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1. Let’s go out and have fun tonight! It’s time we let … a little after all that hard work.

a) our feet up b) our feet down c) our head down d) our hair down

2. I'm sure someone will find your kitten, so … . a) stick your chin out b) stick your neck out

c) keep your chin up d) see eye to eye 3. We're going away for the week. Can you keep …

on our house? a) a hand b) a hair c) an eye d) a foot

4. Last night I came home after midnight and I had to … from my mother. a) face the

music b) dance a tune c) let my hair down d) break a leg 5. He was … when he heard them

talking about the new secret mission. a) all feet b) all bloody c) two left feet d) all ears

6. She knows all her friends' phone numbers by … . a) eye b) memory c) heart

d) mind 7. Please keep … on my baby while I am at work because he is the … . a) an ear/

apple of my eye b) your eye/ the burden on my chest c) an eye/ apple of my eye d) your eyes/ my
sweet tooth

8. She loves cakes and ice-cream. She's got a real sweet … . a) finger b) tooth

c) mouth d) tongue 9. It makes my … when people try to cheat. a) head start b) blood

boil c) brain explode d) teeth ache

10. Hey Tommy! What brings you in …? a) our back of the body b) our neck of the woods

c) our part of the body d) our foot of the woods

11. This is the woman who had … and ran away from her own wedding. a) heavy feet

b) cold feet c) slippery eyes d) quick mind 12. I watched such a sad movie that I … . a) fell

head over heels b) cried my heart out c) got cold feet d) was in over my head

13. Even if she is a bit wet …, she really knows how to use a computer. a) behind the years

b) behind the ears c) behind the neck d) behind the ear 14. Over my dead … will you stick

your … for that traitor and help him! a) head/ neck out b) body/ foot out c) body/ neck out

d) soul/ head out

15. You have your … if you think they are going to lend you so much money. a) mind in

heaven b) eyes on the ball c) head in the sand d) head in the clouds

16. My sister has passed the CAE exam, but by the … . Still, she needn’t worry that I will

tell her friends about it. My … . a) skin of her teeth/ lips are sealed b) hair of her head/ mind is a

steel trap c) skin of her teeth/ my lip is sealed d) teeth of her mouth/ mouth is shut

17. I have no idea if the teacher is going to give us a test tomorrow, so I’ll have to … at

school. a) play it by ear b) pull my leg c) pat myself on the back d) make my blood boil

18. I cannot fire him. He is … . a) my heart desire b) my blood and flesh c) my flesh and blood

d) my eye’s apple 19. I like to drink wine and … on Saturday nights. a) go head over heels

b) make my blood boil c) have my lips sealed d) let my hair down

20. I think he is a little thick … if he can’t understand such simple directions. a) in the

head b) in the forehead c) in the mind d) in the brain

21. The rule of … in my school is that everybody has to wear a white shirt. a) mouth

b) thumb c) finger d) fist

22. Madam Mayor, please lend me … . Today I would like to discuss about the problems

that plague our town. a) an eye b) your patience c) a leg d) an ear

23. She is really not going to tell the police that you are an alien. She’s just … .

a) patting your back b) letting your hair down c) washing her hands d) pulling your leg

24. I am sorry, but I have to get this off my … and tell you that you look ugly in this

dress. a) neck b) breast c) chest d) back 25. Let's get together in my … of the woods

for once. a) foot b) neck c) hand d) chest 26. My father has always had a … . He

eats something sweet every day. a) sweet tooth b) wooden leg c) dead tooth d) fake

tooth 27. He's got long hair because the hairdresser costs … . a) an arm and a leg b) an

old hand c) a head start d) a leg and an arm

28. My brother and yours have never seen … when it comes to what computer games to

play together. a) neck to neck b) shoulder to shoulder c) eye to eye d) mind to mind

29. I don’t care if you are innocent. I am going to wash … of the entire affair. a) my feet

b) my hands c) my hair d) my fingers

30. I'm just … your leg. I didn't really dye my hair blue. a) breaking b) kicking

c) shaking d) pulling

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