Tugas 2 PDGK 4304 Bahasa Inggris

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Nama Mahasiswa : Ronil Hardiansyah

Nomor Induk Mahasiswa : 877599054
Kode/ Mata Kuliah : PDGK 4304 BAHASA INGGRIS
Tugas : Tugas 2

1. You make 3 dialogues. 1 dialogue to buy vegetables and sugar and two dialogues you
want to eat at the resturant.
Answer :
a) Dialog to buy vegetables and sugar
Buyer: Excuse me. Do you have cucumber?
Seller: Yes, I have plenty.
Buyer: How much is it?
Seller: It’s Rp7.000 per kilo.
Buyer: I’ll take one kilo, please.
Seller: All right. Do you need anything else?
Buyer: How much do you ask for one kilo of sugar?
Seller: It’s Rp15.000.
Buyer: I'll take one kilo of sugar, please.
Seller: Sure. Is there anything else, ma’am?
Buyer: No. That would be all.
Seller: Okay. Your total would be Rp22.000.
Buyer: Here you are.
Seller: Thank you.
b) dialogues you want to eat at the resturant.

1) Waiter: Good morning, do you have a reservation madam?

Customer: yes, a table for two. My name is Alice Gray.

Waiter: Would you like smoking or non smoking?

Customer: Non-smoking, please

Waiter:Fine Madam. Would you follow me please?

Waiter: Would you like to see the menu?

Customer: yes, I'd like to see the menu

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer: yes, I'd like to appetiser an Mediterranean salad and then Duck stuffed
seved with orange sauce.

Waiter: Would you like anything to drink?

Customer: A bottle of a red wine

Waiter: And Would you like any dessert?

Customer: yes, I'd like to dessert a Strawberry with whipped cream

Waiter: And... Would you like something else?Customer: yes. A capuccino, please

Waiter: Ok Madam, I'll be with you in a minute

2) Waiter: Good evening, Sir. How many people are in your party?

Customer: We’d like a table for 3, please.

Waiter: We have smoking and non-smoking section, also indoors and outdoors area.
Which area do you prefer?

Customer: Non-smoking section in outdoor area. Do you have that seat available?

Waiter: Yes, we do. Right this way, Sir.

Customer: Alright.

Waiter: Are you ready to order?

Customer: Yes, I’d like three fried noodles, one orange juice, and two ice lemon teas.

Waiter: Which kind of fried noodles do you want? We have fried noodle with spicy
sauce and garlic sauce. We also have extra topping for the noodle such as sausages,
omelet, sunny side up eggs, and dried seaweed sprinkles.

Customer: Two fried noodles with spicy sauce, then, and one with garlic sauce. I’ll
have sausage toppings for all of them.

Waiter: Alright. Let me repeat the order: Two fried noodles with spicy sauce, one
fried noodle with garlic sauce, sausage toppings for all, one orange juice, and two iced
lemon teas. Is there anything else?

Customer: Oh, I will also have three vanilla ice creams for dessert. But can you please
serve it for later?

Waiter: Of course, Sir. Just let me know when you’re ready for the dessert later.

Customer: Great.

Waiter: Your order will be served in 20 minutes.

20 minutes later.

Waiter: Here’s your order. Is it all complete?

Customer: Yes. It’s all here. Thank you!

Waiter: Please enjoy!

2. Complete with suitable words in a restaurant (G-guests; W-waiter).

Answer :

G: Do you got a long-table for twenty, Mam?

W: Yes , Sir. I’ll arrange it for you. OK, here, Sir, next to the window.

G: Can we have the menus?

W: What would you want to drink?

G: Yes, please, we all would like to have orange juice

3. Antoni and Linda are going to celebrate their first wedding anniversary at Pizza Hut.

First, they order two roast beef pizzas, they also would order two plates of spaghetti and

meat balls.Third, they would like to drink two bottels of coca-cola and two cups of

coffee. They are very happy because they love each other.

4. Let’s go to the market and buy vegetables: carrots, cabbage and other vegatables.

We will buy spices (bumbu) too: garlic, red onion and leek.

5. Adjective Comparative Superlative Meaning

Long longer longest panjang

Busy busier busiest sibuk

Cheap cheaper cheapest murah

Delecious more delicious most delicious lezat

Beautiful more beautiful most beautiful cantik

Good better best bagus

5 Telephone call

A: Hello, is it one five six nine double two seven (1569227)?

B: Yes, this is Education Department of Muaradua. Who is calling?

A: Lukito, I am a student of UT Muaradua. Can I speak to Mr. Heriyanto, please?

B: Certainly, would you hold on a moment, please?

A: Sure, thank you.

6. Put the verbs into the correct form:

a. She thaught (teach) English two years ago.

b. They are (be) here for an hour.

c. We are tired because we have been studied (study) since six o’clock this morning.

d. Now the students playing (play) chess.

e. We all prays (pray) five times a day every day.

f. Tomorrow Jack and I will (visit) the museum.

7. Use Comparative and Superlative Degrees in ten (5) sentences to compare these three
objects: a canary, an eagle, a plane.


a.A canary sings sweeter than an eagle.

b.An eagle is stronger than a canary

c.A plane flies the highest of all

Answer :

a) a canary is smaller than an eagle

b) an eagle is smaller than a plane

c) a canary is the smallest.

d) an eagle is bigger than canary

e) a plane is bigger than an eagle

f) a plane is the biggest.

g) a canary is slower than an eagle

h) a canary is slower than a plane

i) an eagle is slower than a plane

j) a canary is the slowest

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