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1)Applied Midwifery, Graduate Program, School of Health Polytechnics,
Supporting Lecturer : Ministry of Health Semarang
2)School of Health Polytechnics, Ministry of Health Semarang
Annisa Amalia Hanifa, Tr. Keb., M. Tr. Keb
introduction: Increased blood pressure of pregnant women during pregnancy is one of the high
risks during pregnancy which can lead to preeclampsia, eclampsia to maternal and infant
mortality. One of the treatments recommended by pregnant women is to consume foods containing
potassium and flavonoids, namely squash. This study aimed to determine the effect of squash
pumpkin on changes in blood pressure of hypertensive mothers in pregnancy in the health center
in Semarang City area.

Methods: This was an experimental study. The study was conducted at community
health centers in Semarang, Central Java, from March to May 2018. A sample of 20 pregnant
women who experienced hypertension in pregnancy was divided into two groups, control and

treatment groups. The dependent variable was blood pressure.

Conclusion: Consuming chayote can make an effort to help lower blood pressure in pregnant
women with hypertension.
Keywords: flavonoids, hypertension in pregnancy, potassium, squash, blood pressure.

Acknowlegdement : We would like to thank Central Java Pro-vincial Health Office for giving permission
to collect the data. Thanks to the study subjects in Gedawang, Banyumanik, Semarang, Central Java,
who participated in this study.
Hypertension (high blood pressure) in pregnancy is hypertension that occurs after
20 weeks of pregnancy, with blood pressure reaching 140/90 mmHg without

Siam squash (Sechium edule) is efficacious as an antipyretic, anti nflammatory and
contains potassium so it can lower blood pressure.
reported that there was an influence between squash squeeze to decrease blood
pressure ihypertensive patients with an average reduction in systolic blood pressure
of 15.50 mmHg and Diastoleic 9.0 mmHg
This was an experimental study. The study was conducted at community
health centers in Semarang, Central Java, from March to May 2018. A
sample of 20 pregnant women who experienced hypertension in
pregnancy was divided into two groups, control and treatment groups. The
dependent variable was blood pressure. The independent variable was the
extract of chayote. The data were analyzed by a multiple linear regression.
There were differences in systolic blood pressure before and
after the administration of squash extract (p<0.001). There are
differences in Diastoleic blood pressure before and after the
administration of squash extract (p <0.001).
Siamese Pumpkin fruit is rich in potassium,potassium is useful for the body to
control blood pressure, as a high blood therapy, and cleanse carbon dioxide
in the blood
Based on the results of this study showed that the administration of squash extract
(Sechium edule) was proven to affectthe decrease of systolic and diastolic

bloodpressure after being given 500 mg / day for11 consecutive days in pregnant
women with hypertension in pregnancy.
Consuming chayote can make an effort to help lower blood pressure in pregnant

women with hypertension.

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Perasan Labu Siam (Secium Edule)
terhadap Tekanan Darah pada Pende-
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Diah Larasati

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