°C (d) 50°C

16. The thermal conductivity of a rod is 2. What is thermal resistivity? [MHT CET 2007]
(a) 0.5 (b) 1 (c) 0.25 (d) 2
17. If the temperature difference on the two sides of a wall increases from 100°C to 200°C, its thermal
conductivity [RPMT 2007]
(a) remains unchanged (b) is doubled (c) is halved (d) becomes four times
18. The ratio of the coefficient of thermal conductivity of two different materials is 5 : 3. If the thermal
resistance of the rods of same thickness of these materials is same, then the ratio of the length of these
rods will be [BCECE 2007]
(a) 3 : 5 (b) 5 : 3 (c) 3 : 4 (d) 3 : 2
19. Which of the following circular rods, (given radius r and length l) each made of the same material and
whose ends are maintained at the same temperature will conduct most heat? [AFMC 2006]
(a) r = 2r0; l = 2 l 0 (b) r = 2r0; l = l 0 (c) r = r0; l = l 0 (d) r = r0; l = 2 l 0
20. Three rods identical area of cross-section and made from the same metal from the sides of an isosceles
triangle ABC, right angled at B. The points A and B are maintained at temperatures T and 2 T
respectively. In the steady state the temperature of the point C is T C. Assuming that only heat
conduction takes place, TC / T is equal to [UP CPMT 2005]
1 3 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 1 2 1 2  2 1  3  2 1 
21. Two rods of same material have same length and area. The heat Q flows through them for 12 min
when they are joint side by side. If now both the rods are joined in parallel, then the same amount of
heat Q will flow in
(a) 24 min (b) 3 min (c) 12 min (d) 6 min
22. A wall has two layers A and B each made of a different materials. Both layers have the same thickness.
The thermal conductivity of the material of A is twice that of B. Under thermal equilibrium, the
temperature difference across the wall is 36°C. The temperature difference across layer A is
[Kerala CEE 2004]
(a) 6°C (b) 12°C (c) 18°C (d) 24°C
(e) 15°C
23. The formation of ice is started in a lake with water at 0°C. When the atmospheric temperature is 10°C.
If time taken for 1 cm of ice to be formed is 7 h, the time taken for the thickness of ice to increase from
1 cm to 2 cm is [Haryana PMT 2004]
(a) less than 7 h (b) 7 h
(c) more than 14 h (d) more than 7 h but less than 14 h

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24. An iron bar of length l and having a cross-section A is heated from 0 to 100°C. If this bar is so held that
it is not permitted to expand or bend, the force that is dev eloped, is [Haryana PMT 2004]
(a) inversely proportional to the cross-sectional area of the bar
(b) independent of the length of the bar (c) inversely proportional to the length of the bar
(d) directly proportional to the length of the bar

Radiation (Kirchoff’s Law, Black Body)

1. Assertion Like light radiation, thermal radiations are also electromagnetic radiation.
Reason The thermal radiations require no medium for propagation. [AIIMS 2010]
2. Two black metallic spheres of radius 4 m, at 2000 K and 1 m, at 4000 K will have ratio of energy
radiation as [AFMC 2010]
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 4 (d) 2 : 1
3. The total radiant energy per unit area, normal to the direction of incidence, received at a distance R
from the centre of a star of radius r, whose outer surface radiates as a black body at a temperature T K
is given by [CBSE AIPMT 2010]
 r T 4  r T 4 r 4T 4 4 r 2T 4
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R2 4 R 2 r4 R2
(where,  is Stefan’s constant)
4. The thermal radiation from a hot body travels with a velocity of [Kerala CEE 2010]
1 1 1
(a) 330 ms (b) 2  10 ms8
(c) 1200 ms (d) 230 ms1
(e) 3  108 ms1
5. At 273°C, the emissive power of a perfect black body is R. What is its value at 0°C? [Manipal 2010]
(a) R/4 (b) R/16 (c) R/2 (d) None of these
6. Assertion As temperature of a black body is raised, wavelength corresponding to maximum energy
Reason Higher temperature would mean higher energy and hence higher wavelength. [VMMC 2010]
7. In which process the rate of transfer of heat is maximum? [MGIMS 2010]
(a) Conduction (b) Radiation (c) Convection
(d) In all three heat is transferred with the same speed
8. The sphere of radii 8 cm and 2 cm are cooling. Their temperatures are 127°C and 527°C respectively.
Find the ratio of energy radiated by them in the same time [MHT CET 2010]
(a) 0.06 (b) 0.5 (c) 1 (d) 
9. For an opaque body coefficient of transmission is [MHT CET 2010]
(a) zero (b) 1 (c) 0.5 (d) 
10. A black body at 227°C radiates heat at the rate of 7 cal cm2 s1. At a temperature of 727°C, the rate of
heat radiated in the same units will be [CBSE AIPMT 2009]
(a) 60 (b) 50 (c) 112 (d) 80

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11. For a black body at temperature 727°C its radiating power is 60 W and temperature of surrounding is
227°C. If the temperature of the black body is changed to 1227°C, then its radiating power will be
[UP CPMT 2009]
(a) 120 W (b) 240 W (c) 304 W (d) 320 W
12. A black body of mass 34.38 g and surface area 19.2 cm2 is at an initial temperature of 400 K. It is
allowed to cool inside an evacuated enclosure kept at constant temperature 300 K. The rate of cooling
is 0.04°C/s. The specific heat of body is (Stefan’s constant  = 5.73  108 Jm2K4)[MGIMS 2009]
(a) 2800 J/kg-K (b) 2100 J/kg-K (c) 1400 J/kg-K (d) 1200 J/kg-K
13. A black body at a temperature of 227°C radiates heat at the rate of 5 cal cm2s1. At a temperature of
727°C the rate of heat radiated per unit area in cal cm2s1 is [Haryana PMT 2009]
(a) 400 (b) 80 (c) 40 (d) 15
14. The rate of emission of a black body at 0°C is its rate of emission at 273°C is [Manipal 2009]
(a) 4R (b) 8R (c) 16R (d) 32R
15. The wavelength of the radiation emitted by a body depends upon [BCECE 2009]
(a) the nature of its surface (b) the area of its surface
(c) the temperature of its surface (d) All the above factors
16. Which of the following statement does not hold good for thermal radiation?
(a) The wavelength changes when it travels from on medium to another
(b) The frequency changes when it travels from on medium to another
(c) The speed changes when it travels from on medium to another
(d) They travel in straight line in a given medium
17. Which of the following is more close to a black body? [Haryana PMT 2008]
(a) Black board paint (b) Green leaves (c) Black holes (d) Red roses
18. We consider the radiation emitted by the human body. Which of the following statements is true?
(a) The radiation is emitted during the summers an absorbed during the winters [BHU 2007]
(b) The radiation emitted lies in the ultraviolet regia and hence is not visible
(c) The radiation emitted is in the infrared region
(d) The radiation is emitted only during the day
19. The temperature at which a black body ceases to radiate energy, is [J&K CET 2007]
(a) 0 K (b) 273 K (c) 30 K (d) 100 K
20. Three objects coloured black, gray and white can withstand hostile conditions up to 2800°C. These
objects are thrown into a furnace where each of them attains a temperature of 2000°C. Which object
will glow brightest? [AIIMS 2006]
(a) The white object (b) The black object
(c) All glow with equal brightness (d) Gray object
21. Assertion Perspiration from human body helps in cooling the body
Reason A thin layer of water on the skin enhances its emissivity. [AIIMS 2006]

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22. A hot and a cold body are kept in vacuum separated from each other. Which of the following causes
decrease in temperature of the hot body? [Punjab PMET 2006]
(a) Radiation (b) Convection
(c) Conduction (d) Temperature remains unchanged
23. The means of energy transfer in vacuum is [RPMT 2006]
(a) irradiation (b) convection (c) radiation (d) conduction
24. A perfect black body is one whose emissive power is [J&K CET 2006]
(a) maximum (b) zero (c) unity (d) minimum
25. Assertion A body that is a good radiator is also a good absorber of radiation at a given wavelength.
Reason According to Kirchhof’s law the absorptivity of a body is equal to its emissivity at a given
wavelength. [AIIMS 2005]
26. A piece of red glass when heated in dark to red hot state will appear to be [UP CPMT 2005]
(a) white (b) red (c) green (d) invisible
27. Mud houses are cooler in summer and warmer in winter because [AMU 2004]
(a) mud is a good conductor of heat (b) mud is a superconductor of heat
(c) mud is a bad conductor of heat (d) None of the above
28. A perfectly black body is one where [Punjab PMET 2004]
(a) absorptive power is infinity (b) absorption point is 0
(c) emmissive power is 1 (d) absorptive power is 1

(Wien’s Law, Stefan’s Law and Newton’s Law of Cooling)

1. A thin square steel plate with each side equal to 10 cm is heated by a blacksmith. The rate radiated
energy by the heated plate is 1134 W. The temperature of the hot steel plate is
(Stefan's constant  = 5.67  108 Wm2 K4, emissivity of the plate = 1) [BHU 2010]
(a) 1000 K (b) 1189 K (c) 2000 K (d) 2378 K
2. A body cools in 7 min from 60°C to 40°C. What time (in min) does it take to cool from 40°C to 28°C if
surrounding temperature is 10°C? (Assume Newton’s law of cooling) [CG PMT 2010]
(a) 3.5 (b) 14 (c) 7 (d) 10
(e) None of the above
3. A body takes 5 min to cool from 80°C to 70°C. To cool From 80°C to 60°C, it will take
(Room temperature = 40°C) [OJEE 2010]
(a) 5 min (b) 10 min (c) 12 min (d) 14 min
4. A hot body at temperature T losses heat to the surrounding temperature TS by radiation. If the
difference in temperature is small then, the rate of loss of heat by the hot body is proportional to
2 1/ 2 4
(a) T  TS  (b) T  TS  (c) T  TS  (d)  T  TS  [Manipal 2010]

5. Hot water cools from 60°C to 50°C in the first 10 min and to 42°C in the next 10 min. Then the
temperature of the surroundings is [KCET 2010]
(a) 20°C (b) 30°C (c) 15°C (d) 10°C
6. Experimental investigations show that the intensity of solar radiation is maximum for a wavelength 480
nm in the visible region. Estimate the surface temperature of sun.
(Given Wien’s constant b = 2.88  103 mK) [WB JEE 2010]
(a) 4000 K (b) 6000 K (c) 8000 K (d) 106 K

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7. A black body has a wavelength of  at temperature 2000 K. Its corresponding wavelength at
temperature 3000 K will be [JIPMER 2010]
(a) 2/3 (b) 3/2 (c) 4/9 (d) 9/4
8. According to Newton’s law of cooling, the rate of cooling of a body is proportional to ()n, where 
is the difference of the temperature of the body and the surroundings, and n is equal to [MGIMS 2010]
(a) 2 (b) 3 (c) 4 (d) 1
9. A chef, on finding his stove out of order, decides to boil the water for his wife's coffee by shaking it in
a thermos flask. Suppose that he uses tap water at 15°C and that the water falls 30 m each shake, the
chef making 30 shakes each minute. Neglecting any loss of thermal energy by the flask, how long must
he shake the flask until the water reaches 100°C? [VMMC 2010]
3 3 3 3
(a) 2.25  10 min (b) 3.97  10 min (c) 4.00  10 min (d) 5.25  10 min
10. The tungsten filament of an electric lamp has a surface area A and a power rating P. If the emissivity of
the filament is  and  is Stefan’s constant the steady temperature of the filament will be [AFMC 2009]
 P   P 
(a) T    (b) T   
 A   A 
1/ 4 1/ 4
 A   P 
(c) T    (d) T   
 P   A 
11. Two solid spheres A and B made of the same material have radii rA and rB respectively. Both the
spheres are cooled from the same temperature under the conditions valid for Newton’s law of cooling.
The ratio of the rate of change of temperature A and B is [
2 2
rA rB rA rB
(a) (b) (c) 2 (d) 2
rB rA rB rA

12. The temperature of a radiating body increases by 30%. Then the increase in the amount of radiation
emitted will be approximately [Kerala 2009]
(a) 185% (b) 285% (c) 325% (d) 245% (e) 130%
13. “Good emitters are good absorbers” is a statement concluded from [Haryana PMT, CG PMT 2009]
(a) Newton’s law of cooling (b) Stefan’s law of radiation
(c) Prevost’s theory (d) Kirchhoff s law
14. If temperature of a black body increases from 73°C to 327°C, then ratio of emissive power at these
two temperature is [OJEE 2009]
(a) 27 : 1 (b) 81 : 1 (c) 1 : 27 (d) 1 : 81
15. The amount of heat energy radiated by a metal at temperature T is E. When the temperature is increased
to 3T, energy radiated is [KCET 2009]
(a) 81E (b) 9E (c) 3E (d) 27E
16. The surface temperature of the stars is determined using [KCET 2009]
(a) Planck's law (b) Wien’s displacement law
(c) Rayleigh-Jeans law (d) KirchhofTs law
17. Two solid spheres A and B made of the same material have radii rA and rB respectively. Both the
spheres are cooled from the same temperature under the conditions valid for Newton’s law of cooling.
The ratio of the rate of change of temperature A and B is [
rA rB rA2 rB2
(a) (b) (c) (d)
rB rA rB2 rA2
18. The power of a black body at temperature 200 K is 544 W. Its surface area is [Punjab PMET 2009]
8 2 4
( = 5.67  10 Wm K )
(a) 6  102 m2 (b) 6 m2 (c) 6  106 m2 (d) 6  102 m2
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19. A body cools from 80°C to 64°C in 5 min and same body cools from 80°C to 52°C in 10 min, what is
the temperature of the surrounding? [DUMET 2009]
(a) 24°C (b) 28°C (c) 22°C (d) 25°C
20. If a black body emits 0.5 J of energy per second when it is at 27°C, then the amount of energy emitted
by it when it is at 627°C will be [KCET 2009]
(a) 40.5 J (b) 162 J (c) 13.5 J (d) 135 J
21. A hot liquid is filled in a container and kept in a room of temperature of 25°C. The liquid emits heat at
the rate of 200 Jsl when its temperature is 75°C. When the temperature of the liquid becomes 40°C, the
rate of heat loss is Js1 is [Kerala CEE 2009]
(a) 160 (b) 140 (c) 80 (d) 60 (e) 40
22. A body cools from 70°C to 50°C in 5 min. Temperature of surroundings is 20°C. Its temperature after
next 10 min is [EAMCET 2009]
(a) 25°C (b) 30°C (c) 35°C (d) 45°C
23. Which of the following statements is true/correct? [MHT CET 2009]
(a) During clear nights, the temperature rises steadily upward near the ground level
(b) Newton’s law of cooling, an approximate form of Stefan’s law, is valid only for natural convection
(c) The total energy emitted by a black body per unit time per unit area is proportional to the square of
its temperature in the Kelvin scale
(d) Two spheres of the same material have radii lm and 4 m and temperatures 4000 K and 2000 K
respectively. The energy radiated per second by the first sphere is greater than that radiated per
second by the second sphere.
24. A black body at 1227°C emits radiations with maximum intensity at a wavelength of 5000Å. If the
temperature of it the body is increased by 1000°C, the maximum intensity will be observed at
[Haryana PMT 2009]
(a) 4000 Å (b) 5000 Å (c) 6000 Å (d) 3000 Å
25. Two circular discs A and B with equal radii are blackened. They are heated to
same temperature and are cooled under identical conditions. What inference
do you draw from their cooling curves? [BCECE 09]
(a) A and B have same specific heats (b) Specific heat of A is less
(c) Specific heat of B is less (d) Nothing can be said

26. Assuming the sun to have a spherical outer surface of radius r, radiating like a black body at
temperature t°C, the power received by a unit surface, (normal to the incident rays) at a distance R from
the centre of the sun is [JCECE 2009]
4 4
4r 2t 4 r 2  t  273 162r 2t 4 r 2  t  273
(a) (b) (c) (d)
R2 4R2 R2 R2
where  is the Steafan’s constant.
27. Wien’s displacement law for emission of radiation can be written as [J&K CET 2009]
(a)  max is proportional to absolute temperature (T)
(b)  max is proportional to square of absolute temperature (T2)
(c)  max is inversely proportional to absolute temperature (T)
(d)  max is inversely proportional to square of absolute temperature (T2)
(  max = wavelength whose energy density is greatest)
28. A black body is at 727°C. It emits energy at a rate which is proportional to [CBSE AIPMT 2007]
(a) (727)2 (b) (1000)4 (c) (1000)2 (d) (727)4

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29. Two friends A and B are waiting for another friend for tea. A took the tea in a cup and mixed the cold
milk and then waits. B took the tea in the cup and then mixed the cold milk when the friend comes.
Then the tea will be hotter in the cup of [AFMC 2007]
(a) A (b) B
(c) tea will be equally hot in both cups (d) friend’s cup
30. A planet having average surface temperature T0 at an average distance d from the sun. Assuming that
the planet receives radiant energy from the sun only and it loses radiant energy only from the surface
and neglecting all other atmospheric effects we conclude [AMU 2007]
(a) T0  d 2 (b) T0  d 2
(c) T0  d 1/ 2 (d) T0  d 1/ 2
31. The surface temperature of the sun which has maximum energy emission at 500 nm is 6000 K. The
temperature of a star which has maximum energy emission at 400 nm will be [KCET 2007]
(a) 8500 K (b) 4500 K (c) 7500 K. (d) 6500 K.
32. A sphere and a cube of same material and same volume are heated upto same temperature and allowed
to cod in the same surroundings. The ratio of the amounts of radiation emitted will be [Manipal 2007]
1/ 3 2/3
4  1  4 
(a) 1 : 1 (b)  :1 (c)   :1 (d) :1
3 6 2  3 
33. The surface temperature of the sun is T K and the solar constant for a plate is S. The sun subtends an
angle  at the planet. Then [AMU 2006]
4 2 2
(a) S  T (b) S  T (c) S   (d) S  
34. A body cools from 50°C to 49.9°C in 5 s. How long will it take to cool from 40°C to 39.9°C?
[Assume the temperature of the surroundings to be 30°C and Newton’s law of cooling to be valid]
(a) 2.5 s (b) 5 s (c) 20 s (d) 10 s [Kerala CEE 2006]
35. Newton’s law of cooling holds good only, if the temperature difference between the body and the
surroundings is [MHT CET 2006]
(a) less than 10°C (b) more than 10°C (c) less than I00°C (d) more than 100°C
36. A black body radiates at two temperatures T1 and T2 such that T1 < T2. The frequency corresponding to
maximum intensity is [JCECE 2006]
(a) less at T1 (b) more at T1 (c) equally in the two cases (d) cannot say
37. A body cools from 75°C to 70°C to time t1 from 70°C to 65°C in time t2 and from 65°C to 60°C in time
t3, then [JCECE 2006]
(a) t3  t2  t1 (b) t1  t2  t3 (c) t2  t1  t3 (d) t1  t2  t3
38. A black body at a temperature T radiates energy at E. If the temperature falls to T/2, the radiated energy
will be [J&K CET 2006]
(a) E/4 (b) E/2 (c) 2E (d) E/16
39. Assertion For higher temperatures the peak emission wavelength of a black body shifts to lower
wavelengths. [AIIMS 2005]
Reason Peak emission wavelengths of a black body is proportional to the fourth-power of temperature.
40. A piece of blue glass heated to a high temperature and a piece of red glass at room temperature, are
taken inside a dimly lit room, then [KCET 2005]
(a) the blue piece will look blue and red will look as usual
(b) red looks brighter red and blue looks ordinary blue
(c) blue shines like brighter or compared to the red piece
(d) both the pieces will look equally red
41. The wavelength of the radiation emitted by a body depends upon [KCET 2005]
(a) the nature of the surface (b) the area of the surface
(c) the temperature of the surface (d) All of the above factors

184 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
42. A hot liquid kept in beaker cools from 80°C to 70°C in 2 min. If the surrounding temperature to 30°C,
then the time of cooling of the same liquid from 60°C to 50°C is [Kerala 2005]
(a) 240 s (b) 360 s (c) 480 s (d) 216 s
43. Two bodies of same shape, same size and same radiating power have emissivities 0.2 and 0.8. The ratio
of their temperatures is [EAMCET 2005]
(a) 3 :1 (b) 2 :1 (c) 1: 5 (d) 1: 8
44. A body at a temperature of 728°C and has surface area 5 cm2, radiates 300 J of energy each minute.
The emissivity is (Given : Boltzmann constant = 5.67  108 W m2K4) [Manipal 2005]
(a) e = 0.18 (b) e = 0.02 (c) e = 0.2 (d) e = 0.I5
45. A black body is heated from 27°C to 927°C the ratio of radiations emitted will be [MP PMT 2005]
(a) 1 : 256 (b) 1 : 64 (c) 1 : 16 (d) 1 : 4
46. A black body at temperature 104K radiates maximum energy at wavelength 500 Å. If the temperature is
increased 10 times, the maximum energy would be radiated at wavelength equal to [Haryana PMT 2005]
(a) 50000 Å (b) 500 Å (c) 50 Å (d) 5 Å
47. The spectral energy distribution of a star is maximum at twice temperature as that of sun. The total
energy radiated by star is [J&K CET 2005]
(a) twice as that of the sun (b) same as that of the sun
(c) sixteen times as that of the sun (d) one-sixteenth of sun
48. Suppose the sun expands so that its radius becomes 100 times its present radius and its surface
temperature becomes half of its present value. The total energy emitted by it, then will increase by a
factor of [AIIMS 2004]
(a) 10 (b) 625 (c) 256 (d) 16
49. The temperature of the black body increases from T to 2T. The factor by which the rate of emission
will increase, is [UP CPMT 2004]
(a) 4 (b) 2 (c) 16 (d) 8
50. A black body at 200 K is found to exit maximum energy at a wavelength 14 nm. When its temperature
is raised to 1000 K, then wavelength at which maximum energy emitted is [AMU 2004]
(a) 14 mm (b) 7 m (c) 2.8 m (d) 28 mm
51. The absolute temperature of a body A is four times that of another body B. For the two bodies, the
difference in wavelengths, at which energy radiated is maximum is 3 m. Then, the wavelength, at
which the body B radiates maximum energy, in micrometer, is [EAMCET 2004]
(a) 2 (b) 2.5 (c) 4.00 (d) 4.5

Question Asked in 2017, 2018

1. A spherical black body with a radius of 12 cm radiates 450 watt power at 500 K. If the radius
were halved and the temperature doubled, the power radiated in watt would be : [NEET 2017]
(1) 225 (2) 450 (3) 1000 (4) 1800
2. Two rods A and B of different materials are welded together as shown in figure. Their
thermal conductivities are K1 and K 2 . The thermal conductivity of the composite rod will be:

[NEET 2017]
K1  K 2 3  K1  K 2 
(1) (2) (3) K1  K 2 (4) 2  K1  K 2 
2 2

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
3. The power radiated by a black body is P and it radiates maximum energy at wavelength, 0 . If the
temperature of the black body is now changed so that it radiates maximum energy at wavelength 0
, the power radiated by it becomes nP. The value of n is [NEET 2018]
256 81 4 3
(1) (2) (3) (4)
81 256 3 4
5 2
4. A sample of 0.1 g of water at 100ºC and normal pressure (1.013 10 Nm ) requires 54 cal of heat
energy to convert to steam at 100ºC. If the volume of the steam produced is 167.1 cc, the change in
internal energy of the sample, is [NEET 2018]
(1) 42.2 J (2) 84.5 J (3) 208.7 J (4) 104.3 J

186 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21


1. D 2.A 3. D 4. A 5. B
6. B 7. 36 105 8.(a)    9. 1.73 105 / 0 C 10. 5 104 / 0 C
(b)   

1. 190.5 cal 2. 620 103 cal / gm 3. 1 cal 4. 100C

5. ratio = 1:1 6. 4000 cal 7. 7.50C 8. 00C
9. 19.090C 10. 1:1


1. D 2.B 3. C 4. C 5. A
6. B 7. A 8.D 9. B 10. B

Level - 01

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(b) (a) (d) (a) (c) (a) (c) (a) (d) (d) (b, (b) (c) (c) (c) (b, (c, (b) (c) (a)
c) c) d)
21 22 23 24 25 26 27
(a) (b, (b) (c) (a) (b) (d)

Level - 02

1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(a) (b) (c) (b) (c) (c) (c) (a) (d) (d) (b) (d) (a), (b) (c) (a) (c) (c) (a) (d)
21 22 23 24 25
(a) (a) (a) (b) (a)

Assertion & Reason

1 (a) 2 (c) 3 e 4 (a) 5 (a) 6 (a) 7 (c) 8 (a) 9 (a) 10 (b)

11 (a) 12 (d) 13 (a) 14 (d)

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Thermal Properties of Matter Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Previous Year’s Questions

Question Asked in 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012

1. (a) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (c) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (b)
11. (a) 12. (c) 13. (b)

1. (d) 2. (b) 3. (d) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (b) 8. (b) 9. (b) 10. (b)
11. (b) 12. (d) 13. (b) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (c)

Thermal Expansion
1. (c) 2. (d) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (a) 7. (c) 8. (a) 9. (c) 10. (c)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (c) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (d) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (c) 20. (b)
21. (d) 22. (d) 23. (c) 24. (a) 25. (a) 26. (b) 27. (b)

1. (c) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (c) 5. (c) 6. (d) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (a) 14. (d) 15. (d) 16. (d) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (a)

Thermal Conduction and Convection

l. (a) 2. (b) 3. (a) 4. (a) 5. (c) 6. (b) 7. (d) 8. (d) 9. (a) 10. (d)
11. (c) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (a) 16. (a) 17. (a) 18. (b) 19. (b) 20. (b)
21.(b) 22. (b) 23. (c) 24. (b)

Radiation (Kirchoff’s Law, Black Body)

1. (b) 2. (a) 3. (a) 4. (e) 5. (b) 6. (c) 7. (b) 8. (c) 9. (a) 10. (c)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (b) 14. (c) 15. (c) 16. (b) 17. (a) 18. (c) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (c) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (c) 28. (d)

Radiation (Wien’s Law, Stefan’s Law and Newton’s Law of Cooling)

1. (b) 2. (c) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (b) 7. (a) 8. (d) 9. (c) 10. (d)
11. (b) 12. (a) 13. (d) 14. (d) 15. (a) 16. (b) 17. (b) 18. (b) 19. (a) 20. (a)
21. (d) 22. (b) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (b) 26. (d) 27. (c) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (d)
31. (c) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (d) 35. (a) 36. (a) 37. (a) 38. (d) 39. (c) 40. (c)
41. (c) 42. (d) 43. (b) 44. (a) 45. (a) 46. (c) 47. (c) 48. (b) 49. (c) 50. (c)
51. (c)

Question Asked in 2017, 2018

1. (4) 2. (1) 3. (1) 4. (3)

188 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Topic Name ..................................... Page No.
Theory ..................................... 189-209
Level - I ..................................... 210-212
Level - II ..................................... 212-215
Assertion and Reason ..................................... 216-217
Previous Years Questions ..................................... 218-229
Answers Key ..................................... 230-230


Zeroth law of thermodynamics
Quantities involved in first law of thermodynamics
Joule's law
First law of thermodynamics
Isothermal process
Adiabatic process
Isobaric process
Isochoric or isometric process
Reversible and irreversible process
Cyclic and non-cyclic process
Graphical representation of various processes
Heat engine
Refrigerator or heat pump
Second law of thermodynamics
Carnot engine
Difference between petrol engine and diesel engine
Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21


(1) Thermodynamics : It is a branch of science which deals with exchange of heat energy
between bodies and conversion of the heat energy into mechanical energy and vice-versa.
(2) Thermodynamic system : A collection of an extremely large number of atoms or molecules
confined within certain boundaries such that it has a certain value of pressure, volume and
temperature is called a thermodynamic system. Anything outside the thermodynamic system
to which energy or matter is exchanged is called its surroundings.
Thermodynamic system may be of three types :
(i) Open system : It exchange both energy and matter with the surrounding.
(ii) Closed system : It exchange only energy (not matter) with the surroundings.
(iii) Isolated system : It exchange neither energy nor matter with the surrounding.
(3) Thermodynamic variables and equation of state : A thermodynamic system can be
described by specifying its pressure, volume, temperature, internal energy and the number of
moles. These parameters are called thermodynamic variables.
For n moles of an ideal gas, equation of state is PV = nRT.
 an2 
For n moles of a real gas, equation of state is  P  2  (V  nb)  nRT .
 V 
(4) Thermodynamic equilibrium : When the thermodynamic variables are independent of time,
then it is said to be in thermodynamic equilibrium. For a system to be in thermodynamic
equilibrium, the following conditions must be fulfilled.
(i) Mechanical equilibrium : There is no unbalanced force between the system and its
(ii) Thermal equilibrium : There is a uniform temperature in all parts of the system and is same as
that of surrounding.
(iii) Chemical equilibrium : There is a uniform chemical composition through out the system and
the surrounding.
(5) Thermodynamic process : The process of change of state of a system involves change of
thermodynamic variables such as pressure P, volume V and temperature T of the system. The
process is known as thermodynamic process.
Zeroth Law of Thermodynamics
If systems A and B are each in thermal equilibrium with a third system C, then A and B are in
thermal equilibrium with each other.
The zeroth law leads to the concept of temperature. All bodies in thermal equilibrium must
have a common property which has the same value for all of them. This property is called the

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Quantities Involved in First Law of Thermodynamics.
(1) Heat (Q) : It is the energy that is transferred between a system and its environment because
of the temperature difference between them. Heat always flow from a body at higher
temperature to a body at lower temperature till their temperatures become equal.
(i) SI Unit : Joule (ii) Heat is a path dependent quantity.
(2) Work (W) : Work can be defined as the energy that is transferred from one body to the other
owing to a force that acts between them
If P be the pressure of the gas in the cylinder, then force exerted by the gas on the piston of
the cylinder F = PA
In a small displacement of piston through dx, work done by the gas
dW  F.dx  PA dx  P dV dx

 Total amount of work done W   dW   P dV F=PA

(i) Work is a path dependent quantity.

(ii) From W   dW   P dV

W = positive if Vf  Vi i.e. system expands against some external force.

W = negative if Vf  Vi i.e. system contracts because of some external force exerted by

the surrounding.
(iii) In P-V diagram or indicator diagram, the area under P-V curve represents work done.
W = area under P-V diagram
It is positive if volume increases (for expansion) Expansion Compression

It is negative if volume decreases (for compression) Positive A

A work work
(iv) In a cyclic process work done is equal to the area under the cycle.
It is positive if the cycle is clockwise. P P
P2 B C P2 D C
It is negative if the cycle is anticlockwise. Positive Negative
work work
P1 D P1 B
V1 V2 V V1 V2 V
Clockwise cyclic process Anticlockwise cyclic process

(v) If mass less piston is attached to a spring of force constant K and a mass m is placed over
the piston. If the external pressure is P0 and due to expansion of gas the piston moves up
through a distance x then
Total work done by the gas W  W1  W2  W3
where W 1 = Work done against external pressure (P0 ) M
W 2 = Work done against spring force (Kx) M x

W 3 = Work done against gravitational force (mg)

 W  P0 V  Kx 2  mgx P

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(vi) If the gas expands in such a way that other side of the piston is vacuum then work done by the
gas will be zero
As W  PV  0 [Here Pext. = 0] Gas Vacuum

(3) Internal energy (U) : Internal energy of a system is the energy possessed by the system due
to molecular motion and molecular configuration.
The energy due to molecular motion is called internal kinetic energy UK and that due to
molecular configuration is called internal potential energy UP.
i.e. Total internal energy U  UK  UP
(i) For an ideal gas, as there is no molecular attraction Up  0

i.e. internal energy of an ideal gas is totally kinetic and is given by U  UK  nRT
and change in internal energy U  nR T
(ii) In case of gases whatever be the process
f R nR(Tf  Ti ) nRTf  nRTi (Pf Vf  PV
i i)
U  n RT  nC V T  n T   
2 (   1)  1  1  1
(iii) Change in internal energy does not depend on the path of the process. So it is called a
point function i.e. it depends only on the initial and final states of the system, i.e.
U  Uf  Ui

(iv) Change in internal energy in a cyclic process is always zero as for cyclic process Uf  Ui

So U  Uf  Ui  0

Example 1. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle PQRSP process. The net work
done by the system is P
(a) 20 J 200 Kp

(b) – 20 J
100 Kp Q
(c) 400 J P

(d) – 374 J 100 cc 300 cc V

Solution : (b) Work done by the system = Area of shaded portion on P-V diagram
 (300  100)106  (200  10)  103  20 J

and direction of process is anticlockwise so work done will be negative i.e.W=–20 J.

Example 2. An ideal gas is taken around ABCA as shown in the above P-V diagram. The work
done during a cycle is
(a) 2PV (b) PV (3P, 3V)

(c) 1/2PV
(d) Zero (P,V) (P, 3V)
Solution : (a) Work done = Area enclosed by triangle E D
1 1
ABC  AC  BC   (3V  V)  (3P  P)  2PV
2 2

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 3. An ideal gas of mass m in a state A goes to another state B via three different
processes as shown in figure. If Q1,Q2 and Q3 denote the heat absorbed by the gas
along the three paths, then A

(a) Q1  Q2  Q3 (b) Q1  Q2  Q3 3
(c) Q1  Q2  Q3 (d) Q1  Q2  Q3 B
Solution : (a) Area enclosed by curve 1 < Area enclosed by curve 2 < Area enclosed by curve 3
 Q1  Q2  Q3 [As U is same for all curves]
Whenever heat is converted into mechanical work or mechanical work is converted into heat,
then the ratio of work done to heat produced always remains constant.
i.e. W  Q or J
This is Joule’s law and J is called mechanical equivalent of heat.
(1) From W = JQ if Q = 1 then J = W. Hence the amount of work done necessary to produce
unit amount of heat is defined as the mechanical equivalent of heat.

(2) J is not a physical quantity but it is a conversion factor which used to convert Joule or erg
into calorie or kilo calories vice-versa.

(3) When water in a stream falls from height h, then its potential energy is converted into heat
and temperature of water rises slightly.
From W = JQ
mgh = J ms t [where m = Mass, s = Specific heat of water]
Rise in temperature t  C

(4) The kinetic energy of a bullet fired from a gun gets converted into heat on striking the
target. By this heat the temperature of bullet increases by t.
From W = JQ
mv 2  Jm s t [where m = Mass, v = Velocity of the bullet, s = Specific heat of the bullet]
 Rise in temperature t  C
If the temperature of bullet rises upto the melting point of the bullet and bullet melts then.
From W = JQ
mv 2  J[ms t  mL] [where L = Latent heat of bullet]

  v 2  
 Rise in temperature t     L  s  C
  2J  

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(5) If ice-block falls down through some height and melts partially then its potential energy
gets converted into heat of melting.
From W = JQ
mgh  Jm'L [where m = mass of ice block, m1 = mass which melts]

So m'  kg
If ice-block completely melts down then mgh = J mL
 Height required for complete melting h  meter
Example 4. Water falls from a height of 210 m. Assuming whole of energy due to fall is converted
into heat the rise in temperature of water would be
(a) 42°C (b) 49°C (c) 0.49°C (d) 4.9°C
Solution : (c) Loss in potential energy of water = Increment in thermal energy of water
 mgh  J  mst  9.8  210  4.3  1000t  t  0.49C
Example 5. A block of mass 100 gm slides on a rough horizontal surface. If the speed of the
block decreases from 10 m/s to 5 m/s, the thermal energy developed in the process
(a) 3.75 J (b) 37.5 J (c) 0.375 J (d) 0.75 J
Solution : (a) Thermal energy developed
1 1
= Loss in kinetic energy  m(v 22  v12 )   0.1 (102  52 )  3.75 J
2 2
Example 6. A bullet moving with a uniform velocity v, stops suddenly after hitting the target and
the whole mass melts be m, specific heat S, initial temperature 25°C, melting point
475°C and the latent heat L. Then
mv 2 mv 2
(a) mL  ms(475  25)  (b) ms(475  25)  mL 
2J 2J
mv 2 mv 2
(c) ms(475  25)  mL  (d) ms(475  25)  mL 
J 2J
Solution : (b) K.E. of bullet = Heat required to raise the temperature of bullet from 25°C to 475°C +
heat required to melt the bullet
1 mv 2
 mv 2  J[ms(475  25)  mL]  ms(475  25)  mL  .
2 2J


It is a statement of conservation of energy in thermodynamical process.
According to it heat given to a system (Q) is equal to the sum of increase in its internal
energy (U) and the work done (W) by the system against the surroundings.
Q  U  W
(1) It makes no distinction between work and heat as according to it the internal energy (and
hence temperature) of a system may be increased either by adding heat to it or doing work
on it or both.
(2) Q and W are the path functions but U is the point function.

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(3) When a thermos bottle is vigorously shaken :
No heat is transferred to the coffee Q = 0 [As thermos flask is insulated from the
Work is done on the coffee against viscous force W = (–)
Internal energy of the coffee increases U = (+) and temperature of the coffee also
increases T = (+)
(4) Limitation : First law of thermodynamics does not indicate the direction of heat transfer. It
does not tell anything about the conditions, under which heat can be transformed into work
and also it does not indicate as to why the whole of heat energy cannot be converted into
mechanical work continuously.
Example 7. If 150 J of heat is added to a system and the work done by the system is 110 J, then
change in internal energy will be
(a) 260 J (b) 150 J (c) 110 J (d) 40 J
Solution : (d) Q  U  W  150  U  110  U  40 J
Example 8. 110 J of heat is added to a gaseous system, whose internal energy change is 40 J,
then the amount of external work done is
(a) 150 J (b) 70 J (c) 110 J (d) 40 J
Solution : (b) Q  U  W  110  40  W  W  70J
Example 9. An electric fan is switched on in a closed room. The air in the room is
(a) Cooled (b) Heated (c) Maintains its temperature
(d) Heated or cooled depending on the atmospheric pressure
Solution : (b) When an electric fan is switched on in a closed room conventional current of air
flows. Hence due to viscous force mechanical energy is converted into heat and
some heat is also produced due to thermal effect of electric current in motor of fan.
Example 10. If R = universal gas constant, the amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of
2 mole of an ideal monoatomic gas from 273 K to 373 K when no work is done
(a) 100 R (b) 150 R (c) 300 R (d) 500 R
 R  R
Solution : (c)Q  U  nCv T  n   T  2  5 [373  273] = 300 R
   1 1
(1) Reversible process : A reversible process is one which can be reversed in such a way that
all changes occurring in the direct process are exactly repeated in the opposite order and
inverse sense and no change is left in any of the bodies taking part in the process or in the
surroundings. For example if heat is absorbed in the direct process, the same amount of heat
should be given out in the reverse process, if work is done on the working substance in the
direct process then the same amount of work should be done by the working substance in the
reverse process. The conditions for reversibility are
(i) There must be complete absence of dissipative forces such as friction, viscosity, electric
resistance etc.
(ii) The direct and reverse processes must take place infinitely slowly.
(iii) The temperature of the system must not differ appreciably from its surroundings.
Some examples of reversible process are
(a) All isothermal and adiabatic changes are reversible if they are performed very slowly.
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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(b) When a certain amount of heat is absorbed by ice, it melts. If the same amount of heat is
removed from it, the water formed in the direct process will be converted into ice.
(c) An extremely slow extension or contraction of a spring without setting up oscillations.
(d) When a perfectly elastic ball falls from some height on a perfectly elastic horizontal plane,
the ball rises to the initial height.
(e) If the resistance of a thermocouple is negligible there will be no heat produced due to
Joule’s heating effect. In such a case heating or cooling is reversible. At a junction where a
cooling effect is produced due to Peltier effect when current flows in one direction and
equal heating effect is produced when the current is reversed.
(f) Very slow evaporation or condensation.
It should be remembered that the conditions mentioned for a reversible process can never be
realised in practice. Hence, a reversible process is only an ideal concept. In actual process,
there is always loss of heat due to friction, conduction, radiation etc.

(2) Irreversible process : Any process which is not reversible exactly is an irreversible process.
All natural processes such as conduction, radiation, radioactive decay etc. are irreversible. All
practical processes such as free expansion, Joule-Thomson expansion, electrical heating of a
wire are also irreversible. Some examples of irreversible processes are given below
(i) When a steel ball is allowed to fall on an inelastic lead sheet, its kinetic energy changes
into heat energy by friction. The heat energy raises the temperature of lead sheet. No
reverse transformation of heat energy occurs.
(ii) The sudden and fast stretching of a spring may produce vibrations in it. Now a part of the
energy is dissipated. This is the case of irreversible process.
(iii) Sudden expansion or contraction and rapid evaporation or condensation are examples of
irreversible processes.
(iv) Produced by the passage of an electric current through a resistance is irreversible.
(v) Heat transfer between bodies at different temperatures is also irreversible.
(vi) Joule-Thomson effect is irreversible because on reversing the flow of gas a similar cooling
or heating effect is not observed.

Cyclic and Non-cyclic Process.

A cyclic process consists of a series of changes which return the system back to its initial state.
In non-cyclic process the series of changes involved do not return the system back to its initial
(1) In case of cyclic process as Uf  Ui
 U  Uf  Ui  0 i.e. change in internal energy for cyclic process is zero and also U  T
 T = 0 i.e. temperature of system remains constant.
(2) From first law of thermodynamics Q  U  W
Q  W i.e. heat supplied is equal to the work done by the system. [As U = 0]
(3) For cyclic process P-V graph is a closed curve and area enclosed by the closed path represents
the work done.
If the cycle is clockwise work done is positive and if the cycle is anticlockwise work done is
Positive work Negative

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(4) Work done in non cyclic process depends upon the path chosen or the series of changes
involved and can be calculated by the area covered between the curve and volume axis on PV


WABC= + Shaded area V WABCD= – Shaded area V

Example 11. The P-V diagram of a system undergoing thermodynamic transformation is shown in
figure. The work done on the system in going from A  B  C is 50 J and 20 cal
heat is given to the system. The change in internal energy between A and C is
(a) 34 J P C
(b) 70 J
(c) 84 J
(d) 134 J A B

Solution : (d) Heat given Q  20cal  20  4.2  84 J . Work done W = – 50 J [As process is
By first law of thermodynamics  U  Q  W  84  (  50)  134J

Example 12. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A  B  C  A, as shown in the figure. If
the net heat supplied to the gas in the cycle is 35 J, the work done by the gas in the
V(m )
process C  A is C B
(a) – 5 J
(b) – 10 J 1
(c) – 15 J 10

(d) – 20 J
Solution : (a) For a cyclic process. Total work done  WAB  WBC  WCA
  1.0  10  10  (2  1)  0  WCA
[W BC = 0 since there is no change in volume along BC]
 5J  10 J  WCA  WCA  5 J

Example 13. In the following indicator diagram, the net amount of work done will be
(a) Positive
1 2
(b) Negative
(c) Zero
(d) Infinity
Solution : (b) Work done during process 1 is positive while during process 2 it is negative. Because
process 1 is clockwise while process 2 is anticlockwise. But area enclosed by P-V
graph (i.e. work done) in process 1 is smaller so, net work done will be negative.

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Example 14. A cyclic process for 1 mole of an ideal gas is shown in figure in the V-T, diagram. The
work done in AB, BC and CA respectively
V  V2
(a) 0,RT2 ln  1  ,R(T1  T2 )
 V2 
(b) R(T1  T2 ),0,RT1 ln V1 A
V  T1 T2
(c) 0,RT2 ln  2  ,R(T1  T2 )
 V1 
V 
(d) 0,RT2 ln  2  ,R(T2  T1 )
 V1 
Solution : (c) Process AB is isochoric,  WAB  P V  0
V 
Process BC is isothermal  WBC  RT2.ln  2 
 V1 
Process CA is isobaric  WCA  PV  RT  R(T2  T1 )

Example 15. A cyclic process ABCD is shown in the figure P-V diagram. P B
Which of the following curves represent the same process C



(a) T (b) (c) T (d) T T

Solution : (a) AB is isobaric process, BC is isothermal process, CD is isometric process and DA is

isothermal process
These process are correctly represented by graph (a).

When a thermodynamic system undergoes a physical change in such a way that its temperature
remains constant, then the change is known as isothermal changes.
In this process, P and V change but T = constant i.e. change in temperature T = 0
(1) Essential condition for isothermal process
(i) The walls of the container must be perfectly conducting to
allow free exchange of heat between the gas and its Conducting
surrounding. walls
(ii) The process of compression or expansion should be so
slow so as to provide time for the exchange of heat.
Since these two conditions are not fully realised in practice, therefore, no process is
perfectly isothermal.
(2) Equation of state : If temperature remains constant then PV= constant i.e. in all isothermal
process Boyle’s law is obeyed. Hence equation of state is PV = constant.

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(3) Isothermal elasticity : For isothermal process PV = constant
dP Stress
Differentiating both sides PdV  VdP  0  P dV   V dP  P    E
dV / V Strain
 E  P
(4) Work done in isothermal process
Vf Vf nRT
W   P dV   dV
Vi Vi V
V  P 
W  nRT loge  f  or W  nRT loge  i 
 Vi   Pf 
(5) FLTD in isothermal process
Q  U  W but U  T
 U  0 [As T = 0]
 Q  W i.e. heat supplied in an isothermal change is used to do work against external
or if the work is done on the system than equal amount of heat energy will be liberated by the
Example 16. One mole of O2 gas having a volume equal to 22.4 litres at 0°C and 1 atmospheric
pressure in compressed isothermally so that its volume reduces to 11.2 litres. The
work done in this process is
(a) 1672.5 J (b) 1728 J (c) – 1728 J (d) – 1572.5 J
Solution : (d) Work done in an adiabatic process
V   11.2 
W  nRTloge  f   1 8.3  273  loge    8.3  273  (  0.69)  1572J
 Vi   22.4 
Example 17. An ideal gas A and a real gas B have their volumes increased from V to 2V under
isothermal conditions. The increase in internal energy
(a) Will be same in both A and B (b) Will be zero in both the gases
(c) Of B will be more than that of A (d) Of A will be more than that of B
Solution : (c) In real gases an additional work is also done in expansion due to intermolecular
Example 18. Which of the following graphs correctly represents the variation of   (dV / dP) / V
with P for an ideal gas at constant temperature

 

(a) (b) (c) P (d)

1  dV  1
Solution : (a) For an isothermal process PV = constant  PdV  VdP  0   
V  dP  P
So,    graph will be rectangular hyperbola.

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Example 19. Work done by a system under isothermal change from a volume V1 to V2 for a gas
 n 2 
which obeys Vander Waal's equation (V  n)  P    nRT
 V 
 V  n  2  V1  V2   V    2  V1  V2 
(a) nRT loge  2   n   (b) nRT log10  2   n  
 V1  n   V1V2   V1     V1V2 
 V  n  2  V1  V2   V  n  2  V1V2 
(c) nRT loge  2   n   (d) nRT loge  1   n  
 V1  n   V1V2   V2  n   V1  V2 
nRT n2
Solution : (a) By Vander Waal’s equation P   2
V  n V
V2 V2 dV V2 dV
Work done, W   PdV  nRT   n 2 
V1 V1 V  n V1 V 2

V2 1
V  n  V  V2 
 nRT loge (V  n)V 2
 n    nRT loge 2  n2  1 
 V  V1 V1  n  V1V2 
Adiabatic Process
When a thermodynamic system undergoes a change in such a way that no exchange of heat takes
place between it and the surroundings, the process is known as adiabatic process.
In this process P, V and T changes but Q = 0. Insulating

(1) Essential conditions for adiabatic process

(i) There should not be any exchange of heat between the system and its surroundings. All
walls of the container and the piston must be perfectly insulating.
(ii) The system should be compressed or allowed to expand suddenly so that there is no time
for the exchange of heat between the system and its surroundings.
Since, these two conditions are not fully realised in practice, so no process is perfectly
(2) FLTD in adiabatic process : Q  U  W
but for adiabatic process Q  0  U  W  0
If W = positive then U = negative so temperature decreases i.e. adiabatic expansion
produce cooling.
If W = negative then U = positive so temperature increases i.e. adiabatic compression
produce heating.

(3) Equation of state : As in case of adiabatic change first law of thermodynamics reduces to,
U  W  0 , i.e., dU  dW  0 ….. (i)
But as for an ideal gas dU  CV dT and dW  PdV
Equation (i) becomes Cv dT  P dV  0 ….. (ii)
But for a gas as PV = RT, P dV  V dP  RdT ….. (iii)
(P dV  V dP)
So eliminating dT between equation (ii) and (iii) Cv  P dV  0
(PdV  V dP)  R 
or  P dV  0 as Cv  (   1) 
(   1)  

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dV dP
or P dV  V dP  0 i.e.,   0
Which on integration gives
 loge V  loge P  C , i.e., log(PV  )  C
or PV   constant ….. (iv)
Equation (iv) is called equation of state for adiabatic change and can also be re-written as
TV 1  constant [as P = (RT/V)] ….. (iv)
T  RT 
and  constant  as V  P  ….. (vi)
P 1  

(4) Adiabatic elasticity : For adiabatic process PV   constant

Differentiating both sides dPV   PV 1dV  0
dP Stress
P    E
dV / V Strain
E   P

i.e. adiabatic elasticity is  times that of pressure but we know isothermal elasticity E  P
E Adiabatic elasticity P
So   
E Isothermal elasticity P
i.e. the ratio of two elasticities of gases is equal to the ratio of two specific heats.
(5) Work done in adiabatic process
Vf Vf K   K 
W   PdV   dV  As  P  V  
Vi Vi V   
1  K K   - V 1 
or   1  1   As  V dV  
[1   ]  Vf Vi   (   1) 
[Pf Vf  PV i i]
or  [As K  PV   Pf Vf  PV 
i i ]
(1   )
or  [Tf  Ti ] [As Pf Vf  nRTf and PV
i i  nRTi ]
(1   )
i i  Pf Vf ] nR(Ti  Tf )
So  
(   1) (   1)
(6) Free expansion : Free expansion is adiabatic process in which no work is performed on or by
the system. Consider two vessels placed in a system which is enclosed with thermal insulation
(asbestos-covered). One vessel contains a gas and the other is evacuated. The two vessels
are connected by a stopcock. When suddenly the stopcock is opened, the gas rushes into the
evacuated vessel and expands freely. The process is adiabatic as the vessels are placed in
thermal insulating system (dQ = 0) moreover, the walls of the vessel are rigid and hence no
external work is performed (dW = 0).
Now according to the first law of thermodynamics dU = 0
If Ui and Uf be the initial and final internal energies of the gas
then Uf  Ui  0 [As Uf  Ui ]
Thus the final and initial energies are equal in free expansion.

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Example 20. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the
cube of its absolute temperature. The ratio Cp / Cv for the gas is
3 4 5
(a) (b) (c) 2 (d)
2 3 3

Solution : (a) Given P  T 3 . But for adiabatic process P  T 1 .

 3 C 3
So, 3    p 
 1 2 Cv 2
Example 21. An ideal gas at 27°C is compressed adiabatically to of its original volume. If
 , then the rise in temperature is
(a) 450 K (b) 375 K (c) 225 K (d) 405 K
Solution : (b) For an adiabatic process TV 1  constant
1 1 5
1 2/3
T V  V   27  3  27 
 1   2  T2  T1  1   300    300    675K
T2  V1   V2  8  8 
 T  675  300  375K
Example 22. If  = 2.5 and volume is equal to 1/8 times to the initial volume then pressure P  is
equal to (initial pressure = P)
(a) P  P (b) P  2P (c) P  P  (2)15/2 (d) P  7P

P2  V1  P
Solution : (c) For an adiabatic process PV   constant      85/2  P  P  (2)15/2
P1  V2  P
Example 23. A gas has pressure P and volume V. It is now compressed adiabatically to times
the original volume. If (32)1.4  128 , the final pressure is
(a) 32 P (b) 128 P (c) (d)
128 32
Solution : (b) For an adiabatic process P1V1  P2 V2
 1.4
P V   V 
 2  1    (32)1.4  128
P1  V2   V / 32 
 Final pressure = 128 P.

When a thermodynamic system undergoes a physical change in such a way that its pressure
remains constant, then the change is known as isobaric process.
In this process V and T changes but P remains constant. Hence Charle’s law is obeyed in this
(1) Equation of state : From ideal gas equation PV = nRT A I B
V1 V2
If pressure remains constant V  T or   constant II C
T1 T2 P2 D

(2) Specific heat : Specific heat of gas during isobaric process

f 
CP    1 R
 2 

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Vf Vf
(3) Work done in isobaric process : W   P dV  P  dV  P[Vf  Vi ] [As P = constant]
Vi Vi

 W  P(Vf  Vi )  nR[Tf  Ti ]  nR T

(4) FLTD in isobaric process : U  nCV T  n T and W  nR T
(   1)
From FLTD Q  U  W
R  1     
 Q  n T  nR T  nR T   1  nR T  n  R T
(   1)   1   1    1
Q  nCP T

Example 24. 1cm3 of water at its boiling point absorbs 540 calories of heat to become steam with a
volume of 1671cm3 . If the atmospheric pressure is 1.013  105 N / m2 and the
mechanical equivalent of heat = 4.19 J/calorie, the energy spent in this process in
overcoming intermolecular forces is
(a) 540 calorie (b) 40 calorie (c) 500 calorie (d) Zero
Solution : (c) Energy spent in overcoming inter molecular forces U  Q  W
1.013  105 (1671  1)  10 6
 Q  P(V2  V1 )  540   500calorie

Example 25. A gas expands 0.25m3 at constant pressure 103 N / m2 , the work done is
(a) 2.5 ergs (b) 250 J (c) 250 W (d) 250 N
Solution : (b) As we know, work done  PV  10  0.25  250 J

Example 26. 5 mole of hydrogen gas is heated from 30°C to 60°C at constant pressure. Heat
given to the gas is (given R = 2 cal/mole degree)
(a) 750 calorie (b) 630 calorie (c) 1050 calorie (d) 1470 calorie
  
Solution : (c) ( Q)p   Cp T     R T
   1
 7 
  7 5
 ( Q)p  5   5   2  30  5  2    30  1050calorie
  1 5 2
5 

Example 27. The latent heat of vaporisation of water is 2240 J/gm. If the work done in the process
of expansion of 1g is 168 J, then increase in internal energy is
(a) 2408 J (b) 2240 J (c) 2072 J (d) 1904 J
Solution : (c) Q  U  W  2240  U  168  U  2072J


When a thermodynamic process undergoes a physical change in such a way that its volume
remains constant, then the change is known as isochoric process.
In this process P and T changes but V = constant. Hence Gay-lussac’s law is obeyed in this

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(1) Equation of state P D
From ideal gas equation PV = RT II
P1 P2 C
If volume remains constant P  T or   constant B
T1 T2
V1 V2 V
(2) Specific heat : Specific heat of gas during isochoric process C V  R
(3) Work done in isobaric process : W  PV  P[Vf  Vi ] [As V = 0]

 W  0

(4) FLTD in isochoric process : Q  U  W  U [As W = 0]

R P V  PV
Q   CV T   T  f f i i
 1  1

Example 28. In pressure-volume diagram given below, the isochoric, isothermal, and isobaric
parts respectively, are P A B
(a) BA, AD, DC (b) DC, CB, BA
(c) AB, BC, CD
(d) CD, DA, AB D
Solution : (d) Process CD is isochoric as volume is constant, Process DA is isothermal as
temperature constant and Process AB is isobaric as pressure is constant.

Example 29. Molar specific heat of oxygen at constant pressure Cp  7.2cal / mol / C and R = 8.3
J/mol/K. At constant volume, 5 mol of oxygen is heated from 10°C to 20°C, the
quantity of heat required is approximately
(a) 25 cal (b) 50 cal (c) 250 cal (d) 500 cal
Solution : (c) By Mayer’s formula Cv  Cp  R  7.2  2  5cal/molC

At constant volume Q   c v T  5  5  10  250 cal

Heat engine is a device which converts heat into work continuously through a cyclic process.
The essential parts of a heat engine are
Source : It is a reservoir of heat at high temperature and infinite thermal capacity. Any amount of
heat can be extracted from it.
Working substance : Steam, petrol etc.
Sink : It is a reservoir of heat at low temperature and infinite thermal capacity. Any amount of heat
can be given to the sink.
The working substance absorbs heat Q1 from the source, does an
amount of work W, returns the remaining amount of heat to the sink Source (T1)
and comes back to its original state and there occurs no change in Q1
its internal energy.
Heat W = Q1 – Q2
By repeating the same cycle over and over again, work is Engine
continuously obtained. Q2

The performance of heat engine is expressed by means of Sink (T2)

“efficiency”  which is defined as the ratio of useful work obtained
from the engine to the heat supplied to it.

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Work done W
 
Heat input Q1
But by first law of thermodynamics for cyclic process U = 0.  Q = W so W  Q1  Q2
Q1  Q2 Q
   1 2
Q1 Q1
A perfect heat engine is one which converts all heat into work i.e. W  Q1 so that Q2  0 and
hence   1.
But practically efficiency of an engine is always less than 1.

Refrigerator or Heat Pump

A refrigerator or heat pump is basically a heat engine run in reverse direction.
It essentially consists of three parts
Source : At higher temperature T1.
Working substance : It is called refrigerant liquid ammonia and freon works as a working
Sink : At lower temperature T2.
The working substance takes heat Q2 from a sink (contents of
refrigerator) at lower temperature, has a net amount of work done W (Atmosphere) (T1)
on it by an external agent (usually compressor of refrigerator) and
Heat W = Q1 – Q2
gives out a larger amount of heat Q1 to a hot body at temperature T1 Engine
(usually atmosphere). Thus, it transfers heat from a cold to a hot body Q2
at the expense of mechanical energy supplied to it by an external (Contents of refrigerator) (T2)
agent. The cold body is thus cooled more and more.

The performance of a refrigerator is expressed by means of “coefficient of performance”  which is

defined as the ratio of the heat extracted from the cold body to the work needed to transfer it to the
hot body.

Heat extracted Q 2 Q2
i.e.   
work done W Q1  Q2

 
Q1  Q2
A perfect refrigerator is one which transfers heat from cold to hot body without doing work
i.e. W = 0 so that Q1  Q2 and hence   

(1) Carnot refrigerator

Q1 T1 Q1  Q 2 T1  T2 Q2 T2
For Carnot refrigerator    or 
Q2 T2 Q2 T2 Q1  Q 2 T1  T2
So coefficient of performance  
T1  T2
where T1 = temperature of surrounding, T2 = temperature of cold body
It is clear that  = 0 when T2 = 0
i.e. the coefficient of performance will be zero if the cold body is at the temperature equal to
absolute zero.

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(2) Relation between coefficient of performance and efficiency of refrigerator
Q2 Q 2 / Q1
We know   or   ….. (i)
Q1  Q2 1  Q2 / Q1
Q2 Q
But the efficiency   1  or 2  1   …..(ii)
Q1 Q1
1 
From (i) and (ii) we get  


First law of thermodynamics merely explains the equivalence of work and heat. It does not explain
why heat flows from bodies at higher temperatures to those at lower temperatures. It cannot tell us
why the converse is possible. It cannot explain why the efficiency of a heat engine is always less
than unity. It is also unable to explain why cool water on stirring gets hotter whereas there is no
such effect on stirring warm water in a beaker. Second law of thermodynamics provides answers to
these questions. Statement of this law is as follows

(1) Clausius statement : It is impossible for a self acting machine to transfer heat from a colder
body to a hotter one without the aid of an external agency.
From Clausius statement it is clear that heat cannot flow from a body at low temperature to
one at higher temperature unless work is done by an external agency. This statement is in fair
agreement with our experiences in different branches of physics. For example, electrical
current cannot flow from a conductor at lower electrostatic potential to that at higher potential
unless an external work is done. Similarly, a body at a lower gravitational potential level
cannot move up to higher level without work done by an external agency.
(2) Kelvin’s statement : It is impossible for a body or system to perform continuous work by
cooling it to a temperature lower than the temperature of the coldest one of its surroundings. A
Carnot engine cannot work if the source and sink are at the same temperature because work
done by the engine will result into cooling the source and heating the surroundings more and
(3) Kelvin-Planck’s statement : It is impossible to design an engine that extracts heat and fully
utilises into work without producing any other effect.
From this statement it is clear that any amount of heat can never be converted completely into
work. It is essential for an engine to return some amount of heat to the sink. An engine
essentially requires a source as well as sink. The efficiency of an engine is always less than
unity because heat cannot be fully converted into work.

Carnot designed a theoretical engine which is free from all the defects of a practical engine. This
engine cannot be realised in actual practice, however, this can be taken as a standard against
which the performance of an actual engine can be judged.
It consists of the following parts
(i) A cylinder with perfectly non-conducting walls and a
perfectly conducting base containing a perfect gas as
working substance and fitted with a non-conducting
Ideal gas
frictionless piston
(ii) A source of infinite thermal capacity maintained at
constant higher temperature T1.
(iii) A sink of infinite thermal capacity maintained at Source Insulating Sink
T1 K stand T2 K
constant lower temperature T2.
(iv) A perfectly non-conducting stand for the cylinder.

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(1) Carnot cycle : As the engine works, the working substance of the engine undergoes a cycle
known as Carnot cycle. The Carnot cycle consists of the following four strokes
(i) First stroke (Isothermal expansion) (curve AB) :
The cylinder containing ideal gas as working
substance allowed to expand slowly at this
constant temperature T1.
W = Q1 – Q2
Work done = Heat absorbed by the system
V2 V 
W1  Q1   P dV  RT1 loge  2   Area ABGE
 V1 

(ii) Second stroke (Adiabatic expansion) (curve BC) :

The cylinder is then placed on the non conducting stand and the gas is allowed to expand
adiabatically till the temperature falls from T1 to T2.
V3 R
W2   P dV = [T1  T2 ]  Area BCHG
V2 (   1)
(iii) Third stroke (Isothermal compression) (curve CD) :
The cylinder is placed on the sink and the gas is compressed at constant temperature T2.
Work done = Heat released by the system
V4 V4 V
W3  Q2    P dV  RT2 loge  RT2 loge 3  Area CDFH
V3 V3 V4
(iv) Fourth stroke (adiabatic compression) (curve DA) : Finally the cylinder is again placed on
non-conducting stand and the compression is continued so that gas returns to its initial
V1 R R
W4    P dV   (T2  T1 )  (T1  T2 )  Area ADFE
V4  1  1
(2) Efficiency of Carnot cycle : The efficiency of engine is defined as the ratio of work done to
work done W
the heat supplied i.e.  
Heat input Q1
Net work done during the complete cycle
W  W1  W2  (  W3 )  (  W4 )  W1  W3  Area ABCD [As W2  W4 ]
W W1  W3 Q1  Q2 W Q
     1  3  1 2
Q1 W1 Q1 W1 Q1
RT2 loge (V3 / V4 )
or   1
RT1 loge (V2 / V1 )
Since points B and C lie on same adiabatic curve
1 1 T V 
 T1V 2  T2 V 3 or 1   3  …..(i)
T2  V2 
Also point D and A lie on the same adiabatic curve
1 1 T V 
 TV1 1  T2 V 4 or 1   4  …..(ii)
T2  V1 

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V3 V4 V V V  V 
From (i) and (ii)  or 3  2  loge  3   loge  2 
V2 V1 V4 V1  V4   V1 
So efficiency of Carnot engine   1 
(i) Efficiency of a heat engine depends only on temperatures of source and sink and is independent
of all other factors.
(ii) All reversible heat engines working between same temperatures are equally efficient and
no heat engine can be more efficient than Carnot engine (as it is ideal).
(iii) As on Kelvin scale, temperature can never be negative (as 0 K is defined as the lowest
possible temperature) and Tl and T2 are finite, efficiency of a heat engine is always lesser
than unity, i.e., whole of heat can never be converted into work which is in accordance with
second law.
Note : The efficiency of an actual engine is much lesser than that of an ideal engine.
Actually the practical efficiency of a steam engine is about (8-15)% while that of a
petrol engine is 40%. The efficiency of a diesel engine is maximum and is about (50-
(3) Carnot theorem : The efficiency of Carnot’s heat engine depends only on the temperature of
source (T1) and temperature of sink (T2), i.e.,   1  2 .
Carnot stated that no heat engine working between two given temperatures of source and sink can
be more efficient than a perfectly reversible engine (Carnot engine) working between the same two
temperatures. Carnot's reversible engine working between two given temperatures is considered to
be the most efficient engine.

Difference Between Petrol Engine And Diesel Engine.

Petrol engine Diesel engine

(i) Working substance is a mixture of petrol (i) Working substance in this engine is a mixture
vapour and air. of diesel vapour and air.
(ii) Efficiency is smaller (~47%). (ii) Efficiency is larger (~55%).
(iii) It works with a spark plug. (iii) It works with an oil plug.
(iv) It is associated with the risk of explosion, (iv)No risk of explosion, because only air is
because petrol vapour and air is compressed. Hence compression ratio is kept
compressed. So, low compression ratio large.
is kept.
(v) Petrol vapour and air is created with (v) Spray of diesel is obtained through the jet.
spark plug.

Example 30. If the door of a refrigerator is kept open, then which of the following is true
(a) Room is cooled (b) Room is heated
(c) Room is either cooled or heated (d) Room is neither cooled nor heated
Solution : (b) In a refrigerator, the working substance takes heat Q2 from the sink at lower
temperature T2 and gives out a larger amount of heat Q1 to a hot body at higher
temperature T1 . Therefore the room gets heated if the door of a refrigerator is kept

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Example 31. The coefficient of performance of a Carnot refrigerator working between 30oC and
0oC is
(a) 10 (b) 1 (c) 9 (d) 0
Solution : (c) Coefficient of performance of a Carnot refrigerator working between 30°C and 0°C is
T2 273C 273C
   9
T1  T2 303C  273C 30C
Example 32. A Carnot engine working between 300 K and 600 K has work output of 800 J per
cycle. What is amount of heat energy supplied to the engine from source per cycle
(a) 1800 J/cycle (b) 1000 J/cycle (c) 2000 J/cycle (d) 1600 J/cycle
T1  T2 600  300 1
Solution : (d) Efficiency of Carnot engine   
T1 600 2
Work done
Again  
Heat input
Work done 800
 Heat input    1600 J.
 1/ 2
Example 33. Carnot cycle (reversible) of a gas represented by a Pressure-Volume curve is shown
in the diagram
Consider the following statements B
I. Area ABCD = Work done on the gas
II. Area ABCD = Net heat absorbed C

III. Change in the internal energy in cycle = 0 V

Which of these are correct

(a) I only (b) II only (c) II and III (d) I, II and III
Solution : (c) Work done by the gas (as cyclic process is clockwise)  W = Area ABCD
So from the first law of thermodynamics Q (net heat absorbed) = W = Area ABCD
As change in internal energy in cycle U = 0.
Example 34. A Carnot engine takes 103 kcal of heat from a reservoir at 627°C and exhausts it to a
sink at 27°C. The efficiency of the engine will be
(a) 22.2% (b) 33.3% (c) 44.4% (d) 66.6%
T1  T2 900  300 6
Solution : (d) Efficiency of Carnot engine    or 66.6%.
T1 900 9
Entropy is a measure of disorder of molecular motion of a system. Greater is the disorder, greater is
the entropy.
Heat absorbed by system dQ
The change in entropy i.e. dS  or dS 
Absolute temperature T
The relation is called the mathematical form of Second Law of Thermodynamics.
(1) For solids and liquids
(i) When heat given to a substance changes its state at constant temperature, then change in
dQ mL
dS  
where positive sign refers to heat absorption and negative sign to heat evolution.

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(ii) When heat given to a substance raises its temperature from T1 to T2, then change in
dQ T2 dT T 
dS     mc  mc loge  2 
T T1 T  T1 
T 
 S  2.303mc loge  2  .
 T1 
(2) For a perfect gas : Perfect gas equation for n moles is PV = nRT
dQ nCV dT  P dV
S    [As dQ = dU + dW}
nCV dT  dV T2 dT V2 dV
 S   V  nC V   nR  [As PV = nRT]
T T1 T V1 V
T  V 
 S  nC V loge  2   nR loge  2 
 T1   V1 
T  P 
Similarly in terms of T and P S  nCP loge  2   nR loge  2 
 T1   P1 
P  V 
and in terms of P and V S  nC V loge  2   nCP loge  2 
 P1   V1 
Example 35. An ideal gas expands in such a manner that its pressure and volume can be related by
equation PV 2 = constant. During this process, the gas is
(a) Heated (b) Cooled
(c) Neither heated nor cooled (d) First heated and then cooled
Solution : (b) For an adiabatic expansion PV   constant and for the given process PV 2 = constant
 It is also an adiabatic expansion and during adiabatic expansion the gas is cooled.
Example 36. A cyclic process ABCA is shown in the V-T diagram. Process on the P-V diagram is


(a) V (b) V (c) V (d) V
Solution : (c) From the given VT diagram, we can see that
In process AB, V  T  Pressure is constant (As quantity of the gas remains
In process BC, V = constant and in process CA, T = constant
 These processes are correctly represented on PV diagram by graph (c).

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Level - 01

1. Work done in the given P-V diagram in the cyclic process is (2P, V) (2P, 2V)
(a) PV P

(b) 2PV
(P, V) (P, 2V)
(c) PV/2 (d) 3PV V
2. In the figure given two processes A and B are shown by which a thermo-dynamical system
goes from initial to final state F. If QA and QB are respectively the heats supplied to the
systems then
(a) QA  QB P
(b) QA  QB i f

(c) QA  QB B

(d) QA  QB V

3. In the cyclic process shown in the figure, the work done by the gas in one cycle is
(a) 28p1V1
(b) 14p1V1
(c) 18p1V1 P1

(d) 9p1V1 V1 4V1 V

4. In a water-fall the water falls from a height of 100 m. If the entire kinetic energy of water is
converted into heat, the rise in temperature of water will be
(a) 0.23°C (b) 0.46°C (c) 2.3°C (d) 0.023°C
5. A lead bullet of 10 g travelling at 300 m/s strikes against a block of wood and comes to rest.
Assuming 50% of heat is absorbed by the bullet, the increase in its temperature is (specific
heat of lead = 150J/kg,K)
(a) 100°C (b) 125°C (c) 150°C (d) 200°C
6. First law of thermodynamics is a special case of
(a) Newton’s law (b) Law of conservation of energy
(c) Charle’s law (d) Law of heat exchange
7. In a given process on an ideal gas, dW = 0 and dQ < 0. Then for the gas
(a) The temperature will decrease (b) The volume will increase
(c) The pressure will remain constant (d) The temperature will increase
8. Which is incorrect
(a) In an isobaric process, P = 0 (b) In an isochoric process, W = 0
(c) In an isothermal process, T = 0 (d) In an isothermal process, Q = 0
9. The isothermal bulk modulus of a perfect gas at normal pressure is
(a) 1.013  105 N / m2 (b) 1.013  106 N / m2 (c) 1.013  10 11 N / m2 (d) 1.013  1011 N / m2

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10. The slopes of isothermal and adiabatic curves are related as
(a) Isothermal curve slope = Adiabatic curve slope
(b) Isothermal curve slope =   Adiabatic curve slope
(c) Adiabatic curve slope =   Isothermal curve slope
(d) Adiabatic curve slope =  Isothermal curve slope
11. The work done in which of the following processes is equal to the change in internal energy
of the system
(a) Adiabatic process (b) Isothermal process
(c) Isochoric process (d) None of these
12. A monoatomic gas ( = 5/3) is suddenly compressed to of its original volume adiabatically,
then the pressure of the gas will change to
24 40
(a) (b)
5 3
(c) 8 (d) 32 times it’s initial pressure
13. In which process the P-V indicator diagram is a straight line parallel to volume axis
(a) Irreversible (b) Adiabatic (c) Isothermal (d) Isobaric
14. The specific heat of hydrogen gas at constant pressure is Cp  3.4  103 cal / kgC and at
constant volume is Cv  2.4  103 cal / kgC . If one kilogram hydrogen gas is heated from
10°C to 20°C at constant pressure, the external work done on the gas to maintain it at
constant pressure is
(a) 105 calories (b) 104 calories (c) 103 calories (d) 5  103 calories
15. Two kg of water is converted into steam by boiling at atmospheric pressure. The volume
changes from 2  10 3 m3 to 3.34m3 . The work done by the system is about

(a) – 340 kJ (b) – 170 kJ (c) 170 kJ (d) 340 kJ

16. Heat energy absorbed by a system in going through a cyclic process shown in figure is
(a) 107  J V (litre)
(b) 104  J 30
(c) 10  J
(d) 10 3 J 10 P (kPa)
10 30
17. A system, after passing through different states returns back to its original state is
(a) Adiabatic process (b) Isobaric process
(c) Isothermal process (d) Cyclic process
18. A thermodynamic system is taken from state A to B along ACB and is brought back to A
along BDA as shown in the PV diagram. The net work done during the complete cycle is
given by the area P B
(a) P1ACBP2P1 C

(b) ACBB'A'A D
P1 A
A B V
(d) ADBB'A'A
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19. The P-V graph of an ideal gas cycle is shown here as below. The adiabatic process is
described by P A
(a) AB and BC B

(b) AB and CD
(c) BC and DA
(d) BC and CD
20. A measure of the degree of disorder of a system is known as
(a) Isobaric (b) Isotropy (c) Enthalpy (d) Entropy

Level - 02

1. An ideal gas is taken around the cycle ABCA as shown in the P-V diagram. The net work
done by the gas during the cycle is equal to 3P1

(a) 12P1V1
(b) 6P1V1
P1 C
(c) 3P1V1 (d) P1V1 A
V1 3V1
2. Which of the following statements is/are correct
(a) Whenever heat is supplied to a gas, its internal energy increases
(b) Internal energy of a gas must increase when its temperature is increased
(c) Internal energy of a gas may be increased even if heat is not supplied to the gas
(d) Internal energy of a gas is proportional to square of the velocity of the vessel in which
gas is contained
3. P-V diagram of an ideal gas is as shown in figure. Work done by the gas in process ABCD is
(a) 4P0 V0
(b) 2P0 V0 2P0

(c) 3P0 V0 B A
(d) P0 V0 V0 2V0 3V0

4. A lead ball moving with a velocity V strikes a wall and stops. If 50% of its energy is converted
into heat, then what will be the increase in temperature (Specific heat of lead is S)
2V 2 V2 V 2S V 2S
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5. A 10kg mass falls through 25 m on to the ground and bounces to a height of 0.50 m.
Assume that all potential energy lost is used in heating up the mass. The temperature rise
will be (Given specific heat of the material is 252 Joule/kg K)
(a) 0.95 K (b) 0.095 K (c) 0.0095 K (d) None of these
6. 4200 J of work is required for
(a) Increasing the temperature of 10 gm of water through 10°C
(b) Increasing the temperature of 100 gm of water through 10°C
(c) Increasing the temperature of 1 kg of water through 10°C
(d) Increasing the temperature of 10 kg of water through 10°C

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7. In thermodynamic process, 200 Joules of heat is given to a gas and 100 Joules of work is
also done on it. The change in internal energy of the gas is
(a) 100 J (b) 300 J (c) 419 J (d) 24 J
8. In a thermodynamic process pressure of a fixed mass of a gas is changed in such a manner
that the gas releases 20 joules of heat and 8 joules of work was done on the gas. If the initial
internal energy of the gas was 30 joules, then the final internal energy will be
(a) 2 J (b) 42 J (c) 18 J (d) 58 J
9. In a reversible isobaric heating of an ideal gas from state 1 to state 2, the equations for heat
transfer and work are
(a) Q  CP (T2  T1 ), W  p(V2  V1 ) (b) Q  CP (T2  T1 ), W  0
(c) Q   CPdT, W  0 (d) None of these

10. A thermally insulated chamber of volume 2V0 is divided by a frictionless piston of area S into
two equal parts A and B. Part A has an ideal gas at pressure P0 and temperature T0 and in
part B is vacuum. A massless spring of force constant k is connected with piston and the
wall of the container as shown. Initially spring is unstretched. Gas in chamber A is allowed to
expand. Let in equilibrium spring is compressed by x 0 . Then
kx 0
(a) Final pressure of the gas is

1 2
(b) Work done by the gas is kx0 Gas
2 Vacuum

1 2
(c) Change in internal energy of the gas is kx0
(d) Temperature of the gas is decreased
11. When an ideal gas in a cylinder was compressed isothermally by a piston, the work done on
the gas was found to be 1.5  104 J. During this process about
(a) 3.6  103 calorie of heat flowed out from the gas
(b) 3.6  103 calorie of heat flowed into the gas
(c) 1.5  104 calorie of heat flowed into the gas
(d) 1.5  104 calorie of heat flowed out from the gas
12. N moles of an ideal diatomic gas are in a cylinder at temperature T. Suppose on supplying
heat to the gas, its temperature remain constant but n moles get dissociated into atoms.
Heat supplied to the gas is
1 3 3
(a) Zero (b) nRT (c) nRT (d) (N  n)RT
2 2 2
13. During the adiabatic expansion of 2 moles of a gas, the internal energy was found to have
decreased by 100 J. The work done by the gas in this process is
(a) Zero (b) – 100 J (c) 200 J (d) 100 J
14. For an adiabatic expansion of a perfect gas, the value of is equal to
V V V V
(a)   (b)  (c)  (d)  2
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15. When a gas expands adiabatically
(a) No energy is required for expansion
(b) Energy is required and it comes from the wall of the container of the gas
(c) Internal energy of the gas is used in doing work
(d) Law of conservation of energy does not hold
16. The adiabatic elasticity of hydrogen gas ( = 1.4) at N.T.P. is
(a) 1 105 N / m2 (b) 1 108 N / m2 (c) 1.4N / m2 (d) 1.4  10 5 N / m2

17. Two identical adiabatic vessels are filled with oxygen at pressure P1 and P2 (P1  P2 ) . The
vessels are interconnected with each other by a non-conducting pipe. If U01 and U02 denote
initial internal energy of oxygen in first and second vessel respectively and Uf 1 and Uf 2
denote final internal energy values, then
U01 P1 U01 P2
(a)  , Uf  Uf2 (b)  , Uf  Uf2
U02 P2 1 U02 P1 1
U01 P2 U01 P1
(c)  , Uf  Uf2 (d)  , Uf  Uf2
U02 P1 1 U02 P2 1

18. The volume of a gas at two atmospheric pressure is 1 litre. Its volume is increased to 4.5 litre
by adiabatic process, then the heat taken by the gas in calories in this process will be
(a) 840 (b) 84 (c) 8.4 (d) Zero
19. 540 calories of heat convert 1 cubic centimeter of water at 100°C into 1671 cubic centimeter
of steam at 100°C at a pressure of one atmosphere. Then the work done against the
atmospheric pressure is nearly
(a) 540 cal (b) 40 cal (c) Zero cal (d) 500 cal

20. When 1 g of water changes from liquid to vapour phase at constant pressure of 1
atmosphere, the volume increases from 1cm3 to 1671 cc. The heat of vaporisation at this
pressure is 540 cal/g. The increase in internal energy of water
(a) 2099 J (b) 3000 J (c) 992 J (d) 2122 J

21. In the diagrams (i) to (iv) of variation of volume with changing pressure is shown. A gas is
taken along the path ABCD. The change in internal energy of the gas will be


(i) (ii) (iii) (iv)
(a) Positive in all cases (i) to (iv)
(b) Positive in cases (i), (ii) and (iii) but zero in (iv) case
(c) Negative in cases (i), (ii) and (iii) but zero in (iv) case
(d) Zero in all four cases

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22. A system is taken through a cyclic process represented by a circle as shown. The heat
absorbed by the system is
V(in cc)
3 60
(a)   10 J

(b) J 20
(c) 4  10 2 J (d)  J 0 50 100 150 200 P(in kPa)

23. A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as shown in figure. The work
done by the system is
(a) P0 V0 P C B
(b) 2P0 V0
2P0 O
(c) 0 0 P0
2 V
V0 2V0
(d) Zero
24. Entropy of a thermodynamic system does not change when this system is used for
(a) Conduction of heat from a hot reservoir to a cold reservoir
(b) Conversion of heat into work isobarically
(c) Conversion of heat into internal energy isochorically
(d) Conversion of work into heat isochorically
25. The second law of thermodynamics states that
(a) Heat is neither created nor destroyed
(b) Heat can be converted into other forms of energy
(c) Heat flows from a hot object to a cold one
(d) The mechanical equivalent of heat is the amount of energy that must be expended in
order to produce heat

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Assertion & Reason Questions

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.

1. Assertion : Air quickly leaking out of a balloon becomes coolers

Reason : The leaking air undergoes adiabatic expansion.
2. Assertion : Thermodynamic process in nature are irreversible.
Reason : Dissipative effects can not be eliminated.
3. Assertion : When a bottle of cold carbonated drink is opened, a slight fog forms around the
Reason : Adiabatic expansion of the gas causes lowering of temperature and
condensation of water vapours.
4. Assertion : The isothermal curves intersect each other at a certain point.
Reason : The isothermal change takes place slowly, so the isothermal curves have very
little slope.
5. Assertion : In adiabatic compression, the internal energy and temperature of the system
get decreased.
Reason : The adiabatic compression is a slow process
6. Assertion : In isothermal process whole of the heat energy supplied to the body is
converted into internal energy.
Reason : According to the first law of thermodynamics Q  U  pV .

7. Assertion : We cannot change the temperature of a body without giving (or taking) heat to
(or from) it.
Reason : According to principle of conservation of energy, total energy of a system
should remains conserved.
8. Assertion : The specific heat of a gas is an adiabatic process is zero and in an isothermal
process is infinite.
Reason : Specific heat of a gas in directly proportional to change of heat in system and
inversely proportional to change in temperature.
9. Assertion : Work and heat are two equivalent form of energy.
Reason : Work is the transfer of mechanical energy irrespective of temperature
difference, whereas heat is the transfer of thermal energy because of
temperature difference only.

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10. Assertion : The heat supplied to a system is always equal to the increase in its internal
Reason : When a system changes from one thermal equilibrium to another, some heat is
absorbed by it.
11. Assertion : A room can be cooled by opening the door of a refrigerator in a closed room.
Reason : Heat flows from lower temperature (refrigerator) to higher temperature (room).
12. Assertion : It is not possible for a system, unaided by an external agency to transfer heat
from a body at lower temperature to another body at higher temperature.
Reason : According to Clausius statement, “ No process is possible whose sole result is
the transfer of heat from a cooled object to a hotter object.
13. Assertion : If an electric fan be switched on in a closed room, the air of the room will be
Reason : Fan air decrease the temperature of the room.
14. Assertion : The internal energy of an isothermal process does not change.
Reason : The internal energy of a system depends only on pressure of the system.
15. Assertion : In an adiabatic process, change in internal energy of a gas is equal to work
done on or by the gas in the process.
Reason : Temperature of gas remains constant in a adiabatic process.
16. Assertion : An adiabatic process is an isoentropic process.
Reason : Change in entropy is zero in case of adiabatic process.
17. Assertion : First law of thermodynamics is a restatement of the principle of conservation
Reason : Energy is fundamental quantity.
18. Assertion : Zeroth law of thermodynamic explain the concept of energy.
Reason : Energy is dependent on temperature.
19. Assertion : Efficiency of a Carnot engine increase on reducing the temperature of sink.
Reason : The efficiency of a Carnot engine is defined as ratio of net mechanical work
done per cycle by the gas to the amount of heat energy absorbed per cycle
from the source.
20. Assertion : The entropy of the solids is the highest
Reason : Atoms of the solids are arranged in orderly manner.

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Previous Year’s Questions

1. One mole of an ideal diatomic gas undergoes a transition from A to B along a path AB as shown in
the figure, [AIPMT- 2015]

The change in internal energy of the gas the during the transition is:
(a) – 20 kJ (b) 20 J (c) –12 kJ (d) 20 kJ
2. A carnot engine, having an efficiency of   as heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the work
done on the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower temperature is:
[AIPMT- 2015]
(a) 99 J (b) 90 J (c) 1 J (d) 100 J
3. The ratio of the specific heats   in terms of degrees of freedom (n) is given by:[AIPMT- 2015]
 n  2  n  1
(a) 1   (b) 1   (c) 1   (d) 1  
 3  n  2  n
4. Figure below shows two paths that may be taken by a gas to go from a state A to a state C.

In process AB, 400 J of heat is added to the system and in process BC, 100 J of heat is added to the
system. The heat absorbed by the system in the process AC will be: [AIPMT- 2015]
(a) 500 J (b) 460 J (c) 300 J (d) 380 J
5. 4.0 g of a gas occupies 22.4 litres at NTP. The specific heat capacity of the gas at constant volume is
5.0JK–1mol–1. If the speed of sound in this gas at NTP is 952 ms–1, then the heat capacity at constant
pressure is [RE AIPMT- 2015]
(Take gas constant R = 8.3 JK–1mol–1)
(a) 8.5 JK–1 mol–1 (b) 8.0 JK–1 mol–1 (c) 7.5 JK–1 mol–1 (d) 7.0 JK–1 mol–1
6. The coefficient performance of a refrigerator is 5. If the temperature inside freezer is 20°C, the
temperature of the surroundings to which it rejects heat is: [RE AIPMT- 2015]
(a) 21°C (b) 31°C (c) 41°C (d) 11°C
7. A ideal gas is compressed to half its initial volume by means of several processes. Which of the
process results in the maximum work done on the gas? [RE AIPMT- 2015]
(a) Isothermal (b) Adiabatic (c) Isobaric (d) Isochoric

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1. A thermodynamic system undergoes cyclic process ABCDA as
shown in Fig. The work done by the system in the cycle is :
[AIPMT – 2014]
P0 V0
(a) (b) Zero
(c) P0V0 (d) 2P0V

2. An ideal gas goes from state A to state R via three different processes as
indicated in the p-V diagram. If Q1, Q2, Q3 indicate the heat absorbed by the gas
along the three processes and U1, U2, U3 indicate the change in internal
energy along the three processes respectively, then

(a) Q1 > Q2 > Q3 and Ul = U2 = U3 (b) Q3 > Q2 > Q1 and U1 = U2 = U3
(c) Q1 = Q2 = Q3 and Ul > U2 > U3 (d) Q3 > Q2 > Q1 and Ul = U2 = U3
3. A thermodynamic system is taken through the cycle ABCD as shown in figure.
Heat rejected by the gas during the cycle is
(a) 2pV (b) 4pV
(c) pV (d) pV
4. One mole of an ideal gas goes from an initial state A to final state B via two processes. It first
undergoes isothermal expansion from volume V to 3V and then its volume is reduced from 3V to V at
constant pressure. The correct p-V diagram representing the two processes is [CBSE AIPMT-2012]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

5. 310 J of heat is required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal gas at constant pressure from
25°C to 35°C. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the gas through the same range
at constant volume is [AFMC-2012]
(a) 384 J (b) 144 J (c) 276 J (d) 452 J

6. Refer to the Carnot cycle of an ideal gas shown in the figure. Let Wab,
Wbc Wcd, Wda represent the work done by the system during the
processes a  b, b  c, c  d and d  a respectively. Consider the
following relations
1. Wab + Wbc + Wcd + Wda > 0 [AMU-2012]
2. Wab + Wbc + Wca + Wda < 0

3. Wab + Wcd > 0

4. Wbc + Wda = 0
Which of the above relations is/are true?
(a) 1 and 3 only (b) 3 and 4 only (c) 1,3 and 4 only (d) 2, 3 and 4 only

7. When 1 kg of ice at 0°C melts to water at 0°C, the resulting change in its entropy, taking latent heat of
ice to be 80 cal/°C, is [CBSE AIPMT 2011]
(a) 8  l0 cal/K (b) 80 cal/K (c) 293 cal/K (d) 273 cal/K

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8. A solid material is supplied with heat at constant rate and the temperature of the material changes as
shown. From the graph, the false conclusion drawn is [Kerala CEE 2011]
(a) AB and CD of the graph represent phase changes
(b) AB represents the change of state from solid to liquid
(c) latent heat of fusion is twice the latent heat of vaporization
(d) CD represents change of state from liquid to vapour
(e) latent heat of vaporization is twice the latent heat of fusion

A  72 B  72
9. Two temperature scales A and B are related by  . At which temperature two scales
110 220
have the same reading? [WB JEE 2011]
(a) 42° (b) 72° (c) +12° (d) 40°
10. The state of a thermodynamic system is represented by [VMMC 2010]
(a) pressure only (b) volume only
(c) pressure, volume and temperature (d) numbers of moles
11. A cylinder of fixed capacity (of 44.8 L) contains 2 moles of helium gas at STP. What is the
amount of heat needed to raise the temperature of the gas in the cylinder by 20°C?
(Use R =8.31 Jmol K1)
(a) 996 J (b) 831 J (c) 498 J (d) 374 J [AMU 2010]
12. Ten moles of an ideal gas at constant temperature 600 K is compressed from 100 L to 10 L. The work
done in the process is [AFMC 2010]
(a) 4.11  104 J (b)  4.11  104 J (c) 11.4  104 J (d)  11.4  104 J
13. For a certain mass of gas, the isothermal curves between p and V at T1 and T2
temperatures are 1 and 2 as shown in figure. Then
(a) T1  T2 (b) T1  T2
(c) T1  T2 (d)Nothing can be predicted

14. A perfect gas goes from state A to state B by absorbing 8  l05 J of heat and doing 6.5  105 J of
external work. It is now transferred between the same two states in mother process in which it absorbs
105 J of heat. In the second process [AIIMS 2010]
(a) work done on gas is 105 J (b) work done on gas is 0.5  105 J
(c) work done by gas is 105 J (d) work done by gas is 0.5  105 J
15. Work done per mol in an isothermal change is [UP CPMT 2010]
(a) RT log10 2 (b) RT log10 1 (c) RTloge 2 (d) RTloge 1
V1 V2 V1 V2
16. No heat flows between the system and surrounding. Then the thermodynamic process is
[Kerala CEE 2010]
(a) isothermal (b) isochoric (c) adiabatic (d) isobaric
17. A constant volume gas thermometer works on [Manipal 2010]
(a) Archimedes’ principle (b) Pascal’s law (c) Boyle’s law (d) Charles’ law
18. If Q, E and W denote respectively the heat added, change in internal energy and the work done in a
closed cycle process, then [CBSE AIPMT 2008]
(a) W = 0 (b) Q = W = 0 (c) E = 0 (d) Q = 0
19. Two rigid boxes containing different ideal gases are placed on table. Box A contains one mole of
nitrogen at temperature T0, while box B contains one mole of helium at temperature (7/3)T0. The
boxes are then put into thermal contact with each other, and heat flows between them until the gases
reach a common final temperature (ignore the heat capacity of boxes). Then, the final temperature of
the gases, Tf, in terms of T0 is [AIIMS 2008]
3 7 3 5
(a) Tf  T0 (b) Tf  T0 (c) Tf  T0 (d) Tf  T0
7 3 2 2

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20. An ideal gas is taken through a cyclic thermodynamical process through four
steps. The amounts of heat involved in these steps are Q1 = 5960 J; Q2 = 5585 J,
Q3 = 2980 J; Q4 = 3645 J; respectively. The corresponding works involved are
W1 = 2200 J, W2 = 825 J, W3 = 1100 J and respectively. The value of W4 is

(a) 1315 J (b) 275 J (c) 765 J (d) 675 J

21. An ideal gas is taken around the cycle ABC A as shown in the p-V diagram.
The total work done by the gas during the cycle is [Kerala CEE 2008]
(a) pV (b) 2 pV (c) 4 pV (d) 3 pV
(e) 6 pV
22. Which of the following parameters does not characterise the thermodynamic state of matter?
(a) Temperature (b) Pressure (c) Work (d) Volume [RPMT 2008]
23. A gas is heated at constant pressure. The fraction of heat supplied used for external work is
[AMU 2007]
1  1  1
(a) (b)  1   (c)   1 (d)  1  2 
     

24. A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 50 Nm2 from a volume of 10 m3 to a volume of 4 m3.
Energy of 100 J is thus added to the gas by heating. Its internal energy is
[Punjab PMET 2007]
(a) decreased by 200 J (b) increased by 100 J
(c) increased by 300 J (d) increased by 400 J
25. Consider the following two statements and choose the correct answer. [EAMCET 2007]
(A) If heat is added to a system its temperature must always increase.
(B) If positive work is done by a system in thermodynamic process, its volume must increase.
(a) Both (A) and (B) are correct (b) (A) is correct, but (B) is wrong
(c) (B) is correct, but (A) is wrong (d) Both (A) and (B) are wrong
26. 1 cm3 of water at its boiling point absorbs 540 cal of heat to become steam with a volume of 1671
cm3. If the atmospheric pressure = 1.013  105 Nm2 and the mechanical equivalent of heat = 4.19 J
cal the energy spent in this process in overcoming intermolecular forces is [Manipal 2007]
(a) 540 cal (b) 40 cal (c) 500 cal (d) zero
27. Which of the following statements is correct for any thermodynamic system? [MP PMT 2007]
(a) The internal energy changes in all processes
(b) Internal energy and entropy are state functions
(c) The change in entropy can never be zero
(d) The work done in an adiabatic process is always zero
28. During the melting of a slab of ice at 273 K at atmospheric pressure [RPMT 2007]
(a) positive work is done by the ice-water system oq the atmosphere
(b) positive work is done on the ice-water system by the atmosphere
(c) internal energy of ice-water system decreases
(d) None of the above
29. An ideal gas is taken through the cycle A  B  C  A, as shown in
figure. If the net heat supplied to the gas in the cycle is 5 J, the work
done by the gas in the process C  A is [RPMT 2007]
(a) 5 J (b) 10J
(c) 15 J (d) 20 J

30. Which of the following is not a state function? [Haryana PMT 2007]
(a) Work done at constant pressure (b) Enthalpy
(c) Work done by conservative force (d) Work done by non-conservative force

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31. If 150 J of heat is added to a system and the work done by the system is 110 J, then change in internal
energy will be [BCECE 2007]
(a) 40 J (b) 110J (c) 150 J (d) 260 J
32. An ideal gas after going through a series of four thermodynamic states in order, reaches the initial
state again (cyclic process). The amounts of heat (Q) and work (W) involved in these states are
Q1 = 6000 J, Q2 = 5500 J
Q3 = 3000 J, Q4 = 3500 J
W1 = 2500 J, W2 = 1000J
W3 =  1200 J, W4 = x J
The ratio of net work done by the gas to the total heat absorbed by the gas is  . The value of x and 
are nearly [EAMCET 2007]
(a) 500, 7.5 (b) 700, 10.5 (c) 1000, 21 (d) 1500, 15
33. If temperature is increased by 1 K at constant volume, then work done on the gas is
[JCECE 2007]
5 3 1
(a) R (b) R (c) zero (d) R
2 2 2
34. Which of the following statements is true? [J&K CET 2007]
(a) Internal energy of a gas depends only on the state of the gas
(b) In an isothermal process change in internal energy is maximum
(c) Area under pressure, volume graph equals heat supplied in any process
(d) Work done is state dependent but not path dependent
35. First law of thermodynamics is a consequence of the conservation of [Punjab PMET 2005]
(a) energy (b) charge (c) heat (d) All of these
36. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCDA as shown in the
p-V diagram. The work done during the cycle is given by
(a) pV (b) pV
(c) 2 pV (d) 4 pV

37. An ideal gas is taken through a cycle ABCA as shown in the p-V
diagram. The work done during the cycle is
(a) pV (b) 2 pV
(c) 4 pV (d) pV
(e) zero
38. In a thermodynamics process pressure of a fixed mass of a gas is changed in such a manner that the
gas molecule give out 30 J of heat and 10 J of work is done on the gas. If the initial internal energy of
the gas was 40 J, then the final internal energy will be [RPMT 2005]
(a) 20J (b) 20 J (c) 80 J (d) 3 J

39. Which is not a path function? [BCECE 2005]

(a) Q (b) Q + W (c) W (d) Q  W
40. The p-V diagram of a system undergoing thermodynamic transformation is
shown in figure. Thework done by the system in going from A  B  C is
30 J, and 40 J heat is given to the system. The change in internal energy
between A and C is [BCECE 2005]

(a) 10 J (b) 70 J (c) 84 J (d) 134 J

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41. Assertion Thermodynamic process in nature are irreversible. [AIIMS 2004]
Reason Dissipative effects cannot be eliminated.
42. Air is expanded from 50 L to 150 L at 2 atm pressure. The external work done is
(1 atm = 1  105 Nm2) [AMU 2004]
(a) 2  108 J (c) 200 J (b) 2  104 J (d) 2000 J
43. The amount of work, which can be obtained by supplying 200 cal of heat, is [BHU 2004]
(a) 840 J (b) 840 erg (c) 840 W (d) 840 dyne
44. The state of a thermodynamic system is represented by [MHT CET 2004]
(a) pressure only (b) volume only
(c) pressure, volume and temperature (d) number of moles
45. When temperature of a gas is increased then which of the following statements is always true?
(a) Work is done on the gas (b) Heat is supplied to gas [RPMT 2004]
(c) Energy of gas is increased (d) Pressure of gas remains unchanged
46. Which of the following is unique function of initial and final states? [J&K CET 2004]
(a) dQ (b) dW (c) dU (d) Q and W
47. The intensive property among the following is [AFMC 2003]
(a) energy (b) volume (c) entropy (d) temperature
48. An ideal monoatomic gas is taken around the cycle ABCDA as
shown in figure. The work done during the cycle is given by
(a) 8 pV (b) pV
(c) 4 pV (d) 2 pV

49. If the heat of 110 J is added to a gaseous system, whose internal energy is 40 J, then the amount of
external work done is [Punjab PMT 2003]
(a) 180 J (b) 70 J (c) 110 J (d) 30 J
50. A sample of ideal monoatomic gas is taken round the cycle ABCA as
shown in the figure. The work done during the cycle is
(a) 3 pV (b) zero
(c) 9 pV (d) 6 pV


1. If for hydrogen Cp-Cv = m and for nitrogen Cp -Cv = n where, Cp and Cv refer to specific heat per unit
mass respectively at constant pressure and constant volume, the relation between m and n is
(molecular weight of hydrogen = 2, and molecular weight of nitrogen = 28)
[UP CPMT-2012]
(a) n = 14 m (b) n=7m (c) m = 7 n (d) m = 14 n

2. An ideal gas heat engine operates in a Carnot's cycle between 227°C and 127°C. It absorbs 6 × 104 J
at high temperature. The amount of heat converted into work is [Manipal-2012]
(a) 1.6 × 104 J (b) 1.2 × 104 J (c) 4.8 × 104 J (d) 3.5 × 104 J

3. A thermodynamic process in which the system is insulated from the surroundings and no heat flows
between the system and the surroundings is an [J&K CET 2011]
(a) isothermal process (b) adiabatic process (c) isochoric process (d) isobaric process

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4. During an adiabatic expansion, the increase in volume is associated with which of the following
possibilities w.r.t. pressure and temperature? [AMU 2010]
Pressure Temp.
(a) increase increase
(b) decrease decrease
(c) increase decrease
(d) decrease increase
5. A monoatomic gas is suddenly compressed to (1/8)th of its initial volume adiabatically. The ratio of
its final pressure to the initial pressure is the given the ratio of specific heats of the given gas to be
(a) 32 (b) 40/3 (c) 24/5 (d) 8 [AFMC 2008]
6. Assertion The isothermal curves intersect each other a certain point. [AIIMS 2008]
Reason The isothermal changes takes place rapidly, the isothermal curves have very little slope.
7. The work of 146 kJ is performed in order to compress one kilomole of a gas adiabatically and in this
process the temperature of the gas increases by 7°C. The gas is (R = 8.3 J mol1K1)
[UPCPMT 2008]
(a) diatomic (b) triatomic
(c) a mixture of monoatomic and diatomic (d) monoatomic
2 Cp 3
8. In an adiabatic process where pressure is increased by % . If  , then the volume decreases by
3 CV 2
about [BHU 2008]
4 2 9
(a) % (b) % (c) 4% (d) %
9 3 4
9. For an adiabatic process, the relation between V and T is given by [Punjab PMET 2008]
(a) TV = constant (b) TV = constant (c) TV1 = constant (d) TV1 = constant
10. The temperature of the system decreases in the process of [Punjab PMET 2008]
(a) free expansion (b) adiabatic expansion
(c) isothermal expansion (d) isothermal compression
11. In which of the processes, does the internal energy of the system remain constant?[KCET 2008]
(a) Adiabatic (b) Isochoric (c) Isobaric (d) Isothermal
12. Isobaric modulus of elasticity is equal to [KCET 2008]
(a) isochoric modulus of elasticity (b) isothermal modulus of elasticity
(c) zero (d) infinite
13. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of its
absolute temperature. The ratio for the gas is [BCECE 2008]
(a) 4/3 (b) 2 (c) 5/3 (d) 3/2

14. The internal energy of an ideal gas increases during an isothermal process when the gas is
[AFMC 2007]
(a) expanded by adding more molecules to it (b) expanded by adding more heat to it
(c) expanded against zero pressure (d) compressed by doing work on it
15. A sample of gas expands from volume V1 to V2. The amount of work done by the gas is greatest when
the expansion is [AFMC 2007]
(a) adiabatic (b) isobaric
(c) isothermal (d) equal in all above cases
16. We consider a thermodynamic system. If U represents the increase in its internal energy and W the
work done by the system, which of the following statements is true? [MHT CET 2007]
(a) U =  W is an adiabatic process (b) U = W in an isothermal process
(c) U =  W in an isothermal process (d) U = W in an adiabatic process

224 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
17. In an adiabatic change, the pressure and temperature of a monoatomic gas are related with relation
p  T C , where, C is equal to [MHT CET 2007]
(a) 5/4 (b) 5/3 (c) 5/2 (d) 3/5
18. At 27°C a gas suddenly compressed such that its pressure becomes 1/8th of original pressure. The
temperature of the gas will be ( = 5/3) [BCECE 2007]
(a) 142°C (b) 300 K (c) 327°C (d) 420 K
19. A thermos flask made of stainless steel contains several tiny lead shots. If the flask is quickly shaken
up and down several times, the temperature of lead shots [Kerala CEE 2006]
(a) increases by adiabatic process (b) increases by isothermal process
(c) decreases by adiabatic process (d) remains same
(e) first decreases and then increases
20. In an adiabatic process [MP PMT 2006]
(a) pV = constant (b) TVl = constant (c) pV = constant (d) All of these
21. If there is a straight line parallel to volume axis in a p-V diagram, then it is a ........ graph.
[RPMT 2006]
(a) isochoric (b) isobaric (c) isothermal (d) None of these
22. The change in the entropy of a 1 mole of an ideal gas which went through an isothermal process from
an initial state (p1,V1,T) to the final state (p2,V2,T) is equal to [BCECE 2006]
V1 V
(a) zero (b) RlnT (c) Rln (d) Rln 2
V2 V1
23. If the volume of gas is changed from V1 to V2 isothermally, then work done is [JCECE 2006]
V1 V2 V2 T
(a) RTln (b) RTln (c) R  T2  T1  ln (d) R  V2  V1  ln 2
V2 V1 V1 T1
24. If energy is supplied to a gas isochorically, increase in internal energy is dU, then
[JCECE 2006]
(a) dQ = dU + dW (b) dQ = dU  dW (c) dQ = dU (d) dQ =  dU

25. Assertion Air quickly leaking out of a balloon becomes cooler. [AIIMS 2005]
Reason The leaking air undergoes adiabatic expansion.
26. A perfect gas is found to obey the relation pV3/2 = constant during an adiabatic process, if such a gas
initially at a temperature T, is compressed to half of its initial volume, then its final temperature will
(a) 2T (b) 4T (c) (2)1/2 T (d) 2(2)1/2T [BHU 2005]
27. At 27°C, a motor car tyre has pressure of 2 atm. The temperature at which the tyre suddenly burst will
be (Given, ajr = 1.4) [DUMET 2005]
(a) 246.1 K (b) 250 K (c) 290 K (d) 248 K
28. One mole of an ideal gas at an initial temperature of T K does 6R joule of work adiabatically. If the
ratio of specific heats of this gas at constant pressure and at constant volume is 5/3, the final
temperature of gas will be [EAMCET 2005]
(a) (T + 2.4)K (b) (T  2.4) K (c) (T + 4) K (d) (T  4) K
29. If a cylinder containing a gas at high pressure explodes, the gas undergoes [BCECE 2005]
(a) reversible adiabatic change and fall of temperature
(b) reversible adiabatic change and rise of temperature
(c) irreversible adiabatic change and fall of temperature
(d) irreversible adiabatic change and rise of temperature
30. A gas is compressed at a constant pressure of 50 Nm2 from a volume of 10 m3 to a volume of 4m3.
Energy of 100 J. then added to gas by heating. Its internal energy is [AFMC 2004]
(a) increased by 400 J (b) increased by 200 J (c) increased by 100 J (d) decreased by 200 J

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
31. A process in which temperature T of the system remains constant though other variable p and V may
change, is called [Punjab PMET 2004]
(a) isochoric process (b) isothermal process
(c) isobaric process (d) None of these

32. Which of the following graphs between pressure and volume correctly shows isochoric change?
[DUMET 2004]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

33. Blowing air with open mouth is an example of [KCET 2004]

(a) isobaric process (b) isochoric process (c) isothermal process (d) adiabatic process
34. Which of the accompanying p-V diagrams best represents an isothermal process? [Kerala CEE 2004]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

35. Three samples of the same gas, X, Y and Z, for which the ratio of specific heat  = 3/2, have initially
the same volume. The volumes of each sample is doubled, by adiabatic process in the case of X, by
isobaric process in the case of Y and by isothermal process in the case of Z. If the initial pressures of
the samples X, Y and Z are in the ratio 22 : 1 : 2, then the ratio of their final pressing is
(a) 2 : 1 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 : 1 (c) 1 : 2 : 1 (d) 1 : 1 : 2 [EAM 2004]
36. If the ratio of specific heats of a gas at constant pressure to that at constant volume is , the change in
internal energy of a gas, when the volume changes from V to 2V at constant pressure p, is
R pV pV
(a) pV (b) (c) (d) [Manipal 04]
 1  1  1
37. A gas expands adiabatically at constant pressure, such that its temperature T  . The value of
of the gas is [MHT CET 2004]
(a) 1.30 (b) 1.50 (c) 1.67 (d) 2.00
38. Work done by 0.1 mole of a gas at 27°C to double its volume at constant pressure is
(R = 2 cal mol1 °C1) [RPMT 2004]
(a) 54 cal (b) 600 cal (c) 60 cal (d) 546 cal


1. A Carnot's engine operates with source at 127°C and sink at 27°C. If the source supplies 40 kJ of heat
energy, the work done by the engine is [AFMC-2012]
(a) 30 kJ (b) 10 kJ (c) 4 kJ (d) 1 kJ

2. The temperature of the sink of a Carnot engine is 27°C and its efficiency is 25%. The temperature of
the source is [J&K CET 2011]
(a) 227°C (b) 27°C (c) 327°C (d) 127°C
3. A Carnot engine has efficiency 25%. It operates between reservoirs of constant temperatures with
temperature difference of 80°C. What is the temperature of the low-temperature reservoir?
(a) 25°C (b) 25°C (c) 33°C (d) 33°C [DUMET 2011]

226 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
4. Choose the incorrect statement from the following [AMU 2010]
S1 : The efficiency of a heat engine can be 1, but the coefficient of performance of a refrigerator can
never be infinity.
S2 : The first law of thermodynamics is basically the principle of conservation of energy.
S3 : The second law of thermodynamics does not allow several phenomena consistent with the first
S4 : A process, whose sole result is the transfer of heat from a colder object to a hotter object is
(a) S 1 (b) S 3 (c) S 2 (d) S 4
5. Which of the following statements is correct for any thermodynamic system? [AFMC 2010]
(a) The internal energy changes in all processes
(b) Internal energy and entropy are state functions
(c) The change in entropy can never be zero
(d) The work done in an adiabatic process is always zero
6. At ordinary temperature, the molecules of an ideal gas have only translational and rotational kinetic
energies. At high temperatures they may also have vibrational energy. As a result of this at higher
temperatures (Cv = molar heat capacity at constant volume) [UP CPMT 2009]
3 3
(a) C V  R for a monoatomic gas (b) C V  R for a monoatomic gas
2 2
5 5
(c) C V  R for a diatomic gas (d) C V  R for a diatomic gas
2 2
7. The freezer in a refrigerator is located at the top section so that [AFMC 2008]
(a) The entire chamber of the refrigerator is cooled quickly due to convection
(b) The motor is not heated
(c) The heat gained from the environment is high
(d) The heat gained from the environment is low

8. A Carnot engine takes heat from a reservoir at 627°C and rejects heat to a sink at 27°C. Its efficiency
will be [AFMC 2008]
(a) 3/5 (b) 1/3 (c) 2/3 (d) 200/209

9. The temperature-entropy diagram of a reversible engine cycle is given in the figure. Its efficiency is
[AIIMS 2008]

(a) 1/2 (b) 1/4 (c) 1/3 (d) 2/3

10. “Heat cannot by itself flow from a body at lower temperature to a body at higher temperature” is a
statement or consequence of [RPMT 2008]
(a) second law of thermodynamics (b) conservation of momentum
(c) conservation of mass (d) first law of thermodynamics

11. A Carnot engine whose sink is at 300K. has an efficiency of 40%. By how much should the
temperature of source be increased so as to increase its efficiency by 50% of original efficiency?
[Haryana PMT 2008]
(a) 275 K (b) 325 K (c) 250 K (d) 380 K

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
12. A Carnot’s engine has an efficiency of 50% at sink temperature 50°C. Calculate the temperature of
source. [BCECE 2008]
(a) 133°C (b) 143°C (c) 100°C (d) 373°C

13. An engine has an efficiency of 1/6. When the temperature of sink is reduced by 62°C, its efficiency is
doubled. Temperature of the source is [CBSE AIPMT 2007]
(a) 124°C (b) 37°C (c) 62°C (d) 99°C

14. An ideal gas heat engine operates in a Carnot cycle between 227°C and 127°C. It absorbs 6 kcal at the
higher temperature. The amount of heat (in kcal) converted into work is equal to
[BHU 2007]
(a) 1.6 (b) 1.2 (c) 4.8 (d) 3.5

15. A Carnot’s engine operates with source at 127°C and sink at 27°C. If the source supplies 40 kJ of heat
energy, the work done by the engine is [KCET 2007]
(a) 30 kJ (b) 10 kJ (c) 4kJ (d) 1 kJ

16. A Carnot reversible engine converts 1/6 of heat input into work. When the temperature of the sink is
reduced by 62 K, the efficiency of Carnot's cycle becomes 1/3. The temperature of the source and sink
will be [BCECE 2007]
(a) 372 K, 310 K (b) 181 K, 150 K (c) 472 K, 410 K (d) None of these

17. Assertion In an isolated system the entropy increases.

Reason The processes in an isolated system are adiabatic. [AIIMS 2006]

18. Assertion The Carnot cycle is useful in understanding the performance of heat engines.
[AIIMS 2006]
Reason The Carnot cycle provides a way of determining the maximum possible efficiency achievable
with reservoirs of given temperatures.

19. An electric fan is switched on in a closed room. The air in the room is [UP CPMT 2006]
(a) cooled
(b) heated
(c) maintains its temperature
(d) heated or coolcd depending on the atmospheric pressure

20. The inside and outside temperatures of a refrigerator are 273 K and 303K respectively. Assuming
refrigerator cycle is reversible, for every joule of work done the heat delivered to the surrounding will
be [AMU 2006]
(a) 10 J (b) 20J (c) 30J (d) 50J

21. A Carnot engine has efficiency 1 /5. Efficiency becomes 1/3 when temperature of sink is decreased by
50 K. What is the temperature of sink? [BHU 2006]
(a) 325 K (b) 375 K (c) 300 K (d) 350 K

22. Consider the statement (A) and (B) and identify the correct answers.
A. First law of thermodynamics specifics ta conditions under which a body can use its the energy to
produce the work. [BHU 2006]
B. Second law of thermodynamics states that heat always flows from hot body to cold body the

23. Efficiency of engine working at 40°C, 20°C is [MP PMT 2006]

(a) 0.064% (b) 0.64% (c) 64% (d) 6.4%

24. Carnot engine cannot give 100% efficiency, because we cannot [AMU 2005]
(a) eleminate friction (b) find ideal sources
(c) prevent radiation (d) reach absolute zero temperature

228 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
25. In heat engine sink is fitted at temperature 27°C and heat of 100 kcal is taken from source at
temperature 677°C. Work done in (joule) is [BHU 2005]
6 6 6 6
(a) 0.28  10 (b) 2.8  l0 (c) 28  10 (d) 0.028  10

Questions Asked in 2017

1. A carnot engine having an efficiency of as heat engine, is used as a refrigerator. If the
work done on the system is 10 J, the amount of energy absorbed from the reservoir at lower
temperature is: [NEET 2017]
(1) 1J (2) 90J (3) 99J (4) 100J
2. Thermodynamic processes are indicated in the following diagram. [NEET 2017]

Match the following:

Column I Column II
P. Process I a. Adiabatic
Q. Process II b. Isobaric
R. Process III c. Isochoric
S. Process IV d. Isothermal

(1) P  a, Q  c, R  d,S  b (2) P  c, Q  a, R  d,S  b

(3) P  c, Q  d, R  b,S  a (4) P  d, Q  b, R  a,S  c
3. The efficiency of an ideal heat engine working between the freezing point and boiling point
of water, is [NEET 2018]
(1) 6.25% (2) 12.5% (3) 20% (4) 26.8%

4. The volume (V) of a monatomic gas varies with its temperature (T), as shown in the graph.
The ratio of work done by the gas, to the heat absorbed by it, when it undergoes a change
from state A to state B, is [NEET 2018]

1 2 2 2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
3 7 3 5

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Thermodynamics Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Level - 01
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) (d) (d) (a) (c) (b) (a) (d) (a) (c)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(a) (d) (d) (b) (d) (c) (d) (c) (c) (d)

Level - 02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(c) (b,c) (c) (b) (a) (b) (b) (c) (a) (a,b,c,d)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(b) (b) (d) (c) (c) (d) (d) (d) (b) (A)
21 22 23 24 25
(d) (d) (d) (d) (c)
Assertion & Reason Questions
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
(a) (a) (a) e (d) e (d) (a) (a) (d)
11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20
(d) (a) (d) (c) (c) (a) (c) e (b) (a)
Previous Year’s Questions
1. (a) 2. (b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (b) 6 (b) 7. (b)

First Law of Thermodynamics

1. (b) 2.(a) 3.(a) 4.(d) 5.(b) 6.(c) 7. (c) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (b) 13. (b) 14. (d) 15. (c) 16. (c) 17. (d) 18. (c) 19. (c) 20. (c)
21. (d) 22. (c) 23. (b) 24. (d) 25. (c) 26. (c) 27. (b) 28. (b) 29. (a) 30. (d)
31. (a) 32. (b) 33. (c) 34. (a) 35. (a) 36. (b) 37. (d) 38. (b) 39. (d) 40. (a)
41. (a) 42. (b) 43. (a) 44. (c) 45. (c) 46. (c) 47. (d) 48. (c) 49. (b) 50. (a)

Thermodynamic Processes
1. (d) 2.(b) 3. (b) 4. (b) 5. (a) 6. (d) 7. (a) 8. (a) 9. (d) 10. (b)
11. (d) 12. (c) 13. (d) 14. (a) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (c) 18. (a) 19. (a) 20. (b)
21. (b) 22. (d) 23. (b) 24. (c) 25. (a) 26. (c) 27. (a) 28. (a) 29. (c) 30. (a)
31. (b) 32. (c) 33. (a) 34. (b) 35. (b) 36. (c) 37. (b) 38. (c)

Second Law of Thermodynamics and Entropy

1. (b) 2. (d) 3. (c) 4. (a) 5. (d) 6. (a) 7. (a) 8. (c) 9. (c) 10. (a)
11. (c) 12. (d) 13. (d) 14. (b) 15. (b) 16. (a) 17. (b) 18. (a) 19. (b) 20. (a)
21. (c) 22. (a) 23. (d) 24. (d) 25. (a)

Questions Asked in 2017, 2018

1. (2) 2. (2) 3. (4) 4. (4)

230 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai

Topic Name ............................... Page No.

Theory ..................................... 231-260

Level - I ..................................... 261-263

Level - II ..................................... 263-265

Assertion and Reason ..................................... 266-267

Previous Years Questions ..................................... 268-277

Answers Key ..................................... 278-278


Assumption of kinetic theory of gases
Pressure of an ideal gas
Ideal gas equation
Vander waal's gas equation
Andrews curves
Various speeds of gas molecules
Kinetic energy of ideal gas
Gas laws
Degree of freedom
Law of equipartition of energy
Mean free path
Specific heat or specific heat capacity
Specific heat of gases
Mayer's formula
Specific heat in terms of degree of freedom
Gaseous mixture
Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Gases are made-up of tiny particles, consisting of molecules, atoms or even ions (sometimes) which
retain the chemical properties of the sample of which they are composed. Kinetic theory of gases
relates the macroscopic properties of gases (such as pressure, temperature etc.) to the microscopic
properties of the gas molecules (such as momentum, kinetic energy of molecule etc.). However,
matter can be classified into three categories depending upon its physical state namely solid, liquid
and gaseous states. Solids have a definite volume and shape; liquids also have a definite volume
but no definite shape; gases have neither a definite volume nor a definite shape.


Sl. No. Solids Liquids Gases
1. Particles are very closely Particles are loosely packed Particles are very loosely
packed packed
2. Voids are extremely small Voids are relatively larger Voids are very large
3. Inter particle forces are large Inter particle forces are Intermediate forces are
intermediate negligible
4. Particle motion is restricted Particle motion is very slow Particle motion is very
to vibratory motion. rapid and also random.
Assumption of Ideal Gases
A gas which strictly obeys the gas laws (Boyle Law, Charles Law and Gay-lussac Law) is called as
perfect or an ideal gas. Assumptions of ideal gases are as follows :
(I) A gas consists of very large number of molecules. These molecules are identical and
hard spheres. They are so small that the volume of molecules is negligible as compared
with the volume of the gas.
(II) Molecules do not have any preferred direction of motion, motion is completely random.
(III) These molecules travel in straight lines and in free motion most of the time. The time of
the collision between any two molecules is very small.
(IV) The collision between molecules and the wall of the container is perfectly elastic. It
means kinetic energy is conserved in each collision.
(V) In steady state, the density and the distribution of molecules with different velocities are
independent of position, direction and time. This assumption is justified if the number of
molecules is very large. The motion of molecules is governed by Newton's law of motion
(VI) The path travelled by a molecule between two collisions is called free path and the mean
of this distance travelled by a molecule is called mean free path.
(VII) The effect of gravity on the motion of molecules is negligible i.e., pressure exerted by
the gas is mainly due to multiple collisions.

Note : All real gases are not perfect gases. However at extremely low pressure and high
temperature the gases like hydrogen, nitrogen, helium etc. are nearly perfect gases.

The state of a sample of gas is defined by 4 variables i.e. P, V, n & T. Gas laws are the simple
relationships between any two of these variables when the other two are kept constant.

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Boyle’s Law
The changes in the volume of a gas by varying pressure at a constant temperature of a fixed
amount of gas was quantified by Robert Boyle in 1662. It states that:
The volume of a given mass of a gas is inversely proportional to its pressure at a constant
P (n, T constant)
V (n, T constant)
i.e. P = (where K is the constant proportionality)
or PV = K (constant)
Let V1 be the volume of a given mass of the gas having pressure P1 at temperature T. Now,
if the pressure is changed to P2 at the same temperature, let the volume changes to V2. The
quantitative relationship between the four variables P1, V1, P2 and V2 is:
P1V1 = P2V2 (temperature and mass constant)

Graphical Representation of Boyle’s Law

T2 >T1
PV (atm litre)
V (litre)


P (atm) P (atm)
(a) Plot of V against P (b) Plot of PV against P

 Fig. (a) show the plot of V vs P at a particular temperature. It shows that P increases
V decreases.
 Plot (b) shows the plot of PV vs P at particular temperature. It indicates that PV value
remains constant inspite of regular increase in P.

Charle’s Law
The French Scientist, Jacques Charles in 1787 found that, for a fixed amount of a gas at constant
pressure, the gas expands linearly with respect to temperature (in °C) increases.
= V0 (1 + t) or V – V0 = V0  t
If V0 is the volume at 0°C, it is found that  = 1/273. The volume at temperature T is then;
 t   273  t  V0
Vt = V0  1   = V0   VT = T
 273   273  273
Where T = 273 + t is the temperature on the Kelvin scale.
Let V1 be the volume of a certain mass of a gas at temperature T1 and at pressure P. If temperature
is changed to T2 keeping pressure constant, the volume changes to V2. The relationship between for
variables V1, T1, V2 and T2 is:
V1 V2
 (Pressure and Mass Constant)
T1 T2

232 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Graphical Representation of Charle’s Law

Volume (cc)
ti o
pola V0

-273 -200 -100 0 100 200 300°C

73 173 273 373 473 (K)

Gay Lussac’s Law (temperature pressure law)

It state that pressure of the given of mass a gas is directly proportional to the Kelvin
temperature at constant volume
P  T (n.v. are constant)
K  1  2
T T1 T2
The Boyle’s and Charles’ law can be combined to give a relationship between the three
variables P, V and T. Let a certain amount of a gas in a vessel have a volume V1, pressure
P1 and temperature T1. On changing the temperature and pressure to T2 and P2 respectively,
the gas occupies a volume V2.
Then we can write
P1V1 P2 V2
 r
T1 T2
Where r = specific gas constant.
The above relation is called the combined gas law.

Avogadro’s Law
The Avogadro’s law states that at a given temperature and pressure, the volume of a gas is
directly proportional to the amount of gas i.e.
V  n (P and T constant)
or V = constant  n
Where n is the amount of the substance
It was said that 1 mol of any gas at 0°C and under 1 atm pressure occupies 22.4  10–3
m3 or 22.4 litre.
Avogadro further generalised the statement that a mole of any substance contains 6.022 
1023 particles (molecules, atoms or any other entities).


A gas that would obey Boyle’s, Charle’s law, Gay Lussac’s Law and Avogadro’s Law under
the conditions of temperature and pressure is called an ideal gas.
Here, we combine four measurable variables P, V, T and n to give a single equation.
V  n [P, T constant] Avogadro’s law
V  T [n, P constant] Charle’s law

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
V [n, T constant] Boyle’s law
The combined gas law can be written as V  or PV  nT
PV = nRT
this is called ideal gas equation
where R is the constant of proportionality or universal gas constant
The value of R was found out to be
R = 8.314 J mol–1 K–1
R = 0.0821 litre atm K–1 mol–1
R = 2 cal K–1 mol–1

Example 1. A gas at 27°C has a volume V and pressure P. On heating its pressure is doubled
and volume becomes three times. The resulting temperature of the gas will be
(a) 1800°C (b) 162°C (c) 1527°C (d) 600°C
T2  P2   V2   2P1   3V1 
Solution : (c) From ideal gas equation PV  nRT we get        6
T1  P1   V1   P1   V1 

 T2  6T1  6  300  1800K  1527C.

Example 2. The equation of state corresponding to 8g of O2 is
(a) PV  8RT (b) PV  RT / 4
(c) PV  RT (d) PV  RT / 2
Solution : (b) Number of mole  n  
1 RT
By ideal gas equation PV  nRT , we get PV  RT or PV 
4 4
Example 3. A flask is filled with 13 gm of an ideal gas at 27°C and its temperature is raised to
52°C. The mass of the gas that has to be released to maintain the temperature of the
gas in the flask at 52°C and the pressure remaining the same is
(a) 2.5 g (b) 2.0 g (c) 1.5 g (d) 1.0 g
Solution : (d) PV  Mass of gas  Temperature
As pressure and volume remains constant so M1T1 = M2T2 = constant
M2 T1 (27  273) 300 12 12 12
      M2  M1   13  gm  12gm
M1 T2 (52  273) 325 13 13 13
i.e. the mass of gas released from the flask = 13 gm – 12 gm = 1 gm.

Example 4. If the intermolecular forces vanish away, the volume occupied by the molecules
contained in 4.5 kg water at standard temperature and pressure will be given by
(a) 5.6m3 (b) 4.5m3 (c) 11.2 litre (d) 11.2m3
Mass of water 4.5kg
Solution : (a) n    250 , T = 273 K and P  105 N/m2 (STP)
Molecular wt. of water 18  10 3 kg
nRT 250  8.3  273
From PV  nRT  V    5.66 m3 .
P 105

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 5. The expansion of an ideal gas of mass m at a constant pressure P is given by the
straight line D. Then the expansion of the same ideal gas of mass 2m at a pressure
P/ 2 is given by the straight line Volume
(a) E 6
(b) C 2 D
1 E
(c) B
(d) A Temperature

Solution : (d) For first condition slope   graph is D (given in the Example)
2M M
For second condition slope  4   i.e. slope becomes four time so graph A is
P/2 P
correct in this condition.

Example 6. A gas in container A is in thermal equilibrium with another gas in container B. both
contain equal masses of the two gases in the respective containers. Which of the
following can be true
(a) PA VA  PB VB (b) PA  PB , VA  VB (c) PA  PB , VA  VB (d) 
Solution : (b, c) From ideal gas equation PV  nRT   [As temperature of the
A B
container are equal]
From this relation it is clear that if PA  PB then   1 i.e. VA  VB
PA n A
Similarly if VA  VB then   1 i.e. PA  PB .
Example 7. Two identical glass bulbs are interconnected by a thin glass tube. A gas is filled in
these bulbs at N.T.P. If one bulb is placed in ice and another bulb is placed in hot
bath, then the pressure of the gas becomes 1.5 times. The temperature of hot bath
will be
(a) 100°C
(b) 182°C
(c) 256°C
(d) 546°C Hot bath
Solution : (d) Initial No. of moles in both bulb = final number of moles
n1  n2  n1'  n'2
PV PV 1.5PV 1.5PV 2 1.5 1.5
       T  819K  546C .
R(273) R(273) R(273) R(T) 273 273 T

Example 8. Two containers of equal volume contain the same gas at pressures P1 and P2 and
absolute temperatures T1 and T2 respectively. On joining the vessels, the gas
reaches a common pressure P and common temperature T. The ratio P/T is equal to
P P P T  P2 T2 P T  P2T1 P P
(a) 1  2 (b) 1 1 2
(c) 1 2 2
(d) 1  2
T1 T2 (T1  T2 ) (T1  T2 ) 2T1 2T2

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Solution : (d) No. of moles in first vessel n1  and number of moles in second vessel n2  2
If both vessels are joined together then quantity of gas Initially
P1 T1 P2 T2
remains same i.e n = n1 + n2 V V
P(2V) P1V P2 V
 
RT RT1 RT2 Finally
P P1 P V V
  2
T 2T1 2T2
Example 9. An ideal monoatomic gas is confined in a cylinder by a spring-loaded piston if cross-
section 8  10 3 m2 . Initially the gas is at 300K and occupies a volume of
2.4  10 3 m3 and the spring is in a relaxed state. The gas is heated by a small heater
coil H. The force constant of the spring is 8000 N/m, and the atmospheric pressure is
1.0  105 Pa . The cylinder and piston are thermally insulated. The piston and the
spring are massless and there is no friction between the piston and cylinder. There is
no heat loss through heater coil wire leads and thermal capacity of the heater coil is
negligible. With all the above assumptions, if the gas is heated by the heater until the
piston moves out slowly by 0.1m, then the final temperature is Gas
(a) 400 K (b) 800 K H
(c) 1200 K (d) 300 K
Solution : (b) V1  2.4  10 3 m3 , P1  P0  105and T1 = 300 K (given)
If area of cross-section of piston is A and it moves through distance x then increment in
F kx
volume of the gas = Ax, then force F = kx and pressure = 
V2  V1  Ax  2.4  103  8  10 3  0.1  3.2  10 3 and
kx 8000  0.1
P2  P0   105   2  105
A 8  103
PV P V 105  2.4  10 3 2  105  3.2  10 3
By ideal gas equation 1 1  2 2  
T1 T2 300 T2
 T2  800K
Example 10. Two identical containers each of volume V0 are joined by a small pipe. The
containers contain identical gases at temperature T0 and pressure P0 . One container
is heated to temperature 2T0 while maintaining the other at the same temperature.
The common pressure of the gas is P and n is the number of moles of gas in
container at temperature 2T0
4 2 P0 V0 3 P0 V0
(a) P  2P0 (b) P  P0 (c) n  (d) n 
3 3 RT0 2 RT0
Solution : (b, c) Initially for container A P0 V0  n0RT0
n0, V0 n0, V0
For container B P0 V0  n0RT0  n0  0 0 P0, T0 P0, T0
(A) (B)
Total number of moles  n0  n0  2n0
Since even on heating the total number of moles is conserved
Hence n1  n2  2n0 ......(i)

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If P be the common pressure then Finally
n1, V0 n2, V0
PV0 P, 2T0 P, T0
For container A PV0  n1R 2T0  n1 
(A) (B)
For container B PV0  n2RT0  n2 
Substituting the value of n0 ,n1 and n2 in equation
PV0 PV0 2.P0 V0 4
(i) we get    P  P0
2RT0 RT0 RT0 3
No. of moles in container A (at temperature 2T0 )
PV0 4  V 2 P0 V0  4 
= n1    P0  0   As P  3 P0 
2RT0  3  2RT0 3 RT0  
Example 11. At the top of a mountain a thermometer reads 7°C and a barometer reads 70 cm of
Hg. At the bottom of the mountain these read 27°C and 76 cm of Hg respectively.
Comparison of density of air at the top with that of bottom is 7oC, 70 cm of Hg
(a) 75/76
(b) 70/76
(c) 76/75
(d) 76/70 27oC, 76 cm of Hg

P1 P  P T
Solution : (a) By ideal gas equation,  2  constant  1  1  2
1T1 2T2 2 P2 T1
Top PTop TBottom 70 300 75
     
Bottom PBottom TTop 76 280 76

Example 12. At constant temperature on increasing the pressure of a gas by 5% will decrease its
volume by
(a) 5% (b) 5.26% (c) 4.26% (d) 4.76%

Solution : (d) If P1  P then P2  P  5% of P = 1.05 P

V2 P1 P 100
From Boyle’s law PV = constant    
V1 P2 1.05P 105

V V2  V1 100  105 5
Fractional change in volume    
V V1 105 105
V 5
 Percentage change in volume  100%    100%   4.76%
V 105
i.e. volume decrease by 4.76%.

Example 13. An air bubble of volume V0 is released by a fish at a depth h in a lake. The bubble
rises to the surface. Assume constant temperature and standard atmospheric
pressure P above the lake. The volume of the bubble just before touching the surface
will be (density of water is )
V0   gh 
(a) V0 (b) V0 ( gh / P) (c) (d) V0  1  
  gh   P 
1  
 P 

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Solution : (d) If P is the atmospheric pressure at the top of the lake and the volume of bubble is V
then, By Boyle’s law P1V1  P2 V2
P2 V2
 P  h g 
(P  h g)V0  PV  V    V0
P 
  h

  gh 
 V  V0 1 
 P  (P1 V1)

Example 14. The adjoining figure shows graph of pressure and volume of a gas at two
temperatures T1 and T2 . Which of the following interferences is correct
(a) T1  T2 P

(b) T1  T2
(c) T1  T2
(d) No interference can be drawn T1
V1 V2
Solution : (c) For a given pressure, volume will be more if temperature is more (Charle’s law)
From the graph it is clear that V2 > V1
 T2 > T1
Example 15. Hydrogen gas is filled in a balloon at 20°C. If temperature is made 40°C, pressure
remaining same, what fraction of hydrogen will come out
(a) 0.07 (b) 0.25 (c) 0.5 (d) 0.75
V T  313 
Solution : (a) As V  T  2  2  V2    V1
V1 T1  293 
 313 
V  V1
V  V1  293  1 20
Fraction of gas comes out  2    0.07 .
V1 V1 293
Example 16. The expansion of unit mass of a perfect gas at constant pressure is shown in the
diagram. Here a
(a) a = volume, b = °C temperature
(b) a = volume, b = K temperature O
(c) a = °C temperature, b = volume
(d) a = K temperature, b = volume
Solution : (c) In the given graph line have a positive slop and negative Y-intercept.
So the equation of line y = mx – c ...... (i)
By Charle’s law Vt  0 t  V0 , by rewriting this equation we get
 273 
t  Vt  273 ......(ii)
 V0 
By comparing (i) and (ii) we can say that time is represented on Y-axis and volume in
Example 17. A gas is filled in the cylinder shown in the figure. The two pistons are joined by a
string. If the gas is heated, the pistons will
(a) Move towards left (b) Move towards right Gas

(c) Remain stationary (d) None of these

238 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Solution : (b) When temperature of gas increases it expands. As the cross-sectional area of right
piston is more, therefore greater force will work on it (because F = PA). So piston will
move towards right.
Example 18. An ideal gas is initially at a temperature T and volume V. Its volume is increased by
V due to an increase in temperature T, pressure remaining constant. The quantity
 varies with temperature as
   

(a) (b) (c) (d)

T T + T T T + T T T + T T T + T
(Temp. K) (Temp. K) (Temp. K) (Temp. K)

Solution : (c) From ideal gas equation PV = RT …..(i)

or PV  RT …..(ii)
V T V 1
Dividing equation (ii) by (i) we get     (given)
  . So the graph between  and T will be rectangular hyperbola.
Example 19. If pressure of a gas contained in a closed vessel is increased by 0.4% when heated
by 1°C, the initial temperature must be
(a) 250 K (b) 250°C (c) 2500 K (d) 25°C
0.4 P
Solution : (a) P1  P , T1 = T , P2  P  (0.4% of P)  P  PP T2  T  1
100 250
From Gay Lussac's law 1  1  
P2 T2 P T 1
By solving we get T = 250 K.
Example 20. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas of
P 4
equal number of moles of different volumes are plotted
3 2
as shown in figure. Choose the correct alternative
(a) V1  V2 , V3  V4 and V2  V3 1

(b) V1  V2 , V3  V4 and V2  V3 T

(c) V1  V2  V3  V4
(d) V4  V3  V2  V1
Solution : (a) From ideal gas equation PV  nRT  P  T P V = constant
Comparing this equation with y  mx
nR 1 
Slope of line tan   m  i.e. V 
V tan  T

It means line of smaller slope represent greater volume of gas.

Point 1 and 2 are on the same line so they will represent same volume i.e. V1  V2
Similarly point 3 and 4 are on the same line so they will represent same volume i.e.
V3  V4
But V1  V3 (= V4 ) or V2  V3 (= V4 ) as slope of line 1-2 is less than 3-4.

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Example 21. One mole of a gas filled in a container at N.T.P., the number of molecules in 1 cm3 of
volume will be
(a) 6.02  1023 / 22400 (b) 6.02  1023
(c) 1/22400 (d) 6.02  1023 / 76
Solution : (a) Number of molecule in 22.4 litre gas at N.T.P.  6.023  1023
or number of molecule in 22.4  103 cm3  6.023  10 23

6.023  10 23
 Number of molecules in 1cm3  .

Pressure of an Ideal Gas

Let us suppose that a gas is enclosed in a cubical box having length  . Let there are ' N ' identical
molecules, each having mass ' m '. Since the molecules are of same mass and perfectly elastic, so
their mutual collisions result in the interchange of velocities only. Only collisions with the walls of the
container contribute to the pressure by the gas molecules. Let us focus on a molecule having velocity
v1 and components of velocity v x1 , v y1 ,v z1 along x,y and z-axis as shown in figure.

v12  v 2 x1  v 2 y1  v 2 z1

The change in momentum of the molecule after one collision with wall BCHE
= m v x1 –(– m v x1 ) = 2 m v x1 .
dis tan ce 2
The time taken between the successive impacts on the face BCHE = =
velocity v x1
change in momentum 2mv x1 mv 2 x1
Time rate of change of momentum due to collision = = 
time taken 2 / v x1 
Hence the net force on the wall BCHE due to the impact of n molecules of the gas is :
mv 2x mv 2x mv 2x 3 mv 2x m 2 mN
Fx =



 ............  n

 1 2 3

v x  v 2x  v 2x  ..............  v 2x =

 v 2x 
where  v x  = mean square velocity in x-direction. Since molecules do not favour any particular
direction therefore  v 2x  =  v 2y  =  v 2z  . But < v2 > =  v 2x  +  v 2y  +  v 2z 

 v2 
  v 2x  = . Pressure is equal to force divided by area.
Fx M M
P=  3  v2    v 2  . Pressure is independent of x, y, z directions.
 2
3 3V
Where 3 = volume of the container = V
M = total mass of the gas, <c2 > = mean square velocity of molecules
P=   v2 
1 3 3
As PV = n RT , then total translational K.E. of gas = M  v2  = PV = n RT
2 2 2

240 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
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Translational kinetic energy of 1 molecule = kT (it is independent of nature of gas)
3P 3P 3RT 3kT
 v2  = or vrms =  
 ρ Mmole m
Where vrms is root mean square velocity of the gas.
1 2 1 2 3
Pressure exerted by the gas is P =  <v2 > = ×  <v 2 > or P = E,E= P
3 3 2 3 2
Thus total translational kinetic energy per unit volume (it is called energy density) of the gas is
numerically equal to times the pressure exerted by the gas.
(a) vrms  T and vrms 
(b) At absolute zero, the motion of all molecules of the gas stops.
(c) At higher temperature and low pressure or at higher temperature and low density, a real
gas behaves as an ideal gas.
1 mN 2 (mN)T
(d) P  v rms or P  [As v 2rms  T ]
3 V V
(e) If mass and temperature of a gas are constant and volume decreases, number of
collisions per second will increase due to lesser effective distance between the walls
resulting in greater pressure.
(f) If temperature increases, the mean square speed of gas molecules will increase and as
gas molecules are moving faster, they will collide with the walls more often with greater
momentum resulting in greater pressure.
Example 22. The root mean square speed of hydrogen molecules of an ideal hydrogen gas kept in
a gas chamber at 0°C is 3180 m/s. The pressure on the hydrogen gas is
(Density of hydrogen gas is 8.99  10 2 kg / m3 , 1 atmosphere  1.01 105 N / m2 )
(a) 0.1 atm (b) 1.5 atm (c) 2.0 atm (d) 3.0 atm
1 2 1
Solution : (d) As P   v rms  (8.99  10 2 )  (3180)2  3.03  105 N/m2  3.0 atm
3 3

Example 23. The temperature of a gas is raised while its volume remains constant, the pressure
exerted by a gas on the walls of the container increases because its molecules
(a) Lose more kinetic energy to the wall
(b) Are in contact with the wall for a shorter time
(c) Strike the wall more often with higher velocities
(d) Collide with each other less frequency
Solution : (c) Due to increase in temperature root mean square velocity of gas molecules
increases. So they strike the wall more often with higher velocity. Hence the pressure
exerted by a gas on the walls of the container increases.
Example 24. N molecules each of mass m of gas A and 2N molecules each of mass 2m of gas B
are contained in the same vessel at temperature T. The mean square of the velocity
of molecules of gas B is v2 and the mean square of x component of the velocity of
molecules of gas A is w2. The ratio 2 is
1 2
(a) 1 (b) 2 (c) (d)
3 3

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Solution : (d) Mean square velocity of molecule 
For gas A, x component of mean square velocity of molecule  w 2
 Mean square velocity  3w 2  …..(i)
For B gas mean square velocity  v 2  …..(ii)
3w 2 2 w2 2
From (i) and (ii)  so  .
v2 1 v2 3
Example 25. A flask contains 10 3 m3 gas. At a temperature, the number of molecules of oxygen
are 3.0  10 22 . The mass of an oxygen molecule is 5.3  10 26 kg and at that
temperature the rms velocity of molecules is 400 m/s. The pressure in N / m2 of the
gas in the flask is
(a) 8.48  104 (b) 2.87  10 4 (c) 25.44  104 (d) 12.72  10 4
Solution : (a) V  10 3 m3 , N  3.0  1022 , m  5.3  10 26 kg , v rms  400m/s
1 mN 2 1 5.3  10 26  3.0  1022
P v rms   (400)2  8.48  10 4 N/m2 .
3 V 3 10 3
Dalton’s law of partial pressure
The total pressure exerted by a mixture of non-reacting gases occupying a vessel is equal to
the sum of the individual pressures which each gases exert if it alone occupied the same
volume at a given temperature.
For n gases P  P1  P2  P3  .....Pn

where P = Pressure exerted by mixture and P1,P2 ,P3 ,......Pn  Partial pressure of component

Grahm’s law of diffusion : When two gases at the same pressure and temperature are allowed to
diffuse into each other, the rate of diffusion of each gas is inversely proportional to the square
root of the density of the gas.
3P 1
We know v rms  or v rms 
 
and rate of diffusion of a gas is proportional to its rms velocity i.e., r  v rms

1 r1 2
 r or 
 r2 1
Example 26. The capacity of a vessel is 3 litres. It contains 6 gm oxygen, 8 gm nitrogen and 5 gm
CO2 mixture at 27°C. If R = 8.31 J/mole  kelvin, then the pressure in the vessel in
N / m2 will be (approx.)
(a) 5  105 (b) 5  104 (c) 106 (d) 105
Solution : (a) Dalton’s law
n RT n RT n3RT RT RT  m1 m2 m3 
P  P1  P2  P3  1  2   [n1  n2  n3 ]     
V V V V V  M1 M2 M3 
8.31  300  6 8 5  3 3 5 2

3  10 3  32


44   498  10  500  10  5  10 N/m .
 
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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 27. Two gases occupy two containers A and B the gas in A, of volume 0.10m3 , exerts a
pressure of 1.40 MPa and that in B of volume 0.15m3 exerts a pressure 0.7 MPa.
The two containers are united by a tube of negligible volume and the gases are
allowed to intermingle. Then it the temperature remains constant, the final pressure
in the container will be (in MPa)
(a) 0.70 (b) 0.98 (c) 1.40 (d) 2.10
Solution : (b) As the quantity of gas remains constant n A  nB  n
PA VA PB VB P(VA  VB ) P V  PB VB 1.4  0.1  0.7  0.15
   P A A 
RT RT RT VA  VB 0.1  0.15
 P  0.98MPa .

Degree of Freedom
The term degree of freedom of a system refers to the possibility of independent motions,
systems can have.
The total number of independent modes (ways) in which a system can possess energy is called the
degree of freedom (f).
The independent motions can be translational, rotational or vibrational or any combination of
So the degree of freedom are of three types :
(i) Translational degree of freedom (ii) Rotational degree of freedom
(iii) Vibrational degree of freedom
General expression for degree of freedom “f = 3A – B”
where A = Number of independent particles,
B = Number of independent restriction
(1) Mono-atomic gas : Molecule of mono-atomic gas can move in any y
direction in space so it can have three independent motions and hence 3
v vx
degrees of freedom (all translational) x
(2) Di-atomic gas : Molecules of diatomic gas are made up of two atoms
joined rigidly to one another through a bond. This cannot only move z
bodily, but also rotate about one of the three co-ordinate axes. However
its moment of inertia about the axis joining the two atoms is negligible
compared to that about the other two axes. Hence it can have only two x
rotational motion. Thus a diatomic molecule has 5 degree of freedom : 3
translational and 2 rotational. y
(3) Tri-atomic gas (Non-linear) : A non-linear molecule can rotate about
any of three co-ordinate axes. Hence it has 6 degrees of freedom : 3 x
translational and 3 rotational.
Important Points z

(a) The above degrees of freedom are shown at room temperature. Further at high temperature, in
case of diatomic or polyatomic molecules, the atoms with in the molecule may also vibrate with
respect to each other. In such cases, the molecule will have an additional degrees of freedom,
due to vibrational motion.
(b) An object which vibrates in one dimension has two additional degree of freedom. One for
the potential energy and one for the kinetic energy of vibration.
(c) A diatomic molecule that is free to vibrate (in addition to translation and rotation) will have 7 (2 +
3 + 2) degrees of freedom.
(d) An atom in a solid though has no degree of freedom for translational and rotational motion,
due to vibration along 3 axes has 3  2 = 6 degrees of freedom (and not like an ideal gas
molecule). When a diatomic or polyatomic gas dissociates into atoms it behaves as
monoatomic gas whose degree of freedom are changed accordingly.

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Law of Equi-partition of Energy
For any system in thermal equilibrium, the total energy is equally distributed among its
various degree of freedom. And the energy associated with each molecule of the system per
degree of freedom of the system is kT .
Where k is Boltzmann constant and k  1.38  10 23 J / K , T = absolute temperature of the
If the system possess degree of freedom f then
Total energy associated with each molecule kT and Total energy associated with each
mole RT

Example 28. Energy of all molecules of a monoatomic gas having a volume V and pressure P is
PV . The total translational kinetic energy of all molecules of a diatomic gas as the
same volume and pressure is
1 3 5
(a) PV (b) PV (c) PV (d) 3 PV
2 2 2
f f
Solution : (b) Energy of 1 mole of gas  RT  PV where f = Degree of freedom
2 2
Monoatomic or diatomic both gases posses equal degree of freedom for translational
motion and that is equal to 3 i.e. f = 3  E  PV
Although total energy will be different, For monoatomic gas E total  PV [As f = 3]
For diatomic gas E total  PV [As f = 5]
Example 29. The temperature of argon, kept in a vessel is raised by 1°C at a constant volume.
The total heat supplied to the gas is a combination of translational and rotational
energies. Their respective shares are
(a) 60% and 40% (b) 40% and 60% (c) 50% and 50% (d) 100% and 0%
Solution : (d) As argon is a monoatomic gas therefore its molecule will possess only translatory
kinetic energy i.e. the share of translational and rotational energies will be 100% and
0% respectively.
Example 30. CO2 (O  C  O) is a triatomic gas. Mean kinetic energy of one gram gas will be (If
N-Avogadro's number, k-Boltzmann's constant and molecular weight of CO2  44 )
(a) 3 / 88NkT (b) 5 / 88NkT (c) 6 / 88NkT (d) 7 / 88NkT
Solution : (d) Mean kinetic energy for  mole gas  . RT
7 m7 1 7 7
 E   RT    NkT    NkT  NkT [As f = 7 and M = 44 for CO2 ]
2 M2 44  2  88

244 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Various Speeds of Gas Molecules
The motion of molecules in a gas is characterized by any of the following three speeds.

(1) Root mean square speed : It is defined as the square root of mean of squares of the speed
v12  v 22  v 23  v 24  ....
of different molecules i.e. v rms 
1 mN 2
(i) From the expression for pressure of ideal gas P  v rms
3 V
3PV 3PV 3P  Mass of gas 
v rms     As   
mN Mass of gas   V 

3PV 3RT 3RT [As if M is the molecular weight of gas

(ii) v rms   
Mass of gas M M PV = nRT and Mass of gas = n M ]

3RT 3NA kT 3kT

(iii) v rms    [As M = NAm and R = NAk]

3P 3RT 3kT
 Root mean square velocity v rms   
 M m

Important points
(a) rms speed of gas molecules is of the order of km/s

3RT 3  8.31 273

e.g., At NTP for hydrogen gas (v rms )    1840m / s .
M 2  103

(b) rms speed of gas molecules is times that of speed of sound in gas

3RT RT 3
As v rms  and vs   v rms  vs
M M 
(c) Moon has no atmosphere because vrms of gas molecules is more than escape velocity (ve).
A planet or satellite will have atmosphere only and only if v rms  v e

(d) At T = 0; vrms = 0 i.e. the rms speed of molecules of a gas is zero at 0 K. This temperature
is called absolute zero.

(2) Average speed : It is the arithmetic mean of the speeds of molecules in a gas at given
v1  v 2  v 3  v 4  .....
v av 
and according to kinetic theory of gases and Maxwell Distribution Curve,
8P 8 RT 8 kT
Average speed v av   
  M  m

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
(3) Most probable speed : The particles of a gas have a range of speeds. This is defined as the
speed which is possessed by maximum fraction of total number of molecules of the gas. e.g.,
if speeds of 10 molecules of a gas are 1, 2, 2, 3, 3, 3, 4, 5, 6, 6 km/s, then the most probable
speed is 3 km/s, as maximum fraction of total molecules possess this speed.
2P 2RT 2kT
Most probable speed v mp   
 M m

Note :  vrms > vav > vmp (order remembering trick) (RAM)

 vrms : vav : vmp = 3: : 2  3 : 2.5 : 2

Example 31. At room temperature, the rms speed of the molecules of certain diatomic gas is found
to be 1930 m/s. The gas is
(a) H2 (b) F2 (c) O2 (d) Cl2

Solution : (a) Root means square velocity v rms   1930 m/s
3RT 3  8.31 300
 M 2
  2  10 3 kg  2 gm i.e. the gas is hydrogen.
(1930) 1930  1930
Example 32. Let A and B the two gases and given :  4. B ; where T is the temperature and
M is the molecular mass. If C A and CB are the rms speed, then the ratio A will be
equal to
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 1 (d) 0.5
3RT CA TA / TB  TA M 
Solution : (a) As v rms     4 2  As  4 A given 
M CB MA / MB  TB MB 
Example 33. The rms speed of the molecules of a gas in a vessel is 400 ms–1. If half of the gas
leaks out at constant temperature, the rms speed of the remaining molecules will be
(a) 800 ms–1 (b) 400 2 ms1 (c) 400 ms–1 (d) 200 ms–1
Solution : (c) Root mean square velocity does not depends upon the quantity of gas. For a given
gas and at constant temperature it always remains same.
Example 34. At what temperature is the root mean square velocity of gaseous hydrogen
molecules is equal to that of oxygen molecules at 47°C
(a) 20 K (b) 80 K (c) – 73 K (d) 3 K
Solution : (a) For oxygen v O2  and For hydrogen vH2  3R

  3R

TO2 TH2 47  273 TH2 320

     TH2   2  20K .
MO2 MH2 32 2 32

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 35. The speeds of 5 molecules of a gas (in arbitrary units) are as follows: 2, 3, 4, 5, 6.
The root mean square speed for these molecules is
(a) 2.91 (b) 3.52 (c) 4.00 (d) 4.24
v12  v 22  v 23  v 24  v 52 22  32  4 2  5 2  62 100
Solution : (d) v rms     20  4.24
5 5 5

Example 36. Gas at a pressure P0 in contained as a vessel. If the masses of all the molecules are
halved and their speeds are doubled, the resulting pressure P will be equal to
(a) 4P0 (b) 2P0 (c) P0 (d)
2 2
1 mN 2 2 P2 m2  v 2  m / 2  2v 
Solution : (b) P  v rms  P  m v rms so      1  1   2  P2  2P1  2P0
3 V P1 m1  v1  m1  v1 

Example 37. Let v,v rms and v mp respectively denote the mean speed, root mean square speed
and most probable speed of the molecules in an ideal monoatomic gas at absolute
temperature T. The mass of a molecule is m. Then
(a) No molecule can have speed greater than 2 v rms
(b) No molecule can have speed less than v mp / 2
(c) v mp  v  v rms
3 2
(d) The average kinetic energy of a molecule is mv mp
Solution : (c, d) We know that v rms  , v av  and v mp  2
M  M M
 v rms : v av : v mp  3 : 2.5 : 2 so v mp  v av  v rms
v rms 3 2 3 2
and  or v rms  v mp
v mp 2 2
1 2 1 3 2 3
 Average kinetic energy  m v rms  m v mp  mv 2mp .
2 2 2 4

Example 38. Which of the following statement is true

(a) Absolute zero degree temperature is not zero energy temperature
(b) Two different gases at the same temperature pressure have equal root mean
square velocities
(c) The rms speed of the molecules of different ideal gases, maintained at the same
temperature are the same
(d) Given sample of 1cc of hydrogen and 1cc of oxygen both at N.T.P.; oxygen
sample has a large number of molecules
Solution : (a) At absolute temperature kinetic energy of gas molecules becomes zero but they
possess potential energy so we can say that absolute zero degree temperature is not
zero energy temperature.

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 39. A vessel is partitioned in two equal halves by a fixed diathermic separator. Two
different ideal gases are filled in left (L) and right (R) halves. The rms speed of the
molecules in L part is equal to the mean speed of molecules in the R part. Then the
ratio of the mass of a molecule in L part to that of a molecule in R part is
(a) (b) /4
(c) 2/3 (d) 3  / 8
Solution : (d) Root means square velocity of molecule in left part v rms 
8 KT
Mean or average speed of molecule in right part v av 
 mR
3KT 8 KT 3 8 mL 3 
So,      .
mL  mR mL  mR mR 8
Example 40. Read the given statements and decide which is/are correct on the basis of kinetic
theory of gases
(I) Energy of one molecule at absolute temperature is zero
(II) rms speeds of different gases are same at same temperature
(III) For one gram of all ideal gas kinetic energy is same at same temperature
(IV) For one mole of all ideal gases mean kinetic energy is same at same
(a) All are correct (b) I and IV are correct
(c) IV is correct (d) None of these
Solution : (c) If the gas is not ideal then its molecule will possess potential energy. Hence
statement (I) is wrong. RMS speed of different gases at same temperature depends on
 1 
its molecular weight  v rms   . Hence statement (II) also wrong.
 M

Kinetic energy of one gram gas depends on the molecular weight  Egm  1  . Hence
M  
statement (III) also wrong.
But K.E. of one mole of ideal gas does not depends on the molecular weight  E  3 RT  .
 2 
Hence (IV) is correct.
Example 41. A gas mixture consists of molecules of type 1, 2 and 3 with molar masses
m1  m2  m3 . v rms and K are the rms speed and average kinetic energy of the
gases. Which of the following is true
(a) (v rms )1  (v rms )2  (v rms )3 and (K)1  (K)2  (K)3
(b) (v rms )1  (v rms )2  (v rms )3 and (K)1  (K)2  (K)3
(c) (v rms )1  (v rms )2  (v rms )3 and (K)1  (K)2  (K)3
(d) (v rms )1  (v rms )2  (v rms )3 and (K)1  (K)2  (K)3
Solution : (a) The rms speed depends upon the molecular mass v rms  but kinetic energy does not
depends on it E  M0
And m1  m2  m3  (v rms )1  (v rms )2  (v rms )3 but (K 1 )  (K 2 )  (K 3 )

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 42. The average translational energy and the rms speed of molecules in a sample of
oxygen gas at 300 K are 6.21 10 21 J and 484 m/s respectively. The corresponding
values at 600 K are nearly (assuming ideal gas behaviour)
(a) 12.42  10 21 J,968m / s (b) 8.78  10 21 J,684m / s
(c) 6.21  10 21 J,968m / s (d) 12.42  10 21 J,684m / s
Solution : (d) E  T and v rms  T
So, if temperature becomes twice then energy will becomes two time
i.e. 2  6.21  10–21
= 12.42  10–21 J
But rms speed will become 2 times i.e. 484  2  684m/s .
Example 43. A box containing N molecules of a perfect gas at temperature T1 and pressure P1 .
The number of molecules in the box is doubled keeping the total kinetic energy of the
gas same as before. If the new pressure is P2 and temperature T2 , then
(a) P2  P1 , T2  T1 (b) P2  P1 , T2 
(c) P2  2P1 , T2  T1 (d) P2  2P1 , T2  1
Solution : (b) Kinetic energy of N molecule of gas E  NkT
3 3
Initially E1 
N1kT1 and finally E2  N2kT2
2 2
3 3 T
But E1  E2 and N2  2N1  N1kT1  (2N1 )kT2  T2  1
2 2 2
3 3
Since the kinetic energy constant N1kT1  N2kT2  N1T1  N2 T2  NT = constant
2 2
From ideal gas equation of N molecule PV  NkT
 P1V1  P2 V2  P1  P2 [As V1  V2 and NT = constant]
Example 44. Three closed vessels A, B and C are at the same temperature T and contain gases
which obey the Maxwellian distribution of velocities. Vessel A contains only O2 , B
only N2 and C a mixture of equal quantities of O2 and N2 . If the average speed of
the O2 molecules in vessel A is V1 , that of the N2 molecules in vessel B is V2 , the
average speed of the O2 molecules in vessel C is (where M is the mass of an
oxygen molecule)
(a) (V1  V2 ) / 2 (b) V1 (c) (V1V2 )1/2 (d) 3kT / M
Solution : (b) Average speed of gas molecule v av  . It depends on temperature and
molecular mass. So the average speed of oxygen will be same in vessel A and
vessel C and that is equal to V1 .
Example 45. The graph which represent the variation of mean kinetic energy of molecules with
temperature t°C is

(a) (b) (c) (d)

t t t t

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
3 3
Solution : (c) Mean K.E. of gas molecule E  kT  k(t  273) where T = temperature is in kelvin
2 2
and t = is in centigrade
3 3
 E  k t   273k k = Boltzmann's constant
2 2
By comparing this equation with standard equation of straight line y  mx  c
So the graph between E and t will be straight line with positive intercept on E-axis
and positive slope with t-axis.
Mean Free Path
The molecules of a gas move with high speeds at a given temperature but even then a molecule of
the gas takes a very long time to go from one point to another point in the container of the gas. This
is due to the fact that a gas molecule suffers a number of collisions with other gas molecules
surrounding it. As a result of these collisions, the path followed by a gas molecule in the container of
the gas is zig-zag as shown in the figure. During two successive collisions, a molecule of a gas
moves in a straight line with constant velocity and the distance travelled by a gas molecule between
two successive collisions is known as free path.
The distance travelled by a gas molecule between two successive
collisions is not constant and hence the average distance travelled by a
molecule during all collisions is to be calculated. This average distance
travelled by a gas molecule is known as mean free path.

Let 1, 2, 3 . . . n be the distance travelled by a gas molecule during n collisions respectively, then
   2   3  ....  n
the mean free path of a gas molecule is given by   1
(1)  ; where d = Diameter of the molecule, n = Number of molecules per unit volume
(2) As PV =  RT =  NkT    n  Number of molecule per unit volume
V kT
1 kT
So  2
2 d P
1 m m
(3) From   2
 2
 [As mn = Mass per unit volume = Density = ]
2nd 2(mn)d 2d2
(4) If average speed of molecule is v then
  v  vT [As N = Number of collision in time t, T = time interval between two
Example 46. If the mean free path of atoms is doubled then the pressure of gas will become
(a) P / 4 (b) P / 2 (c) P / 8 (d) P
1 kT 1
Solution : (b) As   2
 P i.e. by increasing  two times pressure will become half.
2 d P 
Example 47. The mean free path of nitrogen molecules at a pressure of 1.0 atm and temperature
0°C is 0.8  10 7 m . If the number of density of molecules is 2.7  1025 perm3 , then the
molecular diameter is
(a) 3.2nm (b) 3.2Å (c) 3.2m (d) 2.3mm

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Solution : (b) Mean free path   0.8  10 m number of molecules per unit volume
25 3
n  2.7  10 per m
Substituting these value in   2
we get d  1.04  10 19  3.2  10 10 m
 3.2 Å

Specific heat or Specific Heat Capacity

It characterizes the nature of the substance in response to the heat supplied to the substance.
Specific heat can be defined by two following ways : Gram specific heat and Molar specific heat.
(1) Gram specific heat : Gram specific heat of a substance may be defined as the amount of
heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of the substance by unit degree.
Gram specific heat c 
m T

cal cal Joule

Units : , ,
gm  C gm  kelvin kg  kelvin

Dimension : [L2T 2 1 ]

(2) Molar specific heat : Molar specific heat of a substance may be defined as the amount of
heat required to raise the temperature of one gram mole of the substance by a unit degree, it
is represented by capital (C)
calorie calorie Joule
Units : , or
mole  C mole  kelvin mole  kelvin

Important points
M Q 1 Q  m
(1) C  Mc    As n  M 
m T n T  
i.e. molar specific heat of the substance is M times the gram specific heat, where M is the molecular
weight of that substance.
(2) Specific heat for hydrogen is maximum c  3.5 .
gm  C
(3) In liquids, water has maximum specific heat c  1 .
gm  C
(4) Specific heat of a substance also depends on the state of substance i.e. solid, liquid or gas.
cal cal cal
Example : c ice  0.5 , c water  1 , c steam  0.47
gm  C gm  C gm  C
(5) Specific heat also depends on the conditions of the experiment i.e. the way in which heat is
supplied to the body. In general, experiments are made either at constant volume or at
constant pressure.
In case of solids and liquids, due to small thermal expansion, the difference in measured
values of specific heats is very small and is usually neglected. However, in case of gases,
specific heat at constant volume is quite different from that at constant pressure.

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Specific Heat of Gases
In case of gases, heat energy supplied to a gas is spent not only in raising the temperature
of the gas but also in expansion of gas against atmospheric pressure.
Hence specific heat of a gas, which is the amount of heat energy required to raise the
temperature of one gram of gas through a unit degree shall not have a single or unique
(i) If the gas is compressed suddenly (adiabatically) and no heat is supplied from outside
i.e. Q = 0, but the temperature of the gas raises on the account of compression.
 C  0 i.e. C = 0
m( T)
(ii) If the gas is heated and allowed to expand at such a rate that rise in temperature due to
heat supplied is exactly equal to fall in temperature due to expansion of the gas. i.e.
T = 0
Q Q
 C   i.e. C = 
m( T) 0
(iii) If rate of expansion of the gas were slow, the fall in temperature of the gas due to
expansion would be smaller than the rise in temperature of the gas due to heat supplied.
Therefore, there will be some net rise in temperature of the gas i.e. T will be positive.
 C  positive i.e. C = positive
m( T)
(iv) If the gas were to expand very fast, fall of temperature of gas due to expansion would be
greater than rise in temperature due to heat supplied. Therefore, there will be some net
fall in temperature of the gas i.e. T will be negative.
C  negative i.e. C = negative
m( T)
Hence the specific heat of gas can have any positive value ranging from zero to infinity.
Further it can even be negative. The exact value depends upon the mode of heating the
gas. Out of many values of specific heat of a gas, two are of special significance.
(1) Specific heat of a gas at constant volume (cv) : The specific heat of a gas at constant
volume is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass
( Q)v
of gas through 1 K when its volume is kept constant, i.e., c v 
If instead of unit mass, 1 mole of gas is considered, the specific heat is called molar specific
heat at constant volume and is represented by capital Cv.
M( Q)v 1 ( Q)v
Cv  Mc v  
m T n T
(2) Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure (cp) : The specific heat of a gas at constant
pressure is defined as the quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of unit mass of
( Q)p
gas through 1 K when its pressure is kept constant, i.e., c P 
If instead of unit mass, 1 mole of gas is considered, the specific heat is called molar specific
heat at constant pressure and is represented by Cp.
M( Q)p 1 ( Q)p
Cp  MCp  
m T n T

252 PACE IIT & MEDICAL: Delhi & NCR / Mumbai / Lucknow / Goa / Akola / Kolkata / Nashik / Pune / Nagpur / Bokaro / Dubai
Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Mayer's Formula
Out of two principle specific heats of a gas, Cp is more than Cv because in case of Cv,
volume of gas is kept constant and heat is required only for raising the temperature of one
gram mole of the gas through 1°C or 1 K.
No heat, what so ever, is spent in expansion of the gas.
It means that heat supplied to the gas increases its internal energy only i.e.
( Q)v  U  nCv T …..(i)
while in case of Cp the heat is used in two ways
(i) In increasing the temperature of the gas by T
(ii) In doing work, due to expansion at constant pressure (W)
So ( Q)p  U  W  nCp T …..(ii)
From equation (i) and (ii) nCp T  nCv T  W
 n T(Cp  Cv )  PV [For constant P, W = PV]
 Cp  Cv  [From PV = nRT, At constant pressure PV = nRT]
n T
 Cp  Cv  R
This relation is called Mayer’s formula and shows that Cp  Cv i.e. molar specific heat at
constant pressure is greater than that at constant volume.
Specific Heat in Terms of Degree of Freedom
We know that kinetic energy of one mole of the gas, having f degrees of freedom can be
given by
E  RT …..(i)
where T is the temperature of the gas but from the definition of Cv , if dE is a small amount of
heat energy required to raise the temperature of 1 gm mole of the gas at constant volume,
through a temperature dT then
dE  nCv dT  Cv dT or Cv  [As n = 1] …..(ii)
d f  f
Putting the value of E from equation (i) we get Cv   RT   R
dT  2  2
 Cv  R
f f 
From the Mayer’s formula Cp  Cv  R  Cp  Cv  R  R  R    1 R
2 2 
f 
 Cp    1 R
2 
f 
1 R
Cp  2  2
Ratio of Cp and Cv :     1
Cv f f
   1

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Important points
f R f   1    
(a) Cv  R and Cp    1 R    1 R   R
2  1 2    1     1
Specific heat and kinetic energy for different gases
Monoatom Diatomic Triatomic Triatomic
ic non- linear
Atomicity A 1 2 3 3
Restriction B 0 1 3 2
Degree of freedom f = 3A – B 3 5 6 7
Molar specific heat at f R 3 5 7
Cv  R R R 3R R
constant volume 2  1 2 2 2
Molar specific heat at f     5 7 9
constant pressure Cp    1 R   R R R 4R R
 2     1 2 2 2
Ratio of Cp and Cv Cp 2 5 7 4 9
  1  1.66  1.4  1.33  1.28
Cv f 3 5 3 7
Kinetic energy of f 3 5 7
Emole  RT RT RT 3RT RT
1 mole 2 2 2 2
Kinetic energy of f 3 5 7
Emolecule  kT kT kT 3kT kT
1 molecule 2 2 2 2
Kinetic energy of f 3 5 7
Egram  rT rT rT 3rT rT
1 gm 2 2 2 2
Figure A

Example48. For a gas  0.67 . This gas is made up of molecules which are
(a) Diatomic
(b) Mixture of diatomic and polyatomic molecules
(c) Monoatomic (d) Polyatomic
Solution : (c) By comparing with relation Cv  we get   1  0.67 or  = 1.67 i.e. the gas is
 1
Example 49. 40 calories of heat is needed to raise the temperature of 1 mole of an ideal
monoatomic gas from 20°C to 30°C at a constant pressure. The amount of heat
required to raise its temperature over the same interval at a constant volume
(R  2caloriemole 1K 1 ) is
(a) 20 calorie (b) 40 calorie (c) 60 calorie (d) 80 calorie
Solution : (a) At constant pressure ( Q)p  n Cp T  1  Cp  (30  20)  40  Cp  4
 Cv  Cp  R  4  2  2
mole  kelvin
Now ( Q)v  nCv T  1 2  (30  20)  20 calorie

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 50. At constant volume the specific heat of a gas is , then the value of  will be
3 5 5
(a) (b) (c) (d) None of these
2 2 3
R 3R
Solution : (c) Specific heat at constant volume Cv   (given)
 1 2
2 5
   1   .
3 3
Example 51. For a gas the difference between the two specific heats is 4150 J/kg K. What is the
specific heats at constant volume of gas if the ratio of specific heat is 1.4
(a) 8475 J/kg - K (b) 5186 J/kg – K
(c) 1660 J/kg - K (d) 10375 J/kg - K
Solution : (d) Given c p  c v  4150 …..(i)

and  1.4  c p  1.4c v …..(ii)
By substituting the value of c p in equation (i) we get 1.4c v  c v  4150

 0.4c v  4150
 cv   10375 J/kg- K .
Example 52. Two cylinders A and B fitted with pistons contain equal amounts of an ideal diatomic
gas at 300K. The piston of A is free to move while that of B is held fixed. The same
amount of heat is given to the gas in each cylinder. If the rise in temperature of the
gas in A is 30 K, then the rise in temperature of the gas in B is
(a) 30 K (b) 18 K (c) 50 K (d) 42 K
Solution : (d) In both cylinders A and B the gases are diatomic ( = 1.4). Piston A is free to move
i.e. it is isobaric process. Piston B is fixed i.e. it is isochoric process. If same amount
of heat Q is given to both then
( Q)isobaric  ( Q)isochoric

nCp ( T)A  nCv ( T)B  ( T)B  ( T)A  ( T)A  1.4  30  42K.
Example 53. When an ideal diatomic gas is heated at constant pressure, the fraction of the heat
energy supplied which increases the internal energy of the gas is
(a) 2/5 (b) 3/5 (c) 3/7 (d) 5/7
Solution : (d) When a gas is heated at constant pressure then its one part goes to increase the
internal energy and another part for work done against external pressure i.e.
( Q)p  U  W

U C 1 5
So fraction of energy that goes to increase the internal energy  v   [As
( Q)p Cp  7
 for diatomic gas]

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Example 54. A gas, is heated at constant pressure. The fraction of heat supplied used for external
work is
1  1  1
(a) (b)  1   (c)   1
(d)  1  2 
     
Solution : (b) We know fraction of given energy that goes to increase the internal energy 

So we can say the fraction of given energy that supplied for external work  1  .

Example 55. Certain amount of an ideal gas are contained in a closed vessel. The vessel is
moving with a constant velocity v. The molecular mass of gas is M. The rise in
temperature of the gas when the vessel is suddenly stopped is (   CP / CV )
Mv 2 Mv 2 (   1) Mv 2 Mv 2
(a) (b) (c)
2R(   1) 2R 2R(   1) 2R(   1)
Solution : (b) If m is the total mass of the gas then its kinetic energy  mv 2
When the vessel is suddenly stopped then total kinetic energy will increase the
temperature of the gas (because process will be adiabatic) i.e.
1 m R
mv 2   Cv T  Cv T [As Cv  ]
2 M  1
m R 1 Mv 2 (   1)
 T  mv 2  T  .
M  1 2 2R
Example 56. The density of a polyatomic gas is standard conditions is 0.795 kgm3 . The specific
heat of the gas at constant volume is
(a) 930 J- kg1 K 1 (b) 1400 J- kg1 K 1
(c) 1120 J- kg1 K 1 (d) 925 J- kg1 K 1
Solution : (b) Ideal gas equation for m gram gas PV  mrT [where r = Specific gas constant]
m P 1.013  105
or P rT   rT  r    466.7
V  T 0.795  273
r 466.7
Specific heat at constant volume c v  
 1 4
J  4 
 1400    for polyatomic gas 
kg.kelvin  3 

Example 57. The value of Cp  Cv  1.00R for a gas in state A and Cp  Cv  1.06R in another
state. If PA and PB denote the pressure and TA and TB denote the temperatures in
the two states, then
(a) PA  PB , TA  TB (b) PA  PB , TA  TB
(c) PA  PB , TA  TB (d) PA  PB , TA  TB
Solution : (c) For state A, Cp  Cv  R i.e. the gas behaves as ideal gas.
For state B, Cp  Cv  1.06R (  R) i.e. the gas does not behave like ideal gas.
and we know that at high temperature and at low pressure nature of gas may be
So we can say that PA  PB and TA  TB

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Gaseous Mixture
If two non-reactive gases are enclosed in a vessel of volume V. In the mixture n1 moles of
one gas are mixed with n2 moles of another gas. If NA is Avogadro’s number then
Number of molecules of first gas N1  n1 NA
and number of molecules of second gas N2  n2NA
(i) Total mole fraction n = (n1 + n2) .
(ii) If M1 is the molecular weight of first gas and M2 that of second gas.
n M  n2M2
Then molecular weight of mixture will be M  1 1
n1  n2
(iii) Specific heat of the mixture at constant volume will be
 R   R 
n1    n2  
n1CV1  n2C V2   1   2  1   R  n1  n2 
C Vmix    1  
n1  n2 n1  n2 n1  n2  1  1  2  1
R  m1 / M1 m2 / M2 
 C Vmix  
m1 m2  1  1 
2  1 

M1 M2
n1CP1  n2CP2
(iv) Specific heat of the mixture at constant pressure will be CPmix 
n1  n2
     
n1  1  R  n2  2  R
  1  2  1 R   1   2 
 CPmix   1  n1    n2  
n1  n2 n1  n2   1  1    2  1  
R  m1  1  m2  2 
 CPmix    
m1 m2  M1  1  1  M2 
  2  1  

M1 M2
(n1CP1  n2CP2 )   1    2  
n1   R  n2   R
CPmix n1  n2 n1CP1  n2CP2   1  1 
   2  1  
(v)  mixture    
C Vmix (n1C V1  n2CV2 ) n1C V  n2CV   R   R  
n1    n2 
1 2

n1  n2 
  1  1    2  1  
n11 n2  2

1  1  2  1 n11(  2  1)  n2  2 ( 1  1)
  mixture  
n1 n2 n1(  2  1)  n2 ( 1  1)

1  1 2  1
Example 58. If two moles of diatomic gas and one mole of monoatomic gas are mixed with then
the ratio of specific heats is
7 5 19 15
(a) (b) (c) (d)
3 4 13 19
5 7
Solution : (c) n1  1 , 1  (for monoatomic gas) and n2  2 ,  2  (for diatomic gas)
3 5
5 7
1 2
3  5
n11 n2  2 5 7
 1 1
1  1  2  1 3 5 5 / 2  7 19
From formula  mixture    
n1 n2 1 2 3 / 2  5 13
 
1  1  2  1 5  1 7  1
3 5

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
Example 59. 22 gm of CO2 at 27°C is mixed with 16 gm of O2 at 37°C. The temperature of the
mixture is
(a) 32°C (b) 27°C (c) 37°C (d) 30.5°C
Solution : (a) Let t is the temperature of mixture
Heat gained by CO2 = Heat lost by O2
 n1Cv1 T1  n2Cv 2 T2
22 16  5 
 (3R)(t  27)   R  (37  t)
44 32  2 
 3(t  27)  (37  t)
By solving we get t  32C .
Example 60. A gas mixture consists of 2 mole of oxygen and 4 mole of argon at temperature T.
Neglecting all vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is
(a) 4 RT (b) 15 RT (c) 9 RT (d) 11 RT
f f
Solution : (d) Total internal energy of system  Uoxygen  Uargon  n1 1 RT  n2 2 RT
2 2
5 3
 2 RT  4 RT  5RT  6RT  11RT
2 2

Vander Waal's Gas Equation

All real gases do not obey the ideal gas equation. In order to explain the behaviour of real gases
following two modification are considered in ideal gas equation.
(i) Non-zero size of molecule : A certain portion of volume of a gas is covered by the molecules
themselves. Therefore the space available for the free motion of molecules of gas will be slightly
less than the volume V of a gas.
Hence the effective volume becomes (V – b)
(ii) Force of attraction between gas molecules : Due to this, molecule do not exert that force on
the wall which they would have exerted in the absence of intermolecular force. Therefore the
observed pressure P of the gas will be less than that present in the absence of intermolecular
 a 
force. Hence the effective pressure becomes  P  2 
 V 
The equation obtained by using above modifications in ideal gas equation is called Vander
Waal’s equation or real gas equation.
Vander Waal's gas equations

 a 
For 1 mole of gas  P  2  (V  b)  RT
 V 

 an2 
For n moles of gas  P   (V  nb)  nRT
 V2 

Here a and b are constant called Vander Waal’s constant.

Dimension : [a] = [ML5 T 2 ] and [b] = [L3]

Units : a = N  m4 and b = m3.

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Andrews Curves
The pressure (P) versus volume (V) curves for actual gases are called Andrews curves.
(1) At 350°C, part AB represents vapour phase of water, in Gas

 1 P vapour
this part Boyle’s law is obeyed  P   . Part BC region
 V  374.1°C

Liquid 370°C
represents the co-existence of vapour and liquid phases.
F 360°C E
At point C, vapours completely change to liquid phase. Vapour
C 350°C B
Part CD is parallel to pressure axis which shows that A
Andrews curve for water V
compressibility of the water is negligible.

(2) At 360°C portion representing the co-existence of liquid vapour phase is shorter.

(3) At 370°C this portion is further decreased.

(4) At 374.1°C, it reduces to point (H) called critical point and the temperature 374.1°C is called
critical temperature (Tc) of water.

(5) The phase of water (at 380°C) above the critical temperature is called gaseous phase.

Critical temperature, pressure and volume

The point on the P-V curve at which the matter gets converted from gaseous state to liquid state is
known as critical point. At this point the difference between the liquid and vapour vanishes i.e. the
densities of liquid and vapour become equal.
(i) Critical temperature (Tc) : The maximum temperature below which a gas can be liquefied by
pressure alone is called critical temperature and is characteristic of the gas. A gas cannot be
liquefied if its temperature is more than critical temperature.
CO2 (304.3 K), O2 (–118°C), N2 (–147.1°C) and H2O (374.1°C)
(ii) Critical pressure (Pc) : The minimum pressure necessary to liquify a gas at critical
temperature is defined as critical pressure.
CO2 (73.87 bar) and O2 (49.7atm)
(iii) Critical volume (Vc) : The volume of 1 mole of gas at critical pressure and critical temperature
is defined as critical volume.

CO2 (95 10–6 m3)

(iv) Relation between Vander Waal’s constants and Tc, Pc, Vc :

8a a 27R2 Tc2 RT  Pc Vc 3

Tc  , Pc  , Vc  3b , a , b  c  and  R
27Rb 27b 2 64 Pc 8  Pc  Tc 8

Example 61. Under which of the following conditions is the law PV = RT obeyed most closely by a
real gas
(a) High pressure and high temperature
(b) Low pressure and low temperature
(c) Low pressure and high temperature
(d) High pressure and low temperature

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Solution : (c) At low pressure and high temperature real gas obey PV = RT i.e. they behave as
ideal gas because at high temperature we can assume that there is no force of
attraction or repulsion works among the molecules and the volume occupied by the
molecules is negligible in comparison to the volume occupied by the gas.
 aT 2  c
Example 62. The equation of state of a gas is given by  P   V  (RT  b) , where a, b, c and
 V 
R are constants. The isotherms can be represented by P  AV m  BV n , where A and
B depend only on temperature then
(a) m  c and n  1 (b) m  c and n  1
(c) m  c and n  1 (d) m  c and n  1
 aT  c 2 1 c c c 2 1
Solution : (a)  P   V  RT  b  P  aT V  RTV  bV  P  (RT  b)V  (aT )V
 V 
By comparing this equation with given equation P  AV m  BV n we get m   c and
n  1 .
Example 63. An experiment is carried on a fixed amount of gas at different temperatures and at
high pressure such that it deviates from the ideal gas behaviour. The variation of
with P is shown in the diagram. The correct variation will correspond to
(a) Curve A (b) Curve B PV/RT
2.0 A
(c) Curve C (d) Curve D B
0, 0 20 40 60 80 100 P (atm)

Solution : (b) At lower pressure we can assume that given gas behaves as ideal gas so
 constant but when pressure increase, the decrease in volume will not take
place in same proportion so will increases.
Example 64. The conversion of ideal gas into solids is
(a) Possible only at low pressure (b) Possible only at low temperature
(c) Possible only at low volume (d) Impossible
Solution : (d) Because there is zero attraction between the molecules of ideal gas.

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Level - 01
1. On colliding in a closed container the gas molecules
(a) Transfer momentum to the walls (b) Momentum becomes zero
(c) Move in opposite directions (d) Perform Brownian motion

2. Kinetic theory of gases provide a base for

(a) Charle’s law (b) Boyle’s law
(c) Charle’s and Boyle’s law (d) None of these

3. At constant volume, temperature is increased. Then

(a) Collision on walls will be less
(b) Number of collisions per unit time will increase
(c) Collisions will be in straight line
(d) Collisions will not change

4. Which of the following statements about kinetic theory of gases is wrong
(a) The molecules of a gas are in continuous random motion
(b) The molecules continuously undergo inelastic collisions
(c) The molecules do not interact with each other except during collisions
(d) The collisions amongst the molecules are of short duration

5. A balloon contains 1500m3 of helium at 27°C and 4 atmospheric pressure. The volume of
helium at –3°C temperature and 2 atmospheric pressure will be
(a) 1500m3 (b) 1700m3 (c) 1900m3 (d) 2700m3

6. One litre of helium gas at a pressure 76 cm of Hg and temperature 27° is heated till its
pressure and volume are doubled. The final temperature attained by the gas is
(a) 927°C (b) 900°C (c) 627°C (d) 327°C

7. The pressure and temperature of an ideal gas in a closed vessel are 720 pka and 40°C
respectively. If th of the gas is released from the vessel and the temperature of the
remaining gas is raised to 353°C, the final pressure of the gas is
(a) 1440 kPa (b) 1080 kPa (c) 720 kPa (d) 540 kPa

8. A vessels is filled with an ideal gas at a pressure of 10 atmospheres and temperature 27°C.
Half of the mass of the gas is removed from the vessel and temperature of the remaining
gas is increased to 87°C. The pressure of the gas in the vessel will be
(a) 5 atm (b) 6 atm (c) 7 atm (d) 8 atm

9. A sample of an ideal gas occupies a volume V at a pressure P and absolute temperature T,

the mass of each molecule is m. The expression for the density of gas is [K = Boltzmann's
(a) mKT (b) P/KT (c) P/KTV (d) Pm/KT

10. A box contains n molecules of a gas. How will the pressure of the gas be effected, if the
number of molecules is made 2n
(a) Pressure will decrease (b) Pressure will remain unchanged
(c) Pressure will be doubles (d) Pressure will become three times

11. Every gas (real gas) behaves as an ideal gas

(a) At high temperature and low pressure (b) At low temperature and high pressure
(c) At normal temperature and pressure (d) None of these

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12. Triple point temperature for water is nearly
(a) 273.16 K (b) 373.16 K (c) 100°C (d) 444.6°C

13. Critical temperature is that temperature

(a) Above which the gas cannot be liquified only by increasing pressure
(b) Above which the gas can be liquified only by increasing pressure
(c) Below which a gas cannot be liquified only by increasing pressure
(d) None of these

14. If a piston is pushed rapidly into a container of gas, what will happen to the kinetic energy of
the molecules of gas and to the temperature of the gas
(a) Both will increase (b) Kinetic energy increases but the temperature remains unchanged
(c) Kinetic energy increases while the temperature decreases
(d) Kinetic energy is unchanged while the temperature increases

15. At 0 K which of the following properties of a gas will be zero

(a) Kinetic energy (b) Potential energy (c) Vibrational energy (d) Density

16. A graph is drawn for a given mass of a gas at constant temperature between PV and P. the
curve will be
(a) Parabola (b) Straight line inclined at an angle of 45°
(c) Straight line parallel to axis of P (d) Straight line parallel to PV axis

17. A gas at the temperature 250 K is contained in a closed vessel. If the gas is heated through
1K, then the percentage increase in its pressure will be
(a) 0.4% (b) 0.2% (c) 0.1% (d) 0.8%

18. At N.T.P., sample of equal volume of chlorine and oxygen is taken. Now ratio of number of
(a) 1 : 1 (b) 32 : 27 (c) 2 : 1 (d) 16 : 14

19. If Avogadro’s number is 6  1023 , then approximate number of molecules in 1 cm3 of water
will be
(a) 1 1023 (b) 6  1023 (c) 22.4  1023 (d) (1/ 3)  1023

20. The rate of diffusion is

(a) Faster in solids than in liquids and gases
(b) Faster in liquids than in solids and gases
(c) Equal to solids, liquids and gases
(d) Faster in gases than in liquids and solids

21. Three containers of the same volume contain three different gases. The masses of the
molecules are m1,m2 and m3 and the number of molecules in their respective containers are
N1,N2 and N3 . The gas pressure in the containers are P1,P2 and P3 respectively. All the
gases are now mixed and put in one of the containers. The pressure P of mixture will be
(P  P2  P3 )
(a) P  (P1  P2  P3 ) (b) P  1
(c) P  P1  P2  P3 (d) P  (P1  P2  P3 )

22. A container encloses two ideal gases. Two moles of the first gas are present, with molar
mass M1 . Molecules of the second gas have a molar mass M2  3M1 , and 0.5 mole of this
gas is present. The fraction of total pressure attributable to the second gas is
1 1 1 1
(a) (b) (c) (d)
2 3 5 4

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23. The translatory kinetic energy of a gas per gm is
3 RT 3 RT 3 3
(a) (b) (c) RT (d) NKT
2 N 2 M 2 2

24. If the pressure in a closed vessel is reduced by drawing out some gas, the mean free path of
the molecules
(a) Is decreased (b) Is increased
(c) Remains unchanged
(d) Increases or decreases according to the nature of the gas

25. The correct relation connecting Crms , and collision frequency NC is

Crms 
(a) Nc  (b) Nc  (c) Nc  Crms (d) Nc   2Crms
 Crms

26. The specific heat of a gas at constant pressure is greater than that of the same gas at
constant volume because
(a) At constant pressure work is done in expanding the gas against constant external
(b) At constant volume work is done when pressure increases
(c) The molecular agitation increases at constant pressure
(d) The molecular agitation decreases at constant volume

27. The specific heat of 1 mole of an ideal gas at constant pressure (Cp ) and at constant volume
(Cv ) which is correct
5 7
(a) Cp of hydrogen gas is R (b) C v of hydrogen gas is R
2 2
(c) H2 has very small values of Cp and C v (d) Cp  Cv  1.99cal / mole  K for H2

28. When an ideal monoatomic gas is heated at constant pressure, the fraction of heat energy
supplied which increases the internal energy of the gas is
2 3 3 3
(a) (b) (c) (d)
5 5 7 4

29. When two moles of oxygen is heated from 0°C to 10°C at constant volume, its internal
energy changes by 420 J. What is the molar specific heat of oxygen at constant volume
(a) 5.75 J-K 1 mol1 (b) 10.5 J-K 1 mol1 (c) 21J-K 1 mol1 (d) 42J-K 1 mol1

30. If U represents the internal energy of one mole of a gas and T is the absolute temperature,
then the molar specific heat of the gas at constant pressure is
dU dU dU dU
(a) (b) R (c) R (d) R 
dT dT dT dT

Level - 02

1. Consider a gas with density  and c as the root mean square velocity of its molecules
contained in a volume. If the system moves as whole with velocity v, then the pressure
exerted by the gas is
1 1 1 1
(a)  c 2 (b)  (c  v)2 (c)  (c  v)2 (d)  (c 2  v)2
3 3 3 3

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30 23
2. The mass of a gas molecule is 4  10 kg. If 10 molecules strike per second at 4m2 area
with a velocity 107 m / s , then the pressure exerted on the surface will be
(a) 1 Pascal (b) 3 Pascal (c) 2 Pascal (d) 4 Pascal

3. Equal number of molecules of hydrogen and oxygen are contained in a vessel at one
atmospheric pressure. The ratio of the collision frequency of hydrogen molecules to that of
oxygen molecules on the container walls will be
(a) 4 : 1 (b) 1 : 4 (c) 1 : 16 (d) 16 : 1

4. In order to double the separation between the molecules (keeping temperature fixed), the
final pressure must be made how many times the initial pressure
(a) Halved (b) 1/4th (c) 1/8th (d) 1/16th

5. A gas is enclosed in a vessel at a constant temperature at a pressure of 2.5 atmospheres an

volume 4 litre. Due to a leak in the vessel after some time the pressure is reduced to 2
atmosphere. As a result, the
(a) 20% of the gas has escaped out (b) 25% of the gas has escaped out
(c) 20% of the gas remains in the vessel (d) 25% of the gas remains in the vessel

6. A vessel A of volume 5 litre has a gas at pressure of 80 cm column of Hg. This is joined to
another evacuated vessel B of volume 3 litre. If now the stopcock S is opened and the
aperture is maintained at constant temperature then the common pressure will become
(a) 80 cm of Hg
(b) 50 cm of Hg A
(c) 30 cm of Hg 5L 3L
(d) None of these

7. Inside a cylinder, closed at both ends, is a movable piston. On one side of the piston is a
mass m of a gas, and on the other side a mass 2m of the same gas. What fraction of volume
of the cylinder will be occupied by the larger mass of the gas when the piston is in
equilibrium? The temperature is the same throughout
(a) 1/4 (b) 1/2 (c) 2/3 (d) 1/3

8. Pressure versus temperature graph of an ideal gas is as shown in figure. Density of the gas
at point A is 0 . Density at B will be P
3P0 B
3 3
(a) 0 (b) 0
4 2 P0 A
(c) 0 (d) 20
3 T0 2T0

9. A cylindrical tube of uniform cross-sectional area A is fitted with two air tight frictionless
pistons. The pistons are connected to each other by a metallic wire. Initially the pressure of
the gas is P0 and temperature is T0 . Atmospheric pressure is also P0 . Now the temperature
of the gas is increased to 2T0 , then tension in the wire will be
(a) 2P0 A (b) P0 A
(c) 0 (d) 4P0 A

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10. One mole of an ideal gas undergoes a process P  2
. Here P0 and V0 are
 V0 
1  
 V
constants. Change in temperature of the gas when volume is changed from V  V0 to
V  2V0 is
2P0 V0 11P0 V0 5P0 V0
(a)  (b) (c)  (d) P0 V0
5R 10R 4R
11. The deviation of gases from the behaviour of ideal gas is due to
(a) Colourless molecules (b) Covalent bonding of molecules
(c) Attraction of molecules (d) Absolute scale
12. The liquefaction of ideal gas is possible
(a) Only at low temperature (b) Only at high temperature
(c) Only at very low temperature (d) None of these
13. For Boyle’s law to hold the gas should be
(a) Perfect and of constant mass and temperature
(b) Real and of constant mass and temperature
(c) Perfect and at constant temperature but variable mass
(d) Real and at constant temperature but variable mass
14. The figure shows graphs of pressure versus density for an ideal gas at two temperatures T1
and T2
P T1
(a) T1  T2
(b) T1  T2 T2

(c) T1  T2
(d) Nothing can be predicted
15. The volume of a gas at 20°C is 200 ml. if the temperature is reduced to –20°C at constant
pressure, its volume will be
(a) 172.6 ml (b) 17.26 ml (c) 192.7 ml (d) 19.27 ml
16. The residual pressure of a vessel at 27°C is 1  10 11 N / m2 . The number of molecules per cc
in this vessel is nearly
(a) 2400 (b) 2.4  106 (c) 1011  6  10 23 (d) 2.68  1019  10 11
17. Ratio of rate of diffusion of H2 gas and O2 gas is 1 : 4. Ratio of their molecular weights is
(a) 16 : 1 (b) 4 : 1 (c) 1 : 16 (d) 1 : 4

18. A container of volume 20 litre is filled with a mixture of H2 and He at 20°C. The pressure is 2
atm. If the mass of mixture is 5 gm, then the ratio of masses of H2 and He is
(a) 0.46 (b) 0.61 (c) 0.75 (d) 0.80
19. A contains an ideal gas at a pressure of 5.0  105 Pa and at a temperature 300 K. it is
connected by a thin tube to container B with four times the volume of A. B contains the same
ideal gas at a pressure of 1.0  105 Pa and at a temperature of 400 K. the connecting valve is
opened. The final pressure of the system is
(a) 200 kPa 300 K 400 K
(b) 100 kPa
(c) 350 kPa
(d) 250 kPa
20. A polyatomic gas with n degrees of freedom has a mean energy per molecule given by
(a) nkT / NA (b) nkT / 2NA (c) nkT/2 (d) 3kT/2

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Assertions & Reason Questions

Read the assertion and reason carefully to mark the correct option out of the options given below:
(a) If both assertion and reason are true and the reason is the correct explanation of the
(b) If both assertion and reason are true but reason is not the correct explanation of the
(c) If assertion is true but reason is false.
(d) If the assertion and reason both are false.
(e) If assertion is false but reason is true.

1. Assertion : In pressure-temperature (P-T) phase diagram of water, the slope of the

melting curve is found to be negative.
Reason : Ice contracts on melting to water.

2. Assertion : For gas atom the number of degrees of freedom is 3.

Reason : 

3. Assertion : A gas have a unique value of specific heat.

Reason : Specific heat is defined as the amount of heat required to raise the
temperature of unit mass of the substance through unit degree.

4. Assertion : A gas can be liquified at any temperature by increase of pressure alone.

Reason : On increasing pressure the temperature of gas decreases.

5. Assertion : Equal masses of helium and oxygen gases are given equal quantities of heat.
There will be a greater rise in the temperature of helium compared to that of
Reason : The molecular weight of oxygen is more than the molecular weight of helium.

6. Assertion : Absolute zero is the temperature corresponding to zero energy.

Reason : The temperature at which no molecular motion cease is called absolute zero

7. Assertion : The ratio of specific heat gas at constant pressure and specific heat at
constant volume for a diatomic gas is more than that for a monatomic gas.
Reason : The molecules of a monatomic gas have more degree of freedom than those
of a diatomic gas.

8. Assertion : At room temperature, water does not sublimate from water to steam.
Reason : The critical point of water is much above the room temperature.

9. Assertion : Specific heat of a gas at constant pressure (CP) is greater than its specific
heat at constant volume (CV).
Reason : At constant pressure, some heat is spent in expansion of the gas.

10. Assertion : The internal energy of a real gas is function of both, temperature and volume.
Reason : Internal kinetic energy depends on temperature and internal potential energy
depends on volume.
11. Assertion : For an ideal gas, at constant temperature, the product of the pressure and
volume is constant.
Reason : The mean square velocity of the molecules is inversely proportional to mass.

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12. Assertion : If a gas container in motion is suddenly stopped, the temperature of the gas
Reason : The kinetic energy of ordered mechanical motion is converted in to the kinetic
energy of random motion of gas molecules.

13. Assertion : Internal energy of an ideal gas does not depend upon volume of the gas.
Reason : Internal energy of ideal gas depends on temperature of gas.

14. Assertion : At low density, variables of gases P, V and T follows the equation PV  nRT
Reason : At low density real gases are more closely to ideal gases

15. Assertion : Maxwell speed distribution graph is symmetric about most probable speed
Reason : rms speed of ideal gas, depends upon its type (monoatomic, diatomic and

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Previous Year’s Questions

Gas Law

1. Two vessels separately contain two ideal gases A and B at the same temperature, the
pressure of A being twice that of B. Under such conditions, the density of A is found to be
1.15 times the density of B. The ration of molecular weight of A and B is: [RE AIPMT- 2015]
1 2 3
(a) (b) (c) (d) 2
2 3 4

2. A balloon is filled at 27ºC and 1 atm pressure by 500 m3 He. At –3ºC and 0.5 atm pressure,
the volume of He will be [AIIMS-2012]
(a) 700 m3 (b) 900 m3 (c) 1000 m3 (d) 500 m3

3. A perfect gas at 27°C is heated at constant pressure so as to double its volume. The
increase in temperature of the gas will be [KCET 2011]
(a) 600°C (b) 327°C (c) 54°C (d) 300°C

4. An ideal gas is compressed isothermally until its pressure is doubled and then allowed to
expand adiabatically to regain its original volume ( = 1.4 and 21.4 =0.38). The ratio of the
final to initial pressure is [WB JEE 2011]
(a) 0.76 : 1 (b) 1 : 1 (c) 0.66 : 1 (d) 0.86 : 1
5. Air inside a closed container is saturated with water vapour. The air pressure is p and the
saturated vapour pressure of water is p . If the mixture is compressed to one-half of its
volume by maintaining temperature constant, the pressure becomes [WB JEE 2011]

(a) 2  p  p  (b) 2p  p (c)

p  p  (d) p  2p
RT 9
6. If pressure of CO2 (real gas) in a container is given by p   2 , then mass of the
2V  b 4b
gas in container is [AIIMS 2010]
(a) 11 g (b) 22 g (c) 33 g (d) 44 g

7. The figure shows graphs of pressure versus density for an ideal gas
at two temperatures T1 and T2, then [OJEE 2010]
(a) T1  T2 (b) T1  T2
(c) T1  T2 (d) Nothing can be predicted

8. The temperature of a gas contained in a closed vessel of constant volume increases by 1°C
when the pressure of the gas is increased by 1%. The initial temperature of the gas is
(a) 100 K (b) 273°C (c) 100°C (d) 200 K [KCET 2010]
9. Air is filled at 60°C in a vessel of open mouth. The vessel is heated to a temperature T so
that 1/4th part of air escapes. Assuming the volume of the vessel remaining constant, the
value of T is [Haryana PMT 10]
(a) 80°C (b) 444°C (c) 333°C (d) 171°C
10. The pressure p for a gas is plotted against its absolute temperature T for two different
volumes V1 and V2 where V1 > V2. If p is plotted on y-axis and T on x-axis, then
(a) the curve for V1 has greater slope than that for V2 [EAMCET 2010]
(b) the curve for V2 has greater slope than that for V1
(c) both curves have same slope
(d) the curves intersect at some point other than T = 0

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11. The gas in a vessel is subjected to a pressure of 20 atm at a temperature 27°C. The
pressure of the gas in a vessel after one-half of the gas is released from the vessel and the
temperature of the remainder is raised by 50°C is [MGIMS 2010]
(a) 8.5 atm (b) 10.8 atm (c) 11.7 atm (d) 17 atm

12. Air is pumped into an automobile tube upto a pressure of 200 kPa in the morning when the
air temperature is 22°C. During the day, temperature rises to 42°C and the tube expands by
2%. The pressure of the air in the tube at this temperature, will be approximately
[JCECE 2010]

(a) 212 kPa (b) 209 kPa (c) 206 kPa (d) 200 kPa

13. Ideal gas and real gas have major difference of [MP PMT 2010]
(a) phase transition (b) temperature
(c) pressure (d) None of the above

14. Simple behaviour under all conditions of real gas is governed by the equation
 a 
(a) pV  nRT (b)  p  2   V  b   nRT [MP PMT 2010]
 V 
(c) pV = constant (d) pV= constant

15. Average momentum of an ideal gas depends upon [OJEE 2010]

(a) temperature (b) mass (c) volume (d) None of the above

16. By what percentage should the pressure of a given mass of a gas be increased, so as to
decrease its volume by 10% at a constant temperature? [AFMC 2009]
(a) 5% (b) 7.2% (c) 12.5% (d) 11.1%

17. When a van der Waals’ gas undergoes free expansion, then its temperature [AFMC 2009]
(a) decreases (b) increases
(c) does not change (d) depends upon the nature of the gas

18. A vessel containing 0.1m3 of air at 76 cm to Hg is connected to an evacuated vessel of

capacity 0.09 m3. The resultant air pressure is [MGIMS 2009]
(a) 20 cm of Hg (b) 30 cm of Hg (c) 40 cm of Hg (d) 60 cm of Hg

19. How much heat energy in joules must be supplied to 14 g of nitrogen at room temperature to
raise its temperature by 40°C at constant pressure? (Mol. wt. of N2 = 28 g, R = constant)
(a) 50 R (b) 60 R (c) 70 R (d) 80 R [EAMCET 2009]

20. An electron tube was sealed off during manufacture at a pressure of 1.2  107 mm of
mercury at 27°C . Its volume is 100cm3. The number of molecules that remain in the tube is
[Manipal 2009]
16 15 11 11
(a) 2  10 (b) 3  10 (c) 3.89  10 (d) 5  10

21. Two monoatomic ideal gases A and B occupying the same volume V are at the same
temperature T and pressure p. If they are mixed, the resultant mixture has volume V and
temperature T. The pressure of the mixture is [J&K CET 2009]
(a) p (b) p/2 (c) 4p (d) 2p

22. At 10°C the value of the density of a fixed mass of an ideal gas divided by its pressure is x.
At 110°C this ratio is [CBSE AIPMT 2008]
383 10 283
(a) x (b) x (c) x (d) x
283 110 383

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23. A balloon contains 500 m of Heat 27°C and 1 atm pressure. The volume of He at 3°C
and 0.5 atm pressure will be [AMU 2008]
3 3 3 3
(a) 700 m (b) 900 m (c) 1000 m (d) 500m

24. The phenomenon of Brownian movement may be taken as evidence of [AMU 2008]
(a) kinetic theory of matter (b) EMT of radiation
(c) corpuscular theory of light (d) photoelectric phenomenon

25. The figure below shows the plot of versus p for oxygen gas
at two different temperatures. [AIIMS 2007]
Read the following statements concerning the above curves
(i) The dotted line corresponds to the ‘ideal’ gas behaviour
(ii) T1  T2

(iii) The value of at the point where the curves meet on the y-axis is the same for all
Which of the above statements is true?
(a) (i) only (b) (i) and (ii) only (c) All of these (d) None of these

26. One litre of an ideal gas at 27°C is heated at a constant pressure to 297°C. Then, the final
volume is approximately [AMU 2007]
(a) 1.2 L (b) 1.9 L (c) 19 L (d) 2.4 L
27. Temperature remaining constant, the pressure of gas is decreased by 20%. The percentage
change in volume [J&K CET 2007]
(a) increases by 20% (b) decreases by 20%
(c) increases by 25% (d) decreases by 25%
28. Two balloons are filled, one with pure He gas and the other by air, respectively. If the
pressure and temperature of these balloons are same then the number of molecules per unit
volume is [AFMC 2006]
(a) more in the He filled balloon (b) same in both balloons
(c) more in air filled balloon (d) in the ratio of 1 : 4
29. To decrease the volume of a gas by 5% at constant temperature, the pressure should be
(a) decreased by 5.26% (b) increased by 5.26% [Kerala CEE 2006]
(c) decreased by 11% (d) increased by 11%
(e) increased by 15%

30. Real gases obey ideal gas laws more closely at [AMU 2005]
(a) low pressure and low temperature (b) low pressure and high temperature
(c) high pressure and low temperature (d) low pressure and high temperature

31. Equation of a gas in terms of pressure (p), absolute temperature (T), and density (d) is
[EAMCET 2005]
p1 p2 p1T1 p 2T2 p1d2 p 2d1 p1d1 p2 d2
(a)  (b)  (c)  (d) 
T1d1 T2 d2 d1 d2 T2 T1 T1 T2

32. If p is the pressure, V the volume, R the gas constant, k the Boltzmann constant and T the
absolute temperature, then the number of molecules in the given mass of the gas is given
[MP PMT 2005]
(a) pV/RT (b) pV/kT (c) pR/T (d) pV

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33. If a given mass of gas occupies a volume of 10 cc at 1 atm pressure and temperature
100°C. What will be its volume at 4 atm pressure, the temperature being the same?
[AMU 2004]
(a) 100 cc (b) 400 cc (c) 104 cc (d) 2.5 cc

34. Two gases of equal masses are in thermal equilibrium. If pa, pb and Va, Vb are their
respective pressures and volumes, then which relation is true? [AMU 2004]
(a) 2pa Va  pb Vb (b) p a  pb , Va  Vb
pa pb
(c)  (d) pa Va  pb Vb
Va Vb

35. Which one of the following graphs represents the behaviour of an ideal gas? [KCET 2004]

(a) (b) (c) (d)

36. At constant pressure, the ratio of increase in volume of an ideal gas per degree rise in kelvin
temperature to its original volume is (T = absolute temperature of the gas) [EAMCET 2004]
(a) T2 (b) T (c) 1/T (d) 1/T2
Various Speeds of Gas
1. Root mean square velocity of a particle is v at pressure p. If pressure is increased two times,
then the rms velocity becomes [CMC 2010]
(a) 2v (b) 3v (c) 0.5 v (d) v
(e) None of these

2. At what temperature will the oxygen molecules have the same root mean square speed as
hydrogen molecules at 300 K? [OJEE 2010]
(a) 1600 K. (b) 2400 K (c) 3200 K (d) 4800 K

3. Average velocity of an ideal gas molecule is [OJEE 2010]

(a) proportional to T (b) proportional to T2 (c) proportional to T3 (d) zero

4. Nitrogen (N2) is in equilibrium state at T = 421 K. The value of most probable speed, vmp is
(a) 400 m/s (b) 421 m/s (c) 500 m/s (d) 600 m/s
[BCECE 2010]

5. The temperature at which the velocity of oxygen will be half that of hydrogen at NTP is
[BCECE 2010]
(a) 1092°C (b) 1492°C (c) 273 K (d) 819°C

6. The temperature of an ideal gas is increased from 120 K to 480 K. If at 120 K, the root mean
square speed of gas molecules is v, then at 480 K, it will be [WB JEE 2010]
(a) 4 v (b) 2v (c) v/2 (d) v/4

7. At what temperature is the rms velocity of a hydrogen molecule equal to that of an oxygen
molecule at 47°C? [Manipal 2010]
(a) 80 K (b) 73 K (c) 3 K (d) 20 K

8. The velocity of 4 gas molecules are given by 1 km/s, 3 km/s, 5 km/s and 7 km/s. Calculate
the different between average and rms velocity. [MHT CET 2010]
(a) 0.338 (b) 0.438 (c) 0.583 (d) 0.683

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9. 10 mol of an ideal monoatomic gas at 10°C is mixed with 20 mol of another monoatomic gas
at 20°C. Then, the temperature of the mixture is [DUMET 2010]
(a) 15.5°C (b) 15°C (c) 16°C (d) 16.6°C
10. The temperature at which the mean KE of the molecules of gas is one-third of the mean KE
of itsmolecules at 180°C is [MGIMS 2010]
(a) 122°C (b) 90°C (c) 60°C (d) 151°C
11. The average velocity of the molecules in a gas in equilibrium is [MGIMS 2009]
(a) proportional to T (b) proportional to T
(c) proportional to T2 (d) equal to zero
12. The ratio of rms speed of O2 to H2 is [BCECE 2009]
(a) 1/4 (b) 4 (c) 2 (d) 1/2

13. At what temperature rms speed of air molecules is doubled of that at NTP?
[MHT CET 2009]
(a) 819°C (b) 719°C (c) 909°C (d) None of these

14. To what temperature should the hydrogen at 327°C be cooled at constant pressure, so that
the root mean square velocity of its molecules becomes half of its previous value?
[MHT CET 2009]
(a) 123°C (b) 123°C (c) 100°C (d) 0°C

15. The speed of sound in hydrogen at NTP is 1270 ms1. Then, the speed in a mixture of
hydrogen and oxygen in the ratio 4 : 1 by volume will be [BHU 2008]
1 1 1 1
(a) 317 ms (b) 635 ms (c) 830 ms (d) 950 ms

16. If average velocity becomes 4 times then what will be the effect on rms velocity at that
temperature? [BCECE 2008]
(a) 1.4 times (b) 4 times (c) 2 times (d) 1/4 times

17. The ratio of the velocity of sound in hydrogen ( = 7/5) to that in helium ( = 5/3) at the same
temperature is [KCET 2007]
5 5 42 21
(a) (b) (c) (d)
42 21 5 5

18. The value of densities of two diatomic gases at constant temperature and pressure are d1
and d2, then the ratio of speed of sound in these gases will be [RPMT 2007]
(a) d1d2 (b) d2 / d1 (c) d1 / d2 (d) d1d2

19. Assertion The root mean square and most probable speeds of the molecules in a gas are
the same.
Reason The Maxwell distribution for the speed of molecules in a gas is symmetrical.
[AIIMS 2006]

20. The temperature of H2 at which the rms velocity of its molecules is seven times the rms
velocity the molecules of nitrogen at 300 K is [AMU 2006]
(a) 2100 K (b) 1700 K (c) 1350 K (d) 1050 K

21. If at NTP velocity of sound in a gas is 1150 ms1, then the rms velocity of gas molecules at
NTP is
(Given R = 8.3 J mol1 Kl, Cp = 4.8 cal mol1 K1) [AMU 2006]
(a) 1600 m/s (b) 1532.19 m/s (c) 160 m/s (d) zero

22. The ratio of root mean square velocities of O3 and O2 is

(a) 1 : 1 (b) 2 : 3 (c) 3 : 2 (d) 2 : 3

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
23. If mass of He is 4 times that of hydrogen then mean velocity of He is [Punjab PMET 2005]
(a) 2 times of H-mean value (b) 1/2 times of H-mean value
(c) 4 times of H-mean value (d) same as H-mean value

24. The temperature, at which the rms velocity of hydrogen is four times of its value at NTP is
[MHT CET 2005]
(a) 819°C (b) 1092°C (c) 4368°C (d) 4095°C

25. The root mean square (rms) speed of oxygen molecules O2 at a certain temperature T
(degree absolute) is v. If the temperature is doubled and oxygen gas dissociates into atomic
oxygen. The rms speed
(a) becomes v/2 (b) remains v [Punjab PMET 2004]
(c) becomes 2.v (d) becomes 2v

26. Four molecules of a gas have speeds 1, 2, 3 and 4 kms1 The value of rms speed of the gas
molecules is [BCECE]
1 1 15
(a) 15 km/s (b) 10 km/s (c) 2.5 km/s (d) km/s
2 2 2
Pressure and Energy of Gas

1. Assertion If a gas container in motion is suddenly stopped, the temperature of the gas rises.
Reason The kinetic energy of ordered mechanical motion is converted into the kinetic
energy of random motion of gas molecules. [AIIMS 2010]

2. The kinetic energy of 1 g molecule of a gas at normal temperature and pressure is (R = 8.31
(a) 1.3  102 J (b) 2.7  102 J [BHU 2010]
(c) 0.56  10 J (d) 3.4  103 J

3. Which one of the following is not an assumption in the kinetic theory of gases?
(a) The volume occupied by the molecules of the gas is negligible
(b) The force of attraction between the molecules is negligible [Manipal 2010]
(c) The collision between molecules arc clastic
(d) All molecules have some speed

4. A closed compartment containing gas is moving with some acceleration in horizontal

direction. Neglecteffect of gravity. Then the pressure in the compartment is [JCECE 2010]
(a) same everywhere (b) lower in front side
(c) lower in rear side (d) lower in upper side

5. A sealed container with negligible coefficient of volumetric expansion contains helium (a

monoatomic gas). When it is heated from 300 K to 600 K, the average K.E of helium atoms
(a) halved (b) unchanged [UP CPMT 2009]
(c) doubled (d) increased by factor 2

6. If at the same temperature and pressure, the densities of two diatomic gases are d1 and d2
respectively, the ratio of mean kinetic energy per molecule of gases will be [MGIMS 2009]
(a) 1 : 1 (b) d1 : d2 (c) d1 : d2 (d) d2 : d1

7. Two vessels A and B having equal volume contain equal masses of hydrogen in A and
helium in B at 300 K. Then, mark the correct statement. [BHU 2008]
(a) The pressure exerted by hydrogen is half that exerted by helium.
(b) The pressure exerted by hydrogen is equal to that exerted by helium.
(c) Average KE of the molecule of hydrogen is half the average KE of the molecules of
(d) The pressure exerted by hydrogen is twice that exerted by helium.

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8. The average kinetic energy of a gas molecule is [J&K CET 2008]
(a) proportional to pressure of gas
(b) inversely proportional to volume of gas
(c) inversely proportional to absolute temperature of gas
(d) directly proportional to absolute temperature of gas
9. The kinetic energy of 1 g molecule of a gas, at normal temperature and pressure is
(R = 8.31 J mol1 K1) [BHU 2007]
3 3 2 4
(a) 3.4  10 J (b) 2.97  10 J (c) 1.2  10 J (d) 0.66  10 J
10. The gases carbon monoxide (CO) and nitrogen at the same temperature have kinetic
energies E1 and E2 respectively. Then [MHT CET 2007]
(a) E1 = E2 (b) E1 > E2
(c) E1 < E2 (d) E1 and E2 cannot be compared

11. Pressure of an ideal gas is increased by keeping temperature constant. What is the effect on
kinetic energy of molecules ? [AFMC 2006]
(a) Increase (b) Decrease
(c) No change (d) Can’t be determined

12. A closed vessel is maintained at a constant temperature. It is first evacuated and then
vapour is injected into it continuously. The pressure of the vapour in the vessel
[MHT CET 2006]
(a) increases continuously (b) first increases and then remains constant
(c) first increases and then decreases (d) None of the above

13. Some gas at 300 K is enclosed in a container. Now, the container is placed on a fast moving
train. While the train is in motion, the temperature of the gas [MHT CET 2006]
(a) rises above 300 K. (b) falls below 300 K.
(c) remains unchanged (d) becomes unsteady

14. Gas exerts pressure on the walls of the container because [MP PMT 2006]
(a) gas has weight
(b) gas molecules have momentum
(c) gas molecules collide with each other
(d) gas molecules collide with the walls of the container

15. At constant pressure, which of the following is true? [MHT CET 2005]
1 1
(a) c   (b) c  (c) c   (d) c 
 

16. Two perfect gases at absolute temperatures T1 and T2 are mixed. There is no loss of energy.
The temperature of mixture of masses of molecules are m1 and m2 and the number of
molecules in the gases are nl and n2 respectively, is [Haryana PMT 2005]
T  T2 n T  n2 T2 n T  n2T1 T1T2
(a) 1 (c) 1 1 (c) 1 2 (d)
2 n1  n2 n1  n2 n1n2

17. At which of the following temperature would the molecules of gas have twice the average
kinetic energy they have at 20°C? [AMU 2004]
(a) 40°C (b) 80°C (c) 586°C (d) 313°C

18. The kinetic energy of one mole gas at 300 K temperature, is E. At 400 K temperature kinetic
energy is E. The value of E'/E is [RPMT 2004]
4 16
(a) 1.33 (b) (c) (d) 2
3 9

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Degrees of Freedom and Specific Heat

1. The molar specific heats of an ideal gas at constant pressure and volume are denoted by Cp
and Cv, respectively. If   and R is the universal gas constant, then Cv is equal to :
[NEET 2013]

(a) R (b)
1 
 
  1
1     1 R

2. During an adiabatic process, the pressure of a gas is found to be proportional to the cube of
its temperature. The ratio of for the gas is : [NEET 2013]
3 4 5
(a) (b) (c) 2 (d)
2 3 3

5 7
3. CV for O2 is R with increase in temperature it becomes R due to a [OJEE 2010]
2 2
(a) translational motion (b) rotational motion
(c) vibrational motion (d) None of the above

4. Mean free path of gas molecule at constant temperature is inversely proportional to

[MP PMT 2010]
(a) p (b) V (c) m (d) n (number density)

5. At ordinary temperature, the molecules of an ideal gas have only translational and rotational
kinetic energies. At high temperatures they may also have vibrational energy. As a result of
this at higher temperature (CV = molar heat capacity at constant volume) [UP CPMT 2009]
3 3
(a) CV = R for a monoatomic gas (b) CV > R for a monoatomic gas
2 2
5 5
(c) CV < R for a diatomic gas (d) CV = R for a diatomic gas
2 2

6. According to Maxwell’s law of distribution of velocities of molecules, the most probable

velocity is
(a) greater than the mean velocity [Haryana PMT 2009]
(b) equal to the mean velocity
(c) equal to the root mean square velocity
(d) less than the root mean square velocity

7. A given mass of a gas is compressed isothermally until its pressure is doubled. It is then
allowed to expand adiabatically until its original volume is restored and its pressure is then
found to be 0.75 of its initial pressure. The ratio of the specific heat of the gas is
approximately [AFMC 2008]
(a) 1.20 (b) 1.41 (c) 1.67 (d) 1.83

8. Assertion Mean free path a gas molecules varies inversely as density of the gas.
Reason Mean free path varies inversely as pressure of the gas. [AIIMS 2008]

9. If  is the ratio of specific heats and R is the universal gas constant, then the molar specific
heat at constant volume CV is given by [KCET 2008]
   1 R R R
(a) R (b) (c) (d)
  1  1

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
10. If quantity of heat 1163.4 J supplied to one mole of nitrogen gas, at room temperature at
constant pressure, then the rise in temperature is [Kerala CEE 2008]
(a) 54 K (b) 28 K (c) 65 K (d) 8 K
(e) 40 K

11. The molar specific heat at constant pressure of an ideal gas is (7/2)R. The ratio of specific
heat at constant pressure to that at constant volume is [Haryana PMT 2008]
(a) 7/5 (b) 8/7 (c) 5/7 (d) 9/7

12. For a gas molecule with 6 degrees of freedom the law of equipartition of energy gives the
following relation between the molecular specific heat (CV) and gas constant (R)[J&K CET
(a) C V  (b) C V  R (c) C V  2R (d) C V  3R

13. The degrees of freedom of a molecule of a triatomic gas are [AFMC 2007]
(a) 2 (b) 4 (c) 6 (d) 8

14. 310 J of heat of required to raise the temperature of 2 moles of an ideal gas at constant
pressure from 25°C to 35°C. The amount of heat required to raise the temperature of the
gas through the same range at constant volume is [KCET 2007]
(a) 384 J (b) 144 J (c) 276 J (d) 452 J

15. Two cylinders fitted with pistons contain equal amounts of an ideal diatomic gas at 300 K.
The piston of A is free to move, while that of B is held fixed. The same amount of heat is
given to the gas in each cylinder. If the rise in temperature of gas in A is 300 K. then rise in
temperature of gas in B is [AMU 2005]
(a) 30 K (b) 18 K (c) 50 K (d) 42 K

16. The mean free path of molecules of gas, (radius ‘r’) is inversely proportional to:

(1) r (2) r (3) r3 (4) r2 [AIPMT 2014]

17. A monoatomic gas at a pressure P, having a volume V expands isothermally to a volume 2V

and then adiabatically to a volume 16V. The final pressure of the gas is : (take  = 5/ 3)

(1) P/64 (2) 16P (3) 64P (4) 32P [AIPMT 2014]

Questions Asked in 2016, 2017, 2018

1. Two identical bodies are made of a material for which the heat capacity increases with
temperature. One of these is at 100oC, while the other one is at 0o C. If the two bodies are
brought into contact, then, assuming no heat loss, the final common temperature is
[NEET 2016]
(1) 50o C (2) more than 50o C
(3) less than 50o C but greater than 0o C (4) 0o C

2. A body cools from a temperature 3T to 2T in 10 minutes. The room temperature is T.

Assume that Newton’s law of cooling is applicable. The temperature of the body at the end
of next 10 minutes will be [NEET 2016]
7 3 4
(1) T (2) T (3) T (4) T
4 2 3

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21
3. One more of an ideal monatomic gas undergoes a process described by the equation
PV 3  constant. The heat capacity of the gas during this process is [NEET 2016]
3 5
(1) R (2) R (3) 2R (4) R
2 2
o o
4. The temperature inside a refrigerator is t2 C and the room temperature is t1 C . The amount
of heat delivered to the room for each joule of electrical energy consumed ideally will be
t1 t1  273 t2  273 t1  t2
(1) (2) (3) (4)
t1  t2 t1  t2 t1  t2 t1  273
5. A given sample of an ideal gas occupies a volume V at a pressure P and absolute
temperature T . The mass of each molecule of the gas is m . Which of the following gives
the density of the gas? [NEET 2016]
(1) P /  kT  (2) Pm /  kT  (3) P /  kTV  (4) mkT
6. A gas mixture consists of 2 moles of O 2 and 4 moles of Ar at temperature T. Neglecting all
vibrational modes, the total internal energy of the system is [NEET 2017]
(1) 4 RT (2) 15 RT (3) 9 RT (4) 11 RT

7. At what temperature will the rms speed of oxygen molecules become just sufficient for
escaping from the Earth's atmosphere? [NEET 2018]
(Given :
Mass of oxygen molecule (m) = 2.76 10 kg
Boltzmann's constant k B  1.38  10 23 JK 1 )
4 4 4 4
(1) 5.016 10 K (2) 1.254 10 K (3) 8.360 10 K (4) 2.508 10 K

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Kinetic Theory of Gases Rg.-Phy. XI-2019-21

Level - 01
1 (a) 5 (d) 9 (d) 13 (b) 17 (a) 21 (c) 25 (a) 29 (c)
2 (c) 6 (a) 10 (c) 14 (a) 18 (a) 22 (c) 26 (a) 30 (b)
3 (b) 7 (b) 11 (a) 15 (a) 19 (d) 23 (b) 27 (d)
4 (b) 8 (b) 12 (a) 16 (c) 20 (d) 24 (b) 28 (b)

Level - 02
1 (a) 4 (c) 7 (c) 10 (b) 13 (a) 16 (a) 19 (a)
2 (c) 5 (a) 8 (b) 11 (c) 14 (a) 17 (a) 20 (c)
3 (a) 6 (b) 9 (b) 12 (d) 15 (a) 18 (a)

Assertion & Reason Questions

1 (a) 3 (e) 5 (b) 7 (d) 9 (a) 11 (b) 13 (b) 15 (d)
2 (b) 4 (d) 6 (e) 8 (a) 10 (a) 12 (a) 14 (a)

Previous Year’s Question

Gas Law
1 (c) 6 (b) 11 (c) 16 (d) 21 (d) 26 (b) 31 (a) 36 (c)
2 (b) 7 (a) 12 (b) 17 (a) 22 (d) 27 (c) 32 (b)
3 (d) 8 (a) 13 (c) 18 (c) 23 (b) 28 (b) 33 (d)
4 (a) 9 (d) 14 (b) 19 (c) 24 (a) 29 (b) 34 (d)
5 (b) 10 (a) 15 (d) 20 (c) 25 (c) 30 (b) 35 (d)

Various Speeds of Gas

1 (d) 5 (d) 9 (d) 13 (a) 17 (c) 21 (b) 25 (d)
2 (d) 6 (b) 10 (a) 14 (a) 18 (b) 22 (d) 26 (d)
3 (d) 7 (d) 11 (d) 15 (b) 19 (d) 23 (b)
4 (c) 8 (c) 12 (a) 16 (b) 20 (d) 24 (d)

Pressure and Energy of Gas

1 (a) 4 (b) 7 (d) 10 (a) 13 (a) 16 (b)
2 (d) 5 (c) 8 (d) 11 (c) 14 (b) 17 (d)
3 (d) 6 (a) 9 (a) 12 (b) 15 (d) 18 (a)

Degrees of Freedom and Specific Heat

1 (c) 4 (d) 7 (b) 10 (e) 13 (c) 16 (d)
2 (a) 5 (a) 8 (b) 11 (a) 14 (b) 17 (a)
3 (c) 6 (d) 9 (c) 12 (d) 15 (d)

Questions Asked in 2016, 2017, 2018

1 (2) 3 (4) 5 (2) 7 (4)
2 (2) 4 (2) 6 (4)

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