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Thousand-Year-Old Vampire

Name- Verus Aranius- Roman Noble born in 4 AD – Vampire as of 26 AD

Mortal Characters (every 4 or 5 prompts a Mortal dies of old age)

 Cassia Salonina, the woman I am promised to. She is a roman woman, and her family is of
similar if slightly higher standing than my own.
 Tilia Aranius, my mother. A caring woman who I think embodies what it means to be a
proper Roman Woman.
 Diorix, a gaul slave that serves my house, he has also been my mentor in fighting since my
father’s death in the civil war.

Immortal Characters

 Ta-naro, an Egyptian Vampiress and wealthy merchantwoman, she visited our holdings to
assess our wines

Resources (Stationary Resources cannot be moved)

 Villa and Winery in Gallia (S)

 My father’s Gladius
 My Horse, Athenae
 Talisman of Aesculapius

Skills (Each Skill Can only be Checked once)

 Debate
 Swordplay
 Wine making


 My neck has a bite mark on it and the skin around the mark looks as though poison is pulsing
through the veins there.

Memories & Experiences (3x Experiences per Memory, 5x Memories to start)

Example Experience: “[description of the event]; [how I feel or what I did about it]”

Put a line through forgotten memories and write “Diary” next to those stored in a Diary (max 4)

1. Memory #1
i. I am Verus Aranius, Son of Marcellus Aranius, of the New Roman Empire under
Glorious Imperator Augustus. I am a Young Citizen (22) of this new Empire and my
family hold significant lands in Southern Gallia.
2. Memory #2
i. Diorix takes me hunting on Athenae; he teaches me the thrill of the hunting in the
deep forests, and I enjoy it far more than debate lessons.
3. Memory #3
i. Cassia visits the Villa with her parents today, I am enchanted by her raven black hair
and ocean blue eyes.
4. Memory #4
Mother sits me down with a cup of wine and tells me of my father’s death, he was
always a distant figure, so I don’t feel much but I comfort her all the same.
ii. My mother discovers my condition, she thinks it is a type of curse from Ta-naro’s
barbaric lands, she gifts me a talisman of Aesculapius but it’s winding snakes make
me uneasy.
5. Memory #5
i. The foreign beauty Ta-naro seduced me during her visit to my estate, during our
night of passion she sinks too long serpent fangs into my neck and all goes dark,
when I awake Ta-naro and her caravan are gone.

General Notes

First Prompt: 3

 A loved one discovers your condition and works to help you. Create a resource which
represents their assistance.

A Vampire

 Should prey on human beings for sustenance

 Should seek to camouflage themselves among those on which they feed
 Should have been human once, and still have human needs in one sense or another
 Should be susceptible to environmental dangers that regular mortals might not care about,
such as sunlight
 Should be practically immortal
 Should be mostly a loner

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