The Gingerbread Man.199894644

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Gingerbread Man
STEPS 2018
A long time ago an

old woman and an old man

lived in a cottage near

the river. One day the

old woman decided to make

a gingerbread man for

them to eat.
STEPS 2018
She mixed flour, butter and

eggs in a bowl and rolled

out the dough. She cut out

a gingerbread man, she gave

him blueberries for eyes,

buttons for mouth and icing

for clothes.

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She put the him in the

oven. When it was ready,

she opened the oven door

but the gingerbread man

jumped out and shouted ,

"don't eat me!"

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The old woman and the

old man chased him, but

he ran away; a pig, a

horse and a cow tried to

eat him but they

couldn't catch him.

STEPS 2018
The gingerbread man got to

the river bank and saw a

fox who promised not to

eat him. The fox helped

him cross the river but

then gobbled up the

gingerbread man.
STEPS 2018

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