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Detailed Lesson Plan

In Oral Communication in Context

MELC: Uses principles of effective speech delivery

(EN11/12OC-IIcj-26; EN11/12OC-IIcj-26.1-26.5)

I. Objectives

At the end of the lesson, the students will be able to:

a. identify the different principles of speech delivery;

b. apply the principles of speech delivery in delivering a speech; and
c. reflect on the importance of physical and vocal elements of speech delivery.

II. Subject Matter

a. Topic: Principles of Speech Delivery

b. Reference:
Sipacio, P. J., & Balgos, A. G. (2016). Oral communication in context. Quezon City:
C & E Publishing Inc., Curriculum Guide, and Teachers Manual.

Dapat, J., et al. Oral Communication in Focus. Lori Mar Publishing

Teaching Learning English. Principles of Speech Delivery. Oral Communication.

How to Deliver a speech.

c. Instructional Materials: LED TV/ Projector, Laptop, PowerPoint Presentation,

Pictures, and Video Clips.
d. Values Integration: Cooperation, collaboration, self-esteem, optimism,
appreciation, and sportsmanship.

III. Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Students’ Activity

A. Preliminary Activities


Good afternoon class! How is your day so far?

Good afternoon, Ma’am. We are
That’s good to hear! So can I expect a full blast of fine.
energy and active participation from you?

Yes, Ma’am.


Alright, Before we begin our lesson, let us ask the

guidance of almighty God. Ms. Erika, would you
please lead the prayer?
(Student will lead the prayer.)

I would like to request everyone to arrange your (Students will arrange their chairs
chairs properly and make sure there are no trashes and will pick up the trashes.)
around you.

Is anyone absent today?

None, Ma’am.
Very good! I’m so glad that everyone understands
the reasons of coming to school regularly.

Now, let’s start our class with a simple recall.

What did you learn from our previous lesson? (A student will answer.)

I have learned about the Principles

of Speech writing. Ma’am.

If that’s so, what is the first principle of speech

writing? Ma’am, the first principle of
speech writing is Audience
analysis , which is a way of getting
the profile of your target audience
or spectators.

Which principle refers to your main goal in

writing a speech? (A student will answer.)

It refers to the Purpose, ma’am.

If you could write a speech, what is your main

If I were to write a speech, my
main purpose would be to inform
or to entertain. It depends on the
situation ma’am.
Thank you and very good, (Name of students).

How about the third principle of speech writing? (A student will answer.)

The third principle is, selecting and

narrowing the topic, Ma’am.
That’s right! Now. What will happen if you fail to
choose an appropriate topic?
If one fails to choose a topic that is
appropriate to the age, moral, and
cultural values of the audience.
He/she could offend the audience
Thank you and very good, (Name of students).

What principle refers to gathering facts regarding

your topic and organizing them into paragraphs? (A student will answer.)

This principle is refering to the

Gathering of Data and Writing the
How about the last principle? Could you please speech , ma’am.
explain it to the class.
The last principle is the
proofreading, it is the last stage of
speech writing wherein you correct
all mistakes or modify your speech.
Very well! It seems like you are all ready for our
next lesson. Are you ready to learn class?

Yes, Ma’am!
Motivation Yes, Ma’am!

Our country is a big fan pageantry, am I right?

In fact, many Filipina queens and kings have won

in different international pageants. Aside from
physical beauty, what else do you think is/are the (The students will answer.)
attributes of a good queen, let’s say a Miss
Universe queen? Their intelligence, the way they
answer questions and carry
themselves when speaking in front
of an audience.

Thank you!

I want you to watch this video clip, and I want

you to observe and critique the way the lady
(The students will answer)
Who wants to share his/her observation?

(The students will answer)

Based on your observation what do you think is
our next lesson?

(The teacher will process the students’ answer.)

B. Lesson Proper
Our lesson for this afternoon is about the
principles of speech delivery.

The different principles of speech delivery will

surely prepare you not only physically,
mentally and emotionally but also confidently
in facing an audience in delivering a great
speech. There are several principles of
Speech Delivery which an effective speaker
needs to follow, Mr./Ms.___________ please read
and explain the first principle. (The student will read.)

1. Rapport with audience.

Look at your audience in the eye so
they will feel that they are part of
your speech. This will also keep
their attention and you will know
who are paying attention.

(The students will explain.)

Very good! To make sure that your audience will
understand you, you should use pauses to
emphasize the most important words, phrases or
sentences. Your pauses should not last for three

Who wants to read and explain the second (The student will raise his/her
principle? hand.)

Yes Mr./Ms._______________. 2. Modulation

This refers to the capability of
the vocal tone to adjust to the
resonance and timbre of the

(The student will give his own

Thank you! Remember that when you are
delivering a speech you should adjust your
volume to the size of the audience and venue.
Modulate your voice but do not shout or yell.
Vary your speed or rate to avoid monotone
pattern. This will avoid boredom.

Let’s move to the third principle, please read

Mr./Ms._____________. 3. Articulation
Refers to how well and correctly
we form our vowels and
consonants using our lips, jaw,
tongue, and palate to form the
sounds that are identified as

(The student will further explain.)

Exactly! Articulation is the way we pronounce
and enunciate words correctly. Why do you think
it is important to pronounce words? For better understanding and to
avoid confusion.

That’s right. Now let’s have the fourth principle.

Please read Mr./Ms._____________.
4. Stage Presence
It refers to the ability of the
speaker to “own the stage,”
meaning to be able to fill the
space and project his/her
personality to the audience.

Brilliant! Stage presence is achieved through

the speaker’s charisma, confidence, and
credibility. Why is it important to have a strong
stage presence? To give a good impression to the
audience, this will also make them
believe in what you are saying.

That’s right1 Now, who wants to read the fifth

(A student will raise his/her hand.)
Yes, Mr/Ms._________.

5. Facial expression, gestures,

and movements.
Use precise movements. Move
your arms with a purpose. Avoid
distracting mannerisms like
swaying back and forth, leaning on
the podium, licking or biting your
lips, playing with your wristwatch
or jewelry, scratching parts of your
body, frowning, and others.
What happens when you overdo facial
expressions, when you can’t control your
mannerisms while you are speaking in front of an
The audience will be distracted,
Ma’am. And when they are
distracted they will not understand
what you are trying to share to
Very good! Always remember that it is not just
the choice of words and the proper
pronunciation that make you an effective
speaker and make a successful speech
delivery. The message of the speech is being
reinforced by the facial expressions, gestures
and movements of the speaker.

Those are the principles of speech delivery, did

you understand?
Yes, Ma’am!
Do you have any question?
None, Ma’am!
If there are no questions, let’s have an activity.

C. Application

Okay, Class. Let’s see whether or not you really

understand our lesson.

Activity: Flight Attendant Challenge!

Directions: The class will be divided into two

groups: Flight RP-C728 and Flight RP-C4331.
Each group must appoint one representative as
their Flight Attendant (FA). FAs will receive a
script for the Landing Announcement and will
have 3 minutes to prepare. Before starting, FAs
will hear a sound cue. It’s crucial for FAs to
remember the principles of Speech Delivery
during their announcement. The performance will
be graded using the provided rubrics. (See rubrics
on the last page.)

Did you understand the directions?

FA’s here is your script. You may now begin
preparing. You may ask for assistance from your
group members.
(The students will do the activity.)
(The teacher will set the time for 3 minutes.)

Okay, times up. Let us now call our FA from

flight Flight RP-C728.
(The student will perform the
Landing Announcement.)

Ladies and Gentlemen, we have

just landed at Ninoy Aquino
International Airport, Cebu Pacific
Air welcomes you to Manila. On
behalf of your flight crew headed
by Captain Asnar with First officer
Pimentel and the rest of the team,
we thank you for choosing Cebu
Pacific your Airline of choice.

Excellent! Let’s give a hand for Rio amor the

Flight Attendant of RP-C728.

Now let’s call the next FA from Flight RP-C4331.

(The student will perform the

Landing Announcement.)
Ladies and Gentlemen we have just
landed at Ninoy Aquino
International Airport, Cebu Pacific
Air welcomes you to Manila. On
behalf of your flight crew headed
by Captain Asnar with First officer
Pimentel and the rest of the team,
we thank you for choosing Cebu
Very Good! Let’s give a hand for Mary Joy the Pacific your Airline of choice.
Flight Attendant of RP-4331.

Good job, everyone it seems like you already

understand our lesson. Based on your
performance the Flight had the highest score is
RP-C728. Congratulations, and congratulations
also to Flight RP-C4331. Job well done!
D. Generalization and Valuing

Can anyone from the group share what s/he have

learn today?

Good! And what are the Principles of Speech Ma’am, I’ve learned the principles
Delivery? of Speech Delivery.

The Principles of Speech Delivery


1. Rapport with audience

2. Modulation
3. Articulation
4. Stage presence
5. Facial expressions, gestures, and

What is the importance of applying the vocal and

physical elements or the principles of speech
delivery? Ma’am, applying the principles of
speech delivery is essential for
creating a strong connection with
the audience, ensuring clarity and
engagement throughout your

You’re right. Always keep in mind that speech

and oral interpretations is a personal way of
pulling words from a speech and also giving life
to it through a speaker’s voice and body. When
speaking, always remember taht, “you can speak
well if your tongue delivers the message of your
heart.”Is that understood, my dear students? Yes, Ma’am!
E. Evaluation

Now that you know the principles of speech

delivery, I want you to test your knowledge about
our lesson by doing this activity.

Directions: List down the principles of speech

delivery and give the importance of each
principle. (2 points each) (The students will do the activity)

Time’s up! Please pass your papers in front.

(The students will submit their

F. Assignment
Directions: You are the tourism ambassadors of
the Philippines who are tasked to promote the best
features of the country and its overall positive
image to the local and foreign visitors. Your task
is to prepare and deliver a three-minute speech in
a World Tourism Expo in London to convince the
participants to visit the Philippines. You will be
graded using the provided rubric. (see rubric on
the last page.)

That’s all for today, goodbye class!

Goodbye, sir!


Outstanding Very Good Needs
5 Satisfactory 3 Improvement
4 2
Articulation Clear and articulate Mostly clear Occasional Significant issues
and speech throughout articulation, with difficulties in with articulation
Modulation the announcement, some instances of articulation, and modulation,
with appropriate unclear leading to some making it
modulation to pronunciation or unclear difficult for the
emphasize key lack of communication or audience to
points and maintain modulation. monotone delivery. understand or
audience engage with the
engagement. announcement.
Facial Effective use of Generally Limited use of Minimal to no
Expressions, facial expressions, appropriate use of facial expressions, use of facial
Gestures and gestures, and facial gestures, and expressions,
Movements movements to expressions, movements, gestures, and
enhance the gestures, and resulting in a movements,
delivery of the movements, somewhat static or hindering the
announcement, though some disconnected overall
demonstrating moments may delivery. effectiveness of
confidence and feel slightly stiff the
engagement with or lacking in announcement
the audience. naturalness. delivery.
Stage Strong stage Generally good Inconsistent stage Weak stage
Presence presence, with the stage presence, presence, with presence, with
FA projecting with occasional noticeable the FA appearing
confidence, moments of instances of nervous,
authority, and hesitation or nervousness or lack uncomfortable,
professionalism slight of confidence or lacking in
throughout the nervousness. impacting the confidence
announcement. delivery. throughout the


Outstanding Satisfactory Good Needs
4 3 2 improvement
Content and Speech Content Content mentions Speech lacks
Mastery demonstrates a acknowledges parents’ sacrifices, genuine
deep parents’ sacrifices but lacks detail or acknowledgment of
understanding of and their depth of reflection parents’ sacrifices,
parents’ significance, on their impact. with minimal detail
sacrifices, with though may lack or relevance.
detailed some depth or
examples specific examples.
illustrating their
impact on
personal growth
and gratitude.
Articulation Clear articulation Mostly clear Occasional Significant issues
and and effective articulation with difficulties in with articulation or
Modulation modulation appropriate articulation or modulation,
throughout the modulation, modulation, hindering audience
speech, though some areas leading to some comprehension and
enhancing may be slightly unclear engagement.
audience unclear. communication.
and engagement.
Stage Speaker projects Demonstrates Presence is Weak stage
Presence confidence, good presence and somewhat presence, with the
authority, and engagement with inconsistent, with speaker appearing
professionalism, the audience, noticeable nervous,
maintaining though some instances of uncomfortable, or
strong presence moments of nervousness or disconnected from
and connection hesitation may be lack of the audience.
with the observed. confidence.
Facial Uses facial Generally employs Limited use of Minimal to no use
expressions, expressions, facial expressions, facial expressions, of facial
gestures and gestures, and gestures, and gestures, and expressions,
movements. movements movements movements, gestures, and
effectively to appropriately, resulting in a movements,
enhance the though some areas somewhat static or detracting from the
speech, may feel slightly less engaging overall impact of
conveying rigid or unnatural. delivery. the speech.
authenticity and
Rapport with Establishes Demonstrates Relationship with Fails to establish
Audience strong rapport good rapport with the audience is meaningful rapport
with the the audience, somewhat distant with the audience,
audience, though some areas or lacking in resulting in limited
fostering may require connection, interaction and
connection and further impacting overall engagement.
engagement engagement or audience
through effective interaction. engagement.

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