Third Periodical Exam in English 9

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Name: ________________________________Grade & Section: _________________ Date: ______ Score: ___

School: __________________________________ Teacher: _________________________________________

General Directions: Read, comprehend and answer the questions carefully and correctly. Use the separate
sheet of paper for your answers. Shade neatly and completely the circle that corresponds to your chosen answer.
Strictly, no erasure.

1. What makes a statement factual? A statement is a fact when:

A. it is based on a person’s point of view.
B. it has been verified or proven to be true.
C. it does not need evidences to prove the worth of ideas.
D. it comes from the observation and judgment of a person.
2. Which of the following words is synonymous to bias?
A. guilty B. reasonable C. unfair D. wise
3. What makes a statement biased?
A. when it is one-sided only
B. when it is proven and tested
C. when it becomes the belief of the majority
D. when it is supported with factual evidences
4. What makes a person’s decision biased?
A. when there is favoritism
B. when there is a fair or equal treatment
C. when other people’s feelings are considered
D. when someone is knowledgeable about the issue
5. What is usually the main basis of prejudice?
A. facts B. experience C. feelings D. reasons
6. When a person has a neutral viewpoint, s/he is unbiased.
A. true B. maybe C. false D. both b and c.
7. Which of the following is NOT related to the word prejudice?
A. acceptance B. prejudgment C. rejection D. underestimation
8. This refers to something that is true and can be verified as such.
A. main idea B. fact C. opinion D. supporting details
9. This refers to a personal belief. It relates to how someone feels about something.
A. facts B. opinion C. main idea D. supporting details
10. This is the point of the paragraph. It is the most important thought about the topic.
A. main idea B. facts C. supporting details D. opinion
11. It can be defined as additional information that explains, defines or proves an idea.
A. main idea B. opinion C. supporting details D. facts
12. This is information that is published in newspapers and broadcast on radio and television about recent
events in the country or world or in a particular area of activity.
A. main idea B. news C. journal D. facts
13. It consists of facts, statistics and experiences.
A. reason B. evidence C. validity D. direct
14. The general statement that supports a claim.
A. reason B. evidence C. validity D. direct
15. This is the reasons and evidence that are acceptable.
A. reason B. evidence C. validity D. direct
16. It comes in a form of numbers, percentage or surveyed type of data.
A. statistical evidence
B. anecdotal evidence
C. testimonial evidence
D. analogical evidence
17. Conclusions based on comparisons.
A. statistical evidence
B. anecdotal evidence
C. testimonial evidence
D. analogical evidence
18. Unferth said that Beowulf could not defeat Grendel because Beowulf did not win in a swimming contest. He
did not know that the hero had the strength of thirty men. What do you observe with Unferth’s thinking about
A. biased B. fair C. positive D. thoughtful
19. Regardless of the criteria, I think candidate no. 13 should be the winner because she is the most beautiful
girl in the group though she is the worst in answering the question. What makes the statement of the speaker
A. The speaker knows the real essence of beauty.
B. The speaker is not good at judging beauty pageants.
C. The speaker sees the inner and physical beauty of a woman.
D. The speaker focuses only on one aspect of the criteria for judging.
20. Sentence: Vaccines will arrive probably next week. Which word in the given sentence signal’s opinion?
A. vaccines B. probably C. next week D. will arrive
21. In the first sentence of the paragraph number 1, says “it is our responsibility to be active participants in our
society” “it” pertains to______
A. citizens
B. community
C. government
D. Philippines
22-25. Read the selection and answer the questions that follow.

21. Which sentence best expresses the main idea?

A. Even modern computers are not truly user-friendly.
B. Word processing has lots of bugs, and the industry should be ashamed.
C. When the computer wins, and you lose, get angry.
D. The wise typist "saves" often.
22. The following are statements mentioned in the selection EXCEPT…
A. You can sit and yell at the machine when your stuff disappears.
B. Working on a computer can be very frustrating.
C. One for word processing is "Unsave your work frequently."
D. You can bang the keyboard.
23. The point of the paragraph is that
A. complaining about life can be very dangerous.
B. try to buy a new keyboard for better word processing.
C. we all get disappointed at some point in our lives.
D. make it a habit to save files regularly to avoid the hassle.
24. Which of the following statements is irrelevant to the selection?
A. Most of us feel disappointed when working with a computer.
B. It is better to save your files frequently to avoid deleting files.
C. There is no better access to a computer than getting a good password.
D. Do not yell at the machine or cry because it won't do any good.
25. What value can be underscored in this selection?
A. You better set aside your work and do more than anything.
B. Your files can be recovered if you are conscious of computer rules.
C. Do not waste your time working with computers.
D. Go home and keep the rules.
26. A post online says that a supernatural creature has been discovered and yet when you open the website, it
does not say anything about it. This is an example of one of the Seven Types of Mis- and Disinformation which
A. Satire or parody
B. Misleading content
C. False connection
D. False context
27. A Facebook account posted that Senator Pacquiao gives away motorcycles if the FB users “hit” “Like” on
“Sen. Manny ‘Pacman’ Pacquiao” page, share the post, and comment “Congrats” on the actual post. The fact is
that, Pacquiao denied such social media post/activity. This is an information disorder that is called
A. False context
B. Misleading content
C. False connection
D. Satire or parody
28. A suspicious video of a social media post has a copied the cover and logo of the known TV network
documentary, Kapuso Mo, Jessica Soho (KMJS), but has the wrong content and details of information. This is
an example of __________________.
A. Imposter content
B. Manipulated content
C. False context
D. Fabricated content
29. The relevance of the ideas from the material viewed or read is evident in the following except
A. The information answers the queries of the reader or viewer.
B. The information has concealed the fact of the issue or topic.
C. The information connects to what is currently happening.
D. The information is useful for the viewer or reader
30. It is a category of information disorder that is false and intends to hurt a person by ruining the reputation of
a company or individuals through sharing materials against them.
A. Disinformation
B. Misinformation
C. Mal-information
D. False connection
31. Which of the following scenarios is an example of prejudice?
A. My cousin went home straight instead of going out with her friends.
B. A Cebuano poem was rejected because the checker hated the language.
C. We were given a chance to speak up regardless of our values and beliefs.
D. My classmate did not eat the spaghetti that I cooked because he was full.
32. Which of the following virtues is disregarded by a person who bullies or discriminates others?
A. cooperation B. honesty C. respect D. sincerity
33. Which of the following is the focus of a woman’s prejudice if she hates all senior citizens because of her
tragic experience with them?
A. age B. gender C. political affiliation D. race
34. Which of the following is the focus of a person’s prejudice if he hates all the billiard players?
A. age B. political affiliation C. race D. sport team affiliation
35. Which of the following is the focus of a person’s prejudice if he hates all the opposition candidates during
the election campaign?
A. age B. political affiliation C. race D. sport team affiliation
36. You were given 2 options of clothes to wear, one is dress the other one is shirt, you chose shirt because it is
more comfortable.
A. relevant B.) opinion C. truthfulness D. supporting detail
37. All lawyer are agent of truth therefore all lawyer are straight.
A. statistical B.) testimonial C. anecdotal D. analogical
38. “This anti-aging cream took years off. It must be the best.”
A. statistical B.) testimonial C. anecdotal D. analogical
39. Thank you so much for subscribing to my channel.
A. statistical B.) testimonial C. anecdotal D. analogical
40. “He is very professional. He will be a big loss” Galvez said
A. statistical B.) testimonial C. anecdotal D. analogical
41. Which of the following statements is true?
A. Prejudice is the result when you extremely like someone in a group.
B. When you bully and discriminate, you are expressing your prejudice.
C. An online source is not biased when it is heavily opinionated or one-sided.
D. Someone who is open-minded usually refuses to accept that there are other views than his own.
42. Which of the following is NOT an example of bias?
A. Women are inferior to men.
B. Men and women are created equal.
C. Rich people are better than poor people.
D. Young people are physically and mentally superior to older people.
43. You have checked your social media account and you have seen your newsfeeds that your favorite star’s
photo is attached to a picture of someone else’s body in a situation which surprises you. You think it is
Among the Seven Types of Mis- and Disinformation, this can be considered as _________________.
A. False context
B. Manipulated content
C. Imposter content
D. Fabricated content
44. All of the following statements are true of an argumentative content except
A. It tries to change the reader’s mind to agree with the writer
B. Provides evidences to support the claim
C. Clearly outline a point of view or reasoning
D. The structure is not straightforward and not easy to follow
45. All of the following are characteristics of an argumentative content except
A. Presents and explains an issue or case
B. Gives reasons to prove its point
C. Refutes opposing arguments
D. Tells a story
46. There was a conflict between a factory and a group of fishermen because of water pollution that greatly
affected the livelihood of the latter. When the case was settled, the judge sided with the factory owner because
he was paid to do so. Was there a bias in the action of the judge?
A. yes, because there was bribery
B. no, because the case was handled fairly
C. yes, because the judge was also the factory owner
D. no, because the judge had the right to decide for the case
47. The assignment checker gives a perfect score to his classmate “crush” regardless of her wrong answers.
Does this show bias?
A. no, because the checker is doing his task sincerely
B. no, because there is nothing wrong about infatuation
C. yes, because the checker wants to get the attention of his classmate “crush”
D. yes, because the checker is blinded by his feelings for his classmate “crush”

Which of the statements is irrelevant to the selection?

A. The most important part of any DTP project is planning.
B. You should know your intended audience when working in DTP.
C. Newsletters, business cards, letterhead, and brochures are created from low-quality software called
D. DTP can be good software to make quality newspapers.
49. How can we be able to determine the relevance and truthfulness of the ideas presented in the material
viewed or read?
A. If it provides useful information concerning a given
B. If it relates to the matter at hand; connects to a certain happening of a society or group of people.
C. If it is applicable to the current situation or to a particular issue.
D. If it is do not rely on one source, instead, check other basis or references.
50. How will you judge the validity of the evidence listened to?
A. You just need to employ one skill and understanding of the text.
B. You can use your prior knowledge or schema or significant human experience in order to arrive
with the correct judgement.
C. The values that are instilled in you would not be helpful in enhancing your thinking ability and
emotional stability.
D. I will not judge because it’s a waste of time.

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