DT Salvation DOC KodandaRam English

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2 Salvation

2.1 Need for Salvation - Origin of Sin

Man is created in the image of God to have fellowship with God and to worship God. But the tragedy is, Man
said to God – “I don’t want you”. He dethroned God and came out declaring rebellion. But that sense of
worship remained in him, so he started worshipping every other thing. The advantage is, if you select what you
want to worship, you can frame rules. He has come away from God, but became slave to many other things.
 God is not the Author or Creator of sin. Ja. 1:13
 Devil/ Satan is the primary tempter. Matt. 4:3; Jn. 8:44 [Satan committed the first sin in the heavenly abode.
Isa. 14:12-15].
 Freewill brings the possibility of sin. Ja. 1: 14-15. But where there is no free will, there cannot be good
also. You cannot choose ‘good’. Dt. 30: 19-20.
 Human heart is the seat of sin. Pro. 4:23; Matt. 15:19; Jer.17: 9 [Now, we sin because we are sinners (by

2.1.1 Definition of Sin

God called this rebellion “Sin”. Sin means cutting our relationship with God and saying, I don’t want you.
The definition can be told as follows: 1John 3:4
 Sin of omission - Missing the mark
 Sin of commission – Crossing mark

2.1.2 Nature of Sin

 Sin is basically against God. Ps. 51:4; Ro. 8:7
 It is a “futile attempt to dethrone God in His sovereignty”– says RC Sproul. So big or small doesn’t matter.
So when you sin next time realize what you are doing.
 Sin is also against our fellow human beings. Lk. 15:21; Ja. 3:9
 Finally, sin is against ourselves. 1 Cor. 6:18. Eg. AIDS.
 Sin is a willful action. Gen. 3:6-7
 Sin is a willful attitude. Matt. 5:22, 28

2.1.3 Extent of Sin

The DNA itself has been corrupted. If I am sinner, my child is also sinner. Since first man sinned, all the
mankind in the universe became sinners. Rom 3:9 3:23

2.1.4 Three ways we are sinners

1. Inherited Sin – We got the nature from our parents – Gen 5:3
2. Imputed Sin – Adams sin has been imputed on us – Rom 5:19
3. Actual/Personal Sin – Our actions (including thoughts) – Rom 3:23

2.1.5 Results of Sin

1. Separation from (Sin reaps death – Death is separation)
a. Relation to God(Man to God)– Spiritual death/ Eternal separation – Col 1:21,Rom5: 12, Eph2: 12,
Isa59: 2 Not able to love God
b. Relation to other men (Man to Society)– Sociological separations
(Violence/Casteism/Fanaticism/Envy) -Pro 16:28 Harmony lost. Not able to love others – Anger,
quarrel, murders, rapes and wars
c. Relation to Self (Man to Self) – Psychological separation (Mental/emotional problems) -Rom7: 19
Cannot obey himself. Cannot do what he wants to do. Not able to love himself – Suicides are the
d. Relation to Nature (Man to Environment)– Ecological separations (Natural calamities/ Virus and
Bacteria) – Nature is no more under his control. All droughts, earthquakes etc…
2. Total Depravity
a. Body is facing diseases. Life span reduced. Genetic disorders. Death Rom 6:23
b. Spirit has reduced capacity to communicate with God Col 1:21. Its dead in trespasses. Ep 2:1
c. Soul’s morality is decreased
i. Emotional problems – suicides
ii. Increasing crime rate
3. Sin effected human freedom. He became slave to Sin. Jn 8:34 Ro 7:19 [Now, human beings have natural
(reasonable) freedom but no moral freedom (capacity to choose ‘good’)]
4. Incurable Guilt Heb 10:22 gen 4;6 Shame Gen. 3:7 Fear (esp. fear of death) Hb. 2:15; Gen. 3:10
5. Eternal Punishment Rom 5:18 Rom 1:18

Man is totally separated from God. God did not looking at man as he is Holy and Just. He turned his face away.
Man tried reaching God for help. But he couldn’t reach him.


Big Gap


Man cannot save himself. Nobody can save himself as everyone is in the same state. Its like all are sinking in
the same pond.

God out of his LOVE wants man to be with him happily without all these consequences. At the same time
because he is JUST and Holy, he condemns the sinner. God is fixed between LOVE and JUST

2.2 Means of Salvation – Jesus Christ

2.2.1 Cross
Sin deserves death. Jesus came down and took the death on our behalf. He represented and substituted you and
me on cross. In other words he died on our behalf, in our place. There are lot of historical evidences for the life,
death and Resurrection of Jesus Christ. So we can be confident.

Its God initiated

Cost is CROSS
Price is FAITH

Ex: If Govt constructs housing scheme for poor people cost can be 2 Lakhs. Price is 20000/-

Base -> Grace and Love

Means -> Blood of the Lord Jesus Christ on the Cross
Agent -> HolySpirit and Word of God
Channel -> Faith

God Man
  Initially

  After Sin

  With Cross

  Salvation

Salvation is not Baptism, not changing name, not membership in church, not attending church (from childhood),
not living a life following the Bible, not Reformation, not having a vision and not speaking in other

It’s one time event like wedding. Not a process which takes few days/months

2.2.2 How can you be Saved – Accept by faith

By faith accept that Jesus has died for you on your behalf on the cross. Confess your sins and invite him into
your heart

2.3 Results of Salvation

In Relation to Sin
 Your sins are forgiven
 You can live boldly tomorrow, due to regeneration

In Relation to God
 Access into presence of God Rom 5:2
 Access to God’s grace Eph 2:18
 Adoption as a son into God’s family Col 4:5 John 1:12
 Inheritance Acts 26:18
 Heavenly Citizenship Phil 3:20
 Servant of God Rom 6:22
 Eternal Life John 10:28
 Peace John 14:27
As long as you live, He is with you. If you die, you are with Him.
2.4 Assurance of Salvation
Can anyone know for sure that he is saved? For someone to declare that he is certain of his salvation
may seem to be an act of unspeakable arrogance. Yet the Bible calls us to make our salvation a matter of
certainty. Peter commands us “ Therefore, brethren, be even more diligent to make your call and election sure”.
2Peter 1:10

2.4.1 Definition
Assurance of salvation is a firm, inner confidence and certainty that I am God’s child, my sins are
forgiven, and that one day I will be with Jesus, eternally.

2.4.2 If No Assurance
1. Paralyze our walk with Christ.
2. Stumble in doubt
3. Vulnerable to Satan’s schemes
4. Unnecessary questions arises
5. Fear and guilt rule over

2.4.3 Basis for assurance

John 3:16 – If you have put your faith. You are saved. No exceptions.
1.Word of God says I John 1:1-4, 5:13
2.What Jesus did for us I John 2:2, 5:12
3.Our Faith in Him I John 4:15,5:1
4.Witness of the Holy Spirit. I John 3:24,Rom 8:16, Gal 4:6
5.Obeing/Willing Ness to Obey His commandments I John 2:3,5:2,1:9
6.Putting away sin I John 3:6-9
7.Love for brothers I John 3:14-19

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