Business Managment

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Research Question: How do the business strategies of a local football club affect the

economic development of its community?

Specifiy the parts of economic development and which football club


How can an orginization like ajax affect the welfare of amsterdam

Introduction: Provides background on the chosen football club and its significance in the
local community.

Literature Review: Discusses previous research on sports management, economic impact

of sports teams, and community development.

Methodology: Outlines my approach for gathering data (e.g., interviews with club
management, surveys of local businesses, economic data analysis).

Analysis: Evaluates the business strategies of the club and their direct and indirect
impacts on the local economy.

Discussion: Interprets the findings in the context of broader economic theories and
business management models.

Conclusion: Summarizes the key impacts and suggests ways football clubs can enhance
their positive economic contributions.


Sure, here’s a streamlined outline focusing on key points for each section of your Extended
Essay on AFC Ajax:


"Business Strategies and Economic Impact of AFC Ajax on Amsterdam's Local Economy"

Research Question:
What are the key business strategies employed by AFC Ajax, and how do they impact the
economic development of Amsterdam?

Paragraph 1 Introduction:

Brief Overview of AFC Ajax: Highlight Ajax's foundation, its evolution, and its status in
European and world football.

Significance to Amsterdam: Discuss the club's role as a cultural and economic landmark
in Amsterdam.

Purpose of the Essay: Introduce the aim to explore how Ajax's business strategies
influence local economic growth and community development.

Research Significance: Explain the importance of this study in contributing to sports

management and local economic strategies.

Paragraph 2. Literature Review:

Economic Impact Theories: Overview of key economic theories regarding sports and
community development.

Review of Sports Management Studies: Discuss previous research on football clubs’

economic impact on local communities.

Identification of Research Gaps: Point out the areas that have not been extensively
covered in previous research, especially in the context of Dutch football.

Paragraph 3. Methodology:

Data Collection Methods: Outline plans to use interviews with Ajax management, surveys
of local businesses, and review of financial reports.

Analysis Techniques: Describe the use of qualitative analysis to interpret interview data
and quantitative methods for economic impact assessment.

Study Limitations: Acknowledge any potential biases or limitations in the research


Paragraph 4. Analysis:

Business Strategies of Ajax: Examine specific strategies like marketing, sponsorships,

merchandise, and ticket sales.

Direct Economic Impacts: Analyze how Ajax’s spending and investments influence local
employment and business growth.
Indirect Economic Impacts: Evaluate the effects on tourism, international visibility, and
community projects.

Paragraph 5 Discussion:

Interpretation of Findings: Discuss the findings in light of the theoretical framework

established in the literature review.

Comparison with Other Clubs: If applicable, compare Ajax's impact with similar analyses
of other football clubs globally or within Europe.

Implications for Business Management: Consider how the findings affect current business
management practices in sports.

Paragraph 6 Conclusion:

Summary of Key Findings: Recap the major impacts of Ajax’s business strategies on the
Amsterdam economy.

Recommendations for Ajax and Local Policy Makers: Offer practical advice on how Ajax
can enhance its positive impact.

Future Research Directions: Suggest areas for further study, building on the findings of this

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